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The Renewable Table

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Lee Holmes

Meals that last the distance


Contents ABOUT ME4

Herbs and spices17
Grains and seeds18
Flavour providers18
Tinned fish 19
Tinned tomatoes20
Dressings, oils and vinegars21
Seeds and nuts 22
Natural sweeteners23

2 The Renewable Table

115 Tomato paste, pesto, olives23
Non-dairy cheeses and yogurts24
Non-dairy milks24
Frozen vegetables25
Frozen berries25
SEQUENCE 1: Breakfast & morning tea46
SEQUENCE 2: Sunday onwards  52
SEQUENCE 3: Vegetarian delight60
SEQUENCE 4: Chicken lovers69
SEQUENCE 5: Hearty and satisfying74
SEQUENCE 6: Mexicano80
SEQUENCE 7: Perfect weeknight, TV dinner 85
SEQUENCE 8: Supercharge your week90
SEQUENCE 9: Make mine meatloaf95
SEQUENCE 10: Its a wrap100
SEQUENCE 11: Cooking light103
SEQUENCE 12: Muffins five ways107
SEQUENCE 13: Chocoholics dream113
SEQUENCE 14: Seasonal desserts118
bread recipes122

3 The Renewable Table
About me

Im Lee.
I hold an Adv. Cert in Food and
Nutrition and work as a certified
holistic nutritionist, yoga teacher,
wholefoods chef and bestselling
author of the Supercharged series,
which includes the titles Eat Your
Way to Good Health, Eat Yourself
Beautiful, Eat Clean, Green and
Vegetarian and Heal Your Gut. Im
a columnist for Wellbeing Magazine
and Lifestyle Food Channels Healthy
Eating Expert and my articles have
appeared in leading Australian
newspapers and journals, as well as
The Times and The Daily Express in
the UK and Food Matters and The
Huffington Post in the US. My blog,
superchargedfood.com, won both
the Healthy Eating Category and best
blog at the inaugural BUPA Health
Influencer Blog Awards in 2013.

Lee Holmes

4 The Renewable Table
About this book

ooking is one of my favourite children and family and attempting to
things to do. It brings me cram exercise into our days. That leaves
immeasurable joy when little time to spend quality-time with the
Im in the kitchen creating ones we love.
memorable food moments for my loved
In my latest book The Renewable Kitchen,
ones and delicious heart-warming meals
Ive gone back to the drawing board, or
that connect and reunify family and
kitchen table and have come up with a
reignite and inspire friends.
loaves and fishes philosophy to make
One of my other loves in the kitchen is marathon meals that last the distance in
to include good quality fresh ingredients your kitchen.
for ultimate nourishment and fulfilment.
I can absolutely see why countless people
Over the years my love of cooking has
are under the impression that indulging
continued to grow as Ive witnessed
in healthy home-cooked meals can be
remarkable increases in energy and
time-consuming to prepare and put a
improvements to not only mine but also
strain on the purse strings. This is evident
my familys health and wellbeing.
when you turn on the telly and observe
As much as I adore constructing home- the latest cooking show contestant,
cooked meals, I dont always have hours diligently presenting delicious looking,
on end to spend pottering around in the freshly concocted, recipe ideas that at
kitchen. Accordingly, having the ability times seem a little over-complicated in
to create intricate home-cooked dishes their construction.
that require hours of slaving away in the
The problem that many of us face is
kitchen is out of the question.
that if you strip away the editing, these
Many of us lead hectic and demanding creations although inspiring, can take the
lives; working long hours, looking after average person hours to attempt.

5 The Renewable Table

For that very reason
Ive created a series
of hardworking and
versatile dishes or
Stepford Wife meals the perfect solution to this present-day
that last the distance problem; the lack of time and energy
and help you save time needed to eat well is a big stumbling
block for many of us. In this book Im
and money in the kitchen going to present you with recipes and tips
without compromising which will become your greatest kitchen
on taste or quality. collaborator. Not only that, its going to
reduce your shopping bill considerably.

Speaking of dough, think about the Im eager to share The Renewable Table
proliferation of super food products with you as the solution to creating
that promote great health and ones that fresh, stress free, nutrition-packed meals
require a small loan to purchase. Not for you and your family. Youll find
to mention the extensive catalogue of uncomplicated meals with simple and
health food crazes and programs that tasty ingredients that are affordable and
seem to be popping up everywhere. sustainable, ones that will make your
time in the kitchen effortless.
To keep up with life and all its demands,
you might find yourself turning to Through my own experience as a full
take-away foods for affordability and time worker and busy mum, Ive found
convenience. These foods are often that the most efficient and practical
compiled with unhealthy ingredients that way to prepare meals is by cooking in
can cause weight gain and in the long larger batches and then reclaiming the
term can contribute to chronic illnesses. base meal to create delicious meals that
continue on for another meal or three.
Eating processed food is often the very Thats where my loaves and fishes
last thing we want to encourage and philosophy fits in.
certainly the last thing we want to be
feeding our children, but in the age of Renewable cooking is not about any old
convenience, sometimes its difficult to leftovers that you simply re-heat and then
eat well every moment of the day and take to work in a container, although you
stay on top of our increasingly busy lives. certainly can if you want to. In this book
Im going to share with you exactly how
Now in my latest book Im giving you to prepare creative dishes out of

6 The Renewable Table

leftovers that dont feel like leftovers, and breeze and have piloted a money-saving
in a fraction of the time. I like to call this program which includes some fantastic
continuum cooking my resourceful and dessert recipes to please your sweet
environmentally friendly way to cook, tooth and satisfy your children, family,
and my response to the ever increasing friends or guests at your next party. Youll
problem of food wastage. be wowed by my mouth-watering Lamb
roast with sticky sweet veg and Chicken
Continuum cooking (CC) saves energy,
quinoa, roasted veg and pomegranate
time and money and ensures you will
lettuce cups.
always have a hearty meal at your finger
tips, freeing you up to spend more time Over the years, Ive come to learn which
with and on the things that you love and dishes are best for continuum cooking.
enjoy. I call these renewable table dishes
because your family and friends wont
In this book Ill nurse you through how to
believe youve created these dishes from
create your own Renewable Table with
a prior meal.
all of your pantry and cooking needs to
get you started. Ill chaperone you with I hope that my recipes bring you and
tips about how to buy in bulk and provide your family joy and nourishment and that
you with a shopping list to have on hand theyll become an integral part of your
for store visits. weekly meal plans.

Im going to show you how to cook a

delicious meal with just the right amount
of ingredients so that youll have enough
to re-use the mother-ship recipe for If you have any questions about
your next breakfast, lunch or dinner and
any of the recipes you can
beyond. Youll unearth vital secrets for
turning that next meal into a new creation contact me here:
with different textures and flavours.
Ive done all of the thinking for you, to
make meal planning and recipe creating a

7 The Renewable Table

Renewable foods

y first task with this book knowing which dishes taste even better
is to inspire and excite you the following day and can be transformed
with the thought of eating to metamorphasise into something
nourishing home-cooked completely new and fresh.
meals more often.
When it comes to renewable foods, there
The feeling you receive from eating are certain pre-cooked dishes that taste
a warm fresh meal is so comforting, incredible when experienced straight out
especially when made with a touch of of the fridge; others that are delicious
love. Injecting love into cooking is a after being gently reheated; and then
principal I discovered when studying enter my renewable table recipes, where
Ayurvedic nutrition and cooking second shots are transformed with new
techniques in India last year. Food just flavours and extra ingredients to create
tastes better when cooked with love brilliant new dishes for your forthcoming
and there is no scientific explanation for meals. Im talking about curries and stir
it. I talk about how to really incorporate fries, pot meals, pies and bakes, salads
Ayurveda into your meals in my Eat Right and omelettes, muffins and cakes and
for Your Shape book. delicious desserts.

With the delicious gift of renewable food

made with love and continuum cooking,
theres no need to spend hours slaving
away at a hot stove, let alone in front of Think a hearty roast on
the washing up bowl getting mountains Sunday, Shepherds pie
of dishes squeaky clean each night. with sweet potato mash
One of the first tricks to continuum on a Monday, sumptuous
cooking that Ive learnt after a period of curry on Tuesday and a
experimental time in my own kitchen, is
stir-fry on Wednesday.
Lets tackle renewable
dishes first

8 The Renewable Table

Renewable dishes
best served cold

ometimes the most convenient way to Frittatas and omelettes are wonderful dishes to
consume dishes second time around is make in larger portions and store in the fridge
straight out of the dish once you have ready for next day consumption as are pies (roast
opened the fridge door. If youre time- vegetable) and trifles (triple layered rhubarb).
poor or just find yourself looking for quick snacks Their combination of flavours continue to meld
around the house, having leftovers that are really and infuse whilst refrigerated, allowing a deeper
tasty cold can be a convenient option. concentration of flavours the following day.

If you work in an office environment, taking home-

cooked meals to work gives you that just cooked
fresh feeling to uplift you in the middle of your MY TOP TEN MEALS
work-day. If you dont happen to have reheating SERVED COLD ARE:
facilities at work, taking a dish that tastes delicious
cold is a perfect solution. 1. Pizza slices and cauliflower pizza
2. Lamb fajitas
You also need to consider the right dish to
3. Mexican lamb roast with pesto
conveniently store your at- home creations in,
theres nothing more irritating than soup spillage
4. Fluffy spinach and garlic omelette with
in your workbag. Also youll need to create dishes
pulled pork, frittata or quiche
which are easy to eat at your desk without the
5. Pulled pork sandwiches
dreaded pasta sauce dribbling down your chin when
6. Chicken schnitzel wrap
your area manager walks past. Flasks, thermoss
7. Mini pizza muffins
and containers with separate compartments work
8. Stuffed peppers
very well for these purposes.
9. Quinoa bowls
One of my family favourite dishes to enjoy cold is 10. Chicken and roast veg pot pie
my fluffy spinach and garlic omelette with pulled
pork its a hearty and satisfying meal in itself which
will give you a boost of iron and fill you up with
energy which can sometimes be zapped after a
morning of sitting in front of a computer.

Youll also enjoy my roast chicken wraps and

meatloaf which are so easy to pack up and
transport to work.

9 The Renewable Table

Renewable reheats

hink of these dishes as allowing you to My chickpea curry is a remarkable dish for reheating
create an even better flavour second time as the unique spices improve with age making
round. you get an unfathomable rush of excitement and
anticipation for whats to come.
There isnt a single person I know who doesnt like to
enjoy leftover casserole or slow cooked dish from the
night before. Its as though they seem to relish it even
more the following day. Eating leftovers keeps you
sane and the family satisfied, especially if you have a
frugal partner, big family or ravenous family members
(also known as human garbage disposal units!). Check
out my top ten family sit-down meals here.

Anything from a curry, to soup, to a hearty casserole,

is perfect to make in large batches and then keep
in the fridge or freezer to be reheated for lunch or
dinner at a later date.

When storing extra portions in the freezer, be sure to

use freezer safe containers. Ive included a chapter
on storing your renewables here.

So what makes a simple meal taste even better

when reheated? Foods that improve with taste the
following day have an important commonality; MY TOP TEN MEALS SERVED
they consist of a multitude of herbs, spices and WARM ARE:
ingredients that add loads of flavour to a dish think
onions, garlic and peppers for example. 1. Shepherds pie
2. Lasagne
During the cooking process, the ingredients mix 3. Sweet potato jackets
together to produce greater flavours and aromas. 4. Moussaka
As the food cools in the fridge and is then re-heated, 5. Muffins
this melding of flavours continues and the result is 6. Lamb hot pot
nothing short of tantilising. It adds even more bang 7. Chickpea curry (i.e served on second day
for your tastebuds and a deeper depth of flavour. as Indian style hummus, then baked falafel
The key to creating a good second time around burgers)
meal is by adding a mixture of varying of flavours 8. Beef and veg stir fry
to your initial meal so that next time around you 9. Pulled pork
can increase its unique characteristics, essences 10. Egg fried rice
and tastes which become even more profound and 11. Meatloaf
multilayered when reheated.

10 The Renewable Table

Renewable Dishes
and Building Blocks

hen I started preparing into more intricate creations the following
larger portions and day; which is good news for all and a
enjoying building block workable and maintainable routine to
recipes more regularly, I follow when meal planning. A lamb roast
found myself adding extra flavours and or curry can turn into a delicious bubble
ingredients, transforming dishes into new and squeak or fricassee or fried rice which
creations that could be easily reimagined, can then go back into the tardis and come
reused and recycled. out at another time and place as a Lamb
Pie with sweet veg mash.
Its simple to take the meat from an oven
roasted chicken and vegetable dinner Another way to embrace continuum
and add renewable roast vegetables into cooking is by starting with the same
a breakfast omelette the next morning. ingredients and recipe, and then using the
Add some chicken to your salad lunch recipe to make a multitude of different
wrap, and continue stretching the meal dishes.
further by tossing it into a quick and easy
A good example of this is my basic muffin
curry dinner.
mix which can be evolved into Sweet,
Continuum cooking makes renewable Savoury, Fruity and Herby Muffins. Using
dishes so much more enjoyable, because just one muffin batch, you can prepare
youll feel like every meal is a fresh new a quadruple batch of perfect flavoured
dish. Youll also save time by not having muffins to have with your cup of tea as
to cook your chicken and vegetables breakfast or a morning snack, and a sweet
from scratch on each occasion. chocolate maple muffin for dessert or to
share with friends.
You can find my three chicken renewable
meal here. (link to sequence 8)
Continuum cooking
One of the facets to continuum cooking
is beginning with a dish that is versatile is a journey that you
and can be used in many ways. can be so creative
Simple roasts are fantastic as the meat with. Have fun
and vegetables can be used in so many experimenting and
directions, plus theyll keep for several be inspired to create
days in the fridge in a sealed container.
your own renewable
The simpler you start out, the easier it is to sequences.
incorporate these renewable ingredients

11 The Renewable Table

Renewable meal sequences
Here are some RECIPE A Lamb roast with sticky sweet vegetables
examples of RECIPE B Lamb pie with sweet veg mash
Renewable Table RECIPE C Sumptuous lamb curry with saffron nutty brown rice
meal sequences so RECIPE D Sweet and sticky vegetable and egg fried rice
that you can more
fully realise the RECIPE A Chickpea curry
RECIPE B Gourmet sandwich with Indian-spiced hummus
concept in your
RECIPE C Mezze plate
own kitchen. Youll
RECIPE D Baked falafel burgers with tabouleh and spicy hummus
find a lot more
sequences in the RECIPE A Garlic and lemony chicken roast with vegetables
recipe chapter too. RECIPE B Chicken lettuce cups with quinoa and pomegranate
RECIPE C Lemon chicken and roast vegetable pot-pie
RECIPE D Chicken and zucchini noodle soup

RECIPE A Beef roast with pesto and steamed greens

RECIPE B Meat lovers pizza with cauliflower crust
RECIPE C Beef and vegetable stir fry
RECIPE D Beef and minted sweet potato jackets

RECIPE A Mexican lamb shoulder with cumin, oregano and

pomegranate glaze
RECIPE B Mexican lamb fajitas with goats cheese and rocket
RECIPE C Lamb nachos with tomato relish, guacamole and cashew
sour cream

Heres An Example RECIPE A Rich chocolate mousse

Of A Dessert RECIPE B Choc-mint tarts with raspberries
Sequence That RECIPE C I love chocolate cake
You Can Whip Up.

12 The Renewable Table

Time and money savers

n todays busy world, it can be a run. Making larger batches means youll
struggle to manage your never- be able to buy in bulk and cut back on
ending to do lists and stay on top spending.
of all your food accounts, lets face
When you buy a whole chicken, for example,
it, the modern convenience diet can be
it becomes more cost effective than buying
highly contagious. When it comes to
separate pieces. And freezing perishable
eating, I vote for enjoying the healthiest,
items means youll have waste less, too.
freshest options, but without the lengthy
time and price tickets attached. Its a simple question of just getting into
the habit of saving and using meals to
I want to give you some ideas on how to
keep you on track with budget. Its also
whip up delicious ensembles every day,
a notion that conveniently doubles as an
and on weekends in a time efficient and
antidote for the ongoing cry whats for
affordable way.
dinner tonight?
Cooking a fresh home-cooked meal can
The continuum concept doesnt just apply
often be the last thing on your mind.
to renewable meals from your dinner;
Wouldnt it be wonderful if enjoying
think about redeeming all of the perishable
fresh home-cooked meals every night
goods in your fridge, too. One of my
was simple, quick and inexpensive? With
favourite tricks is freezing ripe vegetables
continuum cooking, it is.
and fruit before they become over-ripe
Theres nothing more cost effective and and then using them at a later date.
time saving than cooking a large Sunday
For example, try freezing ripe bananas and
roast, casserole or slow cooked one
then plunk them into your smoothie or
pot meal and then transforming and re-
banana loaf. Another neat trick is adding
purposing the ingredients throughout
a couple of frozen bananas straight to
the week. The meat and the vegetables
your blender, blending on a high speed,
are already cooked, so re-using them in
and then you get a completely natural
new recipes is a resourceful and effective
and creamy banana sorbet.
way to bring home cooking to the table.
A fab way to rescue vegetables and fruit
Saving extra portions to use for the next
is by dehydrating them. Check out my
day is also a great way to avoid waste,
guide to dehydrating here.
saving you significant dollars in the long

Think of your time and cost saving mindset extending

even farther than the batch cook.

