Selective Oxidation PDF
Selective Oxidation PDF
Selective Oxidation PDF
Selective oxidation of propane to
acrylic acid with molecular oxygen
Manhua Mandy Lin
EverNu Technology, 1616 Holly Hill Lane, Maple Glen, PA 19002, USA
Received 8 March 2000; received in revised form 1 May 2000; accepted 2 May 2000
This review covers the recent developments and the present state of selective oxidation of propane to acrylic acid with
molecular oxygen. The current commercial manufacturing process of acrylic acid, as well as the possible oxidation pathways of
propane are included as background information. Special attention is given to three classes of leading catalysts: vanadium py-
rophosphate, heteropoly acids and salts and mixed metal oxides. Topics covered include the development and the effectiveness
of the catalyst systems, the oxidation pathways, and some structural aspects. 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Propane; Catalyst; Vanadium pyrophosphate; Heteropoly compounds; Mixed metal oxides; Selective oxidation; Acrylic acid
0926-860X/01/$ see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 6 - 8 6 0 X ( 0 0 ) 0 0 6 0 9 - 8
2 M.M. Lin / Applied Catalysis A: General 207 (2001) 116
H2 C=CHCH3 + O2 H2 C=CHCHO + H2 O,
1H = 81.4 kcal/mol (1)
Fig. 1. Publications on propane selective oxidation to acrylic acid.
Step 2:
For the selective oxidation of alkanes, there has been
one successful commercial example since the 1970s; H2 C=CHCHO + 21 O2 H2 C=CHCOOH,
n-butane replacing benzene as the starting material 1H = 60.7 kcal/mol (2)
to produce maleic anhydride over a V-P-O catalyst
[16]. This process is well established but the catalytic Several multi-component metal oxide catalysts devel-
mechanism, especially the nature and structure of the oped for this process have achieved excellent product
active sites, is still under intense study [1719]. Al- selectivity with a high conversion of propylene. As
though the excellent performance of V-P-O catalyst shown in Table 1, several catalysts for the first step can
in the selective oxidation of n-butane has not yet been offer >90% acrolein yields while several for the sec-
transferred to that of propane, the success of V-P-O ond step can lead to >97% acrylic acid yields. Thus,
in n-butane oxidation has stimulated great interests in theory, the overall acrylic acid yield from propylene
in propane selective oxidation to acrylic acid. This is can be as high as 87% via this two-step process.
clearly revealed in Fig. 1, which shows the rapid in- Alternatively, acrylic acid can also be produced
crease of the number of annual publications, including from a one-step oxidation of propylene, as described
journals and patents, on propane oxidation to acrylic in Eq. (3)
acid in the past few years. However, aside from some
H2 C=CHCH3 + 1 21 O2
brief coverage in several related reviews [1,2,2022],
there has appeared to be no focused review on this H2 C=CHCOOH + H2 O,
fast growing research area. This review intends to 1H = 142.1 kcal/mol (3)
cover the recent progress in the research of propane
selective oxidation to acrylic acid. The currently used However, the best-achieved overall acrylic acid yield
commercial process for the production of acrylic acid via the one-step oxidation is significantly lower than
will be briefly discussed as background information. that of the two-step process as data suggested in
Table 1 [24]. These data not only reveal the compo-
sitional difference in these catalysts, they also reveal
2. Current manufacturing process of acrylic acid the difference of optimal reaction temperatures for
the oxidation of propylene and acrolein. The opti-
Acrylic acid and its esters are important indus- mal temperatures for the two-step process are around
trial chemicals. The annual world capacity of crude 320330 C for the first step and 210255 C for the
acrylic acid production reached 6 billion pounds in second step. Apparently, the activation of propylene
1997 [23]. With a reactive ,-unsaturated carboxyl requires a higher reaction temperature than that of
moiety, these versatile monomers undergo polymer- acrolein. In the one-step reaction, the operating tem-
ization, sometimes with other functional monomers perature has to be around 325350 C to afford a
M.M. Lin / Applied Catalysis A: General 207 (2001) 116 3
Table 1
Catalysts for one or two-step propylene oxidation to acrylic acid
Company Catalyst components Reaction Temperature ( C) Product Reference
yield (%)
Nippon Shokubai Mo-Bi-Fe-W-Co-K-Si-O Propyleneacrolein 320 90.2 [25]
Ube Industries Mo-Bi-Fe-Co-V-K-O Propyleneacrolein 330 90.3 [26]
Nippon Kayaku Mo-V-Cu-Fe-Mn-Mg-P-O Acroleinacrylic acid 210 97.5 [27]
Nippon Shokubai Mo-V-W-Cu-Sr-Al-O Acroleinacrylic acid 255 97.5 [28]
Nippon Shokubai Mo-W-Te-Sn-Co-O Propyleneacrylic acid 350 65 [29]
Nippon Shokubai Nb-W-Co-Ni-Bi-Fe-Mn-Si-Z-O Propyleneacrylic acid 325 73 [30]
sufficient propylene conversion. However, under such partial oxidation products of propane shown in Fig. 2,
temperatures, not only the desired reaction of acrolein thus, leading to lower value C1 or C2 molecules.
