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Feature Article

Screw Press Operation Optimisation for Oil and

Kernel Recovery Enhancement

Yosri, M S*; Syahril Anuar, M R*; Nik Suhaimi, M H*; Muhammad Zaidy, A*; Mohammed
Faisal, M Y* and Ahmad Jaril, A*
*Processing Technology, SIME DARBY Research Sdn Bhd,
R&D Centre - Carey Island, Lot 2664, Jalan Pulau Carey,
42960 Pulau Carey, Kuala Langat, Selangor.
E-mail: yosri.mohd.siran@simedarbyplantation.com

ABSTRACT the designated press throughput. The performance

Pressing operation is an interesting subject of of the press does not only depend on the design,
discussion as it involves two crucial process but also influenced by process variables, as well
losses parameters namely, oil loss and broken as wear and tear. The overall operation of pressing
nuts. Though zero loss in palm oil milling is station consists of digestion, pressing, dilution and
impossible, this does not mean that effort screening. In conventional palm oil mill, the fruits, so
should not be given to find ways in reducing called (MPD) mass passing to digester are digested
it even though the losses is already within at 90oC for about 20 min. For a 15 t throughput
specification. It must be noted that higher press, typical volume of the digester is about 3500
process losses will lead to higher operating litres. During digestion, the oil-bearing cells are
cost and eventually be used as indicator ruptured and this will facilitate oil extraction during
that the processing is not being carried out pressing and clarification. Digestion is carried
efficiently. Digester operation, main screw out by stirring effect from five stirring arms that
speed, pressure cone setting and maintenance are installed alternately in opposite directions
are among the crucial factors that affect where the fruits are forced to move upward and
the pressing operation. In addition to that, downward (due to the ‘lifting’ effect of the stirring
operator’s effort and his responsiveness arms). This causes the fruits to strongly rub against
on mash and crop condition are crucial for each other, leading to severe bruising of the fruits
achieving good press operation. This article and resulting in breaking down of the pericarp
reviews few variables that affect the screw into mash. The oil bearing cells are subsequently
press operation performance. ruptured. The digested MPD mash is then fed into
the press by the digester’s expeller arm. The press
operation is controlled through adjusting the main
INTRODUCTION screw speed and the pressure of the cones at the
discharge end of the screw press. Two parameters
Screw press operation is one of the most important that are monitored to indicate press performance
processes in palm oil mill. It is responsible for and efficiency are the percentage of broken nuts
extracting oil from digested mesocarp with and oil losses in press cake. Pressing operation
consideration of the following objectives, minimum with broken nuts percentage of below 20% and oil
oil loss in pressed fibre and minimum nut breakage at losses (wet basis) of below 4.5% is desirable.

[ 18 ] Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No. 130

Screw Press Operation Optimisation for Oil and
Kernel Recovery Enhancement


No. Factors Variable
1 Raw material/FFB • Ripeness
• Lag time between harvesting and processing
• Contamination
• Fibre/nut ratio
2 Sterilisation • Sterilisation cycle
• Sterilisation method
3 Digester parameters • Digester level
• Digester drainage
• Temperature
4 Press parameters • Main screw speed
• Cone pressure

Crop Main screw Feed screw Load setting OLDB (%) Broken nut (%)
(rpm) (rpm) (Ampere)

Overnight 12 18 36-38 8.52 30.35

Fresh 12 18 36-38 8.14 19.87
Note: Oil loss dry basis (OLDB).
Study done at Diamond Jubilee Mill (2002).

VARIABLES AFFECTING PRESS the factors affecting screw press operation are listed
PERFORMANCE in Table 1 with only the main factor to be discussed
in details.
There are many factors that contribute to the good
performance of pressing. Though process at pressing CROP CONDITION AND BUNCH
station is optimised, it does not guarantee that
oil losses and nuts breakage are at lowest range.
Experienced press operator knows that suitable
Upstream processes such as sterilisation, crop
screw press setting should be used in accordance
condition and fresh fruit bunch (FFB) compositions
to crop condition. In general, overnight crops require
could also contribute significant impact to the
lower pressing pressure as compared to fresh crop.
performance of the screw press operation. Most of

Figure 1. Sterilisation of fresh fruit bunches (FFB).

