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K Metheny Technologyplanevaluation

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Technology Plan Evaluation 1

Technology Plan

Joshua Davis

Melisa Eichele

Lyndsay Goeckeritz

Kayla Metheny

FRIT 7232

Charles B. Hodges, Ph.D.

September 20, 2015

Technology Plan Evaluation 2

Annotated List of Resources

Butcher, P., Hale, M., Cindi, H., & Morgan, K. (2012). Writing Goals and Objectives for a Technology

Plan. Retrieved September 7, 2015, from



This online article is a resource that clearly states what the goals and objectives for writing a technology

plan should be and how to write them. This article also gives specifics on how to write a technology plan.

This is a great resource to use when grading and evaluating other technology plans. This article can be

used to evaluate technology plans by comparing goals and objectives to the baseline and to check

specifics of a technology plan.

Druin, A. (2002). The role of children in the design of new technology. Behaviour &

Information Technology, 21(1), 1-25.

Too many times, designers, build technology plans without thinking of the user population. In most cases,

that population would be our students. This article looks at the fact, that we need to establish a

relationship with the students, and allow them to incorporate their ideas into the technology plan instead

of US designing technology to be used in the classroom for our students. This is apparent within the

article when it discusses the child as an informant. In this model, the children give examples of what

they expect the design to look like, or how it would be utilized. At different points within the design, the

children will be asked to come and review the design and give feedback to make sure the new technology

design is keyed to their learning.

Technology Plan Evaluation 3

Fox, C., & Jones, R. (2009). Leveraging Title I & Title IID: Maximizing the Impact of Technology in

Education--A Resource Guide Identifying Technology Tools for Schools. Retrieved 2015, from


This is a guide to help educators understand the types of technology and programs that are implemented

in schools. This resource will be very helpful when evaluating technology plans. This guide can be

accessed to clear up any misunderstanding of a program or technology mentioned in the plans being


Hannafin, R. (2008). K-12 Technology Audit: Lessons for School Leaders. International Electronic

Journal for Leadership in Learning, 12(6). Retrieved 2015, from http://eric.ed.gov/?q=technology

plans audit&ft=on&id=EJ940560

This journal article is a synthesis of a technology audit whose purpose was to evaluate technology use and

integration in a school district. This resource is very useful when determining how a technology plan is

evaluated and implemented. The audit information was gathered through the use of surveys and

interviews of students, teachers, administrators, and parents. This audit allows one to see how even

though a plan is written and approved it may not be implemented and in some cases teachers, students,

and parents are not even aware of what the action plan entails.

Lenoard, J. (2013). State Technology Plans. Retrieved September 6, 2015, from


This website is a collection of State Technology Plans for all 50 states. This is a great resource to refer to

when evaluating a technology plan. This resource can be used to access the statewide technology plan for

the state of the school district plan being evaluated. Referring to the statewide plan can help when

evaluating a school districts technology plan by seeing what the states technology educational goals are

and relate them to the district to see if they align.

Technology Plan Evaluation 4

Norton, S. (2013). Technology Planning: Designing the Direction to get there. Knowledge Quest, 42(1),

64-69. Retrieved September 1, 2015, from Professional Development Collection.

This article outlines the major components of a technology plan. Each component is defined and includes

examples of the type of information the plan should include. The Goals and strategies section suggests

specific and measurable goals. The professional development section includes training staff on existing

and new technology. The budget section includes expected funding and expected costs. The assessment

section includes evaluation of past and present plans. The influence for leadership section includes

information for approaching and communication with leadership. This article is an information outline of

the key components of a technology plan.

