NSTSE Class 10 Solutions 2015 PDF
NSTSE Class 10 Solutions 2015 PDF
NSTSE Class 10 Solutions 2015 PDF
:. (p2 q2)2 = 16 pq
::::> Y - 3842 [olVI.d.mg (.)
by (..II ll ....
- - -ED
.. AB AE
AFAB 80 4
.. - = - = - = -
CF CO 20 1
9 ED
-3 - -
::::> 3+1= -+1
::::> 4 = AE B E C
AF 4
::::) 4= -
AF +FC 4 +1 5
4 ~ = --= -
::::> AE = - = 1 em FC 1 1
4 d ABC: dFEC [Since AB and FE are parallel]
.. Area of d AEC = -2 x AE x CD ::::)
= -x1x 9
::::) -80 -
FE 1
= 4.5 crnl FE= 16
Hence, the value of a = 16 m
8. (D) 310 2 7 2
= - - x314cm = 270-cm
360 18
14. (C) Median of the slopes of
----- - 3
OA, OB, OC, OD, OE =slope of OC =
Area of square= 20 em x 20 em= 400 cm 2 15. (C) Let AB be the ladder inclined at an angle of
Out of 16 parts, 2 are shaded . 30 with the wall BC.
14 2
5- 3 2 1
.. AE = AD cos 600 = 2 x -2 = 1m
:. Slope ofQS = _ = 8=
11 3
4 Similarly after 2 seconds, the man will be at
10. (A) Let a be the first term and d be the common F such that AF = 4 m.
difference of A.P. :. AG=2 m
Since a9 = 99 Thus after every second, the man is approaching
:. a +8d = 99 ..... (i) the wall a distance equal to 1 m, i.e., at 1 m/
Also, a99 = 9
16. (A) Given parabolic equation is y = 3x 2 + 12x 2
:. a +98d = 9 ..... (ii)
Subtracting (ii) from (i) -b = - 12 =- 2
2a 6
~ 90d=90
y = f(2) = 12 24 2 = 14
:. d = 1
: . Vertex of the parabola = ( 2, 14)
Substituting this va lue of d in (i)
:. The axis of symmetry is x = - 2
a+ 8( 1) =99 1
17. (C) Product of 'm' numbers= (H.C.F. of pairs)m
~ a = 99 + 8 = 107 x L.C.M . of 'm' numbers.
:. a108 = a + (108 1) d Hence, product of 4 numbers= (3) 4 1
x 126
= 107 + 107 ( 1) = 0 = 3402
12. (B) The whole surface area of the remaining
solid = n RL + n rl + n [R 2 r 2 )
Corresponding value of
no. of
Value of a b for which
b -4a~O
1 2,3, 4 3
2 3, 4 2
3 4 1
4 4 1 Now L ACB = x (angle in alternate
Total number of ways= 7
L ACB = y (angle is in alternate segment)
A m/m+1+1/2m+1 ~ x =y
20. {C) tan ( a +"') =-....,.....:....--....,....;..-----..,..
1 - (m/ m + 1)) (1/ 2m+ 1)
25. (A) Let p(x) = x 4 a2 x 2 + 3x a.
1m long mirror The image formed by a magnifying glass
(convex lens) is also virtual and erect.
32. {C) Using Ohm's law, - =R
:. v =I X R = -t X R
++1111 ~1++ :. V= - x 20= 160V
O.Sm I 1m I O.Sm 25
33. (D) All the statements are true.
28. (A) When the current-carrying wire is being 34. (B) The slip rings are used to prevent
coiled up, the circular magnetic field entanglement of the wires in the external
produced by portion on the straight wire is
being concentrated in the core of the coil.
35. {C) Two convex lenses of focal lengths 5 em and
This will produce a stronger magnetic field
7 em respectively are used to construct a
compound microscope.
A compound microscope consists of two
converging lenses, (i) the objective 0 ', and
(ii) the eyepiece E. The lens facing the object
is called the objective and the lens close to
the eye is called the eyepiece. The objective
is of very short focal length and has a smaller
aperture than the eyepiece. The eyepiece is
also of short focal length but of large
aperture. The objective is a combination of
29. (C) (i) The light coming from the objects two lenses, which acts as a converging lens.
enters the human eye through cornea The eyepiece is a combination of two lenses
(X). Just behind the cornea is the iris. separated by a small distance. The focal
There is a hole in the middle of the iris length of the eyepiece is slightly greater than
called pupil. that of the objective. The two lenses are
( ii) The lens lies behind the pupil (Y). It is placed coaxially at the ends of an adjustable
convex, transparent, soft and flexible. tube. The distance between the two lenses
It is held in proper position with the can be adjusted.
help of suspensory ligaments at one E
end and ciliary muscles at the other
(iii) The space between the cornea and the
lens is filled with aqueous humour.
