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Lesson Plan - Solids

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Appendix 1


Year Level: 5 Time: 10:00am 10:55am Students Prior Knowledge:
Date: 20/03/17

Learning Area: Science

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum:

Science Understanding Chemical Science A change of state between solid and liquid can be
caused by adding or removing heat
Solids, liquids and gases have different observable
properties and behave in different ways An understanding that liquids and solids respond to
(ACSSU077) changes in temperature (heating and cooling)

Elaborations An understanding of the properties of various materials

- recognising that substances exist in different states
depending on the temperature Understands how changes from solid to liquid and
- observing that gases have mass and take up liquid to solid can help us recycle materials
space, demonstrated by using balloons or bubbles
- exploring the way solids, liquids and gases change Predicting the effect of heat on different materials
under different situations such as heating and
- recognising that not all substances can be easily
classified on the basis of their observable

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Recall the three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas).
Define and identify the physical observations/ properties of solids.
Identify at least ten examples of solids by creating an online poster/ collage.

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

Ensure the whiteboard is cleaned and ready to use In order to support students who may be
Ensure devices are fully charged struggling with the set activities/ lesson, the
Ensure the interactive whiteboard is ready to use teacher could assist the students by:
Whiteboard markers - Sitting and working with the student
- Providing posters or help cards from previous
iPads (1 per student)
Printed QR Codes made prior to lesson - Adjust grouping decisions, thus rather than
Crossword OR Matching Game made prior to working individually, students could work
lesson collaboratively with a partner
Ensure access to: To accommodate students who may be
QR Scanner visually impaired, those students will be seated
Popplet closer to the board. In order to avoid difficulty
Bubbl.us reading and interpreting instructions, it will be
YouTube ensured that the font size used is reasonable
Pic Collage and easily interpreted
Britannica Image Quest To accommodate those students difficult of
Flickr hearing, it will be ensured that instructions for
activities and any videos used consist of both
Online Timer
written and verbal instructions
Padlet To accommodate those students who may fall
Book Creator under the ESL category, ensure contextually
relevant examples are used.
LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)
Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
1. The teacher will instruct students to clear their desks and wait
patiently for the lesson to begin.
iPads (1 per student)
2. To engage students with todays topic of States of Matter, iPads will
Printed QR Codes
be distributed to all students and QR codes will be placed around the
classroom. The QR codes will be prepared earlier, and link to images/
examples of the states of matter solids, liquids and gases.
3. With their partners, students will complete a room walk where they
QR Scanner
will walk to each station, scan the codes and make a note of the
image they see using the app Popplet.
4. The teacher will ask students to make their way down to the mat
where they will complete a class brainstorm on the interactive
whiteboard using Bubbl.us for the different examples students found
Interactive Whiteboard
at each station.
5. Students will raise their hands and recall an example they saw. The
teacher will then write the example provided into the corresponding
group of either solid, liquid or gas. Examples will include

Solids Liquids Gases

Sand Water Air
Pencil Milk Helium
Desk Coffee Carbon
Apple Tea dioxide
Orange Juice Water Vapor
Ice Cordial Hydrogen Whiteboard
Lollypop Honey Oxygen Whiteboard marker

6. The teacher will then state that these three groups make up the states
of matter. A copy of this brainstorm will be embedded into the Web
Quest to enable student access.
7. The teacher/ Web Quest will inform students regarding the objectives
of todays lesson saying

Today we are going to be focussing on the States of Matter. In

particular, we will be looking at the properties of and examples of Computer/ Laptop/
solids in our world. Device
8. Students will then be asked to return to their desks, log onto their
devices and access the Web Quest - Lesson 1: Solids in the Real
World (http://2017statesofmatternd.weebly.com/)
To access the information for todays lesson you will need to log onto
your device and visit the page
(as written on the whiteboard and emailed to students). Hover over
the tab Tasks and click on Lesson 1: Solids in the Real World.
Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

