Laboratory Frame Rest Frame Y (4S)
Laboratory Frame Rest Frame Y (4S)
Laboratory Frame Rest Frame Y (4S)
positron beams. The beam energies are unequal but have been carefully
adjusted so as to produce an excited state of the meson called the (4S).
The rest mass of the (4S) is 10.58 GeV/c2 . Subsequently the (4S) decays
to a pair of B-mesons: B + and B . The rest masses of the oppositely-charged
B + and B mesons are both 5.28 GeV/c2 . The rest mass of the electron is
negligible at these energies.
Laboratory frame Y(4S) rest frame
electron positron B B+
E = 8 GeV E =?
[Hint: In working the following parts, use units where energy is measured in
GeV, momentum in GeV/c, and mass in units GeV/c2 .]
a) The energy of the electron beam is set at E = 8 GeV and the center of
mass energy of the colliding beams is equal to the mass of the (4S).
Calculate the energy E + of of the positron beam in the laboratory
frame. Momenta perpendicular to the beam direction are zero.