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Program to Create a GEOPAK Part Program

with the Help of CAD Data

User's Manual v.3.0

Contents CAT1000P

1 Contents CAT1000P

1 .................. CONTENTS CAT1000P ................................................................................. 2

2 .................. GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................ 6

3 .................. HELP HINTS .................................................................................................. 7

4 .................. HELP FOR CAT1000P AND CAT1000S ....................................................... 8

5 .................. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 9

5.1 ............... Introduction: Purpose .................................................................................. 9

5.2 ............... Important features of CAT1000P................................................................. 9

5.2.1 ............ Automatic element measurement by mouse click .......................................... 9
5.2.2 ............ Scanning in CAT1000P .................................................................................. 9
5.2.3 ............ Automatic measurement of multiple elements................................................ 9
5.2.4 ............ CAT1000P and CAT1000S .......................................................................... 10
5.2.5 ............ Interaction with GEOPAK ............................................................................. 10

5.3 ............... Programstart and further steps................................................................. 10

5.4 ............... Create geometric element: Start ............................................................... 11

5.5 ............... Scanning inCAT1000P ............................................................................... 11

5.5.1 ............ Option scanning: Work steps........................................................................ 12
5.5.2 ............ Special cases ............................................................................................... 12
5.5.3 ............ Scanning: Graphical representation ............................................................. 12

6 .................. ELEMENT LINE ........................................................................................... 14

6.1 ............... Elementline ................................................................................................. 14

6.2 ............... Help when working with the dialogue window ........................................ 15

6.3 ............... General inputs (line)................................................................................... 16

6.4 ............... Programming help...................................................................................... 16

6.5 ............... Defining the position of the line................................................................ 17

6.6 ............... Measurement height................................................................................... 18

6.6.1 ............ Absolute measurement height...................................................................... 18

6.7 ............... Edge points ................................................................................................. 19

6.7.1 ............ Edge point: Start........................................................................................... 19
6.7.2 ............ Edge point: End ............................................................................................ 19
6.7.3 ............ Measurement height..................................................................................... 19

6.8 ............... Surface points............................................................................................. 19

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Contents CAT1000P

6.9 ............... Check measurement points....................................................................... 20

6.9.1 ............ Probing direction........................................................................................... 20

6.10 ............. Settings for probe display ......................................................................... 21

6.11 ............. Minimum edge distance............................................................................. 22

7 .................. EDIT: CIRCLE.............................................................................................. 24

7.1 ............... Elementcircle .............................................................................................. 24

7.2 ............... General inputs (circle)................................................................................ 25

7.3 ............... Defining the position of the circle............................................................. 26

7.3.1 ............ Projection...................................................................................................... 27

7.4 ............... Multiple circle measurement ..................................................................... 27

7.5 ............... Work steps "Multiple circle measurement" ............................................. 28

8 .................. ELEMENT CONE ......................................................................................... 30

8.1 ............... Elementcone ............................................................................................... 30

8.2 ............... General inputs (cone)................................................................................. 31

8.3 ............... Defining the position of the cone.............................................................. 32

9 .................. ELEMENT SPHERE..................................................................................... 33

9.1 ............... Element sphere........................................................................................... 33

9.2 ............... General inputs (sphere) ............................................................................. 34

9.3 ............... Defining the position of the sphere .......................................................... 35

10 ................ ELEMENT PLANE (GRID)........................................................................... 36

10.1 ............. Elementplane (grid) .................................................................................... 36

10.2 ............. General inputs (plane)................................................................................ 37

10.3 ............. Defining the position of the plane (grid) .................................................. 38

10.4 ............. Defining the measurement height (plane)................................................ 38

10.5 ............. Terms used in the dialogue "Element plane" .......................................... 39

11 ................ ELEMENT PLANE (CIRCLE) ...................................................................... 41

11.1 ............. Elementplane (circular).............................................................................. 41

11.2 ............. General inputs (plane / circular)................................................................ 42

11.3 ............. Defining the position of the plane (circular) ............................................ 42

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Contents CAT1000P

12 ................ ELEMENT CYLINDER ................................................................................. 44

12.1 ............. ElementCylinder ......................................................................................... 44

12.2 ............. General inputs (cylinder) ........................................................................... 45

12.3 ............. Defining the position of the cylinder ........................................................ 46

13 ................ EDIT ELEMENTS......................................................................................... 47

13.1 ............. Edit Elements (General) ............................................................................. 47

13.1.1 .......... Edit the elements (general) .......................................................................... 47
13.1.2 .......... Check points................................................................................................. 48
13.1.3 .......... Calculate....................................................................................................... 48

13.2 ............. Edit: Line ..................................................................................................... 48

13.2.1 .......... Edit (element line)......................................................................................... 48
13.2.2 .......... Exchange start and end point....................................................................... 49
13.2.3 .......... Change probing direction ............................................................................. 49

13.3 ............. Edit: Circle................................................................................................... 49

13.3.1 .......... Edit (Element circle) ..................................................................................... 49
13.3.2 .......... Angle ............................................................................................................ 50
13.3.3 .......... Movement strategy (circle) ........................................................................... 50

13.4 ............. Edit: Cone.................................................................................................... 51

13.4.1 .......... Edit (Element cone) ...................................................................................... 51
13.4.2 .......... Angle ............................................................................................................ 51
13.4.3 .......... Movement strategy (cone, sphere)............................................................... 52

13.5 ............. Edit: Sphere ................................................................................................ 52

13.5.1 .......... Edit (sphere) ................................................................................................. 52
13.5.2 .......... Angle ............................................................................................................ 52
13.5.3 .......... Height angle (sphere) ................................................................................... 53
13.5.4 .......... Movement strategy (cone, sphere)............................................................... 54

13.6 ............. Edit: Plane (Grid) ........................................................................................ 54

13.6.1 .......... Edit (plane / grid) .......................................................................................... 54
13.6.2 .......... Change probing direction ............................................................................. 54
13.6.3 .......... Exchange / flip start and end point (plane) ................................................... 55
13.6.4 .......... Catch main axis (plane)................................................................................ 56

13.7 ............. Edit Plane (Circle)....................................................................................... 57

13.7.1 .......... Edit (plane / circular)..................................................................................... 57
13.7.2 .......... Angle ............................................................................................................ 57
13.7.3 .......... Movement strategy (cone, sphere)............................................................... 57
13.7.4 .......... Change probing direction ............................................................................. 58

13.8 ............. Edit: Cylinder .............................................................................................. 58

13.8.1 .......... Edit (cylinder)................................................................................................ 58
13.8.2 .......... Angle ............................................................................................................ 58

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Contents CAT1000P

13.8.3 .......... Movement strategy (cylinder) ....................................................................... 59

14 ................ PREPARE MEASUREMENT ....................................................................... 61

14.1 ............. WEPROM ..................................................................................................... 61

14.1.1 .......... Import of Tolerance Data with WEPROM-File.............................................. 61
14.1.2 .......... Example: Feature "Diameter" ....................................................................... 61
14.1.3 .......... Import of CAD-File with Feature File: Steps ................................................. 62
14.1.4 .......... WEPROM Window ....................................................................................... 63
14.1.5 .......... WEPROM: Examples ................................................................................... 64

14.2 ............. Virtual Alignment of Workpiece ................................................................ 64

14.3 ............. Show advanced movement path............................................................... 65

14.4 ............. Collision control CAT1000S and CAT1000P ............................................ 66

14.5 ............. Collision control CAT1000P ...................................................................... 67

14.6 ............. Move CMM................................................................................................... 68

14.6.1 .......... Move CMM ................................................................................................... 68 ....... Purpose of the function "Move CMM"........................................................... 68 ....... Activating the "Move CMM" function ............................................................ 69
14.6.2 .......... "Settings for machine movement" dialogue.................................................. 69
14.6.3 .......... "Move machine" dialogue ............................................................................. 70
14.6.4 .......... Move CMM: Background .............................................................................. 70
14.6.5 .......... Intermediate positions: Three methods ........................................................ 71
14.6.6 .......... Intermediate positions: One or more methods ............................................. 73
14.6.7 .......... Move CMM: Confirm position ....................................................................... 74

15 ................ FURTHER OPTIONS WHEN WORKING WITH CAT1000P ....................... 75

15.1 ............. Tips on working with CAT1000P ............................................................... 75

15.2 ............. Display measured elements ...................................................................... 75

16 ................ SETTINGS.................................................................................................... 76

16.1 ............. Settings for Measurement ......................................................................... 76

16.2 ............. Settings for Measurement: Nominal Value .............................................. 77

16.2.1 .......... Input box "Number of Digits after Comma":.................................................. 77
16.2.2 .......... Input box "Number of Digits after Comma Angle": ....................................... 77

16.3 ............. Settings for CAT1000P Dialogues............................................................. 77

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General information

2 General information
€ CAT1000P assists in the creation of a GEOPAK part program with the aid of
the CAD data of a part.
€ If CAT1000P is used in association with a virtual CMM, measurement jobs
can be programmed as soon as the CAD model is created.
Copyright (c) 2005 Mitutoyo

Neuss, October 2005

Mitutoyo Meßgeräte GmbH
Borsigstraße 8 - 10
D - 41469 Neuss
Telephone (0049 21 37) 10 2 - 0
Fax (0049 21 37) 86 85
E-mail: Mitutoyo GmbH
Both the program itself and this online help are protected by copyright. It is forbidden to
copy them or disseminate them either in whole or in part. The rights are in the sole
possession of the company Mitutoyo Meßgeräte GmbH.

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Help hints

3 Help hints
There are a number of ways to access the help for this program.
‰ Via the menu bar with help / MCOSMOS help. You will then obtain an
overview of the general program groups that Mitutoyo offers. By clicking on
"CAT1000P" you will access the table of contents of this program. You can
then access the topics you require either through the table of contents or the
‰ Via the buttons labelled "? Help" in the dialogue windows. Clicking on one of
these buttons will immediately access the relevant topic.
‰ If you are instructed to "confirm", this can be done either by pressing
<Return>, <Enter> or by activating the OK buttons in the dialogue windows.
‰ If you see coloured or underlined terms in the help texts, a click on these will
bring you to the next topic. Move the mouse cursor to the required term. The
form of the cursor will change to that of a hand with a pointing finger. Click
on the term and the next topic will be displayed immediately. This may be in
the form of a pop-up window containing special information. In any case, you
can follow the standard Windows conventions.

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Help for CAT1000P and CAT1000S

4 Help for CAT1000P and CAT1000S

Since basic display functions of the CAD model and the operation of the 3D-view
in CAT1000P and CAT1000S are identical, there will be some online help topics
that are also the same. These topics are contained in the help for CAT1000S.

See also "CAT1000S contents".

The following topics from the CAT1000S help are also relevant to CAT1000P:
Main window
‰ Window positions
‰ Create a new part
‰ Load model
‰ View and analyse model
‰ Windows and measurement points
‰ Pre-define colours of model
‰ Zoom
‰ Rotate view
Measurement arrangements and measurement course
‰ CAD data: Search surfaces
‰ Selected model point
‰ Clearance height
‰ Manipulate CAD model
‰ Restore surfaces
‰ Geometrical elements
‰ Search edge points
‰ Probe edge point
‰ Edge point measurement: Dialogue
Data evaluation
‰ Define co-ordinate system
‰ Shift / rotate CAD model

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5 Introduction

5.1 Introduction: Purpose

‰ CAT1000P serves to assist in the creation of a GEOPAK part program with
the aid of the CAD data of a part.
‰ If CAT1000P is used in association with a virtual CMM, measurement jobs
can be programmed as soon as the CAD model is created.
‰ If you did not yet load a model, you first should do that (see details of "Load
Model ").
‰ CAT1000P can only be used in conjunction with a CNC co-ordinate
measuring machine.

