TSR 9020 - D2 - Shrine of The Kuo-Toa PDF
TSR 9020 - D2 - Shrine of The Kuo-Toa PDF
TSR 9020 - D2 - Shrine of The Kuo-Toa PDF
4. IDOL OF BLIBDOOLPOOLP, SEA MOTHER: Upon the 7. THRONE ROOM OF VA-GUULGH: Immediately to the north of
summit of the ziggurat stands a malachite statue 20' tall. the arched entrance to the throne room is a low dais with a shell
It appears to be a nude human female body, with throne upon it. The throne is a strange chain carved of white
articulated shell covering the shoulders, and a lobster coral, set about with rare sea shells and sculptings in ornamental
head and claws in place of the expected human head and stone of octopi, crabs, eels, and fish. There are 32 base 100 g.p.
arms. The right claw is open and raised, the left is open pearls and 16 base 500 g.p. pearls set as eyes for these
and held out about 8' above the floor of the tier. The idol sculptures, and there are 4 figures of crabs fashioned from
will not move or come to life, but it is possible to be gated precious red coral (each of these is worth 6,000 g.p.) which can
to her on the Elemental Plane of Water. Blibdoolpoolp's be pried from the settings of the throne. Flanking the throne are a
name is carved into the base of the statue in Kuo-Toan pair of malachite statues 7' tall, each resting on a pedestal3'
characters. If the extended left claw is grasped while the highcopies of the idol of Sea Mother in the shrine area. They
individual stands upon the altar, and her name is have no value and hide nothing. Each, however, radiates a faint
pronounced correctly (Blibbb - doool - pooolpp). the dweomer, as Blibdoolpoolp uses them to view what happens in
creature is immediately transported to deep waters of the the chamber50% chance that she will do so on any given turn.
plane where Sea Mother holds court. (If the individual
cannot breathe water, he, she, or it is immediately in The floor of the palace is of polished serpentine, and the 6 pillars
Blibdoolpoolp's debt for having the goddess save the in the chamber are carved of white marble in the form of water
individual from drowning by magic spell.) The individual spouts. The whole place is alive with a shifting green luminosity
coming before Sea Mother must offer the goddess from from the glowing green and gold ceiling overhead.
10,000 to 60,000 g.p. value in pearls, or double that
amount in gems, or risk the wrath of Blibdoolpoolp. She The throne room is guarded by 6 cleric/assassins of 6th/6th level,
will grant a small favor to the individual making an one before each pillar. Each is armed with dagger, harpoon, and
offering, and then return the individual to the altar before garrote. They will attack any intruder in the most effective
her idol. Those without offerings are geas-quested not to manner. Their spells are:
harm or cause to be harmed or aid in the harming of any First Level: cure light wounds, darkness, fear
worshippers of Sea Mother. They must further contribute
60,000 g.p. value in gems to the shrine (or bring in a Second Level: chant (3), detect charm (3), hold person, know
number of Drow whose combined levels equals 1./100th alignment (3), resist fire (2), silence 15'radius (1)
of the g.p. value for sacrificeBlibdoolpoolp hates the
Third Level: blindness, dispel magic
Dark Elves, but cannot oppose their patroness and other
helpers directly!). The individuals are then returned to the Each possesses the above listed spells, except those spells
altar, with the ability to speak Kuo-Toan and marked followed by a number, which are possessed by the number of
secretly so that all the Kuo-Toa People will recognize one cleric/assassins noted for those spells.
in the service of Blibdoolpoolp.
The eastern archway leads to a private audience chamber and
Note: From the upper tier of the ziggurat the guards at 5. can council room. It has an upper balcony which extends along three
be distinguished.
sides of the place. There is a long stone table, a throne chair, and
5. GUARD POST: There is a squad of soldiers here, 8 2nd level 6 smaller stone chairs in the center. There is nothing of value,
(12 | hit points each), with a 3rd and 4th level (H.P.: 18,28) although the wall murals of undersea scenes, inlaid in bits of
fighter in j charge. 5 face to the north, 5 to the south. They colored stone, appear valuable to those not able to determine the
are here to * check and regain the tokens of homage to Sea worth of the minerals used to form them. In other respects this
Mother from those who pass through the shrine cavern. Those place is much the same as the throne room.
without passes are netted, subdued, and taken to location 9.