Sheppard, B., & Brown, J. (2014). Leadership for a new vision of public school classrooms: Technology-

smart and learner-centered. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(1), 84. doi:10.1108/JEA-03-


There are new teachers graduating college every year eager to begin their careers as educators. They are

eager to teach the children, and also use the tools they learned in their education. What the new educators

do not expect is the learning curve that is the utilizing the technology EFFECTIVELY within their

lessons. New technologies are introduced every year and teachers are expected to use these technologies

as professionals, but what happens is they become resistant to the new technologies and they stand under

used, and in some cases unused. This article tackles this problem from the leadership standpoint. It

discusses that it is up to leadership to give their teachers adequate trainings and to understand that their

teacher population has to learn the new technologies inside and out before they can effectively use it in

the classroom. The teachers interviewed voiced their opinions and why they did not effectively use

technology in many reasons ranging from: limited access to software and hardware to professional

isolation. All of these factors point back to leadership. The article discusses that not matter the technology

plan the administrators always have to make available the resources needed by teachers to be successful.
Technology Plan Evaluation 5

Technology Master Plan. (2014, April 23). Retrieved September 2, 2015, from


The technology master plan is a detailed and organized example of a school technology plan. Many

important components were included, including the school information, mission statements, time frame

for the plan, the stakeholders, integrating with the curriculum, and inventory of school resources. The

outline discusses the present guidelines, and future goals. This plan contains the personal side that is

important when discussing education, and the technical side for the technology. The technology

integration goals are specifically outlined along with action steps to achieve those goals. There is a

summary of success indicators with specific examples. The plan includes progressing with the future and

training staff on technology tools. Overall, this plan includes many ideas, and details that are helpful

when creating or evaluating a technology plan.

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology (2010). Transforming American

Education: Learning Powered by Technology. Retrieved September 7, 2015, from


This resource is the National Technology Plan and states what the goals are for the department of

education relating to technology. This is a great resource to compare to district technology plans to see if

they relate back to the national plan. This plan clearly states what the nation is working toward in relation

to educational technology. Comparing this plan to district plans will give a clear idea if the district plan is

up to date and meaningful.

Vanderlinde, R., & Van Braak, J. (2013). Technology Planning in Schools: An Integrated Researched-

Based Model. British Journal of Education Technology, 44(1), E14-E17. doi:10.1111/j.1467-


This journal article provides an organized model to create a technology plan for a school or school

district. The authors create an outline that is easy to follow and attainable by anyone creating a plan. Each
Technology Plan Evaluation 6

step in the outline is defined and explained throughout the article. The authors explain the relevance for

each step. The information is collected from multiple technology plans created for a variety of primary

schools. The article contains five different dimensions for an effective technology plan. The dimensions

are general enough to apply to any type of technology plan. The cyclic dimension refers to the mission,

goals, and current technologies. The content dimension includes budget, technology training and the

technology infrastructure. The interaction dimension includes the stakeholders, community, and students.

The support dimension includes supporting the school staff. The product dimension refers to the capacity

of the school and the academic practices of the school. The information is valuable and flexible enough to

apply to any school.

Created Rubric
Section: Unacceptable Acceptable (2) TARGET (3)
Goals and The plan does not The plan outlines the Plan mentions detailed
Objectives outline the goals and general goals and objectives goals and objectives. The
objectives or includes 2 and includes 3 or more of goals and objectives include
or less of the following the following components: the following 4 components:
components: specified specified goals, specified specified goals, specified
goals, specified objectives, benchmarks, and objectives, benchmarks,
objectives, benchmarks, implementation plan and implementation plan
and implementation

Data Plan does not mention Plan mentions thorough Plan mentions thorough
Analysis data analysis, gap data analysis and gap data analysis, gap analysis,
analysis, or data analysis, but does not cite and cites data sources used
sources used to develop data sources used to to develop plan.
plan. develop plan.

Stakeholde Plan does not mention Plan mentions involvement Plan mentions involvement
rs involvement of of stakeholders, but do not of stakeholders, all
stakeholders. include all parties. Plan stakeholders were involved,
Stakeholders does not go into detail on and plan details the steps
considered are how the stakeholders were taken to incorporate the
teachers, parents, included, just simply stakeholders into creating
community members, mentions actions taken by the plan.
Technology Plan Evaluation 7

and other persons in the stakeholders.


Budget Plan does not mention a Plan does mention a Plan discusses at length the
budget. Plan mentions feasible budget, but does budget and research done
a budget that shows not incorporate research to get to the finished
little to no research backing budget. Shows little product. Budget shows in
about district research about district depth research on past
demographics, school demographics, school budgets (both successful
demographics, and past demographics, and past and unsuccessful) and local
successful budget successful budget plans. demographics.

