Decision Tree
Decision Tree
Decision Tree
Question Marks:
1 /10
2 /10
3 /15
4 /18
5 /12
Total: /65
Name:_________________________________________________ ID:_________________________
1.3 An assumption necessary for the learning curve theory is which of the following?
a. Unit time will decrease at a decreasing rate
b. Unit time will hold constant
c. Unit time will increase at an increasing rate
d. Unit time will increase at a decreasing rate
Name:_________________________________________________ ID:_________________________
1.7 Demand for products or services can be broken down into which of the following components of
a. Average demand for a period
b. Trend influences
c. Seasonal influences
d. All of the above
1.9 The main purpose of aggregate planning is to specify the optimal combination of which of the
a. Production rates
b. Workforce levels
c. Inventory on hand
d. All of the above
1.10 Matching the production rate to the order rate by hiring and laying off employees as the order
rate varies is which of the following production planning strategies?
a. Chase
b. Level
c. Stable workforce, variable work hours
d. All of the above
Name:_________________________________________________ ID:_________________________
A builder has located a piece of property that she would like to buy and eventually build on. The land
is currently zoned for four homes per acre, but she is planning to request new zoning. What she
builds depends on the approval of zoning requests and your analysis of this problem to advise her.
With her input and your help, the decision process has been reduced to the following costs,
alternatives, and probabilities:
If the land is rezoned, there will be additional costs for new roads, lighting, and so on, of $2 million.
If the land is rezoned, the contractor must decide whether to build a shopping center or 1,500
apartments that the tentative plan shows would be possible. If she builds a shopping center, there is
a 75 percent chance that she can sell the shopping center to a large department chain for $5 million
over her construction cost, which excludes the land; and there is a 25 percent chance that she can
sell it an insurance company for $6 million over her construction cost (also excluding the land). If,
instead of the shopping center, she decides to build the 1,500 apartments, she places probabilities
on the profits as follows: There is a 55 percent chance that she can sell the apartments to a real
estate investment corporation for 4,000 each over her construction cost; there is a 45% chance that
she get only $3,000 each over her construction cost. (Both exclude the land cost.)
If the land is not rezoned, she will comply with the existing zoning restrictions and simply build 700
homes, on which she expects to make $4,500 over the construction cost on each one (excluding the
cost of land).
b. (4 points) Compute the expected value of the payoff for each alternative.
EV(1) = 5(0.75)+6(0.25) = $5.25M
EV(2) = 6(0.55)+4.5(0.45) = $5.325M
EV(3) = Max{5.25, 5.325} = $5.325M
EV(4) = $3.15M
EV(5) = (5.325-2)(0.70)+(3.15)(0.30) = $3.2725M
EV(6) = Max{3.2725-3,0} = $0.2725M
Name:_________________________________________________ ID:_________________________
D e p a rtm e n t
C h a in $5M
S h o p p in g 0 .7 5
C e n te r 1
0 .2 5
R ezoned, In su ra n ce C o $6M
co st $ 2 M 3
R e a l E sta te $6M
0 .7 0 .5 5
A p a rtm e n ts 2
Buy 5
0 .4 5
la n d 0 .3 S e llin g
N ot $ 4 .5 M
rezo n ed B u ild
4 $ 3 .1 5
6 hom es
D o not
Question 3 (15b upoints)
y la n d
Observations of the demand for a certain part stocked at a part supply depot during the last five
months of 2006 were:
Month Demand
May 60
June 90
July 140
August 180
September 240
a. (3 points) Using a three-month moving average, determine the forecasts for August and
September 2006.
FAug = (60+90+140)/3 = 96.67, FSep = (90+140+180)/3 = 136.67
b. (3 points) Using exponential smoothing method with 0.1 and a July forecast of 150,
determine the forecasts for August and September 2006.
FAug = 0.10(140)+0.90(150) = 149, FSep = 0.10(180)+0.90(149) = 152.1
c. (5 points) Calculate the exponential smoothing with trend component forecast for August and
September using a July trend forecast (TJuly) of 50 for July, an initial exponential smoothing
forecast (FJuly) of 100, an of 0.25, and a of 0.20.
Name:_________________________________________________ ID:_________________________
d. (4 points) For each method in a, b and c, compute MAD and tracking signal. Comment on which
method to use, if any. Assume that an acceptable level of the TS value is 3.0.
Exponential smoothing
MADAug=(|180-149|)/1=31.0 MADSep=(31.0+|240-152.1|)/2=59.45
RSFEAug=(180-149)=31.0 RSFESep=31.0+(240-136.67)=118.90
TSAug=31.0/31.0 =1.0 TSSep=118.90/59.45 =2.0
Question 4 (8 points)
Use regression analysis on deseasonalized demand to forecast demand in summer 2007, given the
following historical demand data:
Name:_________________________________________________ ID:_________________________
Mr. Meadows Cookie Company makes a variety of chocolate chip cookies in the plant in Albion,
Michigan. Based on orders received and forecasts of buying habits, it is assumed that the demand
for the next three months is 650, 925 and 575, expressed in thousands of cookies. During a 40-day
period when there were 90 workers, the company produced 1.71 million cookies. Assume that the
numbers of workdays in a month is 22. There are currently 60 workers employed, and there is no
starting inventory of cookies.
a. (7 points) What is the minimum constant workforce (level strategy) required to meet demand
(shortages not allowed) over the next three months?
Name:_________________________________________________ ID:_________________________
b. (5 points) Assume that the inventory holding cost is 25 cents per cookie per month, hiring cost is
$400 per worker, and firing cost is $500 per worker. Evaluate the cost of the plan derived in a.