Mb0050 SLM Unit03
Mb0050 SLM Unit03
Mb0050 SLM Unit03
Unit 3
Unit 3
Research Designs
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Nature and Classification of Research Designs
3.3 Exploratory Research Designs
Secondary Resource Analysis
Case Study Method
Expert Opinion Survey
Focus Group Discussions
Experimental Designs
Errors affecting Research Design
Case Study
Terminal Questions
3.1 Introduction
In the last unit, we studied the defining of the research problem and the
formulation of the research hypothesis. However, in research, it is not enough
to define the problem formulate the hypotheses. It has been found by research
scholars and managers alike that most research studies do not result in any
significant findings because of a faulty research design. Most researchers feel
that once the problem is defined and hypotheses are made, one can go ahead
and collect the data on a specified group, or sample, and then analyse it using
statistical tests. However, unless the the formulated research problem and the
study hypotheses is tested through a well defined plan, answers are going to be
based on hit and trial rather than any sound logic.
The design approach available to the researcher are many and will depend
on whether the study is of descriptive or conclusive nature. The designs range
from very simple, loosely structured to highly scientific experimentation. In this
unit, we will study the complete choice of designs, along with detailed reasoning
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Unit 3
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
describe the nature of research designs.
explain exploratory research designs.
discuss the designs used for descriptive studies.
describe the range of experimental designs available.
identify and control the errors in research designs.
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Unit 3
Statistical Analysis
Degree of Structure
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Unit 3
is diffused and requires a refinement, one uses the exploratory design, and this
might lead to the slightly more concrete descriptive designhere one describes
all the aspects of the construct and concepts under study. This leads to a more
structured and controlled experimental research design.
Figure 3.1 illustrates research designs as a continuous process.
Self-Assessment Questions
1. The execution details of the research question to be investigated are
referred to as the _________.
2. Research designs come __________ the problem formulation stage.
3. Researcher design is the same as research method. (True/false)
4. The formulated design must ensure:
(a) Converting the research question and the hypotheses into
measurable variables
(b) Specifying the process to complete the above task
(c) Specifying the control mechanism(s)
(d) All the above
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Unit 3
incidences which might have occurred earlier. The scenario is reproduced based
upon the secondary information and a primary interview/discussion with those
involved in the occurrence. Thus, there might be an element of bias as the data,
in most cases, becomes a judgemental analysis rather than a simple recounting
of events.
For example, BCA Corporation wants to implement a performance
appraisal system in the organization and is debating between the merits of a
traditional appraisal system and a 360 appraisal system. For a historical
understanding of the two techniques, the HR director makes use of books on
the subject. However, for better understanding, he should do an in-depth case
accounting of Allied Association which had implemented traditional appraisal
formats, and Surakhsha International which uses 360 appraisal systems. Thus,
the two exploratory researches carried out were sufficient to arrive at a decision
in terms of what would be best for the organization.
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Self-Assessment Questions
5. Previously collected findings in facts and figures which have been
authenticated and published are referred to as ___________.
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Self-Assessment Questions
10. If one wants to assess changes in investment behaviour of general public
over time, the best design available to the researcher is a longitudinal
design. (True/False)
11. A study to analyse the profile of the supporters of Anna Hazare would
need a cross-sectional research design. (True/False)
12. Married couples are the unit of analysis in a cohort analysis. (True/False)
13. Different groups of people tested over a single stretch of time is a special
characteristic of a longitudinal design. (True/False)
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Unit 3
independent variable and all the test units (stores) were assumed to
be more or less equal. However, all stores may not be of the same
size and, therefore, can be classified as small, medium and large
size stores. In this design, the extraneous variable, like the size of
the store could be treated as different blocks. Now the treatments
are randomly assigned to the blocks in such a way so that each
treatment appears in each block at least once. The purpose of forming
these blocks is that it is hoped that the scores of the test units within
each block would be more or less homogeneous when the treatment
is absent. What is assumed here is that block (size of the store) is
correlated with the dependent variable (sales). It may be noted that
blocking is done prior to the application of the treatment.
In this experiment one might randomly assign 12 small-sized stores
to three price levels in such a way that there are four stores for each
of the three price levels. Similarly, 12 medium-sized stores and
12 large-sized stores may be randomly assigned to three price levels.
