Standard(s): CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.4
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Objective(s): SWBAT understand the structure behind Sonnets and produce their own 14
line rhythmic Sonnet.
WICOR Strategies Students will SLOs Addressed
Writing Students will begin Students will R-students are
class with a Quick produce individual writing daily
How will students use write responding written responses, through quick
writing as a tool of to the prompt: which will be their writes to get them
learning? Write about a time ticket out the door. engaged in the
in your life where enduring
you felt the understanding for
smallest decision the unit.
had the greatest
significance on Students will P-preparing for
your life. produce focus notes college and career
to guide their note through written
taking process. work and academic
Students will set These notes are language. Focus
up and take focus required to have an notes help students
notes on the essential question prepare for college
details and and summary. and guide their
information about learning.
Inquiry Teacher will begin Students will I-students are
instruction with produce verbal inquiring and with
What questions will I asking students to answers to what an each other and the
ask? How will I facilitate review what Iambic pentameter teacher about
students asking Iambic Pentameter is. By having questions posed to
questions? means. Students students inquire them. Students are
will discuss with and review with also learning to
their group their peers first discuss with their
members for 1 allows them time to peers before asking
minute and then get their thoughts the teacher.
teacher will cold together before
call for an answer. being put on the P-preparing for
spot. college and career
Always ask through pushing
students, What students to inquire
questions might Students will about assignments.
you have produce questions Students are
throughout the and be open to pushed to always
unit to ensure raising their hand in review information
understanding and class. and ask peers for
prompt inquiry. advice.
Collaboration Students will Students will I - students are
collaborate with produce a clear collaborating and
How will I facilitate their small groups direction of what inquiring with each
student collaboration? on what they want they are going to other during small
the subject of their write about in their group.
Sonnet to be. sonnet.
P-students are
Students will preparing for
collaborate with college and career
their peers on Students will through
what their most collaborate and collaboration.
important point of explain their most College requires a
todays lesson was important point to lot of group work,
with their small their peers as a which their small
group. closing activity. groups are
E-Students are
engaging in school
culture through
Organization Student materials Students will fill out P-Prepare for
can all be found on assignments/works college and career
How will students set canvas or Google heets. by teaching
goals for their learning? classroom. students
How will I help students organization
manage the Students will be strategies
tasks/materials of the responsible for
lesson? How will I release their own learning
responsibility to students by keeping track of
for their own learning? their own
assignments and
Students will be
given a model for
their Sonnet and
then a worksheet.
As individual
practice they are
too turn it in
before the
Reading Students will read Students will edit R-students are
each others their peers work reading and writing
What will students read? sonnets. Before once before turning daily through
What strategies will I use turning in their in their assignment. various strategies.
to facilitate that reading? Sonnets students Practicing peer
are required to do editing gets them
a peer-share. ready for College by
stressing the
importance and
editing work.