The Best
The Best
The Best
The songs “Today's the Day” and “Got a Problem? (The Ho'oponopono
Song)” are from the CD Strut! Songs of Inspiration, Motivation, and
Transformation by Dr. Joe Vitale.
All are available at
To begin — Please save this workbook to your
desktop or in another location.
How to Use This Interactive Workbook
How can you get the most out of this interactive workbook? Research has shown
that the more ways you interact with learning material, the deeper your learning
will be.
In fact, this workbook is designed so that you can fill in your answers right inside
this document. By the end, you’ll be living a life at the Zero Point!
I Preview the section of the workbook that corresponds with the audio
session, paying particular attention to the exercises.
I Listen to the audio session at least once.
I Complete the exercises right in this workbook.
In addition to the exercises and questions, we’ve created special section of the
workbook called Possibility Pages. These are spaces for you to write down the
creative inspiration you get when listening to the program.
Don’t just listen to this program — devour it! Strategies don’t work unless you use
them. Test and use the strategies that make sense to you, consistently, over time —
until they become habits. Listen to the program more than once. Listen for the key
ideas that you can use to impact your attitudes, actions, and results. True change
takes focus and repetition.
Session One: The Miracle of Authentic Ho’oponopono
Morrnah’s Prayer
Take each and every level, layer, area, and aspect of my being to this origin.
Analyze it and resolve it perfectly with God’s truth.
Come through all generations of time and eternity.
Healing every incident and its appendages based on the origin.
Please do it according to God’s will until I am at the present,
Filled with light and truth.
God’s peace and love, forgiveness of myself for my incorrect perceptions.
Forgiveness of every person, place, circumstances, and events
which contributed to this, these feelings and thoughts.
Welcome to the World of Magic and Miracles
Welcome to The Zero Point: How to Enter the Realm of Limitless Possibilities.
This program is going to guide you into a world of magic and miracles. It’s a
technique for creating, for attracting, for manifesting miracles, the kind you’ve
been longing for, the kind you’ve been wanting and dreaming about and hearing
about for the longest time. This is going to happen with the Zero Point.
What Is Ho’oponopono?
When we’re born, we’re already prewired with programming, and then we start to
download more information. We download it from our parents, for example. And
then when we go out into the world, from the school system, from the government,
from the media, from religion; all of it is programming us before we even get to a
place where we’re conscious enough to say we want the programming. We already
have a lot of software of the mind.
Morrnah would call them aka cords. These are invisible links to people, to
situations, to memories, that there’s a spider web of these aka cords that are
keeping you intertwined and actually tied up. It’s very difficult for you to see the
purity and the miracle and the magic of this moment because when you look out
right now, you’re looking through all of this baggage, all of this data. So when you
say the phrases “I love you,” “I’m sorry,” “Please forgive me.” “Thank you,”
you’re asking Divinity — or again God, Tao, nature, whatever you want to call this
field of limitless possibilities — you’re asking it to delete the interference between
you and the magic of this moment.
This moment really is the point of power. This moment really is where the magic
and miracles can occur. But most of us don’t see it because of all this
programming. So the four phrases are designed to delete all of this programming.
Now how does that work? When you’re saying things like I love you, I’m sorry,
Please forgive me, and Thank you, you’re giving a shorthand command to your
mind to work with Divinity to cleanse you.
Oh Infinite Divine Mind, through my beloved high self, cleanse this unit of all
negativity, both within and without, that it may be a perfect vessel for your
Programming Exercise
In the following space, write down some of the programming that you received
in the past.
Possibility Page Session One
Session Two: Applying the Law of Zero
These limiting programs could be inhibiting you from bringing in more sales,
increasing your business, having more abundance, having a better relationship,
being in better health — any number of the things that you want right now could
be limited because of your mindset. Your mindset is not your fault. Don’t blame
yourself; don’t whip yourself; don’t feel guilty over this. You can’t predict your
next thought. You can tell me your thought after it enters your consciousness, but
you can’t predict the next thought. Why not? It’s coming up from the limiting
programs. It’s coming up from the data. It’s coming up from your unconscious
mind. This is all about responsibility, personal power, and learning how to take the
reins back so that you can change your life.
1. Relabel them.
In other words, if you’re sitting there and you’re thinking about bringing in more
money in your life or having a relationship in your life or having better health in
your life, whatever it happens to be that you want, and you notice that these
thoughts come up that may or may not serve you. They may actually make you feel
as if you’re powerless or you’re not going to achieve what you want. You want to
relabel those thoughts. You want to say, Hey, that’s a limiting belief. Or, Hey, that’s
a deceptive brain message. It’s not necessarily the truth. Relabel the thoughts as
they come up.