(iv) The focal length of the convex lens
present inside the eye can be changed
(made thicker I thinner) by the action
of ciliary muscles.
(v) The space between the lens and the The object OB is placed just beyond the focus
retina is filled with vitreous humour. of the objective, which forms a real, inverted
(vi) Behind the lens is the natural screen and magnified image. Th is image is formed
called retina (Z) on which the image is within the focus of the eyepiece, which
formed. It is conveyed to the brain produces a virtual, erect and magnified
through the optic nerve in the form of image. The final image 11 M 1 is adjusted to be
electrical signals. formed at the least distance of distinct
30. (A) Statements (B), (C) and (D) are the best vision. The eyepiece acts as a magnifier.
ways to increase the efficient use of various 36. (C) Renewable sources of energy are sunlight,
sources of energy. tidal waves, ethanol fuel, wood and wind
31. (C) Only image projector emits light rays on a while non-renewable sources of energy are
screen and forms real images. coal, natural gas and petroleum.
The image formed in the plane mirror is 37. (D) The human eye ball is almost spherical and
virtual and erect. has a thick, tough coating called sclerotic
on the external side. About 5/6th of this
portion is opaque and the remaining part is Doubling the cross-sectional area of the
in front of the eye which is a transparent 1
structure called the cornea. The coating wire will have the resistance. R .
within the sclerotic is called choroid which
consists of black pigment cells. Choroid Resistance of the wire which is 4 m and has
absorbs light and prevents the reflection 2 mm2 cross-sectional area.
of light within the eyeball.
38. (B) One of the factors that determines the 16 2 = 16
strength of the electromagnet is the number
of coils per unit length. The more 45. (C) (i) The distance between the optical
concentrated the coils are being packed, the centre (O) of the convex lens and object
stronger will be the magnetic field strength. placed at X is the object distance OX.
39. (D) To reproduce a similar print, the real image (ii) The distance between the optical
must be the same size as the object. It can centre (O) and principal focus Y of the
only be achieved when u = 2f. This implies convex lens is the focal length - OY.
that u = 12 cm. (iii) A ray of light parallel to the principal
40. (C) I=V R axis of a convex lens passes through its
focus after refraction through the lens.
= 1200 240 = 5 A The distance between the optical
The operating current of the heater is 5 A. The centre (O) of the convex lens to the
fuse should be slightly higher than the point where the image Z is formed is
operating current. The function of the fuse is the image distance - OZ.
to allow operating current to flow through but 46. (A) Iron is a soft magnetic material which can
melts when the current becomes too high so be easily magnetised and demagnetised. It
as to protect the equipment from being is used as an electromagnet.
damaged by the undesirably high current.
Steel is a hard magnetic material which cannot
The next higher rate of fuse is the 10 A fuse. be easily magnetised nor demagnetised. It is
41. (A) Statements (i) and (ii) are true for carnivores. used as a permanent magnet.
(i) Human beings and all the predators 47. (A) Tungsten has a melting point higher than
like tiger, lion, cheetah etc. have their 3000 oC.
eyes in front of the head. When the filament is so hot that it produces
(ii) The two eyes are a few centimetres white light, its temperature must be
apart from each other. Due to this greater than 2500 oC. The material of the
reason, the two eyes see the same filament must have a melting point higher
object from two slightly different than 2500 oC.
angles and send two slightly different Option (B): Tungsten has high resistance to
images of the same object to the brain. allow high current to pass through.
(iii) The brain combines these two slightly When a material has high resistance, the
different images to build a three current flowing through it is low (with other
dimensional picture of the object which factors held constant).
enables us and animals to judge the
distance of the object more accurately. Option (C): Tungsten has high mass so that
more thermal energy can be stored in the
(iv) Most of the animals have a large field filament.
of view to see around due to binocular
vision but not monocular vision. When a material has high mass, more thermal
energy is required to increase its
42. (D) Earth wire connects the conducting casing temperature. The filament would need more
of the appliance to the ground. It is used to energy to produce the same brightness.
conduct any leaked charges from the
conducting casing of the appliance to the Option (D): Tungsten has high specific heat
ground. This prevents people from getting capacity so that small amount of heat can
an electric shock should there be a leakage increase the temperature to a large extent.
of charges. When a material has high specific heat
43. (C) When light travels through optical fibre, capacity, it requires more energy to
total internal reflection takes place and not increase its temperature.
refraction. 48. (A) Focal length f is 15 cm.
44. (C) Doubling the length of the wire will double Object distance u is 31 cm.
the resistance. (R L). For u > 2f, the image formed will be real,
inverted and diminished.
