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Chapter 6 - Action Research Final - Edited

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Action research


1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1

2 Applications of action research .......................................................................................... 2

3 Outline of the design........................................................................................................... 3

4 Strengths and weaknesses of action research ..................................................................... 6

5 References .......................................................................................................................... 7

1 Introduction
This supplement expands the introduction to action research in Chapter 6. Along with
additional details of how to carry out action research it offers an overview of the designs
strengths and weaknesses, along with additional references for further study.

In 1946 the social psychologist Kurt Lewin wrote a paper advocating a type of action-
research [sic] that would lead to social action. Research that produces nothing but books,
he argued, will not suffice (Lewin 1946: 35). Instead Lewin proposed a cyclical, iterative
approach to research involving planning what was to be done, taking action and fact-finding
about the results. Lewins ideas have since become one of the key influences in what is now
known as action research. Over time, action research has taken different directions but we
can nevertheless identify key features of the approach as we are using it here:

The close relationship between knowledge acquisition and action; action research is
research in action rather than research about action (Coghlan and Brannick 2010:
4). Action is taken to improve practice and the research generates new knowledge
about how and why the improvements came about.
Action research is conducted as a collaborative partnership between the researcher
and a group in an organisation or community who participate in the process of the
action research. Research proceeds as a cycle of joint planning, action, observation
and reflection, where the reflection phase paves the way for further cycles of
planning, acting, observing and reflecting in a spiral of learning (Figure 1). Different

Management Research: Applying the Principles 2015 Susan Rose, Nigel Spinks & Ana Isabel Canhoto 1
writers have used different terminology for the steps in the action research cycle.
Coghlan and Brannick (2010: 8), for example, label them constructing, planning
action, taking action and evaluating action.
The results are shared amongst participants and for action research in an academic
context the output typically also includes a public report such as a dissertation or
The output is actionable knowledge (Coghlan 2007: 293) that is useful to both the
practitioner and academic communities.

Figure 1 Action research cycles

2 Applications of action research

Applications of action research reflect the different directions in which the method has been
taken, although its action orientation makes it appropriate for investigating why and how
questions where the focus is on producing solutions to problems encountered in practice.
Within organisations and management, some of the early action research projects investigated
issues around autonomous workgroups in organisations and action research has continued to
be applied in organisational development and change. Action research has also been used as a
research method by management students who are studying while working and who
undertake the research in their own organisation, an approach Coghlan (2007) calls insider
action research. Another approach to action research has been to emphasise the collaborative
and democratic possibilities of action research alongside its focus on changing participants
situations. Sometimes described as participatory action research, advocates have claimed for
it an emancipatory potential.

Management Research: Applying the Principles 2015 Susan Rose, Nigel Spinks & Ana Isabel Canhoto 2
3 Outline of the design
Whilst some variant of the plan-act-observe-reflect cycle lies at the heart of most action
research studies, the precise form depends on the approach chosen and the aims of the
research. When the research is being done as part of an academic assessment, Zuber-Skerritt
and Perry (2002) suggest that there are really two action research cycles operating in parallel.
One is the core action research cycle which focuses on the practical problem to be solved.
The other is the thesis action research cycle in which the researcher is engaged in planning,
acting, observing and reflecting with regard to the academic part of the research project and
their learning from it. Coghlan (2007: 300) refers to this learning as meta-learning and
emphasises its role in developing theory from the core action research project. Our
presentation of action research builds on Zuber-Skerritt and Perrys (Perry and Zuber-Skerritt
1992, Zuber-Skerritt and Perry 2002: 175) approach by assuming that your research involves
both a core action research cycle and a thesis action research cycle (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Action research project for a thesis or dissertation (adapted from Zuber-Skerritt and Perry

Planning for the overall project begins with the identification of a research problem for which
an action research approach is appropriate. Unlike much traditional academic research where
the researcher decides on a problem and then negotiates access to a suitable research site, in
action research the source of the problem and the initiative for seeking a solution may come
from practitioners facing the problem who become in effect the client for the project. This
highlights a potential tension in action research in terms of the need to address both the
Management Research: Applying the Principles 2015 Susan Rose, Nigel Spinks & Ana Isabel Canhoto 3
clients objectives and the academic requirements, requiring the researcher to serve two
taskmasters as Rapoport (1970: 505) puts it. Before the project can get under way, therefore,
you should reach agreement with the client over a range of issues, including (Davison et al.