(D) for incarceration and eventual sacrifice. If they are 8. PRIVATE WING: The western wing of the palace is given over
threatened, the soldiers here will alert location 6. ("Corporal of to the personal pool of Va-Guulgh, and it is here that he
the guard, post number 5!"). The 2nd level troops are evenly entertains honored and important guests. All the area is of green
dividec between those with shield, dagger, and spear and stoneserpentine, malachite, and slate. The pillars in the center
dagger, net, and spear. The "sergeants" have dagger and of the pool are a mixture of malachite and azurite, carved so that
harpoon. they go from green to blue in their upper parts. The waters of the
6. PALACE OF THE PRIEST-PRINCE: The entire north wall pool are of transluscent green, and here it is likely that the priest-
at this location is taken up by the palace of the Kuo-Toan prince will be desporting (unless an alarm has been sounded).
spiritual and temporal ruler, the Priest-Prince Va-Guulgh. There are 2 4th level fighters, 1 to either side of the pool, who
Upon the steps of the palace are posted 8 2nd level
guard the ruler. Each has 28 hit points, but neither is armed.
soldiers (H.P.: 12 each; armed as 5. above) with 2
"sergeants" (H.P.: 18, 28) of 3rd and 4th level exactly as They will give warning of any intruder. Va-Guulgh wears only a
5. above. Also there is a 6th level fighter (H.P.: 42; armed harness with a dagger. He has 90 hit points, being a 10th/1 Oth
with dagger and harpoon) who is level cleric/assassin with the following spells available:
First Level: command, cure light wounds, detect magic,
official herald; this fighter also bears a shell horn upon which an protection from evil, protection from good
alarm is blown if the area is under attack, and this alerts positions Second Level: hold person, resist fire, silence 15' radius,
5., 30., 32., and the barracks 60' immediately southwest. Other spiritual hammer
positions can hear the alarm, but it must be sounded a second
time to alert all soldiers to come to the palace. If it is blown a third Third Level: continual darkness, dispel magic, prayer
time, all Kuo-Toans in the shrine cavern will then come to battle Fourth Level: cause serious wounds, tongues
with the enemy.
Fifth Level: plane shift, true seeing
The ancient facade of the palace is carved from living rock. Upon
If given the chance, Va-Guulgh will flee through the secret door to rooms of 20' x 70' size. The western room holds 3 gnolls, 1 half-
the west if threatened by powerful antagonists. Otherwise, he will ore, 2 hobgoblins, 2 lizardmen, 9 ores, and 8 trogs. The eastern
attempt to seek safety in the bottom of the pool, where various chamber contains 2 dwarves, 3 Deep Gnomes, and 21 humans
fish, shellfish, crabs, turtles, and other creatures will obey his (one of whom is a 7th level paladin with 17S, 141, 16W, 17D,
commands to obscure his movements and hinder the passage of 17C, and 15Ch H.P.: 60). All slaves are fairly well acquainted
any enemies. (There are several large clams which can hold a with the normal parts of the shrine cavern, especially the ores and
limb with a strength of 18/01). If this fails, he will either go down to Deep Gnomes. Freed slaves will happily kill Kuo-Toans; whether
the underlying rooms or fight to the death. or not they will help liberators directly is a function of alignment
and treatment as well as initial reaction.
The corridor north leads to a dozen small cells. In the first pair are
2 bugbears each, the next pair is empty, there are 2 trolls in the
next two, and again 2 empty cells, then a Drow merchant of the
puffball clan (with his clan pin hidden inside his boot an
enameled tan broach shaped like a puffball mushroom, useful in
the next module, VAULT OF THE DROW) chained to the wall,
and in the last cell is a pair of ghosts. Empty cells usually contain
filthy seaweed bedding and some scattered and gnawed bones.
The large room to the west is a standard torture chamber, with /-
the usual rack, iron boot, chains, irons, etc. The place at the far
(north) end of the line of cells is a disused storage chamber, with
a few barrels and crates of provisions in the forepart, and junk
Secret Room: This small area is known only to the ruler of the stuffed into the back. Behind this refuse is a concealed escape
place. The door has an iron bar, and Va-Guulgh will use it to tunnel which leads north about 40' to a 60' deep sinkhole. The
secure the door from any chasing him. He will then proceed to sinkhole gives onto a natural passageway which eventually ends
equip himself with a pair of speed boots, a ring of protection +3 in a shaft upwards into the secondary passage northwest (about a
(which has 6 charges for saving throw purposes before it is totally mile north of the shrine cavern).
