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ONLINE u Tool Test Archives
Shaker Candle We have many tool reviews available for free Brands of Dye
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Stand Grain
Stain Differ
Mouldings Got
Number 231, April 2017. Popular Woodworking Magazine (ISSN 0884-8823,USPS 752-
250) is published 7 times a year, February, April, June, August, October, November and
December, which may include an occasional special, combined or expanded issue that
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Produced and printed in the U.S.A.
ig out the best pictures of circular bench (shown here) that nosed
your work or get started out the competition in the end. We were, x11480
now on a new piece and en- impressed by not only the fair curves ONLINE EDITOR Jon Russelburg
ter the fth annual PWM Excellence of the 10'-diameter bench, but by the, x11434
Awards for a chance at the $1,000 execution of the many Maloof-style CONTRIBUTING EDITORS
Bob Flexner, Christopher Schwarz,
grand prize. Submissions will be ac- joints in the base. Steve Shanesy
cepted in five categories from April Im hopeful the 2017 competition PHOTOGRAPHER Al Parrish
1-June 16 at popularwoodworking. will yield a similar battle its fun to
com/2017readerexcellence. discuss the ner points of joinery, wood
Theres no fee to enter the only selection, form and style. Martha Garstang Hill,
string attached is that well print the And thats why its of utmost impor- ONLINE CONTENT DEVELOPMENT MANAGER
work of the grand-prize winner, the tance that the photos you enter allow us David Thiel, x11255
winners in each to appreciate your
Jacob Motz
of the five cat- work; if we cant, x11005
egories and the clearly see your CONTENT EDITOR, BOOKS Scott Francis
Readers Choice piece overall and, x11327
winners in the the crisp details F+W, A Content + eCommerce Company
November 2017 of the work that CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Thomas F.X. Beusse
issue. went into it, you
You can enter hurt your chance CHIEF CONTENT STRATEGIST Steve Madden
up to ve pieces of winning. CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER Joe Romello
total in the five First and fore-
Ray Chelstowski
follow ing cat- most, make sure, x11452
egories: your pictures are VP, MANUFACTURING & LOGISTICS Phil Graham
all Readers Choice winner get $100 gift all of you look forward to seeing this SHOPWOODWORKING.COM
Visit for woodworking books,
certicates to years entries! PWM projects, plans and back issues of this magazine.
Last years competition was erce, Copyright 2017 by F+W Media, Inc.
with several stellar pieces vying for the All rights reserved. Popular Woodworking
Magazine is a registered trademark of
$1,000 prize but it was Alex Sutulas F+W Media, Inc.
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he Shaker candle stand is a were in tension it would be very weak. formation about the lowly nail.
ne piece, and a good exercise On this point you have to take into However, I have concerns regarding
in handwork. But I have two account the original tables longevity as the use of the cast iron top of a table
complaints. well. There are some that are more than saw as a worksurface to hammer nail
1) The grain orientation shown in 180 years old and completely intact. If tips, bending them back into the work
the legs has the thin parts with grain there were a fault in the design, I think it (as is illustrated in the photo and ac-
at right angles a great possibility would have made itself evident by now. companying text on page 42).
for a break! While most of them have been museum The top of a table saw should never
2) The proposed dovetail layout jig pieces for the last 60 years, they sur- be used as a worksurface! Pounding
is way too complicated, and would be vived 120 years of daily use beforehand. on it as demonstrated could leave scars
warranted only if one were planning Regarding the layout jig, I just n- in the saw tops surface, and more im-
a production run. The time would ished reviewing my new video about portant, jar the saw out of alignment.
be better spent with saw and chisel. this table, Building the Hancock I do use mine as at space, but only
Tom Higby, Shaker Candle Stand (its available after I set a 1 4" hardboard cover on it.
Fowlerville, Michigan now at The Ros Barnes,
Tom, part where I show making the dovetail Belen, New Mexico
The grain orientation of the leg I wrote layout tool is just shy of 11 minutes Ros,
about is precisely how the original (unedited) so it really doesnt take Ive been clenching nails on my table saws
Shaker pieces were made (see the pho- much time. I think it is worth making; top for a decade now and havent scarred
tos below of the original). I was skepti- an accurate layout on both elements it or knocked it out of alignment.
cal about the thin tapered toe as well, of the sliding dovetails saves time in Clenching a nail doesnt require a lot of
but it really does not affect the stability the end. force its not like blacksmithing which
of the table at all. The short grain at Will Myers, contributor is probably why Ive never encountered
the ends of the legs is in compression a problem.
when weight is applied to the table. If it For those woodworkers who dont want
to use a machines cast iron top, I suggest
using a at scrap of steel or iron to back
up the nails head.
Christopher Schwarz,
contributing editor
P. 888.454.3401
F. 651.454.3465
The round stand in the collection (I know of 17 different books with this
of the Metropolitan Museum of Art table included) that is the same as what I
was probably made in New Lebanon documented, or is really even close.
and is denitely not the same size and My main inspiration for writing this
shape as the stand in the collection at piece was to provide a precise plan of the
Hancock, although they appear similar. actual table at Hancock so that if someone
The claims that this is the first does wants to build an accurate copy, he
perfect copy of the original and that or she can do so without having to travel
its the Hancock candle stand done to the museum and gain access to the Highly Recommended
right ignore the scholarship on Shaker piece. Making changes to the design is
Good Clean Fun is going to bring a lot
stands and numbers of craftspersons quite alright, but at the very least the
of new woodworkers into the craft. Like
who have made beautiful copies of the builder will have an accurate starting Nick Offermans other books, its hilari-
many different originals. point either way. ous. Non-woodworkers are going to read
It is one of the artistic gifts of the I in no way mean to denigrate any pre- it and love it and by the time theyre
Shakers communities that they al- vious authors. I simply wish to state the done, most will be itching to set up a
woodshop and start making things.
lowed many variations within the facts I have documented from the candle
And if you already bleed sawdust,
basic, simple forms that they adopted stand at Hancock. well, this book will make you laugh out
from The World. A close study of their Will Myers, contributor loud and remind you of what (I hope!)
casepieces, stands or chairs is like a got you into the shop in the rst place
course on the visual power of small Giving Hide Glue a Try unmitigated fun! Megan Fitzpatrick
changes in design. I think Best Glue for Furniture, by
Doug Powers, Christopher Schwarz, is a terric article
Lyndeborough, New Hampshire (in the February 2017 issue, #230).
Doug, Ive been an amateur woodworker Customer Service
You are absolutely correct that the Shak- for nearly 20 years, but have never used How can I contact customer service with questions
regarding my subscription, including a lost or damaged
ers made many different forms of pedestal hide glues. All this time, glue-up and issue?
Visit Or write
candle stands (and other pedestal tables). assembly was the most stressful and to Popular Woodworking Magazine, P.O. Box 421751,
I was not trying to imply in any way that least enjoyable part of my hobby. Now I Palm Coast, FL 32142-1751. Or, if you prefer the telephone,
call 1-877-860-9140 (U.S. & Canada), 386-246-3369
the candle stand I wrote about is the only know its because of the short open time (International) and a customer service representative will
be happy to help you.
true or correct Shaker candle stand. of the PVAs Ive always used hence When does my subscription expire?
The particular table from Hancock project assembly became a timed event, The date of your subscription expiration appears on your
magazine mailing label, above your name. The date
Shaker Village about which I wrote has and who needs that? indicates the last issue in your subscription.
Can I get back issues of Popular Woodworking
been photographed and written about I cant wait to try some hide glue on Magazine?
Back issues are available while supplies last. Visit
many times, as I am sure you are aware. my next project. Thanks Chris! PWM Or if you know
There is also more than one table of this Karl Zetmier, the exact month and year of the issue you want, call our
customer service department toll-free at 855-840-5118
style, probably all made with the same Leavenworth, Kansas to order.
What if I want more information about the projects or
patterns (which more than likely origi- tools I read about in Popular Woodworking Magazine?
nated at Mt. Lebanon, N.Y.). There are For all editorial questions, please write to Popular
Woodworking Magazine, 8469 Blue Ash Road, Suite 100,
slight differences in the tables I have ONLINE EXTRAS Cincinnati, OH 45236. Or send an email to
observed, mostly in the turnings; the legs Does Popular Woodworking Magazine offer group
all look to be identical. Letters & Comments discounts?