13 The Renewable Table

By storing unused meals and re- One of the most challenging meals of
purposing ingredients from last nights the day for a parent is planning school
dinner, youve created a convenient lunches for the kids that are both healthy
and inexpensive way to enjoy fresh and for growing little bodies and easy to
refreshed food at work. prepare and pack.

Taking your renewable dishes to work is Kids meals sync well with renewable
a fantastic way to save money through dishes, for example after enjoying my
the week and especially great if you are beef roast with pesto recipe for dinner
aiming to up your quota of nourishing and you can repurpose it by adding it straight
nutritious home-cooked foods and include into a wrap with a handful of salad,
them in your life as often as possible. some delicious avocado, and some hairy
sprouts; making for a balanced lunch
Continuum cooking and renewable
filled with fibre and protein which can
dishes are the busy persons answer to
be transported to school, and will keep
enjoying healthy home-cooked meals at
them satisfied well into the afternoon.
your convenience.
Afternoon snacks can be tricky sometimes
While buying take-away and processed
too, but I recommend whipping up a
foods can be convenient, its not always
batch of Apricot muesli bars, which can
clear what ingredients are included.
be stored in the freezer for up to two
Creating one special meal such as a
months and the fridge for up to five days.
delicious home made easy to prepare
Muffins make great afternoon snacks
garlic and lemony chicken roast will give
too and can also be reheated to refresh.
you an extra meal that tastes fresh and
Making a batch of twelve means in less
exciting; you can make a Hearty lemon
than thirty minutes youll have edible
chicken and roast vegetable pot pie with
munchies for a fortnight saving you
a variety of toppings. Just think that your
time each day. Try my herb and cheese
cooking time can easily be reduced to
muffins out on the kids.
half or a quarter of the original time it
takes to make the dish leaving you more
time to put your feet up and relax.

Being a working mother, I recognise

how important it is to save time and
money, which is why Ive fallen in love
with continuum cooking.

Feeding children fresh, health-promoting

foods is a priority for mums everywhere
and one of the key reasons Im so excited
to be able to share these family friendly

14 The Renewable Table

Creating supercharged
renewable table dishes

inding a system that enables you When baking a large dish of salmon with
to enjoy fresh home-cooked parsley and walnuts, you can enjoy a
meals throughout the week is slice for dinner with some greens and a
a fantastic way to ensure youre side of cauliflower mash, then store the
eating as abundantly and imaginatively remainder in an air tight container for the
as possible. following day.

When preparing a family meal, you In the morning take an additional piece
want to ensure that you have all of your and slice up lovely fresh garlic, asparagus
nutritional bases covered. With renewable and mushroom to create a hearty
dishes and continuum cooking its easy salmon breakfast frittata. Its a protein
because you can mix and match and add rich breakfast which will get you through
health-promoting ingredients that will the busiest of mornings.
satisfy you and your whole family.

If youve read my book Eat Yourself

Beautiful, youll find a whole lot of
gorgeous salmon dishes. A true beauty
food, talented salmon is a notable source
of omega-3 fats, the ultimate beautifying
nutrient along with other healthy fats
that can improve your skins look and
feel. It will fuel your body with Vitamin
B12 to regulate blood pressure, along
with Vitamin D and selenium to promote
healthy hair, skin, nails and bones.

15 The Renewable Table

dish and perfectly easy to warehouse.
The stockpiled salmon can then be eaten
with buckwheat or brown rice for dinner.

Youve just created a Supercharged

renewable table meal sequence and one
that meets your nutritional needs. Adding
sweet vegetables such as pumpkin to your
meals will give you the fibre needed for
good gut health one of my key principles
for health. For more on gut health you
can find my Heal Your Gut program and
books here. Including a vegetable such
Garlic is a winning ingredient because as artichoke delivers compounds that
not only does it intensify a renewable can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol as
dish and impart rich flavour, its also an well as being a source of antioxidants,
all-rounder when it comes to promoting vitamin K and B vitamins.
health. Garlic has life-extension
When creating supercharged renewable
properties, and is a strong anti-bacterial,
meal sequences, think about adding
anti-fungal and anti-viral agent, which
different herbs, spices and flavours,
is why I recommend upping your dose
consider using different textures and
in the flu season for a natural immune-
temperatures, this will give you variety
system boost.
and the sense that youre not eating the
When lunch rolls around, place another same meal over and over.
slice of leftover salmon onto a board
and roughly tear it into small bite-sized
pieces, then grab a couple of handfuls of Youll be saving
fresh rocket, artichoke and pre-cooked time cooking once
pumpkin and turn it into a scrumptious and reimagining
and satisfying salad. Add a drizzle of jam
jar dressing made with lemon, apple cider
meals and although
vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. Season youre budget will be
with dulse flakes and Celtic Sea salt and singing, you wont
black pepper. be skimping on
This is a viable option to transport to work nutrition.
with you, its wonderful eaten as a cold

16 The Renewable Table

Stocking your pantry,
fridge and freezer

hen transforming your kitchen A well stocked pantry, fridge and freezer
into a renewable paradise is a critical tool for planning ahead so
that is equipped for serving you always have the basics on hand. By
up quick, tantalising and nutritious meals getting your pantry right, it means less
throughout your week, its important to trips to the supermarket in the long run
get some basics in place. and smaller trips where youll just be
topping up your perishable items.
Stock your pantry with essentials that
bring oodles of flavour and texture to
your renewable dishes. Not only will this
turn your dishes into enticing meals your Supercharged tip
whole family will enjoy; it will also make
it simpler and faster to get cracking on Build your pantry up slowly
your cooking, knowing everything is and systematically and focus
ready to go, saving you time and energy.
on dry goods and staples.



will ensure your dishes taste even better a

day or three after youve prepared them.

The herbs and spices you keep on hand

will depend upon your particular tastes
and preferences. Start by looking through
the recipes that spark your interest and
check to see which flavours youll need.
Try the herbs and spices from the Spice
it up! section below as theyll add a
delicious aroma to your meal in addition
to loading your dish up with health-
Herbs and spices promoting properties.

Keep a wide range of herbs and spices Always stock some good quality sea salt
lined up in your pantry to lend a punch of or pink Himalayan salt, which youll find
flavours to your dishes. Adding an alluring packed full of minerals to add even more
blend of your favourite herbs and spices nutrition and great flavour to your cooking.

17 The Renewable Table

Flavour providers
Onions and garlic both from the Allium family are two of my
favourite flavour accompaniments to use in cooking. Onions and
garlic dont just play an important culinary role; they also contain
a plethora of health benefits.

When you start by sauting onion or garlic at the beginning of your

cooking story, youll find theyll unleash a powerful flavour that lends
itself to releasing the aromas of other ingredients in your dish.

When continuum cooking, this is a really important first step, as

the strong flavour combinations will only increase the longer you
wait to eat it. This is perfect for renewable dishes you plan on
reheating in a few days time.

Both onions and garlic can play a vital role in protecting your
immune system and keeping you feeling strong and well. Onions
can reduce the symptoms of bronchitis and the common
cold. Garlic has antibacterial and antifungal properties that
can strengthen your immune system overall, making you less
vulnerable to contracting infections.

Onions can stay fresh for well over a month in your

pantry, and garlic can last for over three months, so
youll have your flavour friends right by your side for
a good length of time.

Grains and seeds

An absolute staple, grains are one of the most affordable
ingredients you can add to any meal of the day. Use grains
and seeds such as brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat and
gluten free oats to create hearty and nourishing dishes.

Each one of these grains and seeds is versatile, budget-

friendly and last for months, sealed in a jar in your pantry,
alleviating the need for excess waste.

When reheating chameleon meals, add some brown rice

to bulk up the dish, allowing it to serve a larger group of
people whilst at the same time, becoming even more
affordable. Brown rice is full of fibre and a great way to
satisfy your tummy when youre famished or in need of an
injection of B vitamins.

18 The Renewable Table

Re-purposing last nights roast meat or scattering some activated buckwheat grains
vegetables into a fried rice is super-fast and over your berries or yoghurt to add to your
makes for a tasty and convenient work lunch. daily nutrient needs and for added texture.

Quinoa has become more popular over the On a cold winters morning, creating porridge
last few years and is one of the more affordable with gluten-free oats is a perfect way to start
and versatile powerfoods of today. One of the day. Tasty and tremendously satisfying,
my favourite chameleon sequences that youll gluten-free oats are high in fibre and a perfect
enjoy going on a culinary adventure with is my way to ensure the family are ready and alert for
garlic and lemony chicken roast, and then the an energised day ahead.
following day, turning the uneaten portions into
If youre gluten intolerant, you may find
a chicken quinoa meal with roast vegetables.
discomfort with ordinary oats, so look for the
Supercharged Tip: Be sure to soak your quinoa gluten-free oats to ensure your tummy has a
the night before. This century-old process of pleasured experience and not an excruciating
soaking helps to break down the anti-nutrients one.
and hard-to-digest components of the seed to
avoid tummy upsets or bloating.
Low GI grains such as oats are a
Buckwheat is another grain that has become
perfect way to keep you satisfied,
popular in recent times and is a scrumptious
alternative to rice or made into porridge for a your blood sugar balanced and
warming winter breakfast. Diets that contain avoiding unwanted cravings that
buckwheat have been linked to lowered risk can otherwise come about from
of developing high cholesterol and high blood
an undernourishing meal.
pressure. If youre feeling adventurous, try

Tinned fish
Getting your dose of healthy omega-3 fats is easy when you store
tinned sardines, tuna and anchovies in your pantry. Raging with anti-
inflammatory properties, these little guys are budget-friendly and
tremendously convenient to keep on hand if you adore preparing fresh
meals swiftly.

When youre strapped for time but keen on eating a balanced meal with
adequate protein and good fats, adding a tin of sardines to a salad is the
perfect low-calorie and nutritious solution.

Check the labels of the tins youre buying for any unwanted added
inflammatory fats such as vegetable oils and alternatively look for the
most natural products that contain fish in plain spring water or extra
virgin olive oil. This way youre getting convenience as well as eating
high quality ingredients.

19 The Renewable Table

Pulses throughout your day. Pulses are known
to lower blood pressure and reduce LDL
Pulses (or legumes) will play a key role in your cholesterol levels, adding a supercharged
renewable kitchen. Stocking chickpeas, kick to your next meal.
cannellini beans, lentils and other pulses
are a convenient and inexpensive way to Unopened raw pulses can last for years in
jazz up the leftover vegetables from last the pantry, reducing chance of waste, and
nights dinner. Create a lentil curry or are really simple to prepare. Always read
chickpea salad in a flash or make mouth- the label for use by dates and cooking
watering dips. instructions. Once youve prepared a batch
of your favourite pulses, store the unused
Pulses provide protein, complex portion in the fridge for up to five days as
carbohydrates and several vitamins and a quick and easy solution to add to your
minerals that provide sustained energy remaining weeks meals.

Tinned tomatoes
From pasta sauces, to vegetable bakes, soups
to casseroles, theres no limit to what trusted
tinned tomatoes can do for your kitchen.

Adding a richness of flavour to your meal,

tinned tomatoes are a versatile and low-calorie
product imperative to have on hand in your

When transforming a roast into a stew, or

converting unused vegetables into pasta,
tinned tomatoes are essential for simple and
budget-friendly continuum cooking.

20 The Renewable Table

Dressings, oils and vinegars Try adding two tbsp of apple cider vinegar to
cup extra virgin olive oil, crushed garlic and pinch
To add some instant flavour and bring your of sea salt as a delightful dressing to drizzle over
ingredients together, maintain a few basic dressings, your next salad or vegetable dish.
oils and vinegar. Start with wheat free tamari, apple
cider vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is a necessity in a renewable
kitchen and you may find yourself using this tasty
Wheat free tamari is a thicker, less salty, fermented condiment daily.
soy sauce and can be used in Asian and non-Asian
cooking to add a full, savoury, umami flavour to The extra virgin refers to the oil being of the highest
your dishes. quality and usually has to pass a large number of
tests and meet a range of strict standards to be
Originally used as a food preservative, vinegar is classed as extra virgin. It should be produced by
a must-have condiment in your kitchen to add olives that are disease-free, harvested at the right
flavour and an acidic balance to your dish. Apple time and processed immediately.
cider vinegar, different to apple cider is delicious as
a marinade or salad dressing, and is known for its Extra virgin olive oil is completely natural, very high
vast list of medicinal benefits, including balancing in antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory
blood sugar levels, promoting heart health, aiding qualities, making it a nutritious addition to your
weight loss, supporting digestion and providing an dish. Plus it tastes so rich and charming; no wonder
energy boost. the Italians add it to everything!

21 The Renewable Table

If you havent experimented much with seeds, try
chia and flax seeds. Sprinkle chia seeds over your
breakfast parfait, or simply scatter over a fruit salad
for some added protein and fibre.

When handling flax seeds (sometimes referred to as

linseeds) you can eat them whole, sprinkling over
your breakfast or using them to create homemade
muesli bars a great afternoon snack for the kids. Try
my Supercharged breakfast bars for a healthy nibble.

Another way to consume flaxseeds is by blending

them into a meal, or you can buy the flaxseed
meal already blended at your local supermarket
or health food store; this is a handy grain-free
ingredient for creating breads and muffins, add
them to my savoury muffins or spinach and carrot

Nut and seed butters are becoming more

popular and are a tasty and nutritious spread to
add to biscuits or for dipping vegetable sticks. A
favourite of mine is tahini, which is made from
ground sesame seeds. You can purchase hulled or
unhulled tahini; however the unhulled version is
more nutrient-rich, with more than 10 times the
amount of calcium.
Seeds and nuts
Nuts and seeds are some of the most versatile
ingredients, adding a rich flavour to your sweet or A popular recipe that contains tahini
savoury recipe. When creating a renewable table, is hummus. Its delicious for making a
the addition of nuts or seeds can transform the
variety of salad dressings like lemon
texture of your next meal while adding a boost
of nutrients to help you meet your daily nutrition tahini poured over an avocado and
quota. They also taste great on their own as a smoked salmon salad. Its also handy
cheeky little nibble. for transforming renewable dishes, such
Keep on hand almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, as creating a casserole or stew from last
pecans, walnuts, pine nuts and pistachios. Each of nights meat and vegetable roast, as the
these nuts contain essential good fats that promote
tahini lends a thick creamy texture.
skin and heart health and are a good source of
plant-based protein.

22 The Renewable Table

Natural sweeteners
An alternative to refined sugar or artificial
sweeteners, natural sweeteners like rice
malt syrup or raw honey, are the perfect
solution to satisfy your sweet tooth whilst
protecting your waistline.

Creating fun recipes like my Berry and

macadamia muffins will enable you to
stay on track and avoid binge eating or ice
cream remorse that can often accompany
a overdose of processed sweet stuff.

After a natural sweetener with zero calories?

Try stevia, which is a sugar substitute
extracted from the leaves of the plant
species stevia. Add a pinch of stevia to your
tea or in place of other sweeteners while
creating sweet treats. As stevia is much
sweeter than natural sugar, you only need
to use a fraction of stevia. For example, for
every tsp of sugar, you only need a pinch
of stevia. Taste as you go, and then add
more according to your liking. Here are five
reasons to kick the sugar habit.

Tomato paste, pesto, olives

The fridge is also a
Whether youre cooking a pizza, dressing
large component of the pasta, producing a dip, or creating a winter
renewable pantry. To add casserole, these are some of the ingredients
an extra punch of flavour that are always in my refrigerator.

and get really creative Having these ingredients on hand ensures

with your continuum that when the time comes to transform
chameleon meals, youre all set to get crafty
cooking, here are my
without any time wasting. They give you
favourite refrigerator a very convenient opportunity to convert
friendly foods. unused vegetables into spiraled pasta with
a fresh pesto or marinara sauce in just

23 The Renewable Table

Non-dairy milks
For those who are dairy intolerant or looking to
reduce dairy intake, start celebrating for the vast
selection of non-dairy milks now available. A
natural nut milk, oat milk or rice milk is a delightful
non-dairy option to add to your breakfast muesli
or porridge. If youre extra handy in the kitchen,
make your own!

Heres my favourite nut milk recipe.

When creating curries, soups, casseroles or
stews, or even thickening up a sauce or gravy
to pour over meat, coconut milk will become a
close friend.

Purchase non-dairy milks in the carton and

store in your pantry until youre ready to use.
Once opened, the carton should be stored in
the refrigerator and used within a few days.

Non-dairy cheeses and yogurts

Goats and sheeps cheeses contain some of the most charming flavours
and aromas. These are perfect for crumbling over salads or simply added to
a tray with fruit, gluten free crackers or vegetable sticks as a satisfying snack.

When continuum cooking, having some non-dairy cheese on hand allows

you to jazz up a salad or a platter of leftover vegetables and meats to add a
gourmet touch.

