Zax11 Stockbridge Ga 9061
Zax11 Stockbridge Ga 9061
Zax11 Stockbridge Ga 9061
Department of Labor
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Employment and Training Administration
3. Employer Name 4. Employer Address and Telephone 5. Employer Federal ID Number (EIN)
6. Applicant Name (Last, First, MI) 7. Social Security Number 8. Have you worked for this employer
before? Yes ____ No ____
12. Are you at least age 16, but under age 40? Yes ___ No ___
If YES, enter your date of birth _____________________
13. Are you a Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces? Yes ___ No ___
If NO, go to Box 14.
If YES, are you a member of a family that received Supplemental Nutritional Assistance
Program (SNAP) (Food Stamps) benefits for at least a 3-month period during the 15-month period
ending on your hire date? Yes ___ No ___
If YES, enter name of primary recipient _______________________ and
city and state where benefits were received _________________.
OR, are you a veteran entitled to compensation for a service-connected disability? Yes ___ No ___
If YES, were you discharged or released from active duty within the year before you
were hired? Yes ___ No ___
OR, were you unemployed for a combined period of at least 6 months during the
year before you were hired? Yes ___ No ___
14. Are you a member of a family that received SNAP (Food Stamps) benefits for the 6-month period
before you were hired? Yes ___ No___
OR, received SNAP benefits for at least a 3-month period within the last 5 months
But you are no longer receiving them? Yes ___ No___
If YES to either question, enter name of primary recipient _____________________
and city and state where benefits were received _____________________.
I certify that this information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the
information above may be subject to verification.
23(a). Signature: (See instructions in Box 23b for who signs this signature 23. (b) Indicate with a 9 who signed the form: 24. Date:
block) Employer, Consultant, SWA,
Participating Agency, Applicant, or
Parent/Guardian (if applicant is a minor)
Boxes 3-5. Employer Information. Enter the name, address including ZIP code, telephone number, and employer Federal ID number (EIN) of the
employer requesting the certification for the WOTC. Do not enter information pertaining to the employers representative, if any.
Boxes 6-11. Applicant Information. Enter the applicants name and social security number as they appear on the applicants social security
card. In Box 8, indicate whether the applicant previously worked for the employer, and If Yes, enter the last date or approximate last
date of employment. This information will help the 48-hour reviewer, early in the verification process, to eliminate requests for
former employees and to issue denials to these type of requests, or certifications in the case of qualifying rehires during valid
breaks in employment (see pages III-12 and III-13, Nov. 2002, Third Ed., ETA Handbook 408) during the first year of employment.
Boxes 12-21. Applicant Characteristics. Read questions carefully, answer each question, and provide additional information where requested.
Box 22 Sources to Document Eligibility. The applicant or employer is requested to provide documentary evidence to substantiate the YES answers on
page 1. List or describe the documentary evidence that is attached to the ICF or that will be provided to the SWA. Indicate in parentheses next to
each document listed whether it is attached (A) or forthcoming (F). Some examples of acceptable documentary evidence are provided below.
Employers: A letter from the agency that administers a relevant program may be furnished specifically addressing the question to which the applicant
answered YES. For example, if an applicant answers YES to either question in Box 14 and enters the name of the primary recipient and the city and
state in which the benefits were received, the applicant could provide a letter from the appropriate Food Stamp agency stating to whom Food Stamp
benefits were paid, the months for which they were paid, and the names of the individuals included on the grant for each month. SWAs will use this
box to document the sources used when verifying target group eligibility, followed by their initials and the date the determination was completed.
Examples of Documentary Evidence and Collateral Contacts. Employers/Consultants: You may check with
your SWA to find out what other sources you can use to prove target group eligibility. (You are encouraged to provide
copies of documentation or names of collateral contacts for each question for which you answered YES.)
SSI Record or Authorization
Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Contact SSI Contact
Veterans Administration Evidence of SSI Benefits
Signed Statement from Authorized Individual
With Specific Description of Months Benefits Received Notes. 1. Where a Federal/State/Local Govt., School I.D. Card, or Work Permit
For SWAs: To determine Ticket Holder (TH) eligibility, does not contain age or birth date, another valid document must be obtained to
verify an individuals age.
Fax page 1 of Form 8850 to MAXIMUS to 703-683-1051 to 2. Where a Library Card does not contain the holders address another document,
verify if applicant: issued in the jurisdiction where the EZ/RC or RR County is located, must be
1) is a TH, and 2) has an Individual Work Plan from an obtained showing the holders address.
Employment Network. 3. ESPL No. 05-98, dated 3/18/98, officially rescinded the authority to use Form I-9
as proof of age and residence. Therefore, the I-9 is no longer a valid
piece of documentary evidence.
FL 21-802 (Issued ONLY by DVA, certifies a Veteran with a service connected disability)
Discharge Papers
UI claims records (for unemployed status)
To determine age:
Birth Certificate
Drivers License
Work Permit
Copy of Hospital Record of Birth
School I.D. Card/School Records
Federal/State/Local Government I.D.
To determine youth has not regularly attended any secondary, technical or post secondary school:
Signed letter from parent/guardian (if minor)
To determine unemployed status during the 6-month period before hiring date:
UI Wage Records
To determine unemployable status due to lack of basic skills:
Self-Attestation that he/she has a high school (HS) or GED Certificate that was awarded no less than
6 months preceding his or her hiring date and has not held a job (other than occasionally) or been admitted to a technical school
or post-secondary school since receiving the certificate.
Box 23. Signature. The person who completes the form signs the signature block. Options: (a) Employer or Authorized Representative, (b) SWA staff,
(c) Participating Agency staff, or (d) Applicant (If applicant is a minor, the parent or guardian must sign).
Box 24: Date. Enter the month, day and year when the form was completed.
Persons are not required to respond to this collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Respondents obligation to reply to these
questions is required to obtain and retain benefits per public law 104-188. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes
per response including the time for reading instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing.
the information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing burden to the
U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Division of Adult Services, Room S-4209, Washington, D.C. 20210 (Paperwork Reduction
Project Control No. 1205-0371).
(Cut along dotted line and keep in your files)