49. (B) The safest method to dispose radioactive (III) oxide. So much heat is produced in this
wastes is given below. reaction that iron is obtained in the molten
The radioactive wastes must be kept in a state (liquid state).
thick, lead containers with narrow mouth (B) Chemical reaction is balanced but iron
and plugged with thick lead corks. These being a metal is shown as (g) gas, which
containers can be buried under the sea. is not correct.
50. (B) Resistance of the appliance (C) Chemical reaction is not balanced on
= V I = 240 V 2A = 120 the reactants side (Aluminium) and
aluminium oxide being a metallic
Current flowing through the appliance at oxide is represented as gas, which is
120 V supply = V R not correct.
= 120 V 120 = 1 A (D) Chemical reaction is not balanced as
Power of appliance = I2R less number of iron atoms are shown
= (1)2 (120) = 120 W on products side.
Chemistry 54. (C) (i) Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid and
the pH of this acid lies between 0 to 3
51. (C) Noble gases are elements of Group 18. They on the pH scale. Strong acids
exist as monoatomic gases because their completely ionise in water to form a
outermost shells are filled with two or large number of H+ ions.
eight electrons as shown below.
(ii) Ethanoic acid is a weak acid and its pH
Element Atomic Electron is above 3 on the pH scale. Weak acids
Number Arrangement do not ionise completely in water and
produce a small number of H+ ions
Helium 2 2
Neon 10 2, 8 (iii) HCl is a strong acid and it ionises
Argon 18 2, 8, 8 completely to form H + and Cl ions
Krypton 36 2, 8, 18, 8 respectively. CH 3COOH is a weak acid
Xenon 54 2, 8, 18, 18, 8 because it does not ionise completely.
Radon 86 2, 8, 18, 18, 32, 8 It forms CH3COO (Acetate ion) and H+
(ion respectively. The difference in pH
52. (A) Metals react with dilute hydrochloric acid value between the two acids is
to give metal chlorides and hydrogen gas is ionisation. So, the degree of ionisation
released. Based on the reactivity series of is less in ethanoic acid than that of
metals, sodium is the most reactive metal hydrochloric acid.
followed by magnesium and zinc. 55. (C) Hydrocarbon X must be an unsaturated
(i) Sodium metal is very reactive. It reacts hydrocarbon with a C=C bond i.e. an alkene
violently with dilute hydrochloric acid C 5H10 (pentene). C2H 6, C 3H8 and C7H 16 are
to form sodium chloride and hydrogen. saturated hydrocarbons in the homologous
(ii) Magnesium metal is less reactive than series of alkanes.
sodium. It reacts quite rapidly with 56. (C) To prevent oxidation of fried foods, the
dilute hydrochloric acid to form following methods must be adopted.
magnesium chloride and hydrogen. (i) Adding antioxidants like butylated
(iii) Zinc metal is less reactive than hydroxy-anisole or butylated hydroxy
magnesium and aluminium. It reacts toluene to food substances before
less rapidly with dilute hydrochloric acid frying them in oil.
to form zinc chloride and hydrogen. (ii) Storing fried foods in air-tight
As the reactivity of metals decreases from containers prevents the contact of food
sodium to zinc, sodium metal releases with oxygen. Absence of light slows
hydrogen gas faster followed by down the oxidation of oil and fats in
magnesium and zinc. fried foods.
53. (A) Chemical reaction between aluminium and (iii) Filling the huge bags / containers in
iron (III) oxide is balanced. Both being which the fried foods would be stored
metals are solids as reactants. with nitrogen gas.
When iron (III) oxide is heated with 57. (C) The ore from which manganese is extracted
aluminium powder, then aluminium oxide is pyrolusite.
and iron metal (molten) is formed. Haematite - Iron
In this displacement reaction, a more Bauxite - Aluminium
reactive metal, aluminium, is displacing a Calamine - Zinc
less reactive metal, iron, from its oxide, iron
58. (C) The given chemical reaction is used in the Transfer of electrons
manufacture/preparation of soap.
: :
Mg : + O:
Vegetable oil + Alkali Magnesium atom Oxygen atom
(Castor, cotton, (Sodium 2, 8, 2 2,6
linseed or hydroxide)
soyabean oil) Mg2+ O or MgO
Magnesium ion Oxide ion
Soap + Glycerol (P)
2, 8 2,8
(Sodium salt of (An alcohol)
fatty acid)
Magnesium oxide
So, P is glycerol. We find that the magnesium ion has 2 units
59. (D) Acidic oxide : SO2, CO2 of positive charge whereas the oxide ion
Amphoteric oxide : Al2O3 has 2 units of negative charge. The
oppositely charged magnesium ions, Mg2+,
Basic oxide : Na2O , MgO
and oxide ions O2 , are held together by a
60. (D) Chemical equation for complete combustion strong force of electrostatic attraction to
of methanol is given in option (D). form magnesium oxide compound Mg2+O2
Chemical equations given in options (A), (B) or MgO. Thus, magnesium oxide contains
and (C) show incomplete combustion of ionic bonds.
