Essentials DP Bus and Read Write Parameter de v4 76
Essentials DP Bus and Read Write Parameter de v4 76
Essentials DP Bus and Read Write Parameter de v4 76
FAQ 01/2014
Table of contents
1 Comissioning of PROFIBUS and typical activation ...................................... 3
1.1 Configuration of MICROMASTER 4 / SINAMICS G120 with
STEP 7.............................................................................................. 3
1.1.1 Connecting the inverter to the BUS .................................................... 3
1.1.2 Selection of a proper telegram ........................................................... 5
1.2 Establish a PROFIBUS connection at MICROMASTER 4 /
SINAMICS G120 (CU240x)................................................................ 7
1.3 Getting the MICROMASTER / SINAMICS G120 (CU240x)
ready for operation ............................................................................ 8
1.4 Controlling the MICROMASTER / SINAMICS G120 (CU240x)
from the PLC ..................................................................................... 8
2 PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters ................................ 10
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Comissioning of PROFIBUS and typical activation
Figure 1-1
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Comissioning of PROFIBUS and typical activation
If this afford is to big you can alternative install the GSD-file. There see following
FAQ: Where can I find up to date GSD files for using PROFIBUS with
MICROMASTER 4?; Entry-ID: 8718739
Amended PROFIBUS GSD files (inc. MICROMASTER 411, 420, 430 und
440); Entry-ID: 6567719
FAQ: Where can I find GSD files for using PROFIBUS with SINAMICS
After installation of GSD-file you will find this in HW-catalogue PROFIBUS-DP >
Additional Filed Devices > Drives > SIMOVERT for MICROMASTER 4.
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Comissioning of PROFIBUS and typical activation
Figure 1-2
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
In first step you have to drag the MICROMASTER 4 inverter and drop it on the
BUS. In second step you have to drag the favored telegram and drop it to the slot.
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Comissioning of PROFIBUS and typical activation
Figure 1-3
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Comissioning of PROFIBUS and typical activation
Figure 1-4
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It must be pointed out the till MICROMASTER 420 you only have up to 4 PZD. For
MICROMASTER 430 and 440 you can select up to 8 PZD. Further there are
differences between whole cons. and word cons.
Whole cons means a data consistency in whole length. E.g. at 4 PZD all 4 words
sent as one block. Therefore it is necessary using e.g. the SFC14/15 Bausteine.
Word cons means a data consistency of only a single word. In this case it is
possible to use the standard Load and Transfer commands.
In chapter 2 you will find further detailed information for PKW mechanism.
Start with the parametrization at the inverter. If necessary, set the default with
p0010 = 30 and p0970 = 1.
There are two ways of setting the bus address:
Via the seven DIP switches on the communication board. DIP-switch one
is the lowest bit. DIP switch setting changes do not take effect until the
PROFIBUS has been restarted cold.
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Comissioning of PROFIBUS and typical activation
It is recommended you check the operation of the PROFIBUS control before trying
to run the motor. Disconnect the motor cable from the U, V, and W terminals to do
this, the output frequency can be seen on an AOP or BOP display panel.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
If you want to run the motor at this stage, set P0010 = 1, and set all the
commissioning parameters, as described in the MICROMASTER instruction
manual or parameter list. Finish with P3900 = 3, which calculates the motor data.
This sets parameter P0010 back to 0. The inverter cannot run when P0010 = 1.
Here are some typical control and status words to get started. The status words
assume the MICROMASTER has ramped up to its frequency setpoint (where
applicable). The data sequence is control word, frequency setpoint, status word,
actual frequency. Sending control word 047E followed by 047F is the key to getting
the drive started.
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Comissioning of PROFIBUS and typical activation
Reset fault:
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
The structure of the control and status words is described in section 3.3 of the
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
The useful data structure for cyclical data traffic is divided into two areas, which
can be transmitted in special telegrams as follows:
Process data area (PZD), i.e. control words and setpoints, or status information
and actual values
Parameter area (PKW) for reading/writing parameter values, reading out faults,
or reading out information about the properties of a parameter such as, for
example, min/max limits, etc.
Figure 2-1
PKW: Parameter identifier value
2 telegram types are defined, that include the PKW component, for
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
Figure 2-2
MICROMASTER 420 only supports PPO1 of these two PPO types.
Telegram types 353 and 354 for Control Units CU240S/D DP/DP-F/PN/PN-F of the
SINAMICS G120/G120D are only available from software version V3.0 onwards.
This means that the PKW mechanism is only possible from SW3.0 onwards of the
CUs of SINAMICS G120/G120D.
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
response identifier is 7 (cannot process request), then one of the fault numbers
listed in Table 2-3 will be stored in parameter value 2 (PWE2).
