An Autonomous Institution Affiliated To Anna University, Chennai
An Autonomous Institution Affiliated To Anna University, Chennai
An Autonomous Institution Affiliated To Anna University, Chennai
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering (SVCE), a The National Conference on “Advances in Electrical &
College of Engineering premier self-financing engineering college was started in
Electronics Engineering” on 24th March 2018, aims at
the year 1985 and is managed by Sri Venkateswara
(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to providing a common platform across the stake holders in
Educational and Health Trust. The college conducts 10 B.E
Anna University, Chennai) power industry, professionals, academicians, researchers
/ B.Tech Degree Courses, 10 PG Courses in Engineering.
11 research centers approved by Anna University cater to and industrialists to share their knowledge and ideas in the
MS(by Research) and PhD programmes. The courses are areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, to create a
approved by AICTE and affiliated to Anna University, synergy among professionals. It will provide motivation to
Chennai. The college attained autonomous status in 2016.
the students and faculties to pursue their research works in
relevant fields. It also provides a forum for industry institute
National Conference
interaction which will helps in identifying emerging areas
and developing new applications and improve the
curriculum development process and quality of teaching.
The following areas form the broader scope of the
conference which shall include but not limited to the topics
The college is accredited by National Assessment and
listed as under and can be extended based on the creativity
MARCH 24th 2018 Accreditation Council (NAAC). The college is situated in
of the authors.
CONVENOR serene environment about 37 Kms from Chennai and
situated on the way of Chennai – Bangalore National Application of Power Electronics in Electric drives and
Dr. KR.Santha, Vice Principal,
Highway (NH4) at Pennalur, Sriperumbudur, in Power systems
Professor & Head / EEE
Kanchipuram district. Analysis, Design, Control and Applications of Electrical
ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT Machines and Drives
Dr.C.Gopinath, The Department of EEE was started in the year 1994. The
post graduate program (M.E) in Power Electronics and Power Quality / HVDC / FACTS
Associate Professor / EEE
Drives was started in 2002. The Department has secured Advances in Renewable Energy Systems
Ms.M.Sasikala, Asst. Professor / EEE
permanent affiliation with Anna University and Accredited Microcontroller/DSP/FPGA based applications
Ms.S.Sinthamani, Asst.Professor / EEE
for five years by NBA. The Department has well equipped Power System Protection, Dynamics and Stability
Organized state –of- the- art laboratories and recognized as a
Smart Grid automation and Smart Grid integration
by research centre by Anna University. The Department has
Department of Electrical & Electronics Robotics and Industrial Automation
well qualified and experienced faculty and staff members of
Engineering, Nanotechnology, Nanoelectronics
proven ability and profound skills. There are 35 faculty
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering,
members in the department, out of which 7 of them PhD IoT applications in Electrical Systems, Agricultural
Pennalur, Sriperumbudur-602 117.
Tamil Nadu, holders, 20 of them pursing their PhD. More than 30 process, Distributed Generation, Renewable Energy
Phone No:044-27152000, Extn-251 research scholars have registered to pursue their PhD in the department.
Papers on original work in topics related to the theme PATRON College of Engineering
and title of the conference are invited from UG /PG Dr.Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Principal, SVCE
students, researchers, industrial participants and CONVENOR National Conference
academicians based on the results of research and Dr. KR.Santha, Vice Principal, Prof & Head / EEE on
developments. Submission must be of original COORDINATORS ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL &
contribution and should not have been presented or Dr.C.Gopinath, Asso.Professor / EEE ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING
published anywhere. Mrs.M.Sasikala, Asst. Professor / EEE “NCAEEE-2018”
GUIDELINES Mrs.S.Sinthamani, Asst.Professor / EEE MARCH 24th 2018
Prospective authors may submit their papers, not ADVISORY COMMITTEE Registration Form
exceeding six pages, in IEEE double column format Prof.Ahmed Zobaa, BU, London
( Prof. Vigna Kumaran, UTN, Malaysia Name:
templates.html)through E-Mail, along with the author’s Prof. K. Shanthi Swarup, IIT Madras Gender:
names, affiliation, contact address and phone number of Prof.R.Sarathi, IIT Madras Name of the Institution:
the author. The final form of the accepted papers in soft Prof.Mahesh Kumar Mishra, IIT Madras
copy along with registration fee alone will be considered for Prof. Vaidehi Vijayakumar, VIT-Chennai Address for correspondence:
publishing in the proceedings. The interested participants Prof. B.Ramadoss, NIT Tiruchirapalli
can fill up the registration form and send it along with the Prof.G.Uma, AU, Chennai
registration fee. The registration fee is to be paid by Prof. R.Ramesh, AU, Chennai E-mail:
Demand Draft drawn in favor of “THE PRINCIPAL, SRI Prof.M.Saravanan, TCE, Madurai Phone No/ Mobile No:
VENKATESWARA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING”, Prof.S.S.Dash, SRM University Mode of Participation:
payable at Sriperumbudur. The different categories of Sri. S.Kailash, C-DAC, Chennai 1. Paper Presentation 2.Participation
participants and corresponding registration fee are given Smt. M. Kanyakumari, CPRI, Bangalore Title of Paper:
below: Dr.N.K.Mohanty, Prof / EEE, SVCE
Category of Participant Registration fee Dr.Sudhakar K Bharatan Prof / EEE, SVCE
UG/PG/ Research Scholars Rs.500
Academicians Rs.600
Industrial Participants Rs.750 ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION Details of Registration Fee:
The Coordinator, NCAEEE-18, EEE Department, Amount: DD No: Date:
DATES TO REMEMBER Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Name of the Issuing Bank:
Submission of full length of paper 09.03.2018
Submission ExtendedNew Pennalur, Sriperumbudur- 602117
Notification of acceptance 20.03.2018 Phone No: 044-27152000, Extn-251,264 Signature of Applicant Signature of Sponsoring
Cell No: 9790889777, 9677016031
Submission of paper in final form 21.03.2018 Authority with seal