Similarly, goats, sheeps or coconut yogurts are a delightful addition to your

renewable kitchen. Use these non-dairy yogurts to craft a creamy yet light
dressing for a salad or simply enjoy it with some sprinkled berries and granola
scattered on top. Once youve created the chocolate maple muffins, add
your choice of non-dairy yogurt and some finely chopped fruit to a cup to
create your very own breakfast trifle.

24 The Renewable Table


n addition to your renewable dishes in individual
portions and depending upon the size of your
freezer, some of the essential freezer nitty-
gritties to have on hand are homemade stock, and
frozen veggies and berries. Other odds and ends
that can keep in your freezer are ginger, gluten
free flour dough, vegetable burgers, edamame,
nuts, flax meal and flours and muffin mixes.

Frozen vegetables Frozen berries

A final must-have for your freezer is frozen berries.
You get home from work hungry and tired,
Anti-oxidant rich berries assist with aiding weight
and there are no fresh ingredients in the refriger-
loss, diabetes management, and lowering blood
ator but you want to eat something right away.
pressure. Loaded with vitamin C, berries can
Your first thought might be whats the number to
protect with health of collagen, promote radiant
order in?
skin and healthy hair, and may reduce the risk of
The perfect solution is to have a couple of packets cataracts, arthritis and macular degeneration.
of snap frozen vegetables in your freezer. Stock up
Apart from the extensive list of health benefits,
on edamame peas, spinach, broccoli and green
youll find yourself eating berries simply because
beans. Theyll come in handy when you need a
they taste so sweet and satisfying.
quick healthy bite.
Fresh berries are delicious, however if you know
Then all you need to do is fling open the doors
you have a busy week and may run the risk of
of your pantry and add your choice of pulses and
wasting those sweet fruits, keeping frozen berries
tinned tomatoes or a pre-made sauce, and voila!
on hand gives you that sense of security knowing
You have everything you need to create a nutri-
you wont have a wastage situation on your hands.
tious dinner that takes just minutes to prepare.
Frozen berries are a convenient solution for an
uplifting smoothie or a refreshing breakfast idea,
Get creative and mix and match your in-
scattering berries over a granola or yogurt. Try
gredients. Try my chickpea curry recipe mixing frozen berries in your next sweet dessert
for a swift and easy last minute dinner. recipe, or start with my lime and blueberry muffin

25 The Renewable Table

Spice it up!
Seasoning with herbs and spices

love using aromatic herbs and spices a different flavoured dish every time I
to spark up a recipe. When Im in my reheat, depending upon what my taste
continuum flow and transforming buds are crying out for.
renewable ingredients into interesting
The recipes in this book are readily
new recipes, the key to keeping it fresh
infused with delicious and health-
and exciting is to spice it up.
promoting herbs and spices, and in order
The recipes in this book take simple for you to incorporate an even greater
meals and ingredients and show you depth and combination of flavours into
how to re-purpose those ingredients into your renewable dishes right away, Ive
your next meal in a way that doesnt feel included six of my favourites below.
like youre simply eating leftovers. This
If the thought of herbs and spices gets
is especially important for families who
you into a muddle and tarragon and
need to satisfy the taste buds of their
oregano sound like American states, Ive
children or partners.
created a wonderful reference guide
Though cooking leftovers is convenient which includes all of the most common
and fast, when its not done in a fun and some uncommon herbs and spices.
and creative way, families can become
Ive detailed thirty-seven of my favourite
disinterested very quickly. So discovering
herbs and spices to zest and flavour your
the different flavours and aromas of herbs
renewable meals and give them a whole
and spices already in your pantry can
new lease on life.
be the difference between your family
pushing their plates away and eating their For the full list of my favourite herbs
meals with delight. and spices see my Herbs and Spices
Reference Guide. Store dried herbs and
Spicing up your renewable meals will
spices in a cool, dry place preferable not
allow you to add new flavours into your
above the oven. This will keep them in
work lunches and next day dinners so
peak condition.
you can enjoy your convenient, home-
cooked meals with a wide mouthed grin.

Supercharged tip: When cooking in one Dried or dehydrated herbs

large batch, I usually add less flavour and keep fresh for a year but its
seasoning to begin with so that each helpful to write use by dates
time I reheat a portion through the week,
and label them just to make
or if I transform the ingredients into a
new meal, I can add different herbs and sure.
spices at that time. This way I can have

26 The Renewable Table

1. Asafoetida (Asafetida): Native to the when used in combination with spices like
deserts of Iran and mountains of Afghanistan, clove and cinnamon. Turn my turmeric and
asafoetida is a standard component of South ginger tea into a Chai tea by adding a tsp
Indian and Maharashtrian cuisine. Known for of cardamom, youll find the recipe here.
its strong odour that resembles a leek-like
scent, this pungent spice is a tasty addition to 4. Cinnamon: a versatile spice found
your next curry or lentil dish. The medicinal in almost every world cuisine and used in
spice is used as a digestive aid, for reducing both sweet and savoury dishes, cinnamon is
the growth of indigenous micro-flora in the known for helping balance blood sugar and
gut, helping to reduce flatulence and acting cholesterol levels. A great spice to jazz up
as an antiviral to fight off the flu. your morning porridge, sprinkle over your fruit
salad or even to liven up your tea. Cinnamon
2. Basil: Highly aromatic with a robust has been found to stimulate digestion and
liquorice flavour, basil is commonly used appetite, soothe an upset stomach, relieve
fresh in recipes as cooking can quickly digestion and improve circulation. Delivering
destroy the flavour. Superb in a pesto or as a a large dose of antioxidants, cinnamon is a
finishing touch on pasta dishes, my favourite regular star on my kitchen shelf. Create
is sprinkling fresh basil leaves over a Caprese a stack of blueberry pancakes with a chai
salad for a refreshing Italian-inspired dish. coconut cream. Try my anti-inflammatory
Youll love my red capsicum and hazelnut toddy recipe here.
pesto and basil pesto dips here.
5. Cumin: Native to East Mediterranean and
3. Cardamom: Made from the seeds India regions, cumin is a smoky and earthy spice
of several plants native to India, Nepal, used in a lot of Mexican, North African, Middle
Pakistan and Bhutan, cardamom provides a Eastern and Indian cuisines. This medicinal spice
warm, aromatic flavour that is widely used in is known to aid digestion problems including
Indian cuisine. Found in black or green seed diarrhoea, colic and gas. Use it in a creamy
varieties, cardamom is commonly used in dressing over a daikon and endive salad
baked goods, delivering a delightful flavour

27 The Renewable Table

6. Fennel seed: With its sweet and liquorice- parsley, rosemary and thyme. With its pine-like
like flavour, fennel seed has been revered as a flavour, sage is often found in northern Italian
sacred herb for its conventional health benefits. cooking such as the classic Saltimbocca dish
Popular in Mediterranean, Indian and Middle and is delicious in breads, vegetable bakes
Eastern cuisines, fennel seed is a tasty addition and to flavour meats. Sage has been known
to meat dishes and casseroles, or even chewed to enhance memory and benefit Alzheimers
on its own as a breath freshener or digestion sufferers. It also reduces inflammation and has
aid. Fennel seeds are a wonderful addition to a potent antioxidant protection. This health-
home made baked beans. promoting herb can help lower cholesterol
and has been traditionally used by menopausal
7. Mint: Surprisingly versatile for such an women to ease hot flushes. Quite an all-
intensely flavoured herb, the leaves have a rounder! If youve never tried sage, you may
warm, fresh, aromatic, sweet flavour with find the aroma quite distinct so start with small
a cool aftertaste. Used in both sweet and portions and add to your liking. One pan salmon
savoury dishes, try mint paired with lamb, peas with crispy sage leaves is a quick and easy dish
and potatoes. Or use it in a mint sauce, in teas to add to the family weekly meal plan.
and beverages, or with ice cream or chocolate.
There are so many ways you can have fun with 10. Turmeric: the root stalk of a tropical
this sweet little herb! Use fresh mint in my mint plant in the ginger family, this bright golden
choc chip smoothie. spice is perfect for curries, soups, pilafs, rice
and lentil dishes. Sometimes used more for
8. Oregano: An important culinary herb its bright colour than its flavour, turmeric has
that can often be more flavourful when dried, a mild, pungent and woodsy aroma. I adore
oregano has a robust, warm and slightly bitter adding this spice to my chicken casseroles and
taste. Coined the pizza herb when World War curries. Its one of my favourite spices thanks to
II soldiers brought the flavour back with them its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
to the US, its most prominent use is as a staple
in Italian cuisine. Oregano is delicious with
roasted or grilled vegetables, meats and fish,
and charming in a salad or sprinkled over ripe
sliced tomatoes with sea salt and a drizzle of
extra virgin olive oil. It will have your familys
taste buds standing to attention. Try my simple
oven roasted vegetables with oregano.

9. Sage: For generations, sage has been

used in Britain as an essential herb, along with

28 The Renewable Table

Meal planning made easy
Are you ready for the part where we start bringing our
renewable table to life?

They can provide inspiration and moti-

vation, but you dont have to find com-
pletely brand new recipes when you start
a renewable table. Use the recipes in this
book and see cooking as a pleasurable
and creative task. Dont spend too much
time exploring different ideas, this book
has specific sequences that you can use
to get you started before you embark on
adapting and creating your own renew-
able sequences. Turn to the recipe chap-
ter of the book and find which recipes
and sequences catch your eye.

Check with friends and

family: If youre preparing a meal for
friends or family, its important to not just
make something you know youll love,

but something theyll be sure to eat as
hen it comes to a large
well. Check with friends for any allergies
cook or a continuum
or dietary requirements and investigate
cook where youll re-pur-
common family favourites.
pose the renewables into
a new meal for the following day, its im- Pick your recipe: Now that
portant to plan ahead to ensure success. youve decided on a renewable meal se-
quence, find the mother-ship recipe and
You have to plan your work, work your
write out the ingredients needed. This is
plan, then your plan will work!
an important step, as youll see below.
Here are some cruicial steps for creating
Confirm how many serves
a successful meal plan for the family;
you need: For example, if youre cook-
Start with what you know: ing for three people tonight, yet you want
Its really enjoyable flicking through recipe enough leftovers for another 2 rounds (3
books and finding innovative meal ideas. in total), then youll need 9 serves. De-

29 The Renewable Table

termine how many portions you need to Schedule in the cook:
create and then write down the number Schedule some time on a day that works
of serves in total. well for you to complete the your first re-
Write your shopping list newable meal. Choose a time when you
and go shopping: This step is sim- know you wont be interrupted or alter-
pler than you might anticipate. Once natively, rope in the family to give you a
youve ascertained ingredients and quan- hand.
tities, and the items that you need to buy If you have more energy in the mornings,
youre ready to go shopping. then plan for a morning continuum cook.
Be sure to schedule in your shopping day Set yourself up for success and have a
just before you want to cook so your in- positive mental attitude, listen to music
gredients stay nice and fresh. Tip: When whilst you work and enjoy yourself.
youre shopping, always be on the look- Supercharged tip: Look at
out for a bargain. You might be surprised the recipe and the number of serves you
what you find. need to make to determine how many
Check out the tips to buying in bulk in hours you need to set aside. I like to be a
the shopping list section. little more conservative with my time so I
dont feel rushed.

Go for it! Now you have every-

thing you need, youre ready to create
and cook! Allow yourself to be creative
and have fun with it and of course, like
everything, continuum cooking improves
with practice. So allow yourself to make
silly mistakes, you never know, you may
accidentally stumble on your familys
next best recipe.

Prepare your kitchen:

Organise all your pots, pans, uten-
sils and of course storage contain-
ers youll need for your cook up so
you have everything ready to go
and you can work with efficiency.

30 The Renewable Table

Simplifying meal preparation

emember that healthy eating can be pos- ture of fast and slow, cook slower vegetables on the
sible even if youre time crunched and stovetop first and then add to the baking dish.
feeding a big family or youre a cash-
Smoothies can be made in advance and placed
strapped student. First and foremost,
in muffin trays in the freezer. When morning comes,
when starting out, dont try and do too much so
take three out and simply place them into blender
that you are feeling overwhelmed. Just start slowly
to whizz and refresh.
with one sequence.
Cook up skewered kebabs and save some for
As you become more comfortable with the process
ready meals for the oncoming days.
you can prepare more and more dishes at once. Try
and include as many colours as possible into your When cooking a renewable dish such as chick-
dishes, youre aiming to eat the rainbow so that you en, cook two at the same time but with a couple of
can fill your body with a variety of nutrients. different variations, one could be lemon and rose-
mary and the other could be Moroccan spices with
If preparation is where you feel most challenged,
clear off the counter tops and get ready for some
fun and interesting renewable meal preparation Eggs can be hard boiled in muffin pans in the
ideas. oven allowing you to cook a few batches of twelve
at a time. Just Preheat oven to 350F (175C), place
Chop up or spi- the egg in the muffin pan and bake for 30 minutes.
ralize raw vegetables
Make a tray of frittatas in muffin tins, which can
such as carrots, celery,
be stored in the fridge for up to five days. You wont
zucchini and capsicum
lose interest if you make them in different flavours.
into strips, batons and
sticks and store in the Preassemble glass jars of soup ingredients,
refrigerator. Then all salads or layered gluten free oatmeal, buckwheat,
you need to do is whip coconut milk and berries. Using glass jars help the
up a quick dip for a ingredients from getting tarnished, carry dressings
healthy snack. separately or place at the bottom of the jar, layering
sturdier vegetables such as capsicum and carrots
then top with leafy greens. Use a section of paper
When roasting batches of vegetables on
towel at the top, this will absorb moisture and en-
high heat to bring out the sweetness, find perfect
able you to store your soups and salad jars for 3-5
partners with the same cooking times. Fast-cook-
ing vegetables are asparagus, capsicum, brocco-
li, leeks, mushrooms, tomatoes and zucchini and Snap frozen vegetables such as peas and green
slow-roasting vegetables include celeriac, parsnips, beans are easy to use and convenient if you dont
potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, rutabaga, daikon, have fresh, they are great added to soups and stews.
butternut squash and onions. If you require a mix-

31 The Renewable Table

Continuum cooking
made simple

nce youve mastered the art numerous meals in advance is so much
of continuum cooking and faster and cheaper than if you were to
youre feeling more comfort- prepare them all separately.
able with renewable meals
Getting all the dishes out once, chopping
and sequencing, its time to spend more
once, cooking once and cleaning once is
block time creating larger numbers of
far more efficient and appealing than do-
dishes to keep you going longer.
ing each of those tasks every single day of
Imagine having all of your weeks meals the week.
ready to go on Monday morning; your
Continuum cooking doesnt just slash your
dishes are perfectly fresh, abundantly
supermarket bill and save you mountains
healthy and bursting with ingredients you
of time in the kitchen; youll also have less
know are going to make you feel amazing
fuss and fewer decisions to make through
and then some.
the week as the meal planning and food
You glance down at your shopping receipt preparation is already done. Its also an ex-
and notice that the cost of food purchas- citing way to add diversity to your meal
es for your entire week is less than you choices throughout the week.
wouldve spent on two or three take-away
Its the perfect solution for when you
dinners. Now, thats a good news story.
know you have a busy week ahead but
Thats where continuum cooking comes want to avoid the temptation of grabbing
in. I understand how at first the idea of unhealthy, calorie-laden processed foods
continuum cooking might sound a lit- as soon as you plunge into your armchair
tle overwhelming. Buying groceries, at night. Continuum cooking means you
chopping and prepping, and cooking up get a double whammy; convenience,
enough food to feed the family for a week along with a fresh, home-cooked food
of consecutive meals can sound like an factor.
overwhelming proposition, but Im here
to let you know that it doesnt have to be.
Ive compiled a bunch of my fa-
Preparing four, eight or even twelve meals
in advance doesnt have to take up your
vourite tips for easy, breezy con-
entire Sunday, because lets face it, there tinuum cooking that will take
are other things youd rather be enjoying. your cooking day to the next
The wonderful thing about continuum level and put you in the zone:
cooking is that the time it takes to prepare

32 The Renewable Table

Plan ahead to save time ingredients in just a few seconds. Grating
later: Decide on the recipes youre carrots and zukes are so much more fun
going to cook and plan what quantities this way!
youll need of the ingredients, depend- Portion appropriately:
ing on how many serves youre going When freezing leftovers, be sure to
to make. All the recipes will advise how freeze appropriate portions that youll
many servings youll have. For example, if know youll eat when its time to re-heat.
the recipe says serves 4 and you want to For example, dont freeze a whole tray of
make 8 portions, then you simply d ouble lasagne; rather split it into portions you
the quantities of each ingredient and know you want to eat or even more
your shopping list is done. importantly, you know are good for you
to eat. This provides fantastic support for
portion control.
Supercharged tip: If you think you have the
herbs and spices on hand, always double Allow food to cool: Once Ive
finished my cook-up, I always allow the
check your pantry before your shopping trip food time to cool before adding it to the
to avoid a last minute supermarket run. storage containers and popping it in the
fridge or freezer. This is to avoid the heat
from the food absorbing any chemicals
Schedule it in: If you dont from the storage container, depending
schedule in your work, your exercise on what type youre using, or to avoid any
or you errands, they may just never get explosions in the freezer! Once theyre
done. Continuum cooking is exactly the at room temperature though, be sure to
same. Part of being prepared is blocking freeze them immediately to avoid any
out time in your week to get fired up in bacteria growth. Flip over to the Storing
the kitchen and choose a day and time your Creations guide to safe storage.)
that feels good for you. Have your containers
Keep it close to home: when ready: Determine what containers
trying continuum cooking for the first youd like to use for your portions and
time, dont reinvent the wheel by trying have them laid out ready to be filled once
to create complex dishes youve never your food has cooled to room tempera-
tried before. Use recipes or ingredients ture.
youre familiar with cooking and that you Use labels: If youve made sev-
know your family loves. This will up your eral recipes, or suspect your portions will
confidence when first getting started. remain in the freezer for a while, its best
Take short cuts: Rather than to label the container with the recipe
cutting and dicing large amounts of on- name and the date you made the reci-
ions, garlics and other vegetables youre pe to make sure youre always aware of
using, use a food processor to chop your whats lurking inside your freezer.

