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Development of A Palm Fruit Bunch Chopper and Spikelet Stripper

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International Journal of Engineering Science Invention

ISSN (Online): 2319 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 6726

www.ijesi.org ||Volume 6 Issue 2|| February 2017 || PP. 47-53

Development of a Palm Fruit Bunch Chopper and Spikelet

Ademola K. Aremu1, Oluwatoosin A. Alade2*
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Abstract: The inadequacy of processing technology involved in the palm fruit processing has been attributed to
the manual method and individualized processing machinery. This imposes the need to develop an all-in-one
machine to increase efficiency, reduce time, space and drudgery. The palm fruit bunch chopper and spikelet
machine comprise of the frame, chopping, stripping and cleaning chambers and the outlets (fruitlets, spikelet
and dirt). Evaluation of the machine was varied on the level of ripeness of fresh palm fruit bunch, fermentation
time of 24, 48, and 72hours, shafts speed (stripper shaft 320, 350, 500rpm and blower shaft 1300, 1500,
2100rpm). The stripping and quality performance efficiency with output capacity of stripping increased with
level of ripeness, shafts speed and fermentation time from 15.949 94.015%, 12.843 79.943% and 59.208
249.056kg/hr respectively. The optimum chopping, stripping, quality performance and cleaning efficiency was
obtained from the over-ripe fresh fruit bunch, 72hours fermentation time, 500rpm shafts speed and moisture
content of 46.16% (db). The cost of producing one unit of the combined palm fruit bunch processor as at the
time of fabrication was estimated to be 85,000 not including the cost of electric motor and the power required
when operated with electric motor of 5.5hp.
Keywords: palm fruit bunch chopper, palm fruit spikelet stripper, quality performance efficiency, stripping

I. Introduction
The oil palm, (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is a perennial tree crop of the Arecaceae family [9] and was said to be
native to the countries bordering the Gulf of Guinea [1], with the main belts running through the southern
latitudes of Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and into the equatorial region of
Angola [2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7). The oil palm is categorized as a major tropical tree crop in Nigeria and is cultivated
mostly in the Southern part and some parts of the Middle belt of the country [4]. The oil palm produces its fruit
in bunches varying in weight from 5-40kg consisting of several oval-shaped drupe fruits of 6-20 grammes and
fresh fruits of an average length, width and thickness of 35.96 mm, 20.15 mm and 17.11 mm respectively [4; 7;
8]. The types of oil palm fruit occurs in two forms, termed dura (with a large kernel) and pisifera (having no
shell and yet sterile) while tenera is a hybrid form of dura and pisifera, and the most cultivated variety because
it produces fruits with higher oil content [9].
The processing of palm fruits begins with harvesting the palm fruit bunches, chopping and stripping,
sterilization, digestion, palm oil extraction, palm kernel cracking and oil extraction and ends with storing the
oils, each using different methods and machines [3; 6; 10; 7). [11] concluded that improved technologies that
meet both growth and sustainability goals can be effectively used by oil palm processors. However, most
technologies are designed for developed rather than developing countries. [12] stated that Nigeria has enormous
potential to increase her production of palm oil and palm kernel primarily through application of improved
processing techniques.
Though the technology of palm oil production has advanced in recent years with new technological innovation
to produce palm oil, survey results showed that 80 percent of Nigerians oil palm resource exist in smallholders
[13] who uses manual/traditional processing techniques and equipment for palm fruit by processing [2]. Thus
the nations oil palm industry is still subsistent with very few large estate plantations that make large mills and
imported mills relatively expensive and unaffordable by most farmers, thereby making the traditional method to
predominate [13]. The chopping of palm fruit bunch becomes imperative so as to remove the fruitlets located in
the inner layer of the bunch and mechanical stripping which eliminates the use of human labor and work related
injury to their fingers and bodies. However, this research work is geared to reducing time and drudgery in the
chopping and stripping of palm fruits by designing and fabricating a machine that incorporates the two process
into one unit using locally available materials suitable to both small and medium scale palm oil processors and
also conserving space in their palm mills. The main objective is to design and fabricate a palm fruit bunch
chopper, spikelet stripper and cleaning of palm fruitlets.