drained and useless), and a trident of submission. There is also 10. MEDITATION ROOMS: These chambers are provided for the
a pouch of 20 500 g.p. base value pearls there, and he will attach use of pilgrims and regular inhabitants of the shrine area to read
this pouch to his harness. If the priest-prince conceives the various writings pertaining to Sea Mother and her works. There
situation to be hopeless, he will abandon the shrine entirely, are 4 stone tables, 2 stone benches, and 8 bone stools in each
making for the Svartjet or Pitchy with all haste to alert the main room. Besides short tracts, there are 27 scrolls and 18 books in
community of Kuo-Toa People of the dire events at the shrine. If each place, and these items are worth 1,000 g.p. and 2,500 g.p.
the situation can be recovered, he will attempt to rally his troops respectively if brought to the upper world and sold to a book
and counterattack. dealer or religious college. In both of these rooms the party will
Lower Area: The stairs to the south lead westwards to a lower note a tract-like sheet which contains writings in Elvish and in
complex of rooms, each secured by a very thick wooden door Kuo-Toan. The latter is a translation of an account of an Elf who
with iron bindings. The 2 rooms to the south and east are those of escaped from the homeland of the Dark Elves. The fragment
the priest-prince. He has various items of furnishing there, says:
including a couch, 4 chairs, 2 large tables, a small table, 2 "and these degenerate filth continue to consort with all manner of
benches, and a large cabinet in which are several special foul things and d((smear destroys several words)) but this does
ceremonial robes embroidered with shells and sewn with seed not mean that they are particularly watchful for trespassers. Any
pearls (value 3 x 1,000 g.p., 1600 g.p., and 2,750 g.p. wearing the cloak of sickening ((another smear here)) can move
respectively). In the far chamber is a chest with his personal freely about, and the merchant clans and noble houses employ all
arms, a shield, a spear, and a pincer staff. In a secret sorts of servants and slaves who roam through the black and
compartment within a shell ewer of no particular value are hidden debauched City of ((smear)) -ng the broaches. Most of these
3 pairs of rose quartz lenses (these cusps are of use to those who abominations worship the disgusting creature they call "Mother of
adventure in the Drow vault area, MODULE D3) and two broach- Lusts" and if I could only... ((the fragment ends here))
like pins, one a pair of silver daggers inscribed Everhaite, the
other an adamantite miniature of a mace with Despana written in The Kuo-Toans use this to emphasize the badness of the Drow
Drowic runes thereon. The 6 small rooms (about 10' x 15') are the who do not worship Sea Mother.
cells of the personal attendants of the ruler, the 6th/6th level 11. TRAINING ROOMS: These chambers are for the training of
cleric/assassins detailed above. Amongst their personal effects assassins. There are dummies and charts of Kuo-Toans, Deep
and a pallet of seaweed will be found 1-100 each of s.p., g.p., and Gnomes, Drow, trogs, humans, etc. A few common weapons are
p.p. plus 2-12 gems of 50g.p. base value. The four rooms to the strewn about, but there is absolutely nothing of real value in either
west and south are storage chambers for food, seaweed, and room.
various worthless items. There are, however, 2 large casks of
brandy which have no great value, but if they are sampled there is 12. FIGHTING INSTRUCTION ROOMS: Hung about the walls of
a 10% chance per individual drinking that too much will be this place are various daggers, spears, nets, shields and
imbibed, thus causing the individual to become noisy and clumsy harpoons. It is here that the Kuo-Toan fighters practice to hone
(-2 on dexterity and all attacks). the edge of their weapon skills. All of the weaponry is quite
normal. Floor area is clear for fighting. In the eastern room 2 5th
9. PASSAGE TO THE SLAVES' QUARTERS: The worn stones level fighters (H.P.: 35 each) practice with net and spear versus
along this tunnel indicate it has seen the passage of countless shield and spear. In the other room are 4 troopers of 2nd level
scores of feet. The Kuo-Toans keep their numerous slaves (H.P.: 12 each) trying net and spear versus the same and shield
penned below. The stairs lead down into a guard room where 4 and spear versus the same.
