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RMC No 130-2016 PDF

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SUB.IECT Clarification on the Tax Treatment aird Appropriate \f ithholding
Taxes on Incoine Payments by Dr:partments and Agcrtcies af tiie
Go",,ei-il{i}ent, lncluding Goverllmeitt-{}rvlteri And/ {)r - Controlieri
Corporations And Go.,'ernntcut liinilrtcial Institutions tc Inilivi'Jelais
Xlngag,;ii under a iob (}r'ck:r or Contract of Sen'ice Arrangemettt

'r{} rtll hlternal Revenue Sfficials, ilniptro1'ees and Otlie:'s Cotlce I'itctl

l'his Circuiar is issLrr:,.l to clarify ths rvithhokiing taxes imposerl on incorre paytlents it1,
ciepartments and agencies ol'the govelntnent, including go.,rerntnent otvned aud/or -controllcci
corporations and govcrnnrent financial instilritions (Cirls) to indiviciLrals r,+hose servic..s arc
eng:rgeci r-rnder a contracI c'lscrvice or job orcier ari'attgetrellt.


Sevcral ageircies of the National (loverni"netrt have been hiring persorttrcl orr aiob-order
basis or contract olservice:; prrrsuant to Executive Crder (EO) )io. 782 ot'llO No. 3662 and its
Inrplcrrenting Rules and Regulations and in accortlance ''vith llBM CircuiarNo,2012-20 datcrl
I)eccmber 18. 2010.

A coinmon issue arises on the appropriate rate oli,vithholciing tar thiit rvill be imposed
oir ihe paynreni tiri"services rendered by these inclividuals hirecl by NatiorraI Coverirtlcirl
Agencies (NCAs). 'lhcre is, thus. a need tr: clarify tire taxatioii of remur-tet':tiion anci income
payilents to petsoltne! unilcr job oicier or contract of services itr olclei'to ha.re a cortsisteirt
applir.:;ition in aii governrnent offices anci agencies tlral are sirniiarly situiii.ed.

Tire cntployincnt of s,u,:h pelscrnnei rer;uires the e;<ecLition of any one oitire loiloi.r,irig:
coij liact ol selvir:es cr inerlloranclLrr:r t-,f agreeurent (lv{CA) or.iol; ol'cicr beti,veen the

' Datcd FebrLraiy I0.2009, Instituting Measules l-o Assist Worl:ers .,\ffectecl By Clobal lriirancial Cr isis Arrd
Teinporary Filling L.p OlVacairt l)ositions In The Govetntrient

I D:r',:rj October 4,2004. Direr:tln,r .r. Strategic P.evieiv Cf Thc Opcr.atri,:r, .rd :rnizatiolrs Of The F',xecLiti', r:

Bnririli .'1,rd i)r'oviciitrir Option:..\rd Ittccniir;s Fcr tiovc;'irtlierrt i:tlrgrlo.lee:; r iilr lle ,{ilecteC B; i irc
Ratir,'naii;:liiiorr (.:i'-[ hc ijr:nctir,rns .,\nci r\ricncies C;i i irr: lt.recuiiic i]rancit
govenrmelrt ageuc),concei'ned and the individual, in accordarrce rvith the rules and regulatiorrs
of the COA.


It is settled that under existing policies and gLridelines oi'the Civil Service Conrnrissiorr
(CSC), definirrg tiie terms "Individual Conlract of'SenticesiJob Order" anC clarily,'ing the
terms "Contrctcl o.f'Service" and ",lob Ot'r{er", there is no enrployer-emplol,ee relationship
created Lrncler either a jolr orcier or con'Lract lor service, ancl ilrrit, servicc-s rcrrdelec-l pursuant
thereto shall not be consiclerecl as goveniment service, (CSC Circular No. l7-02 dater.i JLrne
24,240'2; CSC l{esolution No. 02-0790 dated .lur.re 22.2A02; CSt-l l{esolution I'io. 021480 dated
Novembcr ll2,2002'). Given this
tiamervork . the lollor,virrg ciaiit'ications .lre necessarl' fbr the
iax treatt-nent ol ren-tunerationii'ecs reccived b1, personnel iincier a job older cr contract lirr
serv ice:

l) ProJbssionals Hired {Jnder Conlrsct For Services Or Job {-}t't{er

A. Creditable Withhalclin:t T'ax under Seciion 2.57.2(.,1) o.l'Reyenue Re.qulations (RR) llo. 2_:

9,\, o,y ornenc{ec/.

