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Orion POS - Guide - User Guide PDF

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The document discusses the Orion Point of Sale (POS) system and its Management Console interface.

The Management Console is divided into three regions - the menu region, program region, and graph region.

The main menus in the Management Console are Daily, Periodic, Reports, and Administration.

The Orion Point of Sale System

Management Console Guide

Orion Digital Integration Inc.

January, 2010

2010 Orion Digital Integration Inc.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Management Console

The management console should look like the above screen after you log in. It is divided into three regions. The
bottom left region is called the menu region. Directly above the menu region is the program region. This is where
programs and reports are launched from. The right hand region is called the graph region. You may generate and
print a number of graphs from here.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

The main menu of the Management Console is displayed here.

The menu region contains 4 menus.

Contains options that may be run daily
Contains less frequently run programs such as customer history.
Contains the standard reports of the system.
Contains all of the programs in the POS that are associated with setup and
ongoing maintenance.

Now we will explore each of the menu options in detail.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Daily Menu
Choosing the Daily menu will display the following program region

The following is a list of the programs and reports within their categories.

Refresh Data
Imports and updates the local Orion POS database with current data from the
accounting system.

Daily Maintenance
Contains programs most often run, including:

Customer Maintenance Used to maintain customers.

Pricelist Maintenance Used to maintain pricelist items.
Promotions (Coupons) Used to maintain promotions/coupons.

Daily Reports
Contains all of the report available in the Point of Sale System including:

Daily Sales Journal
Sales Summary
Cashout Summary by Shift and Wkstn
Cashout Summary by Date Wkstn and Shift
Cashout Detailed
Sales by Category and Item

Post to Accounting
Exports local Orion POS data to the accounting system.

Remote Polling

Synchronize Locations
Run from head office in a remote polling environment this will synchronize data
between all locations.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Periodic Menu
Choosing the Periodic Menu will bring up the following program region

Import Export
Import or export data to a CSV file. You may import and export customers and
pricelist items, however you may only export transactions.

Customer History
View and print any customers transactions including all historical details and

Item History
View any items and their transaction details and payment history.

Year End Update

No Longer Available.

Purge Transaction
Delete transaction information up to any date before the current year.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Reports Menu
Choosing the Reports Menu will bring up the following program region

The Reports available for printing are listed below within their category.

Daily Sales Journal
Check In/Out
Daily Tax Summary
Cashout Summary by Shift and Wkstn
Cashout Summary by Date Wkstn and Shift
Cashout Detailed
Reprint Cashout

Sales Analysis
Deposit List by Date and Payment
Sales by Category
Payment Amounts per Day
Sales by Employee
Top Sellers
Worst Sellers
Best Customers
Sales by Date and Category

Customer List
Price List
Audit List
Customer Points Balances
Returns List
Void List

POS Company
POS Location
POS Workstations
POS Users

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Administration Menu
Choosing the Administration Menu will bring up the following options

Company Options
Edit company options here.

Table Maintenance
Customer Setup Used to maintain customers.
POS Location Setup Used to maintain POS locations.
Workstations Setup Used to maintain POS workstations.
POS Category Setup Used to maintain POS categories.
Points Setup Used to maintain the points program.
Payment Options Used to maintain payment types.
POS Tax Tables Used to maintain tax groups, jurisdictions and rates.
Button Panels Used to maintain POS button panels.
Pole Display
Message Setup Used to maintain messages for the pole display.

User Setup Used to maintain users.
Currency Setup Used to maintain currencies.
Security Setup Used to maintain security access to every program,
report and POS functionality.

Appearance Manager Used to edit some images and colors used to skin the
Hotkeys Used to setup hotkeys for common POS functions.

ACCPAC Integration Used to edit the connection properties to the ac

counting system.
Database Connection Used to edit the Orion POS database, accounting
database connection, and backup or create
a new Orion POS database.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Sales Analysis in the Management Console

The General tab of the graph region is pictured below.

The first three tabs have graphing abilities; They show the date and time in the lower right corner, and a feedback
label in the lower left corner. This will update after you launch programs and provide basic feedback for everything
you do.

The general tab displays basic connection and company information. The connection
Information includes:

Orion Server
The server (computer name) of the computer hosting the Orion POS database
Orion Database
The database ID for the Orion POS database connection.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

General Tab
The general tab graph shows Total Sales Vs. Total Cost for some time period. The following options exist:

Start Date The date to start counting transactions.

End Date The date to stop counting transactions.
Show Values Check whether on not to display values for each days totals.

Generate Creates the graph for the current options.

Print Opens a print preview of the graph for printing.

The following is an example of the general tabs generated graph

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Daily Tab
Next is the daily tab. The daily graph shows the total sales or units sold by category. The following shows

the daily charts options:

Chart Type
Select the chart type. The pie chart type will show percentages; The others
show total values for that category
Start Date
Select the date to start counting transactions. The default is today.

End Date Select the date to stop counting transactions. The default is today.
Show Values Check whether on not to display values for each hours totals.
Data Select either Units Sold or Total Sales.

The following is an example of the daily tabs generated graph

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Employee Tab
Next is the employee tab. The daily graph shows totals by employee. The following shows the employee charts

Chart Type
Select the chart type. The pie chart type will show percentages. The others
show total values for that category
Start Date
Select the date to start counting transactions. The default is today.
End Date
Select the date to stop counting transactions. The default is today.

Show Values
Check whether on not to display values for each employees totals.
Select either Transaction Count, Total Sales, Total Average Cost, Void Count,
Return Count

The following is an example of the employee tabs generated graph for Total Sales with
two employees.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Sales Tab
Next is the sales tab. The grid will display the transaction history. You may click on any column to sort the data. To
refresh sales click to another tab and click back. You may not edit sales data.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Customer Tab
Next is the customer tab. You may launch Customer Setup from the Add Customers button. The grid will display all
customers in the system. Use the finder to locate a specific customer. To refresh customers click

to another tab and click back.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Management Console

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Import - Export

Import Export

The import / export module in Orion POS will allow you to extract or import data into different tables in your Orion
in the POS database. The following fields make up this module.

Load or Save a template that defines an import or export configuration

Indicate an Import or Export function.

A list of the tables availabe to Import or Export.

The Import or Export file to effect.

Use XML instead of CSV.

Overwrite Existing Records

You can choose whether or not to overwrite existing records.

Auto Populate Required Fields where missing

Automatically populate fields that may be required during an import or export

Delimit Char(s)
Choose the character to delimit the CSV file (usually a comma ,).

Available Fields
Depending on the options selected, different fields will become available in this

Selected Fields (ordered)

Select from the list of available fields, the fields that you want to import or

Do Import Button
Begin the import or export process by pushing this button.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Import - Export

This image displays a list of available import options

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Import - Export

This image displays a list of available export options.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Import - Export

Use currency to edit any currencies. The currency table contains currency infor-
mation imported from the accounting system. Maintenance of currency

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Refresh

Refresh Data
Use Refresh Data to import (download) data from your accounting system.

The install wizard will import this information; after that you must use the refresh data module.

The following five options are available when importing data:

Refresh All
Check this to import all of the required data.
Import New Items Only
Check this to import new items; existing items will not be affected.
Remove records
Deleted in accounting
Check this to remove categories that are not being used by any pricelist items.

Click update to perform the import process, schedule to schedule this task to run automatically or close.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Refresh

If you choose to Refresh Individual Modules instead of all of the data.

The following five options are available when importing data:

Refresh Items
Check this to import pricelist items.
Refresh Customers
Check this to import customers.
Refresh Taxes
Check this to import taxes.
Refresh Taxes
Check this to import taxes.

Import Only New Items

Check this to import new items; existing items will not be affected.
Remove unused categs
Check this to remove categories that are not being used by any pricelist items.

Click update to perform the import process.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Customer Maintenance
The Orion POS Customer Setup module allows the modification and deletion of Orion POS Customer records.
Customers are imported from your accounting system during the install wizard. You may then edit them here. If you
need to add customers, please perform this function in the POS module or your accounting system.

General Tab

Enter the customer code. To the right enter the customer name.

On Hold
Check this to place a customer on hold which means they may not be available
in the POS for any transactions.
Short Name
Enter the short name.
Enter the address using up to 4 lines.
Enter the city.
Enter the abbreviated state or province.
Zip/Postal Code
Enter the zip code or postal code.
Enter the country.
Phone 1
Enter the primary phone number.
Phone 2
Enter the secondary phone number.
Enter the fax number.
Enter the email address.
Web Site
Enter the web site address.
Customer type
Select the customer type.
Select a pricelist for this customer
Display the currency for this customer

Additional Ship to Addresses button will launch the following form:

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Ship To Address Sub form General Tab

You may assign one customer many ship-to addresses. Click the new button on the Addresses finder. This starts a
new entry and pre-populates the address information from the original address to save time.

Client Name
Enter the clients name.
Enter the address using up to 4 lines.
Enter the city.
Enter the abbreviated state or province.
Zip/Postal Code
Enter the zip code or postal code.
Enter the country.
Phone 1
Enter the primary phone number.
Phone 2
Enter the secondary phone number.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Ship To Address Sub form Details Tab

Contact Name
Enter the contact name.
Tax Group
Select the tax group for any transactions that use this ship to address.
Ship Via
Enter the shipping method.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Contact Tab

You may enter contact information other than the customers general information.

Contact Name
Enter the contact name.
Contact Phone
Enter the contact phone number.
Contact Fax
Enter the contact fax number.
Contact Email
Enter the email address.
Ship Via
Enter the Ship Via information.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Processing Tab

Tax Group
Select the tax group.
Tax Classes
After selecting the tax group, select a class for each jurisdiction in the grid.
Ensure the Class Name is not UNUSED.
Account Set
Select the account set.
Code Term
Select the code term.
AR O/S Bal
Displays the AR OS Balance.
Rate Type
Displays the rate type
National Account
Enter the national account.
Billing Cycle
Select the billing cycle.
Enter a comment for this customer.
Credit Limit
Enter the credit limit for on account.

Start Date
Enter the date this customer was entered into the system.
Tax Registration
Enter up to 5 tax registration numbers. You must enter the numbers in order
from 1 to 5.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Sales Tab

This read-only tab displays up to 5 salespersons and their associated percentages for a sale. The percents must sum
to 100 or be set to 0.

Salesperson Code
Displays the salesperson code
Displays the percent allocated to this salesperson for sales on this customer.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Points Tab

Enable Points for

This Customer
Check this to enable points for the customer. The group box of options below
will become available.
Points Start Date
Select the date points will start being available.
Points This Year
Displays the points accumulated so far this year.
Points Last Year
Displays the points accumulated last year.
Last Date Points Given
Displays the last date points were awarded.
Points Accumulated
Displays the current points total.
Points Redeemed
Displays the number of points ever redeemed for this customer.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

User Defined Fields Tab

Optional Field
Select the optional field.

Optional Field
Displays the optional field description.

Select or enter a value. Some fields have a drop down and others you must
enter a value.

Value Description
Displays the value description, usually available if there is a drop down list of

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Sales History Tab

This tab has customer purchase history for this customer. This information is available for the customer loaded in
the Point of Sale System.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Item Setup
The Orion POS Posting module allows you to post the sales transactions created in the Point of
Sale module to Inventory Control, General Ledger, and Accounts Receivable for a user defined date range. Entries to
Tax Services and Bank Services are also written during the posting process. They are required modules and may not
be specifically selected.

Inventory Control

Shipments are written to the Inventory Control module just prior to printing
the sales receipt sold in the POS. Costing of items is handled by the inventory
control module. Costs seen on the various Orion POS reports are estimates
only. Orion POS costs items only when negative quantities are sold on either a
cash or customer sale.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Items Tab
The items tab contains the basic item data. not be specifically selected.

Formatted Item Number

Displays the Formatted Item Number
Structure Code
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
Account Set Code
Displays the Account Set Code
Displays the Items Category
Default Price List
Displays the Default Price List
Picking Sequence
Displays the Picking Sequence
Unit Weight
Displays the Unit Weight
Weight Unit of Measure (UOM)
Displays the Weight Unit of Measure
Displays the Language
Allows you to enter a Label Tag for this item.
Displays the Bin from Inventory
Displays the Shelf from Inventory
Allow on Web
Displays the allow on Web flag from Inventory
Displays the Inactive flag from Inventory
Displays the Sellable flag from Inventory
Serial Number
Displays the Serial Number flag from Inventory

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Kitting Item
Displays the Kitting flag from Inventory
User Defined Cost
Indicates whether or not there is a user defined cost associated with this item
Clearing Item
Indicates whether or not this is a clearing item
Use Extended Price Entry
Indicates whether or not extended price entry is allowed for this item
Additional Item Info
Displays the additional Item Information for this Item.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Units Tab
The Units Tab displays any units of measure setup on this item as well as any barcodes. . The information displayed
here will be overwritten once the data is re-synchronized (refreshed) with the accounting system.

Unit of Measure Grid

Displays the Alternate Units of Measure for this Item in this Grid.
Current Unit of Measure
Displays the Pricing Unit of Measure for this Item.
Bar Codes
Displays any Bar Codes Set Up for this item. Barcodes should be set up in the
Accounting System (IC Manufacturers Item N umber). If not, you can set them
up here.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Taxes Tab
The Taxes Tab displays Tax Information for the selected item. All of the Taxes used in Orion POS are maintained in
the accounting system. The information displayed here will be overwritten once the data is re-synchronized (re-
freshed) with the accounting system.

Tax Classes
Displays the tax classes and jurisdictions used with this item.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Optional Fields Tab

The Optional Fields Tab displays this items optional Fields. All of the information displayed on this tab is brought in
from the Accounting System.

Optional Field Data

All of the information displayed on this form is variable and is assigned in the
Accounting System. The information will vary from site to site.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Item Pricing
The Item Pricing Module in Orion Point of Sale allows you to view this items pricing setup from the Accounting
System. For each Price List / Item a record exists that displays pricing. Discount structure and points setup for this

Base Price Type

Displays the Formatted Item Number
Base Price
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
Pricing Unit of Measure
Displays the Account Set Code
Markup Cost
Displays the Formatted Item Number
Enable Dynamic Price Override
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
Displays the Account Set Code
Sale Price Type
Displays the Formatted Item Number
Sale Price
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
Sale Starts
Displays the Account Set Code
Sale Ends
Displays the Formatted Item Number
Sale UOM
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
Default Taxing Method
Displays how the taxing is setup on the item (inclusive or exclusive).