Rollout Plan does not mention a Plan mentions plan, but Plan mentions a well
Plan roll out plan for districts does not detail the thought out and researched
for new technology. assessing of new rollout plan for new
technology and how it will technology. Plan discusses
be incorporated into at length the form of
classrooms district wide. assessments used to attain
if new technology is being
used efficiently and correctly
in the classroom

Technology Plan does not mention Plan mentions how Plan mentions how
Utilization how technology will be technology will be used for technology will be used and
used for instructional, two but not all of the gives a detailed plan for all
administrative, or following: instructional, of the following:
community purpose or administrative, and instructional, administrative,
only mentions one of community purposes. The and community purposes
the above. plan does not give specific
details to how technology
will be utilized for
instructional, administrative,
and community purposes.

Technology Plan does not mention Plan mentions Plan mentions and clearly
Accessibilit accommodations of accommodations of outlines accommodations of
y technology for technology for students/staff technology for students/staff
students/staff with with disabilities aligning to with disabilities.
disabilities. the standards of the
Americans with Disabilities Accommodations align with
Act. the standards according to
the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Professiona Plan does not mention Plan mentions professional Plan mentions a
l professional development, but it is not professional development
Developme development for clearly articulated to how it program that is clearly
nt instructional technology will be accomplished or outlined and is research
practices. evaluated. based. The plan supports all
certified staff in the district
Plan mentions a with an acknowledgment to
professional development the staffs range of
program, but it is not technology professional
research based. development needs.
Technology Plan Evaluation 8

Ongoing Plan does not mention Plan mentions benchmarks Plan mentions benchmarks
Evaluations benchmarks or specific used to assess growth used to assess growth
data used to assess towards goals and towards goals and
growth towards goals objectives, but does not objectives and mentions the
and objectives. mention the specific data specific data used for these
used for these evaluations. evaluations.

Assessmen The plan includes a The plan includes an The plan includes a
t of Current general evaluation of evaluation of the current complete evaluation of
Technology hardware, software, and hardware, software, and current hardware, software,
Services technology services. technology services. The and other technology
The evaluation does not evaluation does not include services. The evaluation
separate the school separate sections for school includes a separate section
district, staff, or schools. district or staff. for the district, staff, and
specifies the school levels
such as elementary school,
middle school, high school.

Total Score: ___/30 possible points.

Unacceptable: 10-19
Acceptable: 20-29

Technology Plan being evaluated:

Farmington Public Schools 2012-2015 District Technology Plan

Section: Unacceptable Acceptable (2) TARGET (3)

Goals and The plan does not The plan outlines the Plan mentions detailed
Objectives outline the goals and general goals and objectives goals and objectives. The
objectives or includes 2 and includes 3 or more of goals and objectives include
or less of the following the following components: the following 4 components:
components: specified specified goals, specified specified goals, specified
goals, specified objectives, benchmarks, and objectives, benchmarks,
objectives, benchmarks, implementation plan and implementation plan
and implementation

Data Plan does not mention Plan mentions thorough Plan mentions thorough
Analysis data analysis, gap data analysis and gap data analysis, gap analysis,
analysis, or data analysis, but does not cite and cites data sources used
sources used to develop data sources used to to develop plan.
plan. develop plan.
Technology Plan Evaluation 9

Stakeholde Plan does not mention Plan mentions involvement Plan mentions involvement
rs involvement of of stakeholders, but do not of stakeholders, all
stakeholders. include all parties. Plan stakeholders were involved,
Stakeholders does not go into detail on and plan details the steps
considered are how the stakeholders were taken to incorporate the
teachers, parents, included, just simply stakeholders into creating
community members, mentions actions taken by the plan.
and other persons in the stakeholders.