2nd level fighters (H.P.: 12 each) armed with dagger, net, and
spear and a 4th level "sergeant" (H.P.: 28) armed with dagger 13. LIBRARY: This chamber is the repository for countless works
and harpoon, and carrying the keys to all of the doors in the slave on clericism, fighting, assassination, arms, combat, and tactics.
area, are on duty. This area, like those above, is well lit by There are 1,786 various folios, scrolls, books, and collections in
underworld standards. All doors are of bronze and iron here. To Kuo-Toan and Drowic of no more than 10-100 g.p. value if sold to
the east and west of the guard room are 2 general slave barracks a book dealer of the upper world. There are many shelves and
pigeon-holes, racks and cabinets holding these works and single
sheet folders as well. 4 small wooden desks, 4 chairs, a bench, females and 11 males spawning. If they are disturbed, the
and 2 long tables are in the room. There are 6 light globes females will not fight, but the 2nd level males will fight at
suspended from the ceiling, each of which holds a double normal level and damage (H.P.: 24; 4-10 points of
phosphorescent liquid which gives a yellowish green light. If the damage by biting). There is a jade idol of Sea Mother with
chain of the 5th is pulled, let loose, and then pulled down strongly, pearl eyes (1,000 g.p. each) worth 19,000 g.p. at the exact
a secret compartment in the north central wall will open. Note that center of the pool. It weighs 35 pounds.
this small space cannot be detected by magical means other than 15. OFFERINGS POOL: Devotees of Blibdoolpoolp bring their
true seeing, and it is lined with sheets of bronze and lead inside live lobster offerings to this place and toss them into its bluish
so as to prevent magical viewing or the radiation of magic from its green waters. (The diamond-shaped pool is ritually emptied
contents. Inside this nook are stored a map of the shrine area by servants of the priest-prince who gains the benefit of the
(which does not show the secret doors and adits!) and a black sacrifices as table fare.) There is a body of 10 soldiers here,
iron box. The box is locked and cursed with a plane shift which 8 2nd level and 1 3rd and 1 4th level exactly the same as
will move the first creature touching it to the Elemental Plane of those at 5. There are in addition 4 archers (H.P.: 12 each), a
Fire unless the word sloolbpah is pronounced. Inside the box are pair at the mouths of the corridor north and that west, armed
a Manual of Puissant Skill at Arms, a Manual of Gainful with dagger, short bow, and quiver of 20 arrows. These
Exercise, a Tome of Understanding, and a Grim Grimoire (a soldiers are alert, watching the area and 14. as well.
nonesuch work which will cause the loss of 20,000 experience 16. FINGERLING POOLS: The young of the Kuo-Toans are
points from any reader except a thief or assassin a thief gains raised in these pools until they are about a year old and
or loses nothing, but an assassin will gain 1 level of experience nearly 2' tall. (At this time their lungs are capable of breathing
from reading and pondering its contents for 1 month). As all of air, and they are brought out and taken to the main city for
these works are scribed in Kuo-Toan, reading them might be raising and training.) There are 315 tiny, 161 small, 43
troublesome . . . medium, and 9 large fingerlings in these 20' deep pools.4
14. BREEDING POOL: This is where the Kuo-Toan females lay female 2nd level fighters (H.P.: 10 each) armed with dagger,
their eggs, and the males then fertilize them with milt. The net, and spear guard the place.
pool is about 42' deep in the center. There are presently 4
17. ROYAL SPAWNING POOL: Only the ruler of the shrine area hidden in their seaweed mattresses.
and his concubines (see 28. below) may use this pool. It is 25. ARMORY: This large chamber has racks full of the following:
40' deep and its bottom is strewn with 311 large base 100
g.p. gems. 4 female fighters of 4th level (H.P.: 24 each) are 150 shields 200
in pairs guarding the two arched entrances to the place, and spears 100 250 shield glue applications 30 nets
60 empty quivers 40 soldier
another pair is stationed at the north. Each is armed with daggers 40
shield, dagger, and paralysis spear (a normal weapon with harpoons 60 harnesses 1 container of paralysis
poison (60 applications)
a one-time-only substance coating its head). Creatures failing short bows 1000
to save versus poison are paralyzed until a neutralize arrows
There are also some boxes with
poison spell is cast upon them. See also 19. Drow weapons, but these are all so old and corroded as to
be useless. There are 12 bucklers, 12 short swords, 14
18. ROYAL FINGERLING POOL: There are 7 large fingerlings in
daggers, and 6 hand crossbows with 28 bolts. (If these
the pool here, spawn of Va-Guulgh, swimming happily about items are used they will break immediately upon any
in the greenish 20' depths of the water. Beside the pool are 2
platinum basins1' deep by 1 Vi' diameterin which food is
26. STORAGE CHAMBER: This area is filled to overflowing with
brought to these creatures. The value of each basin in
bales, boxes, crates, barrels, trunks, hogsheads, and kegs
perfect condition is 5,800 g.p., half that if damaged. Metal
stacked and piled all over, with only narrow paths between
weight is 10 pounds each. See also 19.
