Area and Perimeter
Area and Perimeter
Area and Perimeter
Interdisciplinary Connections:
This lesson is specifically designed for a 4th grade math only class. These specific TEKS included could also be used in a science lesson as well
when measuring and converting.
Lesson Duration:
30-45 minutes
4.1 C- Select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including
mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems.
4.1 D- Communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning, and their implications using multiple representations, including symbols,
diagrams, and language as appropriate.
4.1 E- Create and use representations to organize record, and communicate mathematical ideas.
4.1 G- Display, explain, and justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral
4.5 C- Use models to determine the formulas for the perimeter of a rectangle (l + w + l + w or 2l x 2w), including the special form for
perimeter of a square (4s) and the area of a rectangle (l x w).
4.5 D- Solve problems related to perimeter and area of rectangles where dimension are whole numbers.
4.8 C- Solve problems that deal with measurements of length, intervals of time, liquid volumes, mass, and money using addition,
subtraction, multiplication, or division as appropriate.
Students will determine the area and perimeter of composite figures.
ELPS 2I: (Listening) Demonstrate listening comprehension by responding to appropriate questions relating to content and grade-
level needs.
ELPS 3E: (Speaking) Ask and explain information using key terms needed in content, and share in cooperative groups.
ELPS 4D: (Reading) Use pre-reading supports such as graphic organizers, illustrations, and pre-taught topic-related vocabulary to
enhance comprehension of written text.
ELPS 5B: (Writing) Write using newly acquired content information, vocabulary and skills.
Class Information:
Updated 6/29/1712:48 AM
There are not any students in this class that receive special services.
Academic Vocabulary:
Composite figure- A figure (or shape) that can be divided into more than one of the basic figures.
Lesson Procedures:
Hook: Has everyone noticed all the tape on the floor? Each table group has a figure next to their group. We will be measuring these
figures and finding the area and perimeter.
When measuring with a ruler, where do you start your measurements? The very edge or where it says 0?
I have a composite figure, what can I do to make measuring all the sides easier?
When finding the area of a composite figure, how do I find the perimeter? How do I find the area?
What unit of measurement are we measuring in?
Your figures are big, what happens if your ruler is not long enough?
Guided Practice:
Lets do an example together before you get started. Go over a composite figure using a ruler. Demonstrate how to use a ruler and go
over again how to find the area and perimeter of a composite figure. Go over measuring to the nearest inch.
Independent Practice:
Working together with their table groups, they will find the area and perimeter of their figure. They will show their work and write their
area and perimeter on their white board. Then the groups will compare answers. Once they are done, we will rotate once. The will
find the area and perimeter of their new figure then compare and discuss answers with the other group. Give the groups 8 minutes to
figure out area and perimeter, adjust time if needed.
We will discuss each groups findings and how they got their answers. Talk about if their answers were the same as the group they
rotated with.
Updated 6/29/1712:48 AM
The table group shapes will be differentiated by the group of students that sit at that table, and they way they will rotate. We will give
the measuring tape to the lowest group, yard sticks to the middle group, and rulers to the highest group.
Anticipated Difficulties:
Not understanding how to measure properly with the tools they have.