to acrylic acid takes place, further deep-oxidation Therefore, one is faced with serious challenges in
of acrolein or acrylic acid are also likely to occur. attempts to partially oxidize propane and stop the
Thus, the overall acrylic acid yield is lower than the oxidation at certain valuable C3 intermediates. These
two-step process. It is likely that such a temperature challenges include activating the inert propane while
requirement for the one-step oxidation of propylene preserving the active C3 intermediates at the same
limits the total yield achievable. As a result, the time. To overcome these challenges and produce some
one-step process has not been a choice for commercial meaningful amount of C3 partial oxidation interme-
production. diates, it is quite apparent that a catalytic process is
the only path to pursue. Such a process should se-
lectively activate the strong CH bonds of propane
3. Oxidation of propane while avoiding the breaking of any weaker CC
The oxidation of propane can take place via many There are other challenges. Acrylic acid is only one
different pathways, as illustrated in Fig. 2. A saturated of several C3 partial oxidation products of propane, as
hydrocarbon, propane is much less reactive than its outlined in Fig. 2. Among these C3 products, some,
partial oxidation products [3133]. When left uncon- such as propylene or acrolein, can be further oxidized
trolled at temperatures sufficient to activate propane, and lead to acrylic acid, while others, such as acetone,
all its partial oxidation products can easily be further once formed, will not lead to acrylic acid [32,33]. To
oxidized to carbon oxides while releasing large quan- achieve a high selectivity to acrylic acid, the unde-
tities of heat. As a result, without proper catalysts, sirable pathways, such as the one leading to acetone,
propane is either unreacted, or totally oxidized to COx must be blocked or suppressed. Despite these seem-
while generating large quantity of heat. The total oxi- ingly formidable technical challenges, converting an
dation, or combustion, as a fuel to generate heat is the abundant fuel into a highly valuable chemical feed-
primary use of propane today. stock holds promise due to the lower cost of propane
As a saturated hydrocarbon, propane has low reac- relative to propylene.
tivity under most reaction conditions. This low reac- The one-step oxidation of propane in gas phase with
tivity can be understood in view of the high strength of molecular oxygen to acrylic acid follows Eq. (4):
CH bonds of propane, especially those in the termi-
nal methyl groups. As a result, substantial amount of C3 H8 + 2O2 CH2 =CHCOOH(g) + 2H2 O(g),
energy is required to selectively activate the methylene
1H = 171 kcal (4)
CH bonds, and even more is needed for the methyl
CH bonds of propane, since the former is weaker than This catalyzed reaction, which involves the transfer of
the latter. In fact, such energy is more than sufficient eight electrons, most likely requires the coordinated
to break the carboncarbon bonds of many of the C3 efforts of several active sites, as well as balanced
4 M.M. Lin / Applied Catalysis A: General 207 (2001) 116
reductionoxidation properties of the catalyst to com- 4. Catalysts for propane oxidation to acrylic acid
plete the catalytic cycle. Compared to the propylene
oxidative dehydrogenation, this reaction requires the Typically, catalysis research for a new reaction starts
transfer of more electrons or oxygen atoms. In terms with scouting systems effective for similar reactions.
of product stability, acrylic acid, the desired product In the case of propane, selective oxidation to acrylic
in propane oxidation, is less stable and more prone acid, there exist three potential leading systems. The
to further oxidation than acrylonitrile and maleic an- most obvious one is the vanadium pyrophosphate
hydride, the desired products in propane ammoxi- (VPO) type catalysts, which have been used success-
dation and n-butane oxidation, respectively. Part of fully in the industrial process of n-butane oxidation to
the instability of acrylic acid is likely to be related to maleic anhydride. Another is the class of heteropoly
the additional adsorptive ability of its acid functional acids and salts, which are effective in alkane oxidative
group onto the catalyst surface, which renders it sus- dehydrogenation. The third are the multi-component
ceptible to further oxidation. Overall, there has been mixed metal oxides, which are utilized in propylene
a perception that it is very difficult to achieve a high oxidation to acrylic acid, and are effective in propane
acrylic acid yield in a one-step propane oxidation ammoxidation and alkane oxidative dehydrogenation.
[1,34]. To date, most of the effective catalysts developed
M.M. Lin / Applied Catalysis A: General 207 (2001) 116 5
for propane oxidation to acrylic acid belong to these Maleic anhydride is fairly stable while acrolein and
three systems and significant progress has been made acrylic acid are more prone to further oxidation.
in all of the three, especially the mixed metal oxide The properties of VPO-based catalysts for selective
catalysts. oxidation of propane were first reported in 1986 [31].
The VPO type catalysts were found to be active with
4.1. VPO type catalysts molecular oxygen as the oxidant and acrylic acid was
reported to be the sole product, besides carbon oxides.