67. (B) First liquid pH Second liquid pH
61. (A) From Li to C, the elements use 1 to 4 electrons
for bonding respectively. However, from C (A) 5 2
to F, the number of electrons used declines (B) 5 12
from 4 to 1. Ne does not form any compound
(C) 6 1
readily since it is a noble gas.
62. (A) Option (A) gives the correct balanced equation (D) 14 7
as per the numbers given under (i), (ii), (iii)
and (iv) respectively as shown below. In options (A) and (C), the solutions are
(i) PbS + (ii) 4H 2O2 (iii) PbSO4 + (iv) 4H2O acidic (pH < 7). When mixed, the pH of the
resulting solution will also be acidic. In
63. (D) Reactive metal oxides form more stable option (D), the first solution is alkaline
oxides. Zinc is the most reactive metal and while the second one is neutral. When they
lead the least reactive of the three metals are mixed, the resulting solution will be
given. alkaline.
64. (D) 2NaOH + CO2 Na2CO3 + H2O 68. (D) Metals tend to form basic oxides while non-
The white solid is Na2CO3. metals tend to form acidic oxides. Hence, Y
65. (C) Combustion of ethanol : is a metal and X is a non-metal. Z would be
C2H5OH + 3O2 2CO2 + 3H2O between the 2 elements since the oxide is
Manufacture of ethanol:
69. (D) The given structural formula is of a
C2H4(g) + H2O(g) C2H5OH(l) detergent. A detergent has a large non-ionic
Fermentation of glucose : hydrocarbon group and an ionic group like
C6H12O6 sulphonate group SO 3 Na +, or sulphate
2CO2 + 2C2H5OH
Yeast, absence of air
group. SO4 Na+. The structure
Oxidation of ethanol: CH3 (CH2)10 CH2 SO4 Na+ is of sodium
C2H5OH + 2[O] CH3COOH + H2O n-dodecyl sulphate.
66. (D) The bond formed between two oppositely 70. (A) X : Oxidation reaction
charged ions is ionic or electrovalent bond, The conversion of C 2 H 5OH to CH 3 CO 2 H
Mg+2 and O 2 . involves the removal of H and addition
Two chlorine atoms and two hydrogen of O.
atoms separately form a single covalent C2H5OH + 2[O] CH3CO2H + H2O
bond as shown below.
Y : Acid/base reaction
Cl + Cl Cl2 Cl Cl
CH3CO2H + NaOH CH3CO2 Na+ + H2O
H + H H2 H H
Z : Esterification
Carbon dioxide forms a double covalent
bond O = C = O. CH3CO2H + C2H5OH CH3CO2C2H5 + H2O
Biology 79. (A) F is the adrenal gland. It releases adrenline
which responds to stress, for exam pie ,
71. (D) Photosynthesis takes place in green plants
sugar is released studdenly to enable us to
by the absorption of water and carbon
run fast and escape when there is danger.
dioxide in the presence of sunlight and
chlorophyll pigment by the liberation of 80. (C) In the given flowchart E represents
oxygen and produce carbohydrates. Fertilisation and F Mitosis
72. (C) Some of the energy in each level of food 81. (A) The genetic material found in a sperm can
chain is lost as heat. Hence, not all the be 22 + X or 22 + V
energy from living things is transfered to 82. (B) Heat energy that is lost from the body cannot
living thing C. be returned to the ecosystems and recycled.
73. (A) Peripheral nervous system consists of 83. (B) Medulla oblongata controls breathing rate
cranial and spinal nerves. and regulates blood pressure.
74. (A) The arrows (showing) labelled as P and Q 84. (A) In human beings fertilisation occurs in
blood vessels carries oxygen rich blood. fallopian tubes and implantation in uterus.
75. (B) The sex of a baby is determined by the X 85. (D) Under the sun plants perform photosynthesis
and V chromosomes. Females have two X and releases oxygen hence the limewater
chromosomes. Males have one X and one V remains colourless.
chromosome. 86. (C) Oxygen is helpful to oxidised or burn the
Each parent gives one copy of their food in our body to release energy.
chromosome to the baby. 87. (C) The arrow labelled 'X' is pulmonary artery.
It carries impure blood rich in carbon
~ e
88. (A)
dioxide from heart to lungs.
Movement of the plant in response to
external stimulus is called nastic
89. (D) The potato plant reproduces by stem
50% Male, 50% Female tubers.
76. (B) The swollen part above the girdle is due to 90. (A) The air at the top of the mountains has less
the accumulation of food in phloem. amount of oxygen hence people who live
77. (B) Rice plant~ Grasshopper~ Frog~ Snake on mountain top produce more RBC to
~Eagle absorb more oxygen as compared to land
78. (D) Earthworm is a hermaphrodite.