2. Reframe them.
It’s not you; it’s your brain that’s stating these thoughts, these limitations, these
brain messages. You are separate from your brain.
3. Refocus
Direct your attention toward an activity or mental process that is wholesome and
productive, even while the false and deceptive urges, thoughts, impulses, and
sensations might still be present and might still bother you. You might have had a
thought come up that said, Oh, all the good people are taken. I’m not going to find
my soul mate. Or you might have a thought that comes up that says something
along the lines of My business can only grow so big because of the economy.
Well, those are thoughts coming from your unconscious. Those are actually
limitations; those are deceptive brain messages.
In this step, you refocus on what you want to do instead. Maybe it’s time to make
some cold calls. Maybe it’s time to write a business plan. Maybe it’s time to check
out the personals and be looking for the right match, or maybe it’s time to do
something for your health that you feel inspired to do. Refocus on the positive
action that you can take right now.
4. Revalue
Clearly see the thoughts, urges, and impulses for what they are. They are
sensations caused by deceptive brain messages that are not true and that have little
to no value. You’re retraining yourself on how to handle your mind.
Ho’oponopono and the Four-Step Process
How does Ho’oponopono help with your mind, these deceptive brain messages,
these limiting beliefs? The process is similar because you’re using this four-phrase
process, I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, in order to erase the
deceptive brain messages. You can also use Morrnah’s prayer to go right to the
source and say, “I have a limiting belief or a program about money or about health
or about relationships,” whatever it happens to be, and allow that prayer to be a
petition to tap the Divine to say, Please help me with this issue.
In any moment you’re either experiencing a memory that you can recognize
because you’ve had that thought before, or you are experiencing an inspiration.
Inspiration is going to be new; it’s going to be unique; it’s going to feel euphoric.
It’s going to feel more positive; it’s going to be something that ignites you to take
action in a particular way.
In many ways you don’t get what you think and you don’t get what you believe
and you don’t get what you feel. You get what you expect. Expectations actually
create the results that you have. Now, of course, expectations are based on thoughts
and feelings and beliefs, but understanding that you get what you expect might
help you better empower yourself to get more of what you prefer in your life.
When you start thinking about creating your own reality and you’re trying to go
for things in your world, you may be making decisions based on unconscious
perceptions. You’re making decisions based on what you’re expecting the world to
do or the world to provide. All of this is again in the world of limitations. It’s not in
the realm of limitless possibilities.
Something Even Better
What are you going to suggest that you would like to have for yourself a year from
now? Whatever your answer, it is going to be based on what you think is possible.
What you think is possible is based on your limitations, your expectations, your
beliefs. What if you could let go of all of that and allow Divinity to give you
something even better? Something even bigger?
Now, the way to do that is by finding out what the beliefs are, your expectations,
your limiting thoughts, and then erasing them and clearing them. If you’re trying
to attract your soul mate or attract better health, obviously you can do any or all of
that. Because the Law of Zero says there are no limitations. Everything can be
solved. Everything can be resolved. Everything can be attracted. Anything that
you dream about, long for, wish to experience, can be yours. The Law of Zero
means there are zero limitations. There are zero beliefs limiting what’s possible.
There are zero snags or zero interference to having what you would like to have,
do, or be. All of that is entirely possible for you.
What Do You Expect? Exercise
In the following spaces, write down what you’d like to have in each of the
following areas of your life by one year from now.
Personal relationships
Other accomplishments
Now, in the following spaces, write down something that would be even bigger and
better that Divinity could give you that represents limitless thinking:
Personal relationships
Other accomplishments
Do you see that by clearing and cleaning up your limiting beliefs, you can attract a
life that is bigger and better than you could even dream of?
Possibility Page Session Two
Session Three: Going to the Deeper Levels of Ho’oponopono
Collective Unconscious
Subconscious Mind
Conscious Mind
1. Conscious Mind
On the conscious level you’re thinking. You are having thoughts. This is all taking
place in the conscious mind. You’re aware of your surroundings to a limited extent,
and you’re aware of your thought process, you’re aware of my voice, all of this is
on the conscious tip-of-the-iceberg kind of mentality.
2. Subconscious Mind
What’s right under that is your unconscious or subconscious mind. The terms are
used interchangeably. But what we’re referring to there is the database that’s
personally yours. Meaning all the experiences you’ve had since you were born, and
according to Hew Len and Morrnah and Ho’oponopono, it includes all of the
experiences you’ve brought in before birth because of your ancestors. So the
unconscious or subconscious mind is this vast database of information. Not all
of it is serving you today. That’s why you have to do a lot of work within the
unconscious/subconscious, in order to get the things that you consciously would
like to have.