33 The Renewable Table

Storing your creations

hen creating renewable depend on the type of food, how long
dishes, its essential you the food will last in the fridge, and how
store them correctly to you plan on reheating. For example, dish-
avoid spoiling. Using es that youll be reheating in the oven on
glass containers that are fridge and freez- every occasion, it may be worth adding
er safe work well. If this isnt possible, you them all to the freezer to keep your fridge
can find some plastic storage containers space free and to avoid any chance of
that are BPA free; however be sure to al- food wastage. Dishes such as a frittata
ways cool your food before transferring that youll want to eat cold the following
to the storage container. day is best to leave in the fridge overnight.

The size of the containers you use will re- In terms of storage and preparation here
ally depend upon how large the portions are my master tips that you should be
are youre aiming to reheat. If you intend aware of before you begin.
on reheating single serve portions, the
Tips to chameleon dish storage
containers should be quite small. If youre
looking to reheat enough for a family of Always store renewable meals in
five, then you can go for single larger the fridge or freezer no more than two
size containers. Your local grocery store hours after cooking. Dishes left out at
or home-wares shop will have a range of room temperature for too long can lead
materials and sizes to choose from. to bacteria quickly multiplying, turning
dishes into potential food poisoning ca-
When packing containers, ensure the
food is well covered and sealed to avoid
cross contamination. You dont want Eat renewable meals within three
your raw food that needs to be cooked to five days or place them in the freezer
dropping into food thats ready to eat. and eat within two months.
Sealing also helps the smells from trans-
ferring if you have multiple chameleons
in your fridge or freezer. Choose to store your re-
When deciding upon whether you store newable meals in containers
your food in the fridge or freezer, its good with secure lids that you can
to have a plan and know when youre go-
lock away. Using bowls with
ing to eat a portion. Try to avoid leaving
several trays of food in the fridge if youre cling film over the top will
not going to get around to eating them tend to make your food dry
for a while, resulting in food wastage. out and become stale quickly.
Storing in the fridge or freezer will also

34 The Renewable Table

When storing, to enable food to
cool faster and add convenience, divide
renewable meals into several small
portion sized, shallow containers, instead
of one large container. Youll find this
a lot easier when using the meal again
especially if you are creating more than
one renewable table meal.

When freezing foods there

are a number of hard and
fast cardinal rules to lessen
the impact of foods exploding
all over your ice cube trays.
Freezer alert! High water
content vegetables
If the original dish didnt taste like celery, cucumber,
good, dont bother freezing it as it wont watermelon, tomatoes
improve with age. Its better to cut your and oranges dont
losses and move on.
last the distance in
Avoid freezing dishes that contain a freezer and tend
hard-boiled eggs as freezing makes the
to taste waterlogged
fluid expand and can potentially crack
the shell letting bacteria in and creating a after thawing.
food borne illness time bomb.
Dairy items such as milk, soft
When freezing, leave space for
cheeses, creams and yoghurts can

your ingredients to expand. Avoid filling
separate and curdle when frozen.
storage containers all the way to the top
Hollandaise and mayonnaise are best left
so ensure that you always leave half and
alone too.
inch gap per container.
When you remove meats from
Herbs such as basil, chives and
the freezer for dinner then have a brain
parsley turn into a slushy green mess when
freeze, forgetting its date night, dont
frozen and cant be revived for salads or
pop it back into the freezer.
garnishes. You can however stuff them
into ice cube trays or zip lock bags, add Popping a chicken breast in the
water and use them for flavoring sauces freezer is one thing. Back and forthing
and stocks. Youll find my reference guide with meats can amp up bacteria and its
to herbs and spices here. not worth the risk of food poisoning.

35 The Renewable Table

The art of reheating

even just a drop of oil and transfer the

contents to a cast iron pot and cook on
the stovetop.

If youre reheating a stew, oven baked

dish, casserole or meatloaf, transfer to an
oven safe dish to cook in the oven. For
liquid based dishes add cup water to
prevent scorching.

Steak can be cut into strips and pan fried

in a well-oiled pan. Grains and seeds can
be reheated with a little oil in a pan.

Muffins can be reheated in the oven for

15 minutes covered and an extra couple
of minutes uncovered on 180C.

pening your fridge and finding If youve stored your portion in an oven-
last nights dinner ready and safe glass storage container, then you can
waiting is like hitting the leave the food in there. However be sure
hungries jackpot. that you cool the food all the way down
to room temperature before adding it to
When youre ready to reheat meals and the oven to avoid the glass breaking.
bring them back to their former glory,
depending on the dish, choose your
oven or stovetop, or if not possible then
as a last resort use a microwave. A good Be sure to never reheat your
rule to follow is that if it was originally
cooked in the oven then reheat it in the
meals in plastic, as the heat can
oven. melt the plastic with particles
If youre reheating a soup or curry
leeching into your food.
youll want to add some form of liquid,

36 The Renewable Table

Staples for your
renewable table.

ve made a list of a few staple items that can be prepared on continuum
cooking day that will help you when you are making your renewable
meals and on the other days when youre not doing the sequencing but
want to have ready meals and snacks on hand.
These staples can be stored in the fridge or freezer and accessed when needed.

Breakfast staples
Supercharged breakfast bars
Granola, bircher muesli, coconut bars, muffins and bakes
Morning smoothies, and slurpees
Porridge jars made with gluten free oats, buckwheat, quinoa
Hard boiled eggs
Pancakes mixes with almond, buckwheat and tapioca flour
Chopped veggies for omelets, pancakes and muffins
Baked pumpkin for muffins, salads and vegetable dishes
Sliced fruit for toppings and muffins
Nut and seed butters (almond, brazil, walnut, cashew, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed)
Nut milks (almond, cashew, macadamia, coconut)
Bread (spinach, zucchini, gluten free, super seeded, brown rice and buckwheat)

Main meal staples

Salad mixes and salad jars
Chopped vegetables, peeled garlic, ginger, turmeric
Grains and seeds: brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, sweet potatoes (baked)
Salad staples to dress later (grilled/baked/slow cooked/steamed): chicken, egg, tuna, lamb, beef
Salad dressings, spice mixes and rubs
Vegetarian dishes: lentil, chickpeas, beans, tempeh, tofu
Soups, bone broths and stocks
Dips: hummus, guacamole, baba ganoush dip, salsa, relishes, jams, cashew cheeses

Nibble mixes, trail mixes, bars
Zip lock bags of freshly cut veggies and fresh fruit
Gluten free biscuits, crackers, bars
Avocado, tuna, lemon and chili mash bowls

37 The Renewable Table

Shopping list

hat you buy will depend your pantry, bust open the refrigerator,
upon the recipes youre and have everything you need to get
keen to create, however started on your continuum cooking day
Ive provided a standard with nothing standing in your way.
shopping list that is suitable for all of my
If you shop on a Saturday or Sunday
renewable recipes and then some.
morning, you can allocate some time
Shopping list on Sunday for your cooking day, which
will set you up nicely for the rest of your
When starting your week with noble
intentions for creating wholesome
home-cooked meals, the critical first
step is preparation. The most common
reason people turn to buying unhealthful To make this really simple
takeaway foods through the week is due for you, an extensive grocery
to a lack of sufficient preparation, without list is included below which
which you cannot succeed.
you can copy and take with
This book has been created in a way you to the store.
to ensure your success and give you
everything you need to become an Not only will this provide you
expert on creating a renewable table. with the best opportunity for
Now that you have the recipes on hand eating guilt-free nourishing
in this book, all thats left for you to do is foods through your week,
stock up on the ingredients that will turn
saving you time in the
into the most magical and nourishing
renewable dishes for you and your family process, youll also save
to delve into. money with the buying in
Having these groceries in your home bulk tips on page 42.
means you can swing open the doors of

38 The Renewable Table

Vegetables Spinach leaves
Asparagus Spring onions
Beetroot Sprouts
Brussels sprouts Swede
Broccoli Sweet potatoes
Butternut pumpkin (squash) Tomatoes
Cabbage Turnip
Capsicum red and green Zucchini
Carrots Frozen foods
Edamame peas
Green beans
Mixed berries

Meats (preferably organic)

Cherry tomatoes Seafood
Chillies Salmon (wild caught)
Cucumber Fresh fish
Daikon Anchovies
Eggplant (aubergine) Tuna
Fennel Prawns
Garlic Squid
Green beans Sardines
Kale Sea vegetables
Lettuce greens
Onions Eggs
Olives Organic eggs
Rocket (arugula)
Silverbeet (swiss chard)
Snow peas (mengetout)

39 The Renewable Table

Dairy (full fat)
Organic butter
Goats cheese
Sheeps cheese
Parmesan cheese Beans and legumes
Goats yogurt Cannellini
Sheeps yogurt Lentils
Natural Greek yogurt (no additives) Black
Fats and oils Navy (haricot)
Extra virgin olive oil (cold-pressed) Split peas
Coconut oil (cold-pressed) Chickpeas
Rice bran oil
Grains, flours and baking
Almond flour
Coconut flour
Arrowroot flour
Buckwheat groats, flour and pasta
Brown rice and brown rice noodles
White rice
Seeds, nuts and nut butters Gluten-free self-raising flour
Almonds Golden flaxmeal
Cashews Baking powder (gluten and additive free)
Hazelnuts Bicarbonate of soda (Baking soda)
Brazil nuts Coconut flakes
Macadamia nuts Quinoa flakes
Pecans Brown rice flakes
Walnuts Desiccated coconut
Pine nuts Brown rice puffs
Pistachios Cacao powder
Chia seeds Cacao nibs
Flax seeds Cacao butter
Sunflower seeds Coconut flakes
Sesame seeds Alcohol-free vanilla extract
Pepitas (pumpkin seeds) Vanilla beans
Almond Slivers Dried apricots
Tahini Gluten free filo pastry

40 The Renewable Table

Rice malt syrup
Vegetable stock (sugar and additive-free)
Tomato paste (concentrated puree)
Tinned diced tomatoes
Fresh herbs and spices Coconut nectar
Dijon mustard
Dulse flakes
Brown rice crackers
Coriander (cilantro) Milks and drinks
Curry powder (sugar and additive free)
Cumin Nut milks
Rice milk
Full-fat organic milk
Coconut milk
Soda water


Condiments and sweeteners

Celtic sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper Avocados
Wheat-free tamari Bananas
Apple cider vinegar Berries
Stevia drops Lemons
Stevia powder Oranges
Xylitol Pomegranates
Coconut sugar Pear
Maple syrup Goji berry

41 The Renewable Table

Buying in bulk

ooking renewable-style not only saves wont be using the ingredients right away. You can
you time but also gives your wallet a dedicate a shelf in your pantry or a drawer in the re-
break because you have the opportunity frigerator so that when you come home, the items
to buy in bulk. can fit neatly into the allocated spaces. This will pre-
vent you from needing to fuss around as soon as
I hear you say But all that food will go to waste! The
you arrive home from your shopping trip.
splendid thing about renewable cooking is that you
get to cook up your fresh ingredients in a batch and Some stores will have a sale on items that are
then refrigerate or freeze the goodies when youre sold in a bulk amount much larger than you have
ready to eat them or reuse the foods to create your room for, or that your budget will allow. These are the
next delicious dish. This means no food wastage! best times to shop with a friend or family member so
you can split the bill and the items in half and still reap
Here are some important tips to consider when the benefits of the discount.
buying in bulk.
A couple of words of caution: if you hav-
When purchasing chicken, buy the whole chick- ent tried an item before, avoid buying in bulk until
en as its much cheaper than purchasing its parts sep- youve tried it and you know your family will devour
arately. Aim to cook the whole chicken and then re- it. Aim to have a budget for how much youd like to
purpose the cooked parts for dishes later in the week. spend at the store. Its great to save money on bulk
Then use the chicken carcass to make a nourishing buying, but make sure you dont end up buying too
homemade bone broth so nothing gets wasted. many unneeded goods on impulse! Theres noth-
ing worse than buyers remorse.
Always look for the vegetables and fruits that
are in season as these will be the least expensive The benefits of bulk buying extend further than the
and most plentiful. When visiting the markets, ask clock and your wallet. Buying in bulk doesnt just
your local farmer what discounts are available for save you money in the store. When you visit the
buying produce in bulk. Theyre usually quite hap- store once a week and buy all your grocery needs
py to meet your request as their produce will be in in one go, youre saving on petrol costs and other
abundance. And dont fear; you wont waste the related travel expenses.
produce as youll be cooking your large batch in
Buying in bulk usually leads to healthier food
one go, refrigerating or freezing the cooked meals
choices as youll be more inclined to eat all those
for later in the week.
deliciously healthful ingredients so nothing goes
Collecting coupons or shopper dockets at your to waste. Another bonus is less packaging as a re-
local supermarket doesnt have to be a tedious or sult of bulk buying, it really is the environmentally
meaningless task. The best time to buy in bulk is when smart and friendly way to shop.
you have your coupons handy! Simply keep your cou-
Now its time to get cooking. I hope that youll
pons in a dedicated section of your wallet or a drawer
love my renewable table recipes and if you have
at home and then pull these out on your next store
any questions about any of the recipes or youd
visit, saving you good dollars in the long run.
like to share your renewable expedition with me,
Before heading to the store, ensure you have Id love to hear from you. You can contact me at
adequate storage space to keep your goods if you lee@superchargedfood.com

42 The Renewable Table

The Renewable Table
50 recipes
All recipes feed a family of up to four people (serves 4).

oull be creating your mother-ship or
building block recipe to feed eight
but half of this will be stored to create
your next meal for four people with added
ingredients and then again for the third
recipe and so on.

Renewable Table Sequences

Sequence 1: Breakfast & morning tea
(3 recipes)
RECIPE A Apricot and macadamia granola
RECIPE B Apricot muesli bars
RECIPE C Breakfast smoothie bowl

Sequence 2: Sunday onwards (4 recipes)

RECIPE A Lamb roast with sticky sweet vegetables
RECIPE B Shepherds pie with sweet veg mash
RECIPE C Sumptuous lamb curry with saffron nutty brown rice
RECIPE D Sweet and sticky vegetable and egg fried rice

Sequence 3: Vegetarian sequence (4 recipes)

RECIPE A Chickpea curry
RECIPE B Gourmet sandwich with Indian-spiced hummus
RECIPE C Mezze plate
RECIPE D Baked falafel burgers with tabouleh and spicy hummus

Sequence 4: Chicken lovers (4 recipes)

RECIPE A Garlic and lemony chicken roast with vegetables
RECIPE B Chicken and vegetable quinoa and pomegranate lettuce cups
RECIPE C Lemon chicken and roast vegetable pot-pie
RECIPE D Chicken and zucchini noodle soup

43 The Renewable Table

Sequence 5: Hearty and satisfying (4 recipes)
RECIPE A Beef roast with pesto and steamed greens
RECIPE B Meat lovers pizza with cauliflower crust
RECIPE C Beef and vegetable stir fry
RECIPE D Beef and minted sweet potato jackets

Sequence 6: Mexicano (3 recipes)

RECIPE A Mexican lamb shoulder with cumin, oregano and pomegranate glaze
RECIPE B Mexican lamb fajitas with goats cheese and rocket
RECIPE C Lamb nachos with tomato relish, guacamole and cashew sour cream

Sequence 7: Perfect weeknight / Tv dinner sequence (3 recipes)

RECIPE A Chicken schnitzels with parsnip mash and garden salad
RECIPE B Chicken and broccoli salad
RECIPE C Chicken schnitzel wrap with lemon and parsnip spread

Sequence 8: Supercharge your week (3 recipes)

RECIPE A Slow cooked ACV and smoked paprika pork with apple kaleslaw
RECIPE B Fluffy spinach and garlic omelette with pulled pork
RECIPE C Pulled pork and apple sandwich on herb and flaxseed bread

Sequence 9: Make it meatloaf (3 recipes)

RECIPE A Meatloaf with green beans, turmeric baked cauliflower rice and
mushroom gravy
RECIPE B Meatloaf lunch burger
RECIPE C Meatloaf laksa with rice noodles

44 The Renewable Table

Sequence 10: Hot and cold (2 recipes)
RECIPE A Curried yoghurt roast chicken with minted cranberry quinoa
RECIPE B Roast chicken crepe wraps

Sequence 11: Cooking light (3 recipes)

RECIPE A Whole baked salmon with parsley and walnuts
RECIPE B Asparagus, mushroom and salmon frittata
RECIPE C Salmon, rocket, goats cheese and pumpkin salad
(Add a drizzle of jam jar dressing).