That action research is appropriate

The focus and goals of the project
Client commitment
Roles and responsibilities
Procedures to be followed during the project
Ethical issues, including consent to participate and confidentiality

The planning stage of an academic action research project will also involve a review of
relevant literature. This is important so that you can locate your topic in terms of its relevance
to the academic community. Theory may also be useful in addressing the practitioner
problem. During the core action research cycle theoretical frameworks can help, for instance,
with diagnosis as well as providing a basis for conversation and mechanisms for
collaborative sense making and joint action planning and action (Coghlan and Brannick
2010: 93).

The core action research project involves iterations of the plan-act-observe-reflect cycle that
we have already introduced. It is important to emphasise the collaborative nature of the
process and the need to encourage dialogue and participation, even though this might be
challenging in hierarchical organisations characterised by unequal power relations (Gill and
Johnson 2010). Looking at each of the four steps in turn:

During the planning stage, an action plan is developed that will achieve some agreed
goals. Kemmis and McTaggart (1988: 66) suggest that such plans can encompass
change in three registers: how language is used in the situation, what activities and
practices are employed, and how social relationships and organisations are structured.
The action stage involves implementing the plan whilst recognising the need for
flexibility and judgement. Even so, it may sometimes be necessary to revert to the
planning stage if the proposed actions cannot be implemented.
Action should be accompanied by monitoring and observation of the results. A range
of data collection methods can be used, including documents, interviews, diaries,

Management Research: Applying the Principles 2015 Susan Rose, Nigel Spinks & Ana Isabel Canhoto 4
observations and questionnaires, along with secondary data. Observation feeds into
the next stage of the cycle by providing the basis for reflection.
The final stage is reflection, in which the researcher and the group collaboratively
analyse, synthesise, interpret, explain and draw conclusions (Kemmis and
McTaggart 1988: 86) about what has been achieved and identify possible ways of
moving forward. Depending on the outcomes, another cycle of planning, acting,
observing and reflecting may be set in motion.

At some point you will have to bring the core action research cycle to an end and exit the
field. Davison et al. (2004: 73) recommend that departure should be linked to the
achievement of the agreed objectives or some other explicit justification, although they
acknowledge that this can be problematic in some situations such as a breakdown in the
relationship between the researcher and the client. As a guide, if you are doing action
research as part of an academic qualification, the core action research project should not take
up more than one-third of the time available for the qualification (Zuber-Skerritt and Perry

The core action research cycle represents the act and observe stages of the researchers
own thesis cycle (Figure 2). Here you face the challenge of managing the demands of both
aspects of the project and they can sometimes conflict. Make sure, therefore, that the research
requirements are built into the agreements reached with the client or sponsor and that suitable
arrangements are made to facilitate data collection. As with the core project, a wide range of
data collection techniques can be used but the research diary or journal will be an important
tool to record your observations and to develop reflective skills as the research unfolds.

The reflection stage of the thesis action research cycle is where the researcher engages in the
meta learning discussed above. The formal output from this stage will depend on the project.
In addition to any dissertation or thesis, other reports may be needed for the client group to
use or to share the findings of the project more broadly. When reporting your findings you
will need to give careful thought to how you will comply with agreements on anonymity and
confidentiality and also the extent to which your collaborators should be involved in
reviewing any proposed output.

Research in practice 1 gives an example of an action research study.