5.2 Important features of CAT1000P

5.2.1 Automatic element measurement by mouse click
CAT1000P enables you to program element measurements by mouse click. No manual
input of data is required.
‰ You can generate an automatic element measurement inside the CAD model
by mouse click. For this, the elements to be measured need not also be
present as elements in the CAD model.
To generate a line measurement, click on two points of a surface or an edge
in the CAD model.
‰ An automatic element measurement requires no manual input of data into
CAT1000P supports the following elements: Point, line, circle, cone, sphere, plane (grid),
plane (circular) and cylinder.

5.2.2 Scanning in CAT1000P

For the elements line, plane (grid), plane (circular), circle and cylinder you can create the
commands for the automatic element measurement with Scanning.
Please also refer to "Scanning in CAT1000P".

5.2.3 Automatic measurement of multiple elements

The inputs from the last measurement will be automatically suggested for the next
measurement. Ideally, one click within the model will be sufficient to define the entire
measurement for the next element.
You wish to measure several identical bore holes. With the first measurement, you define
the measuring strategy. For all subsequent measurements, just click on the relevant bore

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Editing in GEOPAK
For performing the element measurements, the commands for "Automatic element
measurement" are, whenever possible, transferred to GEOPAK. This makes the
generated part program in the editor clearer and easier to change.

5.2.4 CAT1000P and CAT1000S

‰ Varying purposes

CAT1000P simplifies the creation of part programs. The data for a

measurement task are used directly from the CAD model.

CAT1000S creates nominal / actual comparisons of three-dimensional

surfaces with measurement points.

Common features

The basic functions for displaying the CAD model and for operating the 3D
view are the same in CAT1000P and CAT1000S.

5.2.5 Interaction with GEOPAK

‰ Data from CAT1000P to GEOPAK

CAT1000P only works with the GEOPAK learn mode.

The CAT1000P is used to create part programs with data from the CAD
model. The part program commands for element measurements are stored
in the GEOPAK part program. Furthermore, all commands, e.g. "Tolerate",
"Measure", "Move CMM", are performed in GEOPAK.
‰ Data from GEOPAK to CAT1000P

Commands and data such as "change probe", "clearance height" and "safety
distance" are taken on by CAT1000P.

If an element is open in GEOPAK, this has a direct effect on the CAT1000P

dialogues. In this case, no new element is created in CAT1000P.

5.3 Programstart and further steps

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Load model
Ö Create a new part in the PartManager and start CAT1000P.
€ Upon the first start, CAT1000P displays the dialogue "Load CAD model".
Ö Load the required CAD model.
Ö Then start the GEOPAK learn mode via the menu bar, "Measure", "Learn
mode". Also refer to "Start learn mode".

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Define co-ordinate system

The co-ordinate system in GEOPAK must correspond to the co-ordinate system

of the CAD model.

In case of differing co-ordinate systems, the following options are available:

‰ In GEOPAK you can change the alignment. See also "Define Co-ordinate
‰ In CAT1000P you can shift and/or rotate the CAD model to match the co-
ordinate system in GEOPAK with the co-ordinate system of the CAD model.
See also "Shift/Rotate the CAD Model".
‰ Part alignment for the offline mode.
Now you can start working with CAT1000P. See also " Create geometric element: Start".

5.4 Create geometric element: Start

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

With CAT1000P, you can create the following elements:

"Element point"
"Element line"
"Element circle"
"Element cone"
"Element sphere"
"Element plane / grid"
"Element plane / circular"
"Element cylinder"
Use the menu bar, "Measure", to get to the dialogues or click on the relevant symbol in the
tool bar.

5.5 Scanning inCAT1000P

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
For the elements line, plane, circle and cylinder you can create commands for an
automatic element measurement with Scanning.
Technical prerequisite
You require a "measuring probe".

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How to proceed
For information about the general work steps in the CAT1000P dialogues, refer to:
Element line
Element plane / Grid
Element plane / circular
Element circle
Element cylinder

5.5.1 Option scanning: Work steps

To create commands for automatic element measurement with Scanning, please proceed
as follows (the work steps are the same for the dialogues for the elements line, plane,
circle and cylinder):
Ö Enter into the input field "Number of points" a value of min. "50".

Ö Click on the button "Scanning".

Ö Define the scanning speed (in millimetres per second) in the input field (in
the scanning line at the bottom of the extended dialogue).
Scan speed
Details to the optimum speed you find in your documentation for the probe system and the
CMM. If your CMM is equipped with a controller to scan known elements, it is possible to
use a scan speed of up to 100 mm/sec.

5.5.2 Special cases

Scanning of planes
As GEOPAK has no function "Plane (grid)", CAT1000P sends several commands "Scan
line" to GEOPAK.
Scanning of cylinders
As regards the scanning of cylinders you need to know that only whole cylinders can be
If your controller has the option "Scanning known elements", the measurement proceeds
in a spiral. Otherwise, circles lying on top of one another are measured.
Elements circle and line
In the dialogue window for the element "circle" and the element "line", the scanning line
contains an additional list box "filter". The Gauss filter is preset. Using the downwards
arrow you can select one of the three options.
€ No filter
€ Gauss filter
€ Robust spline filter
Element line
In the dialogue window for the element "line", the scanning line contains, in addition to the
list box "Filter", the input field "Critical wave length". Here, you enter the critical wave

5.5.3 Scanning: Graphical representation

The graphical representation of the measurement points, the move and the probe
direction largely corresponds to the normal representation in CAT1000P.

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€ With scanning, the movement path runs through the centre points of the
measurement point spheres.
€ With scanning, only a few points are represented in the 3D-view.
You want to scan measure 200 points on a line. Only a few, equally distributed points are
€ If all points were represented, this would mean a huge computing effort. The
working sequences with CAT1000S / CAT1000P would slow down.
€ If all points were represented, the 3D-view would be confusing.

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Element Line

6 Element Line

6.1 Elementline
This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

Measurement points (first measurement point displayed in yellow, last measurement point
displayed in red), movement path (green) and probing direction (blue arrows).
Access to dialogue
To get to the dialogue "Element line", use the menu bar "Measure", "Line".

Or click on the symbol in the tool bar.

The objective of the dialogue is to create the part program commands for measuring the
element line.
Extend and reduce dialogue

You can either extend or reduce the dialogue "Element line" using
these buttons.

If you want to create a new part program, the element dialogue offers the data
from the last part program. The data from the extended dialogue are also valid
when you work with the reduced dialogue.

Work steps
We recommend the following sequence for the inputs in the dialogue "Element line":
Ö First define the position of the lines. Refer to "Defining the position of the
Ö Then enter the general data for the element. Refer to "General inputs (line)".
After the data input you can
‰ check the measurement points (refer to "Check measurement points") and
‰ edit the data (refer to "Edit the elements").
‰ If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element line is created. The
commands are transformed to GEOAK for measuring the element.
For general help information when working with the dialogue, refer to "Help when working
with the dialogue window".

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Element Line


You can delete the data inputs in the dialogue at any time. For this, click
on the button "Reset dialogue values" (top left in the dialogue).

The created element is stored as "Automatic element measurement" in the

GEOPAK part program when the following conditions are met: The created
element is positioned in one of the co-ordinate planes.No measurement point is
removed by the function "Check points". No measurement point is removed by
the collision control.

6.2 Help when working with the dialogue window

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
‰ Interaction between dialogue window and CAD model
• The 3D view and the dialogue window are interactive. This means
that by clicking in the model, the corresponding values are shown in
the dialogue window.
• Similarly, keyboard inputs made in the dialogue window directly
influence the 3D view.
‰ At the bottom of the dialogue window, you can see the Status line.
• On the left hand side of the status line, you can read which step the
CAT1000P expects to be the next. In most cases, this will be to click
on the 3D view for the purpose of entering data in the input field of
the dialogue window.
• The right-hand side of the status line displays the valid measurement
points followed by the total possible number of measurement points
in brackets.
‰ The flashing LED symbol indicates the input fields in which data will be
entered as a result of the next mouse click within the model.

‰ As soon as you have activated a dialogue window for measuring an

element, the cursor in the 3D view takes on the form of crosshairs, with an 'i'
displayed in one corner.

‰ In most cases, the 3D view of your

CAD model needs to be altered so that you can place your mouse clicks on
the correct position within the model. To facilitate this, the following functions
are available: Move, Turn, Centre, Animation and Zoom. Refer to "Zoom".

After you have used one of the buttons to change the 3D view it is
necessary to click again on that same button to deactivate the function.

Alternatively, just press the Ctrl-key and use the right or left or both mouse

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Element Line

keys at the same time to turn, shift and zoom. When you release the Ctrl-key
you return to the normal dialogue sequence.

6.3 General inputs (line)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The general inputs are stored for your next measurement. This means that you will
normally make these inputs for an element only once.
Ö Enter the name of the element in the middle section of the dialogue.
€ CAT1000P suggests the next free memory number in the input field
€ The input fields "Name" and "Memory" are displayed as inactive when an
element has already been opened in GEOPAK.
Ö In the input field "Number of points", define the number of points to be
€ Left to the entry "Number of points" you find the button "Automatic
tolerance". For this read the topic "Programming help".

Ö In the middle section of the dialogue window,

select the desired type of calculation using the symbols. See also "Type of

€ In the middle section of the dialogue window you

find further symbols for the programming help (refer to "Programming help").
To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element line".

6.4 Programming help

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The purpose of the programming help is to assist you when taking measurements.

Automatic tolerance
‰ You have the option to subject properties of elements to an automatic
tolerance comparison in GEOPAK, following the measurement.
‰ If the symbol is activated, the "Tolerance comparison" dialogue window will
open automatically immediately after the element is finished. This dialogue
window contains the nominal values associated with the element. These are
taken directly from the model.
‰ This means that it is not necessary to perform the complex process of
reading the data from the drawing and entering it manually into the dialogue

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Element Line

Loop counter
By incrementing the memory number by 1, the loop counter is taken into account –
however under the condition that you are within a loop in GEOPAK. If not, the function is

Automatic element finished

After the commands for element measurement have been transferred from CAT1000P to
GEOPAK, the command "Element finished" is transferred to GEOPAK.
If a clearance height has been defined in GEOPAK and the display of the advanced
movement path is activated, the movement path will be displayed again.

The dialogue is restarted after the measurement

6.5 Defining the position of the line

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
We recommend the following procedure for the option "Select complete edge":
Ö Select "Select complete edge" from the list box.
Ö Click near the edge of a surface within the CAD model. This should be the
surface in which the measurement points will be situated.
€ The LED symbol for "Start point" flashes.
Ö Click on a point in the CAD model. This point defines the position of the start
point on the edge.
€ The LED symbol for "End point" flashes.
Ö Click on a point in the CAD model. This point defines the position of the end
point on the edge.
€ The LED symbol for "Measurement height" flashes.
Ö Click on a point in the CAD model. This point defines the measurement
€ CAT1000P automatically writes the values for the start and end point into the
input field.
Measurement height
€ The generated line is parallel to the activated edge (relative measurement
height) or it is parallel to one of the co-ordinate axes (absolute measurement
height). Refer to "Measurement height".
€ Start and end point are dependent on the measurement height setting
(absolute or relative measurement height) as well as on the edge offset.
Refer to "Measurement height" and "Minimum edge distance".
In the case of the element line, the options "Edge point" and "Plane point" are used.
To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element line".
If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element line has been created. The
commands are transferred to GEOPAK for measuring the element.

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Element Line

6.6 Measurement height

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Define the measurement height in the line for measurement height (in the extended
dialogue for the elements).

Use this symbol to activate or deactivate the measurement height function.

CAT1000P offers two input modes for the measurement height:
‰ absolute measurement height and
‰ relative measurement height.
For the elements line, circle, cone, cylinder, you can choose between absolute and
relative measurement height.
For the element plane you enter the relative height.

6.6.1 Absolute measurement height

When you define an absolute measurement height, the reference point is always the zero
point of the CAD model.
The height is given as a value along the axis selected in the dialogue. You can select the
X, Y or Z axis.

