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Falcon QPSK

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To study the constellation diagram of QPSK data format.

Study of bandwidth efficiency in Quadrature Phase shift keying


Experimentor Kits ADCL-02

Connecting Chords.
Power supply.


The constellation diagram or geometrical representation is as shown in fig 1.below the points in
signal space corresponding to each of the four possible transmitted signal is indicated by dots. For
each such signal we can recover two bits rather than one. The distance of a signal point from the
origin is (Es)^1/2 which is the square root of the signal energy associated with the symbol, that is
Es=Ps * Ts = Ps(2Tb). As we know the ability to determine a bit without error is Measured by the
distance in signal space between points corresponding to the different values of the bit. We note
from fig. that points which differ in a single bit are separated by the distance d = 2(Ps)^1/2 Tb = 2
(Eb)^1/2 where Eb is the energy contained in a bit transmitted for a time Tb. This distance for
QPSK is the same as for BPSK.

Hence, altogether, we have the important result that, in spite of the reduction by a factor of two in the
bandwidth required by QPSK in comparison with BPSK, the noise immunity of the two stems are the
same. The number of dot points appearing in the constellation diagram depends on the number of
symbol generated due to I and Q bit. The position of dot points in the quadrant of the constellation
diagram is also depends on the symbol generated due to the I and Q bit as shown above. The fig
below shows some examples of

different constellation diagram.

In fig.2 the data pattern used is 01011010. if we plot the expected data pattern of I and Q bit as
shown in fig 2 , then there are 4 symbol generated as 01,11,10 and 00. thus there are 4 dots
appearing in the constellation diagram in all four quadrant.

In fig.3 the data pattern used is 11011010. if we plot the expected data pattern of I and Q bit as
shown in fig , then there are 3 symbol generated as 11,01 and 10. Thus there are 3 dots appearing
in the constellation diagram in the respective quadrants.
In fig.4 the data pattern used is 11111010. if we plot the expected data pattern of I and Q bit as
shown in fig , then there are 2 symbol generated as 11 and 10. Thus there are only 2 dots appearing
in the constellation diagram in the respective quadrants.

Bandwidth efficiency of QPSK is defined by the ratio of bit transmission speed in QPSK to Bandwidth
of QPSK signal. It is given by

Bandwidth Efficiency = Fb / Bw

Where, Fb is Bit transmission speed and

Bw is the bandwidth of signal transmitted.

The more the bandwidth efficiency more is the data transfer within the same bandwidth of signal

Refer to Block Diagram & Carry out the following connections and switch Settings
Connect power supply in proper polarity to the kit ADCL-02/03 & switch it on.
Select Data pattern of simulated data using switch SW1.
Connect SDATA generated to DATA IN of NRZ-L CODER.
Connect the coded data NRZ-L DATA to the DATA IN of the DIBIT CONVERSION.
Connect the clock generated SCLOCK to CLK IN of DIBIT CONVERSION
Observe the coded signal I bit & Q bit on oscilloscope.
8)Connect I bit to X-channel of CRO & Q bit to Y-channel of CRO.
Put the CRO in X-Y mode.
10)Observe the constellation diagram on oscilloscope as shown in the block diagram and
refer theory to observe different types of constellation diagram.
11) Observe the constellation diagram for DQPSK modulation also by
referring connection of DQPSK from experiment no.2.
Bandwidth efficiency of QPSK technique.

Measure the transmission clock at CLK IN post i.e. 250 KHZ.

Divide this clock by the number of bits trasmitted simultaneously, i.e. 2 bits
in this case ( I & Q Bits ).
Transmission clock is the bit transmission speed (250 KHz) and
Bandwidth of modulator is clock divided by the number of bits transmitted
(125 KHz).
From the above data, calculate bandwidth efficiency by substituting these
values in the formula as follows.
Bandwidth Efficiency = Fb / Bw

i.e. =250/125




Observe the following coded signal on one of the oscilloscope and INPUT DATA / NRZ-L on
second channel simultaneously and plot it on the paper.
Coded data I bit.

It is observed from the constellation diagram that, the symbol generated due to I bit & Q bit have four
possible values and lies in four quadrants. Also from the constellation diagram we can determine the
distance between the two symbols and can conclude that after each time Tb either be or bo (i.e. I or
Q bit) can change, but both cannot change at the same time. After each time Tb, the transmitted
signal, if it changes, changes phase by 90 deg. rather than by 180 deg. as in BPSK.

Bandwidth Efficiency generally depends on the number of bits transmitted simultaneously.

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