At youll Group discounts are available by special arrangement with
I do feel this particular table has been nd reader questions and comments, as
the publisher. For more details, send an email to Debbie
Paolello at or call 513-
misrepresented in the past in publications, well as our editors responses. 531-2690 x11296.
many of which include the statement: Our Privacy Promise to You
Measured from original at Hancock We want to hear from you. We make portions of our customer list available to carefully
screened companies that offer products and services we
Popular Woodworking Magazine welcomes
Shaker Village (and often accompanied comments from readers. Published cor-
believe you may enjoy. If you do not want to receive offers
and/or information, please let us know by contacting us at:
by a photo of the table I measured). respondence may be edited for length or List Manager, F+W Media, Inc.
10161 Carver Road, Suite 200
I personally measured the original style. All published letters become the prop- Blue Ash, OH 45242
at Hancock, and what I provided are the erty of Popular Woodworking Magazine. Safety Note
correct dimensions for that table not my Send your questions and comments Safety is your responsibility. Manufacturers place safety
devices on their equipment for a reason. In many photos
via email to, or you see in Popular Woodworking Magazine, these have
interpretation of it, but the actual origi- by mail to 8469 Blue Ash Road, Suite 100, been removed to provide clarity. In some cases well use an
nal tables dimensions. I have not found a Cincinnati, OH 45236.
awkward body position so you can better see whats being
demonstrated. Dont copy us. Think about each procedure
previously published measured drawing youre going to perform beforehand.
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hen drilling mortises for While you could then measure the
chair arms, such as those distance from the wedges bottom to
in a ladderback chair, it your line, I simply turn the wedge on
can be difcult to accurately center its side so I can see my line, and use
your bit. that to set my table saw blade.
But wrap a string around the rear Tom Flader,
post at the mortise location and then Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
around the front post, and nding
Drill bit
the center gets a lot easier.
By resting the bit extender on the Alternative to Pencil Erasers
front post and using the string to Typically, any pencil marks I make on a
visually locate center while drilling, workpiece are applied early in the pro-
you ensure the mortise will also be cess cabinetmakers marks to indicate
angled correctly. the orientation of carcase sides, for ex-
Bit extender
David Douyard, ample. Those marks get planed off after
Pine Meadow, Connecticut assembly as I prepare to apply a nish.
But occasionally, I have to make a
pencil mark (always a light one so as
not to scribe the line in the wood!) after
the nish planing is done, and remov-
String ing it with a pencil eraser can leave an
ugly smear.
So instead, I reach for the alcohol.
A good rub with an alcohol-soaked rag
usually erases the mark.
Megan Fitzpatrick,
Cincinnati, Ohio
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Dan Martin,
For links to all online extras, go to:
chisel mortising bit. Prying it out ing action. Go easy with the grinding, Cash and prizes
with a bench chisel often damaged cooling the metal frequently in water. for your tricks and tips!
the shoulder of the mortise and was (If you overheat it while grinding, Each issue we publish woodworking tips
not kind to the chisel. I needed a tool it will lose its temper and your tool from our readers. Next issues winner
with a right-angle cutting edge that will dull quickly in use.) receives a $250 gift certicate from Lee Val-
would allow me to scrape the bottom For a handle, drill a 3 16" hole at ley Tools, good for any item in the catalog
or on the website ( (The tools
of the mortise right up to the corners, least 1" deep in a piece of 3 4"-diam- pictured below are for illustration only and
then pull the chips out. I gured out eter hardwood dowel, then tap the are not part of the prize.)
how to make one from a 732" Allen Allen wrench into the hole. Runners-up each receive a check for
wrench. Heres how: This tool works well for clean- $50 to $100. When submitting a trick,
With a hacksaw, cut off the short ing mortise slots 1 4" wide and up. include your mailing address and phone
number. All accepted entries become the
leg of the Allen wrench at a 45 angle, For larger mortises, make one with property of Popular Woodworking
leaving about 3 4" of length on that a larger Allen wrench. Magazine. Send your trick by email to
leg, then grind the face of the cut Mike Callihan,, or mail it to
at. Next, grind the top of the short Burnsville, North Carolina Tricks of the Trade, Popular Woodworking
Magazine, 8469 Blue Ash Road, Suite 100,
Cincinnati, OH 45236. 11
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am a country mouse who likes to
visit the city. Its a habit that doesnt
make much sense, because Ive al-
ways preferred walking in the woods
to dodging trafc.
But when my design quest led me
into the world of architecture, I came to
value the urban landscape. As a wood-
worker I had a vague idea of the overlap
between buildings and furniture, but I
was stunned, then delighted, to learn
just how much.
Throughout history, our furniture
echoed and reected the best creative
ideas from buildings. It turns out that
many of the things that make us feel
good about a home also resonate in our
favorite chair. Thats the shared thread
that runs through our furniture-mak-
ing craft and is key to understanding Close relatives. Cornices and crown mouldings on furniture come from the same wellspring
the hidden gems of good design.
Im not saying that you must school
yourself on classic architecture (oh, step back in time and nd out how this pots. We join interior walls to ceilings
yes I am it will rock your world). But all got started. with a crown moulding or use it to cap
just taking the time to pause and look off our kitchen cabinets. Decorators
with purpose at that old courthouse or Function First even sell sections of crown as shelves
library building can unlock a treasure We nd a cornice or crown moulding to add some architectural air to a wall.
trove of ideas. If you think about it, this on the top of tall buildings, tall case Where did this all come from? Rain
connection makes sense. Much of our clocks, bookcases, entertainment cen- gutters. Early crown mouldings were
architecture began as wood structures, ters, even the top rims of clay ower used on the tops of exterior walls where
and both carpenters and cabinetmak- a pitched roof connected with the struc-
ers shared many tools and techniques. ture below. Builders realized that water
But this goes much deeper than a com- streaming down a wall and seeping into
mon material and tool set. Furniture the foundation was a recipe for failure,
and architecture also share a common so they used the outward extension of
design language. the angled crown moulding as an over-
One way to see this clearly is in hang to protect the structure below it.
something as everyday as a crown More than just a decorative crown, this
moulding. The house carpenter and moulding also hid a rain gutter carved
the furniture builder have long used into the top side, which controlled the
a crown or cornice to cap off their de- ow of rainwater off the roof.
signs, and the feature is not limited So, yes, this thing we call crown
to historic forms. A graceful crown moulding began as a practical solution
moulding continues to nd a place in Crowning touch. A crown moulding can to a water problem. Yet our ancestors
contemporary work, and with good transform a humble shelf into something werent the kind of builders that would
reason. But before we go there, lets extraordinary. just hang some gutter and leave it at
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to convey the effect they were after. and simple owing arch to a complex
They wanted to get a sense of lightness combination of curves. Aside from
Rain gutter
or lift. Thats why crown mouldings your own observations of buildings,
usually have compositions featuring search through furniture books and
concave curves rather than a series of note how artisans used different pro-
convex shapes. les and scales. I reference a link in the
In contrast, we use convex-shaped Online Extras where you can down-
mouldings in the bottom of structures load several classic cornice profiles
where they reect the sense of heavy that you can study and use in your own
loads pressing down from above and designs. Who knows? You may have a
causing them to bulge out. city mouse inside of you longing to go
look at some great architecture. PWM
Whether you want to add a crown to the George is the co-author of two design books and
family room walls or design a cornice writer of the By Hand & Eye blog with Jim Tolpin.
Gutter talk. In the cross section of this cor- for a bookcase, here are a few tips to
nice, you can see a small semi-circle that was guide your decisions.
the rain gutter carved into this stone temple.
Weve all seen remodeling jobs
where someone slapped up a thin strip
that (industrial chic hadnt been in- of moulding to hide the seam where
vented yet). Even though the solution the wall meets the ceiling. Though a
had a structural purpose, builders also crown can cover some drywall sins,
thought about how our eye took in a its true purpose is to transition the
building. In this case a cornice termi- eye, and scale is important to achieve
nates a tall vertical plane a wall. this. In the case of a wall, the height
Our eye prefers a transition, a visual of the crown is related to the height of
signal that tells us something is about to the wall. Take notes next time you are
end. Ancient builders observed the way in a space with tall ceilings, such as a
nature deals with transitions and took church sanctuary. The crown mould-
inspiration from how tree branches ings will be quite large, in keeping with
curve up gently to carry the eye toward the room height.