When defining the axis of the measurement height, make sure to choose an axis
that is relevant to the selected element.
You intend to measure a circle which is positioned in the XY plane. In this case, you will
select the Z axis for the measurement height.
You intend to measure a cylinder along the Z axis. Therefore you will also select the Z
axis for the measurement height.
You intend to measure a cone along the Z axis. So you will also select the Z axis for the
measurement height.
The following applies for the element line: The direction of the line must not correspond to
the direction of the axis which indicates the height. Example: You intend to measure a line
along the Z axis. To indicate the height, you may not select the Z axis.
Relative measurement height
When you define a relative measurement height, the reference point is always the
selected edge of the CAD model.
The height is given relative to the edge which was used to select the element.
Starting from this edge, the measurement points are moved by the entered measurement
height in direction of the surface you clicked on.
Entering the relative height is a much more flexible option.
‰ In this case you need not define an axis.
‰ You can also use this method when the elements are in a slanted position.

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Element Line

6.7 Edge points

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
If you have selected the "Edge point" option, define the start and end point by clicking on
edge points. The line produced by clicking on the edge points either runs parallel to one
edge (relative measurement height) or one co-ordinate axis (absolute measurement
height). See also "Measurement height".

6.7.1 Edge point: Start

If you have activated "Edge point", you will see the instruction "Pick new start point on
edge" in the status line. Additionally, a flashing LED symbol indicates which input fields of
the dialogue require data.
Proceed as follows:
Ö Click on a surface near an edge.
€ The edge point which is the "Start point" is identified in the model as a
sphere symbol.
€ At the same time the co-ordinates of the start point are entered in the
dialogue window.
€ The LED symbol for the "End point" flashes.

6.7.2 Edge point: End

The LED symbol for "End point" flashes. The status line shows the input instruction "Move
end point along measurement line".
CAT1000P expects you to define the end point by a mouse click into the CAD model.
How to proceed:
Ö Click on the same edge you have clicked on before to define the start point.
€ The start point is no longer shown. With the aid of the measurement height,
the points to be measured are now calculated and displayed together with
their probing direction.
€ The co-ordinates for the end point are entered into the input fields.
The current measurement height is the same as the one entered for the last

6.7.3 Measurement height

With an activated measurement height, the LED symbol for "Measurement height" flashes.
The status line shows the input instruction "Define the measurement height".
Define the measurement height with a mouse click.
After entering the data, you can
‰ check the measurement points (refer to "Check measurement points") and
‰ edit the data (refer to "Edit the elements").

6.8 Surface points

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
If you have selected the "Surface point" option, you can define start and end point of a
surface freely.

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Element Line

If you intend to work with surface points, do not activate the measurement height.
The line created by means of surface points must not necessarily run parallel to an edge
(relative measurement height) or to a co-ordinate axis (absolute measurement height).
Refer also to "Measurement height".
To define start and end point, click on the surface points.
The sequence of work steps corresponds to the procedure for the option "Edge points".
After entering the data you can
‰ check the measurement points (refer to "Control of the measurement points")
‰ edit the data (refer to "Edit the elements").

6.9 Check measurement points

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Before beginning the measurement, we recommend that you check the distribution of the
measurement points on the CAD model. It is particularly important to check the probing

6.9.1 Probing direction

The probing direction is calculated from the surface normal of the CAD model. This is the
surface upon which the points to be measured are located.
You can check the probing direction by means of the graphic.
Graphical check

Correct CAD model

The arrows meet the surface at right angles and point towards the surface.
The movement paths are represented as arrows between the measurement points.
The measurement points are scalable. The movement paths, however, are always
displayed in the actual position in the model.

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Element Line

Errors in the CAD model

The arrows are not visible because the surface normal of the CAD model is wrong.
For the elements point, line and plane (grid and circle), the following applies:

In case of a wrong probing direction, you can reverse the probing direction by
clicking on the symbol "Change probing direction" (for detailed information, see "Change
probing direction").
Also refer to "Settings for probe display" and "Minimum edge distance".

For the elements circle, cone, sphere and cylinder the following applies:
In case of a wrong probing direction, you reverse the probing direction by clicking on the
symbol for the outside or the inside element.
After checking the data you can
‰ continue editing the data (refer to "Edit the elements") or
‰ end the creation of the element by clicking "OK".

6.10 Settings for probe display

To get to the dialogue "Settings for probe display", use the menu bar, "Settings, Graphic".
Colour settings
Under “Colour settings” you define the colour for the first and the last measurement point
and the colours for “Move machine”, “Probing direction” and “Rotating sphere”. Proceed
as follows:
Ö Click in the colour bar.
€ The Windows dialogue window "Colour" opens.
Ö Click on the desired colour and confirm.
The intermediate points between the two end points are displayed using an automatic
colour transition scale.
Colours for removed points
Under "Colours for removed points" you define the colours for points that are not

24.05.06 v.3.0 21
Element Line

Proceed as follows:
Ö Click into the colour bar.
€ The Windows dialogue "Colour" opens.
Ö Click on the desired colour and confirm.
Magnification factor
The diameter of the measurement points in the 3D view is equivalent to the probe
diameter multiplied by the magnification factor. If the magnification factor is 1, the probe
will be displayed in its normal size.
Arrow head size / probe diameter as a percentage
In this input field, you can determine the ratio of the length of the arrow head size to the
probe diameter as a percentage.
Leader size / probe diameter as a percentage
In this input field, you can determine the ratio of the leader size to the probe diameter as a
Probe point intrusion as a percentage
In this input field, you can determine the percentage proportion of the probe that lies
submerged within the work piece.
In the following case, the display with probe point intrusion in the CAD model is
important – should the surface normal of the CAD model be incorrect, there will still
be a part of the probe point displayed in 3D view. Without a representation of the
intrusion, you would not be able to see any points in the model.
To view immediately all the settings in the 3D view, click on the "Show" button.
Show advanced movement path
See details under "Show advanced movement path"

6.11 Minimum edge distance

To get to the "Minimum edge distance" dialogue window, use the "Settings" menu in the
menu bar.
Minimum edge distance
You define the minimum edge distance in the input field. Any points that are positioned
nearer to an edge than the required minimum edge distance will be deactivated in the
course of the next check. Refer to "Check measurement points".
Edge offset
Enter the edge offset in the lower input field of the dialogue "Minimum edge distance".
This distance needs to be defined only once and is subsequently automatically used.
‰ To allow a correct measurement, the probe may not be pointed directly at an
edge. It is possible that there are defects in the material.
‰ The edge offset is
the distance of the outermost measurement point and the start point of a selected edge

22 v 3.0 24.05.06
Element Line

the distance between the opposite outermost measurement point and the end point of a
selected edge.

Edge offset on the example of the "Element line".

1 = Edge offset
2 = Selected edge
3 = Start point of the selected edge
4 = End point of the selected edge
5 = First measurement point
6 = Last measurement point

24.05.06 v.3.0 23
Edit: Circle

7 Edit: Circle

7.1 Elementcircle
This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

Measurement points (first measurement point displayed in yellow, last measurement point
displayed in red), movement path (green) and probing direction (blue arrows).
Access to dialogue
The "Element circle" dialogue window is located under "Measure", "Circle", accessible via
the menu bar.

Alternatively, click on the symbol in the tool bar.

The objective of the dialogue is to create the part program commands to measure the
element circle.
Multiple circle measurement
To measure many similar circles (e.g.: hole plate), you can use the function "Multiple circle
measurement" that has been specifically developed for this purpose. This will reduce the
number of required work steps significantly.
Read the topic "Multiple Circle Measurement".
Extend and reduce dialogue

You can extend or reduce the dialogue "Element circle" using the
relevant buttons.

24 v 3.0 24.05.06
Edit: Circle

If you want to create a new part program, the element dialogue offers the data
from the last part program. The data from the extended dialogue are also valid
when you work with the reduced dialogue.

Work steps
We recommend the following sequence for the inputs in the dialogue "Element circle":
Ö First define the position of the circle. See also "Defining the position of the
Ö Then enter the general data for the element. See also "General inputs
Following the data input you can
‰ check the measurement points (see also "Check the measurement points")
‰ edit the data (see also "Edit the elements").
‰ If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element circle has been
created. The commands are transferred to GEOPAK for measuring the
For general help information when working with the dialogue windows, see "Help when
working with the dialogue window".

You can delete the entered data in the dialogue at any time. For this, just
click on the button "Reset dialogue values" (top left in dialogue).

The created element is stored as an "Automatic element measurement" in the

GEOPAK part program, when the following conditions are met: The created
element is positioned in one of the co-ordinate planes. No measurement point is
removed by the function "Check points". No measurement point is removed by
the collision control.

For the elements "Line", "Plane", "Circle" and "Cylinder" you can create commands for
automatic element measurement with Scanning. Read the topic "Scanning in

7.2 General inputs (circle)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The general inputs are stored for your next measurement. This means that you will
normally make these inputs for an element only once.
Ö Enter the name of the element in the middle section of the dialogue.

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Edit: Circle

€ CAT1000P suggests the next free memory number in the input field
€ The input fields "Name" and "Memory" are displayed as passive when an
element has already been opened in GEOPAK.
Ö In the input field "Number of points", define the number of points to be
€ Left to the entry "Number of points" you find the button "Automatic
tolerance". For this read the topic "Programming Help".

Ö In the middle section of the dialogue window,

select the desired type of calculation using the symbols. See also "Type of

€ In the middle section of the dialogue window you

find further symbols for the programming help (refer to "Programming help").
To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element Circle".

7.3 Defining the position of the circle

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
We suggest the following work sequence:
Ö In the list box choose the option "Select complete edge".
Ö Click within the CAD model near the edge of a circle.
€ The LED symbol for "Start angle" flashes.
Ö Click on a point in the CAD model. This point defines the position of the start
€ The LED symbol for "End angle" flashes.
Ö Click on a point in the CAD model. This point defines the position of the end
€ The LED symbol for "Measurement height" flashes.
Measurement height
Ö Click on a point within the CAD model. This point defines the measurement
height. For detailed information refer also to the topic "Measurement height".
€ CAT1000P automatically writes the value of the circle diameter into the input
field "Diameter".
€ Depending on the point you have clicked, either the symbol for the inside
circle or for the outside circle is represented as active. Furthermore, the start
and end angles are written into the input fields.
€ Next to the symbols for the inside circle or outside circle, the co-ordinates for
the circle centre are shown.

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Edit: Circle

7.3.1 Projection
As a rule

As a rule, the program calculates a plane from the measurement points,

followed by a check as to which basic plane is next to this calculated plane. The points are
projected into this plane (automatic projection plane).
The circle is calculated.
Problem cases
If the circle is positioned with its measurement points in an inclined position, the automatic
projection may be performed into the wrong plane.

In this case, deactivate the function "Automatic projection plane".

Set value of 3rd axis to zero: Activate this symbol for measuring circles in
different heights without a 3D-component, e.g. for the distance measurement.
To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element circle".
If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element circle has been created. The
commands are transferred to GEOPAK for measuring the element.

7.4 Multiple circle measurement

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
In the topic "Element circle" we have demonstrated how easy it is to prepare the
measurement for single circles with CAT1000P.
If you wish to measure many circles of the same kind (e.g. a perforated plate), you can
use the function “Measurement of multiple circles” which was developed particularly for
this purpose and reduces the number of your work steps considerably.
You can only perform the multiple circle measurement when adhering to the following
€ Only full circles can be measured. The option “Check points” must be
€ Only inner circles can be measured.
€ The circle must be in one of the main planes (X-, Y-, Z-axis) to allow a co-
operation of the CAT1000P and GEOPAK programs.
€ The relative measurement height must be used.
In GEOPAK you define the clearance height (refer to "Define clearance height"). This is
necessary because the CMM moves from circle to circle via the clearance height.
For more information about this topic, refer to
Working steps in dialogue “Element circle"

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Edit: Circle

7.5 Work steps "Multiple circle measurement"

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
First read the introduction to the topic "Multiple circle measurement".