Management Research: Applying the Principles 2015 Susan Rose, Nigel Spinks & Ana Isabel Canhoto 5
Research in practice 1 Action research study on the role of information systems in small business

Action research study on the role of information systems in small business growth
Street and Meister (2004) used action research to investigate how and why a management team in a
small business developed an information system (IS) to support their growth needs. The project was
carried out in collaboration with five managers at a Canadian electronics manufacturing company
(referred to as ELCO) that was seeking to grow its business. The practical goal of the project was to
recommend potential changes to the organisations IS in support of those growth plans.

The research team adopted a 5-step action research cycle consisting of action planning, action taking,
evaluating, specifying learning and diagnosing. Three iterations of the cycle were used, involving
baseline analysis, strategy planning and the development of a requirements specification for a new IS
solution. One of the findings from the project is the importance of internal transparency of
information within the organisation. In addition, the researchers developed a process model drawing
on the theory of punctuated equilibrium to help understand the experiences at ELCO and the
relationship between internal transparency, IS and business growth.

4 Strengths and weaknesses of action research

We have given some flavour of the unique characteristics of action research when compared
to the other designs discussed in this book and it is those characteristics that in many ways
represent the core strength of action research. Coghlan (2004: 7), for example, claims that
action research has the potential to confront the self-perpetuating limitations [such as
practical relevance] that befall traditional research approaches. Writing in the context of
postgraduate research, Dick (2002) suggests that an action research project can give
researchers the opportunity to improve their own professional practice, to ameliorate the
situation investigated and to gain their degree. Such arguments may be particularly relevant
in the case of practising managers researching in their own organisation.

Action research is not, however, without its critics. One criticism is that action research is
unscientific, at least in so far as scientific is understood in terms of the positivist approach
to research. Given its engagement with problem solving in a particular context, questions can
also be asked about the relevance of any findings beyond the immediate research setting.

Management Research: Applying the Principles 2015 Susan Rose, Nigel Spinks & Ana Isabel Canhoto 6
Action research also raises a number of practical challenges for the would-be action
researcher. We have highlighted the potential tension between the demands of the practical
problem and the research but Rapoport (1970) also draws attention to the risk of the
researcher becoming over-involved in the situation or of being used as a tool in organisational
politics. This may be a particular difficulty for the insider action researcher who is
simultaneously a researcher and organisational member. Some ethical issues may be
especially problematic in action research. The principle of informed consent, for instance,
may be hard to apply in a rapidly evolving research situation or where the boundaries of the
project are ill-defined and there can be unforeseen political consequences as a result of the

5 References
Coghlan, D. (2004). Action research in the academy: Why and whither? Reflections on the
changing nature of research, Irish Journal of Management, 25(2), 110.
Coghlan, D. (2007). Insider action research doctorates: Generating actionable knowledge,
Higher Education, 54(2), 293306.
Coghlan, D. and Brannick, T. (2010). Doing action research in your own organization. 3rd
ed. London: Sage.
Davison, R. M., Martinsons, M. G. and Kock, N. (2004). Principles of canonical action
research, Information Systems Journal, 14(1), 6586.
Dick, B. (2002). Postgraduate programs using action research, The Learning Organization,
9(3/4), 159170.
Gill, J. and Johnson, P. (2010). Research methods for managers. 4th ed. London: Sage.
Kemmis, S. and McTaggart, R., (eds.) (1988). The action research planner. Victoria: Deakin
University Press.
Lewin, K. (1946). Action research and minority problems, Journal of Social Issues, 2(4),
Perry, C. and Zuber-Skerritt, O. (1992). Action research in graduate management research
programs, Higher Education, 23(2), 195208.
Rapoport, R. N. (1970). Three dilemmas in action research: With special reference to the
Tavistock experience, Human Relations, 23(6), 499513.
Street, C. T. and Meister, D. B. (2004). Small business growth and internal transparency:
The role of information systems, MIS Quarterly, 28(3), 473506.

Management Research: Applying the Principles 2015 Susan Rose, Nigel Spinks & Ana Isabel Canhoto 7
Zuber-Skerritt, O. and Perry, C. (2002). Action research within organisations and university
thesis writing, The Learning Organization, 9(3), 171179.

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