4.1.1. Effectiveness of VPO for propane oxidation The effects of P:V ratio were investigated and the cat-
VPO catalysts have been used in the indus- alyst with a P:V ratio of 1.15 was found to have the
trial process to manufacture maleic anhydride from highest selectivity for acrylic acid over a wide range
n-butane since the 1970s. The reported yields of of propane conversion rates. It was also found that
maleic anhydride vary from 45 to 61% with the the addition of a small amount of TeO2 further in-
n-butane conversion at about 65% and selectivity to creased the selectivity and yield to acrylic acid. Thus,
maleic anhydride ranging from 65% [35,36] to as an acrylic acid yield up to 10.5% was achieved with
high as 97% [37]. VPO catalysts are very effective in the V1 P1.15 Te0.10.15 O catalyst while only 7 to 3%
n-butane oxidation as reflected by the high conversion yields were achieved with the V1 P1.15 O and V1 P0.9 O
and high selectivity to maleic anhydride, although catalysts, respectively. It was also reported that higher
the performance varies somewhat depending on the concentrations of oxygen and water vapor in the feeds,
catalyst preparation and modifiers, and some results and lower reaction temperatures favored the formation
are sometimes difficult to reproduce. However, VPO of acrylic acid.
catalysts are not very effective in propane selective Contrary to the above results, some later studies
oxidation to acrylic acid, despite the fact that propane of the application of VPO in propane oxidation only
is a homologue of n-butane with only one less CH2 . led to poor or no yield of acrylic acid [38,39]. In one
Table 2 lists the composition and performance of example, with a V1 P0.96 O catalyst, which is fairly
various VPO type catalysts tested for the selective effective for the conversion of n-butane to maleic
oxidation of propane to acrylic acid. None of them anhydride, only trace amount of acrylic acid was ob-
offered an acrylic acid yield >15%. Such a significant tained from propane oxidation, while the major partial
performance difference of VPO catalysts for propane oxidation product was propylene [38]. Although this
oxidation versus n-butane oxidation may suggest that catalyst does not contain Te and is not as effective as
VPO type catalysts is rather structure specific to- the VP-Te-O catalysts, its composition, nonetheless,
wards the length of hydrocarbon chain. On the other is within the composition range of the VPO type cat-
hand, the performance difference may simply reflect alysts reported to achieve up to 7% acrylic acid [31].
the relative stability of the partial oxidation products. One likely explanation for such a difference in acrylic
Table 2
Vanadium pyrophosphate type catalysts for propane oxidation to acrylic acid
Catalyst Feed (C3=propane) Temperature Propane AA yield Selectivity Reference
( C) conversion (%) (%) (%)
V1 P1.15 Te0.10.15 O C3/O2 /H2 O 390 30 10.5 30 [31]
V1.04 P1 O C3/O2 /He 300 24 Trace 38 (propylene) [38]
V1 P1 O C3/O2 /H2 O 400 6 None Only to other oxygenates [39]
V1 P1.05 O C3/O2 /H2 O 385 37 14.4 39 [40]
V1 P1.1 O C3/O2 /H2 O 420 46 14.7 32 [41]
VPO/TiO2 -SiO2 C3/air/H2 O 300 22 13.3 61 [42]
VPO C3/air/H2 O 300 15 7 47 [42]
VPO C3/air/H2 O 400 23 11.2 48 [43]
VPZr0.5 O C3/air/H2 O 340 18 14.8 81 [43]
Ce/VPO C3/air/H2 O 390 28 18.8 68 [44]
6 M.M. Lin / Applied Catalysis A: General 207 (2001) 116
acid yield is the difference in reaction conditions. Up 4.1.2. Chemical modification of VPO
to 36 vol.% of water vapor was used when 7% acrylic Some interest has been directed to the chemical
acid was produced in one case, while no water was modification of VPO catalysts. Wang et al. [41] stud-
added to the feed and no acrylic acid was produced in ied the effects of several promoters M (Co, Bi, Mo, Te,
the other case. Therefore, water seems to play a crit- Nd, B) on M-VPO systems, and concluded that none
ical role. On the other hand, although up to 30 vol.% of these promoters enhanced acrylic acid selectivity.
of water was included in the feed with propane over a However, Deng et al. found [43] that the addition of
VPO catalyst in yet another example [39], acrylic acid Zr could significantly enhanced acrylic acid selectiv-
was still not detected. Instead, acrolein and propylene ity. Recently, a cerium-doped vanadium phosphorous
were detected as the major C3 partial oxidation prod- oxide catalyst was also reported to further improve the
ucts. In this later case, other preparative variables may overall performance. With only 0.01% of cerium dop-
be the sources of the performance differences. The ing on the VPO catalyst, acrylic acid yield of 18.8%
preparative variables in making VPO catalysts include was achieved [44]. To date, this is the highest acrylic
the source of vanadium (oxides or salts), the solvent acid yield reported on VPO type catalysts.
(aqueous or organic), the reducing agent and amount While most of the studies were conducted on bulk
used, etc. VPO catalysts, the oxidation behavior of VPO on
More recently, several independent research groups TiO2 -SiO2 support was also investigated [42]. With
have confirmed the effectiveness of VPO type catalysts only 16.7% of VPO on a TiO2 -SiO2 support, higher
for propane oxidation to acrylic acid [4043]. Surpris- propane conversion (22%) and higher acrylic acid
ingly, these recent results have very different implica- selectivity (61%) were achieved.