Budget Plan does not mention a Plan does mention a Plan discusses at length the
budget. Plan mentions feasible budget, but does budget and research done
a budget that shows not incorporate research to get to the finished
little to no research backing budget. Shows little product. Budget shows in
about district research about district depth research on past
demographics, school demographics, school budgets (both successful
demographics, and past demographics, and past and unsuccessful) and local
successful budget successful budget plans. demographics.

Rollout Plan does not mention a Plan mentions plan, but Plan mentions a well
Plan roll out plan for districts does not detail the thought out and researched
for new technology. assessing of new rollout plan for new
technology and how it will technology. Plan discusses
be incorporated into at length the form of
classrooms district wide. assessments used to attain
if new technology is being
used efficiently and correctly
in the classroom

Technology Plan does not mention Plan mentions how Plan mentions how
Utilization how technology will be technology will be used for technology will be used and
used for instructional, two but not all of the gives a detailed plan for all
administrative, or following: instructional, of the following:
community purpose or administrative, and instructional, administrative,
only mentions one of community purposes. The and community purposes
the above. plan does not give specific
details to how technology
will be utilized for
instructional, administrative,
and community purposes.

Technology Plan does not mention Plan mentions Plan mentions and clearly
Accessibilit accommodations of accommodations of outlines accommodations of
y technology for technology for students/staff technology for students/staff
students/staff with with disabilities aligning to with disabilities.
disabilities. the standards of the
Americans with Disabilities Accommodations align with
Act. the standards according to
the Americans with
Disabilities Act.
Technology Plan Evaluation

Professiona Plan does not mention Plan mentions professional Plan mentions a
l professional development, but it is not professional development
Developme development for clearly articulated to how it program that is clearly
nt instructional technology will be accomplished or outlined and is research
practices. evaluated. based. The plan supports all
certified staff in the district
Plan mentions a with an acknowledgment to
professional development the staffs range of
program, but it is not technology professional
research based. development needs.

Ongoing Plan does not mention Plan mentions benchmarks Plan mentions benchmarks
Evaluations benchmarks or specific used to assess growth used to assess growth
data used to assess towards goals and towards goals and
growth towards goals objectives, but does not objectives and mentions the
and objectives. mention the specific data specific data used for these
used for these evaluations. evaluations.

Assessmen The plan includes a The plan includes an The plan includes a
t of Current general evaluation of evaluation of the current complete evaluation of
Technology hardware, software, and hardware, software, and current hardware, software,
Services technology services. technology services. The and other technology
The evaluation does not evaluation does not include services. The evaluation
separate the school separate sections for school includes a separate section
district, staff, or schools. district or staff. for the district, staff, and
specifies the school levels
such as elementary school,
middle school, high school.

Total Score: 20/30 possible points.

Unacceptable: 10-19
Acceptable: 20-29

Explanation of Ratings:

Goals and Objectives: The goals and objectives were detailed and clearly stated in the plan.
Each goal also included its own action steps, timeline, evaluation, and resources. Goals and
objectives are clearly stated and clearly organized. The goals and objectives are separated into
district goal and technology goals. The plan to reach the goals is outlined. I thought the goals
were clearly outlined, and mentioned the different specific goals as well as the objectives. I did
not see until reading further that there are benchmarks listed, as well as when they are expected to
be assessed.

Data Analysis: The only data discussed within the plan was on page 30, in a discussion of the
current status of the district's infrastructure, technology support, and software. See below for
recommendations for improvement. There is no research data or gap analysis. The only data
Technology Plan Evaluation

included in the report is the current technology section. There was no mention of data analysis or

Stakeholders: Stakeholders were mentioned in the description of the District Technology Teams.
The Technology Plan Development Work Group included teachers spanning across the district
from all levels of education. Stakeholders were also mentioned in the ongoing evaluation (page
13) where feedback is collected from teachers, students, and parents. Also on page 21, a brief
paragraph states that parents and community members were invited to workshops during the
creation of the technology plan. See recommendations below for improvement. The plan does a
great job or specifying the development teams, their mission, and the people on the team. The
plan does not include the community, the parents, and the students. The plan does not include the
tools used to collect the data from the stakeholders involved. The plan does not include the data
collected from the stakeholders and what effect it had on the technology planning. Though it does
mention the use of all parties in the stakeholder section, it does not mention how much the
parents and/or students took part in the creation of the plan. Again, no research or data to show
how or why they chose some of their sections or he verbiage in the sections.

