College Profile: in Association With IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Madras Section
College Profile: in Association With IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Madras Section
College Profile: in Association With IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Madras Section
Simulation of Sinusoidal PWM inverters with The registration for the workshop can
filter design. be made by sending the duly filled application Signature of the applicant
form along with a Demand Draft drawn in
Simulation of DC-DC Converter with favour of “The Principal, PSNA College of
controller design. Certified that Dr./Mr./Ms……………………..
Engineering and Technology” payable at is sponsored to attend the programme.
Participants from Industry, Faculty and PG Signature of the Head of the
students from EEE/EIE and ECE departments of any Boarding and Lodging will be provided Department/Institution
Engineering College are eligible for this workshop. with reasonable charge in college hostel on With seal
request. No TA/DA will be paid for the