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Discussiones Mathematicae

Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization 23 (2003 ) 3952



E.M. Elabbasy and S.H. Saker

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science
Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, EGYPT
e-mail: mathsc@mum.mans.eun.eg

Some sufficient conditions for oscillation of a first order nonautono-
muous delay differential equation with several positive and negative
coefficients are obtained.
Keywords: oscillation, delay differential equations with several coef-
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34K15, 34C10.

1. Introduction

In recent years there has been much research onto the oscillation theory of
delay differential equations. To a large extent, this is due to the fact that,
delay differential equations are widely applied in physics, ecology, biology.
They also find many applications in epidemics and infectious diseases. Most
of the differential equations models used in vital statistics involve birth and
death rates; and thus differential equations with positive and negative coef-
ficients are of crucial importance.
Ladas and Sficas [21] considered a delay differential equation with con-
stant positive and negative coefficients of the form
(1.1) x (t) + px(t ) qx(t ) = 0,

and proved that the conditions

40 E.M. Elabbasy and S.H. Saker

(h1 ) p, q, and are positive constants,

(h2 ) p < q, and .
are necessary for the oscillations of all solutions to (1.1).
Arino, Ladas and Sficas [3] improved these results as follows. In addition
to the hypotheses (h1 ) and (h2 ), assume that
(h3 ) q( ) 1,
then every non-oscillatory solution to (1.1) tends to zero as t .
Also Arino, Ladas and Sficas [3] gave new criteria for the oscillation of
all solutions to (1.1). Assume that (h1 ), (h2 ) hold, and (p q) > 1e . Then
every solution to (1.1) oscillates.
Equation (1.1) has also been investigated by Gyroi [10]. In [10], the
authors proved that if (h1 ) and (h2 ) hold, 0 q( ) 1 and (p q)[ +
q( )2 ] > 1e , then (1.1) oscillates. This result is a significant extension of
the above mentioned result in [3]. This equation is a particular case of the
equation (1.2) below.
Recently, Agwo [1] considered the delay differential equation of several
real coefficients and gave a set of necessary and mentioned sufficient con-
ditions for the oscillation of solutions to (1.1) which extended the above
In this paper, we consider the first order nonautonomous delay differ-
ential equation,
X m
(1.2) x (t) + Pi (t) x(t i ) Qj (t) x(t j ) = 0,
i=1 j=1


Pi , Qj C [t0 , ), R+ for i = 1, . . . , n and j = 1, . . . , m,

i , i [0, ) for i = 1, . . . , n and j = 1, . . . , m.
By a solution to equation (1.2) we mean a function x C([t0 , ), R)
for some t0 , where = max {max1in i , max1jn j } satisfies equation
(1.2) for all t t0 .
As usual, a solution to equation (1.2) is called oscillatory if it has arbi-
trarily large zeros. Otherwise the solution is called nonoscillatory.
Oscillation of delay differential equation with ... 41

Qian and Ladas [26] obtained the well-known oscillation criterion

Z t
(1.3) lim inf [P (s) Q(s + )] ds > ,
t t e

for (1.2) when n = m = 1.

For some contributions to the oscillation theory we refer to the articles by

Zhang and Gopalsamy [31], Ladas and Sficas [24], Ladas, Qian and Yan
[20], Arino, Gyori and Jawhari [2], Hunt and Yorke [14], Gyori [9], Cheng
[4], Kwong [19], Gyori and Ladas [11], Kulenovic, Ladas and Meimardou
[15], Kulenovic and Ladas [16, 17, 18], Gopalsamy, Kulenovic and Ladas
[8], Ladas and Qian [22, 23], Rodica [28], Wei [20], Hiroshi [12], Hua and
Joinshe [13], Xiping Jun and Sui [30], Qiriu [27], Norio [25], Elabbasy, Saker
and Saif [5], Elabbasy and Saker [6], and Elabbasy, Hegazi and Saker [7].
Our aim in this paper is to give finite integral conditions for oscillation
of all solutions to (1.2) which extend the above results and condition (1.3).
In Section 3, we present sufficient conditions for oscillation of (1.2), and give
a comparison theorem for the oscillation of (1.2) with the limiting equation
with constant coefficients.
In the sequel, when we write a functional inequality we will assume that
it holds for all sufficiently large values of t.

2. Lemmas

In this section, we state some preliminary lemmas, taken from [11].

Lemma 2.1. Assume that Pi C ([t0 , ), R+ ) , > 0 and

Z t n
X 1
lim inf Pi (s)ds > ,
t t i=1 e

then the inequality

x (t) + Pi (t)x(t ) 0,

has no eventually positive solution, where = max1in {i }.

42 E.M. Elabbasy and S.H. Saker

Lemma 2.2. Let a (, 0), (0, ), t0 R and suppose that x

C([t0 , ), R) satisfies the inequality

x(t) a + max x(s) for t t0 ,

t st

then x(t) cannot be a nonnegative function.

Lemma 2.3. Let p and be positive constants, let z(t) be an eventually

positive solution to the delay differential inequality z (t) + pz(t ) 0.

z(t ) < z(t)

Then for t sufficiently large, where = (p )2

Lemma 2.4. Let (t) be a positive and continuously differentiable function

on some interval [t0 , ). Assume that there exist positive numbers A and
such that for t sufficiently large
(t) 0 and (t ) < A (t).

