About The Institution Vision of The Department
About The Institution Vision of The Department
About The Institution Vision of The Department
St. Joseph's College of Engineering is a highly To promote the department of Electrical and business models, and power grid topology and
reputed educational institution located in Chennai, Electronics Engineering as a pioneer in education and operation, constituting a new challenging energy
research by imparting quality education, creating and supply paradigm. The integration and impact of
India. It was established in 1994 on a sprawling
upgrading the academic facilities and inculcating distributed renewable energy generation and
campus at Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR). The Institution
professional values to the students to face the challenges storage technologies will be discussed. The grid
offers 10 B.E./B.Tech. degree programs and 6 PG
in the dynamic global society. topology for their technical and efficient
programs. It has gained high reputation in the society integration and to the business models for
over the past two decades through academic MISSION OF THE DEPARTMENT facilitating their economic integration and
excellence testified by the number of university ranks feasibility.
To attain utmost qualities of teaching-learning
and research work. The Institution has consistently
process and provide a vibrant environment for the
stood top among colleges affiliated to Anna KEY CONTENT
students to exhibit their fullest potential in the field
University, Chennai. National Institutional Ranking of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Introduction to sustainable energy sources
Framework (NIRF) by MHRD, Govt. of India has To improve research and development skills among Renewable Energy sources & storage system
ranked our college among the top 200 Institutions in students towards providing technical solutions with Grid integration of Renewable Energy systems
India. ethical values to meet social challenges. Smart grid &Distributed Generations
DEPARTMENT OF EEE To develop the students to face the technological Computational Modeling of Systems
requirements of the industry with professional Advanced control technologies for grid
The Department of Electrical and Electronics
values and make them employable and to impart the integrated system
Engineering since its inception in 1996 has spirit of entrepreneurship for their successful career. High Performance Computing for Smart Grid
consistently brought laurels to the college. The Applications
department has reached yet another milestone by ABOUT THE WORKSHOP Overview of Artificial Intelligence Techniques
being accredited by NBA since 2003. Our department in Renewable Energy Systems
Renewable energy also helps conserve the nation's
has been enriched with well planned & sophisticated MatLab Implementation of Solar PV system
natural resources. Renewable energy provides reliable
laboratories to fulfill our student’s educational & power supplies and fuel diversification, which enhance for smart cities
industrial needs. The department faculty members energy security and lower risk of fuel spills while Future scope of smart cities
besides teaching are involved in many activities like reducing the need for imported fuels. Renewable energy Stress Management-Art of Living
continuing education, technical consultancy and also helps conserve the nation's natural resources. In
research & development and student guidance. We recent years, renewable energy resources are utilized to ELIGIBILITY
have 30 faculty members to guide our students and meet the growing energy demand. The integration of Faculty members from all departments of
perform their best. The Department has signed MoU renewable energy resources with the grid incorporates Engineering, Polytechnic Colleges and
with Nuvoton Technology Corporation, TRANSUN, power electronic converters for conversion of energy. Research scholars are eligible to apply.
NIYATA Technologies, SANDS Signals and Ltd., Renewable energy sources used in small-scale
distributed generation systems are a promising REGISTRATION
CDCE Automation, NSIC Ltd, BSNL, ARM, TIAS and
alternative for additional energy supply toward smarter There is no registration fee. Interested
EMCOG Solutions. The department also has formed
and more sustainable cities. However, their proper participants can register through ATAL
three IEEE students chapter Technical society and one website.
integration as new infrastructures of the smart city
affinity group. https://www.aicte-india.org/atal
requires understanding the smart city architecture and
1 Dr. S. Jeevananthan
Chairman, St.Joseph’s Group of Institutions
Pondicherry Engineering College PATRONS
2. Dr.V.Karthikeyan Mrs. S. JESSIE PRIYA, M.Com.,
Assistant Professor/EEE Managing Director, St.Joseph’s Group of Institutions AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL)
3 Dr.Asha Rani Mr. B. SHASHI SEKAR, M.Sc., Academy
Assistant Professor/EEE Director, St.Joseph’s Group of Institutions
NIT, Silchar, Assam
Sponsored 5 days
4 Dr.M. Balaji
Dr.VADDI SESHAGIRI RAO, M.E., MBA., Ph.D., Faculty Development Programme
Associate Professor/EEE
SSN College of Engineering, Chennai Principal, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering
5 Mr.R.Krishnamoorthy Dr. B. PARVATHA VARTHINI, M.Sc., MBA., M.E.,Ph.D.,
Exe.Engineer IT
Dean (Research), St.Joseph’s College of Engineering SUSTAINABILITY
6 Dr.K.Premkumar IQAC Coordinator ENGINEERING
Associate Professor/EEE Dr. N. Arun Kumar
Rajalakshmi Engineering College December 14-18, 2020
Professor, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering
7 Dr.Rajesh Kumar
Professor/EEE CONVENER Coordinator
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur Dr. T. V. Narmadha M.E., Ph.D.,
Dr. Jayarama Pradeep
Deputy Director ,Electric Vehicle –Incubation,
Dr. Jayarama Pradeep M.E., Ph.D,
Testing and Research Centre,
9 Dr.D.Harimurugan Dr. M. Venmathi
Assistant Professor/EEE Dr.V.KrishnaKumar
NIT, Jalandhar Dr.P.Anbarasan
10 Dr.S.Pragaspathy
Professor/EEE For Further Correspondence Contact
Vishnu Institute of Technology, JNTU The Coordinator
Organized by
11 Dr.A.Athif Shah Department of EEE Department of
Managing Director & Chairman St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
ABE Semiconductor Design, Chennai OMR, Chennai-119,
12 Mr.V.Selvagnesh
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering
Tamilnadu. St. Joseph’s Group of Institutions
Eectrical Project Engineer, Total Plant
Engineering & Design Pvt., Ltd, Madurai Mobile : +91 9944987543, +91 9841978226 OMR, Chennai -119
13 Mr.K. BalaMurali. http://www.stjosephs.ac.in
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