Sequence 12: Mountains of muffins (5 recipes)

Base recipe muffin mix
RECIPE A Chocolate maple muffins
RECIPE B Mini pizza muffins
RECIPE C Berry and macadamia muffins
RECIPE D Herb and cheese muffins
RECIPE E Muffin and yogurt trifle

Sequence 13: Chocoholics dream (3 recipes)

RECIPE A Simple chocolate mousse
RECIPE B Raw choc-mint tarts
RECIPE C I love chocolate cake

Sequence 14: Seasonal desserts (3 recipes)

RECIPE A Stewed rhubarb and berries with coconut cream
RECIPE B Rhubarb crumble
RECIPE C Almond, cinnamon and rhubarb cake

Continuum cooking day base bread recipes

Quinoa and chia bread
Rosemary chia and flaxseed loaf
Gluten free crepes
45 The Renewable Table
Breakfast & morning tea


46 The Renewable Table


Apricot and macadamia granola

Making a big batch of nutritious granola is one of the best ways to en-
sure you have a healthy breakfast treat on hand every day. No matter
how much of a rush youre in, youll always have the opportunity and
the time to start the day off right with a banging breakfast that lends you
loads of energy to tackle your to do list!

If youre a busy person and like to have your breakfast ready to go most
mornings, you can make even better use of your continuum cooking
day by doubling the recipe again to keep extra stored in your pantry, as
it will last for up to 4 weeks.


8 his
i x t u re fo r t e s )
lf m erv
U s e h a re a kfas t ( 4 s
n i n g s b
i n d e r as p e r
mor ma
s i d e re b e lo w .
s e t a
and ti o n s

47 The Renewable Table

125g roughly chopped apricots (sugar free)
150g macadamia nuts, halved
200g quinoa flakes
200g brown rice flakes
100g almond flakes
50g buckwheat groats
100g pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
50g sesame seeds
100g sunflower seeds
50g linseeds
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
cup caramelised ACV* (recipe below)
2 tsp vanilla beans powder or essence
(alcohol free)
Almond milk, to serve

Set oven to 180C.
Measure ingredients and place all dry
ingredients in a mixing bowl.
Stir through cinnamon and nutmeg until well Set aside half the recipe to be used across
combined. Recipes B and C below by storing in an
Add vanilla essence and caramelised ACV and airtight container in a cool dry place. The
stir to mix. recipe will keep for 4 weeks.
Place in a lined baking dish.
Bake on the middle shelf of oven for 30-40 To serve, place into your favourite
minutes. breakfast bowl and pour in almond milk
Stir after 20 minutes and correct flavours as for a delightful start to the day that will
needed. leave your tummy singing. The granola
Remove and let cool, and then place in sealed also tastes very charming on its own.

*Caramelised ACV
1 cup ACV
2 tbsp rice malt syrup or sweetener of choice

Place on stove and boil down to half on a medium heat.
Remove and let cool.

48 The Renewable Table


Apricot muesli bars

Once you have the granola ready, it takes just minutes to create these
delicious muesli bars that are perfect for a breakfast on the run, to take
for morning tea to work, or as an afternoon snack for the kids.


49 The Renewable Table

Half the leftover granola from Recipe A (a quarter of the entire mixture)
cup gluten free oats
cup cranberries
1/3 cup rice malt syrup

Preheat oven to 180C and line a small loaf pan with baking paper.
OPTIONAL STEP: toast your oats in the oven for around 15 to 20 minutes until slightly
golden. Otherwise, leave them uncooked.
Process cranberries in a food processor until mixture is well combined and becomes sticky.
Place all ingredients in a bowl and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined.
Spoon mixture into the loaf pan and bake on the middle shelf of the oven for
15 minutes or until slightly crispy.
Once cooled, chop into 8 slices and store in an airtight container
in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

NOTE: Instead of baking the mixture in the oven, you can leave the mixture raw
and place in a square dish and simply let it set in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Once set, cut into 8 slices and serve or store in an airtight container.

50 The Renewable Table


Breakfast smoothie bowl

Did you sleep through your alarm clock and now youre in a rush to get started on your busy day?
Think theres no time to create a nourishing breakfast let alone eat one? Wait right there! Grab your
stored granola and give yourself just 2 minutes to whip together this sweet and wholesome dish thats
perfect for when youre in a rush or you just prefer to spend your mornings outside the kitchen.

Leftover granola after Recipe A and B (a quarter of the original granola recipe)
2 cups of full fat yogurt or coconut yoghurt
1 cup frozen berries, thawed
2 tbsp flaked coconut
2 tbsp pecans

Line 4 breakfast bowls on the counter.
Pour in cup of yogurt into each bowl.
Sprinkle the granola evenly across each bowl on top of the yogurt.
Scatter the berries, flaked coconut and pecans across each bowl.
Serve without delay so you can go and enjoy your day.

51 The Renewable Table

Sunday onwards


This is a great sequence to begin on a Sunday, cooking the family a heart-

warming Sunday lamb roast with plenty of options for creating easy weeknight
dinners and weekday lunches for work.

52 The Renewable Table


Lamb roast with sticky sweet vegetables


e la m b and
a lf th s e r ve s
using h n i g h t (
b le s t o to be
ve g e ta e re m a i n d e r
th a ls i n
4 ) w i th h e n e x t 3 m e
used in is sequence.

53 The Renewable Table

One of the ultimate renewable table dishes is a
roast lamb and vegetable dinner that is packed
full of flavour, texture and a hint of love. You and
your loved ones will smile with delight at the
sensations this sweet sticky veg brings your taste
buds, and how the succulent lamb warms your

But it doesnt stop there! The best part is you

can continue to enjoy these comforting flavours
for days with the additional three recipes in this

2 x 1.6 kg leg of lamb (organic or grass fed)
6 garlic cloves, halved
3 tbsp rosemary leaves
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 sweet potatoes
3 parsnips
3 carrots
1 medium butternut pumpkin Roast in oven for 1 hour 15 minutes or until
3 tbsp rice malt syrup cooked to your liking.
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar Meanwhile, peel and wash vegetables, chop-
2 garlic cloves, chopped ping into medium sized cubes or rounds.
Sea salt and pepper Add vegetables to a separate large baking tray,
sprinkling apple cider vinegar, rice malt syrup
METHOD and remaining olive oil evenly over the top of the
Preheat oven to 200C. vegetables. Mix together so vegetables are evenly
Place lamb in a large roasting pan, cutting six coated, and then scatter chopped garlic over the
slits in each leg, 2cm deep and 2cm long. Press top. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes (placing in
one piece of garlic into each slit. Sprinkle rose- the oven when lamb has been roasting for about
mary and 2 tbsp of olive oil evenly over the lamb half an hour, so that both lamb and vegetables
and season with sea salt and pepper. are ready at the same time).

Serve one leg of lamb and half the vegetables for tonights dinner, storing
the remaining food in a sealed container in the refrigerator until youre ready
to reuse for the next meals (lasts 4 days in the refrigerator).

54 The Renewable Table


Shepherds pie with sweet veg mash

55 The Renewable Table

The following day, your mouth is likely still
watering from the scrumptious roast lamb and
your lips still sticky with the taste of the sweet
sticky veg. So get ready to enjoy an abundance
of familiar flavours but this time, in a comforting
lamb shepherds pie with a sweet vegetable mash
topping. This meal takes a fraction of the time
to prepare because were re-purposing already
cooked foods. So you can come home from
work with the energy to create this delightful
warming dinner and still have time to put your
feet up and relax.

meat from a cooked leg of lamb
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 celery stalk, chopped
2 anchovies, chopped
x 400g tin chopped tomato (sugar and addi-
tive free)
125ml tomato passata (pureed tomato)
1 tsp sea salt and ground black pepper
tsp liquid stevia (optional)


Heat the olive oil in a frying pan. leftover sticky sweet vegetables
Add the onion, garlic and celery and saut over 1 tbsp butter or extra virgin olive oil or
mediumlow heat for 810 minutes, or until the nut butter
onion is golden brown. 1 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
Add the cooked lamb and anchovies and heat
for a further 5 minutes.
Stir in the chopped tomatoes, passata, salt and flakes, a pinch of sea salt and a few grinds of
pepper, then cover and cook over low heat for 20 black pepper. Blend until smooth.
minutes. Transfer the cooked lamb mixture to an 18cm
If there is excess liquid in the pan, turn the heat (7 inch) square baking dish and level the surface.
up and simmer, uncovered, for a few minutes Gently spoon the sweet sticky mash over the top,
more. scraping a fork across the surface to create little
Stir in the stevia, if using. trenches in the mash.
Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 220C and Optional: sprinkle some extra nutritional yeast
make the sweet sticky mash. flakes over the mash for a cheesy finish.
Transfer the vegetables to a blender or food Bake for 20 minutes, or until the mash has a
processor and add the butter or olive oil, yeast crispy top.

56 The Renewable Table


Sumptuous lamb curry with saffron

nutty brown rice
I love renewable dishes like lamb roasts because you can enjoy comfort foods like shepherds pie
and then using the same cooked lamb, create a dish from an entirely different cuisine. My Indian-
inspired lamb curry is a real crowd pleaser, not only because the flavours are so tantalising, but also
because your main ingredient is cooked and ready to go, saving you time and energy.
This nutty brown rice is a fantastic side dish to this lamb curry, however the rice also serves as a
satisfying and crunchy meal on its own!

57 The Renewable Table

Lamb curry
1 tbsp coconut or extra virgin olive oil
1 onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp grated fresh ginger
2 tsp curry powder
tsp turmeric
1 tsp cardamom
1 tsp coriander powder
meat from a cooked leg of lamb
1 cup home-made beef stock or water
I large carrot, peeled, chopped
1 cup frozen peas, thawed
200ml coconut milk (additive free)
Sea salt and pepper

Saffron nutty brown rice

2 cups brown rice (half to be stored for
Recipe D)
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
cup walnuts, chopped
cup sunflower seeds
cup cranberries
Juice of 1 lemon
Good pinch of saffron threads Meanwhile, cook 2 cup of brown rice
1 tbsp parsley according to packet instructions. Separate into
Sea salt and pepper 2 equal portions, setting aside half the rice for
later in this recipe, and storing the other half in a
METHOD sealed container in the fridge for recipe D below.
Heat 1 tbsp oil in a large saucepan over Saut onion, garlic, walnuts, sunflower seeds
medium heat, add onion, garlic and ginger to pan and saffron threads in a frying pan with 1 tbsp rice
and cook, stirring, for 5-6 minutes. bran oil for 5-6 minutes.
Add curry powder and spices and cook, Add the sauted ingredients to the cooked
stirring, for 2-3 minutes. rice. Stir in cranberries, lemon juice, parsley, salt
Add cooked lamb and stock to pan, bringing to and pepper and mix well.
the boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Plate up lamb curry with a side of the saffron
Add the carrot, peas, coconut milk, salt and nutty brown rice and garnish with some fresh
pepper and cook for a further 25 minutes. parsley leaves.

58 The Renewable Table


Sweet and sticky vegetable and

egg fried rice

Serves Time for a vegetarian dish you can eat

4 for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Snatch up

your last portion of cooked sweet sticky
vegetables to whip up this tremendously
satisfying treat that will appeal to your
sweet and savoury needs alike.

Leftover sweet sticky veg, chopped into small
Leftover brown rice from Recipe C
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil
1 small onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
4 eggs, beaten
1 tsp chives
2 tbsp wheat free tamari
Sea salt and pepper

Heat oil in a large wok or fry pan over medium
heat; add onion and garlic and cook, stirring, for
5-6 minutes.
Add sweet sticky vegetables and stir regularly
for a further 5-6 minutes until vegetables are
heated through.
Pour over the beaten eggs and mix through,
waiting for the eggs to set.
Turn off heat, and then toss through the rice,
chives, wheat free tamari and salt and pepper,
stirring until well combined.

59 The Renewable Table

Vegetarian delight


If youre vegetarian, or if you feel like your body needs a gentle detox from too
much meat, here is a clean and fresh sequence to take you through the next few
days feeling light and refreshed.

60 The Renewable Table


Chickpea curry

61 The Renewable Table

INGREDIENTS Add vegetable stock and chick peas, and then
2 tbsp olive oil bring to the boil and let simmer for 5 minutes.
2 brown onion, finely chopped Add tomatoes and let simmer for a further 5
2 garlic clove, crushed minutes until tomatoes are soft and combined.
2 tsp ground cumin Add salt and pepper to taste.
1 tbsp brown mustard seeds Split the mixture into 2 portions, setting aside
1 tsp ground turmeric half to be used for the remainder of recipes in this
1 tsp ground cardamom sequence. Store as per instructions below.
1 tsp ground cinnamon Add the cooked brown rice to 4 serving bowls,
3 x 400g canned chickpeas, drained, rinsed and top with of the chickpea curry in each.
2 cups home-made vegetable stock Add steamed vegetables and serve.
1 tin diced tomatoes
Salt and pepper to taste Once the unused portion of curry has cooled
Cooked brown rice and steamed green to room temperature, place in a sealed glass
vegetables to serve, enough for 4 people container and store in the refrigerator. Curry will
last for 4 days in the fridge.
Heat olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat.
Add chopped onion and cook for 2-3 minutes NOTE: If you have a busy week and wont
until onions slightly sweat. have time to eat or re-purpose your left-
Add the garlic and spices, cooking for a further over curry, you can store in a freezer-safe
2 3 minutes. container and freeze for up to 2 months.

62 The Renewable Table


Gourmet sandwich with

Indian-spiced hummus


63 The Renewable Table

8 slices of gluten free bread or try the quinoa
bread or the rosemary and flaxseed loaf
16 large slices of eggplant, grilled (setting aside
8 slices for Recipe D below)
8 cos lettuce leaves
1 large tomato sliced
Salt and pepper to taste

Separate the chick peas from curry liquid. Place
chick peas into a high speed blender along with
cup of the curry liquid and all other hummus
Blend until smooth and combined.
NOTE: Save the remainder of the curry liquid
as a nourishing drink or as a base for your next
curry or stew by storing in a jar and leaving in
the refrigerator for up to 4 days, or freezing for
up to 2 months.
Set aside 2/3 of the prepared hummus for Reci-
pe C and D of this sequence by storing in a tightly
sealed bowl and refrigerating for up to 4 days.
INGREDIENTS Prepare sandwiches by laying out 4 slices of
Hummus bread, spreading hummus evenly across each
TIP: Make a batch of this on your continuum slice, and then adding 2 slices of eggplant, 2
cooking day to save you time later lettuce leaves and of the sliced tomato across
each slice. Season with salt and pepper, then
Leftover curry from Recipe A above (half of the
cover with partnering slice of bread.
original curry recipe)
50ml olive oil
1 tbsp tahini
clove garlic Take to work with you or give to the kids
tsp cumin for a gourmet lunch that will really excite
tsp paprika them.
Juice of lemon

64 The Renewable Table


Mezze plate

65 The Renewable Table

Salt and pepper to taste
Extra pine nuts and parsley leaves to garnish

Wheat-free Tabbouleh
TIP: Make a batch of this on your continuum
cooking day to save you time later!

70g quinoa, rinsed

80g flat-leaf parsley, chopped
1 handful mint, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
tsp sea salt
80ml lemon juice
1 tsp lemon zest
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 small Lebanese cucumber, diced
4 vine-ripened tomatoes, diced
3 spring onions, sliced

Add leftover hummus to a serving bowl and
drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.
Sprinkle with paprika.

Parsley, goats feta and pine nut dip

Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix
until combined.
Place into a serving bowl and sprinkle with
extra pine nuts and parsley leaves to garnish.
of the leftover hummus from Recipe B, with
the remaining portion for Recipe D below
Wheat-free Tabbouleh
Drizzle extra virgin olive oil
Cook the quinoa in a saucepan of simmering
Sprinkle paprika
water until tender, about 15 minutes. Set aside to
Parsley, goats feta and pine nut dip
In a bowl, place the parsley, mint, garlic,
TIP: Make a batch of this on your continuum salt, lemon juice and zest, olive oil, cucumber,
cooking day to save you time later. tomatoes and spring onion, mixing all ingredients
until well combined.
2 bunches of parsley, without stems Season with freshly ground black pepper.
1 clove garlic, crushed Stir through the quinoa and mix thoroughly.
cup pine nuts Place 2/3 of the mixture into a bowl to serve.
100g goats feta With the remaining 1/3, set aside for Recipe D
cup extra virgin olive oil below, placing into a sealed container and storing
Juice of 1 lemon in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.
66 The Renewable Table

Baked falafel burgers with tabouleh

and spicy hummus

This the perfect mid-week dinner, or a mouth-watering

lunch meal thats easy to store and take to work. With most
the elements already prepared, youll effortlessly create this
gourmet burger with plenty of time to sit and enjoy.