Budget: The budget does show where changes needed to be made. The plan had red highlighting
used to show where sections of the budget needed to be increased. See recommendations below
for improvement. The plan does a wonderful job of organizing the past and present budget
information. The plan also specifies the proposed increases for the upcoming years. Supplemental
funding is also outlined. The plan is missing an analysis of successful and failed budgets. The
plan is also missing demographic information. The lists and budget were detailed and organized
to show the extent as to what the monies of the district have been allocated for technology. They
did not, however, mention anything about the demographics of the school or district. This plays a
huge role while implementing technology. Also, they had to raise a few parts of the budgets to
meet needs that were not met throughout the previous plan, in my opinion, I believe that they
should mention why, and provide proof of why they had to raise the budget.

Roll Out Plan: Each goal was itemized with an action step and timeline for implementation. The
rollout plan was vague and did not include a detailed rollout plan for different school levels and
for the staff. The plan does include separate sections for students and the community. The plan
also includes a timeline for implementation. Though they did mention a rollout plan, they did not
mention a way to assess, other then feedback, teachers and their utilizing of technology in the

Technology Utilization: The plan includes how students and teachers will use technology in the
schools for instruction. The plan also includes how technology will be used to allow for parent
and community awareness. Using the district website and social media to make awareness of the
technology plan. The plan does a good job of outlining the technology utilization for
administrative, community, and instructional purposes. The administrative is included in
collaboration and professional development. The plan details the roles of the community,
administration, student population, and parents and how they are expected to use technology both
in and out of school.

Technology Accessibility: The plan fails to mention how students with disabilities will be
accommodated to allow for equal use and access to technology.
Technology Plan Evaluation

Professional Development: The plan gives a thorough explanation of the professional

development that will be implemented. In addition the plan includes a timeline for these
professional development sessions

Ongoing Evaluation: The plan included an evaluation piece for each goal. These evaluations
were ongoing to evaluate the use of technology. The plan mentions benchmarks and when they
will assess the teacher's; good section.

Assessment of Current Technology Services: The plan does include a general overview of the
districts current services, however, it does not specify which buildings or level of schooling has
access to the devices and software that is currently available. The plan did not mention at length
the general evaluation of hardware, software, and technology services, but did mention how the
schools are broken up, and where the technology could potentially be.


Data Analysis: Create a section detailing data analysis and how your district used analysis to
create the technology plan. Use data collected for student achievement to relate the needs and
importance of technology and technology implementation. The plan needs to include data for the
gap analysis. Benchmarks should be discussed near the goals.

Stakeholders: Involve community members other than school and district staff when creating a
technology plan. Create a separate section detailing this involvement and the steps used to
increase involvement of all stakeholders. Include the data collected from the stakeholders and the
tools used to collect the data.

Budget: Add more detail about budget, such as research. Include the demographics of your
district to help describe the need for the budget. Include past budgets that failed and succeeded.
Which parts failed? Include demographic information to support the proposed budget.

Roll Out Plan: The roll out plan needs more details to be effective. The plan should separate the
different school levels and the staff. The plan should include details of the current technology,
proposed increases and how they will be used in the schools.

Technology Utilization: Add more detail how technology will be used for administrative uses.
Add more detail to the parent and community uses section. In addition to the technology plan,
what other information for the schools will they have access to from the district website and
social media? An example: emergency notifications, school delays/cancellations, meeting dates
and times. The BYOT piece needs to be more thoroughly discussed. More research of student
demographics and population is needed for better understanding of district technology needs.

Technology Accessibility: Create a section detailing accommodations and accessibility for staff
and students with disabilities. Refer to the Americans with Disabilities Act for any clarifications.
Technology Plan Evaluation

Assessment of Current Technology Services: Add individual sections for school levels, staff,
administrators, and community, defining what technology they have available to them. Also, add
more details for the assessment of the current technology services.

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