Ö Open the dialogue "Element circle".

To get to the dialogue "Element circle", use the menu "Measurement" /
"Circle", or click on the relevant symbol in the tool bar.
Ö Define an inner circle which is a full circle using the functions "Select
complete edge" or "Edge points".
The work steps are described in detail in the help topic "Element circle".
€ This inner circle that must be a whole circle is identified as the reference
circle and subsequently serves as the reference for all circles to be

€ Following the complete definition of the single circle (reference circle),

the button "Multiple circle measurement" is displayed as active. You find this
button in the dialogue "Element circle" at the top right next to the input field
"Number of points".

Ö Click on the button "Multiple circle measurement" to pick several

circles in only one step.
When you have activated the button "Multiple circle measurement", you can not
change further parameters in the dialogue "Element circle".
€ All circles are selected that are positioned on the same plane as the
reference circle and having the same alignment in the space as the
reference circle.
Option "Same diameter"
Alternatively, you can also select only those circles having the same diameter as the
reference circle.
Ö Proceed as described above.

Ö In addition to the button "Measurement of multiple circles",

activate the button "Same diameter". This button is located in the dialogue
"Element circle" at the top right next to the input field "Memory".
Option "Surface/ Plane"

You can use this function to select multiple circles that are positioned on the
same height (plane) but on different surfaces.
Ö Proceed as described above.

Ö Activate in addition to the button "Multiple circle

measurement" also the button "Surface / Plane".

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Edit: Circle

Representation in 3D view
After you have completed the work steps for measuring multiple circles as described
above, click on the button "Calculate".
The 3D view now shows
€ the complete movement path between all circles and
€ all measurement points.
Start of the measurement
€ After confirming the dialogue, all circle measurements are carried out in the
sequence in which the circles are defined in the CAD model. The CMM
moves between the circles at clearance height.
€ The first circle is measured. Name and memory number of the circle are
taken on from the dialogue. Then, the next circles are measured without
interruption. The memory number is incremented for each circle.
€ If you have activated the button "Automatic tolerance", GEOPAK opens a
tolerance dialogue for each circle.

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Element Cone

8 Element Cone

8.1 Elementcone
This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

Measurement points (first measurement point displayed in yellow, last measurement point
in red), movement path (green) and probing direction (blue arrows).
Access to dialogue
To get to the dialogue "Element cone", use the menu bar, "Measure", "Cone",

or click on the relevant symbol in the tool bar.

The objective of the dialogue is to create the part program commands for measuring the
element cone.
Extend and reduce dialogue

You can either extend or reduce the dialogue "Element cone" using
these buttons.

If you want to create a new part program, the element dialogue offers the data
from the last part program. The data from the extended dialogue are also valid
when you work with the reduced dialogue.

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Element Cone

Work steps
We recommend the following sequence for the inputs in the dialogue "Element cone":
Ö First define the position of the cone. Refer to "Defining the position of a
Ö Then enter the general data for the element. Refer to "General inputs
Following the data input you can
‰ check the measurement points (refer to "Check measurement points") and
‰ edit the data (refer to "Edit the elements").
‰ If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element cone has been
created. The commands are transferred to GEOPAK for measuring the
For general help information when working with the dialogue windows see "Help when
working with the dialogue window".

You can delete the data inputs in the dialogue at any time. For this, click
on the button "Reset dialogue values" (top left in the dialogue).

8.2 General inputs (cone)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The general inputs are stored for your next measurement. This means that you will
normally make these inputs for an element only once.
Ö Enter the name of the element in the middle section of the dialogue.
€ CAT1000P suggests the next free memory number in the input field
€ The input fields "Name" and "Memory" are displayed as passive when an
element has already been opened in GEOPAK.
Ö In the input field "Number of points", define the number of points to be
Ö In the input field "Number of circles", define the number of circles to be
€ For the "Element cone", always the calculation type "Gauss" is applied.
€ Left to the entry "Number of points" you find the button "Automatic
tolerance". For this read the topic "Programming help".

€ In the middle section of the dialogue window you

find further symbols for the programming help (refer to "Programming help").
To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element cone".

24.05.06 v.3.0 31
Element Cone

8.3 Defining the position of the cone

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
We suggest the following work sequence:
Ö From the list box, select the option "Select complete edge".
Ö Click within the CAD model on a surface near the edge of the circle which
forms a boundary with the required cone.
€ The LED symbol for "Start angle" flashes.
Ö Click on a point within the CAD model. This point defines the start angle.
€ The LED symbol for "End angle" flashes.
Ö Click on a point within a CAD model. This point defines the end angle.
€ The LED symbol for "Height 1" flashes.
Ö Define the measurement height (refer to "Measurement height").
• Define the first measurement height with a mouse click into the
CAD model (upper circle of the cone). The first measurement height
is written into the input field. The diameter of the upper circle of the
cone is written into the input field at the bottom of the dialogue
• Then define the second measurement height with a mouse click
into the CAD model (lower circle of the cone). The second
measurement height is written into the input field. The diameter of the
lower circle of the cone is written into the input field at the bottom of
the dialogue window.
€ Depending on the point you have clicked on, either the symbol for the inside
cone or for the outside cone is shown as active. Furthermore, start angle and
end angle are written into the input fields.
€ Next to the symbols for inside cone and outside cone, the co-ordinates of the
centre point of the circle on height 1 are displayed.
To make further entries, go back to the topic "Element cone".
If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element circle has been created. The
commands are transferred to GEOPAK for measuring the element.

32 v 3.0 24.05.06
Element Sphere

9 Element Sphere

9.1 Element sphere

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

Measurement points (first measurement point displayed in yellow, last measurement point
displayed in red), movement path (green) and probing direction (blue arrows).
Access to dialogue
To get to the dialogue "Element sphere", use the menu bar "Measure" / "Sphere".

Or click on the symbol in the tool bar.

The objective of the dialogue is to create the part program commands for measuring the
element sphere.
Extend and reduce dialogue

You can either extend or reduce the dialogue "Element sphere" using
these buttons.

24.05.06 v.3.0 33
Element Sphere

If you want to create a new part program, the element dialogue offers the data
from the last part program. The data from the extended dialogue are also valid
when you work with the reduced dialogue.

Work steps
We recommend the following sequence for the inputs in the dialogue "Element sphere":
Ö First define the position of the lines. Refer to "Defining the position of the
Ö Then enter the general data for the element. Refer to "General inputs
After the data input you can
‰ check the measurement points (refer to "Check measurement points") and
‰ edit the data (refer to "Edit the elements").
‰ If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element sphere is created.
The commands are transformed to GEOAK for measuring the element.
For general help information when working with the dialogue, refer to "Help when working
with the dialogue window".

You can delete the data inputs in the dialogue at any time. For this, click
on the button "Reset dialogue values" (top left in the dialogue).

9.2 General inputs (sphere)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

The general inputs are stored for your next measurement. This means that you will
normally make these inputs for an element only once.
Ö Enter the name of the element in the middle section of the dialogue.
€ CAT1000P suggests the next free memory number in the input field
€ The input fields "Name" and "Memory" are displayed as passive when an
element has already been opened in GEOPAK.
Ö In the input field "Number of points", define the number of points to be
Ö In the input field "Number of circles", define the number of circles to be
Ö Left to the entry "Number of points" you find the button "Automatic
tolerance". For this read the topic "Programming help"

34 v 3.0 24.05.06
Element Sphere

Ö In the middle section of the dialogue window,

select the required type of calculation using the relevant symbols. Also refer
to "Type of calculation".

Ö In the middle section of the dialogue window you

find further symbols for the programming help (refer to "Programming help").
To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element sphere".

9.3 Defining the position of the sphere

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

We suggest the following work sequence:

€ The LED symbol for "Select sphere" flashes.
Ö In the CAD model, click on the surface of the sphere near the edge of a circle
which is forming the boundary of the required sphere.
€ CAT1000P automatically writes the values of the centre point of the selected
sphere into the input fields. Furthermore, the diameter of the selected sphere
is written into the input field. These input fields are located at the bottom of
the extended dialogue next to the symbols for inside and outside sphere.
€ Depending on the point on which you have clicked, either the symbol for the
outside sphere or the inside sphere is displayed as active. Furthermore, the
start and end angles are entered into the input fields (for detailed information
refer to "Angle").
Ö Click into the CAD model to define the height angle (for detailed information
refer to "Height angle").
‰ To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element sphere".
‰ If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element sphere has been
created. The commands are transferred to GEOPAK for measuring the

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Element Plane (Grid)

10 Element Plane (Grid)

10.1 Elementplane (grid)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

Measurement points (first measurement point displayed in yellow, last measurement point
displayed in red), movement path (green) and probing direction (blue arrows).
Access to dialogue
To get to the dialogue "Element plane (grid)", use the menu bar "Measure" / "Plane (grid)".

Or click on the symbol in the tool bar.

The objective of the dialogue is to create the part program commands for measuring the
element plane.
Extend and reduce dialogue

You can either extend or reduce the dialogue "Element plane (grid)"
using these buttons.

If you want to create a new part program, the element dialogue offers the data
from the last part program. The data from the extended dialogue are also valid
when you work with the reduced dialogue.

Work steps
We recommend the following sequence for the inputs in the dialogue "Element plane
Ö First define the position of the plane. Refer to " Defining the position of the
plane (grid)".

36 v 3.0 24.05.06
Element Plane (Grid)

Ö Then enter the general data for the element. Refer to " General inputs (plane
/ grid)".
After the data input you can
‰ check the measurement points (refer to "Check measurement points") and
‰ edit the data (refer to "Edit the Elements").
‰ If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element plane is created.
The commands are transformed to GEOAK for measuring the element.
For general help information when working with the dialogue, refer to "Help when working
with the dialogue window".

You can delete the data inputs in the dialogue at any time. For this, click
on the button "Reset dialogue values" (top left in the dialogue).

10.2 General inputs (plane)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The general inputs are stored for your next measurement. This means that you will
normally make these inputs for an element only once.
Ö Enter the name of the element in the middle section of the dialogue.
€ CAT1000P suggests the next free memory number in the input field
€ The input fields "Name" and "Memory" are displayed as passive when an
element has already been opened in GEOPAK.
Ö In the input field "Number of lines" define the number of lines to be
€ In the input field "Number of points ", define the number of points to be
€ Left to the entry "Number of points" you find the button "Automatic
tolerance". For this read the topic "Programming help".

Ö In the middle section of the dialogue window,

select the desired type of calculation using the symbols. See also "Type of

€ In the middle section of the dialogue window you

find further symbols for the programming help (refer to "Programming help").
To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element plane (grid)".

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Element Plane (Grid)

10.3 Defining the position of the plane (grid)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
We suggest the following work sequence:
€ In the list box click on the button "Select complete edge".
€ The LED symbol for "Select complete edge" flashes.
Ö Click in the CAD model on a surface near to an edge to define the first line to
be measured. This is the surface on which the measurement points shall be
€ The lines you have defined in the input field "Number of lines" will be equally
distributed between the first line (measurement height 1) and the last line
(measurement height 2).
The measurement points you have defined in the input field "Number of
points per line" will be equally distributed between the start and the end point
of each line.
€ The LED symbol for "start point" flashes.
Ö Determine the start and the end point with a mouse click.
€ Start and end points of the individual lines depend on the relevant
measurement height and the edge offset. Refer to the topic "Defining the
measurement height" and "Minimum edge distance".
€ At the same time, the data for the start and end point of the first line to be
measured are entered into the input fields at the bottom of the extended
dialogue window.
€ The LED symbol for measurement height flashes.
Ö Now you define the measurement height 1 and measurement height 2 with a
mouse click into the CAD model. Refer to "Defining the measurement
For more information about this topic, refer to the topic "Terms".
To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element plane".
If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element line is created. The commands
are transformed to GEOAK for measuring the element.