67 The Renewable Table

a re yummy
Thes e h e o ve n
i n t
d up
wa r m e fo re e a ti n g .
just be

Falafel balls
75g sunflower seeds
80g cashews
1 tbsp organic nut butter, softened
2 tbsp basil leaves, chopped
tsp ground cumin
2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 tsp chopped coriander leaves
2 tbsp chopped red capsicum
1 clove garlic, minced
shallot, chopped
Pinch sea salt
40g toasted sesame seeds, for coating

8 x slices of gluten free bread or try the quinoa
bread or rosemary and flaxseed bread to make
4 burgers
Leftover hummus
Leftover tabbouleh
Leftover eggplant slices
8 crispy lettuce leaves
Pinch of sea salt to taste
METHOD To build burger, heat each slice of
quinoa and chia under a grill for a few
Falafel balls
minutes to slightly heat and colour the top.
Preheat oven to 220C and line a baking tray
Lay out 4 slices and spread hummus on
with baking paper.
Place all falafel ingredients, except sesame
Stack the falafel patty, a spoon of
seeds, in a food processor and pulse until thor-
tabouleh, 2 slices of eggplant, and crispy
oughly blended.
lettuce leaf in each, and then cover with
Use a spoon to form 4 falafel balls, flattening
the second piece of quinoa and chia to
out the ball to form patty shapes.
form the burger.
Coat in the sesame seeds, transfer to the bak-
ing tray and bake for 20 minutes until crispy.

68 The Renewable Table

Chicken lovers


Chicken lovers this ones for you. A most convenient, simple and affordable renewable
table sequence youre going to fall for. Using the garlic and lemon flavours ensures your
chicken is tasty for days after your continuum cooking day.

69 The Renewable Table


Friday garlic and lemony chicken

roast with vegetables

2 large organic chickens
6 cloves garlic 3 whole and 3 peeled and
finely sliced
Sea salt and pepper
2 bunch of fresh thyme
1 bunch fresh rosemary
Juice of 2 lemons
1 lemon sliced
2 onions, cut into wedges
3 daikon cut into cubes
3 carrots, chopped
1 large eggplant, cut into cubes

Preheat oven to 220C.
Place both chickens in a large roasting pan
with sea salt, lemon juice 1 bunch of thyme and
Place sliced lemon on top of chicken and tuck
sliced garlic in the chicken skin.
Place in oven and roast for 1 hour 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, place vegetables in a separate
baking tray, along with 3 whole garlic pieces, 1 Keep 1 whole chicken and half the cooked
bunch of thyme and season with sea salt and vegetables aside for the following recipes,
pepper. Cook in the oven for 40 minutes. storing in a sealed container in the
Remove chicken and vegetables from oven refrigerator for up to 4 days.
and serve.

70 The Renewable Table


Chicken and vegetable quinoa and pomegranate

lettuce cups

Serves Ive been known to be a little sceptical of

a g re a
This is
n c h b o x o p ti o n superfoods, particularly those that cost an
lu rk! arm and a leg. But with its slightly nutty and
fo r w o
grainy taste, quinoa is delicious, nourishing
and budget-friendly, so you can cook with it
as regularly as you like. High in protein and
fibre, its a satisfying addition to any renewable
dish. I hope that youll find my chicken and
vegetable quinoa and pomegranate cups the
perfect example of this.

of cooked chicken, torn into strips
leftover roasted vegetables
1 cup rinsed quinoa
cup pomegranate
1 cup home-made chicken or vegetable stock
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
tsp parsley
tsp cumin
Sea salt and pepper to taste
4 crispy outer leaves of an iceberg lettuce

Cook the quinoa in a saucepan of simmering water until tender, about 15 minutes. Fluff up with a
fork and set aside.
Place olive oil in a large frying pan and turn to medium heat.
Add chopped cooked vegetables and chicken to the pan and stir, allowing to heat through for 3 to 4
Add stock along with quinoa, parsley and cumin, stirring regularly for a further 5 minutes or until
liquid has reduced.
Add pomegranates and salt and pepper to taste and serve.
Let mixture cool and spoon into lettuce cups and serve.

71 The Renewable Table


Lemon chicken and roast 4

vegetable pot-pie

of remaining cooked chicken, roughly cut
into pieces
leftover roasted vegetables, cutting any
larger pieces down so all pieces are fairly small
in size
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 onion, diced
1 cup frozen peas, thawed
2 cups home-made chicken stock
2 tbsp gluten-free rice flour
1 tsp parsley You can scrunch up
1 tsp thyme the filo pastry to get
Sea salt and pepper to taste this fun textured look.
2 sheets gluten free filo pastry
Roll out a sheet of gluten-free pastry until large
METHOD enough to cover the surface area of the mixture.
Preheat oven to 180C. You can use two sheets of pastry and join
Heat oil in a fry pan over medium heat. Add together when rolling if you need more pastry.
garlic and onion, cooking for 2 to 3 minutes until Cut around the edges of the pastry so its
sightly coloured. neatly covering the dish, tucking the edges in to
Add chopped vegetables, peas, chicken and the inside of the dish so it holds together.
herbs to the pan, heating for 3 to 4 minutes while
stirring occasionally.
OPTIONAL: Get a little creative and
Place gluten-free rice flour and stock in a bowl
make some shapes like hearts or leaves
and mix together. Pour liquid into the pan and stir
with the remaining pastry and place on
top of the pie.
Bring to the boil then return to a simmer,
simmering for 10 minutes or until liquid thickens. .
Season with sea salt and pepper to taste. Bake in the oven on the middle shelf for 40
Remove from pan and pour mixture into a minutes or until pastry is golden and cooked
greased baking dish. through.

72 The Renewable Table

RECIPE D Serves To extend the meal further,

Chicken and zucchini 4 you can make extra zucchini

noodles and pan fry them

noodle soup with garlic the next day .

of remaining cooked chicken,
3 cups chicken or vegetable stock
2 cups water
2 zucchini
2 shallots, finely chopped
1 heaped tbsp chopped coriander
(root and stems)
plus leaves for sprinkling on top
2 tsp ginger, finely grated
1 large garlic clove, crushed
tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp fish sauce (you can make
your own home made fish sauce
made from anchovies and filtered
1 tbsp lime juice
red chilli, finely chopped (or to
1 tsp coconut oil

Heat coconut oil in a saucepan over a low heat.
Saut shallots, garlic, turmeric, ginger and of the chilli for 2-3 minutes.
Add the stock, water, fish sauce and coriander. Bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer
gently for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, create your raw zucchini noodles (zoodles) by using a mandolin or spiralizer.
Add zoodles to pan and continue cooking for a further five minutes.
Place chicken into bowls and pour over stock mixture. Season if required.
Sprinkle with remaining chopped chilli, coriander leaves and a squeeze of lime.

73 The Renewable Table

Hearty and satisfying


74 The Renewable Table


Beef roast with pesto and

steamed greens

A beef roast is a really hearty and satisfying meal, especially with my tantalising pesto dressing.
Adding your favourite steamed greens is a simple yet balanced way to enjoy this family favourite.

75 The Renewable Table

INGREDIENTS youre using 2 separate smaller pieces, add 2 tbsp
4 tbsp olive oil of oil for each and brown each piece separately.
2.6kg beef scotch fillet (rib eye), or 2 x 1.3kg (If you don't have a flameproof roasting pan, you
pieces (you will only need a quarter of this can use a frying pan to brown the beef and then
amount for tonights dinner and the remainder transfer to a roasting pan.)
will be stored ready for the next 3 meals) Remove roasting pan from heat and season
Sea salt and pepper to taste beef all over with salt and pepper.
Pesto for dolloping (see recipe below) Roast beef in the oven for 45 minutes, or 30
Steamed greens of choice to serve minutes if using the smaller pieces. Remove from
oven and allow to rest before serving.
METHOD Set aside of the roast beef and store in an air
Preheat oven to 220C. tight container for the next 3 meals. Using of
Heat 4 tbsp of the olive oil in a large roasting the beef, carve slices and place evenly across 4
pan over medium to high heat. serving plates.
Cook the roast, turning occasionally, for 5 Pour a good amount of pesto over the top of
minutes or until well browned on all sides. If the beef and serve with steamed greens.

Dairy Free Pesto METHOD

Combine pesto ingredients in
This is a good recipe to make a batch
blender until pureed.
on your continuum cooking day. There
Serve at room temperature on roast
is enough mixture here for Recipes A
beef, or chill and serve with biscuits or
and B in this sequence. You can also
vegetable sticks.
choose to double the ingredients
again if you want more left over to
use on other recipes, or to use as a
snack to dip your favourite biscuits or
vegetable sticks.

1 cups freshly picked basil leaves
2 garlic cloves minced
lemon Juiced
tsp minced lemon zest
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp pine nuts
1 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
Celtic sea salt & fresh cracked
pepper to taste

76 The Renewable Table

Meat lovers
re c i pe is
This or
r i te f
pizza with fa v o u
firm f all ages
kids o
cauliflower crust

of the beef from recipe A
1 large cauliflower pizza base (see
recipe below)
Leftover pesto from recipe A
6 tbsp additive-free tomato paste
1 onion, diced
green capsicum, diced
2 handfuls rocket or spinach leaves
1 cup nutritional yeast flakes (You
can substitute with mozzarella if
youre eating dairy)

Cauliflower pizza base

1 cup cooked, shredded
1 organic eggs
1 cup almond meal
1 tsp Italian herbs
1 tsp parsley
1-2 cloves garlic finely chopped
Pinch of caraway seeds
cup nutritional yeast flakes
METHOD Sprinkle evenly with herbs.
Preheat oven to 230C. Place in oven for 12-15 minutes.
Shred beef with hands into small pieces and Remove base and let cool slightly.
set aside in a bowl. Add tomato, pesto, and all remaining toppings,
Brush baking tray with extra virgin olive oil or sprinkling nutritional yeast flakes or mozzarella
line with baking paper. last.
In a bowl, combine cauliflower, egg, almond Return to the oven for a further 5-10 minutes.
meal, garlic, seeds and nutritional yeast flakes. Serve with baked sweet potato chips for a treat
Scoop out the mixture with a spoon and then that will put a grand smile on your childrens and
press evenly on the baking tray to make a square visitors faces!

77 The Renewable Table

Beef and vegetable
stir fry

of original roast beef
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 large onion, diced
1 red capsicum, diced
2 carrots, peeled and chopped
1 cup broccoli florets, washed and
roughly chopped
1 cup snow peas
1 cup mushrooms, sliced
cup home-made vegetable stock
Half a tin of chopped canned toma-
toes, additive free (save leftover for
Recipe D below)
1 tsp coriander
1 tsp parsley
tsp ginger
Sea salt and pepper
Brown rice, to serve (optional)

METHOD below). Leave the remaining mixture in the pan

Chop cooked beef into medium pieces and set to continue cooking. (I recommend to turn off
aside. heat for this part and then turn heat back on once
Heat oil in a frypan over medium heat. ready to resume cooking to ensure safety.)
Add onion to the pan and cook for 3-4 minutes Add tomatoes, stock, herbs and seasoning and
allowing onions to sweat. cook for a further 5 minutes until stock has re-
Add all other vegetables to pan and cook for duced.
5-10 minutes until vegetables are al dente, stirring Add chopped beef and continue to cook until
occasionally. beef is reheated right through and flavours mix
IMPORTANT: Carefully remove half the vege- well.
table mixture and set aside to cool, then adding Remove from pan and serve as is, or on a bed
to an airtight container to be used for Recipe D of brown rice.

78 The Renewable Table

Beef and minted
sweet potato jackets 4
2 large gold sweet potatoes, with
skin, washed well
of original roast beef from
Recipe A
Leftover vegetables from Recipe C
2 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes (or
mozzarella if eating dairy)
Half a tin of chopped canned
tomatoes, additive free
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus
extra to drizzle
Handful fresh mint leaves, roughly
1 tsp parsley
Sea salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 1810C.
Add roast potatoes to a lined bak-
ing tray, prick in several places and
bake for 45 minutes until soft.
Meanwhile, shred cooked beef
into small pieces and add to a mixing
bowl with leftover cooked vegetables,
tomatoes, oil, herbs and seasoning. Stir with a ensure no breakage of the skin.
wooden spoon until mixture is well combined. Mix the scooped out sweet potato into with
Remove from oven and set aside to allow your beef and vegetable mixture until well
cooling to room temperature. combined then gently spoon back into the sweet
Once cooled, slice length ways in half so you potato jackets.
can lay each down on the tray so that the inside of Sprinkle nutritional yeast over the top and bake
the sweet potatoes are all facing up on the tray. in the oven for 10 minutes to set.
Scoop out some of the inside sweet potato, Remove from tray, drizzle a touch of extra olive
leaving about 1cm around the skins edge to oil over the top of each piece and serve warm.

NOTE: You may have some extra sweet potato mixture leftover which you can spread inside
a wrap or burger for an easy gourmet work lunch, or simply eat on its own yum!

79 The Renewable Table



Sequences bursting with heady spices and smoky flavour to knock the socks
of your family at mealtimes.

80 The Renewable Table


Mexican lamb shoulder with cumin,

oregano and pomegranate glaze

with extra for following days

81 The Renewable Table

INGREDIENTS basting with the juice.
4 garlic cloves, chopped When ready and after four hours, remove
2 tsp ground cinnamon pan from the oven and carefully remove lamb
2 tsp ground cumin and pour juice into a saucepan on the stove
1 tbsp dried oregano over a medium heat. Replace lamb into baking
1 lemon halved and pips removed tray and place back into the oven whilst you are
1 tsp Celtic Sea Salt making the syrup.
1 tsp black pepper Add rice malt syrup and cook until bubbly and
2kg bone-in lamb shoulder joint a thick syrup is formed adding more rice malt
2 brown onions, cut into wedges syrup if necessary. This should take about 20
1 whole quorn of garlic unpeeled minutes. Once it is ready, remove foil from lamb,
1l pomegranate juice pour it over the lamb and return to oven for 20
1 lemon juiced mins until the lamb becomes crispy on top.
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar Reserve two thirds remaining lamb shoulder for
2 tbsp rice malt syrup following renewable meals Recipe B and C.
250g full fat natural yogurt
Seeds from 1 fresh pomegranate
Small handful mint leaves, chopped TO MAKE DRESSING:
In a small bowl mix yogurt,
METHOD pomegranate seeds and mint.
To make marinade place garlic garlic, Serve lamb with dressing and a side
cinnamon, cumin, oregano, lemon and rind, of green vegetables.
salt and pepper and blend until
Place the lamb in a large A hearty and
wholesome meal for
baking dish and spoon the
the whole family.
mixture on top and massage
in with hands. Let marinade in
fridge for between 2 and up to
24 hours.
Heat oven to 160C/140C
fan/ gas 3. Place lamb into
pan and garlic and onions
surrounding the lamb, then pour
over the pomegranate juice and
lemon and apple cider vinegar.
Cover the lamb with foil
and cook for approx. 4 hrs
checking every hour and re-

82 The Renewable Table


Mexican lamb fajitas with goats cheese

and guacamole
4 gluten free tortillas or wraps
1 serving of guacamole (recipe below)
1/3 of pre cooked Mexican lamb shoulder (enough for 4 servings)

1 cup goats cheese
Handful of rocket leaves

Tomato relish
4 tomatoes, diced
2 cucumber, diced
Drizzle of lime

Place in bowl and reserve half for next meal place in fridge in sealed container.

2 avocadoes, peeled and stone removed
1 heaped tsp cumin powder
Juice of 1 large lime
1 tsp lime zest
Big pinch of Celtic sea salt
1-2 tbsp cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil

Blend all the ingredients except the olive oil in a food processor until smooth.
With the motor still running, add the olive oil very slowly in a thin stream until the desired
creaminess is reached. Add additional ater for a smoother result.
This will keep for 34 days in an airtight container in the fridge store half of this recipe for
your next renewable meal (nachos).


Warm tortillas in oven.
Spread with guacamole.
Place lamb onto the tortilla and top with toppings of choice
such as tomato relish, rocket leaves, goats cheese.

83 The Renewable Table

tsp cumin
tsp coriander

Lamb Nachos 1 tsp grated orange zest

1 tsp Celtic sea salt


To make the chips, preheat the oven to 180C
(350F/Gas 4).
Place all the chip ingredients in a large bowl
and mix with a wooden spoon to form a dough.
INGREDIENTS Place the dough on a clean work surface be-
1 serving of nacho chips tween two pieces of baking paper. Roll the dough
1 serving cooked Mexican lamb shredded out until it is 2mm (1/16inch) thick.
1 serving of tomato relish Remove the top piece of baking paper and
1 serving of guacamole transfer the dough and bottom piece of baking
1 serving cashew sour cream paper to a baking tray. Using a sharp knife, deeply
score the dough every 3 cm (11/4 inch), then do
Nachos chips the same in the opposite direction so you form
100g (3 oz/1 cup) almond meal squares.
1 large organic egg Bake in the oven for 12 minutes.
1 tsp turmeric Allow to cool before breaking them apart.

