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Designation: F2489 06

Standard Guide for

Instrument and Precision Bearing LubricantsPart 2
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2489; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope bearings lubricant system. To increase the reliability of test

1.1 This guide is a tool to aid in the choice of lubricating data, all tests were performed by a DoD laboratory and three
grease for precision rolling element bearing applications. The independent testing laboratories. There were no grease manu-
recommendations in this guide are not intended for general facturers data imported except for base oil viscosity. Most of
purpose bearing applications There are two areas where this tests were performed by U.S. Army TankAutomotive Re-
guide should have the greatest impact: (1) when lubricating search, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) and
grease is being chosen for a new bearing application and (2) three independent laboratories, and the results were monitored
when grease for a bearing has to be replaced because the by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). This continuity of
original grease specified for the bearing can no longer be testing should form a solid basis for comparing the properties
obtained. The Report (see Section 5) contains a series of tests of the multitude of lubricating greases tested by avoiding some
on a wide variety of greases commonly used in bearing of the variability introduced when greases are tested by
applications to allow comparisons of those properties of the different laboratories using different or even the same pro-
grease that the committee thought to be most important when cedures. Additional test data will be considered for inclusion,
making a choice of lubricating grease. Each test was performed provided the defined protocol is followed and the tests are
by the same laboratory. This guide contains a listing of the performed by independent laboratories.
properties of greases by base oil type, that is, ester, perfluo- 1.3 This study was a part of DoD Aging Aircraft Replace-
ropolyether (PFPE), polyalphaolefin (PAO), and so forth. This ment Program and supported by Defense Logistic Agent
organization is necessary since the operational requirements in (DLA) and Defense Supply Center Richmond (DSCR).2
a particular bearing application may limit the choice of grease 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
to a particular base oil type and thickener due to its temperature safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
stability, viscosity index or temperature-vapor pressure char- responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
acteristics, etc. The guide provides data to assist the user in priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
selecting replacement greases for those greases tested that are bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
no longer available. The guide also includes a glossary of terms 2. Referenced Documents
used in describing/discussing the lubrication of precision and
instrument bearings. 2.1 ASTM Standards:3
1.2 The lubricating greases presented in this guide are D217 Test Methods for Cone Penetration of Lubricating
commonly used in precision rolling element bearings (PREB). Grease
These greases were selected for the testing based on the grease D972 Test Method for Evaporation Loss of Lubricating
survey obtained from DoD, OEM and grease manufactures and Greases and Oils
evaluated according to the test protocol that was designed by D1264 Test Method for Determining the Water Washout
Subcommittee F34 on Tribology. This test protocol covers the Characteristics of Lubricating Greases
essential requirements identified for precision bearing greases. D1742 Test Method for Oil Separation from Lubricating
The performance requirements of these greases are very Grease During Storage
unique. They are dictated by the performance expectations of D1743 Test Method for Determining Corrosion Preventive
precision bearings including high speed, low noise, extended Properties of Lubricating Greases
life, and no contamination of surrounding components by the
Rhee, In-Sik, Precision Bearing Grease Selection Guide, U.S. Army TARDEC
Technical Report No. 15688, Defense Technical Information Center, 8725 John. J.
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F34 on Rolling Kingman Rd., Suite 0944, Ft. Belvoir, VA 220606218.
Element Bearings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F34.02 on For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Tribology. contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved May 1, 2006. Published May 2006. DOI: 10.1520/ Standards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on
F2489-06. the ASTM website.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F2489 06
D1831 Test Method for Roll Stability of Lubricating Grease 3. Terminology
D2265 Test Method for Dropping Point of Lubricating
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: For
Grease Over Wide Temperature Range
definition of standard terms used in this guide, see Terminology
D2266 Test Method for Wear Preventive Characteristics of
D4175 and F2488 or Compilation of ASTM Standard Defini-
Lubricating Grease (Four-Ball Method)
D2596 Test Method for Measurement of Extreme-Pressure tions.
Properties of Lubricating Grease (Four-Ball Method) 3.1.1 esters, nesters are formed from the reaction of acids
D3527 Test Method for Life Performance of Automotive and alcohols. Esters form a class of synthetic lubricants. Esters
Wheel Bearing Grease of higher alcohols with divalent fatty acids form diester
D4048 Test Method for Detection of Copper Corrosion lubricants while esters of polyhydric alcohols are called the
from Lubricating Grease polyol ester lubricants. These latter esters have higher viscosity
D4175 Terminology Relating to Petroleum, Petroleum and are more heat-resistant than diesters.
Products, and Lubricants 3.1.2 mineral oil, noils based on petroleum stocks. These
D4289 Test Method for Elastomer Compatibility of Lubri- oils come in two types, naphthenic and paraffinic. The naph-
cating Greases and Fluids thenic oils contain unsaturated hydrocarbons, usually in the
D4425 Test Method for Oil Separation from Lubricating form of aromatic species. The paraffinic oils are primarily
Grease by Centrifuging (Koppers Method) saturated hydrocarbons with only low levels of unsaturation.
D4693 Test Method for Low-Temperature Torque of
3.1.3 perfluoropolyethers (PFPE or PFAE), nfully flu-
Grease-Lubricated Wheel Bearings
orinated long-chain aliphatic ethers. The perfluoropolyethers
D5483 Test Method for Oxidation Induction Time of Lu-
bricating Greases by Pressure Differential Scanning Calo- show some extraordinary properties like chemical inertness,
rimetry nonflammability, high thermal and oxidative resistance, very
E1131 Test Method for Compositional Analysis by Thermo- good viscosity-temperature characteristics, and compatibility
gravimetry with a wide range of materials, including metals and plastics.
F2161 Guide for Instrument and Precision Bearing The perfluoropolyethers, however, are not always suitable for
LubricantsPart 1 Oils metal alloys at elevated temperatures (contact temperatures
F2488 Terminology for Rolling Element Bearings higher than about 550F). The perfluoropolyethers are not
2.2 Government Documents:4 miscible with other types of synthetic fluids and mineral oils
Federal Standard Test Method 791C, 3005.4 Dirt Content of and cannot dissolve common lubricant additives.
Grease 3.1.4 silicone oils, nsynthetic fluids composed of organic
MIL-G-25537 Aircraft Helicopter Bearing Grease esters of long chain complex silicic acids. Silicone oils have
MIL-PRF-23827 Aircraft and instrument Grease better physical properties than mineral oils. However, silicone
MIL-PRF-81322 Aircraft Wide Temperature Range Grease oils have poorer lubrication properties, lower load-carrying
MIL-PRF-83261 Aircraft Extreme Pressure capacity, and a strong tendency to spread on surfaces (see
MIL-PRF-10924 Grease, Automotive and Artillery surface tension).
MIL-G-27617 Grease, Aircraft and Instrument, Fuel and
3.1.5 synthetic fluids, nlubricating fluids produced by
Oxidizer Resistant
chemical synthesis. The synthetic route to formulate these
MIL-G-21164 Molybdenum Disulfide Grease
lubricants allows the manufacturer to introduce those chemical
MIL-G-25760 Grease, Aircraft, Ball and Roller Bearing,
structures into the lubricant molecule that will impart specific
Wide Temperature Range
MIL-L-15719 High Temperature Electrical Bearing Grease properties into the resultant fluid such as very low pour point,
DoD-G-24508 Multipurpose Grease good viscosity-temperature relationship, low evaporation loss,
2.3 Industrial Standards: long lubricating lifetime, and so forth.
SKF Be-Quite Noise Test Method5 3.1.6 lubricating grease, na semi-fluid to solid product of
TA Rheometry Procedure for Steady Shear Flow Curve6 a dispersion of a thickener in a liquid lubricant.
Wet Shell Roll Test Method7
2.4 SAE Standard:8 4. Significance and Use
SAE-AMS-G-81937 Grease, Instrument, Ultra-Clean, Met- 4.1 The purpose of this guide is to report on the testing of,
ric to discuss and compare the properties of, and to provide
guidelines for the choice of lubricating greases for precision
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, DODSSP, Bldg. 4, rolling element bearings (PREB). The PREB are, for the
Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098 purposes of this guide, meant to include bearings of Annular
Available from SKF North American Technical Center, 46815 Port St., Bearing Engineers Committee (ABEC) 5 quality and above.
Plymouth, MI 48170.
Available from TA Instruments Company, 109 Lukens Drive, New Castle, DE
This guide limits its scope to lubricating greases used in PREB.
19720-2765. 4.2 The number of lubricating greases used in PREB in-
Available from Southwest Petro-Chem Division, Witco Corp., P.O. Box 1974, creased dramatically from the early 1940s to the mid 1990s. In
Olathe, KS 66061.
Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth the beginning of this period, petroleum products were the only
Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. widely available base stocks. Later, synthetic base oils became

