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The Church Sustained by The Holy Spirit

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mo ba ang
Espiritu Santo
na kumilos sa
iyong buhay
Pope Francis described the
Holy Spirit as the traveling
companion of the Church and
of every Christian.
He explains that it is only by
the power of the Holy Spirit
that we are able to recognize,
proclaim, and show in our
lives “Jesus is Lord” – Pope
When the time of Pentecost was fulfilled,
they were all one place together. And
suddenly there came from the sky a noise
like a strong driving wind, and it filled the
entire house in which they were.
Then there appeared to them tongues of fire,
which parted and came to rest on each one
of them. And they were all filled with the
Holy Spirit and began to speak in different
tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to
The Church throughout all Judea,
Galilee, and Samaria was at peace. It
was being built up and walked in the
fear of the Lord, and with the
consolation of the holy Spirit in grew
in numbers.

Acts 9:31
When the work which the Father gave
the Son to do on earth was
accomplished, the Holy Spirit was sent
on the day of Pentecost in order that He
might continually sanctify the Church.”

Then the Church was openly displayed

to the crowds and the spread of the
Gospel among the nations, through
preaching, was begun.”
So that she can fulfil her mission, the Holy
Spirit “bestows” upon the Church varied
hierarchic and charismatic gifts, and in this
way directs her. Henceforward the Church,
endowed with gifts of her founder and
faithfully observing His precepts of charity,
humility, and self-denial, receives the
mission of proclaiming and establishing
among all peoples the Kingdom of Christ
and of God, and she is on earth the seed and
the beginning of that Kingdom.”
When Jesus was risen from the dead
and appeared to the disciples, the
disciples were filled with Holy Spirit.
He breathed on them the Holy Spirit
saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If
you forgive the sins of any, they are
forgiven then if you retain the sins of
any they are retained.” It was the first
time the disciples were filled with the
Holy Spirit.
The second time the apostles
were filled with the Holy Spirit
was on the day of Pentecost at
the upper room: And suddenly
there came from the sky a noise
like a strong driving wind, and
it filled the entire house in
which they were.
“Then there appeared to them
tongues of fire, which parted
and came to rest on each one of
the. And they were all filled
with the Holy Spirit and began
to speak in different tongues, as
the Spirit enabled them to
The descent of the Holy Spirit
upon the apostles is called
Pentecost and is considered the
“birthday of the universal
church.” The followers of Jesus
who had gathered in the upper
room in Jerusalem were
considered the first members of
the Catholic Church.

The Holy Spirit gave them the

grace to preach the Good News
During Pentecost, the apostles were
transformed from scared and timid
followers of Jesus to courageous
proclaimers of the Gospel. To enable
them to reach out to the different
people gathered in the place, the Holy
Spirit gave them the power to speak in
different languages.

Peter, empowered by the Holy Spirit,

began proclaiming that
After the initial work of the
apostles on Pentecost, they
began to embark on their
missionary journeys and
forming communities of
faithful Christians.

It was through the Holy

Spirit that members of the
Church grew in numbers.
The mission to bring the Faith to
those who did not know Jesus was
not easy. Not only did the apostles
take long and uncomfortable
journeys to far-away places, they
also have to face the attacks of
those who did not want to accept

The apostles were imprisoned,

tortured, and most of
Throughout the course of time, the
Church had undergone so many
persecutions but the faith of the
disciples remained strong because
the Holy Spirit was working on
their lives, strengthening them, and
empowering them to spread God’s
Word to the ends of the world.
They were not afraid to proclaim
their faith because they knew that
the Holy Spirit was always with
them. Truly, Jesus did not abandon
His Church.

Today, the Church still experiences

persecution, but it
continues to grow through the help
of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit strengthens
us and empowers us to do
will and to live a life with
God. We need to invoke the
Spirit to feel God’s
empowering presence.
As Pope Francis says in his
homily, we need to open our
Holy Spirit because He can
only work in us and through us
if we do. We pray that the Holy
Spirit work in our lives so that
we may be reconciled always
with God and with His Church.

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