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No. 130 [ 19 ]

Feature Article

This is due to the fact that fruits of overnight crop Previous study shows that the optimum nut to fibre
are softer than fresh crop and thus easily crushed ratio for screw press operation is 45:55 (Lokman,
during pressing. Study has shown that using the 2003).
same press setting for both fresh and overnight crop
will result in higher losses for the latter, as shown in STERILISATION
Table 2.
Sterilisation is a crucial process that if not properly
In the case of overnight crop, the fibre has lost its carried out will affect most of the downstream
elasticity and strength thus increase the opportunity processes during palm oil milling (Figure 1).
for nuts to come into contact with each other as Sterilisation helps in loosening the fibre from the
the pressing pressure increases. This explained nuts during pressing operation. It also ensures the
why the broken nuts percentage for overnight crop oil cells are more easily ruptured during digestion
is higher. If the mash has high proportion of nuts and pressing for good oil recovery. Over-sterilisation
(nut to fibre ratio), it will also result on the same will lead to over-dehydration of the nuts that makes
outcome. In addition to that, fibre will be trapped it less elastic and easier to crack during pressing
in the free space between the nuts and oil that has (Southworth, 1982). Sterilisation period must be
been released adsorbed to it, resulting to higher oil adjusted according to different types of crop, i.e.
losses (Olie, 1974). In this case, it is recommended shorter sterilisation for overnight crop to avoid over
to add fibre into the sterilised fruits for optimum sterilisation of bunches.
pressing results. When the nuts ratio is low, the cake
will have higher friction resistance caused by fibre to On the contrary, under-sterilisation will reduce
fibre contact. The force or pressure exerted during oil liberation from the cells due to inadequate
pressing cannot be transmitted deep enough into the conditioning of fibre cell. Thus, the retained oil that
press cake, resulting in higher oil losses (Olie, 1974). is still attached to the fibre is carried over to fibre
cyclone and contribute to higher oil.

Figure 2. The digester is used to mash the sterilised fruits.


Digester level Main screw (rpm) Digester temp (oC) Load setting (Ampere) OLDB (%)
¾ 12 95 24-26 7.91
½ 12 95 24-26 9.85

[ 20 ] Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No. 130

Screw Press Operation Optimisation for Oil and
Kernel Recovery Enhancement


Percentage oil loss % (dry basis)

n = 10  Level in digester
Half Full
Stirrer Arm Good condition 8.02 7.64
Condition Poor condition 9.45 8.54
Percentage broken nut %
n = 10  Level in digester
Half Full
Stirrer Arm Good condition 11.07 14.28
Condition Poor condition 15.59 19.10

n= 5 Oil loss in press fibre (%) (dry) Broken nut (%)
No drainage 7.46 13.56
Full drainage 7.25 13.91

Figure 3. Hot water injection into digester.

DIGESTION filled and maintain with more than three quarter of

its designed volume to ensure good performance
Digester Level (Figure 2).
Digestion has direct effect on the performance
of pressing operation. As its main task is to rupture The volume of the mash in the digester is directly
the oil bearing cells and loosen the pericarp from related to the stirring effect efficiency. According to
the nuts, inefficient digestion will eventually leads Stork Palm Oil Review, the stirring effect was at 55%
to oil still being trapped in the cells and could not efficiency if the filling level of the digester was at
be extracted during pressing. Digester must be 75% and reduced to 35% efficiency for 60% filling

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No. 130 [ 21 ]

Feature Article


Hot water injection into digester

No. (n=76) OLWB (%) OLDB (%) NOS (%) VM (%) Fibre Nut Ratio
Average 4.20 6.38 61.79 34.00 53:47
SD 0.68 1.05 3.90 3.94 -

Hot water dilution into oil gutter

No. (n=49) OLWB (%) OLDB (%) NOS (%) VM (%) Fibre Nut Ratio
Average 5.04 8.30 55.80 39.16 53:47
SD 0.95 1.71 3.83 3.59 -