tions regarding the function of Te. It is now suggested
that Te is not a necessary component for an effective 4.1.3. Reaction pathways and reaction conditions
VPO catalyst. In fact, higher yields to acrylic acid were Although acrylic acid was reported to be the sole
achieved using catalysts containing no Te [4044]. product besides carbon oxides, Ai proposed the fol-
As shown in Table 2, low propane conversion or lowing reaction pathways (Fig. 3) including acrylic
low acrylic acid selectivity at higher propane con- acid as well as acetone and acetic acid on the Te modi-
version contribute to the lower yields of acrylic acid fied VPO catalyst [31].
for these catalysts. Although propane conversion in- Propane is first oxidized to propylene, which is
creased as temperature increased, it was reported that further oxidized to acrylic acid through acrolein as
higher temperature is not favorable for acrylic acid the intermediate, or is oxidized to acetone through
yield [31]. The observed selectivity to acrylic acid is isopropanol as the intermediate. The existence of the
a combined measure of its formation and its further acetone pathway to acetic acid and COx was suggested
reaction. The relative order of reactivity for propane although acetic acid was not reported in the product
and its partial oxidation products over the VPTeO cat- stream in the above study [31]. However, in addition
alyst was proposed as: propane<acrylic acid<acetic to acrylic acid and COx , significant amounts of acetic
acid<propylene<acrolein [31]. Thus, temperature in- acid were indeed observed on Te-free VPO catalysts
crease would have a greater impact to reactions of by Zhao et al. [40] and Wang et al. [41], which is
acrylic acid and acrolein than to propane conversion. consistent with the pathways proposed in Fig. 3.
Therefore, it is fairly safe to conclude that increasing Although not included in the pathways, water
acrylic acid yields could not be achieved by simply seems to play an important role in the reaction. When
raising the reaction temperature. water was not fed to the reaction, propylene and COx
were observed as the major product while only trace such as crystal phases or active sites of VPO catalysts
amounts of acrylic acid was obtained [38]. Thus, wa- have been extensively investigated for n-butane oxi-
ter may enhance the further oxidation of propylene, dation [4648] and some of the conclusions may be
and when absent or present in very small quantities, applicable to VPO catalysts for propane oxidation.
most of the propylene produced is released to the (VO)2 P2 O7 was found to be the major crystal phase
product stream. Water may increase the concentra- in VPO catalysts active in n-butane oxidation [47,48]
tion of hydroxyl groups on the catalyst surface and and propane oxidation [42,43]. In the crystallites of
facilitate the reaction between the adsorbed acryloyl (VO)2 P2 O7 , the preferential exposure of crystal planes
species and hydroxyl groups to form acrylic acid. parallel to the (1 0 0) planes [47,48] was proposed by
Water may also enhance the desorption of acrylic many to be involved in the transformation of n-butane
or acetic acids from the surface of VPO catalysts to to maleic anhydride [47,49]. However, it was recently
prevent them from being further oxidized to COx . proposed that the oxidation of n-butane to maleic an-
Again, when water was absent or only present in very hydride takes place over the amorphous surface of
small quantities, these adsorbed acids could have VPO catalyst [50]. An amorphous VPO/SiO2 sam-
stayed longer on the catalyst surface, thus increasing ple was compared to a crystalline VPO catalyst for
the chance of being further oxidized to COx . n-butane oxidation. It was found through EXAFS that
It was found that propane conversion and selecti- these two samples had strong resemblance in cata-
vity to acrylic acid over VPO catalyst were sensitive lyst selectivity, yield, as well as local structure around
to propane concentration in the feed and that propane vanadium.
conversion decreased with the increase of propane A recent study in propane oxidation [42] may also
concentration [31]. This observation may suggest that lead to the proposition that transformation of propane
saturation of active sites by propane can occur at rela- to acrylic acid takes place on the amorphous phases
tively low propane concentration. Thus, increasing the of the VPO catalysts. As shown in Table 3, the trans-
surface density of active sites may be a direction for formation of propane to acrylic and acetic acid was
the future development of VPO type catalysts. This not related to the presence or absence of (VO)2 P2 O7
may not be an easy task since the quantitative deter- crystal phase. In fact, the amorphous catalysts (with
mination of the number or density of active sites on lower VPO loading and little or no (VO)2 P2 O7 crys-
the surface of solid oxide catalysts has been difficult tal phase) is more effective than the bulk VPO cata-
[45] and quite often, the measurement of BET surface lysts, which contain mostly (VO)2 P2 O7 crystal phase.
area of oxide catalysts can be misleading. If the amorphous phases were truly the active phase,
supported VPO could have advantages over bulk VPO
4.1.4. Structural aspects of VPO catalysts as catalysts. Note that there could be many different
Most of the published studies of VPO catalysts for amorphous phases present with various composition,
propane oxidation did not delve into the structural density or surface components, etc.