10.4 Defining the measurement height (plane)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Height 1
Ö Click on the LED symbol for "Height 1" to define the measurement height 1.
€ The measurement height 1 is the distance between the first line to be
measured and the reference line (edge).
Height 2
Ö Click on the LED symbol for "Height 2" to define the measurement height 2.
€ The measurement height 2 is the distance between the last line to be
measured and the edge positioned opposite the reference line at the level of
the point you clicked on.
For explanations about this topic, refer to "Terms".

38 v 3.0 24.05.06
Element Plane (Grid)

10.5 Terms used in the dialogue "Element plane"

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The reference line is located on the edge which you have selected by clicking with the
mouse on the surface in the vicinity of the edge.
The first line to be measured is parallel (at the distance height 1) to the reference line. If
height 1 = 0, the reference line coincides with the first line to be measured.
Height 1 represents the shift of the reference line towards the opposite edge.
The final line to be measured is parallel (at distance height 2) to the edge situated
opposite and parallel to the edge clicked on. If height 2 = 0, the last line to be measured is
located on the edge opposite and parallel to the edge clicked on.
Height 2represents the shift of the last line to be measured towards the edge which lies
opposite the reference line at the level of the point clicked on. The shift in height 2 runs
towards the reference line.
Illustration of heights 1 and 2:

1 = Height 1
2 = Height 2
3 = This is where you clicked within the model

24.05.06 v.3.0 39
Element Plane (Grid)

4 = Measurement point 1
5 = Reference line
6 = Opposite edge

40 v 3.0 24.05.06
Element Plane (Circle)

11 Element Plane (Circle)

11.1 Elementplane (circular)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

Access to dialogue
To get to the dialogue "Element plane (circular)", use the menu bar, "Measure" / "Plane

Or click on the symbol in the tool bar.

The objective of the dialogue is to create the part program commands for measuring the
element plane.
Extend and reduce dialogue

You can either extend or reduce the dialogue "Element plane (circular)"
using these buttons.

If you want to create a new part program, the element dialogue offers the data
from the last part program. The data from the extended dialogue are also valid
when you work with the reduced dialogue.

Work steps
We recommend the following sequence for the inputs in the dialogue "Element plane
Ö First define the position of the plane. Refer to "Defining the position of the
plane (circular)".
Ö Then enter the general data for the element. Refer to "General inputs (plane /
After the data input you can
‰ check the measurement points (refer to "Check measurement points") and
‰ edit the data (refer to "Edit the elements").
‰ If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element plane has been
created. The commands are transformed to GEOAK for measuring the
For general help information when working with the dialogue, refer to "Help when working
with the dialogue window".

24.05.06 v.3.0 41
Element Plane (Circle)


You can delete the data inputs in the dialogue at any time. For this, click
on the button "Reset dialogue values" (top left in the dialogue).

The created element is stored as "Automatic element measurement" in the

GEOPAK part program when the following conditions are met: The created
element is positioned in one of the co-ordinate planes. No measurement point is
removed by the function "Check points". No measurement point is removed by
the collision control.

11.2 General inputs (plane / circular)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

The general inputs are stored for your next measurement. This means that you will
normally make these inputs for an element only once.
Ö Enter the name of the element in the middle section of the dialogue.
€ CAT1000P suggests the next free memory number in the input field
€ The input fields "Name" and "Memory" are displayed as passive when an
element has already been opened in GEOPAK.
Ö In the input field "Number of points", define the number of points to be
€ Left to the entry "Number of points" you find the button "Automatic
tolerance". For this read the topic "Programming help".

Ö In the middle section of the dialogue window,

select the desired type of calculation using the symbols. See also "Type of

€ In the middle section of the dialogue window you

find further symbols for the programming help (refer to "Programming help").
To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element plane (circular)".

11.3 Defining the position of the plane (circular)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
We suggest the following work sequence:
€ The LED symbol for "Select complete edge" flashes.

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Element Plane (Circle)

Ö The first step:

In the CAD model click on a plane near the edge of a circle. This is the plane
on which the measurement points shall be located.
€ The circle is displayed in 3D view.
€ The circle diameter depends on two factors, i.e.
• on the diameter of the circle that is calculated with the aid of the
clicked-on circle edge and
• on the minimum edge distance.

The diameter of the circle on which the measurement points are located, is automatically
calculated from the diameter of the circle which has been calculated with the aid of the
clicked-on circle edge and the minimum edge distance. The minimum edge distance is
added to the radius when the measurement points shall, for example, be placed on a bolt.
The minimum edge distance is subtracted from the radius when the measurement points
shall, for example, be positioned on a plane surrounding a bore.

After you have defined a circle using "Select whole edge", you can edit the inputs
with a mouse click into the 3D view.
Ö You can change the start and the end angle with a mouse click into the CAD
Ö You can change the diameter of the circle on which the measurement points
are positioned with a mouse click.
€ The co-ordinates of the centre of the circle on which the measurement points
are positioned are entered into the input fields of the extended dialogue
Slot width and circular orbit
If the function "Slot width" is active, the diameter is automatically set in a way that the
measurement points are positioned in the middle of the slot.
The function "Circular orbit" is automatically deactivated with an activated function "Slot
width" and vice versa.
To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element plane (circle)".
If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element plane has been created. The
commands are transferred to GEOPAK for measuring the element.

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Element Cylinder

12 Element Cylinder

12.1 ElementCylinder
This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

Measurement points (first measurement point displayed in yellow, last measurement point
in red), movement path (green) and probing direction (blue arrows).
Access to dialogue
To get to the dialogue "Element cylinder", use the menu bar, "Measure" / "Cylinder",

or click on the relevant symbol in the tool bar.

The objective of the dialogue is to create the part program commands for measuring the
element cylinder.
Extend and reduce dialogue

You can either extend or reduce the dialogue "Element cylinder" using
these buttons.

If you want to create a new part program, the element dialogue offers the data
from the last part program. The data from the extended dialogue are also valid
when you work with the reduced dialogue.

Work steps
We recommend the following sequence for the inputs in the dialogue "Element cylinder":
Ö First define the position of the cylinder. Refer to "Defining the position of the

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Element Cylinder

Ö Then enter the general data for the element. See also "General inputs
Following the data input you can
‰ check the measurement points (see also "Check the measurement points")
‰ edit the data (see also "Edit the elements").
‰ If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element cylinder has been
created. The commands are transferred to GEOPAK for measuring the
For general help information when working with the dialogue windows, see "Help when
working with the dialogue window".

You can delete the entered data in the dialogue at any time. For this, just
click on the button "Reset dialogue values" (top left in dialogue).

The created element is stored as an "Automatic element measurement" in the

GEOPAK part program, when the following conditions are met: You have used
the movement strategy "Measure circles" for creating the element. No
measurement point is removed by the function "Check points". No measurement
point is removed by the collision control.

12.2 General inputs (cylinder)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The general inputs are stored for your next measurement. This means that you will
normally make these inputs for an element only once.
Ö Enter the name of the element in the middle section of the dialogue.
€ CAT1000P suggests the next free memory number in the input field
€ The input fields "Name" and "Memory" are displayed as passive when an
element has already been opened in GEOPAK.
Ö In the input field "Number of points", define the number of points to be
€ In the input field "Number of circles", define the number of circles to be
€ Left to the entry "Number of points" you find the button "Automatic
tolerance". For this read the topic "Programming help".

Ö In the middle section of the dialogue window,

select the desired type of calculation using the symbols. See also "Type of

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Element Cylinder

€ In the middle section of the dialogue window you

find further symbols for the programming help (refer to "Programming help").
To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element cylinder".

12.3 Defining the position of the cylinder

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
We suggest the following work sequence:
Ö Select the option "Select complete edge" from the list box.
Ö Click in the CAD model on the surface near to the circle edge that borders
the required cylinder.
€ CAT1000P writes the values of the centre point of the selected circle into the
input fields. Furthermore, the diameter is entered. These input fields are
located in the lower part of the extended dialogue next to the symbols for
outside cylinder and inside cylinder.
€ Depending on the point you clicked on, the symbol either for the outside
cylinder or the inside cylinder is represented as active. Furthermore, the start
and end angles are written into the input fields (in the top part of the
extended dialogue).
€ The LED symbol for "Start angle" flashes.
Ö Click in the CAD model on a point. This point defines the start angle.
€ The LED symbol for end angle flashes.
Ö Click in the CAD model on a point. This point defines the end angle.
€ The LED symbol for measurement height 1 flashes.
Measurement height
Ö Click in the CAD model on a point. this point defines the measurement height
1 (upper circle of the cylinder).
€ The LED symbol for measurement height 2 flashes.
Ö Click in the CAD model on a point. This point defines the measurement
height 2 (lower circle of the cylinder).
Ö For detailed information, refer to the topic "Measurement height".
‰ To make further inputs, go back to the topic "Element cylinder".
‰ If the inputs are correct, confirm with "OK". The element cylinder has been
created. The commands are transferred to GEOPAK for measuring the

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Edit Elements

13 Edit Elements

13.1 Edit Elements (General)

13.1.1 Edit the elements (general)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
‰ After you have created the element, you can edit the data.
‰ You can edit data either by clicking with the mouse within the 3D view or by
making keyboard entries in the dialogue window.
‰ The 3D view and the dialogue window are interactive. In other words, when
you click on the 3D view of the CAD model the corresponding values
automatically appear in the dialogue window.
‰ Similarly, dialogue inputs made using the keyboard have a direct effect on
the graphical representation.

‰ If you wish to enter new data in the input fields labeled with an LED
symbol, simply click on the LED symbol. This symbol will now begin to flash.
By clicking with the mouse on the model, the corresponding values are
displayed in the dialogue window. It is of course also possible to enter values
in the input fields manually.
For editing data, CAT1000P also provides the option of altering or optimising movement
paths using the following functions:
• Exchange start and end point (line)
• Exchange and flip start and end point (plane)
• Exchange start and end angle (circle, cone, sphere, cylinder)
• Movement path (circle, cone, sphere, cylinder)
• Measuring lines or measuring circles (cylinder)
You can use the following functions when editing all elements:
Check points
For each specific element there are also specific functions available for editing.
Please see the following topics:
Edit (Element line)
Edit (Element circle)
Edit (Element cone)
Edit (Element sphere)
Edit (Element cylinder)
Edit (Element plane / grid)
Edit (Element plane / circular)

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Edit Elements

13.1.2 Check points

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
It is possible to perform a check of each and all measurement points to verify that they are
in fact located on the surface. In case that a measurement point is not located on the
surface (e.g. within a gap), this point is displayed in a colour of your choice.
Also refer to "Settings for probe display".

If individual points are lost as a result of this check, GEOPAK can not use the
function "Automatic element measurement". In this case, only the probing points
and the intermediate positions are stored in the parts program.

Any points that are positioned closer to the edge than the minimum edge distance
requires will be deactivated in the course of the check. To set the minimum edge
distance, use the dialogue "Minimum edge distance".

See also "Minimum edge distance".

13.1.3 Calculate
This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

If you have changed data in the input fields of the dialogue manually, click on "Calculate"
The points in the 3D view are now updated. In addition, CAT1000P checks the
consistency of all inputs and, if applicable, corrects the values automatically.
This excludes the possibility of contradictory data in the different input fields.

13.2 Edit: Line

13.2.1 Edit (element line)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The following functions are available for editing the element line:
Check points
Exchange start and end point
Change probing direction
When you have finished editing the data, confirm with "OK". The element has been
created. The commands are transferred to GEOPAK for measuring the element.

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Edit Elements

13.2.2 Exchange start and end point

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

The values for the points are exchanged. The display of the measurement
points on the CAD model is automatically updated.

