R QUFguide
R QUFguide
R QUFguide
To appear in Quantitative Finance, Vol. 00, No. 00, Month 20XX, 116
Taylor & Francis, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4RN, UK
Institut f
ur Informatik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat, D-79110 Freiburg, Germany
This guide is for authors who are preparing papers for the Taylor & Francis journal Quantitative Finance
(rQUF ) using the LATEX document preparation system and the class file rQUF2e.cls, which is available
via the journals home page on the Taylor & Francis website.
Keywords: Submission instructions; Source file coding; Environments; References citation; Fonts;
Numbering (Please provide three to six keywords taken from terms used in your
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
1. Introduction
In order to assist authors in the process of preparing a manuscript for Quantitative Finance
(rQUF ), the journals layout style has been implemented as a LATEX 2 class le based on the
article document class. A BibTEX style le is also provided to assist with the formatting of your
references in a style appropriate to that of the journal.
Commands that dier from or are provided in addition to the standard LATEX 2 interface are
explained in this guide. The guide alone is not intended as a substitute for an appropriate LATEX 2
The rQUFguide.tex le can also be used as a template for composing an article for submission by
cutting, pasting, inserting and deleting text as appropriate, using the LATEX environments provided
(e.g. \begin{equation}, \begin{enumerate}).
Please note that the index following the abstract in this guide is provided for infor-
mation only. An index is not required in submitted papers.
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
If the rQUF2e.cls le is not already in the appropriate system directory for LATEX 2 les, either
arrange for it to be put there, or copy it to your working folder. In order to use the rQUF document
class, replace the command \documentclass{article} at the beginning of your document with
the command \documentclass{rQUF2e}.
The following document-class options should not be used with the rQUF class le:
10pt, 11pt, 12ptunavailable;
oneside, twosidenot necessary: oneside is the default;
leqno and titlepageshould not be used;
onecolumnnot necessary as it is the default style;
twocolumnshould not be used (see section 1.1).
The geometry package and commands associated with it should also not be used to adjust the
page dimensions.
3. Additional features
This guide is for authors who are preparing papers for the Taylor \&
Francis journal {\em Quantitative Finance} ({\it rQUF}\,) using the
\LaTeX\ document preparation system and the class file {\tt rQUF2e.cls},
which is available via the journal homepage on the Taylor \& Francis
A list of keywords should follow the abstract as required by the journal, enclosed within a keywords
environment, followed by relevant subject classication codes enclosed within a classcode envi-
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
3.3. Lists
The rQUF class le provides numbered and unnumbered lists using the enumerate environment
and bulleted lists using the itemize environment.
The enumerated list will number each list item with roman numerals by default, for example:
(i) rst item
(ii) second item
(iii) third item
was produced by
\item first item
\item second item
\item third item
Alternative numbering styles can be achieved by inserting an optional argument in square brackets
to each \item, e.g. \item[(1)] first item to create a list numbered with arabic numerals.
Unnumbered lists can also be produced using the enumerate environment. For example,
First unnumbered item
Second unnumbered item
Third unnumbered item
was produced by
\item[] First unnumbered item
\item[] Second unnumbered item
\item[] Third unnumbered item
Bulleted lists are provided using the itemize environment. For example,
First bulleted item
Second bulleted item
Third bulleted item
was produced by
\item First bulleted item
\item Second bulleted item
\item Third bulleted item
1 These symbols will be changed to the style of the journal by the typesetter during preparation of your proofs.
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
The following notes are intended to help you achieve the best eects with the rQUF2e class le.
4.1. Sections
LATEX 2 provides ve levels of section heading, all of which are dened in the rQUF2e class le:
(A) \section
(B) \subsection
(C) \subsubsection
(D) \paragraph
(E) \subparagraph
Numbering is automatically generated for section, subsection and subsubsection headings. If you
need additional text styles in the headings, see the examples given in section 5.