Pop the hood. If we scaled this crown to
the sky, and they mimicked this in the An ancient rule of thumb is that a
the overall height of this tall clock, it would
curved proles of crown mouldings. cornice should be one-eighteenth the be twice as tall and broad. Instead this is
The lines of light and shadow result- overall height of the wall. That means a proportioned to complement the upper hood
ing from the prole give our eye that crown for an 8'-high ceiling would be a section of this clock.
transition we look for. little over 5" in height. Thats not writ-
Builders also thought about what ten in stone, but its a good jumping-off
shapes the crown prole should take reference. ONLINE EXTRAS
However, when it comes to furni- For links to all these online extras, go to:
ture, you may wish to deviate from this
rule. A tall, narrow grandfather clock BLOG: Read more from George R. Walker on
his By Hand & Eye blog with Jim Tolpin.
would look top-heavy if you applied
that same one-eighteenth logic. In that PLAN: Download PDFs of historic crown
moulding proles from the authors site.
case, you might think about the cornice
just in relation to the height of the top IN OUR STORE: George R. Walkers DVDs.
portion of the case, called the hood. Our products are available online at:
These kinds of decisions are subjec-
Good I
ts almost impossible to build fur-
niture without a chisel, yet most
woodworkers Ive met (even profes-
sionals) have chisels that are unbal-
anced, the wrong shape and poorly
Before you despair, this article is not
a commercial to convince you to buy
an expensive set of boutique chisels.
You cannot just throw money at this
problem. Instead, my hope is that after
reading this article you will fetch the
1 2" chisel you have in your set no
Types of Chisels
& What You Need
Most woodworkers have far more chis-
els than necessary. Years ago I sure did.
The downside to being chisel-rich is the
downside to having a dozen children:
You have to take care of them all. Id
The simplest tool in your chest is much rather have a small set of perfect
and sharp tools than a menagerie of
also the most sensitive and versatile; mists that Im always poring over to
nd a decent one.
heres how to set up a chisel to a high level Likewise, I dont think you need a
bunch of styles of chisels to do good
and wield it like a maestro. work. Ive explored the world of rmer
chisels, slicks, registered, butt, paring,
patternmaker and crank-neck tools.
Yes, they all have their uses for certain
trades and times in history. But I always
come back to the basic bevel-edge chisel
as the most handy pattern for making
furniture. A good bevel-edge chisel (and
well discuss what makes a good one)
can handle almost any task imaginable.
What sizes? A set of ve (1 4", 3 8",
1 2", 3 4" and 1") is more than enough. If
Its better with a bevel. The narrow ats on the long edges of these Mortising needs mass. Hand-mortising can be brutal on the wood and
chisels let you sneak into acute corners, yet they are strong enough for the maker. Mortise chisels are built to withstand heavy blows and lever-
fairly heavy work. ing out boulders of waste.
Second-string chisel-
When students ask me how to start ers. The shtail chisel
buying chisels, I recommend they buy (top, right) is a huge
a 1 2" tool (the most-used size), then ex- help when cleaning up
pand cautiously from there. You might half-blind dovetails.
The swan-neck chisel
end up with a 1 8" bevel-edge chisel
(top, left) scours the
because you make London-pattern bottom of mortises.
dovetails. You might never pick up a 38". And the drawer-lock
The only exception to this blanket chisel (sorry, no cute
of love for bevel-edge chisels is when animal name) lets you
work in tight quarters.
it comes to mortising. If you cut your
mortises by hand, youll be best served
by a couple dedicated mortise chisels.
Ive snapped bevel-edge chisels in a
deep mortise (heck, Ive seen students board. Note that you can make your Drawer-lock chisel: This odd-look-
snap mortise chisels in a deep mortise). own shtail chisel with a hardware- ing bird gets you into tight places when
But what style of mortise chisel? Jap- store chisel and a grinder if you want installing locks in small drawers. You
anese? English? Continental? All of the to try out the pattern rst. In any case can get around owning one of these
patterns work just ne Ive used them you need only one chisel that reects with this simple trick: Install the lock
all in my shop for many years. My favor- the type of dovetails you cut. before assembling the drawer.
ite is the English pattern because it has Swan-neck chisel: If you cut a bunch
an oval-shaped handle that helps you of mortises, this chisel is a life-saver Whats Important & Not
line up the tool with the joints walls. when it comes to cleaning out the trash While it seems logical to focus on the
Also, the English pattern is the most at the bottom of the mortise, which can steel of the chisel the tool is a piece
beefy and seems to take abuse the best. be vexing at times. I have only one (a of steel stuck to a stick its one of my
You dont need a lot of sizes of mor- 1 4") that matches the size of my mor- smallest concerns. I think theres ba-
tise chisels (please dont buy a whole tising chisel. sically good steel and bad steel. Bad
set). Start with a 1 4" chisel if you work steel wont hold an edge for more than
with mostly 3 4"-thick material or a 5 16" a few minutes of work. It needs to be
if you work mostly with 78" to 1". Let annealed, re-hardened and tempered
your work dictate the next size you (which will make it good steel). Good
purchase. If you plunge into bench- steel covers a wide range of tools from
building, youll nd a 1 2" to be indis- the well-made hardware-store tool up
pensable. If you make delicate frames, to premium products. Yes, there are dif-
a 3 16" will come in handy. ferences in the edge-holding properties
between the inexpensive and expensive
Fancy Specialty Chisels stuff, but if you keep your chisels sharp
There are lots of specialty chisels out with regular honing, you wont really
there some are helpful; others are not. notice the difference.
Here are the patterns that I nd most Chop, hone, repeat. When dovetailing a Chisels should be honed regularly
carcase, I hone my chisel after each corner.
helpful for furniture making. during work. When I chop out dove-
When dovetailing a large drawer, I might do
Fishtail chisel: If you cut half-blind two corners before honing. With small draw- tails in a chest or case, Ill rehone the
dovetails, these chisels are invaluable ers, I hone after nishing each drawer. These chisel after every corner. This gives me
for cleaning out the sockets on the pin- little rules keep me sharp. a break from bending over the work 21
use a more relaxed grip when paring.
Im not a fan of plastic handles for a
couple reasons:
They are much heavier than wood-
For general use, the Though Ive held many quality handle
handle should be shapes made with plastic, I got into
the width of your Necks are for pushing. The small hollow area in the handle makes the making furniture because I love wood.
palm like here. tool easier to push.
If you have a heavy plastic handle,
here are my two recommendations:
and ensures the chisel is keen when I your control and increase your fatigue. 1) Replace it with a wooden one. Its
start at it again. Unless its a paring chisel, the length not difficult (we have an article by
You are welcome to obsess over all of the handle should be about the width Roger Holmes on this process on the
the different steel formulations and of your palm. Anything more increases website). 2) If you refuse to take this
read all the torture tests that get pub- the weight and can affect the balance. route (which is weird because you are
lished (confession: Ive been involved in My favorite handles, no matter who a woodworker), then hacksaw off the
some of these), or you can quit worrying makes them, have some sort of neck end of the handle and shape it with a
and get to work at the bench. near the transition between the handle rasp to reduce the weight and shorten
Bottom line: If your chisel wont hold and the steel. This narrow area is an the handle. This is what woodworker
an edge for more than a few chops, send ideal place for your thumb and index Lonnie Bird does when students bring
it back to the maker or learn to heat nger to push the tool forward while plastic-handle chisels to his school. The
treat steel. Otherwise, focus your en- paring. Having this neck allows you to tools look pretty bad after the opera-
ergies on what is far more important tion, but they are much easier to wield.
than steel: the handle. When it comes to the balance of the
tool, you want the steel part to be heavi-
The Handle & the Balance er than the handle. The tool should be
The comfort of the handle and the bal- balanced 50/50 at a point somewhere
ance of the tool are, in my opinion, the along the steel part. A handle-heavy
most important factors in selecting a chisel is misery.
good chisel. Heres what I look for when One of the other important details
I pick up any chisel. of a bevel-edge chisel is the size of the
You should be able to wrap your n- side bevels. The bevels of a good chisel
gers entirely around the handle. But Farewell heavy plastic. Use a hacksaw to re- will almost touch the at back of the
the tool shouldnt get lost in your palm. move the plastic handle. Then turn a wooden tool leaving a very ne at. A chisel
Handles that are too big or small reduce one. Its time well spent. like this will plunge nicely into a tail-
Handle-heavy hurts. If the balancing point for the tool is in the handle, Tiny ats are good. The thin at area on the side of this chisel makes
I think its too heavy for light chopping. Cut the handle down or replace it ideal for dovetailing. Poorly designed bevel-edge tools have ats as
it with a wooden one. wide as 14". 23
Great, good & bad. When the scratches
cover the entire back (left), it is at. When the
scratches are at the tip and near the handle In & out. To atten the back (especially with Remove metal & tedium. Grinding out a bel-
(center), it is hollow. When the scratches are narrow chisels), its best to plunge the tool lied back can save hours of work. Once again,
in the center of the blade only, it is bellied. onto and off of the stone rather than working a at platform around the wheel makes this
Bellied blades can be hard to set up. side to side. operation a cinch.