F2489 06
available. They included synthetic hydrocarbons, esters, sili- properties, corrosion prevention, low temperature characteris-
cones, multiply alkylated cyclopentanes (MAC) and fluori- tics, cleanliness, apparent viscosity, grease noise, and grease
nated materials, including perfluorinated ethers and the fluo- life. Compatibility testing with elastomers incorporated into
rosilicones. This broad spectrum of lubricant choices has led to PREB and their environments were not done due to the large
the use of a large number of different lubricants in PREB number of combinations that would require testing to span the
applications. The U.S. Department of Defense, as a user of potential mixes of greases and elastomer components that
many PREB, has seen a significant increase in the logistics might occur in bearing applications. It is recommended that the
effort required to support the procurement and distribution of user verify grease/elastomer compatibility when needed.
these items. In addition, as time has passed, some of the 5.2 In these tables, some of the data may not agree with
greases used in certain PREB are no longer available or require those of manufacturers due to the variation of the test methods
improved performances due to advanced bearing technology/ and their test apparatuses (that is, noise test). All tests were
requirements. This implies that replacement lubricating greases performed by a government laboratory and three independent
must be found, especially in this era of extending the lifetime laboratories. No grease manufacturers performed any of these
of DoD assets, with the consequent and unprojected demand tests except for the base oil viscosities of greases. To increase
for sources of replacement parts. the availability of precision bearing greases, these tables will
4.3 One of the primary goals of this study was to take a be revised periodically to include new greases as long as the
broad spectrum of the lubricating greases used in PREB and do manufacturer submits test results on their product following
a comprehensive series of tests on them in order that their precisely the protocol defined in the document.
properties could be compared and, if necessary, potential
replacement greases be identified. This study is also meant to 6. Application Considerations
be a design guide for choosing lubricating greases for future 6.1 This guide applies only to precision bearing greases.
PREB applications. This guide represents a collective effort of The other types of greases such as industrial greases or
many members of this community who span the spectrum from automotive general purpose greases are not covered by this
bearing manufacturers, original equipment manufactures guide.
(OEMs), grease manufacturers and suppliers, procurement 6.1.1 Precision bearing greases contain base oil to which a
specialists, and quality assurance representatives (QARs) from thickener has been added to prevent oil migration from the
DoD and end users both inside and outside DoD. lubrication site and various additives to improve its operating
4.4 It is strongly recommend that, prior to replacing a grease performance. Currently, many technical articles often designate
in a PREB, all of the existing grease should be removed from types of lubricating greases based on their thickeners. How-
the bearing. Reactions may occur between incompatible ever, the operative properties of precision bearing greases
greases resulting in severely degraded performance. When depend on the combination of base oil, thickener, and additive
users have more than one type of grease in service, mainte- formulation. This guide distinguishes lubricating greases by
nance practices must be in place to avoid accidental mixing of their base oil types.
greases. In addition, all fluids used specifically to prolong 6.1.2 Cleanliness is critical to bearing life. Even micro-
storage life of PREBs (preservatives) should be removed prior scopic contamination can determine the wear processes that
to lubricating the bearings. Reactions may occur which would impact bearing life/performance and result in bearing failure.
degrade the grease. Clean greases or ultra-filtered greases that exclude particles
4.5 The base oils, thickeners, and additives dictates grease above a predetermined size can prevent wear on precision
performances. The properties of many base oils can be found in bearings and extend the bearing life.
the previous study (Guide F2161). This study included a 6.1.3 The types of thickener material and its quantity are
discussion of elastohydrodynamic lubrication theory. vitally important to obtain a stable grease structure and its
physical properties. The improper ratio of thickener to base oil
5. Report has a profound impact on greases consistency stability, me-
5.1 The test results are summarized in Tables 13. Table 1 chanical stability, excessive oil separation, and thermal-
presents the classification of base oils, thickener types, and oxidation stability. These physical and chemical properties of
military specification products evaluated in this program. Table the grease tend to dictate the precision bearings performance
2 lists the test protocol for this study and covers the test and its life.
methods, their test conditions, and the testing laboratories. 6.1.4 Thermal-oxidation stability is generally comprehen-
Table 3 (A-C) provides the test results of the 38 precision sively observed in the evaporation loss, dropping point, and
bearing greases tested. Each grease tested was assigned a code oxidation stability tests. Typically, a low evaporation loss and
to mask their source to mitigate any potential bias in the testing excellent oxidation stability are required for precision bearing
results. The tradename of each grease is listed in Research greases in order to have a long service life.
Report F341000.9 For the evaluation, each grease was tested 6.1.5 Tribological properties are some of the important
for dropping point, consistency, water and work stability, operational parameters in precision bearing greases. Most
oxidation stability, oil separation, evaporation loss, wear, EP precision bearing greases often use anti-wear additives to
improve their wear prevention properties. Some precision
bearing greases incorporate EP additives to improve a load
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may carrying capacity, but this property may not be required in all
be obtained by requesting Research Report F34-1000. precision bearing applications.

