Old Age Homes in Delhi NCR Rapid Survey PDF
Old Age Homes in Delhi NCR Rapid Survey PDF
Old Age Homes in Delhi NCR Rapid Survey PDF
A Rapid Survey
Shelter Programme
Programmes Department
Head Office, New Delhi
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
November 2007
Tapan K Ghosh
Design & Printing
- Adstrings Advertising Pvt. Ltd.
Produced by:
Programmes Department, Head Office, HelpAge India
C-14, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016
Tel.: 91-11-42030445, 41688955-57, Website : www.helpageindia.org
For more informaton contact: shambhu.nath@helpageindia.org
A Rapid Survey
HelpAge India has been supporting Old Age Homes for several years. In
the past 10-15 years, several new Old Age Homes have sprung up
particularly in bigger cities and towns of India in response to a growing
demand for such institutions. Apart from government sponsored ones there
are a large number of privately run homes which provide certain facilities to
the elderly for a cost or free of charge. However not much is known about
these institutions, or how they function and the constraints and limitations
they face.
Unlike other institutions like orphanages, for instance, even a rapid survey
of old age homes can pose problems as this is a culturally sensitive part of
the Indian psyche and social milieu. Both management and residents of
homes were rather reticent and information was not easily forthcoming.
While respecting this sensitivity, it is critical to get a grasp of the larger
picture of what is happening before a meaningful intervention can be
Avenash Datta
Country Head
Programmes & Emergencies
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
Characteristics of OAHs 5
A Rapid Survey
The rapid survey was carried out on a number of parameters to
produce baseline information that could be helpful for any future
intervention. A brief summary of this follows:
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
Type of accommodation
Survey data reveals that 20 percent homes have only dormitory
facility with capacity of 4-12 beds. Fortyfive percent have mixed
accomodation dormitary+single/double occupancy and 35 percent
homes have single as well as double bed facility.
A Rapid Survey
Admission criteria
All the homes consider minimum age of 60 years but in case of
disability some homes (about 20 percent) are ready to consider
minimum age of 55 years. Economic consideration is the other
criterion considered before admitting elderly resident. In this
regard, managers of 10 homes have reported that they only admit
those who are able to pay the required homes charges and are
also physically fit and mentally sound. But 4 homes do not take
any charge and consider the destitute and infirm only. Remaining
10 homes provide free services but elderly should be active and 6
homes have a mix of options and they charge according to the
financial status of residents
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
With regard to donation only one paid home revealed that they
took donation from the residents; remaining homes did not disclose
any details and treated the subject as confidential matter.
A Rapid Survey
Medical facility
Elderly are more prone to the diseases like arthritis, joint pains
and other bone and muscle problems. Keeping this in mind, six
homes have provided a physiotherapy centre.
The manager of only one home indicated that his home provided
all medical facilities even heart surgery or other expensive
treatment of the residents. Remaining homes have no such facility;
only they can give moral support, and the elderly do their medical
expenses themselves.
Nursing facility
Nursing facility is one of the
important facilities and our
survey indicates that only 20
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
percent homes have such facility; Only one home has full time
nurse and remaining have part time and on call basis. It is noted
that from the managers of 80 (24 homes out of 30) percent homes,
they have no nursing staff.
Laundry facility
Most the homes have washing machine and active elderly do wash
their clothes themselves and in case of inability, homes provides
laundry facility. It has been seen that in paid homes elderly do the
laundry from out side.
A Rapid Survey
Some homes provide facilities for sports and games like card rooms,
chess and it has been found that one-third of the 30 homes have
such facility.
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
A Rapid Survey
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
Satisfaction level
The majority i.e. most of the elderly respondents reported their
satisfaction with the various services provided in the old age homes
but these trends have come from the paid and some free (run by
religious trusts) homes. The
major reasons reported for
expressing satisfaction are
because of good services
and good behaviour of the
staff, food being palatable
and wholesome, accommo-
dation being satisfactory
and having the freedom to
pursue and participate in
A Rapid Survey
Residents of three (one paid, one free and one both) old age homes
expressed satisfaction from services provided by the homes;
enquiries with residents of one paid home indicated that many
elderly are living at the home out of choice and have no problems
(average monthly expenditure is Rs12000-15000 per month per
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
Only six homes, have a doctor visiting the campus daily. All the
remaining have a facility for doctor on call or visit on specific
days in a week or so. Twenty percent (6 homes out of 30) homes
have ambulance facility. Ideally, the Old Age Homes should have
a geriatric physician round the clock. However, not a single home
had a full-time daily physician. Overall health care in terms of
regular care is poor in all cases. As regard nutrition, most homes
claimed to be preparing diet charts on the advice of a nutritionist.
A Rapid Survey
Recreation is an important aspect for the elderly living in OAHs.