them. All of the contents are of small worth, being dried fish,
19. GUARDROOM: This chamber is furnished with 19 narrow seaweed, cheap cloth, fish skins and scales, shells, bone
pallets covered with dried seaweed and silk cloths. There are meal, carved bone items, and similar goods used in trade.
a small table and 2 benches also. This is the quarters of the 27. MONITORS' QUARTERS: There are a total of 12 monitors
female guards, and there are 4 in the place, with level, hit (see the section on Kuo-Toa People at the end of the module)
points, and arms exactly as those guards at 17. above. in the shrine cavern. 6 are in various places elsewhere, 1 is
20. SERAGLIO: The 6 concubines of the priest-prince dwell just outside the chamber, and 5 are within. These 5 spend
here. They are indolent and pampered, and they will their off-duty hours practicing hand-to-hand fighting. Each
notfight. Each has a couch, various personal effects, and monitor is 7th level, has 56 hit points, moves 18", is AC 1,
the following jewelry: 1 5,000 g.p. value, 1 2,000 g.p. value, and can attack 4 or 6 times per melee round 4 times if
and 3 600 g.p. value. Also on the 3 tables about the place attacking to subdue, with hand attacks at double value.
are 11 gold vessels worth 450 g.p. each and 14 silver ones Attack routine is hand/hand/bite, followed by opponent attack,
valued at 75 g.p. each. The average weight of gold utensils and then a second routine of hand/hand/bite (no biting if
is 15 pounds, that of silver dishes is the same. The walls are subduing attacks). Damage from blows by hand is 2-8 hit
draped with gauzy green hangings of no value, but they hide points, biting doing 2-5 hit points. Typically only one or two
the stone behind. opponents at a time will be fought, but a monitor can fight as
many as 4 different foes simultaneously. The chamber has
21. COMMON POOL: This large body of water is 80' deep at the only 12 pallets in it, but the floor is covered with piles of dried
middle point. The west entry point is only 4' deep. It is filled seaweed here and there. Under one such pile is a loose
with various sorts of small fish and other water creatures. stone concealing 60 base 50 g.p. gems. Each monitor carries
The Kuo-Toans come here to exercise and sometimes feed a pouch with 20 p.p. in it.
on these live fish as well. There will be 13 males and 3
females, all of 2nd level and without weapons, swimming 28. SECRET PASSAGEWAY: This corridor leads to a very deep
here. They will viciously attack any warm-blooded creature well (6' to water, then 50' deep). The well shaft leads to a
entering the waters of this black pool. circular conduit of 6' diameter. This pipe connects areas 14.,
17., and 21. by secret entrances in each pool bottom. On the
22. OFFICERS' QUARTERS: These areas are furnished with pool side these appear to be normal stone blocks, each
the few stark items typical to Kuo-Toan existence pallets about 2' square.
for each individual, a few stools, small wooden tables, and
pegs in the walls ready to accept harness or weapons. There is also a hidden trapdoor, its iron ring concealed under
a small flagstone. The 2' s quare block is about 6 inches thick
East Section: Here the 10th level captain (H.P.: 90) is and very heavy. It opens to a small square shaft leading
quartered. He has shield, 2 daggers, spear, and a harpoon down by iron rungs 16' to a 5' wide passage to 29. Note the
at hand. His strength enables him to get +2 hit probability passage widens to 10'after 40'east.