ln general, individLrals rvho follorr,an independeni. tlade, business, or proiession, in

rvhich they olfer their services to the public, ai'e not einployees.l

For professionais rvho are paid for the services lhcy render, the5, sp. subject to a
r,vithholding tax rate of 10"/o or 150/o, rvhichever is applicable, on their gross plofessional fee
per Secticn 2.57 .2(A) of RR. No. 2-98, as anrended.

"SECT'ION 2.57.2, Inconre Payment Subject to Creditable

Withholding Tax and Riites Irrcscribed Thereon. Except as
herein otherwise providecl, there shall be rvithheld- a creditable
irrcome ta;i at the rates lrercin specilied for each ciass ol payee
Il'orn thc fbllowiirg itenrs oi'iitcomc payntents to pcisons resiCing
in the Philippines:

(A) Protcssional lces. taicnt fees. etc., {br servicc:i rcndered by

individuals On thc gross plof'cssional, prornotionai and taleitt lces
or an), other {brur ol leinuneration for the services _al_&g
{blbw{Irl_UdividLrals I--ifteerr percent (15%), if the gross
income fbr the current -year e,.rceeds P720,000: ancl Ten Pci'cent
( 1 09/o), il'otheri,risel

iection l i- i--iu

1 iit 'f
.1, :1
( 1) Those individuall,v- engaged in rhe practice of profe ssions
or cailings: [alvyers: certified pLrblic accountarrts; doctors
of n.redicine; architects; civil" electrical. chemical.
mechanical, structural, inciLrstriai. rlining. sanitary,
metallurgical and geodetic ctrgineers, urarine surve),ots;
doctors of veterinary sciencei dentist; prof'essional
appraisers; connoisseurs of tobaccol aciriaries; and
interior decorators; clesigners and all other professior-t
lequir:iitg .qovenllcnt licensure exantina,tiorrs andior
regr-rlaiecl by the Prolessional RegLrlrtions fjoiitmission,
Sui;renre CoLrrt. elc.;
(2) I entertaincrs. sLrci.r as, but ur,.t linritecj to.
actors aitri actresscs, singers. iyricist. contposers and
(3) Prolcssiorral athlstes, iirclLreling basketbail play,ers.
peloiaris and jockeys;
(4) All directors and prociucers invoived in movies. stage,
radio, television arrd musical produciicns;
(5) Insui'ance agents and insurance adjLlslers:
(6) Managenrent and technical consultants;
(.1) Bookkeeping agents and agencies;
(8) Othcr recipient of talent f-ees;
(e) Fees of dil'r:ctors rvho are not emplol,,ees of tire company
paying sucir lees. rvhose duties are cori f rned to
attendance ;it and participation in ihe meetir-rgis of thc
board ofdiLectors."

XXX xxx

The amount subject to rvithholcring tax Lrntler this paragraph

shall inclLrde not orri1,'f'ees. bLrt also per dierns. allorvances and
any other for;n ol' incot*e paymenis not sLrbject to
i' if irir r; ld i nq tar n r_i co rn pcnsa i ia,*. ( E nt p h ct.:; i _r s uplt !ie cl)

2) Non-Ft'ofessio;tctls liireri Lincler contract Fur iiert,ices or ,Iob order

A lleprye_ \$;!!Ltry$U ab le y, i thh a l(ii t t t t(rx
Incot-t-ie payntents to i;r'livic.lLrals wlio are not ill'{l|es:lir)itals urrder a cqttract i (.) t-

:,ervic.rL;i'.iob,r:r'cierbasisshiiii ii,:riots.rri:.li:cttocreditaLrlewitlrir,-,it:rngtl:, l.:rtcsprovicler"i irl'

Seciioit '...;1 .). of ItR lrlo. 2-93. aS ai-it*ii..i.(l. llorvr:',,ct.. sr.rcit incomr: i_,a,iiitciti:. shali lli'l I

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repofted as inccme subject to irtcorrie tax under Sectiorr 24 of tlte 'fax Cocie of 1997. as
arriended, in relation to Section 5i of the sarre 'fax Code.