F2489 06
TABLE 1 Classification of Tested Greases
Code Base Oil Thickener
G-1 Mineral Calcium MIL-G-25537
G-2 Mineral/PAO/Ester Calcium Complex No
G-3 Silicone Lithium MIL-G-15719A
G-4 Silicone Lithium No
G-5 Silicone PTFE No
G-6 Ester Clay MIL-G-25760
G-7 Ester Clay MIL-G-21164
G-8 Ester Polyurea No
G-9 Ester/PAO Polyurea No
G-10 Ester/PAO Lithium No
G-11 Ester/PFPE Polyurea No
G-12 Ester Clay MIL-PRF-23827,
Type II
G-13 Ester/PAO Lithium special No
G-14 Ester/PAO Lithium special No
G-15 Ester Lithium complex No
G-16 Ester Lithium complex No
G-17 Ester Lithium complex No
G-18 Ester Lithium MIL-PRF-23827
G-19 PAO Polyurea No
G-20 PAO Lithium No
G-21 PAO Barium No
G-22 PAO Clay MIL-PRF-81322,
DoD G-24508
G-23 PAO/Ester Lithium Complex MIL-PRF-23537,
Type I
G-24 PAO/Mineral Lithium Complex MIL-PRF-10924G
G-25 PAO Lithium Complex No
G-26 PAO Lithium Complex No
G-27 PFPE, Branched PTFE MIL-G-27617, Type
G-28 PFPE, Branched PTFE MIL-G-27617, Type II
G-29 PFPE, Branched PTFE No
G-32 PFPE, Branched PTFE MIL-G-27617
G-33 PFPE, Linear PTFE No
G-34 Ester Lithium SAE-AMS-G-81937
G-36 MAC (Pennzane) Sodium Complex No
G-37 PFPE, Linear PTFE No
G-38 PFPE, Linear PTFE No

6.1.6 A wide operational temperature range is desired for 6.1.11 A high level of noise generated from a precision
the precision bearing greases. This property should be deter- bearing is usually caused by surface defects or damage of the
mined based on dropping point test and low temperature anti-friction components (balls, races), due to the solid or
characterization at actual operational temperatures. Further semi-solid particles present in lubricating greases. Quiet
testing in high temperature test rigs should be done to validate greases that are formulated with few very small particles
bearing-lubricant performance at operational temperatures. particulates or filtered to remove particulates are typically
6.1.7 Channeling capability of lubricating grease is a critical required for precision bearing applications.
property for PREB lubrication. It assesses the tendency of the 6.1.12 Seal compatibility may vary with each lubricating
grease to keep oil inside of the precision bearing. This grease. The type of material used in seals will determine which
capability tends to form a channel by working down of lubricating greases can be used in a particular PREB. Compat-
lubricating grease in a precision bearing, leaving shoulders of ibility issues can be resolved by previous experience with
unworked grease which serves as a seal and oil reservoir. PREB or by Test Method D4289 with actual seal materials
6.1.8 Corrosion prevention and good water stability (mini- (that is, careful consideration must be given to assure compat-
mal change in consistency under wet conditions) are also ibility between the grease and the bearing seal, shield or
important properties to prevent rust on bearing surfaces and to retainer materials, or both.
preserve grease consistency. 6.2 Grease Advantages and Limitations (by Chemical Clas-
6.1.9 Apparent dynamic viscosity tends to indicate the sifications):
usable temperature range of a lubricating grease for high speed 6.2.1 Mineral Oil Base GreaseThe use of mineral oil base
precision bearing applications. greases is, in general, not recommended. These greases may
6.1.10 Long grease life is desired in precision bearing exhibit a high evaporation rate and excessive oil separation.
applications. Most precision bearings are not re-lubricated Most of these greases also provide a short lubrication life and
during their lifetime. Also, the grease life is also dependent on do not have good oxidation stability. They do not provide a
the operational temperature. wide temperature operation capability due to their chemical

F2489 06
TABLE 2 Test Protocol
Test Method Test Condition Testing Laboratory Evaluation
Dropping Point ASTM Test Method Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Measure the temperature at which the first drop of grease
D2265 falls from the cup
Oil Separation ASTM Test Method Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Measure the oil separation of grease under normal storage
(static) D1742 conditions
Oil Separation ASTM Test Method 40C, 2h U.S. Army TARDEC Measure the oil separation of grease by a high speed
(Dynamic) D4425 centrifuge force
Work ASTM Test Methods Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Measure the consistency of the grease. Higher number
Penetration D217 indicates a soft grease
Copper ASTM Test Method Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Measure corrosion on copper metal in comparison to the
Corrosion D4048 ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standards. The 1a and 1b
ratings indicate no corrosion
Rust Preventive ASTM Test Method Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Determine the rust preventive properties of greases using
D1743 grease lubricated tapered roller bearings stored under wet
conditions (flash water). No corrosion is pass rating.
Water Stability MIL-PRF-10924 Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Measure water stability of greases by using a full scale
grease worker. The change in consistency after being
subjected to water is a measure of the water stability of
the grease. Small difference indicates better water stability.
Water Washout ASTM Test Method Standard Petro-Luburicants Measure the percentage weight of grease washed out from a
D1264 Testing Lab bearing at the test temperature.
Oxidation ASTM Test Method Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Measure the oxidation induction time of grease under oxygen
Stability D5483 environments. A longer induction time indicates better
oxidation stability.
Evaporation ASTM Test Method Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Measure the evaporation loss of greases at 99 C.
Loss D972
High Temperature ASTM Test Method 1h U.S. Army TARDEC Measure the evaporation loss of grease at 180C.
Evaporation Loss at E1131
180C (TGA)
Channeling Ability ASTM Test Method Visual check after U.S. Army TARDEC Determine channeling capability of a grease in a lubricated
D4693 bearing test tapered roller bearing.
Apparent Dynamic TA At 25C ICI Paints Strongsville Measure apparent dynamic viscosity of a grease at 25 C
Viscosity Rheometer Research Center
Wet Shell Roll Wet Shell Roll Test Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Measure water stability of greases using a roll stability test
Stability apparatus, small sample required. The difference in cone
penetration before and after being worked in the presence of
water is a measure of the effect of water on the grease.
Small difference indicates better water stability.
Work Stability ASTM Test Methods Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Determine the work stability using a grease worker.
D217 The difference between the cone penetration before and
after working is a measure of the worked stability of the
grease. Small difference indicates better worked stability.
Roll Stability ASTM Test Method Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Determine the roll stability of grease. The difference between
D1831 the cone penetration before and after rolling is a measure of
the roll stability of the grease. Small difference indicates
better roll stability.
Four Ball Wear ASTM Test Method Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Determine the wear preventive characteristics of greases in
Test D2266 sliding- steel-on-steel applications. Measure the diameters of
wear scars after the test. A small diameter indicates less
Four Ball EP ASTM Test Method Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Determine the load-carrying properties of greases. It
Test D2596 measures Load wear index (LWI). A high LWI number
indicates a better load-carrying property.
Grease Life ASTM Test Method Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Measure grease life at the test temperature.
Low ASTM Test Method Test temperatures, -20 U.S. Army TARDEC Measure low temperature property of grease. It measures
Temperature D4693 C, -40C, -54C initial torque and running torque at 1 and 5 min. A lower
Torque number indicates a better low temperature property.
Rolling SKF Be-quite Standard SKF Measure noise level using an acoustic instrument. The
Bearing rakings are : very noisy (GNX)>noisy (GN1)>standard
Noise noise (GN2)>quite (GN3)>very quite(GN4)
Dirt Count FTM 3005.4 Standard U.S. Army TARDEC Measure the cleanness of greases. Zero indicates no dirt

