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Aim:-To Study Differential Encoding Techniques For Data

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Aim:- To study differential encoding techniques for data.


1) Experiment or Kit ADCL-05.

2) Connecting Chords.
3) Power supply.


Differential encoding logic:

A means of generating a differentially encoded data is shown in fig 1 the data stream
to be transmitted,
d (t), is applied to one input of an exclusive- OR logic gate. To the other gate input is
applied the output
of the exclusive-OR gate b (t) delayed by the time Tb allocated to one bit. This second
input is then b (t-Tb).
In fig 2 we have drawn the logic waveform to illustrate the response b(t) to an input
d(t). The upper level of the waveform corresponds to logic 1, the lower level to logic 0.
Because of the feedback involved in the system of fig 1 there is difficulty in
determining the logic levels in the interval in which we start to draw the Waveform
(interval 1 in fig 2) we cannot determine b (t) in this first interval of our waveform
unless we know b (k=0). But we cannot determine b (0) unless we know both d (0) and
b (-1), etc. thus; to justify any set of logic levels in an initial bit interval we need to
know the logic levels in the preceding interval. But such a determination requires
information about the interval two bit times earlier and so on. In the waveform of fig 2
we have circumvented the problem by arbitrarily assuming that in the first interval b
(0) =0. It is shown below that, the data will be correctly determined regardless of our
assumption concerning b (0). We now observe that the response of b(t) to d(t) is that
b(t) changes level at the beginning of each interval in which d(t)=1 and b (t) does not
changes level when d(t)=0. Thus during interval 3, d (3) =1, and correspondingly b (3)
changes at the beginning at that interval. During interval 6 & 7, d (6) = d(7) =1 and
there are changes in b(t) at the beginning of both intervals. During bits 10, 11, 12, and
13 d(t)=1 and there are changes in b(t) at the beginnings of each of these intervals.
This behavior is to be anticipated from the truth tables of the exclusive- OR gate. For
we note that when d(t)=0, b(t)=b(t-Tb) so that, whatever the initial value of b(t-Tb), it
reproduces itself. On the other hand when d (t) =1 then b(t)=/b(t-Tb). Thus, in each
successive bit intervals b(t) changes from its value in the previous interval. Note that
in some intervals where d(t)=0 we have b(t)=0 and in other intervals
when d(t)=0 we have b(t)=1. Similarly, when d(t)=1 sometimes b(t)=1 and sometimes
b(t)=0. Thus there is no correspondence between the levels of d(t) and b(t), and the
only invariant feature of the system is that a change (sometime up and sometime
down) in b(t) occurs whenever d(t)=1, and that no change in
b(t) will occur whenever d(t)=0. Finally, we note that in waveform of fig 2 are drawn on
the assumption that, in interval 1, b(0)=0. As is easily verified, if not intuitively
apparent, if we had assumed b(0)=1, the invariant feature by which we have
characterized the system would continue to apply. Since b(0) must be either b(0)=0 or
b(0)=1, there being no other possibilities, our result is valid quite generally. If,
however, we had started with b(0)=1 the levels b(1) and b(0) would have been



1) Refer to the block diagram and carry out the following connections and
Switch settings.
2) Connect power supply in proper polarity to the kit ADCL-05 and ADCL-06
Switch it on.
3) Select Data pattern of simulated data using switch SW1, SW2, SW3.
4) Connect SDATA generated to DATA IN of NRZ-L CODER.

5) Connect the NRZ-L coded data at DATA OUT to the DATA IN of the
6) Connect the clock generated SCLOCK to CLK IN of TRIBIT CODER.
7) Connect generated I BIT to DATA IN of differential encoder 1.
8) Connect generated Q BIT to DATA IN of differential encoder 2.
9) Observe the input data and the differentially encoded I BIT & Q BIT data
At DATA OUT of respective differential encoders.

Tribit Coded data I BIT.
Tribit Coded data Q BIT.

Differentially encoded I bit at DATA OUT of differential encoder 1.

differentially encoded Q bit at DATA OUT of differential encoder 2.

It is observed that when input data to the differential encoder contains 1 the output
of the differential encoder makes transition from its previous state. If input data
contains continuous 1s then output of differential encoder toggles between 1s and

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