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Discounts Tab
The Item Pricing Module in Orion Point of Sale allows you to view this items pricing setup from the Accounting
System. For each Price List / Item a record exists that displays pricing. Discount structure and points setup for this

Selling Price Based on

Displays the Formatted Item Number
Discount on Price By
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
Pricing Determined by
Displays the Account Set Code
Rounding Method
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
Round to a Multiple Of
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
Discount Percentage
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System

A Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System

B Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
C Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
D Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
E Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Points Tab
The Points Tab Displays Customer Loyalty information for this item.

Number of Points
Displays the Number of Points allocated for this item when it is sold.
Start Date
Points Start Date
End Date
Points End Date
Points Unit of Measure

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Promotion Setup
Use promotion setup to create coupons.

General Tab

Coupons may have restrictions by item or category. You must choose the start and end dates; Coupons may be
available for any specific days of each week. To set up a payment type coupon, you must first create the payment
type in the Payment Options module.

Enter the promotion name. To the right of the name enter the description.
Coupon Type
Select either payment type or promotional type.
Payment Coupon
Select a payment type. You may want to create a COUPON payment type for
Promotional Coupon
Select the item affected for this promotion.
Effective Date
Select the start date for the coupon. The default is today.
Expiry Date
Select the ending date for the coupon. The default is today.
Always use whole amt
Check this to give change on purchases below the promotional dollar amount.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Restrictions Tab

Coupon Restrictions
Select the restriction type or leave as none.
No Restriction
Single Item
Select the item this promotion applies to. You may also select the UOM.
Select the category that items must belong to
Days Available
Select which days the coupon may be used. The default is everyday.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Coupon Details Tab

Coupon Amount
Select percent or dollar and enter associated amount.
Display Order
Enter up to 3 characters used to visually sort the coupons by in the POS.
Serial Number
Enter the serial number; that will appear on the sales slip.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Post to Accounting
The Orion POS Posting module allows you to post the sales transactions created in the Point of
Sale module to Inventory Control, General Ledger, and Accounts Receivable for a user defined date range. Entries to
Tax Services and Bank Services are also written during the posting process. They are required modules and may not
be specifically selected.

The posting module will only allow you to post to accounting modules specified on the setup. The actual posting
process will then post to your choice of available options for the Inventory Control, General Ledger and Accounts
Receivable. Only data which is in the date range selected will be posted. When the data has been successfully
posted an indicator is set in the Orion POS sales history files. This means that if an attempt to post the data a sec-
ond time is made, items marked as posted will not create duplicate accounting entries.

Inventory Control

Shipments are written to the Inventory Control module just prior to printing the sales receipt sold in the POS. Cost-
ing of items is handled by the inventory control module. Costs seen on the various Orion POS reports are estimates
only. Orion POS costs items only when negative quantities are sold on either a cash or customer sale.

Accounts Receivable

When this field is selected Orion POS will create an Invoice batch in Accounts Receivable when the On Account
tender type is used with a customer record. Orion POS will create a Receipt batch with unapplied cash in Accounts
Receivable when there are Customer Paid In transactions.

General Ledger

A batch will be created which records the revenues per category, taxes and tender information.

How to Use the Orion POS Posting module

To use the Orion POS posting module follow these steps.

Ensure that the data created in the POS Module has gone through a Shift
Change process in the POS Day End Processing group.

Make a backup of the data files.

Mark the modules that you want to have POS data posted to: Inventory
Control, General Ledger, and Accounts Receivable. You may only post to
modules which have been selected on the Orion POS ACCPAC for Windows
Maintenance, Integration Tab.

Select a date range.

Select the Post button.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Accounting Entries Generated

Inventory Control
Orion POS will create shipments as items are sold in the POS. The Day End Pro-
cessing and Create G/L Batch processes in the Inventory Control module should
be run to complete the inventory control and general ledger entries associated
with the sales data.

General Ledger
The following entries are created when a cash sale is created in the POS module
and posted:

DR Payment Option(s) for the amount received for each Payment Option
CR taxes collected for the sale
CR category revenue for each item

Payment Options will debit the general ledger account number specified for the
GL Account field on each Payment Option record. The general ledger account
number for tax collected is taken from the Authorities in Tax Services. The cat-
egory revenue account number is taken from the Revenue Account field in the
Orion POS Category record used for the sale of the item.

The following entries are created when a customer sale using the On Account
tender type is created in the

POS module and posted from Orion POS:

DR accounts receivable clearing for the On Account amount
CR taxes collected for the sale
CR category revenue for each item

Accounts receivable clearing refers to the amount tendered On Account us-

ing the general ledger account specified on the On Account Payment Options
record. The general ledger account number for tax collected is taken from the
Authorities in Tax Services. The category revenue account number is taken from
the Revenue Account field in the Orion POS Category record used for the sale of
the item.

The following entries are created when Cash Paid In (not on account) transac-
tion is created (the entries will be reversed for a Cash Paid Out transaction):

DR Payment Option(s) for the amount received for each Payment Option
CR paid in/out clearing

Payment Options will debit the general ledger account number specified for the
GL Account field on each Payment Options record. Paid in/out clearing refers to
the general ledger account specified for the Paid In/Out Clearing account found
on the Accounts tab in the Orion POS Company Options.

The following entries are created when a Customer Paid In (cash received on
account) transaction is created (the entries will be reversed for a Customer Paid
Out transaction):

DR tender type(s) for the amount received for each tender type
CR accounts receivable cash clearing

Payment Options will debit the general ledger account number specified for the
GL Account field on each Payment Options record. Accounts receivable cash
clearing refers to the general ledger account for each of the Payment Options
records used.

Accounts Receivable

Orion POS creates an invoice batch in the Accounts Receivable module after the
data has been posted. The following general ledger entries are created after a
Customer sale transaction tendered with the On Account tender type has been
posted in Orion POS and the invoice batch has been and posted in the Accounts
Receivable module:

DR AR control
CR AR clearing
Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

AR control refers to the general ledger account specified for the Receivable
Control field of the Control Account Set specified in each customer record.
AR Clearing refers to the general ledger account specified on the On Account
Payment Options record. Orion POS creates a receipt batch in the Accounts
Receivable module after the data has been posted. The following general ledger
entries are created after a Customer Paid In transaction has been posted in
Orion POS and the batch has been posted in the Accounts Receivable module:

DR AR cash clearing
CR AR control

AR cash clearing refers to the general ledger account specified on the Payment
Options record used for the paid in amount. AR control refers to the general
ledger account specified for the Receivable Control field of the Control Account
Set specified in each customer record.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Suggested Reconciliation Process

Have each till operator print an X-REPORT from the POS module just prior to the end of their shift. Count the con-
tents of the cash drawer. If there is a discrepancy make a note on the X-REPORT as an adjustment to the general
ledger will have to be made. Orion POS will send an entry to the General Ledger for the amount the software has
accumulated for tender(s) received. When the contents of the cash drawer dont match this amount, we suggest
that an offsetting entry to an account used for cash over/under be made for the difference.

Make a back up of the directory specified for the company. This will ensure that you have a copy of the files should
you run into problems during the posting process such as a power failure, hard disk failure, network problems,
etcetera. This will allow you to restore the data and try again after the problem has been resolved.

Perform a Shift Change.

Post the data in Orion POS. If there are any errors during posting please make
note of them.

Print the Daily Sales Journal from History found in the Period End Report Server.
This report should be printed on a daily basis and kept with your accounting
records. It acts as part of your paper trail and may be used along with other
reports to reconstruct the accounting entries for reconciliation and auditing
purposes should the computer files become damaged. Pre Tax Sales plus Tax
should equal the Total. Tendered less Change should equal Net. The Total plus/
minus Paid In/Out should equal the Net. The Cost plus the Margin should equal
the Pre Tax Sales. Each inventory item on this report should match the ship-
ments on the Posting Journal in the Inventory Control module.

Print a copy of the Cash Out Summary by Tender Type found in the Period End
Process group. The Total on this report should match the Net on the Daily Sales
Journal for the same time period. The Total should also match the total of all
the X-REPORTS. If there is a discrepancy between the X-REPORTS and the total
on the Cash Out Reports and Daily Sales Journal, check the date and time stamp
on the X-REPORT(s) and compare with the date and time stamp on the Daily
Sales Journal to ensure that there were no more transactions processed after
the X-REPORT was printed. The totals by payment option should match the
totals in the general ledger batch.

The Cost on the Daily Sales Journal should match the cost of goods sold on the
Inventory Control Shipment Audit List. You should be able to take the Daily
Sales Journal and match the entries on the two reports.

The Sales Analysis Summary Report found in the Sales Analysis Report Server
less entries on the Sales Analysis Global Discounts should match the entries
made to the General Ledger for Category Revenue.

Any discrepancies should be noted and investigated.

If you are using Accounts Receivable print a copy of the Audit List - On Account
OA Tendered Transactions report. The total should match the On Account
amount indicated on the Cash Out report. You should be able to take a copy of
this report and tick back each entry against an entry in an accounts receivable
invoice batch. If you are using Accounts Receivable print a copy of the Audit
List - Paid In On Account PI Transactions report. The total should match the
amounts indicated on the Paid In/Out report for transactions marked as Cus-
tomer Paid In or Customer Paid out. You should be able to take a copy of this
report and tick back each entry against an entry in an accounts receivable cash

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Cash Reconciliation
When you have finished processing transactions for the day or shift, you should perform the cash out function.
Orion POS has this capability built into both the POS and Back Office (The Management Console) components.

The cash out process begins by pressing the cash out button on the menu bar of the Point of Sale module. Then
Choose cash out. The following screen will appear. You can also process the cashouts from the Orion Manage-
ment Console. Choose the Cash Reconciliation option on the Daily Menu.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Subtract the amount of the float and continue counting the cash and other forms of currency until all of the
amounts are entered. The totals entered should match the totals generated by the computer. The report should be
printed and the system will automatically perform a shift change. At this point you can

either begin a new shift or shut down the till for the day.

The report printed is effectively a deposit slip for the cash out of this till.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Suggested Reconciliation Process

Have each till operator print an X-REPORT from the POS module just prior to the end of their shift. Count
the contents of the cash drawer. If there is a discrepancy make a note on the X-REPORT as an adjustment
to the general ledger will have to be made. Orion POS will send an entry to the General Ledger for the
amount the software has accumulated for tender(s) received. When the contents of the cash drawer
dont match this amount, we suggest that an offsetting entry to an account used for cash over/under be
made for the difference.

Make a back up of the directory specified for the company. This will ensure that you have a copy of the
files should you run into problems during the posting process such as a power failure, hard disk failure,
network problems, etcetera. This will allow you to restore the data and try again after the problem has
been resolved.

Perform a Shift Change.

Post the data in Orion POS. If there are any errors during posting please make note of them.

Print the Daily Sales Journal from History found in the Period End Report Server. This report should be
printed on a daily basis and kept with your accounting records. It acts as part of your paper trail and may
be used along with other reports to reconstruct the accounting entries for reconciliation and auditing
purposes should the computer files become damaged. Pre Tax Sales plus Tax should equal the Total.
Tendered less Change should equal Net. The Total plus/minus Paid In/Out should equal the Net. The Cost
plus the Margin should equal the Pre Tax Sales. Each inventory item on this report should match the ship-
ments on the Posting Journal in the Inventory Control module.

Print a copy of the Cash Out Summary by Tender Type found in the Period End Process group. The Total
on this report should match the Net on the Daily Sales Journal for the same time period. The Total should
also match the total of all the X-REPORTS. If there is a discrepancy between the X-REPORTS and the total
on the Cash Out Reports and Daily Sales Journal, check the date and time stamp on the X-REPORT(s) and
compare with the date and time stamp on the Daily Sales Journal to ensure that there were no more
transactions processed after the X-REPORT was printed. The totals by payment option should match the
totals in the general ledger batch.

The Cost on the Daily Sales Journal should match the cost of goods sold on the Inventory Control Ship-
ment Audit List. You should be able to take the Daily Sales Journal and match the entries on the two

The Sales Analysis Summary Report found in the Sales Analysis Report Server less entries on the Sales
Analysis Global Discounts should match the entries made to the General Ledger for Category Revenue.

Any discrepancies should be noted and investigated.

If you are using Accounts Receivable print a copy of the Audit List - On Account OA Tendered Trans-
actions report. The total should match the On Account amount indicated on the Cash Out report. You
should be able to take a copy of this report and tick back each entry against an entry in an accounts
receivable invoice batch. If you are using Accounts Receivable print a copy of the Audit List - Paid In On
Account PI Transactions report. The total should match the amounts indicated on the Paid In/Out report
for transactions marked as Customer Paid In or Customer Paid out. You should be able to take a copy of
this report and tick back each entry against an entry in an accounts receivable cash batch.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Till Viewer
The Till Viewer is a tool created to allow management the ability to view activity at ant selected till on the
companys network. Select the date, the workstation and the shifty that you want to view. The activity at
that workstation will be despayed in the grids below.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Buy X Get Y
The Buy X Get Y Module lets you set up additional Retail Discounting Schemes for selling multiple items. A typical
Buy X Get Y scenario will allow users to sell item X by a rule and get item Y at a special price. For Instance, Buy 3
get one free (but 3 of item x and get a free item y).

Displays the Formatted Item Number
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
Base Price Type
Displays the Formatted Item Number
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
Displays the Formatted Item Number
Qty Required
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
Maximum Number of Deals
Displays this items Structure Code from the Accounting System
Displays the Formatted Item Number

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Remote Polling in Orion Point of Sale

The Orion Point of Sale System has the ability to link any number of remote locations together. In Point of Sale
processing, this is referred to as Remote Polling. Historically, remote polling was done with modems and was a
complex, time consuming process. Today, with the Internet available worldwide, this process is much quicker and
much more efficient.

The Orion Point of Sale System is capable of linking a large number of remote locations (branch offices) to a com-
mon head office.

Orion remote Polling works by having a company Database at the head office and setting up a SQL database on a
server or workstation at the remote location to facilitate the transfer of data to and from the remote location. All
of the setup and maintenance of the system is done from the head office. Once setup, enough data is sent to the
remote location from the head office to allow transactions to be processed at the remote location. At the end of
the day or whenever it is convenient, the sales transaction data can be sent back to the head office to be posted
into the Accpac Accounting System.

The Orion Remote Polling System is designed to be controlled from the head office. When you set up the system,
you must have an Orion Location record and at least one workstation for each remote location. The Workstation
must reference the locations Location Record.