structure. In addition, their base oils vary from lot to lot, ential cost of using a mineral oil versus synthetic oil based
depending upon the source of the crude oil used as feedstock greases should not be a determining factor in the choice of
and upon the exact chemical and physical processes used to lubricating greases.
refine the feedstock. The main advantage of mineral oils over 6.2.2 Polyalphaolefins (PAO) Based GreaseThese syn-
synthetic oils is cost. In most PREB applications, the cost of thetic greases are widely available and are currently used in
the lubricant is usually a very small part of the overall cost of many PREB applications. PAO greases exhibit many of the
the bearing. Therefore, in most PREB applications, the differ- physical properties that are required for the lubrication of

F2489 06
TABLE 3 Grease Test Data (A)

Worked Water Wet Shell
Dropping Separation Copper Rust Work Stability Roll Stability Four ball Grease life
Code Penetration Stability Roll Stability
point (c) (Dynamic) Corrosion Preventive (1/10 mm) (1/10 mm) wear (mm) (h)
(mm) (1/10 mm) (1/10 mm)
G-1 151 39 284 1a Pass 62 53 47 37 0.36 27
G-2 215 24 284 1a Pass ... 12 ... 22 0.56 225
G-3 217 0.5 263 1b Pass -11 -8 40 3 2.20 295
G-4 218 3 285 1b Pass 14 8 16 12 1.24 423
G-5 334 43 268 1b Pass ... -3 ... -4 2.27 354
G-6 321 45 295 1a Pass 132 119 82 76 0.58 394
G-7 263 42 302 1a Pass 25 37 59 49 0.49 231
G-8 286 5 259 1b Pass ... 58 ... 36 0.36 397
G-9 279 6 252 1a Pass ... 69 ... 45 0.40 300
G-10 338 24 266 1a Pass ... 55 --- 57 0.60 180
G-11 269 0.4 286 1a Pass ... 21 ... 10 0.44 371
G-12 282 45 321 1a Pass 29 23 36 42 0.54 110
G-13 323 14 290 1b Pass ... 11 ... 4 0.47 90
G-14 279 13 249 1a Pass ... 18 ... 5 0.52 100
G-15 273 25 244 1b Pass ... 83 ... 25 0.49 240
G-16 195 32 318 3a Pass ... 39 ... 18 0.51 210
G-17 203 11 260 1b Pass ... 113 ... 47 0.85 170
G-18 187 34 271 1a Pass ... >162 41 24 0.91 100
G-19 213 5 274 1a Pass 9 1 17 -8 0.48 400
G-20 194 57 257 1b Pass ... 37 ... 20 0.58 171
G-21 279 28 266 1b Pass ... 7 ... 3 0.48 120
G-22 310 47 290 1a Pass 125 97 37 97 0.69 271
G-23 242 53 297 1a Pass 7 7 12 10 0.52 140
G-24 256 13 281 1a Pass -2 -3 28 26 0.48 150
G-25 227 21 291 1b Pass ... 38 ... 22 0.35 49
G-26 225 8 213 2c Pass ... 41 ... 3 0.40 161
G-27 243 16 266 1b Pass ... 11 ... 19 0.83 397
G-28 191 33 260 1b Pass ... 38 ... 13 0.72 400
G-29 213 29 263 1b Pass ... 42 ... 22 1.00 450
G-30 293 13 275 1b Pass ... -4 ... 30 0.87 365
G-31 217 31 256 1a Pass ... 59 ... 46 0.68 >500
G-32 221 33 303 1b Pass ... 17 ... 12 0.90 309
G-33 199 35 279 1a Pass ... -13 ... 8 1.13 >500
G-34 207 19 218 1a Pass ... 137 ... 94 0.77 60
G-35 187 14 307 4a Pass ... 21 ... 34 1.41 >500
G-36 318 24 232 1b Pass ... 80 ... 70 0.37 >500
G-37 239 22 281 1b Pass ... 10 ... 1 0.77 >500
G-38 235 22 290 1b Pass ... 1 ... 6 0.87 >500

TABLE 3 Grease Test Data (B)

Dirt Count
Particles per mL Evaporation Low Temperature Torque
Oil Evaporation Water
Four Ball Loss at
Code Separation Loss (%) Washout
EPLWI 180C, % Test
(Static) (%) At 99C 25 to 75 75 to 125 125+ (%) Breakaway 1 min 5 min
(TGA) temperature
microns microns microns (Nm) (Nm) (Nm)
G-1 16.5 23 0.88 500 200 100 5.63 41.2 -54 4.93 1.9 1.63
G-2 3.0 53 0.23 650 100 0 1.53 3.6 -40 2.47 1.27 0.93
G-3 0.3 28 0.26 350 100 50 1.46 1.3 -40 2.18 1.4 1.12
G-4 1.4 29 0.46 350 50 0 2.31 1.3 -54 0.86 0.43 0.4
G-5 0.9 22 0.14 50 0 0 1.00 0.4 -40 5.85 1.97 1.64
G-6 0.6 66 0.35 100 0 0 2.67 2.4 -54 3.98 1.83 1.46
G-7 6.1 68 0.60 250 50 0 1.69 5.2 -54 0.82 0.53 0.47
G-8 0.5 25 0.06 100 50 0 2.97 2.6 -40 2.79 1.72 1.59
G-9 0.9 39 0.19 50 0 0 2.16 3.6 -40 0.9 0.43 0.39
G-10 5.3 39 0.20 0 0 0 5.40 2.6 -54 1.92 1.22 1.09
G-11 0.01 38 0.10 0 0 0 0.61 2.3 -20 2.67 1.61 1.41
G-12 2.6 39 0.53 400 0 0 1.47 6.4 -54 0.74 0.52 0.5
G-13 0.0 20 0.26 100 0 0 3.19 2.0 -54 2.34 1.53 1.19
G-14 0.8 20 0.36 0 0 0 2.43 2.5 -54 2.56 1.47 1.16
G-15 10.3 25 0.35 100 0 0 9.64 2.4 -54 7.1 3.29 2.99
G-16 10.8 20 0.22 100 50 0 6.83 2.1 -54 0.95 0.55 0.49
G-17 5.3 26 0.18 100 0 0 5.49 0.2 -54 36.0 3.48 3.2
G-18 17.1 39 0.58 150 50 0 8.68 11.7 -54 0.91 0.47 0.36
G-19 0.01 21 0.31 0 0 0 0.95 2.0 -40 2.67 1.67 1.47
G-20 7.6 25 0.22 0 0 0 1.51 5.0 -54 0.98 0.5 0.43
G-21 0.5 36 0.10 50 0 0 0.30 1.9 -40 1.27 0.71 0.56
G-22 9.9 39 0.14 400 0 0 0.79 1.8 -54 1.46 1.12 1.01
G-23 10.8 57 0.62 300 0 0 1.24 8.5 -54 1.05 0.54 0.45