aspects. However, the needed improvements have to Additionally, there have also been interesting dis-
rely heavily on a good understanding of the catalyst cussions about the role of active species in VPO
structures. On the other hand, many structural aspects catalysts. As pointed out by an earlier review on
Table 3
VPO/TiO2 -SiO2 catalyst in propane oxidation [42]
Composition XRD peaks of Propane Acid selectivity (%)
VPO/TiO2 -SiO2 (VO)2 P2 O7 phase conversion (%) (acrylic and acetic acid)
100/0 Strong 15 47
23/77 Medium 21 44
17/83 Weak 22 61
11/89 Not detected 18 55
8/92 Not detected 16 52
0/100 Not detected 0
8 M.M. Lin / Applied Catalysis A: General 207 (2001) 116
VPO in n-butane oxidation [46], extensive analysis for propane activation [43,44], are good examples
of VPO samples identified a single crystal phase of of promoters enhancing the overall performance of
(VO)2 P2 O7 , which implied that the corresponding VPO catalysts. The mechanism of how these pro-
V4+ species to be the active species. But more recent moters function is still not clear, although changing
studies revealed that the active phases of VPO catalyst surface acidity or redox properties are among the
are more complex than the simple (VO)2 P2 O7 model possibilities. The study of the roles of promoters
[51]. Although in low concentration, VOPO4 phases and how they impact the structural aspects of VPO
with V5+ species were found on the surface of VPO catalysts will certainly provide guidance for further
catalysts, acting as centers of oxidation for activating improvement.
n-butane [35,51]. Regarding the kinetic significance In the catalyst testing, attention should also be paid
of V5+ species for n-butane oxidation, a recent study to isolate the effects of reaction conditions from those
[52] with time-resolved in situ X-ray absorption spec- of the intrinsic properties of catalysts to be tested.
troscopy showed that the rate of maleic anhydride The study of possible reaction pathways and prod-
formation is proportional to the rate of decay of V5+ uct distributions could offer some guidance for the
species in the VPO catalysts. This result suggests that optimization of reaction conditions.
V5+ species is significant for the production of maleic
anhydride. Furthermore, it was suggested that V5+ 4.2. Heteropoly compounds (HPC)
species also play a role in the hydrogen abstraction
from n-butane. More interestingly, V4+ was suggested HPC refer to inorganic, heteropoly acids and the
to be responsible for the by-product formation. corresponding salts. HPC have well defined cage-like
It is yet to be confirmed whether these conclusions structures with a central cation and surrounding
regarding active phases or species of VPO catalysts polyanions. The central cation can be cations of
in n-butane oxidation can be applied partially or heteroatoms, such as P, As, Si, Ge, B, etc. and the
completely in propane oxidation. A recent study has surrounding polyanions are often oxoanions of Mo or
started to look into the structural aspects of VPO W [53]. HPC can be formed through the polymeriza-
in propane oxidation. It was reported that a minor tion of oxoanions around central cations in aqueous
VOPO4 (V5+ ) phase and a major (VO)2 P2 O7 (V4+ ) solutions at low pH. A variety of cage-like struc-
phase were observed in VPO catalysts effective for tures, such as Keggin, Dawson, and Anderson type
propane oxidation [43]. structures, are known and well characterized with
IR or XRD [54]. Among these, the most studied as
4.1.5. Outlooks of VPO catalyst for propane oxidation catalysts are the Keggin type compounds.
oxidation The general formula of a unit Keggin structure is
Based on the excellent performance of VPO cata- [Xn + M12 O40 ](8n ) consisting of a central cation
lysts for converting n-butane to maleic anhydride, it Xn + surrounded by twelve edge- and corner-sharing
is reasonable to believe that VPO type catalysts have MO6 octahedral polyanions. Most often, M can be Mo
real potential for converting propane to acrylic acid or W, and X can be P, Si, As, or Ge [53]. Fig. 4 shows
effectively. The future of VPO catalysis research for the primary structure of PW12 O40 3 Keggin ion.
propane oxidation need to rely on a good understand-
ing and systematic studies of the structural origin, 4.2.1. Effectiveness in propane oxidation
such as active phases and active species. Once the Unlike VPO or other metal oxide catalysts, het-
active phases or active sites of catalysts are identi- eropolyacids catalysts can contain acidic protons and
fied, whether amorphous or crystal phases, it would have strong acidity. In fact, these compounds have long
be a challenge for catalyst preparation to increase the been used as acid catalysts in solution for dehydra-
density of such sites. tion, esterification and alkylation, due in part to this
On the other hand, systematic studies of the effects strong acidity. Heteropoly-anions are multi-electron
of promoters may generate leads for more effective oxidants, especially those containing Mo and V. The
catalysts. Several promoters, such as Te for increas- redox properties of HPC compounds enable them to
ing selectivity to acrylic acid [31] and Zr and Ce be used as catalysts for dehydrogenation of alcohols
M.M. Lin / Applied Catalysis A: General 207 (2001) 116 9
Table 4
HPCs in the ODH of alkane