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Development of a Palm Fruit Bunch Chopper and Spikelet Stripper

Figure 1: Harvested palm fruit bunches at Gilgal farms

II. Materials And Methods

Machine Description and Operation
The palm fruit bunch chopper and spikelet stripper consists of five basic units: the chopping chamber, stripping,
separating, drive mechanism and the discharge outlets. The whole palm fruit bunch is manually placed and
arranged for chopping the bunch into spikelet and fed directly into the spikelet stripper chamber where the
fruitlets are being detached from the spikelet and convey the empty spikelet for discharge. The drive mechanism
which consists of shafts, belt and pulley is used to operate the stripping and separating units. The received
fruitlets are sieved into the separating chamber which utilizes pneumatic for the separation of cleaned palm
fruitlets for discharge.
The solid isometric and exploded view of the palm fruit bunch chopper and spikelet stripper are shown in figure
2 and 3 are shown below.

Figure 2: Isometric view of the Palm fruit bunch chopper and spikelet stripper

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Development of a Palm Fruit Bunch Chopper and Spikelet Stripper

Figure 3: Exploded view of the Palm fruit bunch chopper and spikelet stripper

Design Considerations
Some of the factors considered while designing the palm fruit chopper, spikelet stripper and cleaning of the
palm fruitlets are as described:

Reliability and performance of the various components

Factors such as rigidity, deflection, wear, corrosion, vibration and stability were considered in the selection of
appropriate material, sizing and shaping of the various machine components. Also, in order to take into account
a number of uncertainties such as variation in material properties, effect of environment in which the machine is
expected to operate, and the overall concern for human safety, provisions were made through the use of factor of
safety stipulated by standard and experience.
Availability of materials
The machine was constructed of locally available materials so as to enhance the possibility of replacing
damaged parts with less expensive but equivalently satisfactory parts that are locally available.
The ease of design and fabrication of machine for productivity were considered, bearing in mind the need of
dismantling to carry out routine cleaning and maintenance of the machine when necessary so as to maintain
higher level of performance and also for the possibility of conveying the machine from one point of use to the
other whenever the need arises.
Meeting the farmers general requirements with minimum loss of oil that may arise from oil being absorbed and
carried off by the stalks of the stripped bunches or loss due to unstripped fruits still attached to the bunches. And
also the need to have a fruit discharge outlet that is different from the stripped bunch discharge outlet for
optimum separation.
The reduction of cost was taken into account through critical value analysis on the phases of design, material
selection, production and maintenance of the machine which at the end make it affordable by farmers and other
intending users.
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Development of a Palm Fruit Bunch Chopper and Spikelet Stripper

Design Analysis
This machine was designed by taking cognizance of the geometric properties (length, width, thickness,
geometric mean diameter, and sphericity), gravimetric properties (including true density, bulk density and
porosity) and frictional properties (angle of repose and static coefficient of friction) of palm fruit bunch, spikelet
and fruitlets in other to ensure an acceptable efficiency.

Driven pulley speed

This was done in order to know the equivalent ratio between size of the motor pulley and that of shaft pulley.
The allowable diameter of the pulley was calculated using the equation 1 as described by [14].
Neglecting belt thickness:

Therefore, the speed needed for stripping of palm kernel spikelet seed is 428.6rpm
Shaft Speed of the electric motor
The speed of the belt, V1, was determined according to the expression described by [15] as shown in equation 2:

Shaft Speed of the palm fruit strippers

The speed of the belt, V2 was determined according the expression described by [15]:

Power required by the shaft

The power requirement (Ps) was divided into three parts. [15] reported the power requirement (Ps) for the palm
spikelet stripper.
i. Power required to drive shaft:
The power requirement of the shaft was determined with the equation 4:
= (4)
where: Rs: Radius of shaft (m),
Ws: Weight of the shaft (N),

ii. Power required for striping the spikelet:

The power requirement for striping the spikelet was determined with the equation 5:
st = (5)
where: Pst Power requirement for striping (kW)
Angular speed of the shaft (rad/s)
Torque of the shaft (Nm)
iii. Power required for driving the pulley:
The power required for driving the pulley was determined with the equation 6:
= (6)
where: Pp Power requirement for pulley (kW)
Wp Weight of the pulley (N)
Rp Radius of Pulley (m)
However, the total power requirement of the shaft (Pt) is expressed in equation 7:
= + st + (7)
= 0.00103 + 1.616 + 1.483 = 3.10 kW
Hence, a 5.5hp petrol engine was used for the design.
Belt Length
The length of the belt from the electric motor to the palm kernel spikelet stripper was determined by the
relationship given by [16] as shown in equation 8:

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Development of a Palm Fruit Bunch Chopper and Spikelet Stripper


Thus, the calculated belt length is given as approximately 1360mm.