F2489 06

TABLE 3 Grease Test Data (B)

Dirt Count
Particles per mL Evaporation Low Temperature Torque
Oil Evaporation Water
Four Ball Loss at
Code Separation Loss (%) Washout
EPLWI 180C, % Test
(Static) (%) At 99C 25 to 75 75 to 125 125+ (%) Breakaway 1 min 5 min
(TGA) temperature
microns microns microns (Nm) (Nm) (Nm)
G-24 2.0 34 2.10 100 0 0 3.18 6.5 -54 3.51 2.54 1.96
G-25 1.6 26 0.17 0 0 0 3.24 1.1 -40 1.73 1.22 0.87
G-26 0.1 21 0.24 0 0 0 1.42 1.1 -40 2.74 1.97 1.58
G-27 1.7 54 0.06 50 0 0 - 0.2 -40 11.0 5.6 4.77
G-28 4.2 38 0.05 0 0 0 - 1.1 -40 3.88 2.29 2.07
G-29 1.8 67 0.05 0 0 0 - 0.3 -40 5.96 3.67 3.54
G-30 0.8 144 0.03 0 0 0 - 0.1 -40 23.6 9.6 7.32
G-31 3.8 58 0.03 100 0 0 - 0.1 -54 0.8 0.54 0.52
G-32 2.5 44 0.02 0 0 0 - 0.2 -40 11.55 5.09 4.37
G-33 3.1 56 0.08 50 0 0 - 1.5 -40 14.15 5.31 4.87
G-34 0.1 26 0.29 100 0 0 - 3.9 -54 1.37 0.78 0.64
G-35 6.1 135 0.45 0 0 0 - 5.2 -54 1.66 0.58 0.5
G-36 0.3 22 0.17 0 0 0 - 1.2 -40 1.33 0.65 0.57
G-37 1.9 62 0.0 50 50 0 - 0.1 -54 0.99 0.59 0.47
G-38 1.2 84 0.05 200 0 0 - 0.1 -54 0.96 0.6 0.53

TABLE 3 Grease Test Data (C)

Apparent Dynamic Rolling Oxidation Base Oil Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)

Channeling Ability
Code Viscosity Poise, Bearing Stability (PDSC)
(Torque Test) 40C 100C
at 25C, 25s-1 Noise at 180C, min
G-1 no 223 noisy 9.3 13.92 2.90
G-2 yes 580 very 32.0 23 5
G-3 yes 770 noisy NA 72 19
G-4 yes 294 standard N 74 25
G-5 yes 359 very N 108 25
G-6 no 184 very 637.9 31.2 6.0
G-7 no 133 very 937.6 10.3 2.9
G-8 yes 208 quiet 2675.4 100 11
G-9 no 250 noisy 986.4 22 5
G-10 no 450 standard 48.0 24 5
G-11 no 332 noisy 2128.1 420 34
G-12 yes 154 very 938.7 10.3 2.9
G-13 yes 500 noisy 15.2 18 4.5
G-14 yes 485 quiet 15.9 25 6
G-15 no 384 very 53.3 20 4.2
G-16 no 144 standard 46.8 22 4.7
G-17 yes 218 standard 13.0 61 9.7
G-18 no 238 Noisy 112.4 9.1 2.7
G-19 no 168 very 445.1 100 13.7
G-20 no 273 very 28.1 18 4
G-21 no 290 quiet 43.4 30 6
G-22 no 150 very 522.2 30.5 5.9
G-23 no 129 very 115.7 14.5 3.6
G-24 no 635 very 32 28.7 5.5
G-25 yes 267 standard 34.3 60.7 9.5
G-26 yes 2100 standard 34.9 60.7 9.5
G-27 no 238 standard N 240 26

F2489 06

TABLE 3 Grease Test Data (C)

Apparent Dynamic Rolling Oxidation Base Oil Kinematic Viscosity (cSt)

Channeling Ability
Code Viscosity Poise, Bearing Stability (PDSC)
(Torque Test) 40C 100C
at 25C, 25s-1 Noise at 180C, min
G-28 no 191 standard N 85 11
G-29 no 206 very N 160 18
G-30 yes 103 very N 400 37
G-31 no 65 quiet N
G-32 yes 208 very noisy N 240 26
G-33 no 2250 noisy N 32 7
G-34 yes 980 standard N .... ....
G-35 yes 77 noisy N .... ....
G-36 no 307 noisy 54.5 110 15
G-37 yes 138 very N 150 45
G-38 no 109 very N 150 45
No oxidation

PREB and have a long history of being used successfully in parts. This problem may be an issue when considering silicone
them. They are formulated with PAO oils, various thickeners, greases as a PREB lubricant.
and additives. Their base stocks are very similar in chemical 6.2.5 Perfluoropolyethers (PFPE) Based GreaseThese
structure to paraffinic mineral oils, yet have the advantage of greases are normally thickened with polytetrafluoroethylene
being synthesized. Synthetically producing oil gives the manu- (PTFE). PFPE greases are chemically inert and stable with
facturer considerably more control over its chemical composi- consistent performance in many conditions. They have high
tion and thus controls the lot-to-lot variability and allows viscosity indexes (about 300), can be used at very low
tailoring of properties to specific needs. Operational tempera- temperatures and have very low volatility. It has marginal
ture ranges of PAO oil-based greases are much wider than lubricity under lightly loaded conditions and may not be
mineral oil based greases and their use is recommended for acceptable in some PREB applications. It can be subject to
many PREB applications. However, some PAO-based greases catalytic breakdown under highly loaded (extreme pressure)
are not initially suited for the precision bearing applications. bearing operation conditions. PFPE greases can be very clean
For example, they might require filtration processing to remove grease when subjected to filtration. They are long life greases
solid contamination prior to use. in high temperature environments under moderate bearing
6.2.3 Ester Oil-Based GreaseThis class of greases is used loads. Currently, PFPE greases are used in many aerospace
in several PREB applications. The main advantage is that ester bearing applications. PEFE greases have a relatively high cost
oil-based greases have excellent lubricity and compatibility compared to most other synthetic greases. In the past, one
with a wide variety of lubricant additives and have a wide use problem with PFPE greases was the lack of soluble additives to
temperature range. They have somewhat better low- provide corrosion and anti-wear protection. Today, there are a
temperature behavior and have a much longer lubrication life number of soluble additives available for these greases. How-
than PAO-based greases in a high temperature operation. Many ever, experience with these additives is limited.
of these greases are currently used in PREB applications. Ester 6.2.6 MAC Based GreaseThis is a special type of grease
oil-based greases are incompatible with some sealing materials formulated with a synthetic hydrocarbon based on a multiply
such as Buna-n and care must be taken in selection of bearing alkylated cyclopentane (MAC) oil, sodium complex thickener,
seals when using them. and additives. Currently, MAC-based greases are used in
6.2.4 Silicone Oil-Based GreaseSilicone-based greases aerospace applications. It is thermally stable and has low
have not been commonly used in PREB except in moderately volatility. Its volatility is comparable with PFPE-based greases.
high temperature applications where loads are low. They have However, unlike the PFPE lubricants, conventional additives
outstanding oxidation stability at high temperature and exhibit used in PAO and ester oil-based greases can also be used in
low volatility. Their upper operational temperature usually MAC greases to enhance their performance, but these additives
depends on the stability of the thickener. The rheology of can slightly increase the volatility of the grease in high vacuum
silicone greases is similar to that of the mineral oil-based applications. Because of its low volatility and improved
greases. The disadvantage of these greases is its poor lubricity lubricity, MAC-based lubricants have replaced PFPE lubri-
and load carrying capacity. For this reason, the silicone greases cants in several vacuum applications. As with the PFPE-based
normally are not used in ball bearing applications. Also, these greases, cost is high. Also, availability of MAC lubricants is
greases may have a tendency to creep, possibly contaminating currently limited due to its sole source supply.
adjacent hardware, and leave fairly hard deposits on bearing 6.3 Summary:

F2489 06
6.3.1 Thirty-eight commercially available greases selected sented in this guide alone could be very risky due to the many
for evaluation in this program are listed in Table 1. Most of other factors unique to any specific application (compatibility
these greases are currently used in precision bearing applica- and environmental issues, system operating parameters and
tions. These greases mentioned are for information purposes requirements, life issues, and so forth). It is strongly recom-
only and do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation mended that each user fully evaluate greases for acceptability
of a particular grease by ASTM Committee F34. The testing in their specific application and under conditions duplicating
protocol showing the tests conducted and laboratories used are the system environment as closely as possible. Grease selection
shown in Table 2. Physical and chemical properties and should be made only after successful performances in system
functional test results obtained are reported in Table 3 (A-C). In tests have been demonstrated.
addition, there are other precision-bearing greases also cur-
rently available in the market. Budgetary and time constraints 7. Keywords
precluded their inclusion into this guide. Futhermore, the
omission of any grease does not necessarily imply unsuitabil- 7.1 ball bearings; ester oil; instrument and precision bearing
ity. lubricants; mineral oil; perfluoropolyether oil; polyalphaole-
6.3.2 The committee realizes that grease selection or re- fins; silicon oil; pennzane; thickener; lubricating grease
placement based on the data and properties information pre-


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Lubricating greases are comprised of two basic A1.2.4.3 Oils normally used in instrument bearings have a
structural components: a base oil and a thickening agent. In the relatively lower vapor pressure than mineral oils.
selection of proper lubricating grease for a given operating A1.2.4.4 Not miscible with silicones and perfluoropoly-
condition, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the base ethers.
oil. Therefore, the main properties of the base oils that are part A1.2.4.5 Usually is not preferred in applications where
of this guide will be discussed. It is also recommended that a temperatures lie outside of the range from -30 to 100C.10
review of the material safety data sheet be included in the
selection process of a lubricant. This will allow an assessment A1.3 Polyalphaolefins (PAOs)
of the health/handling risks associated with a particular grease. A1.3.1 UseThe PAO oils are used to lubricate rolling
element bearings in guidance systems, gimbals, gyros, and so
A1.2 Mineral Oils forth. PAOs are used as base oils for PREB lubricants,
A1.2.1 UseMultipurpose lubricant for large rolling ele- especially for wide temperature and high-speed applications.
ment bearings, engines, gears, and so forth. These oils can be A1.3.2 StructurePAOs, that is, synthetic paraffinic fluids,
blended with polyalphaolefins (PAOs) or esters to improve are primarily straight chain, saturated hydrocarbons. The PAOs
their lubricity and temperature-viscosity characteristics. differ in chain length, the degree of branching and in the
A1.2.2 StructureDue to the origin and the treatment of the position of the branches. A higher degree of saturation of the
base stocks, the formulated oils exhibit different chemical PAO molecules increases their thermo-oxidative stability.
compositions and variations in their properties. A1.3.3 Advantages:
A1.2.3 Advantages: A1.3.3.1 Available in a wide range of viscosity grades.
A1.2.3.1 Available in a wide range of viscosity grades. A1.3.3.2 High thermal and oxidative stability.
A1.2.3.2 Excellent lubricity. A1.3.3.3 Low evaporation rates.
A1.2.3.3 Additives can improve performance (antioxidants, A1.3.3.4 Excellent viscosity-temperature behavior.
corrosion protection, antiwear and EP properties, and so forth). A1.3.3.5 Resistant against hydrolysis.
A1.2.3.4 Most sealing materials are compatible (little swell- A1.3.3.6 High viscosity grades are compatible with most
ing or shrinking). sealing materials and paints.
A1.2.3.5 Most paints are compatible. A1.3.3.7 Fully miscible with mineral oils and esters.
A1.2.3.6 Cost-effective. A1.3.3.8 A full range of additives is available.
A1.2.4 Disadvantages: A1.3.4 Disadvantages:
A1.2.4.1 These oils age and oxidize at temperatures above A1.3.4.1 Low viscosity grades may shrink/swell sealing
approximately 100C and form resins, carbonaceous deposits, materials.
and so forth.
A1.2.4.2 Viscosity index is lower than that of most synthetic
fluids (that is, viscosity changes more rapidly with tempera- 10
This temperature limit is only a general guideline. Individual mineral oils may
ture). perform at temperature limits significantly different from this.

