Sub-Section I: Procurement Process
Sub-Section I: Procurement Process
Sub-Section I: Procurement Process
Sub-Section I
Procurement Process
Supplier Creation,
Procurement Local Procurement Goods Receipt
Modification &
Purchase import Purchase Process
Procurement Head 1.5 Procurement head will provide its approvals and comments to the supplier
evaluation form and will send to accountant for commercial check and compliance.
After evaluating the supplier; it
will provide its approval and
Approved supplier
Contd... comments on the supplier
evaluation form and will send to
accountant for commercial
check and compliance Report Description Frequency
Reference No. 1.5
Vendor Master Created and Approved in the system Quarterly
x Process Activity x Control Activity Suppliers evaluation / criteria policy, analysis and reports Yearly
Updated System
Vendor Master
Reference No. 1.9 Reference No. 1.12 1.13 Procurement officer will then collect updated information of such suppliers and
Finance Manager send it to accountant for updating vendor master in the system.
Procurement Officer Will block the supplier
Accountant 1.14 Accountant will update the suppliers record according to the latest information as
Will get the updated master in the system and
Will verify the details and send for approval provided by the Procurement officer.
information from the
input the same in the supplier & will submit for
system and send for Reference No. 1.17 1.15 Finance manager will review the changes made along with the necessary tax
approval structure updates required and authorise the same which shall update vendor master.
Reference No. 1.13
Reference No. 1.10
CFO / MD 1.16 Procurement head reports frequent issues faced with a particular supplier to the
Accountant finance manager and his advice on blocking the supplier from the vendor master list.
Will provide its approval /
Finance Manager Will update the suppliers rejection for blocking of a 1.17 Finance manager will review and check the pending deliveries; after completion
Will verify documents and details in system (if any) supplier from the supplier of which will initiate to block the supplier master in the system
provide its approval/ Reference No. 1.14 database
modification/rejection 1.18 CFO/ MD will provide its approval/ rejection for blocking of a supplier from the
Reference No. 1.11 Finance Manager supplier database.
Reference No. 1.18
Will approve / modify /
decline the changes made
in the suppliers master Report Description Frequency
END Updated Reference No. 1.15 Review Suppliers With less than 20 transactions a year Yearly
Vendor Master
Once in 3
Database x Process Activity x Control Activity Review Suppliers With more than 20 transactions a year years
Process Owner: Procurement Head Records / Forms: Updated / Blocked suppliers report Yearly
Interfaces: Finance Manager, Procurement Officer, Updated suppliers updated business record
Accountant, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Managing Suppliers statutory tax changes record
Director, Blocked suppliers record
1.20 Planner raises a purchase requisition for procurement of goods, materials, etc.
Customer PO / End User / as per customers order / schedule.
No No Re-order Level
Customer Planning dept.?
Schedule? Imp: Here, it will be mandatory to quote the customer order number in the Purchase
Requisition Form.
Yes Yes Yes
End Customer 1.21 Authorized End user / Planner, based on the information available, identifies the
End User / Planner
System will requirement for a material will raise an purchase requisition for procurement of goods,
Send a final confirmation Will identify the trigger for raising materials, etc.
on the items that they wish requirement for a material a requisition
to buy from the company and then raises an internal based on the 1.22 When the re-order quantities configured is triggered in the system; the system
and send their POs / information
requisition for procurement will auto-generate a purchase requisition in the system and send to respective HOD
schedule as part of their of goods, materials, etc. 1.22 for approval
Reference No. 1.19 Reference No. 1.21 1.23 Purchase requisitions raised through different sources, will be reviewed by
respective HODs and will approve / modify (if required / decline the purchase
requisition based on the information and budget available if any.
Purchase Order
A. A procurement Policy can also help in guidance for the approval mechanism of the
order requisition against their value.
Planner Requisition Form
B. For material / items: No requisitions or Purchase Order can be raised in the
Raises a purchase system for which an inventory master has not been created.
requisition for procurement
of goods, materials, etc. & C. Annual / Monthly Budget will be available with different departments under
will quote customers order Respective HODs
respective Ledger code and all the requisitions made will track specific budget code
number in the requisition Reviews requisition; it will so that Actual v/s Budget comparison can be made. The budget will be blocked at the
Approve / Modify / Decline Purchase Requisition level and amount will be reduced from budget when a P.O. is
Reference No. 1.20 requisition made based on GRN raised. Regular purchase items will be kept out of Budget parameter.