level. The immediate result of the stirring inefficiency accordance to Stork’s digester design, the clearance
is the increased in oil losses. In the event of high between the tips of the stirring arms and the liners
broken nuts and high oil loss in fibre, the first thing must not exceed 10 mm.
to be taken care of is the digester filling level. Most
of the time, when the optimum digester filling level The stirring arms and the expeller blades should
is achieved, oil loss will be reduced and the only not become too round (which indicates worn out) at
problem to be tackled is broken nuts. Likewise, it is
meaningless to troubleshoot high oil loss by adjusting AND BROKEN NUT IN PRESS CAKE
screw press setting without solving the digester Oil loss (%) (dry basis)
filling level first. Results from trials carried out using Main screw speed
CB Screw Press (P15 model) for percentage oil loss 9.6 rpm 12 rpm
in relation to digester filling level is shown in Table 3. Load setting 36-38 amp 6.43 8.03
38-40 amp 7.48 7.73
Normally, low digester volume will result in Average 6.95 7.88
low retention time of the mash and consequently
Broken nut (%)
inefficient stirring effect. Nowadays, the average
Main screw speed
retention time for digester has been reduced to 9.6 rpm 12 rpm
about 18 to 22 min due to increased screw press Load setting 36-38 amp 36.90 39.89
capacity. Apart from low digester level, worn stirring 38-40 amp 39.15 42.81
arms can also bring down the stirring efficiency. In Average 38.02 41.35

Figure 4. The screw presses are used to extract oil after digestion process.

[ 22 ] Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No. 130

Screw Press Operation Optimisation for Oil and
Kernel Recovery Enhancement

Main screw speed (rpm) No. trial Oil loss (% wet) Broken nut (%)
7.5 15 4.44 11.27
8.5 19 4.48 11.12

Perforation size (mm) Main screw (rpm) Broken nut (%) OLDB (%)
2 15 18.12 11.14
3/4 tapered 15 18.94 9.71

the tips nor should the ‘lifting’ of the stirring arms and reduces pressing efficiency. In earlier Stork’s
decrease too much. This must be monitored from digester design, it is expected about 22% - 32% of
time to time. Currently, replaceable stirring arm’s tip digester volume is discharged before being fed into
is being used for easier maintenance (Ravi, 2002). the screw press. The oil will be discharged through
The study on effect of digester level in relation to the drainage at the bottom of the digester and at the
stirrer arm condition on oil loss and broken nut is perforation body of the feed-screw press. The study
shown in Table 4. on effect of digester drainage on oil loss and broken
nut is shown in Table 5.
Digester Drainage
Oil drainage system is another important feature Hot Water Injection into Digester
of digester. If the oil is not released from the digester, Trial was conducted to improve press operation
the stirring arms will agitate the oil for a considerable by introducing hot water injection into digester as
period of time and emulsion will be formed which tabulated in Figure 3. This new method is carried
will reduce the oil extraction efficiency. In addition to out by injecting hot water at the lower side of the
that, excessive oil in screw press will act as lubricant digester to maximise the removal of free oil from the

Figure 5. The recommended cone pressure and motor load setting for three types of screw presses.

Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No. 130 [ 23 ]

Feature Article

Figure 6. Maintenance of screw press.

fruit mash resulting in less oil entering the screw In general, increasing the main screw speed will
press. The number of drainage holes at the bottom increase mill throughput and oil losses. Increasing
plate were increased to improve oil removal. This cone pressure does not affect throughput but will
new method will maintain the dilution ratio, where reduce oil loss and increase kernel loss (Southworth,
the difference lies in introducing dilution before the 1982). Nevertheless, it is not advisable to simply
press operation. adjust main screw speed every time the oil loss or
broken nut ratio exceeded the allowed specification.
Trial conducted at one of the mill (Table 6) Most of the time, good screw press operation depends
showed significant reduction in oil loss, at 4.20% on alertness and responsiveness of the operator
(OLWB) and 6.38% (OLDB) against conventional towards the screw press discharge conditions. The
method at 5.04% (OLWB) and 8.30% (OLDB), operator must always check the wetness of the press
respectively. There was no significant impact cake and adjust the pressure setting accordingly. If
on non-oily solid (NOS) and volatile matter (VM) the mash looks oily, the operator needs to check the
ratio. The results also showed that there was no temperature and increase cone pressure. If the mash
significant difference in oil loss in sludge. Spin test looks dry and contains crushed kernels, the operator
indicated that there was no significant difference should reduce the cone pressure.
in formation of emulsion in the oil for both dilution
methods. Main Screw Speed
The setting of main screw is very crucial as it
Temperature does not only influence the oil loss and broken nut
The temperature of the digester must be in press cake but also mill’s throughput. Thus, it is
maintained high at 90oC to reduce viscosity of the important to set the main screw at the right speed to
crude oil in order to facilitate oil removal at the bottom attain the mill designated throughput and optimum
of the digester and improve pressing operation. It will oil extraction. Study on the effect of main screw
also increase the elasticity of the nuts thus minimise speed and load setting (amp) on oil loss and broken
nut breakage in the screw press (Maycock, 1987). nut was conducted earlier at Diamond Jubilee Mill.
The results are shown in Table 7.
Pressing Operation
There are many combinations of setting for the Generally, the study showed that low main screw
main screw speed and cone pressure that should be speed and low load setting resulted in lower oil loss
considered for good pressing operation (Figure 4). and broken nut. Another study on different main

