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11 Baptism

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Sacrament of


In the photo you will see a man with both the

good and bad side shown together as one.
The ancient use to say that it is a continuing
battle which side wins

God through baptism is giving us a new start.

A clean slate. We can be new persons
through the sacrament of Baptism

However, we need to understand that it won’t

take away our responsibility to decide and
always choose goodness. Watch the video on the next slide
Click on the slide please
Insert slide 10. Ought to do
# Message board:

In the video you see a boy choosing to be a

member of the legion
Legion is an elite group of arm soldiers in Greek “Baptizein”
For him, to be member of such an
organization is pride and honor Transliteration of the greek
We aim the same and much more when we
get ourselves baptizedInsert slide 10. Ought to do Washing/cleansing
# Message board:
Click on the quiz box to answer these questions
3. What are they doing?
4. Is it worthy of sharing?

Baptism Scriptures about Baptism
Baptism is the ordinary way Baptism
of salvation for every makes us
human being (CCC1257).
Partakers Members with Temple of
It is the gateway to all in the Christ and the
the other sacraments divine nature co-heirs Holy Spirit
2 Cor 5:17; 1 Cor 6:15;
and the whole 2 Pet 1:4; 12:27; 1 Cor 6:19
Rom 8:17
Christian life. Gal 4:5—7

• Baptism is based on Scriptures and Tradition.

We find numerous passages regarding Baptism
in New Testament.
• The Church also recognized the prefiguration of
baptism in the Old Testament. For example the
Flood in time of Noah (purification), the crossing
of the Red See by the Israelites( liberation).
• We have many evidences from the documents of
the Early Church on the rite of baptism and
Christian initiation. Early Fathers explain the
meaning of the sacraments, for example St.
Ambrose “On Mysteries” says that we are
partakers in the divine nature, members with
Christ and co-heirs

Christ on Baptism:
The Lord himself affirms that
Baptism is necessary for
salvation (CCC 1257)
“I am telling you the
truth…no one can enter the
Kingdom of God unless he
is born of water and This is another truth… follow for your own risks
Spirit.”John 3: 5-7

Christ on Baptism Why is Baptism important?
Jesus himself was Jesus commanded:
baptized by John “Go and make disciples of
all nations, baptizing
(Mt 3 13-17), them in the name of the
manifesting the divine Father and of the Son and
life of the Trinity: of the Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey
the Father, the Son, everything I have
and the Holy Spirit commanded you. Mt 28:19-20.

Who receives Baptism? Who receives Baptism (Infant Baptism)?

Church also baptizes

Anyone who the children of
has Christian Christian parents who
Faith inspired make an act of faith
and commitment on
by God. their child’s behalf.

How do we prepare for Baptism (adult)? Where Baptism takes place?

An adult prepares for Baptism
Baptism normally takes place at a baptismal
by becoming a catechumen.
font in a church.
The formal process and rite for this Ancient Christians had very massive
is called the Rite of Christian baptisteries as we see on the next pictures.
Initiation for Adults (RCIA). They have a great significance. The stairs
signify descending to the waters of Baptism
Baptism is often celebrated as a “old Man” in order to die with Christ to sin
at the Easter Vigil. and than to rise with Christ as a “new man.”

Where Baptism takes place? Where Baptism takes place?
Examples of Ancient

Examples of Ancient

How Baptism takes place? 3 forms of Baptism

Descent to the Waters of Baptism 1. Sacramental by
and Birth of the Spirit
Old Man New Man
2. Desire
3. Blood
Death to sin / Born again

How Baptism is conferred? How Baptism is conferred?

1. By IMMERSION in 2. The proper form (words

water or by the for baptism - Trinitarian
Formula): “[The person’s
pouring of water name] I baptize you in the
(ASPERSION, name of the Father, and of
INFUSION) on the the Son, and of the Holy
head Spirit.”

Symbols of Baptism
Sign of the Cross symbolizes
the claim of the child of God

White Garment symbolizes

purity of soul and the new life
in Christ

Water symbolizes purification,

death and new life
This is an analogy of the new life

Symbols of Baptism
Candle lit from the Paschal Candle
symbolizes the resurrection of Christ in
which we partake

Oil of Chrism symbolizes

Consecration to the
service of Christ

Oil of Catechumens symbolizes A modern day challenge to all

strength and protection baptized in Christ….

Who baptizes? God Parents

A bishop, priest or One who knows their duties and live up

deacon normally to their faith
baptizes Have the duty to look after the child as
their spiritual child
 Incases of necessity
any person can It establishes the spiritual affinity or
baptize spiritual relationship

Theymust use water and the Trinitarian


Duty to teach the truth
Celebration of Baptism
 Presentation of the
 Invitation to Prayer
 Litany of the Saints
 Prayer over the Water
 Profession of Faith:
- Renunciation of Sin
- Profession of Faith

Celebration of Baptism Are you able to answer these questions?

 Baptism  The date of my Baptism

 Explanatory Rites: was_________________
- Anointing with chrism  The place of my Baptism

- Clothing with a was________

Baptismal Garment  My Baptismal name

- Presentation of a is_________________
Lighted Candle  My Godparents’ name

Practical Activity
Thank you for your
Visit a attention
I wish you reflect on
the meaning of
baptismal font Baptism in order to
have a strong Christian

or a baptistry identity and live the

faith consciously and

in a church.
May the Grace of Christ rest in us

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