ing your back is at. 2) The scratches Other Modications chisels are covered with a thick skin
will be at the tip and up near the handle If your chisel has chunky ats on its of goopy lacquer. Remove this with
only, meaning your back is hollow. 3) long edges and you plan to cut dove- solvents, scraping or sanding. Many
The scratches are in the middle of the tails, youll want to grind these bevels to people leave their handles bare, but
length of the blade, meaning your chisel make the ats thinner along the blade. if you want a nish, I recommend a
is bellied. (See the illustration above.) You can do this operation with a le, couple coats of oil. Slick lm nishes
If the back is at or hollow, polish it. but its tedious. Set up a grinder and arent my favorite thing in the world,
I use #4,000 grit and nish with #8,000. youll nd its fast work. and I think they make the handle a tad
And then you are done with the back. After grinding the bevels (or just more difcult to grip.
If the chisel is bellied, Ill put a inspecting them), take some ne sand- If you have a Japanese chisel, you
straightedge on it to see how bad the paper or a burnisher and break any might need to set its metal hoop on the
situation is. If the straightedge makes sharp edges along the shaft of the blade. end of the handle. There are lots of de-
close contact, Ill try to x the situation Sharp edges will shred your hand while tailed tutorials on the internet, but heres
with some coarse belt-sander paper chopping dovetails. the quick-and dirty: Remove the hoop,
stuck to a at surface, such as my table Now turn your attention to the han- then hammer the handle in the hoop
saws wing or a piece of granite oor- dle. If its uncomfortable or plastic, I area to compress the wood to receive
ing. I use the same plunging strokes recommend you turn a new handle or the hoop. Tap the hoop on the handle
on the coarse paper and hope for the at least modify the existing one. Most so its about 1 8" or 3 16" from the end.
best. If I manage to get it at enough so plastic handles are too heavy, so cutting Soak the end in water for about 20 or 30
the scratches reach the tip of the tool, off 1 2" to 1" from its end will greatly minutes to make the wood swell. Use
Ill then move to the #1,000-grit stone improve the balance. the chisel, which will mushroom the
and polish it up. Many inexpensive wooden-handled end of the wooden handle over the hoop.
If it seems hopeless, I take the chisel
to the grinder and attempt to grind out Farewell plastic. Ive
the belly. This is pretty easy (see the turned a new wooden
handle for this chisel
photo above, right for details), but the
that is the same shape
results are generally not pretty unless as the old plastic one.
you are a maestro at the grinder. 25
The rule of halves. To avoid crossing the baseline, remove half the waste (left). Then remove half
of the remaining waste. Continue this cycle until you cannot remove any waste. Thats when you
See the 90. If you cannot see the relation-
drop your chisel tip into your baseline (right).
ship of the back to the work, you are likely to
undercut or overcut. Sit or stand so you can
see this important angle when chopping. A low-angle chisel.
This low-angle chisel is
great for the nal chop
off hand holds the chisel like a pencil. when dovetailing. Its
Your dominant hand drives the tool fussy. But some cus-
tomers pay for fussy.
with a mallet.
Because you are driving straight
down into the wood, the chisel will
want to travel in a direction that bisects
your bevels angle. That is why many be-
ginners cross the joints baseline when
chopping out their dovetails they you are unlikely to cut straight down. I rst learned to mortise using the
leave too much wood on the bevel side One more thing about light chop- central V method, which is where
of the tool and the tool moves across ping. Sometimes the wood will come you drive down hard in the center of
the baseline, ruining the cut. out in chunks that are below the base- the mortise with the bevel facing you.
Just like with paring, the way to line. Usually this isnt much of a prob- Then turn the chisel so the bevel faces
avoid this problem is to remove as much lem because its inside the joint. In some the far end of the mortise and drive
waste in front of the bevel as possible softwoods the chunking can be so bad down about 1 8" away from the first
before you put your chisel in the base- that it might show when the nished strike. Turn the chisel around and drive
line. One way to do this is by sawing piece is planed up. down about 1 8" from the rst strike,
away the majority of the waste with a The solution is to use a chisel with a but this time on the edge of the strike
fret saw or coping saw. Another method really low angle (usually between 20 that is closest to you. The bevel of the
is to chisel away the waste before plac- and 25) for the last couple chops. Its tool should always face the ends of the
ing the chisel in the baseline. kind of a pain and requires another mortise at this stage.
When I teach students to cut dove- chisel to maintain, but thats the best When you get to your nished depth,
tails, heres the scheme we follow to way I know to avoid the problem. turn the chisel so the bevel faces the
ensure they dont cross the baseline.
When you chisel away the waste, rst Mortising
chop half of the waste away. If theres There are lots of ways to cut mortises by
1 4" of waste left, chop away 1 8". Then hand; this is my favorite method. Just
repeat the operation. Chop away half of like with light chopping, its impor-
the 1 8" of the waste (1 16"). Then chop tant to stand in the right place. When
away half of the 1 16". Keep going until mortising, you dont want to stand to
you cannot remove half of the waste. the side of the tool. Instead you want to
And thats when you drop your chisels stand facing the bevel of the tool. That
tip into the baseline. will ensure your chisel doesnt wander
The other trick involves where you left or right, making your mortise wider
sit or stand when chopping (I prefer than intended.
to sit). Its best to sit to the side of the Another important note: I dont rec-
A solid mortising setup. This is a fairly com-
chisel so you can see that the back of ommend mortising in your vise. Its
mon English way to cut mortises. Note that
the chisel is 90 to the work. If you sit better to work on the benchtop over a the side pressure from the cramp, I mean
in any other orientation, you cannot leg. See the photo at right for a simple clamp, helps prevent the work from splitting
tell if the chisel is dead vertical and setup for mortising that works well. during mortising.
mortise, and chop down gradually to Hinge Mortise ing (take half the waste until you cannot
get to the knife lines at the ends of the The other common type of mortising take half of the waste). Be careful when
mortise. is actually light chopping: making a you are chiseling parallel to the grain.
At the end, you might have a lot of hinge mortise. The trick to accuracy is Chopping here might split the work.
debris at the bottom of the mortise to remove as much waste as possible in Ill usually use hand pressure to pare
that is difficult to lever out without front of the bevel before chopping out away the section of the mortise that is
damaging the ends of the mortise. This the layout lines that dene the extant of parallel to the grain.
is where the swan-neck chisel saves the hinge leaf. First break up the surface
the day. Another option is to just keep of the mortise with light chops. Remove The Most Important Trick
chopping until the mortise is deeper that layer of waste with a router plane. Whenever you are having trouble with
and the debris is not in the way of the Then sneak up on the layout lines your chisels, stop and sharpen them.
tenon. using the same method as for dovetail- That xes about 90 percent of problems.
It also gives you a few minutes to clear
MALLETS: ROUND, SQUARE & METAL your head and perhaps think of a better
solution to the trouble you are having.
M allets are objects as personal as your knife. And working with someone
elses mallet feels like wearing their underwear: very weird.
The three most common choices are wooden mallets (both round- and
I never allow my chisels to come
anywhere near dull. And this strategy
ensures my problems will only be with
square-headed) and metal ones. Square-head wooden mallets come in two my chiseling technique. It also allows
common sizes: about 11 ounce or 16 ounce. They are inexpensive and easy me to forget about my tools edge reten-
to make, but (in my opinion) a bit bulky. tion properties. They never see dull,
My favorite chisel mallet is a and I never want for a chisel that costs
16-ounce round mallet that is infused as much as a table saw. PWM
with resin so its tough and compact.
The only downside to these resin- Christopher is the editor at Lost Art Press and the
infused mallets is they are expensive. author of the forthcoming book Roman Work-
Japanese and some English joiners
use metal mallets; I use one for mor-
tising that is about 212 pounds. The ONLINE EXTRAS
weight of the head does the work and it
For links to all online extras, go to:
doesnt destroy the handle (promise).