3) Tax T'realntent Cotrttton lo ?rof:ssiostuls and Non-Prafessioituls Hired {Jnclet Contract

for Services or "Iob Order Bssis
,1. LslJ1, 44ned tqlyaLELcctllssJat
The perforntance of services b), the .iob-order personnel pllrsuallt to EO 782 or E0
l-o. 366 is itot ultdct'an "ernplo5,er'-erriplol,ec i"eiationship" heltce, it is a sale oi'perfbnlance
of serr"ice whicit is rvithin tire anririt of Scction I 08 of tlre 1997 l-ex Cocie, as anrenclecl. to

"Section 108. ValLre-Added'l-ar on Sale of Services ancl

Use or Lease of Properties. -

(A) Iiate and Base of Tax.-


The phrase "sale of ar e.rchunge of ,sen;ices" means the

performance of all kincis of services in the Philippirres fiir otiiers
for a fee. relnu,r-r'rtio, or consideration, including those
performed or rendered by construction and service contractors:

Sectioti i09(1XW)4, ho\\rever, exetttpts frorn VAT the annual gross receipts ol'thc
subject personnel if the sarne do not exceed One Miliion Nir:e Huncjred Nineteen'lhousancl
Five Hundred Pesos (P 1,919,500.00):

"SE,Cl. 109. Exenrpt Transaotions. (l) Subject to the

provisions oi' subsection (2) hereol, the - f,oI lo vr,,,itrg transactions
shall be excmpt fi'olr tlte i,alLre-addcci tax:


(V) Saie or lease o1'goods or lrr.operties or thc perii;r.r,rance of

services other than tire transaciions mentioned in the pr-eceding
paraglaphs, the gross a.nnual saies aucl/or receipts do not excced
the amount of one lVIiilion Nrne HLrndred Nineteen -l-housarrcl
Five Hundred Pesos (P 1,919,500.00); Provided, every ihree (3)
yeals ihereafter. the antount slrlii i:e r,-lirrsted io its prescnt vall:e
using :iie (loirsr.rmer Irrice Inrlex. ir:; 1_,itblisiir--cl b1, the NSO;

rAs Rll 016-201i

a;irl:nCeci bli
lj ili" j C-ir ii:i liiilir ;r," Il.ii'.,iLiii: l'

,: . :. -..,iiLi:'i i,i{;"::. i;;r"ri! '''illr:

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l:i:il ii l, !.1'l; Ii
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Provided, further, that such adjustrnent shali be published through
revenue regulations to be issued not later than March 3l of each

Iror purposes of the tltresliold ol P 1.919,500.00, the

husband and the wile shall be considered separate taxpayers.
Hor,vever. the aggregation rule for each taxpayer shall apply. For
instance, if a professional.
aside fiom the practice ol his
prof-ession. also derives revcuLlo flr'orl other lines of brrsiness
r,vhich ai'e otherrvise sLrb.ject to VAT. the sarrre shall be conrbined
for pLrrpi-.ses oi detelntining rvhether the threslrolcl lias beerr
exceeded. Thus, the VA'f-exernpt salcs sitall not be included irr
deterrn i n in g tire thresho I cJ.

Section 116 of the same T'ax Codc neverilicloss subjects them to the Thlr:e irerceirt
(3%) percentage tax, to wit:

"Sectiorr I 16. Tax orr Persons Exempt fioni Vaiue-Added'fax.