The collective unconscious is a shared database. In other words, when you go into
your conscious mind and you go deeper into your subconscious/unconscious mind,
the next layer below that is a collective unconscious that is shared with all people.
In that collective unconscious are shared memories, shared data, shared limitations.
There’s a whole lot of programming that’s in the collective unconscious that most
of us don’t think about unless like moments now, you pause and start to go very
deep into an understanding of how life works and how your mind works.
At the zero point there are no more limitations, beliefs, data, programming. There
isn’t anything to cause any interruption in the life force itself.
But how do I bring more income into my business? How do I make my health
better? How do I attract my soul mate? How do I better my relationships? How do
I have a spiritual awakening? There are any number of things that are on your
mind. Those are wonderful. Those are your intentions. You can have intentions.
As you sit with any one of those, start saying, I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive
me, Thank you. You say it within yourself; you say it to your understanding of your
higher power. That could be Divinity; that could be God. Whatever it is for you,
you’re talking to it, you’re communicating with it, and you’re saying, you’re
requesting. Please help me achieve this goal. Please help me attract more money.
Please help me attract better health. Please help me attract a better relationship or
my soul mate. Whatever the phrase is for you. As you’re feeling that intention and
you’re cleaning on it, you’ll move through these different states. You’ll go from the
conscious mind to the collective conscious and to the zero point.
The more you can get quiet within yourself and merge with the zero point, the
more you can send this message to zero point as a request.
Now, as we mentioned before, zero point may have something better in mind for
you. So it’s very important that you have a sense of detachment. Let go and take
inspired action.
Like, wouldn’t it be fun, wouldn’t it be cool, if you got your intention, but
wouldn’t it be cool if the zero point gave you something even better than your
intention. That’s letting go. Let go of any demand for the universe to work out in a
particular way.
When you think about it, any demand for an intention to come about is coming
from your conscious mind. And there’s probably an unconscious belief there that
says if it doesn’t work out, it’ll never work out. There’s probably an unconscious
belief that says unconsciously you feel that this doesn’t work. So you have all
kinds of negativities in your unconscious mind, all part of that data, all part of that
limiting belief system that prevents your receiving your conscious intention. So
you may state a conscious intention, but you have to let go of it so that zero point
can either deliver it or something better.
Ho’oponopono is all about erasing beliefs. You don’t replace; you erase.
Inspired Action
Here are some great videos to watch that show inspiration in action. The first is
drummer Joe Vitale talking to Dr. Joe Vitale.
The Law of Creation is saying that when you take action on the things that you
would like to have in your life, you move heaven and earth to attract them into
your life. Nothing happens until something moves. It’s a basic law of physics. So
the Law of Creation goes beyond the Law of Attraction, but the Law of Creation
also has a limitation to it. And we want to go beyond that.
The Law of Creation is basically still coming from the conscious or unconscious
mind. Consciously you think, Oh, if I make these phone calls or I take out this ad
or I attend this seminar, things will work out.
The opposite of the Law of Creation is that if I DON’T do these things, nothing
will happen. The zero point goes beyond that because you’re not limiting yourself
based on what you do or do not do.
Zero Point Health
Let’s look at your health. Now you’re probably healthy, but you may want to be
radiantly healthy or maybe you do have something you’re struggling with.
Whatever the case, it’s okay. Write your thoughts down in the following space.
Be aware of where you would like your health to be. This may be a memory or an
imagining of someone else who is in ideal health.
As you’re thinking about perfect health for you, notice what you’re feeling. Are
you feeling good about this? Are you feeling excited about this? Are you feeling
despondent about this? Does it seem as if it’s attainable and achievable, or does it
seem as if it’s too far off to reach?
This is the point where you use Ho’oponopono. As you’re feeling these different
emotions and sensations, you’re saying I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me,
Thank you. And again you’re just saying these as a kind of prayer internally,
silently. You don’t have to say it to anybody else, and you’re saying it to your
higher power, to your connection to Divinity. If you want, you can think the zero
point as the receiving station for this plea, for this petition, for this prayer.
The next thing you might do is just practice what we’re calling seven-second
breathing. Seven-second breathing is when you breathe in for the count of seven.
And you hold it for the count of seven, and then you release it for the count of
seven. Then, you go through the whole process again. All this does is relax you,
and the more you can be relaxed, the more you can get closer to the zero point.
In the following space, write down your takeaway: what your insights were, what
the next steps are, what you are going to do after those.
Now you can use this very same process for relationships.