My best advice on mallets is not
BLOG: Learn a different way to mortise by
to take anyones advice. Try some out hand.
for yourself at a woodworking store or BLOG: Read about rehandling a mortise
show. The answer is in your ngers. chisel.
TO BUY: The Perfect Edge video by Ron
Common mallets. Most woodworkers IN OUR STORE: Using the Versatile Chisel with 27
William & Mary
Side Table
181 2"
161 2"
141 2"
3 4"
1" strip
Filler block
13 4"
3 32"
21 8"
133 16"
1 2"
Tenon 31 2 "
Legs & drops. Although to the naked eye the turnings on this *I cut dovetails proud & plane ush after assembly; add 132" on each
table appear to be nearly identical, actual measurement would end if you follow my approach; **Tenon both ends; Tenon one end.
reveal considerable variation.
1 2"-diameter nished size. Dovetailed Aprons by hand. For this reason (and because
The feet and drops were created in As much as possible, Ive removed Im not smart enough to gure out how
the same way: I established the greatest machine tools from the fussy work of to use a router dovetail jig), I cut the
diameters with my roughing gouge, cutting joints. Ive done this because dovetails on the apron by hand.
then articulated the details with a skew, Ive grown to love those quiet times Because of the fittings hand-cut
gouge and chisel. at the bench when Im cutting joinery dovetails require and the stress those
ttings can impart to the components,
its important to cut the joinery before
153 8"
sawing out the arch shapes at the bot-
23 8" tom of each apron section.
My dovetailing process is simple.
I saw out the tails, which denes the
23 8" sides of each one with a backsaw, re-
move the bulk of the waste with a cop-
ing saw and, nally, clean up the bottom
Half lap joint reinforced on bot- of each pin space with a paring chisel
tom with four 38" x #6 screws
powered by a mallet. I then clamp the
pin stock in my vise, lay the dovetails
on the edge of the pin stock and mark
those pins with a pencil. After squaring
vertical lines on the pin stock, I saw
153 8"
1 2"-dia. mortise
(Note: Blow up the above to 400 percent Three edges Dovetails. I mark my baselines 132" deeper
for use as stretcher pattern.) are radiused than the stock thickness (and cut tails-rst). 31
On the case. Glue is both
cheap and incredibly strong;
apply it to all mating surfaces.
Gently tap the tails to start
them in their positions, then
seat them with slow pressure
from a clamp over cauls.
Arch support. Grain runout in the Gothic arches makes them suscep-
tible to breaking under clamp pressure during glue-up. To reduce the
risk, screw a caul to the inside faces of pin stock as shown here. (The
screw holes wont be visible on the nished table.)
Serpentine Stretchers
APRON ARCH PATTERN Plane your stretcher material to a thick-
One square = 14" ness of 1 2", then square two lines across 33
Radii. I drew lines
freehand to guide my
block plane and rasp as
I shaped the ends of the
Filler block
Caul 35
Sloped rabbets. My
moulding method is
to cut a rabbet by rst
making four 3 32"-deep
cuts 1" from the edges,
then raise my table saw
blade to 1" and adjust-
ing the angle slightly to
cut sloped rabbets. No-
tice that Im standing
not at the back of the
table as you ordinarily
would, but at the side
of the table opposite
the fence. This position
not only keeps me out
of the zone in which
kicked-back strips can
be rocketed toward the
user, it also gives me
better control of the Fair the edges. After cleaning up the sawn edges with a wide shoulder
panel during its passage plane, I use the same three-line method from the stretcher ends to cut a
along the blade. roundover on the edge of the top.
it to the table base (see the pictures of incredible consistency but that I dont deliberately create these
below), but you could use wooden but- approach to woodworking is the an- inconsistencies; they are simply the
tons or commercial tabletop fasteners tithesis of what takes place in my shop. result of the way I choose to work.
if you prefer. Much of what I do is eyeballed rather When someone looks at a piece of my
Finish as desired. (I used a matte than measured. This means there is furniture, I want them to know that a
polyurethane on the base and a gloss variation in diameters between one leg human hand and a human eye were
polyurethane on the top.) and another, between the placement of deeply involved in the fabrication. PWM
coves and beads along the lengths of
Bedazzling Consistency the leg, between the angles and widths
Kerry has been a furniture maker and teacher for 50
We live in an era of woodworking ma- of my dovetails, and in the widths of years and is the author of many books, most focusing
chinery capable of fabricating parts the two stretcher components. on Shaker furniture and hand-tool use.
For links to all online extras, go to:
Shop-made ply
can achieve shapes and forms
solid wood just cant handle.
Enjoy your
he title of this article may sound sandwich. Can
silly, or perhaps us woodwork- you count the
ers have just run out of things layers in the image
to write about? Now that is silly. But above? From top to
bottom: sunburst
why on earth would anyone want to
veneer of maple
make plywood? Its almost as ridiculous and beech, 116"
as saying, Honey, pick up a quart of cherry, quartered
aliphatic resins at the supermarket. I mahogany core,
116" cherry, 18"
ran out of wood glue last night. You
white pine. At left,
dont make plywood, you buy plywood,
see how shop-
right? No one but a caveman would made ply creates
build anything out of BC plywood. Or unique project
would they? possibilities.
The Why When working with typical plywood, of a panel are always running parallel
Plywood: What do you picture? A 4x8 attaching hardware (especially to the with each other, but perpendicular
piece of laminated who-knows-what edges of the panel) can be problem- with the layer they are glued to. This
filled with tan putty and football- atic. Because in typical plywood you keeps the panel at. It doesnt matter if
shaped dutchmen that you would only have equal thicknesses of plys, youre there are three layers or 301, each layer
use for cheap shop furniture or college presented with narrow bands of long is glued at 90 to the layer beneath it,
bookshelves. grain in between rows of end grain, and opposing layers are always parallel.
First off, forget about the 4x8 thing. making the screw-holding properties You cant screw this up as long as you
Youre not mass producing this stuff of the plywood iffy. With a lumber-core orient each layer at 90 to the previous.
youre making up pieces just slightly panel, you can treat the entire panel To maximize the solid-wood effect
oversized. Say you need a cabinet door, as solid wood, attaching hardware in of lumber core plywood, its impor-
18" x 24". You make a piece of plywood the same manner as you would with tant to make the central core thick. If
thats 19"x 25". Done. Youre basically solid wood. your goal is a 3 4"-thick panel (and that
making what you need, when you need A lumber-core panel, like any ply- number is arbitrary you can make
it. wood, is made from an odd number of whatever thickness you like), then your
And heres why you want to make layers. This serves the purpose of bal- central core should not be less than 716".
your own plywood. Not for a quick set ancing the layers. Balancing means that This leaves you some room for varying
of cabinets, not for edge-banded book- the grain in the two outermost layers thicknesses of the outer layers.
shelves for the guest room. Youre mak-
ing plywood for real, lasting furniture
from wood that you select. That unique
project that demands something spe-
cial and that special something is
called veneer. Yes, you can veneer to
solid wood, but dont expect it to stay
stuck for very long. Wood movement
will wreak havoc with it. The trick,
ironically, is to actually use veneer to
immobilize the wood.
Lumber Core
My favorite type of plywood is called
lumber core. Youre probably pic-
turing plywood as an odd number of
equal-thickness layers of veneer. The
vast majority of plywood falls into Core smoothing. A light pass with a jointer plane makes the core nice and at after coming out of
this category. But heres why its not the clamps. Dont get overeager here. Youre just getting rid of slight misalignments. The nal pass
the greatest for most furniture making: should be a light traversing. This leaves a toothy surface your glue will love. 39
Apply the glue. I like
to spread the Unibond
with a disposable roller.
Make sure its a nice,
wet coat with no dry
This subject is open to some debate.
The traditional choice is hide glue,
and if youre experienced with using
hot hide in veneering applications, I
Press it real good.
Into the bag the panel dont see a reason you cant use it to
goes, along with two make your own plywood. You dont
MDF cauls to even need any fancy tools, and we all know
the pressure. I let it sit the holding capability of hot hide glue.
overnight. If you use
My favorite, however, is Unibond 800.
Unibond, smear some
inside a Ziploc bag, It cures hard and is very much like hot
seal it up and use that hide in its cured state. It is, however,
to determine when its chemical-based, and you may not feel
cured. It should crack comfortable using it. To each his own.
like burnt cheese on the
Epoxy is also an option, but it is quite
edge of pizza when its
cured. Mmm, pizza. messy and will likely ruin your bag
or press if youre not careful about
squeeze-out. The Unibond stays put
and doesnt squeeze out like epoxy.
