Yeats Realistic Poet
Yeats Realistic Poet
Yeats Realistic Poet
Yeats,as he started his poetic career as a Romantic poet and the Raphaelite,
he very soon involved into a genuine modern poet. All this is as a response of the
new world together with the WWI as well as the Irish turmoil of that time and
likely changed him from a dreamer,thinker to a realistic poet. This period all
begun with his collection of Responsibilities (1914). The poem September 1913
is hallmark of Yeats modernist style as well as The Second Coming in his line
the best lack all conviction while the worst all full of passionate intensity. After
his disappointment with Maud Gonne and his disenchantment with the Irish
National Movement he started writing more bitter and pessimistic poems and by
philosophizing in them: To a Shade, When Helen Lived, and Two Byzantium poems
etc.In Easter 1916 he highlights the disillusionment of modern man when he says
What it is but night fall. Yeats was modern and traditional at the same time.
Yeats`s later poetry expresses the fear that in our century culture and moral
values will die and that the world will become filled with with selfishness,violence
and meaninglessness.