User Defined Info Window in CAT1000S
User Defined Info Window in CAT1000S
User Defined Info Window in CAT1000S
1 Table of Contents
3.1 Sections
The file structure of a layout format file for the info windows is similar to an INI
file. Different sections are available.
The name of section is enclosed by square brackets
(„[name of section]“).
Some names of section depend on variable values.
Use each name of section only once in the whole file.
If a section has been defined twice, the first entry of the file is valid.
A section ends with the beginning of a new section.
Always use capital letters for the name of section.
3.2 Variables
Within a section, different variables are defined.
These variables can have different values.
The value of a variable is set by assigning the name of a value,
followed by an equal sign and the value, e.g. NoOfElem=27.
Some variables can have more than one value; if these are to be
set, a comma must separate them.
Some names of variables depend on values of other variables.
Use each name of variable only once within a section.
If a variable has been defined twice, the value of the first variable is
[FORMAT] There is one format section in the file. This section contains variables
valid for the different types of deviation windows (e.g. surface
measurement mode and tolerance mode). Each type can have an own
style for the info window. This style is described in the corresponding
main section. It is possible to use the same style (main section) for
different types.
SurfModeSec Number of the main section for the layout of
surface measurement mode windows. This is an
integer between 1-999. For example Value 5
means, the layout description for the surface
measurement mode info windows can be found
int the section [main005].
BorderModeSec Number of the main section for the layout of
border measurement mode info windows.
TolModeSec Number of the main section for the layout of
position tolerance windows.
DistModeSec Number of the section for the layout of distance
along probing direction info windows.
Width With of the info window in 0.1 mm.
Height Height of the info window 0.1 mm.
It is possible to use the same main section for different measurement modes. A
field, which makes no sense for the specific measurement mode (e.g. probe
radius for a position tolerance) remains blank.
[MAINXXX] This section contains variables valid for the main section of a
measurement mode. XXX determines the three-digit page
number. The number must always be a three-digit number.
NoOfTab Each info window consists of one or more
tables. This is the number of tables in the
main section. Two values have to be
allocated, the start number and the end
number of the table elements. Any table
between the start and the end number is
assigned to the main section For example:
NoOfTab=3,6 defines, that these info windows
consist of 4 independent tables. These tables
are described in the sections [Table003] to
RGBBackColor 3 values between 0 and 255 (Red-Green-
Blue) for the Background Colour of the info
PrintBack Use the background colour also for printout
Use white background for printout =0
Use the given colour for printout =1
[TABLEXXX] This section contains variables for the print element table. XXX
determines the three-digit table number. The table number must
always be a three-digit number, i.e. 001 must be entered for table 1.
DrawRect Defines the draw range of the table. Four values
have to be assigned: X position, Y position, width
and height. All values have to be entered in 0.1 mm.
FontName Defines the used font. This has to be an installed
system font e.g. 'Arial'
FontSize Defines the font size in percent. This value refers to
the height of the table line.
FontStyle Defines the style of the characters. There are 3
0: Normal
1: Italics
2: Bold
NoRowCol Defines the number of rows and columns of the
table. Two values have to be assigned. The first
value indicates the number of rows, the second the
number of columns. The number of rows must
correspond to the text variable („TextXXX“).
WdOfRow Defines the column width in percent. This value
refers to the table width. The number of values
depends on the number of columns in the variable
„NoRowCol“. The total of the variable values must
be 100%.
TblStyle Defines the frames lines of the table, i.e. if the table
is printed with or without frame, row and column
lines. The value is calculated by connecting a string
out of the following characters:
Left line =l
Right line =r
Upper line =u
Lower line =e
Inner line of first row =w
Inner line of row =o
Inner line of first column= n
Inner line of column =c
FramColor Defines the colour style for the table frame lines
Colour from tolerance class =t
Black =b
White =w
White for display black for printout =f
The last style is necessary, if you use no
background colour (PrintBack=0). If you would use
white as colour for the frame lines, you would see
nothing on the printout
TextFlg Text alignment in the table. This refers to the
alignment within the fields defined by WdOfRow, .
Possible values:
Right justification =1
Left justification =2
Centered =3
NumFlg Alignment for integer and real values in the table.
This refers to the tabs. Possible values:
Right justification =1
Left justification =2
Centered =3
TextXXX This variable contains the text for the table. XXX
determines the three-digit text number. The text
number must always be a three-digit number, i.e.
001 must be entered for text 1. The text number
depends on the number of rows in the variable
„NoRowCol“. The columns of the table must be
separated by a semicolon („ ; “). A semicolon is
necessary for each column.
4 Keywords
Keywords are used in the text of the tables to apply the data of CAT1000S to an
info window. The keywords must always be enclosed by double angle brackets
e.g. „«keyword»“.
Keywords Description
5 Example
Here is an example to define the following already existing info window:
; In this example, the same main section is used for all measurement modes.
NoOfTab=3,4; We need 2 tables to define this layout.
They are defined in [TABLE003] and [TABLE004]
FramColor= t
FramColor= t