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
0.25 -0.02
1 -0.04 1
0.15 0.8 -0.06 0.8
0.1 0.6 -0.08 0.6
0 0
0.2 0.4 x 0.2 0.4 x
0.4 0.4
0.6 0.2 0.6 0.2
t t 0.8
10 10
The epstopdf package can be used to incorporate Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) illustrations
when using PDFLATEX, etc. Please provide the original .eps source les rather than the generated
PDF images of those illustrations for production purposes.
4.3. Tables
The rQUF class le will cope with most positioning of your tables and you should not normally
need to use the optional placement speciers of the table environment.
The tabular environment can be used as illustrated here to produce tables with appropriately
spaced single thick and thin horizontal rules, which are allowed, if desired. Thick rules should be
used at the head and foot only, and thin rules elsewhere as appropriate. Commands to redene
quantities such as \arraystretch should be omitted.
The table caption appears above the body of the table in rQUF style, therefore the \tbl com-
mand should be used before the body of the table. For example, table 1 is produced using the
following commands. Note that \rm will produce a roman character in math mode. There are also
\bf and \it, which produce bold face and text italic in math mode.
\tbl{Example of a table showing that its caption is centred above the
table itself.}
Class$^{\rm a}$ & $\gamma _1$ & $\gamma _2$$^{\rm b}$
& $\langle \gamma \rangle$
& $G$ & $f$ & $\theta _{c}$ \\
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
BL Lacs & 5 & 36 & 7 & $-4.0$ & $1.0\times 10^{-2}$ & 10$^\circ$ \\
FSRQs & 5 & 40 & 11 & $-2.3$ & $0.5\times 10^{-2}$ & 14$^\circ$ \\
\tabnote{$^{\rm a}$This footnote shows what footnote symbols to use.}
\tabnote{$^{\rm b}$An example table footnote to show the text turning
over when a long footnote is added.}
To ensure that tables are correctly numbered automatically, the \label{} command should be
inserted just before \end{table}.
Tables produced using the booktabs package of macros for typesetting tables are also compatible
with the rQUF class le.
Proof. More recent algorithms for solving the semidenite programming relaxation are particularly
ecient, because they explore the structure of the MAX-CUT problem.
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
Theorem 4.1 More recent algorithms for solving the semidenite programming relaxation are
particularly ecient, because they explore the structure of the MAX-CUT problem.
Lemma 4.2 More recent algorithms for solving the semidenite programming relaxation are par-
ticularly ecient, because they explore the structure of the MAX-CUT problem.
Corollary 4.3 More recent algorithms for solving the semidenite programming relaxation are
particularly ecient, because they explore the structure of the MAX-CUT problem.
Proposition 4.4 More recent algorithms for solving the semidenite programming relaxation are
particularly ecient, because they explore the structure of the MAX-CUT problem.
Definition 1 More recent algorithms for solving the semidenite programming relaxation are
particularly ecient, because they explore the structure of the MAX-CUT problem.
Remark 1 More recent algorithms for solving the semidenite programming relaxation are par-
ticularly ecient, because they explore the structure of the MAX-CUT problem.
These were dened as shown in detail in the preamble of the rQUFguide.tex le, and produced by
typing, for example:
More recent algorithms for solving the semidefinite programming
relaxation are particularly efficient, because they explore the
structure of the MAX-CUT problem.
The format of the text in these environments may be changed if necessary to match the style of
the journal by the typesetter during preparation of your proofs.
4.6.1. Displayed mathematics. The rQUF class le will set displayed mathematics centred
on the measure without equation numbers if the LATEX 2 standard control sequences open (\[)
and close (\]) square brackets are used as delimiters. The equation
i = trace(S) iR
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
i\in {\mathbb R}
For those of your equations that you wish to be automatically numbered sequentially throughout
the text, use the equation environment, e.g.
i = trace(S) iR (1)
4.6.2. Bold math italic symbols. To get bold math italic you can use \bm, which works for
all sizes, e.g.