13.2.3 Change probing direction

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

Click on the "Change probing direction" symbol when the surface normal in the
CAD model is wrong. CAT1000P reverses the surface normal automatically.
Reverse the surface normal
‰ The surface normal is used to calculate the probing direction. The surface
normal usually points from the material outwards, in particular with volume
models (e.g. models with an input in STEP format).
‰ It is, however, also possible that the surface normal leads into the material.
This is often the case with specifically surface-oriented models (e.g. VDAFS,
IGES). In this case, the CAT1000P would calculate the probing direction
wrongly. Collisions will occur.
‰ CAT1000P automatically reverses the normal in the event of recognisable
errors occurring in the CAD model. However, CAT1000P can not recognise
all instances of error in the CAD model.
In such a case, the 3D view of the measurement points preview immediately
reveals whether the surface normal and the associated calculated probing
direction are correct. If the probing direction is wrong you can reverse the
surface normal with a mouse click.

13.3 Edit: Circle

13.3.1 Edit (Element circle)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The following functions are available for editing the element circle:
Check points
Define movement strategy
When you have finished editing the data, confirm with "OK". The element has been

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Edit Elements

13.3.2 Angle
This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Ö Click on a point in the CAD model to define the required start angle. This
point should have the required angle to the circle plane.
Ö Now click on a point in the CAD model, to define the required end angle.
€ The display of the measurement points in the 3D view updates itself
automatically. Check the display to determine if the measurement points
have the optimum distribution.
To check the start and end angle we recommend that you view the circle and the
model from above in the 3D view.

By clicking on the symbol you can exchange the start and end angle. The
display of the measurement points in the 3D view is automatically updated.

By clicking on the symbol you can determine that a full circle is to be measured.

13.3.3 Movement strategy (circle)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The functions "Circular" or "Slot width" are used to avoid the occurrence of collisions.

If your CMM possesses the function of travelling a circular orbit, you should
activate this function when you wish to measure an external circle (e.g. a bolt). You will
avoid the intermediate positions which would be necessary when travelling on straight
Slot width

If your CMM does not possess the function of travelling a circular orbit, you
should determine a slot width for an external circle you wish to measure (by clicking on
the symbol or by manual input). This slot width is an indication of the amount of space
available for moving. Following this, the movement paths between the probes are
calculated as follows:
€ from this slot width
€ from the current probe sphere diameter and
€ from the safety distance.
The number of intermediate positions calculated is always the smallest possible. It
depends essentially on the number of measurement points and the slot width.
If you wish to change the slot width, click on the symbol. Then proceed as follows:
Ö Click on the surface near the edge bounding the slot.
€ The numerical value is entered automatically in the input field.

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Edit Elements

€ As with all input data, you can also enter the slot width manually.
Movement direction
Define the movement direction by clicking on the symbol either
€ in counter clockwise direction or
€ clockwise direction.

13.4 Edit: Cone

13.4.1 Edit (Element cone)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The following functions are available for editing the data of the element cone:
Check points
Movement strategy

13.4.2 Angle
This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Ö Click on a point in the CAD model to define the required start angle. This
point should have the required angle to the circle plane.
Ö Now click on a point in the CAD model, to define the required end angle.
€ The display of the measurement points in the 3D view updates itself
automatically. Check the display to determine if the measurement points
have the optimum distribution.
To check the start and end angle we recommend that you view the circle and the
model from above in the 3D view.

By clicking on the symbol you can exchange the start and end angle. The
display of the measurement points in the 3D view is automatically updated.

By clicking on the symbol you can determine that a full circle is to be measured.

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Edit Elements

13.4.3 Movement strategy (cone, sphere)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

If your CMM possesses the function of move a circular orbit, you should
activate the function when you wish to measure an outer circle (e.g. a bolt). You will avoid
the intermediate positions which would be necessary moving on straight paths.
Movement direction
Define the movement direction by clicking on the symbol either
€ in counter clockwise direction or
€ clockwise direction.

13.5 Edit: Sphere

13.5.1 Edit (sphere)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The following functions are available for editing the data of the element sphere:
Check points
Height angle
Define movement strategy

13.5.2 Angle
This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Ö Click on a point in the CAD model to define the required start angle. This
point should have the required angle to the circle plane.
Ö Now click on a point in the CAD model, to define the required end angle.
€ The display of the measurement points in the 3D view updates itself
automatically. Check the display to determine if the measurement points
have the optimum distribution.
To check the start and end angle we recommend that you view the circle and the
model from above in the 3D view.

By clicking on the symbol you can exchange the start and end angle. The
display of the measurement points in the 3D view is automatically updated.

By clicking on the symbol you can determine that a full circle is to be measured.

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Edit Elements

13.5.3 Height angle (sphere)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
For the element sphere, the measurement height is determined using angles.
The height angle is calculated from
€ the vector of the of the centre point of the sphere to a point on the circle and
€ the axis for the absolute measurement height. The direction of this axis
defines zero degree.
Proceed as follows:
Ö Click on the LED symbol by the input field for measurement height 1. Here
you can define the angle for the first circle measurement. Click on a point in
the CAD model on the sphere through which the first circle should run.
€ The flashing LED symbol now appears next to the input field for
measurement height 2.
Ö Here you can define the angle for the final circle measurement. Click on a
point in the CAD model on the sphere through which the final circle should
€ The circles located between the first and last circles are distributed in equal
angular distances.

For the element sphere, you define an angle. For the elements cylinder and cone,
however, you enter a height in millimetres in the input fields "Measurement height
1" and "Measurement height 2".

Point on upper pole

When you click on the symbol, a point is added to the upper pole. The circles
are uniformly distributed between the 2nd measurement height and the pole. The input of
the first measurement height is not required.
Point on lower pole

Proceed as for a point on the upper pole.

The total number of measurement points results from the number of circles times
the number of points. Added to this is a point (either only a point on upper pole or
only a point on lower pole) or two measurement points (point on upper pole and
point on lower pole).
Toggle the axis

By clicking on the symbol "Toggle axis for absolute measurement height", you
change the axis that defines zero degrees fort he height angle.

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Edit Elements

13.5.4 Movement strategy (cone, sphere)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

If your CMM possesses the function of move a circular orbit, you should
activate the function when you wish to measure an outer circle (e.g. a bolt). You will avoid
the intermediate positions which would be necessary moving on straight paths.
Movement direction
Define the movement direction by clicking on the symbol either
€ in counter clockwise direction or
€ clockwise direction.

13.6 Edit: Plane (Grid)

13.6.1 Edit (plane / grid)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The following functions are available for editing the data of the element plane:
Check points
Change probing direction
Exchange start and end point and
Flip start and end point
Catch main axis

13.6.2 Change probing direction

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

Click on the "Change probing direction" symbol when the surface normal in the
CAD model is wrong. CAT1000P reverses the surface normal automatically.
Reverse the surface normal
‰ The surface normal is used to calculate the probing direction. The surface
normal usually points from the material outwards, in particular with volume
models (e.g. models with an input in STEP format).
‰ It is, however, also possible that the surface normal leads into the material.
This is often the case with specifically surface-oriented models (e.g. VDAFS,
IGES). In this case, the CAT1000P would calculate the probing direction
wrongly. Collisions will occur.

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Edit Elements

‰ CAT1000P automatically reverses the normal in the event of recognisable

errors occurring in the CAD model. However, CAT1000P can not recognise
all instances of error in the CAD model.
In such a case, the 3D view of the measurement points preview immediately
reveals whether the surface normal and the associated calculated probing
direction are correct. If the probing direction is wrong you can reverse the
surface normal with a mouse click.

13.6.3 Exchange / flip start and end point (plane)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

Exchange start and end point

The start and end points on the reference line are exchanged.

Flip start and end point

The start point is exchanged with the point located diagonally opposite.
The situation is as follows:
You have defined a plane with three lines and three points per line. You have hidden the
surfaces. The first measurement point is displayed in yellow, the last in blue.

Click on "Exchange start and end point".

The start and end points on the reference line are exchanged.
The measurement points will now be distributed as in the illustration below.

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Edit Elements

Now undo the last step by again clicking on "Exchange start and end point".
The measurement points will now be distributed as in the following illustration.

Now click on "Flip start and end point". The start point is exchanged with the
point located diagonally opposite.
The measurement points will now be distributed as in the illustration below.

13.6.4 Catch main axis (plane)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

With the "Catch main axis" function, you can orientate the reference line of a
plane to a main axis of the CAD model, in case the reference line be slanting.
‰ You would like to measure a plane on a surface limited by a round boundary.
‰ If you define the reference line with "Select complete edge", the reference
line would always be in a slanted position.

Ö To align the reference line towards a main axis of the CAD model
click on the "Catch main axis" symbol.

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Edit Elements

13.7 Edit Plane (Circle)

13.7.1 Edit (plane / circular)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The following functions are available for editing the data for the element plane (circular):
Check points
Change probing direction
Movement strategy

13.7.2 Angle
This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Ö Click on a point in the CAD model to define the required start angle. This
point should have the required angle to the circle plane.
Ö Now click on a point in the CAD model, to define the required end angle.
€ The display of the measurement points in the 3D view updates itself
automatically. Check the display to determine if the measurement points
have the optimum distribution.
To check the start and end angle we recommend that you view the circle and the
model from above in the 3D view.

By clicking on the symbol you can exchange the start and end angle. The
display of the measurement points in the 3D view is automatically updated.

By clicking on the symbol you can determine that a full circle is to be measured.

13.7.3 Movement strategy (cone, sphere)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

If your CMM possesses the function of move a circular orbit, you should
activate the function when you wish to measure an outer circle (e.g. a bolt). You will avoid
the intermediate positions which would be necessary moving on straight paths.
Movement direction
Define the movement direction by clicking on the symbol either
€ in counter clockwise direction or

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Edit Elements

€ clockwise direction.

13.7.4 Change probing direction

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only

Click on the "Change probing direction" symbol when the surface normal in the
CAD model is wrong. CAT1000P reverses the surface normal automatically.
Reverse the surface normal
‰ The surface normal is used to calculate the probing direction. The surface
normal usually points from the material outwards, in particular with volume
models (e.g. models with an input in STEP format).
‰ It is, however, also possible that the surface normal leads into the material.
This is often the case with specifically surface-oriented models (e.g. VDAFS,
IGES). In this case, the CAT1000P would calculate the probing direction
wrongly. Collisions will occur.
‰ CAT1000P automatically reverses the normal in the event of recognisable
errors occurring in the CAD model. However, CAT1000P can not recognise
all instances of error in the CAD model.
In such a case, the 3D view of the measurement points preview immediately
reveals whether the surface normal and the associated calculated probing
direction are correct. If the probing direction is wrong you can reverse the
surface normal with a mouse click.

13.8 Edit: Cylinder

13.8.1 Edit (cylinder)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The following functions are available for editing the data for the element cylinder:
Check points
Movement strategy

13.8.2 Angle
This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Ö Click on a point in the CAD model to define the required start angle. This
point should have the required angle to the circle plane.
Ö Now click on a point in the CAD model, to define the required end angle.
€ The display of the measurement points in the 3D view updates itself
automatically. Check the display to determine if the measurement points
have the optimum distribution.

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Edit Elements

To check the start and end angle we recommend that you view the circle and the
model from above in the 3D view.

By clicking on the symbol you can exchange the start and end angle. The
display of the measurement points in the 3D view is automatically updated.

By clicking on the symbol you can determine that a full circle is to be measured.

13.8.3 Movement strategy (cylinder)

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
The following options are available for moving and measuring:
Measure lines or circles
You can either move or measure along the lines or along the circles.

Ö Either click on the "Measure lines" symbol, or

Ö on the "Measure circles" symbol.


If your CMM possesses the function of moving a circular orbit, you should
activate the function when you wish to measure an outer circle (e.g. a bolt). You will avoid
the intermediate positions which would be necessary when moving on straight paths.
Slot width

If your CMM does not possess the function of moving a circular orbit, you
should determine a slot width for an outer circle you wish to measure (by clicking on the
symbol or by manual input). This slot width is an indication of the amount of space
available for moving. Following this, the moving paths between the probings are
calculated as follows:
€ From this slot width
€ From the current probe sphere diameter and
€ From the safety distance.
The number of intermediate positions calculated is always the smallest possible. It
depends essentially on the number of measurement points and the slot width.