Catalyst composition Feed Temperature ( C) Conversion (%) Selectivity to alkene (%) Reference
CrPMo12 O40 propane/O2 /He 400 <10 55 (propylene) [55]
K3 PsbMo11 FeCe0.25 Cr0.5 On ethane/O2 /He 540 26 74 (ethylene) [56]
Table 5
Heteropoly compounds for propane oxidation to AA
Catalyst Feed (C3=propane) Temperature Conversion AA yield (%) AA selectivity (%) Reference
composition ( C) (%)
H3n Sbn P1 Mo12 O40 C3/O2 /H2 O/N2 340 10 2 19 [57]
H5 PV2Mo10 O40 C3/O2 /N2 41 9 22 [58]
H3 PMo12 O40 C3/O2 /H2 O/N2 340 0 [59,60]
(NH4 )3 PMo12 O40 C3/O2 /H2 O/N2 340 4.5 6 [59,60]
(PyH)3 PMo12 O40 C3/O2 /H2 O/N2 340 7.5 2 29 [59,60]
H1.26 Cs2.5 Fe0.08 P1 V1 Mo11 O40 C3/O2 /N2 380 47 13 28 [61]
H3+n PVn Mo12n O40 /Cs3 PMo12 O40 C3/air/H2 O/N2 <400 50.4 10.8 21.5 [62,63]
10 M.M. Lin / Applied Catalysis A: General 207 (2001) 116
no information about the length of time pyridine can One major disadvantage of HPC type of catalysts
remain on the catalyst. is their general lack of thermal stability. Thermal sta-
Unlike other catalyst systems, the preparation of bility is critically required for catalysts for propane
HPCs usually does not involve a calcination step and oxidation, since propane activation calls for high tem-
the catalytic activity and the thermal properties of peratures. Furthermore, hot spots can be generated
the HPCs depend almost entirely on the formation in a catalyst bed. Although substitution of protons
of certain cage structures through the proper arrange- with metal ions can substantially improve the thermal
ment of the constituent elements of polyanion and stability of heteropolyacids, a complete substitution
counter-cations. To date, the highest acrylic acid yield of all protons appeared to lead to less active or even
(13%) achieved on this type of catalyst is reported to inactive salts [62]. Further improvement of thermal
be a substituted H3 PMo12 O40 compound. By partially stability through other means will certainly be one of
substituting the H+ with Fe3+ and one Mo6+ with one the future directions for HPCs.
V5+ in Cs2.5 H1.5 PMo12 O40 , Mizuno and co-workers
obtained Cs2.5 Fe0.08 H1.26 PVMo11 O40 , the most ac- 4.3. Multi-component metal oxides (MMO)
tive and selective HPC catalyst for the conversion
of propane to acrylic acid reported to date [61]. In MMO catalysts for propane oxidation are primar-
addition to the improved activity and selectivity, the ily mixed oxides of transition metals. Some MMO
substitutions also improved structural stability of the catalysts also contain V and P, the essential elements
catalyst. Based on IR and XRD data of the catalyst, of the VPO type catalysts. In general, MMOs do not
the authors suggested that the Keggin structure was have a well-defined primary structure as HPC do.
retained during the reaction within the temperature Rather, MMOs contain a mix of multiple crystal and
range of 300400 C. amorphous phases. MMOs are generally prepared
Another example of improved thermal stability by through calcination at high temperatures and thus
substituting protons with appropriate metal ions is the have excellent thermal stability.
catalyst K3 PSbMo11 FeCe0.25 Cr0.5 On for oxidative de-
hydrogenation of ethane, which was reported to be 4.3.1. Effectiveness of MMOs for propane oxidation
stable even at 540 C [56]. Performance improvements The applications of MMO type catalysts in propane
were also reported by supporting a heteropolyacid on oxidation to AA only started in the 1990s, although
the corresponding Cs-salt which is thermally more Mo-V-Nb mixed oxides, the basis for these high per-
stable and have high surface area [62]. According to forming propane selective oxidation catalysts was ini-
the authors, the active component of the catalyst is tially developed in the 1970s for the oxidation of
the corresponding heteropolyacid phase. However, the ethane to ethene and acetic acid [64]. This Mo-V-Nb
surface characteristics of the acid phase are difficult mixed oxide catalyst was also reported to be capable of
to control and reproduce. To overcome these difficul- activating propane at 300 C but producing only acetic
ties, the high surface area salt was used to support and acid, acetaldehyde and carbon oxides. To date, most of
stabilize the acid form. the applications of MMO type catalysts are mentioned
in patents. Table 6 lists some of these applications of
4.2.3. Outlooks of HPCs for propane oxidation MMO catalysts for propane oxidation to acrylic acid.
The major advantage of the HPC type of com- All of these MMO catalysts are Mo-based and most
pounds over the VPO or other metal oxide cata- of them also contain V as a major component. As seen
lysts is their well-defined cage type of structures, in Table 1, Mo is the essential element of most com-
which allow well controlled structural modifica- mercial catalysts for propylene oxidation to acrolein
tions, such as the partial substitution of the protons and acrolein oxidation to acrylic acid while V is an-
in heteropolyacid with metal cations, which allows other essential element used as commercial catalysts
the control of surface acidity. Further modifica- for acrolein oxidation to acrylic acid. Although mixed
tions of surface or bulk redox properties of HPCs oxide catalysts lacking V are very active for propy-
are also conceivable with controlled ion exchanges lene oxidation [25,29,30], they are not very active for
of HPC. propane oxidation [66,67].