About 70% homes had some arrangement to take care of
recreational needs like indoor games (carrom, chess, cards), music,
satsang and occasional movies and outing. Almost all homes have
a T.V. set for residents. One home surveyed even has a community
day care centre where residents can spend some leisure time with
visitors. One home had a recreation centre sponsored by HelpAge
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
Residential Criteria 80% (24 out of 30 OAHs) only for active elderly
20% (6 out of 30) for disabled and limited mobility
A Rapid Survey
Avg. Staff Ratio 1 Staff for every 5-6 residents3 4 staff per old
age home
Outreach with local Only 10%, 3 out of 30 OAHs having such network
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
Aged Friendly
Infrastructure& Facility 30% OAHs facility of grab rails in toilets
70% OAHs having enough space of entering
15% OAHs have basement
20% OAHs have almost aged friendly
20% OAHs have power backup
20% OAHs have lift facility
All OAHs have Refrigerator
A Rapid Survey
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
A Rapid Survey
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
Old Age Homes in Delhi and NCR: A Profile (August-September 2007)
Name of Type of Cate- Cap- No. of No.of Facility Other Sustainability Home Type of Type of
OAHs Manage- gory acity Resi- Staff Facility: Safety Staff Services
ment & [WL] dents Health Re- Campus
Year of creation Temple,
Establish- Park, Lift,
ment of etc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Gharaunda NGO Lower 40 T-19 5 MMU visits TV, Park Individual Fire-N Untrained Free
Asola Village 2005 Middle M-7 weekly, Prayer Refgtr Donor
South Delhi Class F-12 Dr on call, outing
Sick Room
2 Home for the NGO Lower 20 T-8 3 MMU visits TV W.M. Some Fire-N Untrained Free
Aged, 1959 Middle M-3 weekly, Prayer Refgtr philanthropists
Asola Vill. Class F-5 Dr on Call hall, W.Ch. family
South Delhi Outing- supported
Library regularly
3 Rana Home for NGO Upper 20 T-11 10 Dr visits TV W.M. depend on Fire-N Trained Paid
the Senior Citi- 2003 Middle M-2, daily Refgtr payment but not
zens S. Delhi Class F-9 W.Ch. of residents specific
4 OldAge Home NGO Lower 25 T-19 6 Daily -Dr TV, Temple very good Fire-Y Untrained Mix
Faridabad, 2002 Middle M-7, Visit Satsang W.M. community only
A Rapid Survey
Sec-19 Class F12 Dr-room hall, W.Ch. involement Mnager is
NCR Commnty & support. retired
outreach Cash & kind officer of
are donated bank
by philonthro
pist family
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
5 Sabbarwal Private Lower 26 T-10 2 Dr on call TV Park Indivisual Fire-N untrained Mix
Vridhashram 2004 Middle M-7, satsang Temple donor
Nagloi, Class F-3 W.M.
NJFGRd Refgtr
6 Anandham NGO Lower 100 T-32 10 Own OPD, TV, Park Donation Fire-Y expe- Free
Vridhashram 1998 Middle M-8, Dr on call satsang Temple from rienced
Outer/West Class F24 W.M. Philonthro- manager
Delhi pist as cash
& kind
7 Krishnadham, Trust Desti- 150 T-15, 4 Dr Weekly TV Park Donation Fire-N Untrained Free
Vridhashram 1997 tute/ M-4 visit, Physi- Library Temple from & also
Budhpur vill, F-11 otheray, Satsang Refgtr Philonthro- insuffi-
A Rapid Survey
North Delhi
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 Anand Niketan Trust Middle 85 T-66 8 Dr visit daily TV, Temple Donation Fire-Y Expe- Mix
Vridh Sewa 1989 Class M-28 Sick Room Satsang W.M. from Phil- rienced
Ashram, F-38 Dr-Room Indoor Refgtr anthropist manager/
Sec-55, Noida, games W.Ch. in cash & kind Head
Lift, Park
16 Manavayatan Registered Upper 40 T-15 6 Dr on call TV, Refgtr Depends on Fire-N Trained & Paid
Old Age Home Society Middle M-11 residents expe-
Sec-37, Noida, 1993 Class F-4 payment rienced
17 St. Marys Trust Lower 25 T-17 5 Dr on call TV W.M. Donation Fire-Y Trained Mix
Home for the more than Middle female Prayer hall Refgtr from residents sisters
Aged women, 50yrs Class only Outing- W.Ch. &
6, Rajpur Rd, Philanthropist
18 Godhuli Senior NGO Upper 53 T-53 10 Dr daily visit/ Card room Park Payments Fire-Y expe- Paid
Citizens Home 2001 Middle S[14] F-24 Sick room, Library Lift, W.Ch. from residents rienced
Sec-2, Dwarka, Class D[2] M-29 Exercise room,Satsang Refgtr Manager/
West Delhi Clinic, Tambola & Care taker
Fultime Movies
Nurse (weekly)
19 Har-mit Trust & Trust Upper 12 T-9 11 Dr on call TV, Yoga, Refgtr Payments Fire-Y expe- paid
Home for Sr. 1999 Middle M-6, Card room Lift from residents rienced
Citizens Class F-3 Library W.Ch. manager/
Greater Indoor Head
Kailash-I, games
New Delhi Satsang
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
20 Hope senior NGO Lower 16 T- 4 Dr on call TV, W.M. Donation from Fire-N Untrained
Citizens Home 2006 Middle M-0 Indoor Refgtr Philanthropist
society Gurgao Class F-0 games W.Ch in cash & kind
21 Vridh Ashram NGO Desti- 80 T-41 12 Dr on call TV, W.Ch. Donation from Fire-Y Manager Free
Qutabgarh Rd, 2006 tute/ M-27 Satsang, W.M. Philanthropist Govt.