Yellow glue can also be used. I dont
exert enormous pressure on the panel. a xed amount of force (unless you go recommend contact cement. Its good
But back to the vacuum-bag system. to the top of a mountain where the air for Formica, but not so useful for ne
You dont need a high-dollar electric is thin). That plastic sack is pushing furniture.
pump system to get the benefits of on your veneer the same whether you
squishing wood under atmospheric suck out the air with a fancy electric After the Press
pressure. Do an internet search for pump or an inexpensive plastic pump When your panel is cured and out of
skateboard veneer press and youll that you operate by hand. Your bike tire the press, you can treat it just like solid
nd a company called Roarockit that doesnt know if its holding 50 pounds wood, except for planing the surface
makes manual veneer presses. Heres of air from the gas-station compressor (more on that in a bit). If you wish to
the thing with using a vacuum to make or from the foot pump youve had in the add more layers of veneer, it will add to
plywood: Atmospheric pressure exerts garage since 1986. the rigidity and stability of the panel. To 41
Faux W
ithin the ongoing renais-
sance of fine furniture
making, I find myself an
enthusiastic evangelist and ardent
agitator for the full appreciation of
decorative surfaces in most itera-
tions, especially nishing. To many
skilled furniture makers, Im that weird
woodworker who sees nishing not as
something to be endured or avoided,
but rather to be anticipated and savored
BY DONALD C. WILLIAMS as a delightful opportunity for express-
ing skilled craftsmanship and artistry.
Poison sumac for a perfect nish? Yup, Im the guy who thinks making
things is mostly the necessary preamble
A quick epoxy fake-out spares the itch. to the more desirable task of making
the surfaces sing in four-part harmony
at the nishing bench.
For most artisans aware of the rich
history of traditional nishing, that
sublime space of the perfect nish
is occupied by the exquisite hand-
rubbed or pad-polished transparent
spirit varnish known commonly as
French polish.
In that assertion they would be one-
third correct, as a padded spirit varnish
is but one of the trinity in the pantheon
of sublime historic decorative nishes.
And as it happens, the remaining
two nishes are interconnected in that
the penultimate decorative surface, ja-
panning, is in fact a Western derivative
of the ultimate high-performance deco-
rative nish representing the highest
expression of the art namely oriental
lacquerwork or urushi (ur-OO-she). 43
Building the Foundation enous base rendering the woods grain
The system for constructing a uru- direction irrelevant. In keeping with
shi lacquerwork coating is a complex the traditions as I understand them, I
one, generally beginning with adher- cut the cloth on the bias (at 45 to the
ing fabric over the entire surface of warp and weft of the fabric) so that it
the substrate. The initial base layer would lay better to the surface, espe-
for urushi lacquer, and hence my faux cially as it encounters curved surfaces
urushi, is an extremely ne fabric. For or corners.
my early trial runs, I selected a light- Once the fabric was cut to rough
weight portrait linen from the ne art size, I applied epoxy resin on the sur-
painters suppliers, but I found that to face with a disposable brush or spatula,
be too heavy for the scale of my work. set the fabric in place and burnished
I then tried handkerchief linen and it down with a spatula (not unlike the
eventually ultra-ne hemp linen. These motions of hammer veneering), then
both worked exceedingly well and are applied another light application of
what I use now. the epoxy.
Cut the bias. The rst step is to cut the bias
(the hypotenuse of the triangle). All further The fabric serves as a robust inter- The application of the fabric un-
measurements and cuts are either parallel or face between the wood and the layers derlayment often takes several steps,
perpendicular to that bias line. built up later, and provides a homog- and that was the case here; normally
shape desired. Then, with a well-sharpened block plane placing some #400- or #600-grit sandpaper face-up on
and a Japanese knife, I create a gentle taper to a near a at board and gently passing the spatula along it. Then
knife-edge prole for the working end. You want the tip it goes into a bowl of molten wax to seal it completely
of the spatula to be very exible to conform perfectly to from any epoxy penetration. When done properly, the
the substrate on which you are applying the lacquer. My spatulas tip is actually translucent when you hold it up to
nal step is to very gently smooth the tip on both sides by the light. DW 45
Art completes what nature cannot
bring to a nish.
Aristotle (384-322 BC),
Greek philosopher
is to use artists ne dry pigments Once the surface of each layer has SUPPLIES
using a restricted palette of red, black fully hardened, I gently wash it with dis- Jamestown Distributors
and dark blue for the most part and posable cotton pads moistened with a
making sure the pigment is well mixed mild detergent, followed by wiping with or 800-497-0010
into the epoxy. clean pads moistened with distilled 1 West System 105 epoxy resin
Using your lacquering brush, a water, followed by clean, dry pads. This #WSY-105A, $34.09/quart
modied hake brush or even a short- removes any waxy compounds known 1 West System 206 Slow Hardener
bristle oil-painting artists brush, apply as stearates that might form during the #WSY-206B, $39.23/0.86 quart
a thin but complete layer of the pig- hardening reaction and cause beading 1 West System 207 Clear Hardener
mented epoxy on the entire surface of or cissing down the line. I found that #WSY-207A, $38.99/0.66 pint
the piece. If this is not possible to do all taking these precautions and switching
at once, select the portion of the sur- to Wests Special Clear Hardener 207 or 866-620-2008
face to be coated (top, bottom, inside, for the nal clear coats did the trick. 1 Bleached handkerchief linen
outside etc.), then return to complete Following each application of the #IL020 - Handkerchief, $9.75/yard
the task once the initial application epoxy faux urushi, the cured surface Hemp Traders
has hardened. needs to be smoothed perfectly, scrap- or 562-630-3334
As a practical matter, given the ing it with disposable razor blades and 1 Hemp linen
hardening time for the faux urushi, using progressively finer-grit sand- #CT-L4, $13.13/yard
you might need a dust-free chamber paper as you build the coats. When Blick Art Materials
to place the object inside while it is sanding the cured surface, make sure or 800-828-4548
curing. This could be as simple as an to be careful at the corners. For objects 1 Sennelier dry pigments
overturned clean cardboard box. with at surfaces like those illustrated #02993-(various), prices vary by color
1 Gamblin whiting dry pigment
Fixing the cissing. #02959-1014, $9.55/4 oz.
Cissing is the beading Lee Valley
up of a coating when or 1-800-871-8158
applied over a contami-
nated surface (in this 1 Behlen 4F pumice stone
case waxy contami- #80K04.02, $8.90
nates formed during 1 Behlen rottenstone/tripoli
the previous coats #80K04.05, $8.90
hardening). It is a head-
Japan Woodworker
scratching thing, and I or 800-537-7820
solved it by changing
my working process. Japanese knives, various
Drug or Department Store
1 Hypo-allergenic cosmetics pads
Farm or Garden Store
1 Diatomaceous earth
Prices correct at time of publication. 47
Razor smooth. Disposable razor
blades are the secret weapon for ultra-
smooth nishing on at surfaces.
polish. Sometimes my ngertips work keep them straight. I use water or naph- residue, you are left with an epoxy faux
just ne for the nest polishing. tha for the polishing slurry medium. urushi surface that is breathtakingly
As for the abrasive powders, I use For any intricate surfaces or inside magnicent. PWM
those from the province of metallog- corners, I take a 1 4" dowel and cut the
raphy or petrography, or for scanning end at a shallow angle, then epoxy a Don retired as senior furniture conservator after al-
electron microscopy: 1.0-micron, small chunk of felt to the end to use most three decades with the Smithsonian Institution.
Follow his work at
0.3-micron and 0.05-micron micro- as my polishing surface so I can reach
alumina. These high-performing abra- these difcult or recessed locations.
sive polishes are unfortunately quite Much like the sandpaper grits, I ONLINE EXTRAS
expensive, but a little goes a long way. steadily work my way up to the ner For links to all online extras, go to:
Im still working my way through the and ner abrasive powders, making
4-ounce units I bought three decades sure that the surface is uniform before WEBSITE: Read artist Wiebke Pandikows
ago, though I have had recent trouble moving on to the next one, and I always thesis on the history of lacquerwork technol-
nding suppliers for small quantities. clean the surface completely before
VIDEO: Watch lacquer master Maki Fushimi
A less efcient, but more available starting with the next, ner polish.
work silently in the studio its hypnotic.
and affordable approach would be to I use litho pads or hypo-allergenic
BOOK: Check out The National Museum of
work with 4F pumice, followed by rot- cosmetics pads to clean the abrasive
Modern Art Tokyos Japanese Lacquer Art:
tenstone/Tripoli and, nally, whiting powder slurry. I use them only once Modern Masterpieces for creative inspira-
(I prefer Gamblin brand). and toss them in the trash. tion.
