Industrial Automation: Address For Mailing The Registration: Participants
Industrial Automation: Address For Mailing The Registration: Participants
Industrial Automation: Address For Mailing The Registration: Participants
Mode of Payment
HOW TO REACH TCE All payments should be made by a Crossed
Demand Draft in favour of The Princi pal, Thi agarajar
College of Engineering. payable at Madurai .
Organised by
NB: Brochure and application form can also be
About the Workshop:
College Industrial Automation plays important role in modern
day industries. It results in economic operation, safety
TCE is a 58 years old Govt. aided and increased productivity. Automation is used in
autonomous institution, affiliated to Anna University various industries like Oil & Gas, Pharmaceuticals, APPLICATION FORM
and accredited by National Board of Accreditation. Manufacturing, and Power etc. The objective of course
This ISO 9001:2008 certified institution founded by is to provide knowledge of the state of art technology TEQIP Sponsored Two Day Workshop
Philanthropist and Industrialist Late. Shri. Karu muttu
in the field of industrial auto mation. On
Thiagarajan Chettiar is funded by Central & State
Govern ments and Management. The college offers Industrial Automation
Course Coverage
eight undergraduate Programmes, thirteen
The topics proposed to be covered are as follo ws: In Association with
Postgraduate Programmes and Doctoral Programmes
Over view of Industrial auto mation
in Engineering and Sciences and Architecture M/S YOKOGAWA India Ltd
Programmab le Logic Controller
Distributed Control System
SCA DA system concept 8th and 9th , January 2016
The World Bank supported Technical (Fri day & Saturday)
Education Quality Improvement Programme Test and calibration instrument
(TEQIP) is a long term programme, being Demonstration of PLC
implemented in three phases for a sys temic DEPARTMENT OF EEE
transformation of the Technical Education System in Course Material THIAGARAJAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING
India. In its second phase (TEQIP II), around 200 The course material will be provided in CD format for
engineering institutions spread across India have the benefit of participants. 1. Name:
been competitively selected to imp lement the project 2. Designation:
enabling the institutions to improve the quality of
Technical education through institutional reforms. Resource Persons: 3. Educational Qualification:
Sessions are handled by experts fro m Yo kagawa
4. Institution:
Department India Ltd, Chennai, and Professors fro m higher
learning institutions. 5. Experience:
The Depart ment of Electrical and 6. Address for Co mmun ication
Electronics Eng ineering was established in the year
1957 and offers Under Graduate Programme in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Post
Graduate Programmes in Power System Engineering
and Control & Instrumentation. The UG and PG
programmes are accredited by National Board of 7. Email ID:
Accreditation (NBA). The Department is recognized
as research centre by Anna University and supported 8. Mobile No. :
by FIST, DST, Govt. of India. The focus research 9. Acco mmodation Required : Yes / No
areas of the department are Power System, Power
Electronics, Energy Management, Renewable 10. Fee Part iculars:
Energy, Soft Co mputing and Development of DD. No & Date :
Intelligent Controllers.
A mount :
Bank :
Date : Signature