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Rated Motor Currents: Rated Currents of Three-Phase Motors (Approximate Figures For Squirrel-Cage Motors)

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Rated Motor Currents

Rated currents of three-phase motors (approximate figures for squirrel-cage motors)

Motor rating
Percent Motor full- Fuse starting Motor full- Fuse starting
efficiency load current D.O.L. Y/ load current D.O.L. Y/
kW cos % A A A A A A

230 V 400 V
0.06 0.7 58 0.37 2 0.21 2
0.09 0.7 60 0.54 2 0.31 2
0.12 0.7 60 0.72 4 2 0.41 2
0.18 0.7 62 1.04 4 2 0.6 2
0.25 0.7 62 1.4 4 2 0.8 4 2
0.37 0.72 66 2 6 4 1.1 4 2
0.55 0.75 69 2.7 10 4 1.5 4 2
0.75 0.79 74 3.2 10 4 1.9 6 4
1.1 0.81 74 4.6 10 6 2.6 6 4
1.5 0.81 74 6.3 16 10 3.6 6 4
2.2 0.81 78 8.7 20 10 5 10 6
3 0.82 80 11.5 25 16 6.6 16 10
4 0.82 83 14.8 32 16 8.5 20 10
5.5 0.82 86 19.6 32 25 11.3 25 16
7.5 0.82 87 26.4 50 32 15.2 32 16
11 0.84 87 38 80 40 21.7 40 25
15 0.84 88 51 100 63 29.3 63 32
18.5 0.84 88 63 125 80 36 63 40
22 0.84 92 71 125 80 41 80 50
30 0.85 92 96 200 100 55 100 63
37 0.86 92 117 200 125 68 125 80
45 0.86 93 141 250 160 81 160 100
55 0.86 93 173 250 200 99 200 125
75 0.86 94 233 315 250 134 200 160
90 0.86 94 279 400 315 161 250 200
110 0.86 94 342 500 400 196 315 200
132 0.87 95 401 630 500 231 400 250
160 0.87 95 486 630 630 279 400 315
200 0.87 95 607 800 630 349 500 400
250 0.87 95 437 630 500
315 0.87 96 544 800 630
400 0.88 96 683 1000 800

500 V 690 V
0.06 0.7 58 0.17 2 0.12 2
0.09 0.7 60 0.25 2 0.18 2
0.12 0.7 60 0.33 2 0.24 2
0.18 0.7 62 0.48 2 0.35 2
0.25 0.7 62 0.7 2 0.5 2
0.37 0.72 66 0.9 2 2 0.7 2
0.55 0.75 69 1.2 4 2 0.9 4 2
0.75 0.79 74 1.5 4 2 1.1 4 2
1.1 0.81 74 2.1 6 4 1.5 4 2
1.5 0.81 74 2.9 6 4 2.1 6 4
2.2 0.81 78 4 10 4 2.9 10 4
3 0.82 80 5.3 16 6 3.8 10 4
4 0.82 83 6.8 16 10 4.9 16 6
5.5 0.82 86 9 20 16 6.5 16 10
7.5 0.82 87 12.1 25 16 8.8 25 10
11 0.84 87 17.4 32 20 12.6 25 16
15 0.84 88 23.4 50 25 17 32 20
18.5 0.84 88 28.9 50 32 20.9 32 25
22 0.84 92 33 63 32 23.8 50 25
30 0.85 92 44 80 50 32 63 32
37 0.86 92 54 100 63 39 80 50
45 0.86 93 65 125 80 47 80 63
55 0.86 93 79 160 80 58 100 63
75 0.86 94 107 200 125 78 160 100
90 0.86 94 129 200 160 93 160 100
110 0.86 94 157 250 160 114 200 125
132 0.87 95 184 250 200 134 250 160
160 0.87 95 224 315 250 162 250 200
200 0.87 95 279 400 315 202 315 250
250 0.87 95 349 500 400 253 400 315
315 0.87 96 436 630 500 316 500 400
400 0.88 96 547 800 630 396 630 400

The rated motor currents are for standard 1500 r.p.m. motors with normal inner and outer surface cooling
Fuse: This table applies to slow or gL
D.O.L. starting: Maximum starting current: 6 rated current. Maximum starting time: 5 sec.
Y/ starting: Maximum starting current: 2 rated current. Maximum starting time: 15 sec.

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