Either approach, however, will re- For the nal polish, I use whiting TO BUY: Traditional Techniques with Don
sult in a awless, mirror-like surface. with a small piece of chamois lubricated Williams collection of videos and articles.
I make a point of reserving a felt with naphtha, or just plain whiting on Our products are available online at:
polishing block for each grit, and I mark clean, dry ngertips. When you n-
them with permanent marker to help ish with this process and clean off any 49
Breadboard End
Cutting Board B Y DAV I D P I C C I U T O
3 Thickness the stock. Run the panel through your thickness planer,
attest side down, until the top is at. Then ip the board over and
atten the other side as well. The exact overall thickness is less impor-
tant than making sure the entire panel is of uniform thickness. 4 Prepare the breadboard ends. Plane the stock you plan to use for
breadboard ends down to the same thickness as the center panel.
6 Cut the tongue. Position the fence 1" from the blade (including the blade width)
and raise the blade to 3 8". Take multiple passes with a single blade to hog away the
waste on the ends of the stock, with your last pass guided by the miter gauge but ush
11 Prepare for pegs. Set the breadboard ends into position on the
panel and drill three 14" holes on each end. The holes should go
12 Allow wood to move. The center holes on each tongue should
be drilled straight and true. But use a hand drill to ream out (left
to right) the four outer holes. These slightly wider holes will allow the
through both sides of the breadboard end as well as the tongue on the pegs to stay in the same spot on the breadboard ends as the main panel
panel. expands and contracts. 53
Its not just about making beautiful furni-
ture. But how do you get rid of it?
Tage Frid (1915-2004),
Woodworker, teacher & author
15 Clean it up. Use a ush-cut saw to trim away the ends of the pegs. If theyre not
quite ush with the breadboard ends, use a sharp chisel to clean up the cuts.
16 Cut the bevel. Angle the blade on your table saw
to about 45. Then bevel the lower edges of the
breadboard ends using a miter gauge to guide your cut.
19 Give it a lift.
Screwing rubber
feet onto the bottom of
For links to all online extras, go to:
the cutting board at all
four corners not only PODCAST: Listen to the Making It podcast
raises the cutting board with David Picciuto, Jimmy DiResta and
up off your counter, it Bob Clagett.
also lends a little grip so
BLOG: Read Breadboard Ends: Why &
it is less likely to move
when in use. How on our website.
VIDEO: Learn how to make breadboard ends
using a router, free on our website.
IN OUR STORE: Make Your Own Cutting
Boards: Smart Projects and Stylish Designs
for a Hands-On Kitchen, by David Pic-
IN OUR STORE: The Woodworkers Kitchen,
by A.J. Hamler.
Our products are available online at:
6" Jointer
DuoKlamp Combo
14" Band Saw 2 - 6" Clamps
JWBS-14SF 2 - 12" Clamps
2 - 18" Clamps
1-HP Dust Collector Router Table
Saw Gauge
SG-WP Two Variable Pressure Drill Press Table
Featherboards WPDPPACK2 ENTER OR WIN. Must be a legal resident of the U.S. or Canada (excluding Quebec) who
has reached the age of majority in the participants jurisdiction of residence to enter.
One Grand PrizeWoodworkers Home Workshop valued at US $9,200. Odds of winning
depend on number of entries. Void in Quebec and where prohibited. Sponsor: F+W
Media, Inc., 10151 Carver Rd., Suite 200, Blue Ash, OH 45242 USA.
Advertiser Page # Card# Web Address Advertiser Page # Card# Web Address 57
thought of Nehemiah Wallington
(1598-1658) when I set up my lathe
in my nearly nished workshop.
A few times a year he pops up in my
mind. He was a turner in Puritan-era
London, and as unhappy a soul as you
might meet.
I know of him through Paul S. Seav-
ers book Wallingtons World: A Pu-
ritan Artisan in Seventeenth-Century
London (Stanford UP). Wallington
kept journals and notebooks, more
than 2,600 pages of which survive, that
are the material upon which Seaver
wrote his book. While Wallington (and
Seaver) concentrated on larger issues of
the day religion and politics among
them I scoured the book for references
to Wallingtons trade.
Look Out!
Most of what we nd in Seavers book
mentioning the turners trade is about
Unlike Wallington. I enjoy time spent at my craft but turning is just part of my livelihood.
the workshop as a perilous place. Wal- Gods great mercy that it hit none of us,
lington recorded several brushes with for if it had, it would have maimed us,
near fatalities, and praised God after if not killed us.
each close call. Much of this quote is Seaver, not
One incident involved an apprentice, Wallington, so the chairs might not
Theophilus Ward, who, while showing actually have been in a stack. Regard-
chairs in the back room, dislodged a less, turned chairs of the period can
heavy one with his bustling about, ap- be quite heavy, and I wouldnt want
parently one at the top of a stack, which one to fall on me from a stack or not.
crashed down into the shop through the In another incident Wallington
doorway and demolished a powdering mentioned, My sweet child Sarah was
Ware falling chairs. A turned chair to the tub that Wallington was in the process playing in the shop, and as I was shew-
head would be painful. of selling to another customer. It was ing of bed staves to a customer, a huge
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ash log, propped against the wall, was route to New England. His goods were
dislodged and fell towards Sarah and inventoried in Boston, and among his
had I not by Gods providence caught tools were one skrew & a pin to turne.
hold of it it would have knocked her This refers to the points of a pole
down and killed her. lathe, as described by Joseph Moxon
Furniture historians have often some years later in his book Me-
pondered what bed staves are, never chanick Exercises. A treadle or great
having seen any surviving examples, wheel lathe needs a drive center at
but we all know what a huge ash log one end to transfer the action to the
is, and that it would hurt if it fell on you. workpiece.
One more. I include this so we dont Baynley also had two gouges & two
feel so alone in our haste making tool hooke tooles and 3 turning chesils.
handles. Nehemiah Wallingtons More typically, period inventories
brother-in-law was chopping wood are less specic, like the dishturners
in the garret and the hatchet head had tooles owned by John Frizby of New
come off and fallen three stories down Haven in 1694.
the stairwell to the shop, again miss- I mostly use my lathe for joined fur-
ing everyone. So tool handles shrunk niture parts: legs (or stiles) of joined
back then, too; its not just a modern stools and chairs, applied turnings
problem. Maybe they never did make for casework and other small bits. I
them like they used to, after all. do make turned chairs on it, but not Applied work. Not all turnings stay in the
enough to be efcient at it. The same round. Heres a pair of split turnings glued
and nailed to a joined chest.
Know Your Tools holds true for woodenware.
My lathe is a simple machine, framed in For me, the most compelling quote
oak and fastened with wooden wedges in Seavers book is in Wallingtons own is a poor, unhappy craftsman with no
and iron nuts and bolts. Ive had it since words: At night after examination how real interest in his work. The second
1994 and am quite accustomed to its I have spent the day, after a chapter read is how lucky I am today to be able to
idiosyncratic traits. Its a pole lathe, I went to prayer with my family; then I spend my time making things in wood
with one upright extended above the went into my shop to my employment with simple tools, and both provide
bed to form one poppet and the other more out of conscience to Gods com- for my family and enjoy it at the same
moveable and secured with a wooden mands than of any love I had unto it. time. PWM
wedge. The workpiece is fastened be- This quote leaves me thinking two
tween the centers of the lathe, which things. One is that it gures that the Peter has been involved in traditional craft since
are mounted in these poppets. only period artisan who wrote any- 1980. Read more from him on spoon carving, period
tools and more at
In 1643, Thomas Baynley died en thing I have ever seen about his trade
For links to all online extras, go to: 61
n the last issue (#230), I mentioned
that I liked to use W.D. Lockwood
or J.E. Moser water-soluble powder
dyes (they are the same) for staining,
and non-grain-raising (NGR) or Trans-
Tint liquid dyes (they are also the same,
just different concentrates) for tinting
coats of nish to make a toner.
Ive written about these dyes pre-
viously in Popular Woodworking for
example, in the November 2006 issue
(#158). That article is reproduced in my
book Flexner on Finishing. Though Dye types. The dyes discussed in this article are, from the left: liquid concentrated and acetone-
thinned metal complex; powder metal complex; powder acid (partly reversible); and liquid metal
the article covers the broader subject
complex with an acrylic binder.
of dyes well, I think I could do a better
job of distinguishing between types.