Shaft Diameter
The shaft for the palm fruit spikelet was designed on the basis of strength, rigidity and stiffness. When designing
the shaft, it was considered that it may be subjected to twisting and bending moments. [14] and [15], reported
that the formulae used for shaft design is as shown in equation 9 11:


where at the section under consideration:
= shaft diameter ( ,
= torque of the shaft (
Maximum permissible work stress (
s = allowable shear stress for bending and torsion, (N/mm2)
KB = combined shock and fatigue factor applied to bending moment = 2.0 for minor shock
KT = combined shock and fatigue factor applied to torsional moment =1.5 for minor shock
MB = maximum bending moment, (N/m)
MT = torsional/twisting moment, (N/m)

The diameter of the shaft was calculated to be 32.6mm. However, diameter was chosen for the design of
the stripper by standard.

The blower was designed with respect to the terminal velocity of the palm fruitlets in a way that the air produce
was less than the terminal velocity of the palm fruitlets and greater than the terminal velocity of the chaff so that
it will not be able to blow off the fruitlets during its separation using a centrifugal blower.

III. Test Procedure

In other to evaluate the performance of the machine, an experiment is designed such that the machine is tested
by categorizing the palm fruit bunches into three maturity levels (under-ripe, ripe, and over-ripe), fermentation
time (24, 48 and 72 hours), moisture content of fruit spikelet, speed of stripper (320, 350 and 500 rpm) and
blower shafts (1300, 1500, 2100 rpm) respectively.
In all the tests which was replicated three times (a, b and c), the weight of the palm fruit bunches are measured
using the Salter weighing Scale (50kg, 0.1) and the time taken (seconds) to chop and strip each sample are
measured using a stop watch. The machine is powered by 5.5 horse power (h.p) petrol engine prime mover. The
revolution per minute (rpm) of the beater and pneumatic shaft are measured with hand-held digital tachometer
and the wind speed with the digital anemometer according to Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards
PAES 241:2010 and PAES 305:2000. After each operation the chopped palm fruit bunch, stripped and
unstripped palm fruit spikelet and cleaned and un-cleaned fruitlets from its outlets are carefully sorted out and
Further analysis of the results of the experiment is carried out using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
software (Design Expert version 6.06).

Performance Evaluation
Samples were taken from each of the sub-plot, where parameters such as weight of stripped and unstripped
fruitlets with weight of stripped spikelet and unstripped spikelet etc., were used for the computation of the
machine stripping efficiency, cleaning efficiency, quality performance efficiency etc. This was done in
accordance with the Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards PAES 255:2011 for Abaca stripper.
The following formulas were used in the computations:

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Development of a Palm Fruit Bunch Chopper and Spikelet Stripper

1. Stripping efficiency, Es


where: Wsf = total weight of stripped palm fruits

Wcf = total weight of palm fruits in the chopped bunches.
2. Cleaning efficiency, Ea

where: Wdb = total weight of dirt blown

Wd = total weight of dirt.
3. Chopping efficiency, CHE,


where: Wpf = Weight of chopped palm fruit

Wtb = Total Weight palm fruit bunch
These terms and nomenclature were further adopted in the analysis of the performance of the palm fruit stripper
by [5] and [8]
1. Output Capacity for stripping, Co, (Kg/hr) =
Wfs = Weight of palm fruit stripped
Wfb = Weight of empty spikelets
Ts = Time of stripping
2. Determination of Quality performance efficiency, QPE, %
QPE = [ ] (16)
where: Wfp Potential palm fruitlets in spikelet
3. Feed Rate

IV. Results And Discussion

The result of the performance evaluation test of the palm fruit bunch chopper and spikelet stripper was carried
out for 81 experimental feedings with the average of the three runs (27 experimental feedings) was computed
and observed response values are as shown in Table 1.
The moisture content of the palm fruit spikelet at three fermentation time (24, 48 and 72 hrs) after oven drying
showed the highest moisture content as 46.16 % (db) over-ripe FFB at 72 hrs fermentation time while the lowest
moisture content is 45.71 % (db) under-ripe FFb at 24 hrs fermentation time.