{\rm d}({\bm s_{t_{\bm u}}) = \langle{\bm\alpha({\sf{\textbf L}})}
[RM({\bm X}_y + {\bm s}_t) - RM({\bm x}_y)]^2 \rangle
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
Note that subscript, superscript, subscript to subscript, etc. sizes will take care of themselves
and are italic, not bold, unless coded individually. \bm produces the same eect as \boldmath.
\sffamily...\normalfont allows upright sans serif fonts to be created in math mode by using the
control sequence \sf.
4.6.3. Bold Greek. Bold lowercase as well as uppercase Greek characters can be obtained by
{\bm \gamma}, which gives , and {\bm \Gamma}, which gives .
4.6.4. Upright lowercase Greek characters and the upright partial derivative sign.
Upright lowercase Greek characters can be obtained with the rQUF class le by inserting the letter
u in the control code for the character, e.g. \umu and \upi produce (used, for example, in the
symbol for the unit micronsm) and (the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle).
Similarly, the control code for the upright partial derivative is \upartial.
4.7. Acknowledgements
An unnumbered section, e.g. \section*{Acknowledgement(s)}, should be used for thanks, etc.
and placed before any Funding or References sections.
4.8. Funding
An unnumbered section, e.g. \section*{Funding}, should be used for grant details, etc. and placed
before the References section.
4.10. References
4.10.1. References cited in the text. References should be cited in the text in authordate
(Harvard) stylee.g. (Smith 1985, Jones 1986, Trevor and Atkins 1987, Bloggs et al. 2001) or
... see Smith (1985) (note that these references have been cited in chronological order and et al.
has been used for three or more authors). Further details on this reference style can be found in
the journals Instructions for Authors.
Each bibliographical entry has a key, which is assigned by the author and used to refer to that
entry in the text. In this document, the key ed84 in the citation form \citep{ed84} produces
(Edwards et al. 1984), and the keys mtw73, kato95, glov00 and aiex02 in the citation form
\citep{mtw73,kato95,glov00,aiex02} produce (Misner 1973, Kato 1995, Glover and Ribeiro
2000, Aiex et al. 2002). The appropriate citation style in the text for dierent situations can
be produced by \citet{aiex00} for Aiex et al. (2000), \citealt{fwp02} for Patel 2002 and
\citet{aiex00,aiex02,hk96,fzf88} for Aiex et al. (2000), Aiex et al. (2002), Kern (1996),
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
French (1988). Optional notes may be included at the beginning and end of a citation by the use
of square brackets, e.g. \citep[see][and references therein]{aiex02} produces (see Aiex et al.
2002, and references therein). Citation of the year alone may be produced by \citeyear{neu83},
i.e. 1983, or \citeyearpar{lam86}, i.e. (1996).
4.10.2. The list of references. References should be listed at the end of the main text in
alphabetical order, then chronologically, with volume (but not issue) numbers and full page ranges
where appropriate. A smaller font than in the main body text should be used, with a hanging
indent. The following list shows some references prepared in the style of the journal.
Aiex, R.M., Resende, M.G.C., Pardalos, P.M. and Toraldo, G., GRASP with path-relinking for the three-
index assignment problem. Technical report, AT&T Labs-Research, 2000.
Aiex, R.M., Resende, M.G.C. and Ribeiro, C.C., Probability distribution of solution time in
GRASP: an experimental investigation [online]. MirraMarx.com, 2003. Available online at:
www.MirraMarx.com/graspintime.html (accessed 23 October 2005).
Edwards, D.M.F., Madden, P.A. and McDonald, I.R., Parallel GRASP with path-relinking for job shop
scheduling. Mol. Phys., 1984, 51, 11411151.
French, F., English title of a chapter in the translation of a book in a foreign language. Title of a Book in
Another Language (Quoted in that Language), P. Smith, Translator, 1988, original work published 1923
(Dover: New York).