Cashew Sour Cream

155g (5 oz/1 cup) raw, unsalted cashews
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice, plus 1 tsp extra
1 tsp nutritional yeast flakes
tsp Celtic sea salt

Soak the cashews for 2 hours in filtered water. Rinse and drain.
Place all the ingredients in a food processor with 125ml (4 fl oz/ cup) of filtered water
and blend until smooth.
You may need to add a little more filtered water to reach your desired consistency.
This will keep for 23 days in an airtight container in the fridge.
To assemble the nachos, place the nachos chips on a chopping board, and top with
shredded Mexican lamb, relish and guacamole and cashew sour cream.
Any leftover chips will keep in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

84 The Renewable Table

Perfect weeknight, TV dinner


85 The Renewable Table


Chicken schnitzels with parsnip

mash and garden salad

Chicken schnitzels are a real treat; the perfect dinner and a real hit with kids, especially if youre
adding some creamy mash. However, traditional chicken schnitzels can be less than healthy
so many people tend to avoid the family favourite altogether. Enjoy this mouth-watering
schnitzel recipe knowing your body will lap it up. Adding a mash made from parsnips is a perfect
accompaniment that looks just like potato mash without the starch of normal potato.
86 The Renewable Table
Bring to the boil and turn down to simmer, cook-
ing for 25 minutes, or until parsnips are soft.
Turn off heat and carefully pour out the parsnip
6 chicken breasts, sliced in half widthways to
broth into a jar, leaving just a little bit of water in the
form 12 pieces (4 for tonights dinner, 8 for the
bottom of the pot.
next recipes)
Add remaining olive oil to mixture. Using a stick
cup arrowroot (or tapioca flour)
blender, or transferring to a food processor, blend
3 eggs, whisked
until pureed. Set aside.
1 cup almond meal
The leftover broth can be stored in the fridge
1 cup coconut flour
and used as a vegetable broth or you can drink it
3 tbsp coconut oil
right away as a nourishing beverage.
1 tsp paprika (lending an extra hit of flavour and
helping to produce a beautiful golden colour
in the coating)
To make the crumb mixture, add the almond
Sea salt and pepper
meal, coconut flour, paprika, sea salt and pepper to
a shallow bowl, mixing to combine.
Place the eggs into a shallow bowl and whisk.
(Theres enough here allowing you to save half
Place the arrowroot flour in a separate shallow bowl.
for Recipe C or to nibble as a snack later.)
Dip each piece of chicken into the arrowroot
1 onion diced
flour, then egg mixture, then the crumb mixture.
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Make sure that they are evenly coated.
8 medium parsnips, peeled and roughly chopped
Pre-heat a large fry pan on medium-high heat
1 tsp thyme
with 1 tbsp coconut oil. Cook each schnitzel for
1 tsp oregano
4-5 minutes on each side, adding a fresh tbsp of oil
Sea salt and pepper to taste
each new round of schnitzels (cooking 4 at a time,
depending on the size of your fry pan).
Set aside 8 of the schnitzels for Recipes B and
(Theres enough here to create Recipes B and C
C, first allowing to cool to room temperature
as well.)
then placing into a sealed container and refriger-
4 large handfuls rocket
ating for up to 3 days.
1 cup button mushrooms, halved
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
cup Kalamata olives
Place rocket, basil, mushrooms, tomatoes and
avocado, diced
olives in a bowl and combine.
Small handful fresh basil leaves, torn
Separate half the mixture and set aside in a
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
bowl, refrigerating until preparation of Recipes B
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
and C (this will keep undressed in the refrigerator
Sea salt and pepper to taste
for up to 5 days).
With the remaining half, add avocado, oil, vinegar,
salt and pepper and mix well to combine.
Saut onion in 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp water in
a large pot for 3-4 minutes. To serve, place a piece of schnitzel on
Place the chopped parsnips into the pot with each of the 4 serving plates, with a
enough boiling water to cover. Add herbs and sea- generous scoop of mash and side salad.
soning. Stir to combine ingredients.

87 The Renewable Table


Chicken and
broccoli salad

4 cooked chicken schnitzels
half of the leftover salad from
Recipe A
2 large handful chopped cos
lettuce leaves (or our choice of
1 cup broccoli florets, washed
1 cup cauliflower florets,
cup walnuts, roughly

ACV Dressing
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp garlic
tsp ginger
Sea salt and pepper to

Place cauliflower into a pot of boiling water, cooking for 4-5 minutes. Add broccoli and cook for a
further 3 minutes. Remove vegetables from pot and set aside.
In a large salad bowl, add cos lettuce, leftover salad from recipe A, broccoli and cauliflower, stirring
to combine.
To make the dressing, add all dressing ingredients to small bowl and mix well with a spoon to
Pour dressing over the salad and mix again so dressing coats the salad well.
Spoon salad into serving plates and sprinkle a quarter of the walnuts over each salad. Slice each
chicken schnitzel in half and place on top of salad so each plate receives 2 half pieces.
Sprinkle with some extra sea salt and serve.

88 The Renewable Table


schnitzel wrap
with lemon and
parsnip spread


This is an easy and fuss-free

work or school lunch option for
you or the kids. Packing the kids
lunch with some protein wont
just taste more appealing, it will
keep them satisfied and focused
for longer during their day. And
the same goes for the adults as
we try to meet all of lifes de-
mands with clarity and energy!

4 chicken schnitzels, cut into
thin diagonal strips
4 gluten free crepes (see
my recipe in the continuum
cooking day section)
1 grated carrot
Juice of lemon
Leftover mash from Recipe A
Leftover salad from recipe A
Sea salt and pepper to taste

Lay out the 4 crepes on your kitchen bench.
Spread a heaped spoonful of parsnip mash down the centre of each crepe.
Add all other ingredients evenly across the 4 crepes and season with sea salt and
pepper. Squeeze a touch of lemon juice in each crepe.
Roll into cylinders, curling in the bottom edge so filling doesnt fall out.
Cover in foil and store in the refrigerator until its time to take to work or school.
Lasts in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

89 The Renewable Table

Supercharge your week


When the winter months approach, slow cooked pork is the perfect food to warm your body up from
the inside. I love this sequence because once youre continuum cooking day is over and your pork is
ready, the remaining meals in this sequence are super quick to complete; perfect for a busy work week.

TIP: I recommend making a loaf of my rosemary and flaxseed bread on continuum cooking day so
its ready to go during the week. This is a loaf you can eat every day as a toast or sandwich and can be
stored for one week in the fridge or two months in the freezer.

90 The Renewable Table


Slow cooked ACV and smoked

paprika pork with apple kaleslaw

Use half the pork (4 serves) for todays meal and set aside
remainder as per instructions below.

o u c a n s e r ve
i n a g lu te n
th i s
n too!
f re e b u

91 The Renewable Table

1 x large free range pork shoulder off the bone Set aside half the pork to be used across
1 tsp sea salt Recipes B and C below by storing in an
1 tbsp olive oil airtight container in the refrigerator. The
250ml (1 cup) Apple cider vinegar pork will keep for 4 days.

Dry rub
2 tbsp fennel seeds
1 tbsp black peppercorns
1 dried chilli or 2 tsp dried chilli flakes Apple kaleslaw with
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp coriander seeds creamy dressing
1 tsp cumin seeds
2 tbsp smoked paprika Serves 6 as a side salad (4 serves for to-
3 tbsp rice malt syrup days meal, then leftover to be spread
across sandwiches in Recipe C)
Apple kaleslaw to serve (recipe below)
METHOD 4 cups thinly sliced Tuscan kale

Preheat. Oven to 220. 2 apples (red or green), sliced into very

Remove skin from pork by running a knife thin wedges

underneath and set aside rind for crackling. cabbage, thinly sliced
In a mortar and pestle pound dry rub 1 red capsicum, seeds and membrane
ingredients apart from rice malt syrup to release removed, thinly sliced
flavours. 1 small carrot, grated
Place dry rub ingredients together in a bowl parsley, or micro herbs, to serve
add rice malt syrup and combine.
Sprinkle pork with salt and then add olive Creamy Sesame Dressing
oil and place in flame proof casserole dish and 3/4 cup raw cashews

over high heat on stove brown off both sides. cup sesame seeds

Remove from heat and let cool then work 1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

dry rub into the pork ensuring you are pushing 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

it into all the creases. Drain excess fat from pan tsp Celtic sea salt

and pour Apple cider vinegar over the top. 2 tbsp sugar-free mustard

Place pan in oven for 20 mins then reduce

heat to 140 and roast for 4 hours until tender METHOD
and can pull apart easily. Top up with apple ci- Place all the dressing ingredients in a
der vinegar periodically if needed. food processor with a generous splash of
Remove from oven and using two forks pull filtered water and blend until smooth.
pork apart to shred it. Place on a tray to use Place the slaw ingredients in a bowl, stir
and serve with a side salad or your choice of through the dressing and serve.

92 The Renewable Table


Fluffy spinach and garlic omelette

with pulled pork

Here is a decadent and satisfying
breakfast to impress the harshest of
critics, creating a protein-rich and
super satisfying start to your day.

the leftover pork, shredded
8 eggs, separated
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 large handfuls spinach
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 tsp nutritional yeast flakes
Sea salt and pepper
Butter to coat pan

Add oil to a fry pan over
medium heat and cook onion for
3-4 minutes. Add garlic, spinach,
shredded pulled pork and salt and
pepper, stirring for 1 minute until
spinach begins to wilt. Remove
mixture from pan and set aside.
(NOTE: Alternatively, you can cook
the omelette without the pork and
serve the pulled pork on the side.)
To make 1 omelette, beat 2 egg whites until stiff then fold in 2 yolks.
Heat a small amount of butter in a small pan and add egg mixture. Once the bottom
becomes golden brown, flip to cook the other side.
Add of the pork and vegetable mixture to the top of the omelette as it continues cooking.
Add 1 tsp nutritional yeast flakes if using, then fold over one half of omelette to form a
semi-circle. Allow to continue cooking until the base side browns.
Repeat for remaining 3 omelettes.

93 The Renewable Table


Pulled pork and

apple sandwich
on herb and
flaxseed bread

Yet another simple yet de-

lectable protein-packed
lunch option to take to
work or bunged in the kids
school lunch boxes. This
herb bread is one you can
have every day. Use it for
blissful open-top sandwich-
es or a mouth-watering and
satisfying toasted sandwich.

8 thin slices of rosemary, chia
and flaxseed loaf
Leftover pork, shredded
Leftover apple kaleslaw
1 small avocado
Sea salt and pepper to taste

Lay 4 pieces of loaf on your bench top and spread of the avocado across each.
Add pork and kaleslaw evenly across each piece and season with salt and pepper.
Cover with second loaf piece.
If youre eating lunch at home or you have access to a sandwich press or grill,
place your sandwich in the appliance and heat all the way through, adding fresh
avocado after its been heated.

94 The Renewable Table

Make mine meatloaf


Meatloaf is one of the all-time favourite leftover meals to eat cold. It also serves as a
versatile renewable dish that can be re-purposed into a variety of new creations.

95 The Renewable Table


Meatloaf with green beans,

turmeric baked cauliflower rice and
mushroom gravy

Make mine meatloaf!

96 The Renewable Table

This recipe makes 12 meatloaf slices (1 slice = 1
serve) so youll have 8 slices leftover.
1kg extra lean beef mince (organic or grass-
1 cup almond meal
1 brown onion, grated
1 carrot, peeled and grated
1 zucchini, grated
2 heaped tbsp additive-free tomato puree
2 tbsp flat-leaf parsley leaves, chopped
1 large egg, lightly beaten
Sea salt and pepper
or use a lined loaf baking tin if preferred.
2 cups green beans, steamed
Place on prepared tray. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes
or until firm to touch. Remove from oven. Drain
Cauliflower Rice
excess fat.
There will be enough cauliflower rice to set To make the cauliflower rice, roughly tear apart
aside for Recipe C. florets and chop the stalk of the cauliflower, dis-
2 large cauliflower heads carding the end. Add to a food processor and
2 tsps turmeric pulse until it forms a rice-like consistency.
large handful coriander leaves chopped To cook the rice, set oven to 180C. Place
roughly cauliflower rice, turmeric and coriander into
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil a large serving bowl, and mix though. Spoon
Sea salt and pepper to taste mixture onto a large baking tray and drizzle with
olive oil and season. Place in the oven for 20-25
Gravy minutes stirring often.
There will be enough gravy to set aside for To make the gravy, in a saucepan, saut onion
Recipe B. in oil over a medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Add
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil mushrooms, parsley and cup broth until for
onion, diced a further couple of minutes until mushrooms
cup mushrooms, sliced are tender. Combine rice flour and cup broth
2 tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped in a bowl and stir until smooth. Add to pan with
2 cups home-made beef or vegetable broth remaining broth and season with salt and pepper.
2 tbsp rice flour Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally for 3-4
Sea salt and pepper minutes.
Serve a slice of meatloaf with steamed green
METHOD beans, a generous spoon of cauliflower rice and a
Preheat oven to 180C. Line a baking tray with big drizzle of mushroom gravy.
baking paper. Place mince, almond meal, onion, Refrigerate leftover cauliflower rice in a sealed
carrot, zucchini, tomato puree, parsley and egg in container to use in Recipe C, or for up to 4 days.
a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Using Refrigerate leftover gravy for tomorrows meatloaf
clean hands, mix until well combined. lunch wrap by storing in a tightly covered bowl or
Shape mince into a rectangular loaf shape sealed container for up to 4 days.

97 The Renewable Table


Monday meatloaf lunch burger


This makes for a fantastic work lunch or kids school lunch!

8 slices of gluten free bread (or 4 thick slices to make an open toast)
4 slices of leftover meatloaf
8 crispy lettuce leaves of choice
1 tomato, thinly sliced
Caramelised onion (optional)
Gravy to drizzle

Place 4 slices of bread on the counter. Place 2 slices of lettuce leaves on the bottom, then
add slice of meatloaf, tomato and optional caramelised onions, drizzling gravy over the top.
Cover with other side of burger if using 2 slices.

TIP: If eating at home, toast uncovered burger in the oven on a

grill setting and cover with cheese (optional, if eating dairy) to heat
through as a warm alternative.

98 The Renewable Table


Tuesday 4
meatloaf laksa
with rice

4 slices of cooked
1 onion, diced
1 tbsp coconut oil
1cm piece of ginger,
1 tbsp laksa paste (no
added sugar)
1 cup coconut milk
3 cups beef or vegetable
stock, or water
Handful coriander,
chopped finely
tsp curry powder
tsp chilli flakes or to taste broccoli and snow peas, cooking for a couple of
Sea salt and pepper minutes, just long enough to cook through with-
1 cup broccoli florets out becoming too soft or losing their colour.
1 cup snow peas Cut each meatloaf into 4 large squares and
200g rice noodles arrange on serving plates (ensure serving plates
are deep enough to hold laksa or use bowls).
METHOD Using tongs, place noodles neatly on top of
In a large pot, heat oil on a medium to high the meatloaf in the centre of the plate in a spiral
heat and saut onion until translucent. shape. Evenly sprinkle broccoli and snow peas
Add ginger, laksa paste and stir through. Then around the plate and then pour laksa on top, dis-
add coconut milk, stock, coriander, curry powder, tributing all ingredients equally across the serving
chilli flakes, salt and pepper and bring to the boil. plates.
Cook for 5 minutes. Garnish with extra fresh coriander, salt and
Add rice noodles to the boiling mixture and pepper.
then cook noodles as per package instructions. Serve with extra chilli flakes for those who
When noodles are 2 minutes off being ready, add enjoy the heat!

99 The Renewable Table

Its a wrap


100 The Renewable Table


Roasted curry and

yoghurt chicken with
minted cranberry quinoa

with extra for next day

Roasted curry and yogurt chicken Pistachio minted cranberry quinoa

2 cups full fat plain yogurt 1 cups uncooked quinoa (white)
4 cloves garlic (crushed) Olive oil, optional
3 tsp curry powder 2 cups chicken stock
1 tsp garam masala tsp sea salt plus extra for serving
1 tsp ground coriander 1 bunch mint leaves roughly chopped
1 tsp turmeric 2 tbsp lemon oil
8-10 chicken legs, thighs or a mixture on 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
the bone 2/3 cup pistachios
Celtic sea salt and freshly cracked black 2/3 cup cranberries
pepper to taste 1 avocado chopped into cubes
Fresh coriander leaves to serve 1 tbsp lemon juice
Black pepper to taste
In a medium bowl, combine yogurt with METHOD
garlic and all spices and stir until combined. Place quinoa into strainer. Rinse thoroughly
Place chicken a bowl and place Rub quinoa with hand while rinsing. Drain.
yoghurt mixture on top. Place in fridge to Stir in 2 cups chicken stock and salt.
marinate for one hour. Bring to boil.
Set oven to 230C/450F. Lower heat and cook, covered,
Place chicken in a baking dish and roast in for 12- 15 minutes.
the oven for 45-50 minutes, or until cooked Remove the pot from heat and let
through. stand for 5 more minutes, covered.
Fluff quinoa gently with a fork and transfer the
quinoa to a large bowl. Add mint, lemon oil, apple
cider vinegar, pistachios, cranberries, avocado,
lemon juice, sea salt, and pepper and toss well.
Serve roasted chicken on top of
quinoa in a wide mouth bowl and garnish with
extra mint leaves.
101 The Renewable Table

Roast chicken crepe wraps

4 crepe wraps
1 serve of guacamole or cashew nut cheese spread
4 chicken legs or thighs roughly chopped or shredded
1 serve of pistachio minted cranberry quinoa

Place guacamole or cashew nut cheese spread on wrap
and top with chicken and quinoa. Roll up wrap and enjoy as a
delicious and handy lunch option.