Become aware of a relationship that you would like to improve or acquire and
write it here:
Think of the ideal version of this relationship. Again, what you can do is imagine
one that you had in the past that was really delightful, or one that you imagine
because you read about it in a book or you saw it on a TV show or in a movie.
Whatever it takes to help you visualize what it is. Write it here:
Then as you’re visualizing this perfect relationship or the family dynamic, notice
what comes up within you. Do you believe it’s possible? Do you believe it isn’t
possible? Do you have a yes within you? Do you have a no within you? Do you
have some sort of interference, something that says this isn’t possible or this will
never happen? Or, this will never happen for me. Any variation of these internal
conscious thoughts are demonstrating some of the data that’s in your unconscious
mind and possibly even in the collective unconscious. You want to call that out.
You don’t want to replace it; you want to erase it. Make note of this in the space
provided below.
Next, you start saying I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. You’re
repeating that, not out loud, not to anybody else, but you’re saying it internally as a
prayer to your higher power, to the Divine, to God, to the zero point. Again, it’s a
request for a cleansing. It’s a request for a removal of the limits so that you can
enter the world of limitless possibilities.
And again you can do the seven-second breathing here to help you relax, to help
you focus. Seven seconds of breathing in, seven seconds of holding it, seven
seconds of releasing. And cycling through that as long as it feels comfortable.
In the following space, write down your takeaway: what your insights were, what
the next steps are, what you are going to do after those.
These are the kind of exercises that’ll help you experience the zero point, and help
you dissolve any limitations that you’ve had in the past. As an added edge, what
you can do while you’re doing the seven-second breathing is say the
Ho’oponopono statements within that breathing. In other words, it goes like this.
You can cycle through combining Ho’oponopono with the seven-second breathing
to make this even more powerful and more useful.
Possibility Page Session Three
Session Four: Advanced Zero Clearing and Cleaning Methods
Other Cleaning Methods
Anything can be a cleaning method. Here are three mentioned in the program.
Blue Solar Water: Take a blue glass, a bottle that might be in the color of blue,
could have been something you’ve recycled, but any glass bottle that has a blue tint
to it. Pour regular water into it, and then put it in the sun or under a light bulb —
but the sun is preferred — for 15 minutes to an hour. That will solarize the water.
Dr. Hew Len believes in the traditional Ho’oponopono belief that this blue solar
water can help clean you of any hidden beliefs, whether you know what they are or
not. So you can drink that water, you can put it on yourself, you can bathe in that
water, or you can make your coffee with that water or your tea with that water. But
that water can be another cleaning method for you.
The Linda Manzer Guitar
Dr. Hew Len and I led three seminars together. And in all those seminars he said
there were a lot of cleaning tools available. He would say that eating strawberries
was a cleaning tool. He would say that eating blueberries was a cleaning tool.
Well, are they cleaning tools? I don’t really know. I do know that if you go with the
mindset that they are cleaning tools, they will work for you. Because belief creates
You don’t need to be upset about anything or have a challenge or have a concern in
order to do cleaning and clearing. Even when life is going along pretty much
wonderfully and you’re relaxed and you’re enjoying everything that’s happening,
you should still be cleaning and clearing. Why? Because you are like the street
sweeper who comes out at night and cleans the streets so that you can drive on
them next day without any hitch, without any interruption.
The Zero Point Business
Imagine how you want your business or your career to be. How do you envision it?
What do you visualize for the future? Whatever comes up for you is totally fine.
Just get that ideal in your mind, and maybe it’s a facility you want, maybe it’s the
numbers that you want to see, maybe it’s a bank balance that you’re visualizing in
your mind; whatever it is, is totally fine. Accept it and go with it. Write your ideas
Then the next step is to notice what’s coming up in the way of negativity. How do
you feel about this business or this career that you’re envisioning? This is what you
want for your life, but is any part of you resisting to it? Are you thinking, Oh, this
would be great, but I don’t know how it would ever happen? Or you’re thinking,
Well, this would be great to have, but I have no idea how it would happen for me
personally because I don’t have the connections or the money or the experience,
blah, blah, blah. Whatever comes up for you again, accept it. Don’t wrestle with
any of this. Arguing with reality is one of the best ways to get yourself into a hole.
So what you want to do is accept what’s going on and go beyond it. Write those
thoughts here:
Next, clean and clear it. I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you.
Maybe use the seven-second breathing exercise, too.
