FDP Brochure
FDP Brochure
FDP Brochure
Aspires to be recognized globally for outstanding value- REVA University is a State Private University established in
based education in mechanical and allied areas and Karnataka State under the Government of Karnataka Act No.
research leading to well- qualified engineers, who are 13 in the year 2012 in Bengaluru, the IT capital of India. The
innovative, entrepreneurial, successful in their career University is recognised by the University Grants Commission
and committed to the development of the country. (UGC) and is approved by the AICTE (All India Council for
Technical Education). 5-day FDP
Mission REVA University prides itself in contributing to every student’s
• To impart quality education to the students holistic development. The University currently offers 41 full- on
and enhance their skills to make them globally time Under Graduate Programmes, 32 full-time Post Graduate
programmes, 18 PhD programmes, and certification and diploma
Design for Manufacturing, & Advanced
competitive engineers in mechanical and allied
areas. programmes. The University offers programmes in Engineering, Automation for Industry 4.0
• To promote multidisciplinary study, cutting edge Architecture, Science and Technology, Commerce, Management
research and expand the frontiers of engineers’ Studies, Law, Arts & Humanities, and Performing Arts. Courses
profession in mechanical and allied areas. are offered in Certificate/Diploma and Post Graduate Diploma too. 16th to 20th January, 2024
• To create state-of-art facilities with advanced REVA University facilitates research leading to a Doctoral Degree
technology for providing students and faculty in all disciplines. The programmes offered by REVA University
with opportunities for innovation, application and are well-planned and designed based on methodical analysis
dissemination of knowledge. and research with emphasis on knowledge assimilation,
• To prepare for critical uncertainties ahead for practical applications, hands-on training, global and industrial
mechanical engineering and allied areas and to face relevance, and their social significance.
the challenges through clean, green and healthy Teachers and instructors with illustrious academic experience
solution. are the architects of the meticulously designed curriculum and
• To collaborate with industries, institutions and program modules offered at REVA University. They come with
such other agencies nationally and internationally industrial exposure and experience that often translates through
to undertake exchange programs, research, their teaching, thus bridging the gap between the industry and
consultancy and to facilitate students and faculty academia.
with greater opportunities for individual and
REVA University has an updated, ever-evolving collection of
societal growth.
books, journals, and digital content in the library with the latest
Academic Programs IT infrastructure that ensures students have information at their Organised by
The school offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate disposal. The lush green campus, state-of-the-art laboratories,
custom-designed classrooms to enable seamless learning, and
and postgraduate programs designed to equip students with
a strong foundation in mechanical engineering principles world-class indoor and outdoor sports facilities make REVA
School of Mechanical Engineering
and practices. Our curriculum is carefully crafted to align University the most preferred university among students and
In association with
with industry requirements, ensuring that our graduates are MNCs that visit the campus for placements.
well-prepared for the challenges of the rapidly evolving engi-
neering landscape. About School of Mechanical Engineering
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering As one of the premier institutions for higher education in India,
B.Tech in Mechatronics Engineering REVA University takes pride in its commitment to excellence, Rukmini Knowledge Park,
Kattigenahalli, Yelahanka, Bengaluru-560064
B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering innovation, and the holistic development of its students. The
Phone:+91-80-4696 6966
M.Tech in Machine Design School of Mechanical Engineering is a vital component of this
Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering Sciences academic ecosystem. Rukmini Educational
Charitable Trust www.reva.edu.in
About the FDP Chief Patrons Registration Fee