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Friday Flyer: You Don't Have To Break The Bank To Play Golf!

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Friday Flyer July 9, 2010

You Don’t Have to Break the Bank to Play Golf!

Lake Monticello Golf Course Offers Trial Membership: Mark Marshall, Lake
Monticello’s PGA Professional, has announced a new trial membership with reduced rates
on weekend afternoons of golf. The program, effective July through September, will
increase play and give working families an opportunity to enjoy the course at member
rates. Find details at www.lakemonticellogolf.org or at the Pro Shop (589-3075).

IT WAS A BLAST! The Independence Day celebration on July 3 was a huge success and loads of fun from the 5-K at 7AM through
the giant fireworks display after dark. Our special thanks to numerous volunteers and LMOA staff, plus the LM Fire & Rescue and
Water Rescue, Water Safety Patrol for their vigilance throughout the event. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the
participants in competitions and other activities for an exciting day. Look for photos of the day’s activities on cable channel 10 and the
Facebook page for Lake Monticello Owners’ Association (LMOA).
• 9th Annual 5-K: For the second year, the race started and ended at Bunker Ballfield, covering the remainder of the distance on the
first nine holes of the golf course. With a record 202 entries this year, Matt Barresi was the men’s overall winner and Laura Pramstaller
was the women’s overall winner. For a full winners and placement list, click on the link on website homepage at www.lmoa.org.
• Lake Swim: There were 146 entries for the quarter-mile lake swim, still short of the record 274 in 2009, before swimmers were
required to pass a swimming proficiency test and to swim without the aid of a flotation device. Overall winners were Zach Switzer in first
place, Sito Arroyo in second place and Michelle Caron in third place. For a list of winners by division, click on the link on website
homepage at www.lmoa.org.
• Sand Sculpture: There were 29 sand sculptures this year, slightly fewer than in 2009. Winners for most original were Rebecca
Miller and Lauren Bailey in the 12 and under division, Axelle Eichner and Kevin Caruso in the 13 and over division and the Taibl Family
in the family division. Winners for most artistic were Gregory and Gavin Miller, 12 and under; Michael Cullinan, 13 and up; and the
Skinner, Roberts and Kelly families for the family division. For most patriotic, Travers and Schrade, 12 and under; Gave Peral, 13 and
up; and the Neifert Family.
• Horseshoe Competition: Winners this year were Jerry Passer and Walt Stenhouse in first place and Bobby Glasscock and Jerry
Wormuth in second place.

LMOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS STATEMENT to Fluvanna Citizen’s Water Committee on alternatives for developing water
infrastructure in the county to meet forecasted needs over the next 40 years:
“The Lake Monticello Owners’ Association (LMOA) Board of Directors believes that providing a source of water to the Zion
Crossroads development area is key to the economic growth and expansion of the tax base of Fluvanna County. The LMOA Board
would encourage the County to take an approach that achieves the county goals while minimizing the financial burden on the members
of the Lake Monticello Owners’ Association.
“We do have potential concerns related to where the pipeline might be positioned if installed along Route 600. Specifically our
concerns would be related to disruption of properties of our members and concerns over the possibility of crossing of the pipeline just
below the main dam for Lake Monticello.
“The LMOA Board has not had an opportunity to adequately review the options and would like to have additional information
addressing the routing, safety and economic considerations prior to issuing an opinion on the options currently under consideration.”

AD HOC COMMITTEE ON USE OF CONTRACEPTION to control deer within Lake Monticello will meet on Mon., July 12, at 7PM in
the Faulconer Room to elect a chair and secretary and to talk about the committee’s duties, as described in its charge.

2011 BUDGET PROCESS BEGINS: A budget kickoff meeting, the first work session of the 2011 budget preparation schedule, will be
held on Tues., July 13, at 6PM in the Terrace Game Room. The Board of Directors, Finance and other committees, General Manager
and Staff will discuss general budget expectations, guidelines, etc. Members are welcome to attend. Time will be allotted for member
comments of 5 minutes per member on the 2011 budget. Sign up required before the call to order.
BOARD/COMMITTEE CHAIRS WORK SESSION will be held on Mon., July 19, at 7PM in the Terrace Room. The purpose of the
meeting is for Directors and Committee chairs to discuss current committee activities and the status of projects. All committee chairs
are urged to attend or to designate representatives. Members are welcome to attend. Time will be allotted for member comments on
the agenda topic before the discussion begins.

PETS MUST NOT RUN AT LARGE: LMOA Policy requires that pets must be on a leash at all times when
off the owner’s property. Please be considerate of your neighbors and your pets by following this policy.