The remote polling is run from the Synchronize Locations option in the remote polling section of the manage-
ment console. Further, you can set up the Orion POS Remote Polling option to run automatically through the Micro-
soft Scheduler.

Note: to set up the scheduler, login to Windows with your Administrator user and password.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Remote Polling in Orion Point of Sale

The Orion Point of Sale System has the ability to link

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Setting up Remote Polling in Orion Point of Sale

At the Head office (HOST) Location

To set up remote polling, first ensure that the Head office location is fully functioning. This means that Sage Accpac
ERP is installed and the database has at least 1 A/R, GL and Bank Services Transaction, and that the Inventory has at
least one fully setup item.
Setup The Orion POS and refresh the data at the host.
You should be able to run the Orion POS and process and post at least one transaction to the accounting system.

Orion POS must have a location set up for the head office location and at least one additional location set up for
the remote location.

Then setup a new POS Location in the POS Database and identify that location as a remote polling location by fill-
ing in the external IP Address of the computer at the remote location and identifying a port TCP IP Port to use in
the file transfer (note: do not use port 1433 (the default SQL port)). We have had success using port 1648 as our

Note: The port identified above is the port that will be used in ongoing synchronizations. The Wizard uses the port
above to synchronize locations. At the remote location you MUST port forward the firewall to the computer at the
remote location that has the Orion Database installed on it.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Setup the workstation(s) for the remote location. All of the setup should be done at the head office location.
Note that the POS Location corresponds to the remote location for this, the remote workstation.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

At the Remote Location

Connecting Orion POS to the remote location Database

Install SQL (or SQL Express) and the Orion POS Software on a computer at the remote location. We suggest that the
computer chosen to hold the database is a server (if there is one at the store); otherwise a workstation will do.

Next, run the wizard (Management Console) at the remote and setup a remote polled workstation
Choose the third option, Remote Workstation and press next to proceed to the next screen.
Note: The check box to the right is for setting up an additional workstation at the remote location.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Setup the rest of the connection data here to connect Orion POS to the database at the remote workstation.

Enter the following:

Database ID
The name of the database at the remote location. This name can be anything
that you choose to setup. It does not have to be the same as the database on
the server.

Server Address
The name of the computer at the remote location that contains the Orion POS
database. If the Database is installed on a SQL Instance, the instance name may
need to be added here (ie.SERVER_NAME/INSTANCE).

User Name
Usually the SA (SQL System Administrator user).

The SA Password

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Installing the Remote Service

With the release of Orion 3.0, we have made available a Windows service for use at the remote locations. This
service will allow you to connect, at any time, to an Orion remote database to facilitate data transfers.

The remote service is available on the Orion POS download page and can be installed and set to run automatically.
To adjust the settings in the service, go into the services section of the windows control panel and open the Orion
Remoting Service.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Remote Polling for the First Time

If you choose not to install the Orion Remoting Service, the Management Console MUST be open on one of the
remote workstations in order for the polling to work.

At the head office select the Remote Polling option. The Remote Location should appear in the list of available
Locations to Poll.

Proceed to run the remote polling by pressing the Execute Synchronization button after checking off the one or
more of the check boxes (Import or Export

or Both)..

The first time that you run the remote polling you must choose to export data to the remote. The system will not
completely setup if you do not do this.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Problem Resolution
The most common problem is failure to correctly open the port at the remote locations firewall and forward the
port to the computer at the remote that contains the Orion Database.

The selected port is not opened in the Windows firewall.


Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Remote Polling Checklist

In order to setup Remote Polling in Orion POS you must install and have Orion POS setup and operating at the Head
Office or hosted site in advance of setting up any remote locations. The system relies on much in the data at the
head office database so it is quite important that the entire pos is functioning correctly prior to setting up remote

Preparing your Head office Accounting System for Remote Polling

Run all of the Microsoft Updates on any computers running Orion POS.
Setup a different IC location for each remote location. You can share an IC loca-
tion for the remotes but this generally is not a good idea.

Preparing your Remote Locations for Remote Polling

The very first step in all of this is to install all of the Microsoft Updates on any
computers running Orion POS.

Begin the installation by installing the MS-SQL Database at the remote location.
I would also suggest that you install the Microsoft Management Studio Express
as well.
And then install Orion POS. Do not launch anything else at this point. Install any
updates and ensure that the version of Orion POS at the Remote locations is the
same as the version of Orion POS at the head office.
Identify the EXTERNAL IP Address of the remote location(s) and write it(them)
down. Arbitrarily select a port on the firewall to open and allow Orion POS to
use. Typically, we have select 1648 and have had no problems. You can use any
unused port that you desire.

Open this port on the firewall at the remote location.

When you run the Management Console for the first time it will launch into the
setup wizard. Choose the third option; Remote Location Setup.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer History

Customer History
The Customer History lets you view each customers transaction history. The first screen lets you see the main
transaction (header) data. From there you may view details or view payments.

Select a customer
Any transactions with this customer will immediately show up in grid immedi-
ately below. Scroll to the right to see more information.
View Details
View all information stored per line item for the current transaction.
View Payments
View all payment details stored per line item for the current transaction.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer History

Customer History Details Breakdown

Clicking the view details button will open up this form.

Displays the invoice number.
The grid displays each line items details for this transaction. Scroll to the right
to see every detail.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer History

Customer History Payments display

Clicking the view payments button will open up this form.

Displays the invoice number.
The grid displays each payments details for this transaction. Scroll to the right
to see every payment detail.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer History

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Item History

Item History

The item History option in the Orion Point of Sale System was designed to allow users of the system to search for
the sale of a particular item. There are three screens available in this function, a list of the invoices on which the
selected item has been sold, the detail lines of that invoice, and the payment method used to pay the invoice. In
addition, you can choose to reprint an invoice from here.

Select an item.
Any transactions with this item will immediately show up in grid immediately
below. Scroll to the right to see more information.
View Details
View all information stored per line item for the current transaction.
View Payments
View all payment details stored per line item for the current transaction.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Item History

Item History Details Display

Clicking view details will open up this form.

Displays the invoice number.
The grid displays each line items details for this transaction. Scroll to the right
to see every detail.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Item History

Item History Payments Breakdown

Clicking view payments will open up this form.

Displays the invoice number.
The grid displays each payments details for this transaction. Scroll to the right
to see every payment detail.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Item History

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Purge Transaction History

Purge Transaction History

The Purge Transaction History Module will delete transaction history from your Orion POS Database. There are no
fields to fill in with the exception of the date to purge to and an option to purge quotes only.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Purge Transaction History

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Purge Transaction History

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Company Options
The Company Options module allows you to set information and defaults that are Global in nature and that affect
the entire point of sale system. There are seven Tabs in the Company Options Module. They are:

General Tab

The company options module allows you to set up the global options for the point of sale system. There are seven
tabs in this module; each is dedicated to a different aspect of the setup. The first tab is the General tab. Listed
below are the fields on this tab


Enter the company name as you would like it to appear on internal reports,
the title bar and to be displayed in both the POS and Management Console.

Enter the address on up to three lines as you would like it to appear on internal
reports, sales slips, etc.

Enter the city as you would like it to appear on internal reports, sales slips, etc.

State / Prov.
Enter the state or province (abbreviated) as you would like it to appear on
internal reports, sales slips, etc.

Zip/Postal Code
Enter the zip code or postal code as you would like it to appear on internal
reports, sales slips, etc.
Enter the country as you would like it to appear on internal reports,
sales slips, etc.

Phone # 1
Enter the phone number as you would like it to appear on internal
reports, sales slips, etc.

Phone # 2
Enter the secondary phone number as you would like it to appear on
internal reports, sales slip, etc.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Cell #
Enter the cell phone number as you would like it to appear on
internal reports, Sales slip, etc.

Fax #
Enter the fax number as you would like it to appear on internal reports, sales
slips, etc.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Details Tab

The Details tab contains additional information required in the system.

POS Screen Resolution

Select the resolution of the POS. There are two options here,
800x600 or 1024x768.

Contact Name
Enter the contact name.

Contact Ph #
Enter the contacts phone number

Select the language for your company.

Web Site
Enter the web site address.

Org ID
Displays the organization id (read-only).

Finder Search
Select the default search type that the built in search tool uses throughout the
system. There are two options (starts with and contains) to choose from.

Layaways Initial Payment

Layaways Require Initial Payment

Check to force any layaway to require a deposit Select and enter a dollar
amount or percent as the minimum deposit amount for layaways.

Minimum Initial Payment

Enter the amount or Percent of the minimum Layaway Payment required.

Use Serialization
Check to allow serialized items to be sold. Orion POS will not automatically
integrate to Serialized Inventory for speed reasons.

Enable Server Based Shift Counter

This option allows you to shift the system to process cashouts based on the op-
erator of the system. This function is primarily intended for Food and Beverage

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Serialized items sellable For Cash Customer

Check to allow serialized items to be sold to the POSs cash customer. This
covers instances where you do not need to track Serialized Items by customer.

Disable Forced UOM Selection for Items With Multiple UOMs

Turns off the UOM selection to allow the default UOM to be sold.
This will speed up processing marginally and will streamline the transaction
processing flow.

Disable Price Change On Qty Change
Unlinks the price / qty relationship where you have complex pricing schemes
brought into the POS from your accounting system.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Sales Slip Tab

The Sales Slip Tab allows you to select the format for the sales slip that will be printed from the POS. The Orion POS
by default prints a text slip. The slip is essentially a 3 wide sales slip that contains all of the expected information
that we feel users would want to see on a sales slip. If you require a wide or customer sales slip, you can use one of
the additional sales slips that we developed in Crystal Reports. The text slip is not modifiable; Custom reports are
fully modifiable, and regular crystal reports are partly modifiable.

Default Receipt
(Editable at Runtime)
Allows you to select (from a list) the sales slip to use at runtime or to force the
sales slip selected to print each time.

Text Slip
Select text slip if a simple un-editable sales slip that doesnt rely on crystal
reports will meet your needs. You can select from one of a number of available

Crystal Report
Select Crystal Report to choose a sales slip designed in crystal reports. There is
a narrow (3 inch wide) report and a full page (8.5 x 11) report included in the
system when you install.

Use Advanced
Check this to select invoices from the ODBC Based Crystal Reports instead of
the default data piped sales lips/invoices.

Display Receipt
information from:
Select whether information in the header of POS receipts (such as name,
address, phone number, etc) should come from the Company settings or the
individual Locations settings.

Display Tax Field From:

Select whether information in the header of POS receipts (such as name,
address, phone number, etc) should come from the Company settings or the
individual Locations settings

Display Customer Points Info:

Check this to display customer point information on the Text Receipts.

Quotes Report
Select the report to print quotes on. This is enabled only if the crystal report is
your default receipt or it is editable at runtime. If no quotes report is selected
the default slip will be used.
Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Display Customer
Points Info
Check this to display customer point information on each receipt.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Defaults Tab

The Company Setup Defaults Tab contains a number of the processing defaults necessary in the POS. Of
particular importance is the Sales Processing Field Visits area. Essentially, you can turn off or on the
requirement to enter a number in any of the specified fields in the POS here.

Cash Cust Tax Code

Select the tax code for the cash customer which by default is named

Customer Credit Limit

Enter the default customer credit limit.

Default Customer
Select the default customer.

Purge Days
Select the number of days before purging Quotes.

Tax Group
Select the default tax group.

Floor Limit
Enter the floor limit (currently Unused).

Default Shift Counter

Select which shift counter to use. You can choose from Company, Location and
Workstation. We recommend Workstation.

Default Invoice Counter

Select which invoice counter to use. You can choose from Company, Location
and Workstation. We recommend Workstation.

Displays the home currency symbol.

Allow Fractional Qty

Check this to enable fractional quantity sales. Also enter the maximum number
of decimals.

Dont Validate Orion Finders

Check this to stop th e\Finder from validating any selection.

Sales Processing Field Visits Skip Edit Quantity during Sale

Check to skip editing the quantity field during a sale.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Skip Price during Sale

Check to skip editing price during sale.

Skip UOM during Sale

Check to skip editing of unit of measure during sale.

POS Login Options:

Quick Login
Check this to enable logins without passwords.
Note that the Admin login will Always require a password.

Use Table Service Login Screen

Check to use the Table Service Screen if you have Table Service active.

Start Transaction on Customer

Normally the finder will set the focus on the Item Input Field. This option sets
the finder on the Customer ID Field at the start of a transaction. It is important
to note that changing this will disrupt the natural and most logical transaction
flow within a transaction.

Allow Create New Customer in AR

When you create a new customer in the POS, this option will also create the
customer in the Accounts Receivable Module..

Pre Warn on Customer Issues in POS

This option will warn, at the beginning of a transaction, if the Credit Limit is
exceeded or the customer is on hold.

Enable Contract Pricing

This option turns on the ability in Orion POS to use the Accounting Systems
Contract Pricing Features.

Disable Multi Table Server Colors

This option turns off the automatic change of color that occurs on the Table
Sevice Screen when a table is in use.

Allow on Account Sales to Cash Customers

Allows on Account Sales to the Cash Customer.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Invoice Tab

The Company Setup Invoice Tab allows you to set invoice number counter and a bit of extraneous data for the

Note: the invoice number counter will only be used here if the system is set to count invoices globally (as opposed
to by location or by workstation).

Max Discount Percent

Enter the maximum discount percentage. Ex. 15 means 15%.
Price Encrypt Key
Displays the price encryption key read-only.
Alter Price Max
Enter the maximum amount a price may be altered.
Next Invoice Number
Enter the invoice number for the next transaction. If field appears grayed out,
the default invoice counter is not set to POS location. You may edit this on the
defaults tab.
Current Shift Counter
Enter the shift number for the next transaction. If field appears grayed out, the
default shift counter is not set to POS location. You may edit this on the defaults
Next Quote Number
Enter the next quote number. These act in place of invoice numbers for quotes.
Quote Lifetime
Enter the number of days until a quote expires. 0 means it never expires.

Default Pricelist
Enter the number of days until a quote expires. 0 means it never expires.

Buy X Get Y
Enter the number of days until a quote expires. 0 means it never expires.

Add Signature
Line to Text Slip
Enter the number of days until a quote expires. 0 means it never expires.

Add Salespersonto Text Slip Returns

Enter the number of days until a quote expires. 0 means it never expires.