0 No request 0 7/8
1 Request parameter value 1/2 7/8
2 Modify parameter value (word) 1 7/8
3 Modify parameter value (double word) 2 7/8
4 Request descriptive element 3 7/8
6 Request parameter value (array) 1 4/5 7/8
7 Modify parameter value (array, word) 2 4 7/8
8 Modify parameter value (array, double word) 2 5 7/8
9 Request number of array elements 6 7/8
11 Modify parameter value (array, double word) 5 7/8
and store in EEPROM 2
12 Modify parameter value (array, word) and 4 7/8
store in EEPROM 2
13 Modify parameter value (double word) and 2 7/8
store in EEPROM
14 Modify parameter value (word) and store in 1 7/8
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
The desired element of the parameter description is specified in IND (2nd word)
The desired element of the indexed parameter is specified in IND (2nd word).
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
Parameter index (IND) 2nd word: PARA PAGE SEL (Parameter Number
Extension (PNU extension) Low Byte
The low-order byte (bits 0 to 7) is not defined in PROFIDrive Profile version 2.0.
The low-order byte of the parameter index is used on MICROMASTER 4 and on
CUs of the SINAMICS G120 / G120D to be able to switch between pages of the
parameters and to address additional parameters with a number of >1999.
Please take all values from Table 2-4 that can assume the least significant byte
and are used to address a certain parameter area.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Example coding for parameter no. in PKE and IND for P2016, index 3:
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
The parameter value (PWE) is always transmitted as a double word (32-bit). Only
one parameter value at a time can be transferred in a PPO / Siemens telegram.
A 32-bit parameter value comprises PWE1 (high-order word, 3rd word) and PWE2
(low-order word, 4th word).
A 16-bit parameter value is transferred in PWE2 (low-order word, 4th word). PWE1
(high-order word, 3rd word) must be set to 0 on the PROFIBUS-DP / PROFINET
master in this case.
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
The correct GSD files must be installed and the necessary GSD files and telegram
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
GSD files for MM4 and CU240S DP-F and telegram types PPO1 for MM4 and
Siemens telegram 354 for CU240S DP-F are used in the project examples.
If you wish to configure another frequency inverter / another CU - or another
telegram - then make the appropriate changes in HW Config.
Set the parameters P0700 = 6 and P1000 = 6, if you want to control the drive via
PROFIBUS or PROFINET. The parameters P0700 and P1000 must not be
changed, if you only want to read or write parameters of the drive. You can leave
the old settings in this case.
If you read-out or write parameters from / to the CUs of the SINAMICS
G120/G120D, set the parameter to select the PROFIdrive standard telegram
P0922 = 354 (Siemens telegram 354) before you use the project example.
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
Because we read-out index 0 of the parameter and the parameter number is <
1999 - then the 2nd word is: 0000.
The 3rd and 4th words must be set to 0:
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
P0700 = 2 (command source via terminal)
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
Because we read-out index 0 of the parameter and the parameter number is <
1999 - then the 2nd word is: 0000.
The 3rd and 4th words must be set to 0.
For more information on converting floating-point numbers, please refer to the FAQ
Entry-ID: 23803063 Converting floating-point numbers.
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
To read a parameter greater than P1999, you must set the PNU extension in the
2nd word (IND, refer to Table 2-4).
Depending on which page the parameter is required, an appropriate PNU
extension must be selected and set in the 2nd word (IND). The parameter number
(PNU) is then assigned an offset (P2000, P4000, P6000, P8000, P60000), that
must be subtracted from the parameter number. The difference must be converted
into the hexadecimal format.
The PNU extension for the parameter area 20003999 is 80 (see table 2-4).
Index 0 of parameter P2000 is read-out, therefore the subindex = 0.
the value is 50.00 [Hz].
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
Example 4: Read parameter P9810 (PROFIsafe destination address) of the CU240S/D DP-
Example 4 shows how to read the parameter P9810 (PROFIsafe destination
address) of the Safety Control Units CU240S/D DP-F/PN-F.
PROFIsafe destination address of the Control Unit P9810 = 200
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
To read the value of a parameter index you must define the index in bits 0 to 7 of
The value 6 (hex / dec) is equivalent to 9600 baud.
In this case, Request identifier 6: Request parameter value (array) could also be
used. The send and receive data would then be:
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
The value 6 (hex / dec) is equivalent to 9600 baud.
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
Because we write index 0 of the parameter and the parameter number is < 1999,
the 2nd word is: 0000.
In order to change the parameter value to 40.00 (IEEE floating value = 4220 0000),
the 3rd and 4th words must be correspondingly set to 4220 and 0000.
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
If modified values are to be saved in the EEPROM, then use the Request identifier
13 = D hex (Modify parameter value (double word) and store in EEPROM). This
should not be permanently and cyclically repeated as otherwise the EEPROM
could be damaged.