and +4 damage with any weapon he uses. He has 40 base
100 g.p. pearls sewn inside one of the harnesses hanging 29. SECRET SUNKEN CHAMBER: The passage into the room
from a peg. His pouch contains 20 each s.p., g.p., and p.p. and the chamber itself are about 7' from floor to ceiling. Only
West Section: There are 2 8th level lieutenants (H.P.: 64 the priest-prince knows of this place. It is a secret passed
each) quartered in this part of the area. Each is armed with from ruler-to-ruler. The wealth of the shrine is stored here,
dagger and has spear, net, and harpoon at hand, with shield wealth from decade upon decade of contribution and sacrifice
hanging nearby. Each of these fighters has 10 each s.p., to Sea Mother, as well as tax and trade monies. There are 7
g.p., and p.p., plus 5 base 100 g.p. pearls. large chests in the room, each of about 3' height by 31/2(
depth, by 41/2' length. Each of these chests is described
23. SERGEANTS' QUARTERS: 12 of these minor fighting below, for some are cleverly trapped.
leaders dwell in this chamber. They are 1 6th level, 2 5th, 4
4th, and 5 3rd (H.P.: 42, 2x35, 4x28, 5x18). Each has Chest #1: This bronze chest has an ancient lock. It is filled
dagger and harpoon at hand, and shields, spears, and nets with 8,124 shells which are precious to Kuo-
are hung on nearby wall pegs. Each fighter has 1 each s.p., Toans but are otherwise valueless. MOVING
g.p., and p.p. per level. There is a chest in the room which THIS CHEST FROM THE STONE IT RESTS ON
contains 120 s.p., 200 g.p., and 78 p.p. There are 16 pallets, TRIGGERS THE MECHANISM WHICH CAUSES
2 benches, 4 stools and a long table also. A 10' THICK STONE BLOCK TO SEAL OFF THE
24. QUARTERS OF VA-GUULGH'S FEMALE GUARDS: There Chest #2: This is a heavy wood and iron box with a great iron
are 16 fighters of 4th level here (H.P.: 24 each). They are padlock on it. Inside are 48,912 g.p.
currently not on duty. Each has dagger, spear, and shield
nearby. There are 24 pallets in the place, as the 8 guards of Chest #3: This is an iron chest with a secret catch lock. It
the royal area are quartered here when off duty. Each guard holds 2,440 p.p., and a green silk altar cloth
has her own stool, and there are 3 tables and 6 benches in wrapping 3 gold service pieces set with pearls
the room. Each female carries 10 p.p. and 4 pearls of 100 total value is 60,000 g.p., pearls only, 36,000
g.p. base value on her person. The on-duty troops' wealth is g.p.).
Chest #4: This bronze and iron chest has two iron bars inside it are 366 s.p., 291 g.p., and 98 p.p. Behind the box,
attached by rings on the back side. When the lid is unlocked and concealed by rock dust, is a small case made of rare
and lifted, the bars are depressed to trigger a 10' wide by shells. It c ontains a string of perfectly matched pearls (18,500
20' long trapdoor which swings down to drop all standing on g.p. intact, 15,600 g.p. separated) and 12 base 100 g.p.
it into a 70' deep pit. The last 10'of the pit are water filled, so gems. The chief whip wears an invisibility ring (for dealing
" only 1-8 h.p. of damage will be sustained, but with non-Kuo-Toans) Drow boots and +2 Drow short sword
any creature in armor will drown in 2 rounds unless able to and +2 dagger. He also uses the usual Kuo-Toan shield, and
escape by climbing (as a thief), levitate, fly, etc. The chest a garrote is tucked into his narness. Quolp-Ool will rush to
holds 5,320 s.p., 2,100 e.p., 12 water breathing potions, a any disturbance in the place, armed and ready.
helm of underwater vision, and gauntlets of swimming
and climbing.
Chest #5: This is an iron-bound wooden trunk which is not
locked. Inside are 100 10 pound copper ingots.
20 of those at the bottom contain platinum (their
weight will give them away, as they are 25
pounds each, although there is copper plating on
the outside. There is also a small coral coffer
worth 1,000 g.p. containing 188 g.p. base value
gems resting atop the ingots.
Chest #6: This locked bronze chest is trapped identically to
chest #1 (moving seals the chamber with a 10'
thick stone block). It holds 12 pieces of jewelry 35. LOCKED ROOM: This second room of Quolp-Ool's is closed
set with gems (average value is 6,000 g.p. each), by a heavy iron door, and he carries the only key to it. Inside
20 pieces of ivory jewelry worth 500 g.p. each, a is a noble Drow female, a 9th level fighter of the House of
bone tube with a scroll of 3 cleric spells (lower Noquar, Derinnil. She is held in durance vile by the chief
water, true seeing, restoration), and an icon of whip, and is slated for formal torture soon, in order to find
Blibdool-poolp set with 10 100 g.p. base value what plans the Drow have against the Kuo-Toa People, as
gems and 100 base 100 g.p. base value gems. well as to learn the current state of affairs amongst the Dark
The icon will automatically transport any creature Elves' noble houses. The room is bare of furnishings, save a
touching it to stand before the goddess on the pile of dried sea weed. Derinnil is chained to the wall with
Elemental Plane of water if they fail to make their short fetters. She will volunteer to aid and guide rescuers,
saving throw versus magic. This must be made but she will, of course, betray them at first opportunity.