M.M. Lin / Applied Catalysis A: General 207 (2001) 116 11
Table 6
Mixed metal oxide type catalysts for propane oxidation to acrylic acid
Catalyst examples Feed (C3=propane) Temperature Conversion Yield Selectivity Reference
( C) (%) (%) (%)
Mo1 V0.4 Nb0.04 Bi0.08 Sb0.08 K0.08 On C3/O2 /H2 O 400 19 6 29 [65]
MoSnOn C3/O2 /N2 360 4 2 48 [66]
Mo1.51 Ni1 Te0.01 P0.02 On C3/O2 /H2 O/He 460 12 3 23 [67]
Mo1 V0.3 Te0.23 Nb0.12 On C3/air/H2 O 380 80 48 60 [68]
Mo1 V0.3 Sb0.16 Nb0.05 On C3/air/H2 O 380 50 16 32 [69]
Mo1 V0.3 Sb0.25 Nb0.11 On C3/O2 /H2 O/N2 400 21 12 61 [70]
Mo1 V0.3 Sb0.25 Nb0.12 K0.013 On C3/O2 /H2 O/N2 420 39 25 64 [71]
Mo1 V0.3 Te0.23 Nb0.12 On C3/air/H2 O 390 71 42 59 [72]
Mo1 V0.3 Te0.23 Nb0.12 On C3/O2 /H2 O/He 350 23 14 61 [73]
The potential of Mo- and V-based mixed oxides type of catalysts, or any VPO or HPC type of cata-
in propane oxidation was reported by Bartek et al. lysts reported to date. However, others have found it
[65]. However, the most effective catalysts to date rather difficult to prepare active Mo-V-Te-Nb-O cat-
for propane to acrylic acid are those Mo-V-Te-Nb-O alysts that exhibit the claimed performance in either
catalysts reported by Ushikubo et al. [68] and Lin propane ammoxidation to acrylonitrile or propane
and Linsen [72]. In fact, a catalyst with the same four oxidation to acrylic acid [1]. Recently, several reports
components was first found to be very effective for have indicated that not only the composition of the
propane ammoxidation to acrylonitrile [74]. It may catalyst is of importance, the preparation methods
have been quite unexpected that the same catalyst can also greatly affect the effectiveness of the catalysts
function so well in two different reactions without the of essentially the same compositions. For example,
need of any compositional modification. Although the performance of Mo1 V0.3 Te0.23 Nb0.1 On catalysts
the two reactions, propane oxidation and propane can vary from very poor (no yield) [72,75], mediocre
ammoxidation, may share some fundamental reaction (14% acrylic acid yield) [73], to excellent (>40%
steps, such as propane activation and propane oxida- acrylic acid yield) [72,75]. As will be discussed later
tive dehydrogenation, there are significant differences in more details, these performance differences reflect
between the two. For instance, ammonia activation the structural differences of the catalysts prepared
and addition steps for nitrile formation are unique under different preparation conditions [72,75,76].
to propane ammoxidation to acrylonitrile and do not By substituting Te of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O with Sb,
exist in propane oxidation. Furthermore, acrylonitrile Ushikubo and co-workers further reported a Mo-V-
and acrylic acid differ significantly with respect to Sb-Nb-O catalyst for propane selective oxidation
the acidity and thermal stability. Nonetheless, this to acrylic acid [69]. Although this Sb catalyst is
Mo-V-Te-Nb-O catalyst was shown to be remarkably less active and less selective than the corresponding
robust and efficient for both reactions (Table 7). Te-containing analogue, its overall performance is
The performance of this Mo-V-Te-Nb-O catalyst still quite good. The application of Mo-V-Sb-Nb-O
for propane oxidation to acrylic acid has been shown catalyst for the conversion of propane to acrylic acid
to be significantly better than that of any other MMO was also investigated independently by Takahashi and
Table 7
Mo-V-Te-Nb catalyst in propane (Amm) oxidation
Catalyst Reaction Temperature ( C) Conversion (%) Selectivity (%) Yield (%) Reference
Mo1 V0.3 Te0.23 Nb0.12 On Oxidation 380 80 60 (acrylic acid) 48 (acrylic acid) [68]
Mo1 V0.3 Te0.23 Nb0.12 On Ammoxidation 420 89 64 (acrylonitrile) 58 (acrylonitrile) [74]
12 M.M. Lin / Applied Catalysis A: General 207 (2001) 116
coworkers [70]. It was further reported that by incor- are believed to be associated with XRD angles of
porating K into the Mo-V-Sb-Nb-O catalyst, a higher 22 and 45 commonly observed in several Mo-V-M
propane conversion was achieved [71]. oxides effective for ethane oxidation, where M is Cr,
Fe, Bi, Al or Co [80]. Since propane oxidation and
4.3.2. Compositional and structural aspects ammoxidation may share some common features and
As discussed above, Mo-V-Nb mixed oxides, which reaction steps, the propane activation phase identi-
are the basis for these high performing propane selec- fied in propane ammoxidation reaction is likely to
tive oxidation catalysts, were found by Thorsteinson function in a similar manner in propane oxidation.
et al. to be capable of activating propane at 300 C, but As mentioned above, several recent reports re-
produced only acetic acid, acetaldehyde and carbon vealed that not only the elemental composition affects
oxides as the products [64]. An analogous catalyst the structure and performance of Mo-V-Te-Nb oxide
was recently tested by Ushikubo and co-workers catalysts, preparative variables can also affect them
for propane oxidation, and was found incapable of greatly. Among the preparative variables, methods for
producing any acrylic acid [68]. Also reported was precursor preparation appear to be critical [75,76]. In
a Mo-V-Te mixed oxide catalyst, which achieved one example [75], two Mo-V-Te-Nb oxide catalysts
a 48% propane conversion but again produced no were prepared for propane oxidation from two precur-
acrylic acid. The function of niobium in these mixed sors of identical composition but via different drying
oxide catalysts was believed to stabilize the structure methods. The two catalysts obtained have very dif-
of Mo-V oxides against over-oxidation or reduction ferent crystal structures as revealed by XRD (Fig. 5).