Require Salesperson On Invoice

Enter the number of days until a quote expires. 0 means it never expires.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Options Tab

The options tab lets you set rounding, time until logout and customer creation details in the accounting system.

Auto generate Customer code

Auto generates customer codes using a prefix if selected.

Customer code Prefix

Enter the code prefix. Note the length of customer code prefix plus the custom-
er max code length must be less than 13. Also the customer max code length
must be at least 4 more than the length of the customer code prefix.
Customer Max

Code Length
Enter the maximum code length.

Round Type
Select up, down or nearest round type.
Round Amount
Select the round amount.

Force Default Tax Class on Import

sets the tax class instead of looking it up. This option is useful in situations
where all items have the same tax class.

Login after Each

Forces the user to login at the start of each transction.

Inactivity Logout
Enter the number of minutes for inactivity logs you out. 0 means ignore the

Enable Salesperson Assignment

Turns on the ability to select a salesperson at the end of a transaction.

Disable Finder Refocus

The finder will automatically reset the focus to the input field unless this option
is turned on.

Disable Finder Auto Search

Turns off the automatic search feature in the finder requiring you to press the
search button.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Disable Item Stacking in POS

Orion POS has the ability to combine items entered multiple times in a transac-
tion into one line item, increasing the qty appropriately. The items must have
the same Item Number, Unit of Measure and Price in order to be stacked.

Disable User Costing

Select this option to turn off the entry of a cost figure in items that are set up
with User Specified Costing.

Enable Profit Center Mode

Turns on the ability to use profit centers instead of categories to recognize
revenue in Orion POS.

Enable Volume
Discount Stacking
Allows you to stack or combine items in a transaction even if they have been

Require Security
to Sell Under Cost
Allows items to be sold below cost if there is security approval to do so.

Disable Sell below

Cost Warning
Warns you if a selected item is being sold below cost.

Include Negative
Lines in Global
Discounts Setting
This option allows you to ignore negative lines in a transaction when issuing a
Global Discount.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Accounting Tab

The Company Setup Accounting Tab is where the default General Ledger Account Information is set into the system.
Although these fields are rarely used (the actual information used is generally obtained elsewhere in the system).

AR Cash Clear
Select the AR cash clearing account (Receipts are cleared here)

AR Clear
Select the AR clearing account (Tenders are cleared here).

Cash On Hand
Select the cash on hand/bank account.

Select a coupons account.

PD In/Out
Select the paid in/out clearing account

Select the default revenue account.

Layaway Unpaid
Select the layaways unpaid (receivables) account.

Layaway Total
Select the layaways total (payables) account.

Note: The POS Categories also contain a number of Accounts that will be used
ahead of these accounts.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Customer Maintenance
The Orion POS Customer Setup module allows the modification and deletion of Orion POS Customer records.
Customers are imported from your accounting system during the install wizard. You may then edit them here. If you
need to add customers, please perform this function in the POS module or your accounting system.

General Tab

Enter the customer code. To the right enter the customer name.

On Hold
Check this to place a customer on hold which means they may not be available
in the POS for any transactions.
Short Name
Enter the short name.
Enter the address using up to 4 lines.
Enter the city.
Enter the abbreviated state or province.
Zip/Postal Code
Enter the zip code or postal code.
Enter the country.
Phone 1
Enter the primary phone number.
Phone 2
Enter the secondary phone number.
Enter the fax number.
Enter the email address.
Web Site
Enter the web site address.
Customer type
Select the customer type.
Select a pricelist for this customer
Display the currency for this customer

Additional Ship to Addresses button will launch the following form:

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Ship To Address Sub form General Tab

You may assign one customer many ship-to addresses. Click the new button on the Addresses finder. This starts a
new entry and pre-populates the address information from the original address to save time.

Client Name
Enter the clients name.
Enter the address using up to 4 lines.
Enter the city.
Enter the abbreviated state or province.
Zip/Postal Code
Enter the zip code or postal code.
Enter the country.
Phone 1
Enter the primary phone number.
Phone 2
Enter the secondary phone number.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Ship To Address Sub form Details Tab

Contact Name
Enter the contact name.
Tax Group
Select the tax group for any transactions that use this ship to address.
Ship Via
Enter the shipping method.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Contact Tab

You may enter contact information other than the customers general information.

Contact Name
Enter the contact name.
Contact Phone
Enter the contact phone number.
Contact Fax
Enter the contact fax number.
Contact Email
Enter the email address.
Ship Via
Enter the Ship Via information.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Processing Tab

Tax Group
Select the tax group.
Tax Classes
After selecting the tax group, select a class for each jurisdiction in the grid.
Ensure the Class Name is not UNUSED.
Account Set
Select the account set.
Code Term
Select the code term.
AR O/S Bal
Displays the AR OS Balance.
Rate Type
Displays the rate type
National Account
Enter the national account.
Billing Cycle
Select the billing cycle.
Enter a comment for this customer.
Credit Limit
Enter the credit limit for on account.

Start Date
Enter the date this customer was entered into the system.
Tax Registration
Enter up to 5 tax registration numbers. You must enter the numbers in order
from 1 to 5.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Sales Tab

This read-only tab displays up to 5 salespersons and their associated percentages for a sale. The percents must sum
to 100 or be set to 0.

Salesperson Code
Displays the salesperson code
Displays the percent allocated to this salesperson for sales on this customer.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Points Tab

Enable Points for

This Customer
Check this to enable points for the customer. The group box of options below
will become available.
Points Start Date
Select the date points will start being available.
Points This Year
Displays the points accumulated so far this year.
Points Last Year
Displays the points accumulated last year.
Last Date Points Given
Displays the last date points were awarded.
Points Accumulated
Displays the current points total.
Points Redeemed
Displays the number of points ever redeemed for this customer.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

User Defined Fields Tab

Optional Field
Select the optional field.

Optional Field
Displays the optional field description.

Select or enter a value. Some fields have a drop down and others you must
enter a value.

Value Description
Displays the value description, usually available if there is a drop down list of

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Customer Maintenance

Sales History Tab

This tab has customer purchase history for this customer. This information is available for the customer loaded in
the Point of Sale System.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. POS Locations

Orion Digital Integration Inc. POS Locations

POS Location Setup

The Company Options module allows you to set information and defaults that are Global in nature and that affect
the entire point of sale system. There are seven Tabs in the Company Options Module. They are:

General Tab

The company options module allows you to set up the global options for the point of sale system. There are seven
tabs in this module; each is dedicated to a different aspect of the setup. The first tab is the General tab. Listed
below are the fields on this tab

Enter the address information on up to 2 lines.
Enter the city.
State / Prov
Enter the state or province abbreviated.
Enter the country.
Phone #
Enter the phone number.
Fax #
Enter the fax number.
IC Location
Select the IC location from the list of accounting data.
Tax Group
Select the tax group.
Next Invoice No.
Enter the invoice number for the next transaction. If field appears grayed out,
the default invoice counter is not set to POS location. You may edit this in com-
pany options.
Current Shift
Enter the shift number for the next transaction. If field appears grayed out, the
default shift counter is not set to POS location. You may edit this in company

Suspense Item
Select an item to post errant items to (for instance, if an item no longer exists).

Location Based
You can set the system to default to a pricelist based on the location instead of
a customer.
Orion Digital Integration Inc. POS Locations

Details Tab

The information on this Tab is used to enable users to pass information to the sales slip/invoice being printed.

Printing Header Comments

Enter up to three lines of comments on the header (top) part of a Sales Slip /

Header Append File

Attach a .txt file .to print on the top part of a sales slip / Invoice

Printing Footer Comments

Enter up to three lines of comments on the Footer (Bottom) part of a Sales Slip
/ Invoice.

Footer Append File

Attach a .txt file .to print on the Bottom part of a sales slip / Invoice

Note: The Header/Footer Append files print immediately before or after the sales slip allowing users to print
large amounts of text in addition to the sales slip. For instance, you may want to print return policies, or con-
tracts that need signatures.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. POS Locations

Remoting Connection

This connection information is only used for a remote polling environment. If this location is a satellite remote poll-
ing location you must fill in this tab by entering the head offices information to enable polling.

IP Address
Enter the IP address of the head office.

Enter the port used to execute SQL commands.

Test Connection
Allows you to test the connection to the host. This button will try to connect to
the head office and see whether a connection can be established.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. POS Locations

Payment Processors

The Payment Processing information is to enable these payment processors in Orion POS .

Using Tender Retail

Indicate whether or not you are using Tender Retail for payment processing.

Using E-Xact
Indicate whether or not you are using E-Xact for payment processing.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

POS Workstation Setup

The POS Workstation module allows you to set information and that relate to a specific POS workstation.

General Tab

The company options module allows you to set up the global options for the point of sale system. There are seven
tabs in this module; each is dedicated to a different aspect of the setup. The first tab is the General tab. Listed
below are the fields on this tab.

POS Location
Enter the POS Location that this workstation is linked to (for Invenmtory and Tax

Till Float
Enter the amount of Float that this Till / Workstation holds.

Next Invoice
Displays the next invoice number to be used if the Invoice counter is set to

Current Shift
Displays the current shift counter if the Invoice counter is set to workstation..

Payment Type
You can set a default Payment Type for this Workstation here. Note: this is not
normally set.

Cash Over/Short
Enter a GL Account to redirect cash over/short to for this workstation.

Select a default customer for this workstation.

Initial POS Panel

Select a default button panel for this workstation.

Auto Complete Payment After Amount Entry

This selection will turn off access to any fields after you the amount field in
the payments area. This option is intended to be used to speed up transaction
Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Enable Table
Choose this selection to Enable launching of the Table Service Screen in ad-
vance of your POS screen. This should only be used if you are using F&B options
in Orion POS.

Enable F & B
Choose this selection to turn on the numerous F&B table service options in
Orion POS.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Printers Tab

The information on this Tab is used to enable users to pass information to the sales slip/invoice being printed.

Use Windows Default Printer

Choose this option to use the windows default printer as the POS printer. If pos-
sible this option should be used.

Use the following printers

Identify two printers that should be used by this workstation running the POS.
You can select the same printer for both options.

Note: When editing the Workstation settings, it is best to do this from the physi-
cal workstation as the printers set up in Windows (available) may differ from
Workstation to Workstation.

Printer Options

Use Non-Standard Driver

For Receipt Printer
Enter up to three lines of comments on the Footer (Bottom) part of a Sales
Slip / Invoice.

Suppress Receipt Printing

by default
Switches the POS to have no receipt printed as the default for transaction
processing. There is a suppress / print button to toggle this on the POS payment

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Pole Display Tab

This screen is used to setup a Pole (or Customer) display for this workstation. Orion POS currently supports the
Logic Controls PD-3000 or the ADM-787-3. We recommend Serial Pole displays if possible.

A Pole Display is
Attached to this
Check this Check Box if a Pole Display is present on this workstation..

Set Pole Display

Port Settings
In order to activate a pole display, you must link it to the physical port in win-
dows that the device is attached on. The settings you need to enter must match
the port settings in Windows and those that the Pole display is expecting to
operate on.

Test Pole Display

This option opens a test screen with facilities to test the pole display once it is

Pole Display
Select the Pole display that you are going to use.

The remaining fields on this screen are for setting the operational settings for the display. You can choose to setup
any type of pole display by referencing the command set for the display and entering the appropriate settings into
each of these fields.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Cash Drawer

This screen is used to setup a cash drawer on this workstation. Orion POS currently supports all of the common
ways to attach a cash drawer to the System. By far most common method is to use the sales slip printer to trigger
the cash drawer on the POS.

A Cash Drawer is Attached to this Workstation

Check this Check Box if a cash drawer is present on this workstation..

There are three common methods to attach a Cash Drawer to the POS:

Cash Drawer is Attached to the Computer Using a USB Cable

Choose this option if you have a USB cash Drawer. You will be required to
identify a USB port number (usually 0 9).

Cash Drawer is Attached Independently of The Printer

Choose this option to use a Serial Cash Drawer. You will have to set up a serial
port for whatever physical port the cash drawer is attached on.

Cash Drawer is Attached Through a Printer

In order to activate a pole display, you must link it to the physical port in
windows settings in Windows and those that the Pole display is expecting to
operate on.

Open String
Enter the Hexadecimal String that will open the cash drawer. Some common
strings are:

Epson 1b70003264
Star 0707
Other 1b07

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Details Tab

The Payment Details Tab has a number of options mostly for adjusting the sales slip that is printed. These settings
are usually necessary when you are attaching legacy (old) POS Hardware to the System.

Include Totals
In Blind Cashout
This option will toggle the display of the computer generated tender total (off
or on) when the Cashout function is being processed.

Tear Off Code

Enter the Printers Tear Off Code (in Hex) if Required.

Slip Offset Amount

Pushes the slip over the number of picas entered here.

Max Characters
After Offset
The width of the sales slip in addition to the Offset. Note: this can be reduced
if the sale slip is too wide for the paper being used. This quite often happens if
you are using a legacy printer. We do not recommend adjusting this more than
5 or 10 picas.

POS Grid Font Size

Adjusts the font size in the main grid of the POS

Bold POS Grid Font

Bolds the Font in the POS Grid.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Pole Display Message

This screen has options to put scrolling messages, setup in the Pole Display Messages Setup Module, on the Pole
Display (if attached). This option can be problematic if there are any issues with the serial port, etc.

Enable Scrolling
Indicate whether or not you are using Tender Retail.

Line to Scroll on
Choose the first or second line to scroll.

Idle Time
Before Scroll
Enter the number of seconds to wait before scrolling.

Message List
A list of the messages to be scrolled from those setup in the Pole Display Mes-
sages Setup Module.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Adv Printing Printers

This Tab has a list of the available printers on this computer and allows you to choose at least two printers to use if
you are going to turn on advanced printing.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Adv Printing Rules

The Advanced Printing Rules Tab is where you set up the rules if Advanced Printing is used. Once you have selected
the printers that you want to use, the next step is to turn on the advanced printing and develop one or more rules.

Note that you turn on Advanced Printing on EACH workstation by checking the Use Advanced Printing
Check Box!

Use Advanced
Check This Box to turn on Advanced Printing Once this is turned on it will over-
ride the standard printing in Orion POS.

ADD / EDIT / Remove Rule Buttons

These buttons allow you to ass/edit/remove rules in the list of advanced print-
ing rules. See the Section on Advanced Printing for more detailed information
on setting up and using Advanced Printing.