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
The error number is 11 hex = 17 dec > "Request cannot be processed due to
operating state: Current inverter status is not compatible with the received
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
P0703 must be set to 99 (enable BiCo parameterization, digital input 3/21) to make
722.2 an available value in P0845.
Because we write index 0 of parameter P0845 and the parameter number is <
1999, the 2nd word is: 0000.
Conversion for PWE1 and PWE2: 722 dec = 2D2 hex; 2 dec = 2 hex
The 3rd and 4th words are thus given by: 02D2 and 0002.
Request PROFIBUS / PROFINET => MM4 / CU240
1st word (PKE): 334D
2nd word (IND): 0000
3rd word (PWE1): 02D2
4th word (PWE2): 0002
Digital input 3 for MM4, digital input 2 for CUs of the SINAMICS G120 and
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
P0845 = second source of OFF2 / 722.2 = Digital input 3/21.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
Example 9: Change the value of the parameter P2010[1] (USS baudrate, USS on BOP link)
This example shows how to change the value of the parameter P2010[1] (USS
baudrate, USS on BOP link) from 6 (9600 Baud) to 8 (38400 Baud).
To write the value of a parameter index you must define the index in bits 0 to 7 of
The 3. word PWE1 = 0000, because we write the parameter value of the type
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
In this case, Request identifier 7: Request parameter value (array) could also be
used. The send and receive data would then be:
1st word (PKE): 400A (4: Transfer parameter value array, word)
2nd word (IND): 0180
3rd word (PWE1): 0000
4th word (PWE2): 0008
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
Figure 2-4
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
Figure 2-5
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
For instance, if Siemens telegram 354 is set-up for data exchange, then for
PROFIBUS modules- first 4 PKW words (8 bytes) and then 6 PZD words (12 bytes)
should be sent to the module in two separate request tasks. In the same way - 4
PKW words (8 bytes) and 6 PZD words (12 bytes) should be received from the
module in two separate response tasks. This means that each of the SFC14 and
SFC15 functions are called twice in the program. If only the PKW area of the
frequency inverter has to be read-out or only the drive controlled - then only one
area can be addressed (PKW or PZD) with the corresponding I/O addresses. Each
of the SFC14 and SFC15 are only called once.
For PROFINET modules and data exchange using telegram 354, 4 PKW words (8
bytes) and 6 PZD words (12 bytes), i.e. 10 words (20 bytes) should be sent as a
total to the module in a request task. 10 words (20 bytes) are also received in one
response task from the module. This means that each of the SFC14 and SFC15
functions are only called once in the program. If only the PKW area of the
frequency inverter is to be read-out, or only the drive control - then zeros should be
assigned to the words of the area not used (PKW or PZD). The I/O start addresses
for the complete telegram must in any case always be used.
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
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PKW mechanism for reading and writing parameters
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Example programs for PROFIBUS communication
PROFIBUS allows extremely fast data transfer between the SIMATIC &
MICROMASTER 440 systems.
You can find information on how to use PZD words to transfer parameter values,
used to diagnose/troubleshoot the drive inverter state (inverter temperature, actual
frequency, torque, output current etc.) under the following:
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Example programs for PROFIBUS communication
Futher information
You find further information at
Applications & Tools => Drive Technology => folder Application Examples
FAQ: Which parameters can be read-out using PZD?; Entry-ID: 23642364
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
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4 Appendix
Internet links
This list is by no means complete and only provides a selection of appropriate
Topic Title
\1\ Siemens Customer Support
\2\ Manual MICROMASTER PROFIBUS Optional Board; Entry-ID:
\3\ Manuals MICROMASTER 4
\4\ Manuals SINAMICS G120
\8\ FAQ Converting floating-point numbers; Entry-ID: 23803063
\9\ FAQ Reading individual parameters of the SINAMICS G120
using SFC58 & SFC 59; Entry-ID: 23990917
\10\ FAQ What are the differences in the representation of the
actual state of the MICROMASTER 4 and SINAMICS
G120/G120D frequency inverters after Power on and
ON/OFF1 command?; Entry-ID: 28518735
\11\ Application Acyclic reading and writing parameters of the frequency
inverters via PROFINET and PROFIBUS; Entry-ID:
\12\ Application Closed-Loop Controlled Positioning of an Axis with S7
300 CPU 314C-2 DP, MICROMASTER 440 and
SIMATIC Easy Motion Control; Entry-ID: 21669390
\13\ Application Data exchange using cross-traffic with a DP Master;
Entry-ID: 22421343
\14\ Download Amended PROFIBUS GSD files (inc. MICROMASTER
411, 420, 430 und 440); Entry-ID: 6567719
\15\ Download SINAMICS G120: PROFIBUS GSD files; Entry-ID
\16\ Download SINAMICS G120: PROFINET GSDML files; Entry-ID:
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5 History
Tabelle 5 History
Version Date Changes
V4.0 01/2014 Summarised issue
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