V. Conclusions And Recommendation

The performance assessment of the machine has a high feeding rate of 472.038 kg/hr and average chopping
efficiency of about 98%; stripping and quality performance efficiency of stripping as 94.015%, 79.943%
respectively. The output capacity of the stripper and the effectiveness of the cleaning chamber make the
machine useful for palm fruit processors. The combination of two processes (chopping and stripping) as an all-
in-one machine, its local content for fabrication costing 85,000.00 (eighty-five thousand naira only), less
maintenance and durability of structure gives the palm fruit bunch chopper and spikelet stripper a high edge and
advantage among other technologies in oil palm processing business.
The palm fruit bunch chopper and spikelet stripper is hereby recommended for small and medium scale oil palm
fruit processing centers. This research work could be a step to automation of the chopping and stripping process
of palm fruit processing all-in-one machine targeted at small and medium scale palm fruit processors.

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Table 1: Design Factors and Responses as Influenced by Treatments of level of ripeness of Oil palm fruit FFB
(KG/HR) (%) (Kg/hr) (%) (%) (%)
1 320 0 24 45.71 290.789 15.949 59.208 50 12.843 98.114
2 320 0 48 45.75 327.682 25.846 87.091 50 20.529 98.497
3 320 0 72 45.94 295.964 27.786 78.021 50 21.988 98.303
4 350 0 24 45.71 357.333 25.852 100.135 66.667 21.321 97.286
5 350 0 48 45.75 326.811 31.709 93.507 55.556 24.731 98.43
6 350 0 72 45.94 354.319 40.461 123.431 66.667 32.464 97.153
7 500 0 24 45.71 289.094 54.433 116.036 50 44.367 98.103
8 500 0 48 45.75 322.127 61.187 150.847 50 49.582 98.443
9 500 0 72 45.94 290.399 65.115 141.962 50 53.441 98.265
10 320 1 24 45.74 310.376 30.47 87.145 55.556 24.938 98.399
11 320 1 48 45.79 311.323 36.39 97.464 50 29.031 98.274
12 320 1 72 45.97 286.006 43.582 99.091 50 35.618 98.212
13 350 1 24 45.74 325.336 36.917 104.631 61.111 30.272 97.437
14 350 1 48 45.79 317.604 51.727 154.587 50 43.484 98.335
15 350 1 72 45.97 457.464 68.598 249.056 55.556 54.591 98.172
16 500 1 24 45.74 309.546 66.133 152.2 50 54.093 98.377
17 500 1 48 45.79 296.078 71.531 152.175 50 58.377 98.119
18 500 1 72 45.97 287.601 80.982 163.452 50 66.356 98.189
19 320 2 24 45.77 318.906 49.229 122.377 55.556 40.145 97.625
20 320 2 48 46.01 334.549 63.397 148.27 50 50.838 98.118
21 320 2 72 46.16 322.289 79.201 174.955 50 67.209 98.072
22 350 2 24 45.77 472.038 54.077 212.595 46.667 44.291 98.397
23 350 2 48 46.01 426.262 81.558 246.913 55.556 64.904 98.094
24 350 2 72 46.16 371.572 92.039 228.474 55.556 76.362 97.532
25 500 2 24 45.77 336.949 76.955 184.676 50 63.719 98.289
26 500 2 48 46.01 344.943 91.982 214.177 50 77.129 98.193
27 500 2 72 46.16 358.938 94.015 236.909 50 79.143 98.133

Level of ripeness
0 Under-ripe FFB,
1 Ripe FFB,
2 Over-ripe FFB,
MC Moisture Content
CO Output Capacity for stripping
Es Stripping Efficiency
CE Cleaning Efficiency,
QP Quality performance efficiency,
CHE Chopping efficiency,
FT Fermentation time,

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