There are differences that may affect are not compatible with oils and var- try. That discussion gets very complex
which you choose. nishes.) very fast. Its simpler to learn the char-
I would separate the dyes commonly These dyes can also be used as a stain acteristics of the different brands and
available to woodworkers into two con- directly on wood, and they often are, choose the brand for the characteristics
trasting types: liquid or powder, and especially to create a background color. you want.
metal complex or acid. And I would But they arent as effective or versatile W.D. Lockwood and J.E. Moser
create a new, slightly different, category as powder dyes, in my opinion, for use brands are acid dyes. They have the
for General Finishes dye. as the total stain (rather than building useful color-matching characteristic of
the color in steps). being able to be lightened signicantly
Liquid or Powder The most common powder dyes are after they have dried by wiping over
Dyes sold in liquid form include Trans- dissolved in water. By adding higher them with a wet cloth. Rewetting these
Tint and non-grain-raising (NGR). ratios of dye powder, you can make dyes redissolves them so some of the
TransTint is concentrated NGR. NGR very dark colors; lower ratios create color can be removed. Each time the
is TransTint thinned a lot with acetone. lighter colors. dried dye is rewetted, more of the color
Lots of companies, including Behlen, can be removed.
sell NGR dyes, which are commonly Metal Complex or Acid So if you get the color too dark, you
used by professionals. Dyes were rst synthesized in the mid- can lighten it. If you get the color wrong,
Dyes sold in powder form include 19th century. There were a number of you can, of course, tweak it by apply-
TransFast and Lockwood/Moser. (In different types, one being acid dyes. ing another color on top. But this may
the 1980s John Moser started a fin- Theres no reason to go into dye chemis- make the combination too dark. So
ish company, Wood Finishing Supply,
repackaging Lockwood dyes under TransFast General Finishes Lockwood/Moser Reversibility. Metal-
his name; later he sold his company complex dyes (left) are
only minimally reversible
to Woodworkers Supply.)
by wiping over with water.
The liquid dyes contain a glycol- Dyes that contain a binder
ether solvent, which makes them com- (middle) are not reversible
patible with water, alcohol and lacquer at all. Acid dyes (right) can
thinner. So these dyes can be used to be lightened a lot by wiping
over with a wet rag each
make water-based, shellac-based and
time the dye has dried.
lacquer-based toners. (Notice that they
TransTint Liquid (concentrated) Metal complex Woodcraft, Rockler and Klingspor stores and catalogs
Non-Grain-Raising (NGR) Liquid (thinned) Metal complex Paint stores that cater to the professional trade and
many woodworking stores and catalogs
TransFast Powder Metal complex Woodcraft, Rockler and Klingspor stores and catalogs
Arti Powder Metal complex Highland Woodworking
Lockwood and Moser Powder Acid (reversible), Woodworkers Supply and Lee
Valley stores and catalogs
General Finishes Liquid with acrylic binder Metal complex Woodcraft, Rockler and Klingspor stores and catalogs 63
long ago lost track of how many
people, upon learning of my inter-
est in woodworking, have puzzled
aloud over my table saw. They follow
up with, Do you know how important
your hands are? or, Do you know
how dangerous that thing can be? The
answers are, Yes, and Absolutely.
Ive spent my entire professional
career as a hand surgeon and have
seen more woodworking injuries than
probably anyone else (except for my
hand-surgeon colleagues many of
whom are woodworkers). Ive grown
to respect the power of the machines
we use, their ability to wreak havoc
in an instant and our own inability to Ive yet to see an amputation from a ence. Novice errors such as wrong-way
turn back time. Ive seen injuries rang- table saw with an appropriate blade feeding (inadvertently climb-cutting
ing from hyperaggressive manicures guard and splitter. There have never on the router table, for example) or
(warning shots) to life-changing am- been many good reasons to remove the jointing a too-short or too-thin piece
putations. This hasnt at all diminished guard; now with better-designed saws, are not uncommon. And those with
my enthusiasm for woodworking, but guards and riving knives, there are even too much experience often tout the
has given me insight into what causes fewer. Ive seen woodworkers injured on acceptability of unsafe procedures. I
injuries and how we can stay safe. the backstroke as they bring a hand know it doesnt look safe, but Ive done
Many woodworking risks can be back over an unprotected blade after a it this way for years, is a line heard
minimized by good practices such as cut, those who didnt see the teeth as too frequently in the emergency room.
keeping an uncluttered workshop, the blade slowed and some who just Impairment: This should go without
wearing masks, eye and ear protection, pushed their hands into the blade as saying, but dont drink and cut.
using dust collection and disposing the work lifted, uttered or started to My hand-surgeon hands are valu-
of rags and chemicals correctly. And kick. It is gruesome use your guard. able, but no more than anyone elses.
injuries happen with hand tools too Improper tool or setup: Nipping a We all need hands to do our jobs and
Ive treated tendon and nerve injuries little bit off a small piece on a table saw hobbies, write our names and hug our
caused by errant paring chisels. without a fence or guard? Ripping an 8' families. Protect yours and be safe. PWM
Ive noticed that woodworking in- board without adequate outfeed sup-
juries tend to fall into a few categories. port? Holding a metal trim piece on the David is a hand surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic in
Inattention: Repetition, fatigue, drill press with your hand? Sometimes Cleveland, Ohio.
deadlines and complacency with a tool the setup takes longer than the cut
or technique are all setups for disaster. featherboards, push sticks, guards and ONLINE EXTRAS
Tool work is no way to cool down from outfeed support all take time to posi- For links to all online extras, go to:
a bad day if you cant get a problem out tion. That is time well spent.
of your head, stay away from the sharp Inexperience (or too much experi- TWITTER: Follow us on Twitter @pweditors.
stuff. I use that time to draw, clean the ence): Carefully consider all informa- ARTICLE: Woodworking Essentials: Table
shop, read or search the internet for tion you encounter on the internet if Saws, by Marc Adams.
more tools, plans and tips. an idea or technique doesnt look safe, Our products are available online at:
Inadequate protection: In the hun- it probably isnt. Read comments on
dreds of table saw injuries Ive seen, videos, and note the sources experi-
Blade rim speed: 9070 FPM Motor: 2HP, 240V, single-phase, 10.8A 177335
Max. cutting depth at 45 without rail 15 8", Cutterhead speed: 7000 RPM CPM: 14,000 CPI: 64-300
w/ rail 17 16" Feed rate: 0-18 FPM Max. profile: 634"W x 34"D
Max. cutting depth at 90 without rail 25 32", Planing width: 7" Min. stock length: 9"
w/ rail 131 32" Min. stock thickness: 14" Max. stock thickness: 712"
Included saw blade: Overall dimensions: 3614"L x 22"W x 3412"H
160mm x 20mm x 48T Approx. shipping weight: 324 lbs.
Dust port dia.: 11 2" W1835 Track Saw
Saw weight: 11 lbs.
Accessory Pack &
55" Guide Rail
2 HP, 120V240V, single-phase (prewired for 120V)
Motor: 34 HP, 110V, single-phase, universal motor
Motor: 34 HP, 110V, 1725 RPM
Motor Amps: 15A at 120V, 7.5A at 240V
12" swing over bed 15" between centers
Overall height: 38"
Enclosed cabinet bottom w/ 4" dust port
Two spindle speed ranges: 500-1800 RPM &
Spindle travel: 314"
Precision-ground cast-iron table w/ steel wings
1000-3800 RPM
Swing: 1314"
measures 4014" x 27"
Drill chuck: 58" 1" x 8 TPI RH thread spindle size
Rip capacity: 30" to right, 15" to left Spindle indexing in
Speeds: 12, 2503050 RPM
Quick removal/replacement system for blade guard and 15 increments
Table: 1238" dia.
riving knife
Table swing: 360 Heavy-duty cast-iron
Weight: 243 lbs. Table tilt: 45 left & 45 right construction
Approx. shipping Approx. shipping
weight: 123 lbs. weight: 87 lbs.
Includes a 10" x 40-tooth
carbide-tipped blade,
standard and dado table
inserts, miter gauge, push
stick, and arbor wrenches
W1668 W1836
W1837 10" 2 HP Open-Stand Hybrid Table Saw 13" 34 HP, Bench-Top Drill Press Bench-Top Wood Lathe