The General Tab in the advanced printing setup is used to set the printer, form (Sales Slip) and optionally, a second-
ary printer that is intended to activate if the Default Printer fails. There are a number of options here as well.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Rule Enabled
Turns on the rule.

Number of Copies
Set the number of copies to print when the rule executes.

Auto Print
Check This Box to print directly to the printer without asking for further direc-
tion at print time.

Enable at Runtime
Check This Box to override the standard printing in Orion POS.

Text Slip
If Selected, allows you to set a Text Slip and printer to print on.

Crystal Report
If Selected, allows you to set a Crystal Report and printer to print on.

Use Non-Standard
Turns on RAW print mode in the printer (mostly for legacy printers).

Rule Group
Allows you to set a rule group for food and beverage processing

This screen allows you to select one or more Payment Types to trigger the execution of this
advanced printing rule.

Enable Pay Type

If Selected, will execute this Advanced Printing Rule if one or more of the pay
types selected is used in the POS Transaction being processed.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

This screen allows you to set this advanced printing rule to execute if details in the POS transaction contain one of
the categories selected.

Enable Category
Turns on the ability to select one or more Inventory Categories to determine if
this rule should process.

This screen in the Advanced Printing Rules allows you to drive a cash drawer from the Advanced
Printing Rules.

Turns on RAW print mode in the printer (mostly for legacy printers).

Rule Group
Allows you to set a rule group for food and beverage processing

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options


The Payment Processing information is to enable these payment processors in Orion POS .

Payment Processor
Choose a Payment Processor to use on this workstation if you are processing

Note: This list may change and you should consult with Orion Digital Integration Inc to ensure your processor is

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Category Setup
The Category module allows you to adjust categories imported from the accounting system.

General Tab

Listed below are the fields on this tab

Enter Select the Language to use.

If the Pay Type requires a path to a file, enter it here.

Turn on commissions for this category.
Printing Group
Enter the commission rate ( % ).

Revenue Account from the Accounting System.
Cost of Goods
Cost of Goods Account from the Accounting System.
Variance Account from the Accounting System.
Return Clearing
Return Clearing Account from the Accounting System.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Points Setup

Points Setup
The Orion Point of Sale System comes with a simple customer loyalty (points) system. This module is where it is set

General Tab

Listed below are the fields on this tab

Points Program Is off

Choose this to turn off the loyalty program
Points Per Dollar
Enter the Code number of points earned per dollar purchased.
Points Per Item
Enter the Code number of points earned per item purchased.
Points Per Visit
Enter the Code number of points earned per invoice.
Initial Point Amount
The Points issued on the first transaction
Subsequent Point Amount
The Points issued on subsequent transactions

Calculate Points Based on:

Pre-Tax Amount
Choose for Pre tax Amount.
Post-Tax Amount
Choose for After tax Amount.

Minimum Purchase ($)

Enter the AR Payment Code that corresponds to this Pay Type.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Points Setup

Redemption Tab

This Tab deals with point redemption.

Redemption Points Per Dollar

Enter the number of points per dollar charged when redeeming.

Customer will accumulate points when buying an item using points

Allows customers to earn points on redemption transactions.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Points Setup

Category Tab

Select Categories that points program applies to

This option allows users to select categories that the points apply to. Categories that are not selected will be omit-
ted from points calculations.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Points Setup

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Payment Options

Payment Options
The Payment Options module allows you to setup payment methods for use in the Point of Sale System. Different
users may require different payment methods or may support other currencies. This module allows users to setup
any number of payment methods. The initial sets of Pay Types are created during the initial setup of the system (in
the Setup Wizard).

General Tab

Listed below are the fields on this tab

Pay Type
Enter the Code that identifies this payment method.
Pay Code
Select one of the predefined types of payment codes.

They are:

CC Credit Card
ONE CARD No Longer Used

Visible in POS
If Unchecked, cannot be seen in the POS module

XML File and Path

If the Pay Type requires a path to a file, enter it here.

Home Currency
The Home or Base Currency for this company.

Tender Currency
The Tender Currency for this Pay Type.

The Conversion Factor between the Home and Tender Currencies.

GL Bank
Enter the Bank that this Pay Type will use.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Payment Options

Enter the GL Code for this Pay Type.

Pay Code
Enter the AR Payment Code that corresponds to this Pay Type.

Use Aus
Check this if you require the Australian Payment Rounding Methods turned on.

Hot Key
Create a Hot Key for this Payment Method.

Select an Icon for this Pay Type.

CC Prefix
Enter the First Number if this is a Credit Card Pay Type and you want the system
to automatically choose the pay type based on the first Character (when it is

Tender Retail
Check this option if you are using Tender Retail for Credit Card Clearing.

Check this option if you are using E-Xact for Credit Card Clearing.

PC Charge
Check this option if you are using PC Charge for Credit Card Clearing.

Enter Check this option if you are using SoftPay for Credit Card Clearing.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Payment Options

Printing Tab

The information on this Tab is used to enable users to control the information passed
to the sales slip/invoice and the form being printed.

Use Receipt Settings in

Company Options
Choosing this option will pick up Sales Slip information from the Company Op-
tions Table.

Use the Following Receipt

Settings for this Pay Type

Choosing this option will pick up Sales Slip information from the following

Default Receipt,
Edit at runtime
Allows you to select the report at runtime

Text Slip
Select the printer to use Select the Form to use

Crystal Receipt
Select the printer to use Select the Form to use

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Payment Options

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

What are Orion Button Panels

The Orion Point of Sale System has the ability to change a portion of the main sales screen in the Point of Sale
System to make the system conform more precisely to the workflow of your retail environment and to allow you
to add one or more of the pre-defined functions that are available as buttons to the POS System . The ability is
through something that we call Button Panels.

In the Orion Point of Sale Systems Management Console (the Back Office Component of the Point of Sale System)
is a module that allows you to Add / Edit / or Delete Button Panels . This Button Panel Editor is in the Administra-
tion Section of the Management Console.

From the operating perspective, the system looks to be fully integrated to the Accounting System with access to the
Inventory and Customer Information.
The real benefit of this approach to the accounting system integration is that Orion POS does not have to have its
own Inventory, Accounts Receivable or General Ledger modules and can therefore allow your organization to take
full advantage of the strengths of the Accounting System.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

The Orion POS Data Organization

The Data in the Orion Point of Sale System is organized in three levels as follows:

Company Level
The Company level is the top of the data hierarchy. Information such as the
company name, address and any global elements are contained here.
Location Level
The Location Level breaks down so that it relates to a physical location. By its
nature, points of sale applications are intended to operate at a physical loca-
tion. Whether it`s one or more, all point of sale systems relate to a physical

Workstation Level
Within each physical location there exists one or more workstation (or Tills).
Each workstation may differ from the next with respect to the hardware at-
tached to it and or by its function (a standard POS workstation, a workstation at
a service desk or possibly a workstation (or Till) in a cafeteria.

This data organization opens some interesting possibilities for the software. It can easily perform more than one
role in an organization (Like operating in the store and the service desk and the cafeteria. The ability to customize
the button panels further extends the possibilities for the overall usability of the system in an organization.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Button Panels
When you start the Management Console and press the Administration Button/ Table Maintenance section, the
Button Panel option will be available.

If you choose the Button Panel option, you will load the Button Panel Editor.

Note: Other modules of the management Console that are important with respect to button panels are the Com-
pany Options module and the Workstation Setup module (situated above the Button Panels module) in the
same Administration menu of the Management Console.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

The Button Panel Editor

This is the Orion Management Console with the Button Editor loaded in front of it.

Initially, there are two screens that exist in a newly created Point of Sale database. They are the Default800 and
Sample screens.

The Default800 screen is actually the point of sale screen that exists in every database when you start the POS
module. If you use one of the database selection methods (finder, scroll forward or backward, etc.) you can load
the screen.

Note: The Default800 screen may not be edited. If you want to change this screen in any way, you must duplicate
the screen and then load the newly created screen from the workstation setup module. See Using New Panels later
in the document.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Sections of the Panel Editor Screen

There are three sections that make up the Button Panel Editor Screen, they are:

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

The Panel Property Section In this section, the properties of the entire button panel are maintained.

Panel Type This list box contains all of the different types of panels that you can create. All of the Panel Types are
Prefixed with either 800 or 1024. This indicates the screen size. They are:

800 POS Panel (Standard) The default panel. Designed to make the POS screen fit a 15 monitor at 800 x 600

800 POS Panel (F & B) A special POS screen for Food and Beverage processing. Intended to fit the POS screen to a
15 monitor at 800 x 600 resolution

800 Header Panel (F & B) Designed to fit across the top of the POS Screen to enable buttons and titles to be
placed on the screen.

800 Table Service A special screen with characteristics to enable a table map of the facility to be placed in front of
the POS F&B screen

1024 POS Panel (Standard) The default panel. Designed to make the POS screen fit a 17 monitor at 1024 x 768

1024 POS Panel (F & B) A special POS screen for Food and Beverage processing. Intended to fit the POS screen to
a 17 monitor at 1024 x 768 resolution.

1024 Header Panel (F & B) Designed to fit across the top of a 1024 x 768 POS Screen to enable buttons and titles
to be placed on the screen.

1024 Table Service A special screen with characteristics to enable a table map of the facility to be placed in front
of the POS F&B screen

Floating Panel A special panel that Floats above the main POS screen. Primarily for use in F&B installations

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

The Button Property Section As EACH button is manipulated, the properties of the button in play are displayed.
The two attributes that are displayed are:

Button Size X by Y in Pixels

(Button) Location Pixels from (0,0), the upper left hand corner of the screen.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

The Button Panel Layout Area The large area on the right hand side of the screen is where the button panel is
laid out.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Billing vs. Pre-Billing

Although it is not obvious when you first enter the Button Panel editor, or the POS for that matter, there are two
states for each screen. These states control the screen BEFORE a transaction starts and AFTER a transaction starts
in the POS. There are effectively two sides for each button!

For Example:

Form Status = Billing (once a transaction is under way).

Form Status = Pre-Billing (before a transaction is under way).

Notice that the button positions are the same BUT the function on the button is different. Conceptually, this is
something that you must understand in order to successfully create screens for the POS system.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Configuring New Panels

When you open the Button Panel Editor and do nothing else, you will be presented with the following blank screen.

To create a new Panel from scratch, select the NEW icon at the top of the panel editor and then proceed to enter a
name for the new screen. Another way to create a new panel is to load an existing panel and choose to duplicate it
using the duplicate button at the bottom of the screen.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Once you have named the new screen, we recommend pressing the add button to save the new screen.

Next, we need to add buttons

To add buttons to the new screen, right click (the mouse) and choose the Add Button option. The second option
Paste. It will allow you to paste a copied button on the screen.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

The newly created button will be placed on the panel. Position it appropriately by dragging it to the desired posi-
tion on the panel. At this point you can also resize the button to any desires size.

Right clicking on the button will bring up a menu of options. They are:

Edit Properties opens up a screen with an extensive set of options for changing the button and/or adding func-
tionality to the button.

Copy Gives you the ability to copy a button

Delete To Delete a Button

Bring to Front Bring the button to the front

Send to Back - Send the button back

If you choose Edit Properties, the following screen will appear.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

The right hand side of the screen contains options that affect the appearance of the button. The left hand side of
this screen has options that affect the operations performed when the button is pressed.

The list box will display a list of the functions that are available on this button on this screen type. It is important to
note that the actual options that are available can change based on the Screen Type selected and the Billing/pre-
billing state. The buttons initial state is always Disabled. You can choose any of the functions listed in the list box
to change what the button does.

In this case, I chose to make the button select item A14500 from inventory. When the button is pressed it will
push A14500 into the input field on the POS Screen and complete the selection of that item.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Here I am selecting a new color for the button from the appearance side of the screen.

This is the new button positioned on the POS panel on a standard POS screen.

At this point we would recommend saving (Update) the panel.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

The button can be resized simply by grabbing the edge and pulling it to a new size. The button can be moved by
selecting the button and pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard to move it.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

I will now create a second button that will allow mw to enter text into the body of a transaction when the button is

In addition to the list of functions listed above, the Other Functionality section of the button properties screen
lists a number of special functions.

I will choose Single Line Input for this button.

I will continue adding buttons to create an ESCAPE Button (ESC Key)

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

And an enter key (ENTER).

Here is the Panel thus far. It is important to note that it is possible to use Orion POS without a keyboard or mouse.
In addition, if you are using a touch screen monitor, you will need to add some buttons to facilitate processing (like
the Escape button and the Enter button) or to facilitate screen traversal. See the Panel Change option.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Save the panel by pressing the Update Button. At this point, the panel has enough functionality to operate as part
of the POS screen.

It is now necessary to Attach the screen to the one or more workstations in the POS system.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

First, in the Administration Menu of the Orion Management Console you need to ensure that the POS system is
expecting a screen resolution that matches the Panel that you created. There are two choices here 800x600, the
standard screen resolution for a 15 monitor and 1024 x 768 the standard screen resolution for a 17 monitor.

Why these choices? Touch screens are still typically 15 inches or 17 inches. Orion Point of Sale can operate on
monitors with any resolution but will perform best at one of these (due to typical button sizing, etc).

Next, you need to attach the screen to a POS Workstation. The Orion Point of Sale System will allow each worksta-
tion in the system to have the same or a different screen.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Once this is done, the Point of Sale System is read to function with this newly created screen.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Button Types
In the Orion Point of Sale Systems Button Panel Editor there are a large number of pre defined functions
that you can apply to a button that you are creating. In this section we will give you a brief description of
the available functions. In the Button Type List box are the following functions:

Disabled The initial state of all newly created buttons.

Invisible Makes a button invisible. Remember that each button has two states. One before a transac-
tion begins and one after a transaction begins. In some instances, you may not want to have a button do
anything in one of the two states.

Panel Change This function allows you to call a panel from another panel. In effect, chaining different
panels together. You may have to add a button to each panel to direct it back to the main or starting panel.

Item Entry Allows you to have a button call an item from inventory as if you entered the item in the item
entry area of the POS Screen.

Predefined Customer Change Allows you to change the default customer prior to starting a POS transac-
tion. For instance, if you have a special customer setup with a discount setup for staff pricing.

Predefined Coupon Entry Allows you to process a coupon from a button on the current panel.

Predefined Text Input Assigns pre defined text to a button.

Predefined Text Prefix Inserts Text at the beginning of a text line.

Predefined Text Suffix Inserts Text at the end of a text line.