Glover, F. and Ribeiro, C.C., Multi-start and strategic oscillation methodsprinciples to exploit adaptive
memory. In Computing Tools for Modeling, Optimization and Simulation: Interfaces in Computer Sci-
ence and Operations Research (2nd edn), edited by M. Laguna and J.L. Gonzales-Velarde, pp. 124,
2000 (Kluwer Academic: Boston, MA).
Kato, K., Bubbles in Japans stock markets: a macroeconomic analysis. Working Paper, Columbia University,
Kern, H., The resurgent Japanese economy and a JapanUnited States free trade agreement. In Proceedings
of the 4th International Conference on the Restructuring of the Economic and Political System in Japan
and Europe, Milan, Italy, 2125 May 1996, pp. 147156, 1997 (World Scientic: Singapore).
Lamport, L., Ecient algorithms for layer assignment problems. PhD thesis, University of Princeton, NJ,
Misner, C.W. (Ed.), Ecient algorithms for layer assignment problems. In Gravitation, 1973 (Freeman: San
Francisco, CA).
Neumann, M., Parallel GRASP with path-relinking for job shop scheduling. Mol. Phys., 1983, 50, 841843.
Patel, F.W., Title of Book, Monographs on Technical Aspects Vol. II, 2002 (Dover: New York).
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Aiex {\itshape{et~al.}}}{2002}]{aiex02}
Aiex, R.M., Resende, M.G.C. and Ribeiro, C.C., Probability distribution of
solution time in GRASP: an experimental investigation [online].
MirraMarx.com, 2003. Available online at: www.MirraMarx.com/graspintime.html
(accessed 23 October 2005).
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
French, F., English title of a chapter in the translation of a book in a
foreign language. {\itshape Title of a Book in Another Language (Quoted
in that Language)}, P. Smith, Translator, 1988, original work published
1923 (Dover: New York).
Kato, K., Bubbles in Japans stock markets: a macroeconomic analysis.
Working Paper, Columbia University, 1995.
Kern, H., The resurgent Japanese economy and a Japan--United States free
trade agreement. In {\em{Proceedings of the 4th International Conference
on the Restructuring of the Economic and Political System in Japan and
Europe}}, Milan, Italy, 21--25 May 1996, pp. 147--156, 1997 (World
Scientific: Singapore).
Lamport, L., Efficient algorithms for layer assignment problems. PhD thesis,
University of Princeton, NJ, 1986.
Misner, C.W. (Ed.), Efficient algorithms for layer assignment problems.
{\itshape Gravitation}, 1973 (Freeman: San Francisco, CA).
Neumann, M., Parallel GRASP with path-relinking for job shop scheduling.
{\itshape Mol. Phys.,} 1983, {\bfseries 50}, 841--843.
Patel, F.W., {\itshape Title of Book}, Monographs on Technical Aspects
Vol. II, 2002 (Dover: New York).
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
where key is the tag that is to be used as an argument for the \cite{} commands in the text of
the article and Bibliography entry is the material that is to appear in the bibliography, suitably
Instead of typing the bibliography by hand, you may prefer to create the list of references using
a BibTEX database. Include the lines
where the list of references should appear, where rQUF.bst is the name of the BibTEX style le for
this journal and rQUFguide.bib is the database of bibliographic details for the references section
included with the rQUF LATEX style guide package (to be replaced with the name of your own
BibTEX database). The LATEX source le of your paper will extract from your .bib le only those
references that are cited in that paper and list them in the References section of it.
Please include a copy of your .bib le and/or the nal generated .bbl le among your source les
if your .tex le does not contain a list of references in a thebibliography environment.
4.11. Appendices
Any appendices should be placed after the list of references, beginning with the command
\appendices followed by the command \section for each appendix title, e.g.