available monthly / annual
budget (if any)
Process SRN Local /
Reference No. 1.23
Process Import Report Description Frequency
Purchase Requisitions Raised, Approved / Modified / Rejected Monthly
x Process Activity x Control Activity Exception report - Items purchased without a Purchase Requisition Monthly
Process Owner: Procurement Head Records / Forms: Purchase Requisitions status report Open v/s closed Quarterly
Interfaces: Customer, End user, Planner Customer Purchase Order
Internal Requisition Order Form
Preliminary Technical Review (PTR) Form
Procurement Head / MD Procurement Officer Imp: The taxation details shall be taken care while the Purchase Order is created and
Agreement with
Will Review and Approve / Will raise a Purchase
Decline the LPO in the Order in the system and 1.28 As per defined authority matrix for approvals, the Purchase Order shall then be
system send for approval approved by Procurement Head / Managing Director.
Reference No. 1.28 Reference No. 1.27
1.29 Once Local Purchase Order (LPO) is Approved, the Procurement Officer will
forward it to the Supplier along with the legal documents.
Procurement Officer
Approved 1.Approved Note:
Purchase Order
Submit Approved LPO & Purchase Order
legal documents to local 1. Taxation structure to be verified before posting of Purchase Order
2. Legal Documents
suppliers 2. Whether the Purchase Order is a BOM or Non BOM item will be captured when
the Purchase Order is raised and of the transaction trail will be followed
Reference No. 1.29
END Report Description Frequency
Open v/s Closed Purchase Orders Monthly
x Process Activity x Control Activity Purchase Orders raised without Purchase Requisitions Weekly
Process Owner: Procurement Head Records / Forms: Each Suppliers - Price variations / changes over a period Yearly
Interfaces: Procurement Officer, Managing Director Suppliers Sales Quotation
Suppliers agreement (if required)
Local Purchase Order (created / approved)
Legal documents
Procurement Officer 1.30 Procurement officer will request quotations from pre-listed suppliers from the
Procurement Head / MD system and such quotations received will be sent to respective Procurement head /
Will request quotations MD for approval
Import Sales Quotation of Will review sales
Purchase from pre-listed suppliers in
the system for the
Supplier (Import) quotation, negotiate and
finalise with the supplier 1.31 Procurement head / MD will review, negotiate with supplier (if required) and
requisition raised finalize with the supplier and enter into an agreement with the supplier.
Reference No. 1.30 Reference No. 1.31
1.32 Procurement officer will then raise an import purchase order in the system with
the relevant quantities and price agreed.
Procurement Head Procurement Officer
Will review the Import Will raise an import 1.33 Procurement head will review the purchase order as raised by the Procurement
Purchase Order and will purchase order in the officer and will provide its approval and send the approved purchase order to the
Agreement with supplier.
provide its approval and system with relevant the Supplier
send the approved quantities agreed and the
purchase order to supplier price inputted into the 1.34 Finance manager/ CFO will carry out an agreement with the supplier considering
system the terms (through LC/ Advance/ Regular)
Reference No. 1.33 Reference No. 1.32
1.35 After placing of import purchase order, Deputy manager stores will provide the
necessary documents (such as Bill of Lading/ Airway Bill, Commercial Invoice cum
FM / Finance Executive Dy. Manager, Stores Packing list and Bill of entry) to CHA agent for clearing of the import items into the
Will co-ordinate for liaising Will provide necessary country.
(if required) for the advance documents to CHA agent for
Approved Import
payment / opening an LC for clearing of the import items 1.36 CHA Agent will complete clearing process, release the goods and send them to
Purchase Order
the supplier into the country the company along with documents.
Reference No. 1.34 Reference No. 1.35
1. Before any order is placed, the right ledger code should be mapped so that the
budget v/s actual expenses can be tracked
2. Taxation structure to be verified before posting of Purchase Order
3. BOM / Non BOM item details will be captured while raising of the Purchase Order
CH Agent
1. Bill of Lading / Airway
Complete the clearing Bill
process; release the goods 2. Commercial Invoice
Process and send them to the cum Packing List
company along with 3. Bill of Entry
documents Report Description Frequency
Reference No. 1.36
Open v/s Closed Purchase Orders Monthly
x Process Activity x Control Activity Purchase Orders raised without Purchase Requisitions Weekly
Process Owner: Procurement Head Records / Forms: Import price fluctuations report Monthly
Interfaces: Procurement Officer, Managing Director, Suppliers Sales Quotation
Dy. Manager-Stores, Clearing House Agent Suppliers agreement (if required)
Import Purchase Order (created / approved)
Legal documents