102 The Renewable Table

Cooking light


103 The Renewable Table


Whole baked salmon with parsley and walnuts


with half for further recipes in the sequence

3-4kg fresh whole salmon scaled and gutted
1 small bunch flat leaf parsley chopped
1 cup whole walnuts
3 lemons, (2 x sliced)
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Celtic sea salt & freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 180C/350F.
Wash the salmon and pat it dry with a paper towel inside and out.
With a sharp knife make slices into the salmon and fill with parsley and walnuts.
Place a piece of foil onto a large baking tray .
Place fish on top in the centre or diagonally if it is too large and drizzle oil and squeeze
some lemon on top.
Place a few slices of lemon inside the salmon and on top Season well.
Wrap up the foil to make a loose parcel.
Cook for 30 minutes or until cooked through. To check the fish is cooked, take a clean skewer and
push it into the deepest part of the fish, just behind the head.
Remove the foil and squeeze extra lemon and olive oil over the fish.
For use on the following day, keep chilled in the fridge.
104 The Renewable Table

Asparagus, mushroom and salmon frittata


8 organic eggs
125ml almond milk
tsp sea salt
2 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes (optional)
2 bunches asparagus woody ends trimmed, cut into 4cm lengths
1 cup sauted mushrooms
200g cooked salmon

Preheat oven to 180C and grease a round 22cm-diameter pie dish. Whisk eggs in a large bowl,
then whisk in almond milk, salt and yeast flakes, if using. Scatter asparagus, mushrooms and
salmon in pie dish and pour egg mixture over top.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until frittata is set in the middle and the top is puffy and slightly browned.
Serve with a crunchy green salad.
105 The Renewable Table

Salmon, rocket, goats cheese and

pumpkin salad

4 ti n g w i th
o n is bu ty acids,
S a l m a 3 fa t i r a n ti -
g e
O m e d fo r th n ef i t s .
ne be
re n o w m a t o r y
i nf l a

2 cups cooked salmon flaked
3 cups rocket and spinach leaves
500g pumpkin cubed and cooked in oven
1 cup goats cheese

Arrange salad leaves in a bowl.
Add remaining ingredients and toss gently.
Drizzle with jam jar dressing.

106 The Renewable Table

Muffins five ways


107 The Renewable Table

Muffins are the ultimate comfort food. Snuggled up in front of a winter fire place with a hot
chocolate, snacking on a chocolate maple muffin, or meeting friends for a long overdue brunch
and a chat, enjoying berry and macadamia muffins with a cup of tea. There are so many ways
to enjoy muffins, and so many flavour combinations you can create. The list is endless.

Thats why when you have a party planned, or you just want to have some ready-made healthy
snacks in the house to prevent you from unhealthy snacking, make my muffins, 4 ways sweet,
savoury, fruity and herby who says you cant have your cake and eat it too?

The brilliant thing about this recipe is that the base recipe is exactly the same, and then you
simply add a couple of extra ingredients to each bowl to produce 4 completely different flavours.
Once prepared, the muffins last in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

Makes enough for 4 lots of 12 mini muffins

4 cups almond meal
4 cups coconut flour
8 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp sea salt
cup slightly melted butter or light olive oil
12 eggs, beaten
1 1/3 cup coconut milk
16 drops liquid stevia

In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients.
In a separate bowl, mix eggs, grapeseed oil, coconut milk and stevia.
Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix well.
Separate mixture evenly across 4 mixing bowls.

These mixtures will form the base for the following muffin recipes.
You can prepare the following muffin recipes right away, or you
can store the muffin batter in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed
container for up to 2 days.

108 The Renewable Table


Chocolate rice malt muffins

of base muffin mixture
cup rice malt syrup
3 tbsp raw cacao powder
3 tbsp cacao nibs, with extra for sprinkling on top

Preheat oven to 175C and grease a 12 cup muffin tin.
Place all ingredients into a mixing bowl, stirring until combined.
Spoon mixture into muffin tin to about 2/3 full and sprinkle
extra cacao nibs on top of each muffin.
Bake in oven for 15 minutes or until cooked all the way through.

109 The Renewable Table


Mini pizza muffins

of base muffin mixture
small onion, diced
1 tomato, diced
cup diced red capsicum
12 seedless Kalamata olives, roughly chopped
Handful fresh basil, roughly torn
1 tsp oregano
1 tbsp nutritional yeast for sprinkling on top (optional)
Pinch of sea salt

Preheat oven to 175C and grease a 12 cup muffin tin.
Place all ingredients into a mixing bowl, stirring until combined.
Spoon mixture into muffin tin to about 2/3 full and sprinkle nutritional
yeast if using on top of each muffin.
Bake in oven for 15 minutes or until cooked all the way through.

110 The Renewable Table

Berry and Macadamia
of base muffin mixture
60g blueberries
60g raspberries
80g macadamia nuts, chopped
cup honey

Preheat oven to 175C and grease a 12 cup
muffin tin.
Place all ingredients into a mixing bowl, stirring
until combined.
Spoon mixture into muffin tin to about 2/3 full.
Bake in oven for 15 minutes or until cooked all
the way through.


Herb and cheese muffins

of base muffin mixture
2 spring onions, finely chopped
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp oregano
Handful basil, roughly chopped
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
Pinch of sea salt

Preheat oven to 175C and grease a 12 cup muffin tin.
Place all ingredients into a mixing bowl, stirring until combined.
Spoon mixture into muffin tin to about 2/3 full.
Bake in oven for 15 minutes or until cooked all the way through.

111 The Renewable Table


Muffin and yogurt trifle


Use leftover baked muffins to make a layered trifle (sweet and fruity flavoured muffins preferred).

4 baked muffins
1 cup dairy-free yogurt of choice (coconut or goats milk yogurt work well)
2 tbsp pistachios
2 tbsp flaked coconut

Line up 4 glass jars (small drinking glasses work well here too).
Roughly tear muffins into small pieces.
Place half of the muffin pieces (leaving half for another layer) into the bottom of
the jars, pressing down to form the base layer of the trifle.
Using half of the yogurt, gently spoon yogurt into the jars to cover the muffin layer
(leaving half of the yogurt for an extra layer).
Sprinkle some pistachios and coconut on each trifle, leaving some for the top layer.
Repeat the layering process, using all remaining muffin pieces, yogurt and finally sprinkling
pistachios and coconut over the top to finish.
112 The Renewable Table
Chocoholics dream


113 The Renewable Table


Simple chocolate mousse


1/3 of the mixture to be used now (4 serves)
with the rest saved for Recipes B and C

When you have unexpected guests pop

over unannounced, or when youre
looking for a simple sweet treat that
you wont regret tomorrow, this simple
chocolate mousse recipe is one youll
keep in your back pocket.

6 ripe avocados
1 cup almond milk
6 tbsp chia seeds
3 tsp vanilla essence
1 cup ground cacao
1/3 cup rice malt syrup or sweetener of
Raspberries to serve

METHOD separate sealed containers for Recipes B and C

Combine all ingredients in a high speed (will keep in the refrigerator for up to 4 days).
blender and blend for 30 seconds or until Pour the remaining portion of mixture
smooth and creamy. into 4 serving bowls to enjoy your creamy
Separate the chocolate mousse into 3 chocolate mousse now, scattering raspberries
portions. Refrigerate two of the portions into on top to serve.

114 The Renewable Table


Raw choc-mint tarts


When men and women start reducing the sugar and processed foods
in their diet in an effort to become healthier and more energetic, there
can often be an accompanying feeling of deprivation, not being able to
enjoy those delectable colourful desserts in the cheesecake shop win-
dow! But never fear; these tasty mini tarts look heavenly and will satisfy
all of your senses! Never feel deprived again.
115 The Renewable Table
1 refrigerated portion of chocolate mousse (1/3 of original mixture)
Small handful fresh mint leaves, washed, with extra small leaves to serve

1 cup cashew nuts
1 cup shredded coconut
tsp stevia powder
cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
25g coconut butter, melted

To make the bases, process the nuts and coconut in a blender until finely chopped.
Stir the remaining ingredients, adding some filtered water if necessary the mixture
should be stiff and hold together while not being too crumbly.
Using your hands, mould into a dough and then separate into 4 equal portions. Press
each portion into the hole of the muffin tin then place in the freezer for 20 minutes to set.
To prepare the choc-mint mousse, add the ready-made chocolate mousse to a
blender with the handful of mint leaves and blend on a high speed until mint leaves
have been combined and are no longer visible.
Remove the bases from the freezer and pour the mousse into each base using a spatula
to smooth the tops. Return to the freezer for a further 20 minutes to set.
Sprinkle with additional mint leaves and serve.

116 The Renewable Table


I love chocolate cake 1


Did you say you like chocolate? No

you love chocolate? Well heres a cake
you can bake for an upcoming birth-
day, family get together or just for fun
because you love chocolate! Using
your ready-made chocolate mousse
makes the creation of this divine des-
sert even easier so you have more time
to sit and enjoy it.

Last refrigerated portion of choco-
late mousse (1/3 of original mixture)
cup cacao nibs
cup desiccated coconut
3 cups almond flour
cup coconut flour
cup ground cacao
cup rice malt syrup
2 tsp baking soda
tsp sea salt
cup coconut oil, melted Pour batter into the lined cake tin and bake
1 cup coconut milk in the oven for 40-45 minutes. Check the cake
3 large eggs is ready by inserting a toothpick and checking it
2 tsp vanilla extract comes out clean.
Allow to cool to room temperature then
METHOD remove from cake tin onto a plate.
Preheat oven to 170C Using a sharp knife, cut the cake horizontally
and line or grease a round cake tin. into 2 pieces so you end up with 2 shorter
In a large bowl, mix together the almond round cakes.
flour, coconut flour, cacao powder, baking Using a spatula, spread the chocolate
soda and salt. mousse mixture over the bottom layer of the
In a separate bowl, whisk together cake and sprinkle cacao nibs evenly over the
the eggs, coconut oil, coconut milk, vanilla mousse. Cover with the second layer of cake.
and rice malt syrup. Spread the remainder of the chocolate mousse
Using a spatula, mix the wet ingredients into to cover the top of the cake, and then sprinkle
the dry ingredients to combine. Do not over beat. desiccated coconut over the top to dress.

117 The Renewable Table

Seasonal desserts


118 The Renewable Table


Stewed rhubarb and berries with coconut cream


1.5kg rhubarb trimmed and chopped into 2-3 inch pieces
150g coconut sugar or sweetener of choice
1 orange, zested and juiced
1 inch knob ginger grated
1 tsp vanilla bean powder
cup water

Place in large saucepan and place remaining ingredients over the top.
Bring to a boil and simmer gently until soft, about 10 minutes until
rhubarb is cooked but still holds it shape.
119 The Renewable Table

Rhubarb crumble

3 cups cooked rhubarb
tsp nutmeg
tsp powdered stevia
tsp cinnamon
1 cup walnuts or almonds or mixed nuts of your choice
3 tbsp butter cut into cubes
Pinch of Celtic sea salt

Preheat oven to 175C.
Place rhubarb in a bowl with nutmeg, stevia and cinnamon and toss them to coat.
Remove from bowl and layer them into a square pie or baking dish.
In a food processor, process nuts until fine.
Add butter and sea salt until crumbly.
Sprinkle mixture over apples and place in oven.
Bake for 15-20 minutes until crispy on top.
120 The Renewable Table

Almond, cinnamon
and rhubarb cake


60g butter
1 tsp finely grated lemon rind
1 cups (300g) coconut sugar
2 eggs
2 cups almond meal
tsp baking powder
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
tsp grated nutmeg
tsp sea salt
cup coconut cream
2 cups cooked rhubarb

Preheat the oven to 170C/340F Gas Mark 4 and grease an 18cm round cake tin.
In a bowl beat butter, rind, coconut sugar and eggs and stir in almond flour, baking powder,
bicarbonate of soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and coconut milk and stir to combine.
Add rhubarb and fold in lightly.
Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 45-55 minutes, or until the cake
springs back when pressed in the centre.
Sprinkle with topping mixture.
Let cool and then turn out onto a wire rack to continue to cool.

121 The Renewable Table

Base bread recipes


122 The Renewable Table

Quinoa and chia bread recipe
12 slices

80g chia seeds
850g quinoa
70ml butter, melted
tsp bicarb soda
1 tsp sea salt
Juice of lemon
1 handful sunflower seeds

Preheat oven to 180C.
Line a small loaf tin with baking paper.
Place the chia seeds in a bowl with 100ml filtered water, stir well and
leave for 15 minutes. This should form a gel.
Rinse the quinoa in a fine sieve. Place quinoa in a saucepan and cover with three times
the amount of water. Bring to the boil and then simmer for 3 minutes to partly cook the
quinoa. Remove from the stove and rinse under cold water using the sieve. Allow to drain
for a few minutes to remove excess water from the quinoa.
Place the chia gel and the quinoa into a blender and blend to combine.
Add the butter, bi carb, salt and lemon juice along with 150ml water with
and blend for a further 5 minutes. The consistency should be quite smooth and a little bit
on the runny side, which is what you want.
Add in most of the sesame seeds (leaving a few for sprinkling) and blend to combine.
Pour mixture into the loaf tin, sprinkle with additional sunflower seeds
and bake in the oven for 1 hour until firm and slightly golden on top.
Once ready, remove from oven and allow to cool before handling.
Enjoy warm right away or you can store your loaf in the refrigerator in a sealed
container for up to 5 days, or in the freezer for up to 6 weeks.

TIP: Make this on your continuum cooking day to save you time later.

123 The Renewable Table

Chia, rosemary and flaxseed loaf

350g (12 oz/2 1/3 cups) gluten-free self-raising flour
30g (1 oz/ cup) ground flaxseeds
20g (3/4 oz/ cup) chia seeds
115g (4 oz/3/4 cup) mixed sunflower seeds and pepitas (pumpkin seeds)
tsp sea salt
1 tbsp chopped fresh rosemary
4 organic eggs
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
4 tbsp melted unsalted butter
80ml (2 fl oz/1/3 cup) tbsp additive-free coconut milk
6 drops stevia liquid125ml (4 fl oz/ cup) filtered water

Preheat the oven to 175C (345F gas 34) and grease and flour
a 20 x 9cm (8 x 3 inch) loaf (bar) tin.
Combine the flour, flaxseed, chia, sunflower and pumpkin seeds
salt and rosemary in a bowl and mix until combined.
In a separate large bowl, use an electric mixer to beat the eggs for
about 2 minutes they should be pale and fluffy. Stir in the apple cider vinegar,
butter, coconut milk, stevia and water. pour the wet ingredients into the bowl with
the flour mixture and stir well to combine.
Spoon the mixture into the prepared loaf tin and bake in the oven for 40
minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the centre of the loaf comes out clean.
Turn onto a wire rack to cool slice and serve with a bowl of olive oil to dip it in.

124 The Renewable Table


Gluten free crepes

This recipe is really simple and theyre versatile too. You can use them to make
delicious gluten-free wraps for lunch boxes, or top them with berries and goats
cheese for breakfast for the whole family!

1 1/3 cup tapioca flour
1 1/3 additive-free coconut milk
1 egg
Pinch of sea salt
80g butter

Combine all the ingredients except the butter in a medium bowl and stir well.
Heat one-quarter of the butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Pour in
one-quarter of the mixture and swirl to cover the bottom of the pan.
After 23 minutes, carefully flip and brown on the other side.
Repeat with the remaining butter and crepe mixture.

125 The Renewable Table

Extra renewable
table meals for you
to consider
Roast chicken use bones for a Veggie Shepherd's pie: butter a casserole
broth to drink and freeze to use at a later dish, place leftover veggies in bottom,
date in a soup or stew next day add add a sprinkle of cheese, top with leftover
leftover chicken to a wrap for lunch with sweet potatoes (mash them up a bit first
the vegies added to your side salad. Or if they're not already mashed), top with
put the vegies with dinner the following a little butter and another sprinkling of
night. Youll have leftover chicken enough cheese, bake until hot.
for dinner the next night to add it to a
Veggie enchiladas: combine leftover
chicken curry.
veggies with enchilada sauce (or taco
Chilli con carne uses affordable sauce or salsa), add cumin and hot spices
ingredients, especially if you think outside to taste, and some shredded cheese.
the box and use turkey or pork mince. Spoon into tortillas, roll and place in oiled
My version with smoky chorizo is quick casserole. Top with more sauce and
to make so ideal for a weeknight, plus cheese; bake until hot.
the quantities are easily doubled. Throw
a few sweet potatoes into the oven while
you're eating, and gain yourself some You can also make both of
jackets to go with leftover chilli for lunch.
these dishes with leftover
I use a lot of leftovers in quesadillas meats, rice, beans or combi-
and burritos. Leftover beef curry and
nations of whatever you have
rice makes a very interesting burrito
topped with some chopped cilantro
in the fridge.
and leftover raita.

126 The Renewable Table

Welcome to the world of The Renewable Table. I hope
you and your family have enjoyed the continuum
cooking experience and may your table always be
filled and your belly satisfied!

Lee Holmes


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