Predefined Single Line Percent Discount Performs a Percent line item discount on a selected line.
Predefined Single Line Dollar Discount Performs an amount line item discount on a selected line.

Predefined Global Line Percent Discount Performs a percent discount on all lines.

Predefined Global Line Dollar Discount Performs an amount discount on all lines.

Keystroke Input inserts keystrokes into the keyboard buffer.

Launch Webpage Launches a Webpage from the Button Panel.

Open Floating Panel Opens a floating panel.

Set Customer Tax Classes Sets the customer tax classes.

Print Bill (Table Service) Prints a Sales Slip / Invoice through the Advanced Printing option.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Other Functionality Opens the Other Functionality List Box.

The Other Functionally Section has a list box that contains the following functions:

Text Input Opens a box on screen allowing the entry of text into the body of a transaction.

Single Line Text Input Opens a single line input box on screen for entry of text into the body of a transac-
tions details.

Edit Description Allows the operator to change the description on the selected detail line.

Customer Change allows the operator to change the current customer. This subsequently recalculates
the transaction.

Coupon Entry Allows the operator to select a coupon

Subtotal Calculates and inserts a Sub Total line in the details of the current transaction.

Customer Info Launches the Customer Form

Inventory Info Launches the Item Form

Correction Highlights all of the characters in the Item Input Field for editing or removal

Void Line Voids the currently selected detail line of the transaction

Enter Button Executes an Enter

Escape Button Executes an Escape

Complete Closes the current transaction at the point where the button is pressed

Discount Selected Opens the discount function on the currently selected line.

Discount Global Opens the Global discount function on the currently selected line.

Calculator Launches a calculator from the Button Panel.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Split Bill (Table Service) A Special function for Food and Beverage Processing. The Spit Bill Function splits
the individual covers in a F&B transaction into separate bills. For Example, if you have a table with three
people (covers) sitting at it and when it comes time to leave they each want separate bills, this function
will split the sale by cover into three separate bills.

Change Cover (Table Service) A Special function for Food and Beverage Processing. This function chang-
es the cover (the seat at the table that is being serviced at the current time) on a specific item to another
cover (seat). This function is used to correct entry errors in F&B transaction Entry.

Quick Table Switch (Table Service) A Special function for Food and Beverage Processing. This function
changes the Table that the current transaction is open on. This function is usually used by a server to
quickly switch tables if that server is managing more than one table at a time.

Transfer Table (Table Service) A Special function for Food and Beverage Processing. This function allows
the operator to transfer the selected transaction to a different table. If people want to switch tables or join
another table, this function will facilitate to transfer.

Split Line Qty A Special function for Food and Beverage Processing. This function will allow the server to
split a line on a bill between covers. For example, if there are 6 beers on a bill that were consumed by two
different covers, this function will allow you to transfer some of the beers to another cover number.

Extended Price Entry Allows for the entry of the extended price and calculates the selling price

Edit Detail Location Allows the operator to change the location that the currently selected line is sold

Edit Detail Pricelist Allows the operator to change the pricelist that the currently selected line is sold

Salesperson allows the operator to select a salesperson

Recalculate Buy X Get Y If you are using the Buy X get Y function, this button will cause the recalculation
of the buy X get Y lines.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Linking Panels (The Panel Change Function)

A very important function available in the Button Panel Editor Functions is the Panel Change Function.
With this function it is possible to Link any number of Panels together to form a hierarchy of panels. In
essence, you can press a button on one panel and load another panel. For example, if in your business you
sell Office Supplies (as in the sample data being used here), you could break down the inventory list into
different sections to simplify access to the buttons as follows:

Office Supplies

This can be done on an existing screen or a new one. As an example, I will modify the screen that we built
in the Creating New Panels example to include panel change buttons. The Size and placement of the but-
tons is completely up to the designer.

When I press the DESKS button in the POS Module, the Button Panel will change to the following..

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

This Screen is intended to show two things. First, the button size, color, font and placement are completely
up to the designer. Secondly, I have added a back button that will return me to the main screen. The Back
button is simply a Panel Change Button that calls the Main POS Panel (identified in the POS Workstation)

Here are the screens in action

The Main POS Screen with this Main Panel Loaded. If I press the DESKS Button, the following Panel will

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Allowing me to select any of the available Inventory Item for inclusion in the transaction.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Food and Beverage Processing

The Orion Point of Sale System many features oriented to processing t5ransaction in a Food and Beverage
environment (ie Restaurants and Cafeterias). Orion POS does not have a reservation module as may be
necessary in a fine dining restaurant.

Following is a screen designed for Food and Beverage Processing. The Screen in this example is set up for
the larger 1024 by 768 resolution monitors and will therefore allow for the inclusion of a substantially
increased number of buttons.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Functionality Specific to Food and Beverage Processing

There are a number of designed in changes that occur when you choose to use a F&B Panel. Most notably, the left
hand side of the screen changes to one more appropriate to food and beverage processing.

Note: There are also settings in the POS Workstation Setup module of the Management Console that you may
need to turn on.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Food and Beverage Printing

Arguably the most difficult part of any point of sale setup relates to printing. The Orion Point of Sale
System many significant features related to Point of Sale Printing. Of special note is the advanced printing
aspect of the Orion point of Sale System. The Advanced Printing component was primarily developed for
Food and Beverage Printing. The Advanced Printing functions reside at the POS Workstation Level of the
Point of Sale System.

There are two tabs on the Workstation Setup Module Specifically related to Advanced Printing. The first
Tab (Adv Printing Printers) lets you select the printers that will be used to redirect printing. The Second Tab
(Adv Printing Rules) lets you add or edit Rules that will govern how printing will occur when transaction
are processed in the POS component.

To enable the Advanced Printing, you must turn on by selecting advanced printing on the Adv Printing
Rules Tab of the POS Workstation Module. The Advanced Printing must be turned on for each workstation
using it.

The Advance Printing Reports are stored in:

C:\Program Files\Orion Digital Integration Inc\OrionPOS20\Reports\ADVINV

On any computer that has Orion POS installed.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Select the workstation that you want to setup and proceed to the Advanced Printing Printers Tab. From
here you can see a list of printers that are available from this workstation. We suggest that you setup
networked printers for any Bar or Kitchen printing as these must be visible from all workstations that will
access them.

I strongly recommend that you standardize printers and printer names wherever possible. This will sub-
stantially simplify the ongoing maintenance of the system, especially if the names change over time.

If you are going to use advanced printing you really need to have at least two printers selected. It doesnt
really make sense to use advanced printers with fewer printers.

Once you have selected the printers, advance to the Advanced Printing Rules Tab.

You can see that the Use Advanced Printing check box is checked, enabling advanced printing. You can
also see two rules setup; the first for Bar Printing and the second for Food (KITCHEN) Printing.

Each of these rules will let you select a printer (and possibly an alternate printer), a sales slip (form) to
print and set the conditions under which printing occurs.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Of special note is a field labeled Rule Group. This allows you to associate this rule to any number of cat-
egories that have the same rule group defined.

Note that there are special text slips for printing in the bar and in the kitchen. They do not behave like
the standard sales slips.

NOTE: Categories are not used in F&B Printing Please Ignore

This is the corresponding entry in a POS Category. Note that they match. This will cause any items from
this category to be directed to the printer identified in the Advanced Printing Rule containing the BAR
Rule Group.

If you are setting up printing and want to print to the Kitchen and/or Bar you can direct the printing of
items to either the Bar or Kitchen by using Printing Groups. This allows you to associate an advanced
printing rule to one or more printers.

If you assign a button to use the Print Bill (Table Service) function, it will use the assigned text (In this case
(BAR)) to filter and process only the advanced printing rules that contain the same Text in the Rule Group.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

In addition, once the items in the transaction are printed, the system will mark these items as printed and stop
these details from being printed again. The next time that you add more items to the transaction and choose to
send the updated transaction to the BAR the previously printed details will not be re-printed. This avoids any
duplication in the preparation of food or beverage items.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Food and Beverage Extras

When you sell items in a Food and Beverage transaction it is quite often necessary to sell complementary items
along with the item selected. For instance, when you sell a Steak, it will typically come with a choice of potatoes,
a Bun or Garlic Toast and some form of vegetables. Patrons quite often want to add items to the Steak to better fit
their current preferences and more often than not, the server must charge for these items.

In this example, I chose to sell a steak and the system immediately pops up a floating menu offering options as to
how you want the steak done. This Floating menu has a number of text Suffixes that are used to modify the de-
scription of the steak to include how it is to be prepared. In this case I chose Rare

In the next picture, you can see that the description is modified.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Now lets add an extra. The customer may want fried mushrooms added to the steak. These Extras
can be put in a floating menu and sold along with the Steak being Purchased.

If I select Fried Mushrooms they will be added to the list and sold along with the steak as in th example
that follows.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Food and Beverage Modifiers

Another aspect to selling Food and Beverage items is the frequent need to modify the item being sold. To
do this, you must develop a list of modifiers to adjust or modify the item being sold.

Again, using the steak example, we are going to sell a steak dinner to a customer. The first and most com-
mon modifier for a steak is a directive to the cook as to how the customer wants the steak done. We can
pop open a Floating Panel to give the server a list of options. You can see the panel floating above the
screen at the lower center section of the screen.

Further, the customer doesnt want butter on the steak but does want to extra onions. A second floating
menu containing a list of modifiers can be opened to present the valid options to the server.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

What differentiates modifiers from extras or sides is the fact that modifiers are not commonly charged for. They are
more precisely adjustments to the Steak Dinner to more closely match the customers preferences.

Since modifiers are not being charged for, it doesnt make much sense to put them in the inventory. Instead, we can
use text input, text prefix and text suffix functions to develop a set of options that will Build the modifier on the
current transaction. The floating panels that we built to accomplish this are in the previous screen shots.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Food and Beverage Table Service Panels

There is a special type of Panel intended to sit on the front of the pos screen to add the ability to select tables. In
addition, this setup will allow you to have a large number of open bills (or transactions). Effectively allowing you
to process one transaction per table.

In this example, there are four tables (each a button) on a green background. If you press a button, you can imme-
diately begin entering items into a transaction and processing the F&B sale. Once you begin entering items into the
sale, you can exit the sale by sending the items in the transaction as it exists at this point in time to the kitchen or
bar (or both). Or you can create a complete button to exit the sale in progress.

Upon exiting, table button that you pressed will be displayed in a different color indicating that it is a Work in
progress. You can continue going back into the transaction simply by pressing the button for that table, adding
items, printing, etc over and over until it is time to complete the transaction. You simply hit the enter key and to
get to the payment screen and complete the sale by tendering it out.

Note: The Table Service Panel is designed to have an image placed behind the buttons. This will allow you to
display a map of the F&B facility. We use Microsoft Visio to design these images.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Food and Beverage Tabs

The Table Service Panels have an added feature to allow the creation and management of Tabs (IE. Bar
Tabs). How to setup and use a tab is explained in this section.

In the button designer set up tables with dynamic label type on the table screen.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

On the right side of my screen I created a number of buttons setup to create a number of unused Tabs.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Pressing one of the unused tabs will open a new transaction with an open field allowing you to apply a
name to the new tab. Change the name of the tab table selected to give it a Name.

Proceed to put items on the tab.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

When you leave the transaction, the name will remain until the tab is cleared.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Special Table Service Functions

The Table Service Panels have an added feature to allow the creation and management of Tabs (IE. Bar
Tabs). How to setup and use a tab is explained in this section.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Split Bill (Table Service) A Special function for Food and Beverage Processing. The Spit Bill Function splits
the individual covers in a F&B transaction into separate bills. For Example, if you have a table with two
people (covers) sitting at it and when it comes time to leave they each want separate bills, this function
will split the sale by cover into two separate bills.

This transaction is setup with details lines spread over 2 covers (people).

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Pressing the Split Bill Button divides the transaction into two sub transactions separated by the cover number.

Note: At this point you have the ability to highlight detail lines on either side and drag them to a different covers
transaction (to facilitate correcting bills).

Selecting OK at this point will drop the transaction back to the Table Select Menu.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Pressing the table button will allow you choose the open cover to work on. Since we chose to split the bill into
different covers and both are currently active, you must choose from the open transactions (bills) that new exist
under this button (Table 2).

Once you choose from the covers presented, processing can occur as if the cover you chose were the only cover
active on this bill.

Quick Table Switch (Table Service) A Special function for Food and Beverage Processing. This function changes
the Table that the current transaction is open on. This function is usually used by a server to quickly switch tables if
that server is managing more than one table at a time.

In this situation, there are three tables currently active in the establishment.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

The system is currently situated in the current transaction open on table number 03.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Pressing the Quick Switch Button will open a liust of currently active tables to select to move to.

After selecting Table 04, we are move from the transaction on table 03 to the transaction on table 04.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Transfer Table (Table Service) A Special function for Food and Beverage Processing. This function allows
the operator to transfer the selected transaction (or cover) to a different Table. If people want to switch
tables or join another table, this function will facilitate the transfer.

This transaction is under way on table number 02.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Pressing the Split Bill function will open the split bill function. In the upper right hand corner is a button
labeled To Another Table. Pressing this button will list any open covers (in this case only one) to choose
from. Pressing anywhere on the open form will select this cover.

Once a cover is selected, it can be moved to any of the available Tables simply by selecting the desired
table from the list.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

In this case, I selected Table 04.

Pressing OK will bring you back to the table Select Menu with Table 4, the table that we chose to transfer
to containing the transaction that was transferred from table 02.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Change Cover (Table Service) A Special function for Food and Beverage Processing. This function chang-
es the cover (the seat at the table that is being serviced at the current time) on a specific item to another

cover (seat). This function is used to correct entry errors in F&B transaction Entry.

Select the line to change the cover on. The circled area indicates the cover number.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Press the Change Cover Button to bring up the change cover form indicating the possible cover numbers to
change to. The existing cover number for the line selected is indicated in a different color.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Select a new cover number to change the line to.

The result, the first line is now assigned to cover number 2.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Split Line Qty A Special function for Food and Beverage Processing. This function will allow the server to
split a line on a bill between covers. For example, if there are 4 Caesars on a bill that were consumed by
two different covers, this function will allow you to split the 4 Caesars into more than one detail line for as-
signment to a different cover. Enter the number of lines you want the qty split into (IE. Enter 2 to split the
one line of 4 Caesars to 2 lines of 2 Caesars).

One line of 4 Caesars was entered

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Press the Split Qty Button to allow the entry of the number of detail lines to split this line into (in this case
2 lines).