But why don’t we for this particular exercise allow yourself to be inspired? Maybe
you can speak something out loud — speak it out loud to Divinity. And maybe the
words can go something along the lines of “Divinity, please forgive me for any of
the negativity that might be in me concerning my business or career goals. Thank
you for erasing all of this from my data bank. (I’m sorry for whatever my ancestors
might have done or I unknowingly might have done to bring this into my
awareness.) Thank you for releasing this program. Thank you for erasing it from
my life. Thank you for removing the software from my mind. I love you, Divinity,
for taking care of me. I love you for keeping me in the flow. I love you for this
cleaning, this clearing, this erasing. I love you for helping my business and my
career grow.”
In the following space, write down your takeaway: what your insights were, what
the next steps are, what you are going to do after those.
Be sure to actually take action; inspired action will help
create miracles in your life.
What are your goals for money? What do you want to have happen in the world
of finances for you personally? Can you imagine a bigger bank account? Can you
imagine more sales? What does that look like for you? If you did have millions
of dollars, what would you do with it? How would you invest it? How would you
spend it? Even if you bought a bunch of cars and a bunch of houses and traveled
around the world 11 times, what would you do after that? You want to have this
wealth. You want to have more finances. You may not know how it’s going to
come about, but the first step is just having the desire. What does that look like
and what does that feel like?
How do you feel about that desire? Does it feel possible? Does it feel as if it’s
going to happen for you? Or do you have some limitations coming up, such as, Oh,
it would be great to have millions of dollars, but how will that happen? Or, Oh, it
would be great to be financially independent, but that’ll never happen to me
personally. There can be all kinds of variations to these beliefs, which are all
limitations; they’re all negative; they’re all shutting down your energy flow and
shutting you off from the world of infinite possibilities. Shutting you off from the
world of limitless possibilities. Write those here:
Clean and clear on it. I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. I love
you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. You can combine that with the
seven-second breathing if you wish. Or another clearing technique.
In the following space, write down your takeaway: what your insights were, what
the next steps are, what you are going to do after those.
Possibility Page Session Four
Session Five: Living from the Zero Point
When you think about your finances, your health, your home, your relationships,
whatever comes to mind for you, allow inspiration to direct what you do next. You
might be inspired to set a goal. Go ahead and do so. Because once you set an
inspired goal, an inspired intention, the next steps will become apparent.
Everything happens one step at a time.
One of the big mistakes people make is sitting there thinking they want the entire
plan unfolded before their eyes before they take the first step. It doesn’t work that
way. Life doesn’t work that way. The zero point doesn’t work that way. You take
the first step, and then the next step becomes apparent.
You can become a ninja for good. You can become somebody who is part of a
silent movement to transform the world.
What would it look like for them to have it?
What emotions come up in you when you envision them having it?
Clean and clear on it. I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. I love
you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. You can combine that with the
seven-second breathing if you wish. Or another clearing technique.
It’s easier for you to attract for others than it is to attract for yourself.
The limitations for your own desires are only within you. When somebody else
states a desire, and you focus on their achieving it, you will pretty easily imagine
their having it, because you don’t have the internal blocks that they do. When you
imagine achieving something for yourself, all kind of things may come up. That’s
the whole point of this program. When those things come up, you want to delete
them, you want to erase them, you want to allow them to disappear. You are
deleting all of the different beliefs, the limitations, the programs, the data that
surface as they surface.
Having a guide, having a teacher, having books and audio programs around can
help you stay consistently at the zero point. Because as we both know, when you’re
done listening to this program, you’re going to be high for quite a while, you’re
going to remember a lot of the stories, you’re going to use a lot of the techniques,
but life could rush in and you might forget some of these processes.
Tools to Stay Limitless
In order for you to remember them and to keep practicing them so you can
consistently live this life of limitless possibilities, you might want to have a coach
or have a guide or have someone or some tool to keep you consistent. There’s
nothing wrong with making little notes. I’ve often advised people to put yellow
stickies up on their dashboard or on their computer, on the bathroom mirror, that
tell them Keep cleaning or I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. Or
any number of trigger words that are the reminder for you to keep on keeping on.
That way you can stay in the flow.
The more you can stay in the flow, the more life is going to be easier, you’re going
to find the escalator through life, more of the magic and miracles are going to take
place. The things that you want to attract in your life will happen easier; they’ll
happen quicker, but as long as you stay in the flow. How do you stay in the flow?
By doing these processes, by having a guide, teacher, listening to the audio
programs, working with this workbook, doing the exercises in the audio; all of this
will help you get to and stay at the zero point.
In the following space, brainstorm how you will help yourself practice
Possibility Page Session Five
Session Six: Clearing and Cleaning Exercises for a Zero Point Life
without Limits
Possibility Page Session Six
Empower Yourself with these inspiring programs
from Nightingale-Conant!
The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction
to the Law of Creation
By Dr. Joe Vitale