\section{This is the title of the first appendix}
\section{This is the title of the second appendix}
Appendix A. This is the title of the first appendix
Appendix B. This is the title of the second appendix
Subsections, equations, gures, tables, etc. within appendices will then be automatically numbered
as appropriate.
5. Example of a section heading including small caps, italic, and bold Greek such
The notes given here relate to common style errors found in manuscripts, but are not intended to
be exhaustive.
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
(ii) en rules (two dashes in TEX/LATEX). These are used (a) to denote a range (e.g. 1.62.2 m);
and (b) to denote the joining of two words of equal standing (e.g. KolmogorovSmirnov
test, HerbigHaro object).
(iii) The em rule (three dashes in TEX/LATEX) may be used as an alternative to parentheses
(e.g. the resultsassuming no temperature gradientare indicative of . . . ).
(iv) The minus sign is produced automatically in math mode by the use of a single dash, e.g.
yi {1, 1} i V (4)
where | V | = A2 + B 2
is produced by
y_{i} \in \{-1, 1 \} \quad \forall i \in V
\noindent where $|-V|=A^2+B^2$
6.2. References
It is important to use the correct reference style, details of which can be found in section 4.10.
7. Troubleshooting
Authors may from time to time encounter problems with the preparation of their papers in LATEX.
The appropriate action to take will depend on the nature of the problemthe following is intended
to act as a guide.
(i) If the problem is with LATEX itself, rather than with the actual macros, please refer to an
appropriate handbook for initial advice. If the solution cannot be found, or if you suspect
that the problem lies with the macros, then please contact Taylor & Francis for assistance
(ii) Problems with page make-up (e.g. large spaces between paragraphs, above headings, or
below gures; gures/tables appearing out of order): please do not attempt to remedy
these using hard page make-up commandsthe typesetter will deal with such problems.
(You may, if you wish, draw attention to particular problems when submitting the nal
version of your paper.)
(iii) If a required font is not available at your site, allow TEX to substitute the font and specify
which font you require in a covering letter accompanying your le(s).
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
This guide has been designed to minimize the need for user-dened macros to create special symbols.
Authors are urged, wherever possible, to use the following coding rather than to create their
own. This will minimize the danger of author-dened macros being accidentally overridden when
the paper is typeset (see section 4.6, Typesetting mathematics). In cases where it is essential
to create your own macros, these should be displayed in the preamble of the source le before
(i) Fonts in section headings and paper titles. The following are examples of styles that some-
times prove dicult to code.
Paper titles:
Generalized Flory theory at > 50
is produced by
\title{Generalized Flory theory at
${\bm\delta > {\bfseries 50}^\circ}$}
is produced by
\title{Ion--ion correlations in H\,{\sc ii} regions}
(ii) en rules, em rules, hyphens and minus signs (see section 6.1 for correct usage). To create
the correct symbols in the sentence
The high-resolution observations were made along a line at an angle of 15 (East from North)
from the axis of the jetwhich runs NorthSouth
you would use the following code:
The high-resolution observations were made along a line at
an angle of $-15^\circ$ (East from North) from the axis of
the jet---which runs North--South
(iii) Fonts in superscripts and subscripts. Subscripts and superscripts will automatically come
out in the correct font and size in a math environment (e.g. enclosed by $ delimiters in
running text or within \[...\] or the equation environment for displayed equations).
You can create the output kx by typing ${\bm k_x}$. If the subscripts or superscripts need
to be other than italic, they should be coded individuallysee (vi) below.
(iv) Calligraphic letters (UPPER CASE ON LY). Normal calligraphic can be produced with
\mathcal as usual (in math mode).
(v) Automatic scaling of brackets. The codes \left and \right should be used to scale brackets
automatically to t the equation being set. For example, to get
( )
N +2
October 29, 2014 Quantitative Finance rQUFguide
(vi) Roman font in equations. It is often necessary to make some symbols roman in an equation
(e.g. units, non-variable subscripts). For example, to get
N Ns
(r/13 h1 Mpc)0.9 , =