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J.K.K.Nattraja: Two Day National Level Workshop On

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Two Day National Level Workshop

Mr. J. Nagarajan, Managing Partner ORGANISING COMMITTEE
of SAI Incubation Company consented
Chief Patron : Smt. N. Sendamaraai Application of IOT in
to be the resource person processing 4 years
Chairperson, JKKNCET.
of industry experience in the field of Smart Cities
Embedded System-Hardware, Embedded C
Patron : Mr. S. OmmSharravana 9th & 10th March 2018
Programming, Wireless/IOT. His area of
Director,Admin,JKKNCET. Organized by
expertise includes Internet of things and its
applications in Industry/Home automation.  
President : Dr .K. Tamizharasu
Principal, JKKNCET.
Electronics and Communication
Convener : Mr. V. Senthil
Last date of Registration : 07.03.2018
Intimation : 08.03.2018 Asso.Prof. and Head,
Dept. of ECE, JKKNCET.
Seminar Hall, Ground Floor, Coordinators
J.K.K.Nattraja College of Engineering and Mr. E. Velumani , AP/ECE
Technology, Mr. J. Gowrishankar, AP/ECE J.K.K.NATTRAJA
Committee Members
(Approved by AICTE,
Mr. E. Velumani
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Mr. S. Viswanathan, AP/ ECE Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai)

J.K.K.Nattraja College of Engineering and Ms. G. Sathiyavani, AP/ECE Natarajapuram, NH-544, (Salem to Coimbatore),

Technology, Ms. R. Keerthana, AP/ECE Kumarapalayam,Namakkal Dist-638183.

Natarajapuram, NH-544, Kumarapalayam, Ms. C. Saranya, AP/ECE
Namakkal Dist – 638183. Ms. C. Kavitha, AP/ECE www.jkkn.ac.in

Contact No: 9976940466, 9600490120

E-Mail: ecejkkn@gmail.com
The objective of this workshop is to
ABOUT THE INSTITUTION transfer knowledge and to impart special skills Two Day National Level Workshop
to those engaged in the promotion and
J.K.K.Nattraja College of facilitation of IOT based Smart cities. Experts on
Engineering and technology is a from various academic institutions, research
distinguished college committed as a Application of IOT in
organizations and industries join together to
centre of Engineering education to impart
technical knowledge par excellence, share their knowledge and experience in the Smart Cities
motivate the learners in research, evolve field of IOT application and academic
result oriented innovative techniques in development. 9th & 10th March 2018
Engineering. The college was established
by the J.K.K.Rangammal Educational
Trust in the year 2008. Now the college ELIGIBILITY FOR PARTICIPANTS
has 5 departments for UG courses and 2 REGISTRATION FORM
PG courses. The institute has been The workshop is exclusively meant for (Fill in Block Letters)
approved by All India Council for UG/PG Students and Research Scholars from
Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi, various Engineering Colleges.
Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. It Name :
has an excellent infrastructure and a SELECTION OF PARTICIPANTS
team of qualified and dedicated faculties. Qualification :
The number of participants is limited to
50 and registration is based on first come first Designation :
ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT serve basis. Department :
Institution :
The Electronics and
Communication department was REGISTRATION & ACCOMMODATION Address :
established as a full fledged department
in the year 2008. The department offers 4 UG Students : Rs. 250/-
– year UG programme with an intake of 60 Contact Ph. No:
PG Students/Research Scholars : Rs. 500/-
UG program are affiliated to Anna E-mail ID :
University, Chennai. The department is Faculty/Academicians : Rs. 750/-
aiming at the development of student Accommodation required*: YES/NO
community to face the future world with *On payment basis, Subject to Availability.
the latest technical knowledge through
research, good leadership qualities,
Industry – Institute interaction and spirit Place:
of competence. The department is being
supported by experienced and skilled Date :
faculty members in all areas. It is also Applicant’s Signature
well equipped with laboratories and has
computing facilities with latest software
like MATLAB, ModelSIM also has VLSI and Route Bus No: All Salem to Coimbatore Buses Xerox copies of the application can also be used
Embedded Systems labs, e-Yantra etc.
Stopping : Vattamalai.

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