F2489 06
A1.3.4.2 Not miscible with silicones and perfluoropoly- A1.5.3.2 Polydimethylsilicones along with the linear per-
ethers. fluoropolyethers exhibit the best viscosity-temperature behav-
A1.3.4.3 More costly than mineral oils. ior of all lubricating oils.
A1.5.3.3 Excellent low temperature properties.
A1.4 Esters A1.5.3.4 Low evaporation rates.
A1.4.1 UseThese fluids are used for lubrication of PREB. A1.5.3.5 Compatible with almost all plastics and sealing
They serve as a base oil for low-temperature and high-speed materials with the exception of those based on silicones.
lubricants. A1.5.3.6 Good damping properties.
A1.4.2 StructureDiesters are esters usually based on A1.5.4 Disadvantages:
lower molecular weight branched-chain alcohols reacted with A1.5.4.1 Low surface tension (high tendency to spread and
C4 to C10 aliphatic acids (usually forming azelates and seba- creep with the exception of the polyphenylmethylsilicones).
cates). The polyolesters are synthesized from the alcohols A1.5.4.2 Very poor lubricity.
trimethyl propane (TMP) or pentaerythritol and C4 to C8 acids. A1.5.4.3 Can polymerize to glassy materials at elevated
temperatures and under medium to heavy loads.
A1.4.3 Advantages:
A1.5.4.4 Not miscible with mineral oils, polyalphaolefins,
A1.4.3.1 Excellent low-temperature characteristics.
esters, and perfluoropolyethers.
A1.4.3.2 Suitable for high-temperature applications up to
A1.5.4.5 Difficult to remove by solvents.
A1.5.4.6 Can decompose in electrical arcs (electrical con-
A1.4.3.3 Excellent lubricity. tacts) forming abrasive deposits.
A1.4.3.4 Able to dissolve a wide concentration range of
most additives. A1.6 Perfluorolpolyethers (Perfluorinated Alkyl Ethers)
A1.4.3.5 Low evaporation rates for some diesters and most (acronymsPFPE, PFAE)
polyol esters. A1.6.1 UseThese fluids are used as the base oil for
A1.4.3.6 High thermal and oxidative stability. high-temperature and oxygen-resistant lubricants. Both linear
A1.4.3.7 Miscible with mineral oils, polyalphaolefins, and and branched-chain perfluoropolyethers are available. The
polyphenylmethylsilicones. linear PFPEs are primarily used for vacuum and space appli-
A1.4.4 Disadvantages: cations due to their very low vapor pressures or where use at
A1.4.4.1 Only available in low to medium viscosity grades. very low temperatures is required.
A1.4.4.2 May shrink/swell some sealing materials such as A1.6.2 StructureThese materials are long chain poly-
BUNA-N, NBR, and EPDM elastomers. ethers containing fully fluorinated alkyl groups. The fluorocar-
A1.4.4.3 May interact with paint and other polymeric coat- bon subunits may have a linear or branched-chain structure or
ings. a mixture of these two subunits.
A1.4.4.4 Can hydrolyze under humid conditions that may A1.6.3 Advantages:
cause corrosion. A1.6.3.1 Extraordinary high thermal and oxidative resis-
A1.4.4.5 Not miscible with polydimethylsilicones and per- tance.
fluoropolyethers. A1.6.3.2 High resistance to chemical attack.
A1.4.4.6 More costly than mineral oils. A1.6.3.3 Wide operating temperature range. The operating
temperature range depends upon the base oil viscosity and
A1.5 Silicones molecular structure (that is, straight chain or branched).
A1.6.3.4 Very low vapor pressure and evaporation rate. The
A1.5.1 UseSilicones are used as lubricants for extremely evaporating rate is dependent strictly upon the molecular
low temperature (down to -75C) applications. They may also weight and molecular structure. All products are sold with a
be used for high temperature (up to 220C) applications under wide range of viscosities and therefore molecular weights.
light loads. PFPEs with a linear structure have significantly lower vapor
A1.5.2 StructureThere are three classes: pressures than their branched-chain counterparts.
A1.5.2.1 Polydimethylsilicones have a linear chain structure A1.6.3.5 Medium to excellent viscosity-temperature behav-
with methyl groups. ior (linear structureexcellent, branched structuremedium).
A1.5.2.2 Polyphenylmethylsilicones (siloxanes) have a lin- A1.6.3.6 Compatible with sealing materials, plastics, and
ear chain structure with methyl and phenyl groups. Siloxanes paints.
with a high ratio of phenyl to methyl groups show a decrease A1.6.4 Disadvantages:
in evaporation and low temperature properties over that exhib- A1.6.4.1 Low surface tension (spreading, creeping).
ited by the polydimethylsilicones. Siloxanes also show an A1.6.4.2 Common lubricant additives are not soluble in
improvement in thermal and oxidative stability and in surface these materials. Today, there are a number of soluble additives
tension properties. available for these greases, but experience with them is limited.
A1.5.2.3 Fluorinated silicones have a branched structure A1.6.4.3 Poor corrosion protection for greases with no
based on perfluoroalkyl groups. Fluids having a branched chain corrosion protection additives.
structure exhibit better load-carrying capacity. A1.6.4.4 Tribo-catalytic breakdown of the oil can occur,
A1.5.3 Advantages: especially in steel rolling element bearings under high loads
A1.5.3.1 Available in a wide viscosity range. where fresh metal exposed by wear can occur. This catalytic

F2489 06
breakdown can also occur when in contact with aluminum, A1.7.3 Advantages:
magnesium, or titanium alloys. A1.7.3.1 Low volatility and low vapor pressure.
A1.6.4.5 Not miscible with other base stocks: mineral oils, A1.7.3.2 Good lubricity.
esters, PAOs, silicones, and so forth. A1.7.3.3 Wide operating temperature range.
A1.6.4.6 High density (approximately 1.9 g/ml). The same
A1.7.3.4 The viscosity of fluid does not change much with
volume of grease will require twice the weight.
temperature due to the high viscosity index (but not as high as
A1.6.4.7 Poor boundary lubrication properties for greases
the linear PFPE oils).
with no anti-wear or extreme pressure additives.
A1.6.4.8 May cause insulating films at electrical contacts. A1.7.3.5 Compatible with conventional oil additive chem-
A1.6.4.9 Can deposit monolayer films of PFPE species that istries.
are difficult to remove by solvents. The monolayer films will A1.7.3.6 Low infrared absorbance.
make bearing surfaces unwettable. A1.7.3.7 Excellent chemical stability in vacuum environ-
A1.6.4.10 High cost, especially for linear PFPEs. ments.
A1.7.3.8 High surface tension.
A1.7 MAC (Trade name: Pennzane)
A1.7.4 Disadvantages:
A1.7.1 UseThese fluids are suitable as the base oil for A1.7.4.1 Water stability problem.
greases used in space applications such as high vacuum/low
vapor pressure environment. A1.7.4.2 Low load-carrying capacity.
A1.7.2 StructureThis material is a part of the multiply- A1.7.4.3 Poor oxidation stability.
alkylated cyclopentane family. It contains multiple alky groups A1.7.4.4 High cost.
on the cyclopentadiene ring. A1.7.4.5 Marginal low temperature capabilities.