each time the icon is put down and then touched Carefully hidden in the lining of her left boot is her bronze
again. Sea Mother will be angry at those looting broach depicting the head of a nightmare, with a reverse
her servant's treasure room . . . inscription in Drowic, Noquar. Once freed of chains she can
use each of the following spells (at 9th level) once per day:
Chest #7: This is a locked chest plated silver over iron. All of
the seams and cracks of the chest are filled with dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire, clairaudience,
detect lie, suggestion, dispel magic, detect magic,
silver solder also. The container is worth 3,000
g.p., and inside is a jeweled medallion worth levitate, know alignment. Derinnil has 16S, 161, 13W, 18D,
15C, and 17Ch. She does not fear death, but she will
25,000 g.p.. (15,000 in gems alone). Also
trapped inside is a very powerful spectre (8 h.p. certainly do her utmost to avoid it if possible! She will not
per die) which will attack anything which frees it betray her house, nor will she compromise the safety of the
from its hated imprisonment. Drow community, but anything else is fair game, so to speak.
30. GUARD POST: Here 8 female soldiers (H.P.: 10 each) FINAL NOTE TO DUNGEON MASTER
armed with dagger and short bow are on watch. They are If you are using this module as a part of the whole campaign, be
commanded by 2 3rd level female fighters (H.P.: 15 each) certain to keep a careful note of all that the party does. You can
armed with shield, dagger, and spear. do this by writing on the margin of this booklet. Any opponents
31. GUARD POST: There are 10 soldiers here, exactly which escape attack by the party will give warning to their
conforming to those at position 5. (q.v.) masters or fellows if possibleparticularly Drow, Kuo-Toans,
and their more intelligent servants. However, the chaotic nature
32. GUARD POST: In addition to 10 soldiers conforming to those of the Dark Elves precludes the chance of organized search for
at location 5., there are also 4 2nd level (H.P.: 10 each) the party, so at best the Drow will be aware of intruders and
female archers armed with dagger, short bow, and quiver of more watchful and suspicious. The Kuo-Toans are not numerous
20 arrows each. enough to mount a major search effort.
33. QUARTERS OF THE "WHIPS": As the monitors enforce the If the party is moving on to the next module, cease play in this
social decorum of the shrine, the whips see that the religous- one as soon as they pass into one of the northern tunnels, and
political order is kept. These spartan quarters are for the 6 begin with the next package.
3rd/3rd level fighter/assassins (H.P.: 18 each) who are
enforcers of the order. There are only 6 pallets and 1 table THIS ENDS THE SECOND SECTION OF THE DESCENT INTO
2 benches in the place. The 3 apartments nearby (Ws) house
3 4th/4th level fighter/assassin whips (H.P.: 28 each). Each
of these enforcers uses shield and long sword after throwing
nets to entangle opponents. They also have garrotes in
harness pouches. They act in concert on any occassion
demanding it. Each whip has 2 each s.p., g.p., and p.p. per
each level, i.e. 6 or 8 of each coin. In addition, each has 1
base 100 g.p. gem per level hidden inside his harness. (See
also 34.)
fighter/assassin of 7th/7th level (H.P.: 56) is quartered here.
He is Quolp-Ool, chief whip and confidant of the priest-
prince. Although his room is as spartan as the others, Quolp-
Ool has a small iron box hidden in the wall of the place, and
You will note that the players' version of the map shows only a
relatively narrow section of the whole areathat part which
pertains to this module and the other two in the set. As Dungeon
Master you might wish to develop other material regarding the
encounter areas shown on your large-scale map. You can then
allow your players to explore passages which are off their map,
thus eventually completing their version; and, of course, having
many adventures along the way. You can place other Drow
enclaves, locate the realm of the mind flayers, expand the
underground sea and place the Kuo-Toan stronghold, etc.