and permit a strongly oxidized or reduced catalyst The XRD results suggest a strong dependence of crys-
to return more readily to its original state in ethane tal structures on drying methods in catalyst precursor
oxidation [64]. While the Mo1 V0.37 Nb0.12 On cata- preparation. Reflecting the structure difference, the
lyst was structurally stable, it failed to produce any propane conversion vary from 1% (sample a) to 21%
C3 oxygenates in propane oxidation. Apparently, the (sample b). In another example [76], several differ-
addition of Te or Sb to Mo-V-Nb mixed oxides can ent methods were used to prepare the precursors of
contribute to certain structural changes leading to Mo-V-Te-Nb oxide catalysts for propane ammoxida-
the formation of acrylic acid [6870]. These results tion. The XRD patterns (Fig. 6) again indicate that
support the suggestion that Mo and V are responsible the crystal structures of Mo-V-Te-Nb oxides are very
for the activation of propane while Nb and Te are sensitive to the preparation methods. As a result of
part of the active sites responsible for the formation
or release of C3 oxygenates. This suggestion is in
agreement with the report that two component Mo-V
oxides can effectively active ethane [64].
While not much has been discussed about the struc-
tures of Mo-V-Te-Nb oxides catalysts for propane
oxidation the key X-ray diffraction angles of the
catalysts were reported [68,72]. On the other hand,
more details were discussed regarding the structural
features of an analogous catalyst for propane am-
moxidation [7779]. It was speculated that at least
two crystal phases participate in the ammoxidation
of propane. One phase with XRD angles at 9.0, 22.1,
27.2, 29.2 and 35.4 is believed to relate to the activa-
tion of propane and the other phase with XRD angles
at 22.2, 28.2, 36.3, 45.2 and 50.5 to the formation
of acrylonitrile. Furthermore, the existence of cer- Fig. 5. XRD spectra of Mo-V-Te-Nb oxides from precursors ob-
tain metaloxygen layer structures in these catalysts tained via different drying methods: (a) heat evaporation; (b)
was recently proposed [76]. These layer structures freeze-dry [75].
M.M. Lin / Applied Catalysis A: General 207 (2001) 116 13
Fig. 7. XRD spectra of Mo-V-Te-Nb oxides: (a) calcined in air; (b) calcined in nitrogen [75].
14 M.M. Lin / Applied Catalysis A: General 207 (2001) 116
acetone pathway are the two major factors negatively relatively short, these catalysts, especially Mo-V-
impacting the selectivity to acrylic acid. In addition, based, have afforded excellent propane conversion
the direct CC breakage of acrolein or propylene to C1 and acrylic acid selectivity. It should be pointed out
and C2 molecules without going through acrylic acid that while the high acrylic acid selectivity achieved
may also compete with the selectivity to acrylic acid. may be partly attributed to the specific properties
The major pathway from propane to acrylic acid of the catalysts, one should not overlook the con-
over this Mo-V-Te-Nb-O catalyst is similar to that pro- tribution by the relatively low reaction temperatures
posed over the Te/VPO system (Fig. 3). However, this at which high propane conversions were achievable.
type of similarity may not always hold. Recently, dif- Since studies have shown that the further oxidation of
ferent propane oxidation pathways, as shown in Fig. 9, acrylic acid increased greatly as the reaction temper-
were proposed [83] for Mo1.51 Ni1 Te0.01 P0.02 On mixed ature increased [32,33], highly active catalysts have
oxide catalyst (Table 6). the advantage of allowing a lower operation tempera-
Over this catalyst, direct oxidation of propylene to ture, thus minimizing the further oxidation of acrylic
CH3 CHO or COx was proposed. Aldehyde interme- acid after its formation.
diates were observed experimentally in the product In addition to the excellent catalytic properties,
stream while acetic acid was not detected. These dif- mixed metal oxide catalysts generally are found to
ferences between the Te-P/Ni-Mo-O and Mo-V-Te- be thermally stable under the reaction conditions,
Nb-O catalysts could be attributed to both chemical since they are usually prepared via calcination at
and structural differences of the catalyst systems in- much higher temperatures. One of the major draw-
volved, despite the fact that major path from propane backs of the mixed metal oxide catalysts appears
to acrylic acid contains the common intermediates to be the difficulties in controlling the preparation
propylene and acrolein. Here, the competition among parameters. The catalytic properties can be very
the desirable and undesirable pathways could dictate sensitive to the preparation conditions which deter-
the product distribution, while the catalytic activity, mine the catalyst structures, such as the formation of
which is independent of the product distribution, could the active phases or sites. The development of syn-
greatly affect the overall performance. thetic methods which allow a better control of oxide
structures should be an important research direction.
4.3.4. Outlooks of mixed metal oxide catalysts for Additionally, while very little has been achieved, a
propane oxidation good understanding of structural aspects could also
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