SCOOP THAT POOP! It’s amazing that dog and cat owners continue to allow their pets to respond to nature’s call anywhere they
choose and still leave it lying where it fell. Just this week, within a two-block area, your editor observed three otherwise considerate dog
owners simply watching as their animals did their business on the right away in front of a home then casually walking away without a
second glance or any attempt to remove the droppings. Please respect the policy that requires you to clean up after your pet, and
respect your neighbors who must either clean it up themselves or live with the mess left behind.

A SMALL EFFORT RESULTS IN LARGE BENEFITS: If every person who uses one of Lake Monticello’s five beaches or enjoys time
on the lake simply removes their own trash, our lake would be healthier and more beautiful. Recently, members of the U.S. Coast
Guard Auxiliary (Flotilla 88) here at the Lake completed a thorough litter and debris clean up at all five beaches. LMOA very much
appreciates the once-a-year activity performed by a group of dedicated volunteers. But our lake needs attention every day from those
who use it and those who live along it. Our lake may seem invincible, but it depends on all of us to protect it. Let’s all pitch in to keep it
clean and healthy.

BINGO SUPPORTS OUR EMERGENCY SERVICE SQUADS: Support the Lake Monticello Fire & Rescue Squads by playing Bingo
on Thursday evenings, with $1,000 jackpot and new games. All proceeds support the local budget and enable our volunteers to
respond to life and property threatening emergencies right here in our community. Doors open at 5:30PM; Early Birds begin 6:45.
Questions? Call 591-1018.

LAKE SWIMMING RESTRICTIONS: There are five beaches around the lake for swimmers and sun bathers to enjoy. Because we
share the lake with boaters, skiers and fishermen, there are safety rules that apply throughout the lake. Please comply with these
swimming restrictions for the safety and enjoyment of all who use the lake:
¾ Swimmers at any of the beaches must remain within the roped off areas.
¾ Lakefront owners and their guests are permitted to swim in the main lake and its coves within 50 feet of their own shoreline.
¾ Swimming across coves or across the lake is not permitted except as authorized by the General Manager.
¾ Swimming and use of any raft, inner tube, air mattress or other floatation device is not permitted in the normal traffic flow pattern in
the coves or the main body of the lake.
¾ Swimming is not permitted:
• from boats or other watercraft in the lake
• within the Marina dock or launch area or within the Marina area marked with buoys
• from the dam
• in the vicinity of the spillway
• in the Tufton/Fishing Lake or any pond on the Golf Course

FISHING PIER FUNDRAISING UPDATE, as of June 29: Bo’s Pier Group reports that $19,151 has been raised for construction of
the community fishing pier. That’s 77% of the estimated $25,000 required. Still more is needed to begin this community project. Send
your donations of any size to Bo’s Pier Group, 265 Turkeysag Trail, Suite 102, #130, Palmyra, VA 22963. Make checks payable to
LMOA, marked for the pier fund. Donation forms are available at the Administration Office and at

HAPPY HOUR AT THE EAGLES NEST Monday through Thursday afternoons, from 3 to 4PM. Free wings!

BOAT REGISTRATIONS BEING CHECKED: All watercraft using the lake must be registered and display a current sticker. LMOA
Staff will be checking for current stickers. Avoid penalties by paying your registration at the Marina.

CANOE STORAGE FEES ARE DUE: If you are storing your canoe at the Marina, please pay at the Marina. Also, canoes, like all
water craft, must be registered before being used in the lake.
LAKE SAFETY REMINDER: The Lake Preservation Committee reminds residents that contamination of the lake can occur at any
time after heavy rains. Please protect your own health – avoid lake water contact for 24 to 48 hours after heavy rain or until any posted
restrictions have been lifted. Check for alerts at the beaches and the LMOA information resources on cable TV channels 10 (977) and
14 (978) and the LMOA website at www.lmoa.org.

TO BAG OR NOT TO BAG TRASH: Place all household trash into the trash cart. It is not necessary to bag it, but you may bag
garbage for sanitation purposes or to reduce contamination of recyclables. All bags used will be opened. Items that can be recycled
directly as raw material for new items will be retrieved from bagged and loose trash. The remainder will be used to fuel electricity at
James Madison University.

y Thurs. – Wed., July 15 – 21, 9AM and 7PM: A photo account of 2010 Newcomers & Old Friends activities.
y Channel 10 Presents will be on hiatus through August, except for Board meetings and other special shows.