[ 24 ] Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No. 130

Screw Press Operation Optimisation for Oil and
Kernel Recovery Enhancement

screw speed was conducted at Sua Betong Mill. The worm screw and press cage when both are new
trial was to compare the speed of 8.5 rpm with 7.5 must not be more than 5 mm and should not be
rpm with cone pressure maintained between 50 bar allowed to exceed 12 mm clearance to minimise oil
to 60 bar. The result is shown in Table 8. It was found loss and nut breakage (Wilson, 1993).
that there was no significant effect on oil loss and
broken nut when the main screw speed was reduced MAINTENANCE
to 7.5 rpm from the earlier setting of 8.5 rpm.
Maintenance of screw press is detrimental to the
Hydraulic Cone Pressure performance of pressing operation (Figure 6).
Increasing the hydraulic cone pressure could Indications such as reduced throughput, high
increase the pressure exerted to the cake, which broken nuts and oil loss must be observed not only
could reduce oil loss. However, very high cone on the operation setting but also as maintenance
pressure could cause kernel to pulverise resulted element. It is important to overhaul when necessary
in lauric acid contamination. Ideally, optimum cone as higher loss will usually incur higher cost than
pressure should not be set higher than 70 bar to the cost to replace press cage or worm screw. The
obtain acceptable oil loss in press cake as well as recommended period to change the worm screw
broken nut of less than 20%. At high cone pressure, is 800 hr for normal material and 1000 hr for 3%
the kernel could be crushed into powder and produce chromium material. However, it is expected that
kernel oil which would contaminate the crude oil the life span of the worm screw could be reduced
stream. The lauric acid ratio in CPO production due to poor condition of FFB processed with higher
should be controlled to lower than 0.4%. contaminants.

It is recommended that the ideal operating CONCLUSION

hydraulic pressure is between 50 bar - 70 bar with
the motor load setting at 35 amps - 40 amps, 45 Being competitive means being able to produce
amps - 50 amps and 60 amps - 65 amps respectively products of required quality and most importantly at
for P10, P15 and P20 screw presses, as shown in lowest cost. Pressing station is where loss can easily
Figure 5. be out of control if certain process conditions were
not given adequate attention. Digester operation,
Press Cage main screw speed, cone pressure setting and
Many assumptions have been made on the maintenance are among the crucial factors that affect
optimum numbers and perforation size of the press pressing operation. In addition, operator’s effort and
cage for good pressing operation, but so far no responsiveness to the mash and crop condition are
proper study has been made to justify any claim on also important for good pressing operation.
the matter. A study was conducted to determine the
effect of cage perforation size on the oil loss and REFERENCES
broken nuts percentage (Table 9).
CB Industrial Product Sdn. Bhd. (2001). CB Screw
From the table, it can be seen that oil loss was Press & Digester. Operation Manual.
reduced when the press uses 3 mm - 4 mm tapered
perforation size. This may be due to easier oil release Kamaludin, H (1991). The Pressing Station. Training
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Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No. 130 [ 25 ]

Feature Article

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Course, GHRSB, 17 – 29 March 2003. Technology and Effluent Treatment. Kuala Lumpur.
17-18 August 1982.
Maycock, J H (1987). Palm Oil Factory Process
Handbook Part 1. PORIM. p. 35-49. Stork Palmoil Review, Digester (1). November 1960.

Olie, J J (1969). Some factors influencing the Stork Palmoil Review, Digester (2). January 1961.
bleachability of palm oil. Proceedings of a
Symposium, ISP. Kuala Lumpur. p. 36. Stork Palmoil Review. The Correlation between Press
Cake Components and Losses of Oil in Fibre. March
Ravi Menon, N (2002). Evolutionary changes in 1961.
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[ 26 ] Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin No. 130

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