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

The result, two lines!

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Button Panels

Planning for Food and Beverage Processing

There are a few issues that must be planned for in order to successfully process Food and Beverage trans-
actions. In this section I will bring to light a few of these issues.

INVENTORY Many Food and Beverage systems do not do any real costing of items sold due to the fact
that they are really assemblies and hard to realistically cost. A common practice is to estimate a cost based
on the components. We suggest that you consider using non stock items to setup the items for F&B pro-
cessing and calculate costs outside of the POS System.

CATEGORIES Carefully determine the categories to be used in the Inventory due to their importance
in the F&B printing issues (IE. Redirecting printing to the BAR or Kitchen). The categories actually are an
important consideration in setting up F&B systems.

PRINTING Again, where sales slips are printed, where Bar and Kitchen printing occurs are important
considerations in setting up the F&B System.

FOOD COSTING We recommend costing for F&B outside of the Inventory and setting the costs in the
standard cost field or use Non Stock Items and do manually costing.

COMPLEXITY The complexity of F&B systems can increase dramatically if attention is not paid to the
items outlined here.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Pole Display Message Setup

The Orion Point of Sale System has the ability have one or more message scroll across a customker display at-
tached to POS workstations. Enter the messages here and attach them to the POS Workstations to have them ap-
pear on that workstations Customer Display.

Setup hotkeys for the most common POS processes. Select a process, press the set button and then press the
keys you want to assign as the hotkeys. Press save, and your done.

Message Code
Enter or Select the scroll message to add or edit.
Display or enter the message that you want to sc roll on the customer display.
Scroll Speed
Enter a speed between 1 and 10 (10 being the Fastest).

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Tag Along Items

Tag Along Items

Tag Along items are items that are sold in conjunction with other items. For Example, if you buy a flashlight, you
may have to purchase batteries to go with it. The Tag Along Item Module lets you automatically setup an item (the
flashlight) to Pull another item (the batteries) along with it.

General Tab

Listed below are the fields on this tab

Enter the Pricelist to get the item from.
Item Number
Enter the Item Number
Unit of Measure
Enter the Unit of Measure
Displays the Currency

For the item selected with the parameters above, you can select any number of items to Tag Along each time
that that item is included in a POS transaction.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Tag Along Items

Redemption Tab

The information on the screen above relate to each item entered in the tag along grid.

Edit Pricelist Item

Display the Item to which the tag along item will apply.
On Pricelist
Display the Items Price List
On Currency
Display the Items Currency
Display the items Unit of Measure
Tag Along Item
Enter the item to Tag Along
Unit of Measure
Select the items unit of measure.
Select the number of items to tag along.
Override Price
Choose whether or not to override the price.
If you override the price, enter the new price here.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Tag Along Items

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Tag Along Items

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Banks by Pay Type and Location

The Banks by Pay Type and Location Module is intended to consolidate bank information into a different Bank
based on location and Pay Type. In Retail, it is quite common to have a large number of bank accounts due to credit
card requirements and the fact that there tends to be more than one location in retail organizations as they grow.
For accounting purposes, this often overcomplicates things. This module allows you consolidate bank information
for accounting purposes.

General Tab

This form will list all of the Location/Pay Type relationships that are set up. Use the add / edit / remove buttons to
set up and maintain these records.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

The information on the screen above relate to each item entered in the tag along grid.

Select a POS Location.
Enter a Payment Type
GL Bank
Enter the Bank to redirect to.
GL Account
Enter the GL Account to affect.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Users

User Setup
The User Setup Module will allow you to create users for the Point of Sale System. These users are different from
the accounting system users and do require that you set security settings for these users in the security module of
the POS System.

General Tab

The company options module allows you to set up the global options for the point of sale system. There are seven
tabs in this module; each is dedicated to a different aspect of the setup. The first tab is the General tab. Listed
below are the fields on this tab

Choose this option to make the user inactive and unusable in the point of sale system.

Choose a Language to use
Enter a workstation here to force this user to use a specific workstation
Station Locked
Locks the POS Workstation to a specific computer

User Password

Enter Password
Enter a Password for this user
Confirm Password
Confirm the Password

Supervisor Option

Is Supervisor
Choose this to make this user a supervisor.

Enter Password
Enter a Supervisor Password if this user is a supervisor
Confirm Password
Confirm the supervisor Password

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Users

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Currency Maintenance

General Tab

Use currency to edit any currencies. The currency table contains currency information imported from the account-
ing system. Maintenance of currency information should occur from within the accounting system.

Enter the currency symbol.
Exchange Rate
Enter the exchange rate.
GL Account
Select the GL account.
Number Decimals
Enter the number of decimals.
Exchange Rate Cash
Enter the exchange rate for cash transactions.
Exchange TC
Enter the exchange rate.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Company Options

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security Groups

Security Groups
Use security setup to grant or deny access to existing POS Users. There are two areas that are affected by security,
the POS module and the Back Office Module. In the POS module, security is assigned by the POS function, in the
Back Office Module; Security is assigned by the menu item

Add security for individual users of the POS and Management Console modules.
By default new users (except ADMIN) will have their security access denied for all items until this is set.

Select the group to apply security to.

Select either the POS module or the Management Console.

you can choose from POS (for the pos module) or any of the Management Con-
sole menus to apply security to (Daily, periodic, reports or administration).

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security Groups

Security Options POS Security Settings

POS Security Options If This Option is Selected

Show Actual Totals in Cashout Shows the computer generated totals for sales and tendered amounts
in the cashout screen
Discount a Transaction Allows the Operator to perform a discount
Edit Price Allows the Operator to Edit the Price
Edit Cost Allows the Operator to Edit the Costs
Edit Description Allows the Operator to Edit the Description
Edit Quantity Allows the Operator to Edit the Quantity
Edit Tax Allows the Operator to Edit the Tax Amount(s)
Void a Line Allows the Operator to Void a Line
Recall Transactions Allows the Operator to Recall a Transaction
Void a Sale Allows the Operator to Void a Sale
Void a Transaction Allows the Operator to Void a Transaction
Perform a Shift Change Allows the Operator to Perform a Shift Change
Perform No-Sale Transaction Allows the Operator to Perform a No Sale Transaction
Perform Paid In Transaction Allows the Operator to Perform a Paid In Transaction
Perform Paid Out Transaction Allows the Operator to Performa a Paid Out Transaction
Reprint an Invoice Allows the Operator to Reprint an Invoice
Perform a Return (Credit) Allows the Operator to Process a Credit or Return
Perform Sales Invoicing Allows the Operator to Process a Sales Transaction
Process Customer Payments Allows the Operator to Process a Customer Payment on Account
Change Customer Type Allows the Operator to Change the Customer Type (A,B,C,D,E)
Perform X-Report Allows the Operator to Print an X-Report
Perform a Cashout Allows the Operator to Perform a Cash Out
Workstation Setup Allows the Operator to Edit a Workstation
Perform an Excessive Discount Allows the Operator to Enter A Discount Amount Greater than the set
Perform Cashout Date Change Allows the Operator to Change the date in Order to Do A Cashout
Perform Layaway Allows the Operator to Process a Layaway
Perform Hold Allows the Operator to Process a Hold Transaction
Perform Recall Allows the Operator to Recall a Held Transaction
Edit Customer Processing Fields
Allow Customer Save Saves the Customer back to the Accounting System Immediately IF the
Real time feed is On.
Allow Edit Customer Notes Allows the Operator to Edit the Customer Notes
Perform Quote Allows the Operator to process Quote transactions
Perform Date Change Allows the Operator to Change the POS Date (backdate a transaction)
View Cost Information Allows the Operator to View Cost Information at the POS
Allow Customer Over Credit Limit Allows the Operator to Process transactions to a customer that is Over
his Credit Limit
Allow On Account to Held Customer Allows the Operator to Process Transactions to a Customer that is on
Credit Hold
Allow Change Companies Allows the Operator to Change the Company that is being

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security Groups

Allow Update AR Customers Automatically Updates the AR Customer if Selected (as op-
posed to Updating the customer during Post to Accounting).
Open Any Table (Table Service) Allows the Operator to Open any Table including tables that
were not initially opened by that Operator
Allow Aborting of Current Stops the Operator from aborting a transaction if not selected.
Allow Selling of Items Under Allows the Operator to Sell Items Below Cost.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security Groups

Security Options Management Console Security Settings

DAILY MENU Security Options If This Option is Selected

Accounting Import Allows the Operator to Refresh Data from the Accounting System

Post to Accounting Allows the Operator to Post Sales Information

to the Accounting System
Item Pricing Allows the Operator to Edit the Item Pricing
Item Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Item Information
Promotion (Coupon) Setup Allows the Operator to Setup Coupons in the POS
Customer Maintenance Allows the Operator to Edit Customer Information
Daily Sales Journal Allows the Operator to Print the Daily Sales Journal Report
Sales Summary Allows the Operator to Print the Sales Summary Report
Cashout by Tender Allows the Operator to Print the Cashout by Tender Report
Cashout Summary by Shift and Allows the Operator to Print the Sales Summary by Shift and Worksta-
Wkstn tion Report
Cashout Detailed Allows the Operator to Print the Cashout Details Report
Cashout Summary by Date, Allows the Operator to Print the Summary by Date, Workstation &
Wkstn & Shift Shift Report
Cash Reconciliation Allows the Operator to Print the Cash Reconciliation Report

Post to Accounting Allows the Operator to Push Data to the Accounting System
Till Viewer Allows the Operator to View Till Activity

Synchronize Locations Allows the Operator to Synchronize POS Locations

Manual Remote Synch Allows the Operator to Remote Poll Manually

Periodic MENU Security Options If This Option is Selected

Import / Update Allows the Operator to Import or Export Data
Year End Update Currently Unused
Customer History Allows the Operator to View Customer History
Item History Allows the Operator to View Item History
Purge Transaction History Allows the Operator to Purge Transaction History

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security Groups

Security Options Management Console Security Settings

Reports MENU Security Options If This Option is Selected

Employee Sales Summary Allows the Operator to Print this Report

Sales Summary by Salesperson Allows the Operator to Print this Report
GL Analysis Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales Analysis by Transaction Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Customer Points Balances Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Employee Sales by Transaction Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Salesperson and Category Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Customer Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Quote Report Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Daily Sales Journal Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Category Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Employee Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Top Sellers Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Worst Sellers Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Transaction List Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Check In/Out Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Customer List Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Best Customers Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Daily Tax Summary Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Price List Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Price List Details Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Cashout - Summary Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Cashout - Detailed Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Audit List Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Returns List Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Void List Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Filter Transactions Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Work Stations Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Date and Category Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Users Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Locations Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Company Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Reprint Cashout Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Category and Item Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Deposit List by Date and Payment Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Payment Amounts Per Day Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Date Customer Category Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Date for Items Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Item Sales by Salesperson and Customer Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Salesperson Commission Detailed Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Detailed AR Salesperson Commission Allows the Operator to Print this Report

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security Groups

Summary AR Salesperson Commis- Allows the Operator to Print this Report

Sales by Date Category and Item Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Invoice No Allows the Operator to Print this Report

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security Groups

Security Options Management Console Security Settings

Administration MENU Security Options If This Option is Selected

Company Options Allows the Operator to Edit Company Options

POS Category Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Orion POS Categories
POS Location Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Orion POS Locations
Payment Options Allows the Operator to Edit Payment Options
Customer Maintenance Allows the Operator to Edit Customers
POS Tax Tables Allows the Operator to Edit Tax Tables
Workstations Allows the Operator to Edit POS Workstations
User Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Users
Currency Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Currency Codes
Security Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Security Settings
Accounting Integration Allows the Operator to Edit Accounting Integration
POS Button Panel Editor Allows the Operator to Edit Button Panels
Pole Display Message Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Pole Display Messages
Appearance Manager Allows the Operator to customize the POSs Appear-
Hotkeys Allows the Operator to Set or Edit Hotkeys
Database Connections Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Database Settings
Points Setup Allows the Operator to Setup Points Program
Tag Along Items Allows the Operator to Assign Tag Along Items
Banks By Pay Type And Loc Allows the Operator to Set Bank Routing for Remote

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security Groups

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security

Security Setup
Use security setup to grant or deny access to existing POS Users. There are two areas that are affected by security,
the POS module and the Back Office Module. In the POS module, security is assigned by the POS function, in the
Back Office Module; Security is assigned by the menu item

Add security for individual users of the POS and Management Console modules.
By default new users (except ADMIN) will have their security access denied for all items until this is set.

Select the user to apply security to.
Security Group
Enter a security group name here if you are using them. The system will allow
you to set security without using groups.
Select either the POS module or the Management Console.
you can choose from POS (for the pos module) or any of the Management Con-
sole menus to apply security to (Daily, periodic, reports or administration).

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security

Security Options POS Security Settings

POS Security Options If This Option is Selected

Show Actual Totals in Cashout Shows the computer generated totals for sales and tendered amounts
in the cashout screen
Discount a Transaction Allows the Operator to perform a discount
Edit Price Allows the Operator to Edit the Price
Edit Cost Allows the Operator to Edit the Costs
Edit Description Allows the Operator to Edit the Description
Edit Quantity Allows the Operator to Edit the Quantity
Edit Tax Allows the Operator to Edit the Tax Amount(s)
Void a Line Allows the Operator to Void a Line
Recall Transactions Allows the Operator to Recall a Transaction
Void a Sale Allows the Operator to Void a Sale
Void a Transaction Allows the Operator to Void a Transaction
Perform a Shift Change Allows the Operator to Perform a Shift Change
Perform No-Sale Transaction Allows the Operator to Perform a No Sale Transaction
Perform Paid In Transaction Allows the Operator to Perform a Paid In Transaction
Perform Paid Out Transaction Allows the Operator to Performa a Paid Out Transaction
Reprint an Invoice Allows the Operator to Reprint an Invoice
Perform a Return (Credit) Allows the Operator to Process a Credit or Return
Perform Sales Invoicing Allows the Operator to Process a Sales Transaction
Process Customer Payments Allows the Operator to Process a Customer Payment on Account
Change Customer Type Allows the Operator to Change the Customer Type (A,B,C,D,E)
Perform X-Report Allows the Operator to Print an X-Report
Perform a Cashout Allows the Operator to Perform a Cash Out
Workstation Setup Allows the Operator to Edit a Workstation
Perform an Excessive Discount Allows the Operator to Enter A Discount Amount Greater than the set
Perform Cashout Date Change Allows the Operator to Change the date in Order to Do A Cashout
Perform Layaway Allows the Operator to Process a Layaway
Perform Hold Allows the Operator to Process a Hold Transaction
Perform Recall Allows the Operator to Recall a Held Transaction
Edit Customer Processing Fields
Allow Customer Save Saves the Customer back to the Accounting System Immediately IF the
Real time feed is On.
Allow Edit Customer Notes Allows the Operator to Edit the Customer Notes
Perform Quote Allows the Operator to process Quote transactions
Perform Date Change Allows the Operator to Change the POS Date (backdate a transaction)
View Cost Information Allows the Operator to View Cost Information at the POS
Allow Customer Over Credit Limit Allows the Operator to Process transactions to a customer that is Over
his Credit Limit
Allow On Account to Held Customer Allows the Operator to Process Transactions to a Customer that is on
Credit Hold
Allow Change Companies Allows the Operator to Change the Company that is being
Allow Update AR Customers Automatically Updates the AR Customer if Selected (as opposed to Up-
dating the customer during Post to Accounting).

