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Awakenings Units: My Baptism Level 3

Sacramental Life Level 4


You will need:

• Underlay – 3 white felt circles
• Basket holding a baby doll in a white gown or wrap.
• Diocesan stole for sacraments of Initiation.
• Fragrant oil and small bowl
• Christ Candle and Baptismal Candle and matches
• Water jug and larger bowl for font

Teacher Background: This action is appropriate during units on the Sacraments eg

What is Baptism? Level 2 and Sacramental Life Level 4.
Encounter the Word activity for Baptism of Jesus Mark 1:9-11.
Point out the blue symbols of the Diocese and Baptism on the white stole. Make it clear
that this is not a pretend Baptism, this lesson invites the children to remember, or look
forward to, their own Baptism.

When children are seated in a circle on the floor, nominate the child on your left as
mother and the child on your right as the father, with rest of the class as godparents.

As you place the three white felt circles on the floor in a triangular shape
one at a time, say:
We baptise in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Hold up the water and say:

This is the water of creation, the water of the flood, the water Jesus was baptised
in and so much more.

Place the water bowl and jug on one of the felt circles. Light the Christ Candle and say:
Jesus said “I am the light” and we light the Christ candle to remind us that Jesus
is always with us.

Place the candle on the second felt circle. Hold up the bowl with the fragrant oil.
The fragrant oil is for the anointing and it reminds us of the Holy Spirit, who is
with us always.

Pick up the doll and ask the ‘parents’

What name have you chosen for your child? Then say I claim you (name) for

As you sign the baby’s forehead with the oil.

What do you ask for your child?

Ask the Godparents.

Are you ready to assist these parents in their duty to help (name) to grow within
the Christian community?
Encountering the Word through Godly Play/Awakenings/Diocese of Ballarat/10
Sign the doll on the forehead in silence
(Name) the Christian community welcomes you with great joy. In its name I
claim you for Christ with the sign of the cross and I invite your parents and
godparents to do the same.

Pass the doll around the circle for all to sign, if time allows
Hold the doll over the large bowl, pour the water over the doll’s head three times as you
I baptise you (name) in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy

Anoint the doll on the forehead with the fragrant oil and say:
God has welcomed you into his Holy people, he now anoints you with the chrism
of salvation.

The white garment (stole) is put on the doll. Say:

You have become a new creation, and have clothed yourself in Christ.

Hold up the Christ Candle and say:

Receive the light of Christ

If age appropriate the ‘father’ lights the Baptismal candle from the Christ candle and
holds it. Say:
Parents and godparents this light is given to you to be kept burning brightly.

You have put on Christ, in him you have been baptised.

Wonder Questions can be omitted after this lesson as it is rather long and the lesson
itself holds enormous wonder.

Reference: The Rites of the Catholic Church as Revised by the Second

Vatican Ecumenical Council. 1976.

The Complete Guide to Godly Play, Jerome Berryman. Vol 3.

Encountering the Word through Godly Play/Awakenings/Diocese of Ballarat/10

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