What Is Baptism?
What Is Baptism?
What Is Baptism?
What is Baptism?
Sacrament of initiation
ourselves with Christianity and it
makes one Christian/Catholic
The door of the Church: because
it is the first of 7 sacraments
received by a Catholic not only in
time but also in priority since the
receiving of the other Sacraments
depends upon this.
What is Baptism?
Because when we are baptised its a visible sign that we share in Jesus life
and death and resurrection. We are marked by it
Brief History
Mosaic Law
Ezekiel 16: 9
Brief History
Baptism in Adulthood
According to the Roman Catholic
Archdiocese of Manila
Baptism in Adulthood
According to the Roman Catholic
Archdiocese of Manila
Baptism in Adulthood
Effects of Baptism
The Remission of All Sins, Original and Actual
This is clearly stated in the Bible. As stated in Acts 2:38, Be baptized, everyone for the remission
of your sins; and you shall receive the Holy Ghost. For the promise to you and your children and to
all that are far off, whomsoever the Lord our God shall call.
St. Paul in the fifth chapter of his Epistle to the Ephesians beautifully represents the whole
Church as being baptized and purified (5:25sq): Christ loved the Church, and delivered himself up
for it: that he may sanctify it, cleansing it by the washing of water in the word of life: that he might
present to himself a glorious Church, and not having a spot or a wrinkle, or any such thing; but it
should be holy and without blemish.
The prophecy of Ezechiel (36:25) has also been understood of baptism: I will pour upon you clean
water, and you shall be cleansed from all your filthiness (inquinamentis), where the prophet is
unquestionably speaking of moral defilements.
In the profession of faith prescribed by Pope Innocent III for the Waldensians in 1210, we read: We
believe that all sins are remitted in baptism, both original sin and those sins which have been
voluntarily committed. The Council of Trent (Sess. V., can. v) anathematizes whomsoever denies
that the grace of Christ which is conferred in baptism does not remit the guilt of original sin; or
asserts that everything which can truly and properly be called sin is not thereby taken away.
Necessity of Baptism
There are two necessity of baptism
Means (medii)
Precept (prcepti)
Recipients of Baptism
Unborn Infants
Insane persons
Children of Jewish and Infidel parents
Children of Protestant parents
With the Consent of non-Catholic parents
Adjuncts of Baptism
(1) Baptisery - The space set aside for baptism. It is a separate building constructed for the purpose of
administering baptism.
(2) Baptismal Water - The water prescribed by the Church. Consecrated on Holy Saturday or on the eve
of Pentecost.
(3) Holy Oils - In baptism, the priest uses the oil of catachumens, which is olive oil and chrism, the latter
being a mixture of balsam and oil. The oils consecrated by the bishop on Maundy Thursday.
(4) Sponsors - When infants are solemnly baptized, persons assist at the ceremony to make profession
of the faith in the childs name. This practice comes from antiquity and is witnessed to by Tertuliian, St.
Basil, St. Augustine and others. Such persons are designated, sponsores, offerentes, susceptores,
fidejussores, and patrini. The English term is godfather and godmother.
(5) Baptismal Name - The priest is directed to see that obscene, fabulous, and ridiculous names, or those
of heathen gods or of infidel men be not imposed. On the contrary the priest is to recommend the
names of saints. This rubric is not a rigorous precept, but it is an instruction to the priest to do what he
can in the matter. If parents are unreasonably obstinate, the priest may add a saints name to the one
insisted upon.
(6) Baptismal Robe - In the primitive Church, a white robe was worn by the newly baptized for a certain
period after the ceremony (St. Ambrose, De Myst., c. vii). In our present ritual, a white veil is placed
momentarily on the head of the catechumen as a substitute for the baptismal robe.
Emergency Baptism
The one who will administer the Sacrament of Baptism has the INTENT and CONSENT of the
parents or guardian of the person in the state of articulo mortis
The person who will administer the Sacrament was the EXACT WORDS that are required to
make the baptism valid
The water be sprinkled in intervals in the head of the person being baptized
If the person in the state of articulo mortis survives there can be a proper
baptismal rights to be administered in the church