1. Once students have accessed the Web Quest, students will begin by YouTube
reading a generalised statement outlining the objectives of this
2. Following this, students will be directed to a watch the following video
- Matter Chatter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C33WdI64FiY
3. Once viewed, the teacher/ Web Quest will draw upon the content of
the video and provide an explanation for the phrase States of Matter
and its accompanying content.
Definitions/ Explanations:
Matter: Anything that has mass and takes up space.
States: Groups that share the same properties
Particle: Smallest unit of matter
Solid: State of matter where the particles are very close
together resulting in solids having a definite shape and
Liquid: State of matter where the particles are close together
resulting in a definite volume however they do not have a Crossword OR
definite shape Matching Game
Gas: State of matter where the particles are far apart
resulting in gases not having a definite shape or volume
4. Students will then be directed to complete the crossword puzzle
from crossword Labs (online) which will then be printed and a YouTube
screenshot will be saved OR alternatively a definition matching game

5. Students will then be instructed to watch the following video, further
10:20am explaining the states and their properties.
6. The teacher/ Web Quest will then inform students that todays focus
will be on solids one of the three states of matter with its definition
being rearticulated to students.
Solid: State of matter where the particles are very close
together resulting in a definite shape and volume.
The teacher will draw upon the content of the video previous
shown drawing the particles evident in a solid object on the PicCollage
board. Britannica Image Quest
7. Students will then be tasked with finding examples of solids, creating Flickr
a collage of images of solids. This collage will be created on the iPads
10:25am using PicCollage. Students will be required to find images of at least
10 examples using Britannica Image Quest or Flickr. Features of the
poster should include:
Students name
Definition of a solid
An image/ diagram of the particles of a solid Online Timer
A minimum of 10 examples/ images of solids
8. Students will have 20 minutes to complete this activity. An online timer
(http://www.online-stopwatch.com/snail-racing-timer/) will be set to
ensure this and will be projected onto the whiteboard. Padlet
9. Students will then need to take a screenshot of this an upload it to the
class Padlet.
10. Early finishers will be invited to begin their reflection (see below).
Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
1. The teacher will gather the students attention once the timer has Book Creator
2. The teacher will advise students to open the Book Creator app on
their iPads and complete a reflection on the lesson. Students will
provide responses to the following question:
What was the focus of our science lesson today?
What are the three states of matter?
What is the definition of a solid?
3. Accompanying this reflection, students will embed/ upload/
screenshot the poster/ collage created Titled Solids in the Real
World and include this as a part of their reflection.
4. The teacher will then make a concluding statement summarising the
lesson. The teacher will then restate the lesson objectives and
rearticulate the three states of matter, the focus of the lesson being on
solids and its specific properties. The teacher will also allude to the
focus of the next lesson Liquids in the Real World.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

10:55am 1. The teacher will congratulate students on their performance and
behaviour during the lesson.
2. The teacher will ensure all reflections have been made.
3. Students will be instructed to log off their devices, return the iPads
and wait patiently to be let out to recess.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
To assess whether the objectives of the lesson were met, the use of
anecdotal notes and a checklist will be used. These will relate to the Checklist (attached)
reflection post and accompanying activities which will be marked. An
example of this criterion/ checklist has been included below. Marking Key (attached)

Checklist will include

- Student was able to correctly recall the names of the three states of
(Objective 1)
- Student was able to define and identify the properties of solids
(Objective 2)
- Students was able to identify at least ten examples of solids
(Objective 3)

The use of the checklist and marking key will enable the teacher to
assess whether the class has understood the content covered in
todays lesson. The checklist will identify students who have a sound
initial understanding and those who may require extra support in
future lessons.

Example Checklist
Student Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3:
Student was able Student was able Students was
to correctly recall to define and able to identify
the names of the identify the at least ten
three states of properties of examples of
matter solids solids

Example Marking Key:

Below Satisfactory Above

Satisfactory Satisfactory
Title Student did not Student included
include a title a relevant title
Definition of a solid Student was not Student was able Student was able
able to provide a to provide a to define and
definition of a definition for a further describe a
solid solid solid and its
An image/ diagram Diagram Diagram
of the structure of a identifying the identifying the
solid structure of a makeup of a solid
solid not included was included
A minimum of 10 Student was not Student was able Student was able
examples/ images of able to identify a to identify 10 to identify more
solids minimum of 10 examples of than 10 examples
examples of solids of solids

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