Any person whose sales or receipts are cxempt undcr Seetion 109
(IXIV) olthis Code from the paynrent of value-added tax and who
is not a VAT-regislered person shall pay tax equivalent to three
percent (3%) ol'his gross quarterly sales ol'receipts:...xxx"

RR. 016-i l5 further amending RR 16-2005 provides:

"SECTION 3. VAT Exernpt 'fransactions. - Sectiorr

4. 1 09. I (BX I XeX 1 ), (p)(4), (q) and (v) of Revenue Rcgulations
t..\o. 16-2005, as amended, is hereby lurther amended to rcad as
io llorr s:
"(e) Services sr.rbject to percentage tax uncler Title V of
the Tax Code , as en'Lirncraied belorv:

( 1) Sale or lease of goocls or propL:r'iie s or the periorrrance

of services of' non*VAT-registered persons, othcr tititn the
transactions nicntioned iir paragraphs (A) to (U) of Sec. 109( l) of
ti-ie l'a;r Cocic, the gross annual saies an,Jior Leceipts of rvhich
does rroi excccd the amount of Cnc Million Nine Hundrecl

Increasing the r\tnount of Threshold Amounts for Sale of Residr:ntial Lot, Sale oi l--lousc ancl Lot,
Lease of Resiciential tJnit and Sale or l-ease cl Goods or Prope$ies or Perfornrance ol Service:;
g6'7i.:,.''i1 b), Scction 109 (P), ((-r) anLl (V) oi the Tax Code ci' l99l?. as Airl,:ndecl. Thereby

Kno',i rr as Cons,:iirilir:ri r/A.f iiegulatiL.ns ot' 20t):

-f"tr :1 ,f
Nineteen ThoLrsand F-ive Hundi'ed Pesos I .919.500.00); (P
Provided, That every three (3) )/ears theieafter, the alrloLlnt herein
stated shali be adjusted to its present value Lrsing the Consunter
Price index, as publislied b;; the National Statistics Cffice (l.ll]C ).)
(Sec. i 16 of the 'fax Code); Provided. further', thai such
adjustinent shall be published through revenue regulatiorrs to be
issued irot later than NJarch 3 I of each vear."

n jli LlfipltlsleJ1u1lqgc Tax

As to the appiioable ivithhoiding tax rate. Sectior.: 5.1i6 o1'RR. No. 2-98, as anrcirried,
requiles the rvithirolcling oi percentage tax, tluis:

"Sec.5.115. Withholding olPercentage i'ax.

Bureaus, offices and instrumentalities oithe governlreitt,
including government-owned or controlled corporations as r^iell
as their subsidiaries, provinces, citics arLd nrLinicipalities ma!<ing
any r-noney pa,v''ment to ltrivate individuals. corporatiolis,
partnerships and,ror associaiions are reqLlired to deduct and
lvithholcl ihe perceltage taxes due fi'om the pal,ees on account ol
such monev paymcuts.

(A) Interr:al revenue taxes requireC to be rvithireid.

Percentage taxes on gross iltoney payntents to the lolloiving
shall be sub.jected to rvithholcling at the rates he l'ein

(l) Persons l-lxeinpt from Valuc-Acided Tax (VAT).-

On gross pal,uients to persons who are cxetnpi. Lincjcr
lA9Q') [nolr, Sci:. 1l)9{i){W)l of the Cocie fl-orn
paymeni o1'value added tax :utcl .,r,ito is not a VAT
rcgistcreci ilcl'son cxcept payment to coopcrutir c:,. --
three percent (:7r).


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AlI other lssuances irrconsistent herewith are herebl, reltealeci or rnodifiecl accordinglv.

Ali coircerned are hereby,enjoined ro be guided accordingiS, and to give this Circular AS
u,ide publicity as possible.

This Circular iakes eifect imrtrecliatcly.

Very truly )/oiirs,

CAESAR R. Dijl-,iY

Comrnissioner ol internal Revenue

n'ii:i,:rill $li ii;][,iiiiAL iiEvEt']L'fl
l.;ii,- --' q er-^q .-T.':G'I' I)i:'i I SlOl{

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