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security

Open Any Table (Table Service) Allows the Operator to Open any Table including tables that were not
initially opened by that Operator
Allow Aborting of Current Transaction Stops the Operator from aborting a transaction if not selected.
Allow Selling of Items Under Cost Allows the Operator to Sell Items Below Cost.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security

Security Options Management Console Security Settings

DAILY MENU Security Options If This Option is Selected

Accounting Import Allows the Operator to Refresh Data from the Accounting System
Post to Accounting Allows the Operator to Post Sales Information
to the Accounting System
Item Pricing Allows the Operator to Edit the Item Pricing
Item Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Item Information
Promotion (Coupon) Setup Allows the Operator to Setup Coupons in the POS
Customer Maintenance Allows the Operator to Edit Customer Information
Daily Sales Journal Allows the Operator to Print the Daily Sales Journal Report
Sales Summary Allows the Operator to Print the Sales Summary Report
Cashout by Tender Allows the Operator to Print the Cashout by Tender Report
Cashout Summary by Shift and Wkstn Allows the Operator to Print the Sales Summary by Shift and Worksta-
tion Report
Cashout Detailed Allows the Operator to Print the Cashout Details Report
Cashout Summary by Date, Wkstn & Allows the Operator to Print the Summary by Date, Workstation &
Shift Shift Report
Cash Reconciliation Allows the Operator to Print the Cash Reconciliation Report

Post to Accounting Allows the Operator to Push Data to the Accounting System
Till Viewer Allows the Operator to View Till Activity

Synchronize Locations Allows the Operator to Synchronize POS Locations

Manual Remote Synch Allows the Operator to Remote Poll Manually

Periodic MENU Security Options If This Option is Selected

Import / Update Allows the Operator to Import or Export Data
Year End Update Currently Unused
Customer History Allows the Operator to View Customer History
Item History Allows the Operator to View Item History
Purge Transaction History Allows the Operator to Purge Transaction History

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security

Security Options Management Console Security Settings

Reports MENU Security Options If This Option is Selected

Employee Sales Summary Allows the Operator to Print this Report

Sales Summary by Salesperson Allows the Operator to Print this Report
GL Analysis Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales Analysis by Transaction Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Customer Points Balances Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Employee Sales by Transaction Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Salesperson and Category Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Customer Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Quote Report Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Daily Sales Journal Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Category Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Employee Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Top Sellers Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Worst Sellers Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Transaction List Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Check In/Out Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Customer List Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Best Customers Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Daily Tax Summary Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Price List Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Price List Details Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Cashout - Summary Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Cashout - Detailed Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Audit List Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Returns List Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Void List Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Filter Transactions Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Work Stations Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Date and Category Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Users Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Locations Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Company Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Reprint Cashout Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Category and Item Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Deposit List by Date and Payment Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Payment Amounts Per Day Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Date Customer Category Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Date for Items Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Item Sales by Salesperson and Customer Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Salesperson Commission Detailed Allows the Operator to Print this Report

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security

Detailed AR Salesperson Commission Allows the Operator to Print this Report

Summary AR Salesperson Commission Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Date Category and Item Allows the Operator to Print this Report
Sales by Invoice No Allows the Operator to Print this Report

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security

Security Options Management Console Security Settings

Administration MENU Security If This Option is Selected


Company Options Allows the Operator to Edit Company Options

POS Category Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Orion POS Categories
POS Location Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Orion POS Locations
Payment Options Allows the Operator to Edit Payment Options
Customer Maintenance Allows the Operator to Edit Customers
POS Tax Tables Allows the Operator to Edit Tax Tables
Workstations Allows the Operator to Edit POS Workstations
User Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Users
Currency Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Currency Codes
Security Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Security Settings
Accounting Integration Allows the Operator to Edit Accounting Integration Defaults
POS Button Panel Editor Allows the Operator to Edit Button Panels
Pole Display Message Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Pole Display Messages
Appearance Manager Allows the Operator to customize the POSs Appearance
Hotkeys Allows the Operator to Set or Edit Hotkeys
Database Connections Setup Allows the Operator to Edit Database Settings
Points Setup Allows the Operator to Setup Points Program
Tag Along Items Allows the Operator to Assign Tag Along Items
Banks By Pay Type And Loc Allows the Operator to Set Bank Routing for Remote Loca-

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Security

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Hotkeys

Hotkey Setup

The Orion Point of Sale System has the ability to permit users to assign Hotkeys to most of the more important
POS functions in the system. This reduces dramatically the amount of time it takes to invoke the function during
sales processing in the point of sale.

Setup hotkeys for the most common POS processes. Select a process, press the set button and then press the
keys you want to assign as the hotkeys. Press save, and your done.

Select the POS process to setup.
Displays the hotkey setup for the process.
Click set and enter a key or key combination (ex: alt-m).
Removes the hotkey from the process.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Hotkeys

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Appearance

Appearance Manager

Use appearance manager to change most colors on the software.

Global Tab

The Global tab will edit the POS, management console and all the modules such as PriceList Setup.

The Global tab sections options are the following:

Windows Colors

The outer almost white color seen above that acts as a background for each
The inner dark blue color seen above.
Used mainly in the POS for various objects like enter button.
Used mainly in the POS for various objects like the scroll bar color.

Button Colors

Changes buttons text and border colors, currently black as seen above.
Changes buttons background color, currently whitish-yellow as seen above.

File Menu Colors

Gradient 1
The (default) lighter shade on all gradients.
Gradient 2
The (default) lighter shade on all gradients.
Hover Over
Color for file menu hover over.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Appearance


Change the colors on the POS.

Button Colors Section

The following is a list of the buttons on the POS that you may change the back-
ground color of:

Invoice Types
Login Status
Hover Over

Images Section

Top Banner
Change the banner picture appearing just below the file menu.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Appearance

Management Console Tab

Change the colors on the Management Console.


Icon Menu
Change the background color of the programs area used to launch programs on
the left hand side of the management console.

Navigation Menu

Highlight 1
The (default) dark color for the gradient of the menu hovered over.
Selected 1
The (default) dark color for the gradient of the active menu.
Highlight 2
The (default) light color for the gradient of the menu hovered over.
Selected 2
The (default) light color for the gradient of the active menu.


Top Banner
The banner picture appearing at the top just below the file menu.
The logoff buttons picture.
Big Banner
The large picture appearing on the general tab, which is shown until you gener-
ate a graph.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Appearance

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Accounting Integration

Accounting Integration
The Accounting Integration form is used to set various behaviours (such as running in real time connection vs a
batch connection) as well as setting a multitude of system wide accounting defaults.

Integration Tab

Use this to set most parameters directly related to the accounting system.

Displays the company name.

Real Time Connection

Check to post Quantities to the accounting system immediately upon comple-

tion of each transaction. Note: this only applies to workstations being used on
the same network. |Remote polling workstations will use the remote polling
system to bring transactions across.

Batch Connection
Check to post transactions as a batch using the post to accounting function
In the Orion POS Management Console at your convenience.

Home Currency
Displays the home currency.
Default Rate Type
Displays the default rate type.
Fiscal Year
Displays the fiscal year.
Fiscal Period
Displays the fiscal period.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Accounting Integration

Posting Tab

The Posting Tab is used to set fields related to posting to the accounting system.

Post Directly to Modules

Choose this option to post to the sub modules directly.
Compiled By:
None Will post transactions as entered.
Location Will combine transactions by Location
Workstation Will combine transactions by Workstation

Post to Order Entry
Choose this option to post transactions through Order Entry instead of through
the sub modules directly. Posting to Order Entry will create an Order, Invoice
and Shipment in order entry for each transaction in Orion POS. The exception is
for cash customers. You can choose to combine cash transactions into one entry
to be posted to OE.

Return Clearing
Enter a return Clearing Account if you are posting through Order Entry
Create Sales Analysis
Export File
Enter paths and file names for the csv files to be exported.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Accounting Integration

AR Tab

The AR Tab is used to set fields directly or indirectly related to the accounting systems AR module. In general, these
fields are defaults for new customer creation and settings for integration to the accounting system

Default Customer Group

Select the default customer group.
Default Account Set
Select the default account set.
Default Billing Cycle
Select the default billing cycle
Default Payment Term
Select the default payment term.
Default Service Charges
Select the default service charges.
Invoice Prefix
Set a prefix on transactions going to the AR from Orion POS. For Instance,
Auto Create Customers
in AR
Choose this to create a customer directly in AR when you create a New cus-
tomer in Orion POS.

Allow Sales On Account

Check If you do not select this option, you will not be allowed to process On
Account Transactions.

Use Amounts from Cashouts

During Posting
Choosing this option will cause the system to post amounts entered by the
operator during a Cashout instead of amounts generated by the Point of Sale

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Accounting Integration

Bank Tab

The Bank Tab contains the default banks to be used for both the general ledger as well as the accounts receivable

Default GL Bank
Select the GL bank.
Default AR Bank
Select the AR bank.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Accounting Integration

IC Tab

The IC Tab is used to set fields directly or indirectly related to the accounting systems IC module.

Default IC Location
Select the default IC location.

Default Price List

Select the default price list.

Default IC Control Account

Select the default IC control account.

Auto Post Shipment

Check this to automatically post shipments.

Allow Negative
Inventory Levels
This Option will override the allow negative inventory setting in the accounting
systems Inventory module. In some situations you may want the POS to allow
negative stock levels and not allow the OE to do so.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Accounting Integration

Rates Tab

The Rates Tab contains fields largely pertaining to exchange rates (multi-currency) as well as definable fields for
new customers tax status.

Exchange Rate
Displays the selected exchange rate.

Doc Unique
Displays whether document is unique.

Rate Date
Displays the rate date.

Rate Operator
Displays multiply or divide.

Rate Override
Displays the rate override

New Customer
Tax Defaults
These fields are no longer used.

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Accounting Integration

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Management Console 3
Daily Menu 5
Periodic Menu 7
Reports Menu 9
Administration Menu 11
Sales Analysis in the Management Console 13
General Tab 14
Daily Tab 15
Employee Tab 16
Sales Tab 17
Customer Tab 18
Import Export 21
Refresh Data 25
Customer Maintenance 28
General Tab 28
Ship To Address Sub form General Tab 29
Ship To Address Sub form Details Tab 30
Contact Tab 31
Processing Tab 32
Sales Tab 33
Points Tab 34
User Defined Fields Tab 35
Sales History Tab 36
Item Setup 37
Items Tab 38
Units Tab 40
Taxes Tab 41
Optional Fields Tab 42
Item Pricing 43
Discounts Tab 44
Points Tab 45
Promotion Setup 46
Restrictions Tab 47
Coupon Details Tab 48
Post to Accounting 49
Accounting Entries Generated 50
Suggested Reconciliation Process 52
Cash Reconciliation 53
Suggested Reconciliation Process 55
Till Viewer 56
Buy X Get Y 57
Remote Polling in Orion Point of Sale 58
Remote Polling in Orion Point of Sale 59
Setting up Remote Polling in Orion Point of Sale 60

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Installing the Remote Service  64

Remote Polling for the First Time 65
Problem Resolution 67
Remote Polling Checklist  68
Customer History 69
Item History 73
Purge Transaction History 77
Company Options 81
General Tab 81
Details Tab 83
Sales Slip Tab 85
Defaults Tab 87
Invoice Tab 89
Options Tab 91
Accounting Tab 93
Customer Maintenance 95
General Tab 95
Ship To Address Sub form General Tab 96
Ship To Address Sub form Details Tab 97
Contact Tab 98
Processing Tab 99
Sales Tab 100
Points Tab 101
User Defined Fields Tab 102
Sales History Tab 103
POS Location Setup 105
General Tab 105
Details Tab 106
Remoting Connection 107
Payment Processors 108
POS Workstation Setup 109
General Tab 109
Printers Tab 111
Pole Display Tab 112
Cash Drawer 113
Details Tab 114
Pole Display Message 115
Adv Printing Printers 116
Adv Printing Rules 117
Processors 120
Category Setup 123
General Tab 123
Points Setup 125
General Tab 125

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Redemption Tab 126

Category Tab 127
Payment Options 129
General Tab 129
Printing Tab 131
What are Orion Button Panels 133
The Orion POS Data Organization 134
Button Panels 135
The Button Panel Editor 136
Sections of the Panel Editor Screen 137
Billing vs. Pre-Billing 141
Configuring New Panels 142
Button Types 153
Linking Panels (The Panel Change Function) 156
Food and Beverage Processing 159
Food and Beverage Printing 161
Food and Beverage Extras 165
Food and Beverage Modifiers 169
Food and Beverage Table Service Panels 172
Food and Beverage Tabs 174
Special Table Service Functions 179
Planning for Food and Beverage Processing 195
Pole Display Message Setup 196
Tag Along Items 198
General Tab 198
Redemption Tab 199
Banks by Pay Type and Location 202
General Tab 202
User Setup 204
General Tab 204
Currency Maintenance 206
General Tab 206
Security Groups 208
Security Options POS Security Settings  209
Security Options Management Console Security Settings  211
Security Options Management Console Security Settings  212
Security Options Management Console Security Settings  214
Security Setup 216
Security Options POS Security Settings  217
Security Options Management Console Security Settings  219
Security Options Management Console Security Settings  220
Security Options Management Console Security Settings  222
Hotkey Setup 224

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Appearance Manager 226

Global Tab 226
POS Tab 227
Management Console Tab 228
Accounting Integration 230
Integration Tab 230
Posting Tab 231
AR Tab 232
Bank Tab 233
IC Tab 234
Rates Tab 235

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents

Orion Digital Integration Inc. Table of Contents


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