A2.1 Thickener is the term describing the ingredients added A2.3 Sodium Soap
to a base oil in order to thicken it into a grease structure. The A2.3.1 SourceSodium hydroxide reacts with fats and
two basic types of thickeners are organic and inorganic. fatty acids to make sodium soaps.
Organic thickeners can be either soap based or non-soap based, A2.3.2 Characteristics:
while inorganic thickeners are non-soap based. Simple soaps A2.3.2.1 Sensitive to water.
are formed with combinations of a fatty acid or ester with an A2.3.2.2 Upper operational temperature is around 121C.
alkali earth metal, reacted with the application of heat, pressure Although dropping point exceeds 177C, its upper operation
or agitation through a process known as saponification. The temperature is limited by oxidation and bleed as well as
fiber structure provided by the metal soap determines the softening.
mechanical stability and physical properties of the finished A2.3.2.3 Low temperature pumpability and torque are ad-
grease. In order to take on enhanced performance characteris- versely affected by the fibrous texture of the soap.
tics, including higher dropping points, complexing agent (that A2.3.2.4 Shear stability is satisfactory.
is, acetate, azelate, sebacate, and so forth) is added to the soap A2.3.2.5 Oxidation stability can be improved with addi-
thickener to convert it to a soap salt complex thickener. tives.
A2.3.2.6 Rust problem due to its poor water resistance.
A2.2 Aluminum Soap A2.3.2.7 Thermal stability is good.
A2.2.1 SourceAluminum stearates.
A2.4 Calcium Soap (Hydrated)
A2.2.2 Characteristics:
A2.4.1 SourceHydrated lime reacts with fatty acids to
A2.2.2.1 Clarity and virtual transparency, if made from light
make calcium soaps.
colored oils.
A2.4.2 Characteristics:
A2.2.2.2 Smooth texture. A2.4.2.1 Smooth and buttery texture.
A2.2.2.3 A substantially anhydrous product. A2.4.2.2 Poor thermal stability due to the water hydration.
A2.2.2.4 Insolubility in water. A2.4.2.3 Upper operational temperature is around 79C,
A2.2.2.5 Upper operation temperature is around 79C, al- although dropping point is over 96C.
though dropping point exceeds 110C. A2.4.2.4 Shear stability is fair.
A2.4.2.5 Oxidation stability is poor.
A2.2.2.6 Generates more torque and are more difficult to
A2.4.2.6 Water resistance is very good.
pump than corresponding products made from other soaps.
A2.4.2.7 Rust protection is poor.
A2.2.2.7 Shear stability is poor.
A2.2.2.8 Oxidation stability is excellent. A2.5 Calcium Soap (Anhydrous)
A2.2.2.9 Rust protection is good. A2.5.1 SourceLime reacts with 12-hydroxystearic acid to
A2.2.2.10 Incompatible with other types of soap. make anhydrous calcium soaps.

F2489 06
A2.5.2 Characteristics: A2.9.2 Characteristics:
A2.5.2.1 Smooth, a buttery texture. A2.9.2.1 Smooth texture and stable to heating.
A2.5.2.2 Upper operational temperature is around 110C A2.9.2.2 Upper operational temperature is around 177C
and its dropping point is around 140C. and dropping point is over 260 C.
A2.5.2.3 Water resistance is excellent. A2.9.2.3 Shear stability is excellent.
A2.5.2.4 Shear stability is good. A2.9.2.4 Oxidation stability is good.
A2.5.2.5 Oxidation resistance is acceptable. A2.9.2.5 Water resistance is good.
A2.5.2.6 Rust protection is poor. A2.9.2.6 Rust protection is poor but can be improved by
A2.6 Lithium 12-Hydroxystearate Soap
A2.9.2.7 Bearing performance at high temperatures is very
A2.6.1 SourceLithium 12-hydroxystrearic acid makes good.
lithium soaps.
A2.6.2 Characteristics: A2.10 Polyurea Thickener
A2.6.2.1 Smooth texture and stable to heating.
A2.10.1 SourceAmines and an isocyanate or a diisocyan-
A2.6.2.2 Upper operational temperature is around 135C
ate makes polyurea thickener.
and dropping point is in a range from about 177 to 204C.
A2.10.2 Characteristics:
A2.6.2.3 Shear stability is excellent.
A2.6.2.4 Oxidation stability is good. A2.10.2.1 Thermal stability is excellent.
A2.6.2.5 Water resistance is good. A2.10.2.2 Upper operational temperature is around 177C
A2.6.2.6 Rust protection is poor but can be improved by and dropping point is about 243C.
additives. A2.10.2.3 Work stability is poor.
A2.6.2.7 Widely available. A2.10.2.4 Oxidation stability is excellent.
A2.10.2.5 Water resistance is satisfactory.
A2.7 Aluminum Complex Soap A2.10.2.6 Rust protection is poor but can be improved by
A2.7.1 SourceAluminum stearate and benzoic acid makes additives.
aluminum complex soaps.
A2.7.2 Characteristics: A2.11 Organo-Clay Thickener
A2.7.2.1 Smooth texture and stable to heating. A2.11.1 SourceNatural clays with amines.
A2.7.2.2 Upper operational temperature is around 177C A2.11.2 Characteristics:
and dropping point is over 260C. A2.11.2.1 Smooth texture and stable to heating.
A2.7.2.3 Shear stability is excellent. A2.11.2.2 Upper operational temperature is around 177C
A2.7.2.4 Oxidation stability is good. and dropping point is over 260C.
A2.7.2.5 Water resistance is good. A2.11.2.3 Oil separation is low.
A2.7.2.6 Rust protection is poor but can be improved by A2.11.2.4 Oxidation stability is good.
additives. A2.11.2.5 Water resistance is excellent.
A2.7.2.7 Incompatible with other types of thickeners. A2.11.2.6 Rust protection is poor but can be improved by
A2.8 Calcium Complex Soap additives.
A2.11.2.7 Work stability is good.
A2.8.1 SourceCalcium stearate with salt calcium acetate A2.11.2.8 Clay particle size can result in roughness in
makes calcium complex soaps. bearing operation (high bearing noise).
A2.8.2 Characteristics:
A2.8.2.1 Load-carrying and antiwear properties are excel- A2.12 PTFE (polytetrafluorethylene) Thickener
A2.8.2.2 Upper operational temperature is around 177C A2.12.1 SourcePolymerization of monomer TFE (tet-
and dropping point is over 260C. rafluorethylene).
A2.8.2.3 Shear stability is excellent. A2.12.2 Characteristics:
A2.8.2.4 Oxidation stability is good. A2.12.2.1 White powder.
A2.8.2.5 Water resistance is good. A2.12.2.2 Exceptional wide range of thermal applications
A2.8.2.6 Rust protection is poor but can be improved by from -260 to 250C.
additives. A2.12.2.3 Virtually universal chemical resistance.
A2.8.2.7 Products tend to become firm in storage when use A2.12.2.4 Oxidation stability is excellent
a high = thickener content. A2.12.2.5 Water resistance is excellent.
A2.12.2.6 Excellent sliding properties.
A2.9 Lithium Complex Soap A2.12.2.7 Non-combustible
A2.9.1 SourceLithium 12-hydroxystrearic acid and com- A2.12.2.8 Good electric and dielectric properties.
plexing agent such dibasic acid or dimethyl ester makes lithium A2.12.2.9 Grease gell stability and oil bleed can be a
complex soaps. problem.

F2489 06
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website


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