West Delhi F-14 Music Temples, in cash & kind Retd
22 Bhagwatdham Regist- Lower 110 T-17 10 Dr on call TV, Park Donation from Fire- N Untrained Mix
Dharmarth ered Middle M-10 OPD, Yoga, W.M. Philanthropist
Varishth Nagrik Society Class F-07 Centre, Refgtr in cash & kind
Awas Mayur 2006 Library Temples, & one time
Vihar, Phase-I, donation from
Pocket-III, Delhi residents
23 Senior Citizen Delhi Desti- 20 T-20 7 Dr on call TV, Indoor walkway Govt. Support Fire-Y Trained Free
HomeKalkaji, Govt. tute [9] M-12 games, area Manager
South Delhi 1994 F-8 Library, W.Ch.
(Delhi Govt) Music
24 Old Age Home Delhi Desti- 96 T-41 15 Dr visits Daily TV walkway Govt. Support Fire-Y Trained Free
Tilak Vihar, Govt. tute M-22 Sick Room Library area, Manager
West Delhi 2005 F-19 with clinic Recreation Park,
(Delhi Govt) Centre W.Ch.
25 Sandhya Home NDMC Lower 52 T-52 10 Dr visits TV, Library, walkway Govt. Support Fire-Y Trained Paid
A Rapid Survey
for the Senior 1993 Middle [4] M-30 twice a Indoor area Manager
Citizens Netaji Class F-22 week, games W.Ch.
Ngr, New Delhi Sick Room
(NDMC) Dr-Room
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
26 Ayudhyam NGO Middle 20 T-20 15 Dr on call TV, Park, Payments Fire-Y Trained Paid
Society for Old 1993 Class [4] M-5 Physiotherapy Satsang, Ramp, from residents Care-
and Infirm Nr. F-15 Centre, Yoga, W.Ch. & Donation giver
Najafgarh, Indoor Library, Refgtr
West Delhi games CD player
27 Ashirwwad NGO Middle 12 T-8 9 Dr on call TV, Lift, Park, Payments Fire-N Untrained Paid
Vikas, 2004 Class M-7 Physiotherapy Satsang, W.Ch., from residents
Marg Extn F -1 Centre Yoga, Refgtr & Donation
East Delhi Indoor
30 Guru Nanak Regd Lower 26 T-18 Dr on call TV, Yoga, Walkway, Untrained Free
Sukhshal Society Middle M-7 Dr Visit Gurudwara W.Ch.,
(Vridhashram) 2001 Class F-11 Indoor Refgtr,
North Delhi games W.M., Park
31 AFA Senior IAF Middle 74 T-29 5 Dr on call, TV, Park, Payments Fire-Y Expe- Paid
Citizens Home Welfare Class M-21 Sick Room Cardrooms Lift, from residents rienced
Tuglakabad Association F -8 Dr Clinic Yoga/ W.Ch., Manager
Inst. Area, 2000 exercise, (Retired
South Delhi indoor IAF Officer)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
32 Nirmal Hirday Trust Destitu- 350 T-350 Trained TV, W.Ch., Donation Fire-Y Trained Free
(Home for the about te Poor Elderly Sister Prayer Hall W.M., from Phil-
dying destitute), 50 yrs old 350 for -70 indoor Refgtr, anthropist
Majnu ka Tila-1 all aged games Walkway n cash & kind
North Delhi but abt
20% is
List of Abbreviations/glossary
Dr - Doctor
F - Female
Free - Free of charge
IAF - Indian Air Force
M - Male
A Rapid Survey
S[WL] - Waiting List (Single)
D[WL]- Waiting List (Double)
Y - Yes
Old Age Home in Delhi & NCR