If you wish to change the slot width click on the symbol. Then proceed as
Ö Click on the surface near the edge bounding the slot.

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Edit Elements

€ The numerical value is entered automatically in the input field.

€ As with all inputs you can also enter the slot width manually.
Movement direction
Define the movement direction by clicking on the symbol, either
€ in counter clockwise direction or
€ clockwise direction.

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Prepare Measurement

14 Prepare Measurement


14.1.1 Import of Tolerance Data with WEPROM-File

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Introduction and prerequisites
When loading a CAD-model in CAT1000P, only the nominal values of the CAD-model are
contained in the file.
GEOPAK needs the tolerance data for the evaluation.
For an increased effectiveness of measurement processes, a special file format has been
introduced in the course of the WEPROM research project. This is a file in Q-DAS-format
with an extension that is assigned to a CAD-file in STEP-format.
• The WEPROM-CAD-file is available in STEP-format.
• The additional WEPROM-file is available in Q-DAS-format. It is
assigned to the WEPROM-CAD-file. This Q-DAS-file is called a
feature file. The feature file contains the tolerance data for the feature
of the CAD-file. These features refer to surfaces in the CAD-model.
CAT1000P offers the following possibility for working with WEPROM-files:
Ö Load the CAD-model with CAT1000P and additionally load the feature file.
Ö Measure a CAT1000P element.
Ö In GEOPAK, the tolerance dialogue for the measured element is opened.
The tolerance data are automatically written into this tolerance dialogue.
You can use the CAT1000P elements line, circle, cone, sphere, plane and
cylinder, when working with WEPROM-files.
Also read the topics
Example: Feature "Diameter"
Import of CAD-File with Feature File: Steps
WEPROM: Examples

14.1.2 Example: Feature "Diameter"

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Example: The feature "diameter" is measured and tolerated by means of the dialogue
"Element circle".
You want to tolerate a circle diameter because this circle diameter is listed in the feature
Load a CAD-model and the corresponding feature file.

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Prepare Measurement

Create a part program command with CAT1000P for circle measurement. For this, also
read the topic "CAT1000P: Element Circle".
Proceed as follows:
Ö Open the WEPROM window via the menu bar / Window.
Ö Click on the feature "diameter" that you want to measure and tolerate.
Ö In the 3D-view of the CAD-model the circle is graphically highlighted.

Ö Start the CAT1000P dialogue "Element circle" using the menu bar /
Measurement / Circle, or use the icon in the toolbar.
Ö Click in the 3D-view on the circle to be measured.

Ö Activate in the dialogue "Element circle" the button "Automatic

Ö Confirm with "OK". The commands are transferred for the measurement of
the element circle to GEOPAK.
Tolerance comparison on GEOPAK
After you have finished the element circle, the dialogue "Tolerance comparison element
circle" in GEOPAK opens.
€ The dialogue "Tolerance comparison element circle" contains the nominal
values belonging to the measured element. These nominal values are taken
directly from the CAD-model.
€ Furthermore, the dialogue already contains the tolerances for the feature
€ The tolerances of the feature "diameter" of the element circle, the nominal
values and the actual values are automatically used for a tolerance
comparison in GEOPAK after the measurement.

Also read the topics

Import of CAD-Files with Feature File: Introduction
Import of CAD-File with FEature File: Steps
WEPROM: Examples

14.1.3 Import of CAD-File with Feature File: Steps

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Dialogue "Load Model"
Load a CAD-file in STEP-format and the corresponding feature file. For how to load a
CAD-model, refer to the topic "Load Model".
€ To get to the dialogue "Load model", use the menu File / Import single
Ö Under "Select model file", select the desired CAD-file in STEP-format.

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Prepare Measurement

Ö Under "Select feature file", select the feature file that complements the
selected CAD-model. This is a file in Q-DAS-format with the file name
extension ".dfd".
You can not use the option "Import multiple models" if you want to use a feature file.
In the dialogue "Load model", several options (e.g. "mirror" and "sheet thickness" are
deactivated when you activate the check box "Use feature file for tolerances". As these
options change the topology of the model, the Q-DAS-file would not match the changed
Also read the topics
Import of CAD-Files with Feature File: Introduction
Example: Feature "Diameter"
WEPROM: Example

14.1.4 WEPROM Window

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
You get to the WEPROM-window via the menu bar / Window.
In the WEPROM-window, all feature information for the features to be measured is listed
in a tree topology.
You have two options for sorting the data:
Ö Click the card "Feature".
€ The data are sorted by feature numbers.
Ö Click the card "Reference".
€ The data are sorted by references.
Tolerated features
If you have already tolerated features, these features are marked in green. You can, at
your option, position these features at the end of the list.
Button "Options"
A click on the button "Options" and the window "View options" opens. Here, you define,
how the features or references are sorted in the tree topology.
Button "Deactivate not referenced surfaces"
A click on the button "Deactivate not referenced surfaces" deactivates all surfaces having
no references from features. Deactivated surfaces are shown in red in the 3D-view.
Also read the topics
Import of CAD-Files with Feature File: Introduction
Example: Feature "Diameter"
Import of CAD-File with Feature File: Steps
WEPROM: Examples

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14.1.5 WEPROM: Examples

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
WEPROM-Window and 3D-View
When clicking a feature, the corresponding referenced position is graphically highlighted
in the CAD-model.
Example 1
First, open the WEPROM-window and measure the features.
Click in the WEPROM-window on a feature.
One or more surfaces in the CAD-model are now graphically highlighted in the 3D-view,
because the feature refers to this (these) surface(s).
Open a CAT1000P-element dialogue to create a part program command for
You can only use the graphically highlighted surfaces of the CAD-model to create a part
program command for measurement.

In the CAT1000P-element dialogue, the button "Automatic tolerance" is active.

The tolerance data of all features belonging to the measured geometrical element are
transferred to GEOPAK.
GEOPAK automatically opens the dialogue "Tolerance comparison". The nominal values
and tolerances from CAT1000P are written into the GEOPAK dialogue "Tolerance
Example 2
First, open the CAT1000P element dialogue and measure an element. All features
referring to the selected surface are automatically tolerated in GEOPAK.
Example 3
Interrupt the creation of the part program. Then continue in CMM repeat mode. In this
case, the status of the features is reset, i.e. already tolerated features are set to the status
"tolerated" and are marked in "green".
Also read the topics
Import of CAD-Files with Feature File: Introduction
Example: Feature "Diameter"
Import of CAD-File with Feature File: Steps

14.2 Virtual Alignment of Workpiece

By aligning the CAD model with the virtual CMM, the correct angles between CMM and
CAD model are shown in the 3D view. This correct representation is required for working
with the collision control.
You create a part program in offline mode. You are working with the virtual CMM.

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If the actual alignment does not correspond to the virtual alignment, use the option of the
virtual alignment of the workpiece.
This is how you can find out in the 3D-view, which probes are available for selection for
your measurement task.
Example: The 3D graphic indicates which probe is suitable for your workpiece.
Furthermore the representation of the complete CMM shows if a measurement is at all
possible. So you will see, for example, if the racks are blocking the movement path or if
the measurement range of the CMM is sufficient for the intended measurement.
See also:
Virtual Alignment: Dialogue
Virtual Alignment: Position of CAD Model
Change CAD-Co-ordinate System

14.3 Show advanced movement path

The "Settings for probe display" dialogue window is accessed via the menu bar under
"Settings", "Graphics".
Ö Activate the "Show advanced movement path" function in the "Settings for
probe display" dialogue window.
‰ When working with CAT1000S and CAT1000P the movement path is
displayed between the measurement points within the element that you are
currently editing.
‰ Upon activation of the "Show advanced movement path" function the entire
movement path will be displayed in the 3D view. This comprises all the
movement paths and measurement points to be transferred to GEOPAK with
the next part program command.
For CAT1000P only:
With the "Automatic element finished" function activated, the movement path from the last
measurement point to the clearance height will also be displayed in the 3D view.

Example: Element line. The "Advanced movement path" function is deactivated.

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1 = First measurement point of the element line

2 = Last measurement point of the element line

Example: Element line. The "Advanced movement path" function is activated.

1 = Current machine position
2 = Clearance height
3 = First measurement point of the element line
4 = Last measurement point of the element line

14.4 Collision control CAT1000S and CAT1000P

To activate the collision control function in CAT1000S and CAT1000P, click on

the "Collision check" entry in the "Measure" menu or on the symbol.
‰ For information regarding collision control in CAT1000S refer to "Define
clearance height".
‰ For information regarding collision control in CAT1000P refer to "Collision
control CAT1000P".
How to avoid collisions
The most frequent causes for collisions when programming with CAT1000S / CAT1000P:
€ The CNC parameters (e.g. safety distance) are incorrect.
€ The collision control is not active.
These mistakes can easily be avoided in GEOPAK without a need to display the dialogue
"Element measurement".
Define correct CNC parameters. Define intermediate positions or activate the
collision control.

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14.5 Collision control CAT1000P

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Purpose: Avoiding collisions
‰ As a rule, the co-ordinate measuring machine (CMM) takes the shortest
direct route to the target point. Certain features of the
work piece - e.g. domes blocking the direct route - may lead to collisions.
‰ You can perform a collision control on all elements created with CAT1000P.
All points and intermediate positions of an element are controlled.
Activating collision control

To activate the collision control function, click on the "Collision control" entry in
the "Measure" menu or click on the symbol with the mouse.

It is only possible to perform a collision control if a clearance height has been

defined in GEOPAK (see also "Define clearance height").

‰ In general, the CMM movements up to and at clearance height are not
‰ In the event of a collision, the CMM moves to clearance height.
‰ The CMM moves to the clearance height up to the point that lies above the
measurement start point.
The measurement start point is that point before a measurement point from
which the CMM moves at measurement speed.
‰ From this position, the CMM now moves to the measurement start point of
the next measurement point. A collision control is performed for this CMM
movement. Should a collision risk be detected, the point will not be
measured since it cannot be reached without a collision.
‰ The collision control always takes place when the points of an element are
‰ Hint
Should the work process become too slow as a result of this procedure, it is
possible to deactivate the collision control during the creation of the element.
Afterwards, reactivate the collision control. The collision control will be
performed for the following recalculation.
‰ Between two elements, the CMM moves to clearance height. This
corresponds to the process in GEOPAK (See also "Define clearance
height"). In this case only one collision control is performed, i.e. for the CMM
movement from clearance height to element.

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Example: Element circle.

The "Show advanced movement path" function is activated.
First measurement point: Yellow
Last measurement point: Blue
The "Collision control" function is deactivated.
Collisions would occur.
1 = Position of first collision

Example: Element circle.

The "Show advanced movement path" and "Collision control" functions are activated.
The CMM moves to clearance height up to the position above the measurement start
point of the next point to be measured.

14.6 Move CMM

14.6.1 Move CMM Purpose of the function "Move CMM"
€ When you create part programs offline using the virtual machine, it will often
be necessary to define intermediate positions.