Now the technique of analysis of variance could be employed to
analyse the effect of treatment on the dependent variable and
to separate out the influence of extraneous variable (size of store)
from the experiment.
(iii) Factorial design: A factorial design may be employed to measure
the effect of two or more independent variables at various levels.
The factorial designs allow for interaction between the variables. An
interaction is said to take place when the simultaneous effect of two
or more variables is different from the sum of their individual effects.
An individual may have a high preference for mangoes and may
also like ice-cream, which does not mean that he would like mango
ice cream, leading to an interaction.
The sales of a product may be influenced by two factors, namely,
price level and store size. There may be three levels of pricelow
(A1), medium (A2) and high (A3). The store size could be categorized
into small (B1) and big (B2). This could be conceptualized as a twofactor design with information reported in the form of a table. In the
table, each level of one factor may be presented as a row and each
level of another variable would be presented as a column. This
example could be summarized in the form of a table having three
rows and two columns. This would require 3 2 = 6 cells. Therefore,
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Self-Assessment Questions
16. _________ validity refers to generalization of the sample results to that
of population.
17. Test units are selected at random in quasi-experimental design. (True/
18. There cannot be more than two independent variables in a factorial
experiment. (True/False)
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Self-Assessment Questions
19. There is no possiblity of error in true experimental research design. (True/
20. In the true experimental design and statistical design, the respondents
are selected at random which may not be the case in real life. (True/False)
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Discussion Questions
1. What is the kind of research design you would advocate here?
2. Identify your variables and the population under study.
3. Can you suggest any alternative design? Why/Why not?
[Hint: This study requires getting current opinion of the stated population
on any of the above variables. You may look at the design which tries to
seek current data.If you take attitude as an independent variable and
recycling behavior as the dependent variable then the research design would
change. Recall the design that measures the relationship between
independent and dependent variables.]
3.8 Summary
Let us recapitulate the important concepts discussed in this unit:
Research design is the blueprint or the framework for carrying out the
research study.
The researcher has a number of designs available to him for investigating
the research objectives. Based upon the objective or the purpose of the
study, research design may be exporatory, descriptive or experimental.
Exploratory designs are loosely structured and investigative in nature.
In case the hypothesis formulated is descriptive in nature, the study design
would also be descriptive. The study involves collecting the who, what,
why, where, why, when and how about the population under study.
Descriptive studies can further be divided into cross-sectional, i.e., studying
a section of the population at a single time period. In case the study is
conducted on a single population, it is called as single cross-sectional
and in case, it is done on more than one segment it is called multiple
cross-sectional designs.
Another type of descriptive desgn is the longitudinal design. Here, a
selected sample is studied at different intervals (fixed) of time to measure
the variable(s) under study.
Experimental designs are conducted to infer causality. There are four
types of experimental designs pre-experimental designs, quasiexperimental designs, true experimental designs and statistical designs
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3.9 Glossary
Case study method: An in-depth study of a single unit of analysis. This
could be an employee, the owner, a customer, a company or even a
Cross-sectional designs: A descriptive study done on a representative
group of people at a single moment in time.
Descriptive designs: Research designs that describe in detail the
phenomena under study.
Exploratory research design: Loosely structured research design to
explore and gain clarity about the research questions.
Focus group discussion: A sociological method in which 6-10 people
discuss the topic being researched.
Judgemental analysis: Formation of a judgement based upon personal
impressions rather than facts.
Longitudinal designs: A single sample studied over a longer period of
time. There are periodic measurements done of the study variable.
Test unit: A unit on which treatment is applied.
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3.11 Answers
Answers to Self-Assessment Questions
1. Research design
2. After
3. False
4. (d) All the above
5. Secondary data sources
6. Focus group
7. True
8. False
9. False
10. True
11. True
12. False
13. False
14. True
15. False
16. External
17. False
18. False
19. False
20. True
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3.12 References
1. Chawla D and Sondhi, N. (2011). Research Methodology: Concept and
Cases, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
2. Green, P G, Tull, D S and Albaum G A. (2008). Research for Marketing
Decisions. 5th edn. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
3. Kerlinger, F N. (1995). The Foundation of Behavioural Science. New York:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
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