[LMOA events & activities are printed in bold type.]
Mon., July 12 8AM Aerobics, TR
9AM Duplicate Bridge, FR
9:30AM Beautification Corps, TR
12:30PM Mah Jongg for Fun, FR
1PM Sewing Circle, FR
6PM Brownie Troop 1100, TGR
6PM Girl Scout Troop 657, TR
7PM Chess Club, TBR
7PM Ad Hoc Committee: Deer Contraception, FR
7:30PM Fluvanna Flutterwheels, TR
Tues., July 13 8AM Environmental Control Committee, OB
8AM Aerobics, TR
9:30AM Basket Weaving, TR
1PM Canasta, FR
1PM Casual Bridge, FR
5:30PM Girl Scout Troup 2047, TR
6PM 2011 Budget Kickoff, TGR
7:30PM Broadcast Group, FR
Wed., July 14 7:30AM Rotary Club, AG
9AM Line Dancing, TR
9:30AM Ladies’ Bridge, FR
4PM Golf Committee, CR
4:30PM LM Swim Team Meet (C’ville), P/TR
6:30PM Rivanna Lions Club, FR
7PM Crafting Group, TBR
7PM Lake Preservation Committee, TGR
Thurs., July 15 8AM Aerobics, TR
10AM Ladies’ Duplicate Bridge, FR
12:15PM Mah Jongg, FR
1PM Piecemakers, TR
4PM LM Swim Team Meet raindate, P/TR
6PM Girl Scouts, Juliettes, TGR
7PM Safety & Security Committee, CR
Fri., July 16 8AM Aerobics, TR
1PM Hand & Foot, FR
AG – Ashlawn Grille; ATC – Ashlawn Tennis Courts; BBF – Bunker Ball Field; CBY – Clubhouse Back Yard; CH – Clubhouse; CR –
Crofton Room; OB – Operations Building; EN – Eagles Nest; FR – Faulconer Room; GC – Golf Course; P – Pool; PS – Pro Shop; TGR
– Terrace Game Room; TBR – Terrace Board Room; TR – Terrace Room; TL -- Tufton Lake
y GUARD START will provide a foundation of aquatic and leadership knowledge, attitudes and skills for youth, ages 11 to 14, who may
want to become lifeguards in the future. Participants will learn many lifeguarding skills, but will not be qualified for Red Cross
certification. Classes will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 to 7PM, from July 12 to Aug. 11. Cost will be $85. For more
information or to register, call LMOA Recreation Manager Claire Brown at 466-8101.
y HABITAT FOR HUMANITY GOLF TOURNAMENT, Sat., July 17, at 1PM. (Rain date: July 24) Men’s and women’s teams. Prizes,
raffles. Additional information available at the Pro Shop and by calling 589-4292.
y GROUPS THAT MEET IN LMOA FACILITIES, please remember to notify the Administration Office if you want to cancel; change
date, time or location; or schedule an additional meeting, regardless of the number of persons you expect. Space is limited, and it is
important that we coordinate the master calendar so that all groups have equal opportunity to use the space. Thank you for your

PRO SHOP: Open 7AM – 6:30PM. Carts due 30 minutes before sunset. For tee time or in inclement weather, call (434) 589-3075. For
information go to the website at www.lakemonticellogolf.org.
MARINA: Open 10AM to 7PM daily, selling plus grade gasoline for cars and boats, ice, bait, propane. For information, call (434) 589-
LEAF DISPOSAL SITE inside the fenced area at Tufton Lake is open from 7AM to 7PM daily for leaves only. Dumping of trees,
branches, brush, other yard waste or trash of any kind is not permitted.
EAGLES NEST: Hours of operation: Open Mon – Thurs, 7:30AM – 8PM; open Fri. – Sun., 7:30AM – 5PM. Breakfast Buffet, Sat.
and Sun. 7:30AM to 12N. Happy Hour, 3 – 4PM, Mon. – Thurs. Chair lift available. To-go orders welcome -- call 589-3512. For
information or to schedule a meeting or other event, ask for or email Manager Jet Thompson at Jet.EaglesNest@gmail.com.
ASHLAWN GRILLE: Open Tues. – Sat. 4:30-9PM, and for Sunday brunch from 10:30AM to 2PM in the Clubhouse. For information,
call (434) 591-1151.
POOL: Open daily from 11AM to 7PM. Daily fee $6 adults and kids over 2 years. Under 2 years, free. Trip books and memberships
available. 589-3165.
HORSESHOES, Mon., Tues., Wed. at 10AM at Ashlawn Pits. All over 18 years welcome. For information call 589-4225.
ORGANIZED TENNIS at 8:30AM. Ladies’ tennis – Mon. & Thurs.; men’s tennis – Tues., Wed., Fri.; and mixed doubles tennis -- Sat.

The Friday Flyer is an official weekly publication of the Lake Monticello Owners’ Association. It communicates matters of
general interest and presents information on policies, procedures, activities and events. The editorial staff is responsible for content
based on guidelines set forth in policy. Deadline for submission of announcements and news is 5PM on Wednesday, unless otherwise
announced. Email announcements to palexander@lmoa.org or drop off at the Administration Office. Submission does not guarantee
publication. The Friday Flyer is available at 15 locations around the community, online at www.lmoa.org and on cable TV channel
14/978 for your convenience. For more information, call (434) 589-8263, extension 111.

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