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€ The "Move CMM" function in CAT1000S and CAT1000P enables you to

define an intermediate position by a mouse click on the 3D view of the CAD
€ The graphic display of the movement allows you to perform an optical
collision check.
€ You can also perform an automatic collision check. For this, activate the
collision check in CAT1000S and CAT1000P. The graphics will now show
possible collision situations.
€ You can check the movement path and possible collisions in the graphics
prior to confirming the machine movement.
For the function "Move CMM" (which is possible only in the learn mode) you use the two
‰ "Move Machine" dialogue
‰ "Settings for Machine Movement" dialogue Activating the "Move CMM" function

Activate the "Move CMM" function using the symbol or the menu "Measurement"
and "Move machine".
For detailed information about this subject refer to:
"Settings for machine movement" dialogue
"Move machine" dialogue
Move CMM: Background
Intermediate positions: Three methods
Intermediate positions: One or more methods
Move CMM: Confirm position

14.6.2 "Settings for machine movement" dialogue

To get to the "Settings for Machine Movement" dialogue, use the menu "Settings".
€ Activate "Confirm position" if you want to obtain information prior to moving
the CMM.
€ Activate "Use model points", if the intermediate position is required to be
calculated by means of an intersection point with the model.
€ Activate "Move parallel to view", if the CMM is to be moved from the current
position parallel to the screen view plane.
€ Activate the button "Use movement box" if the movement box shall be used
for calculation.
• You can have a movement box displayed in the graphics by clicking
on "Get box". A movement box is calculated for the complete model.
• If you activate the check box "Offset for movement box", you can
define a value in the corresponding input box. This is the value with
which the movement box is offset in all axes.
• You define the planes of the movement box on which the
intermediate positions can be located. To define these planes, click
the "Min" and "Max" checkboxes of the three planes on or off.
Example: If the work piece is aligned on the CMM table in such a

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way that the XY plane of the work piece corresponds to the XY plane
of the CMM, it will be necessary to click off the minimum value for Z.
Otherwise a collision with the CMM table would occur.
• All values can also be entered manually.

14.6.3 "Move machine" dialogue

Working with the "Move machine" dialogue is only possible after having performed the
following two steps:
Ö Activate the "Confirm position" entry in the "Settings for Machine Movement"
Ö Select an intermediate position by a click in the 3D view.
Upon completion of these two steps the co-ordinates (numerical values) of the calculated
intermediate position will be shown in the "Move machine" dialogue. This position is also
shown in the graphics window.

"Recalculate point": Click on this symbol, if you have manually changed the
values and you want to see the target position in the graphics.

"Recalculate and show": Activate this function, if the movement path from the
current machine position to the intermediate position is to be updated automatically after
manual changes have taken place in the dialogue. Then, the movement path is
automatically displayed before the CMM starts moving.

"Restart dialogue": Click on this symbol if you want the dialogue to remain open
after the intermediate position has been reached.
Confirm with "OK" to actually start the CMM movement.

14.6.4 Move CMM: Background

The "Move CMM" function enables you to define intermediate positions in the 3D view of
the CAD model by a mouse click.
However, this mouse click in the 3D view of the CAD model provides only two-
dimensional information.
Based on the two-dimensional information (on the screen) a three-dimensional information
shall be created.
How to proceed
In order to obtain a three-dimensional information, the program proceeds as follows (see
ill. below):
Illustration (top view)

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1: Intersection with the model

2: Projected machine position
3: Intersection with the movement box
4: Movement box
5: Current machine position
6: View plane
7: Position you have clicked on
Ö Click into the 3D view of the CAD model.
Ö The view direction corresponds to a line running through the model space.
This line contains the points 1, 2, 3, 7 (see ill.).
Ö The two-dimensional information is available.
Ö The line through the model space is calculated. This line contains the points
1, 2, 3, 7 (see ill.).
Ö Using this line you can now obtain the three-dimensional information
required to define an intermediate position with one of three available
Refer to the subjects:
Intermediate positions: Three methods
Intermediate positions: One or more methods

14.6.5 Intermediate positions: Three methods

There are three methods to obtain the three-dimensional information required for defining
intermediate positions in CAT1000S and CAT1000P.
The methods and settings for the methods are determined in the "Settings for machine
movement" dialogue window. You access this dialogue using the menu bar, "Settings".

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Illustration (top view)

1: Intersection with the model

2: Projected machine position
3: Intersection with the movement box
4: Movement box
5: Current machine position
6: View plane
7: Position which you have clicked
Intersection with the model
Ö You click directly on a surface.
€ An intersection point of the line with the model (see ill. point 1) is used to
obtain an intermediate position.
€ The point on the surface is shifted by an offset. This is a value you define in
the "Settings for machine movement" dialogue window (via menu bar,
"Settings"). The direction of the offset corresponds to the surface normal of
the surface which you have clicked on. The result is the intermediate
€ This calculation is possible only when you click directly on a surface.
Current machine position
€ The second method uses the current machine position in order to calculate
the intermediate position. The "view direction line" containing the points 1, 2,
3, 7 intersects point 2 (see ill.).
€ With this method, the machine always moves only parallel to the screen view
€ The machine does not perform an uncontrolled movement along the view
€ This calculation is always possible. Consequently, there is no need for you to
click on a plane.

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Intersection with the movement box

€ The third method uses an intersection of the "view direction line" containing
the points 1, 2, 3, 7 with the movement box (point 3 in the ill.) The movement
box corresponds to a clearance height for all axes.
Ö You determine a minimum and a maximum value for each axis in the
"Settings for machine movement" dialogue window.
€ A calculation can only be performed if the "view direction line" (see ill.)
actually intersects the valid planes of the movement box, i.e. you must click a
point that is positioned within the movement box.
€ The edges of the movement box square are shown in red.
€ The calculated positions are additionally shifted away from the model by the
currently valid probe radius and the safety distance.
Refer to the topic:
Intermediate positions: One or more methods

14.6.6 Intermediate positions: One or more methods

You can use one or more methods to define an intermediate position.
You determine the method in the "Settings for machine movement" dialogue (refer to
"Dialogue: Settings for machine movement" and "Intermediate positions: Three methods").
If you select more than one method, the calculation will be performed in the following
€ Intersection with the model
€ Move CMM parallel to view plane
€ Intersection with the movement box.
Once you have made your decision for a combination, the following applies:
€ The first successfully calculated point will be used.
€ "Successfully" means:
• The point can be calculated.
• With the collision check function activated, no collision of the probe tip
will occur while the CMM is moving from the current to the calculated
It makes sense to combine the options "Use model points" and "Use movement
box". As a rule, the option "Move parallel to view" should not be combined with any
other option.
In case that an intermediate position cannot be calculated, the following will occur,
regardless of the method used:
€ A beep will be sounding.
€ At the same time, an error message appears in the status line of the
CAT1000S and CAT1000P windows.

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14.6.7 Move CMM: Confirm position

In the dialogue window "Settings to move CMM", you use the check box "Confirm
position" to define whether the CMM movement starts immediately or upon query
€ Deactivating the "Confirm position" check box causes the CMM to move
immediately to the intermediate position.
€ Activating the "Confirm position" check box causes the CMM to move to the
intermediate position only after you have confirmed the "Move machine"
The "Move machine" dialogue serves to check the selected co-ordinates.

If you have deactivated the check box "Confirm position" in the window "Settings
for machine movement" and if you have at the same time deactivated the
collision control, this constitutes a risk of collisions. In this case there will be no
alert before the CMM carries out any movement that may cause a collision.

€ In case you use the "Move machine" dialogue to check the selected co-
ordinates, the 3D view will show a line from the current to the calculated
position of the CMM.
€ The line and positions are shown in the colours you have defined for "Move
CMM" in the "Settings for probe display" dialogue window (via menu bar,
"Settings", "Graphics").

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Further options when working with CAT1000P

15 Further options when working with CAT1000P

15.1 Tips on working with CAT1000P

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Measuring in several sections
With CAT1000P it is possible to measure geometric elements by mouse clicks, either with
one mouse click for a complete measurement or in several sections.
Measurements in several sections can be performed quite comfortably with the
CAT1000P in only a few steps. The interaction between the CAD display and the dialogue
window makes it possible to perform a measurement without great efforts.
Example: Measuring a discontinuous edge
Ö Deactivate the "Element finished" function.
Ö One mouse click in the CAD model is sufficient to select the first edge
section to be measured. Confirm with "OK".
Ö Repeat this process for all edge sections to be measured.
Ö Before taking the measurement of the final section, activate the "Element
finished" function and confirm with "OK".
€ You have now created the element line with GEOPAK.

15.2 Display measured elements

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
Once you have completed one of the element dialogues in CAT1000P by confirming with
"OK", you can have the element displayed in the 3D view. You see the elements you have
already measured.

Before you can use this option, you have to activate the "CAT1000P elements"
function. Use the menu bar and the menu "View" to get to the "CAT1000P
elements" function.

Colour settings
The elements are shown in green (default settings).
To change in the 3D view the colours of elements already created, proceed as follows:
Ö Click on the entry "Model colours" in the "Settings" menu.
Ö Choose the "CAT1000P elements" button in the "Set Colours" dialogue and
define the colour of your choice.

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16 Settings

16.1 Settings for Measurement

To get to the "Settings for Measurement" dialogue, use the menu bar and the "Settings"
Four tabs are available.
€ General
€ Position Tolerance
€ Nominal Value
€ Avoidance Path
Settings for measurement: General
Here you can establish a permissible deviation. This function is necessary because
CAT1000S / CAT1000P expects an ideal element for the calculation of the probing points.
It may, however, happen that elements in the CAD model slightly deviate due to roundoff
errors. Verification of these probing points may show that these points are not located
exactly on the element. As a result of such check, the probing points would be regarded
as not valid points.
Establishing a permissible deviation helps overcome this problem. This distance defines
how far the calculated probing points are allowed to deviate from the ideal element. Within
this deviation, the probing points are regarded as valid probing points.

If the permissible deviation is a small value, surfaces will be searched for in a

small range around the calculated measurement point.
The smaller the range the faster the calculation. If the range is, however, too
small, it is quite possible that the correct surface is not found. To reduce this risk
you are advised to determine a value that is not too small.

Number of decimals
Here, you can define the number of decimals.
Use whole machine for collision control
Use this option to perform the collision control with the whole machine and all selected
components, e.g.: CMM, complete probe system, racks.
If this option is not selected, the collision control only checks the probe sphere for
collision. This option is in most cases much less time consuming and in many cases
Maximum step size for collision control
Here, you enter a value in the unit of your CAD model. Collisions with objects that are
smaller than this step size are possibly not recognised. On the other hand, a smaller
value entails a bigger calculation effort and is thus more time consuming.
For further information regarding the dialogue refer to:
Settings for Measurement: Position Tolerance
Settings for Measurement: Nominal Value

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16.2 Settings for Measurement: Nominal Value

To get to the dialogue "Settings for Measurement" use the menu "Settings".

16.2.1 Input box "Number of Digits after Comma":

Here you establish the digit after the comma starting from which CAT1000P will round the
nominal values of the elements.
€ Based on the model data, the diameter of a circle has been calculated. The
diameter is 24,996 (length unit of the model loaded).
€ In case you have established three digits after the comma, then precisely this
value will be transmitted to GEOPAK.
€ If you limit the number of digits after the comma to 2, the circle diameter will
be rounded to 25.

16.2.2 Input box "Number of Digits after Comma Angle":

Here you establish the digit after the comma starting from which the angle will be rounded
in CAT1000P.
For further information regarding the dialogue refer to:
Settings for Measurement: General
Settings for Measurement: Position Tolerance

16.3 Settings for CAT1000P Dialogues

This topic is relevant to CAT1000P only
In this dialogue you determine how the dialogues for element measurement shall be
represented in CAT1000P. Your selection is valid for all of the six CAT1000P elements.
€ Line
€ Circle
€ Cone
€ Plane (grid)
€ Plane (circular)
€ Cylinder
Three options
Ö If you select the standard dialogue, only the most important options for
element measurement are shown in the dialogue, e.g. the number of points
to be measured.
Ö If you select the extended dialogue, all options for element measurement
are shown in the dialogue, i.e. for example also the possible alternative
calculation modes and programming helps.
Ö If you click the button "Reset default values for all dialogues", the default
values of the installation are used in the dialogues.
The standard dialogue is sufficient for creating part program commands for measuring an
element and if most data from the last work step shall be used.

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Choose the extended dialogue if you want to create part program commands for
measuring a new element and if no data from the last work step shall be used. In this
case you can use the complete function range for creating part program commands in the
extended dialogue.

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