This document defines variables used to store customer booking information for hotel rooms, including arrays to hold customer names, addresses, and phone numbers, along with variables for the room number, a flag for booking status, and switches to control user choices for tasks like modifying or deleting customer records stored in an external data file.
This document defines variables used to store customer booking information for hotel rooms, including arrays to hold customer names, addresses, and phone numbers, along with variables for the room number, a flag for booking status, and switches to control user choices for tasks like modifying or deleting customer records stored in an external data file.
This document defines variables used to store customer booking information for hotel rooms, including arrays to hold customer names, addresses, and phone numbers, along with variables for the room number, a flag for booking status, and switches to control user choices for tasks like modifying or deleting customer records stored in an external data file.
This document defines variables used to store customer booking information for hotel rooms, including arrays to hold customer names, addresses, and phone numbers, along with variables for the room number, a flag for booking status, and switches to control user choices for tasks like modifying or deleting customer records stored in an external data file.
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room_no-Stores the room number.
name[]-An array to store the names of the customers. address[] An array to store the address of the customers. phone[]-An array to store the phone numbers of the customers. choice-It stores the switch value that the user gives regarding which function he wants to perform. r-It stores the room number entered by the user. flag-It stores the condition whether the room is booked or not. choice1-It stores the details of whether to modify entered record or delete it. pos-It stores the position where modification is to be carried out. ch-It stores switch value of whether to delete a record or not. Record.dat-It is a file that stores the record,, address,phone number of the customer.
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