Set n o
= 0 : (t) + v(t) 0 for t sufficiently large ,

then A > 1 and 0 =
/ .

3. Oscillation of (1.2)

In this section we establish sufficient conditions for the oscillation of all

solutions to (1.2), and give a comparison theorem for the oscillation with
the limiting delay differential equations with constant coefficients.

Theorem 3.1. Assume that

(H1 ) Pi , Qj C ([t0 , ), R+ ) , i , j [0, ) for i = 1, . . . , n and j =
1, . . . , m;
(H2 ) There exist a positive number l m and a partition of the set
{1, . . . , m} into l disjoint subsets J1 , J2 , J3 , . . . , Jl such that j Ji
implies that j i ;
Oscillation of delay differential equation with ... 43

(H3 ) Pi (t) KJi Qk (t + k i ) for t0 + i k , and i = 1, . . . , l;
Pl P R tk
(H 4 ) i=1 kJi ti Qk (s) ds 1, t t0 + i .

Let x(t) be an eventually positive solution to equation (1.2) and set

l XZ
X tk
(3.1) z(t) = x(t) Qk (s + k ) x(s) ds, t t0 + i k .
i=1 kJi ti

Then z(t) is a nonincreasing and positive function.

P roof. Assume that t1 t0 + is such that x(t) > 0 for t t1 . From

(3.1) we have
l X
X l X
0 0
z (t) = x (t) Qk (t) x(t k ) + Qk (t + k i )x(t i ).
i=1 kJi i=1 kJi

X l X
0 0
z (t) = x (t) Qj (t)x(t j ) + Qk (t + k i ) x(t i ).
j=1 i=1 kJi

From (1.2) we have

X l X
X n
z (t) = Pi (t) x(tj )+ Qk (t+k i )x(ti ) Pi (t)x(ti ).
j=1 i=1 kJi i=p+1

Pi (t) x(t i ) > 0,

we have
" l #
(3.2) z (t) Pi (t) Qk (t + k i ) x(t i ) .
i=1 kJi

By using (H3 ) we have

(3.3) z (t) 0 for t t1 + .
44 E.M. Elabbasy and S.H. Saker

This yields that z(t) is a nonincreasing function. Now we show that z(t) is
positive. Otherwise, there exists a t2 t1 + and z (t) 6= 0 on [t1 + , ).
Then there exists t3 t2 such that z(t) z(t3 ) for t t3 .
Thus from (3.1) it follows that for t t3

l XZ
X tk
x(t) = z(t) + Qk (s + k )x(s) ds
i=1 kJi ti

X XZ tk
z(t3 ) + Qk (s + k ) x(s) ds.
i=1 kJi ti

l !
XXZ tk
x(t) z(t3 ) + max x(s) Qk (s + k )ds .
tst ti
i=1 kJi

Therefore, condition (H4 ) implies that

x(t) z(t3 ) + max x(s) for all t t3 ,


where z(t3 ) 0. Thus by Lemma 2.2, we see that x(t) cannot be non-
negative [t3 , ). This is a contradiction to x(t) 0. Then z(t) is a non-
increasing and positive function.

Theorem 3.2. Assume that (H1 ) (H4 ) hold, and

Z t "X
l X
(H5 ) lim inf Pi (s) Qk (s + k i ) ds > .
t t e
i=1 kJi

Then every solution to equation (1.2) oscillates.

P roof. Assume, for the sake of contradiction, that equation (1.2) has an
eventually positive solution x(t). By Theorem 3.1, it follows that the func-
l XZ
X tk
z(t) = x(t) Qk (s + k )x(s) ds, t t0 + i k ,
i=1 kJi ti
Oscillation of delay differential equation with ... 45

is an eventually positive function. Also by (3.2) we see that eventually,

" #
(3.4) z (t) + Pi (t) Qk (t + k i ) x(t i ) 0.
i=1 kJi

From the fact that 0 < z(t) x(t) we have

" #
(3.5) z (t) + Pi (t) Qk (t + k i ) z(t i ) 0.
i=1 kJi

But in view of (H5 ) it follows from Lemma 2.1 that the inequality (3.5)
cannot have an eventually positive solution. This contradicts the fact that
z(t) is eventually positive and completes the proof.
Now we prove that every nonoscillatory solution to (1.2) tends to zero
as t tends to infinity.

Theorem 3.3. Assume that

(C1 ) limt Pi (t) = pi and limt sup Qi (t) = qj for i = 1, . . . , n and
j = 1, . . . , m;
(C2 ) pi , qj , i , j (0, ) for i = 1, . . . , n, and j = 1, . . . , m;
(C3 ) There exist a positive number l n and a partition of the set {1, . . . , m}
into l disjoint
P subsets J1 , J2 , J3 , . . . , Jl such that j Ji implies that
j i and kJi qk < pi ;
Pl P
(C4 ) i=1 kJi qk (i k ) < 1.

Then every nonoscillatory solution to (1.2) tends to zero as t tends to


P roof. Let x(t) be a nonoscillatory solution to (1.2). We will assume that

x(t) is eventually positive (The case where x(t) is eventually negative is
similar and will be omitted). Assume that t1 t0 + is such that x(t) > 0
for t t1 , = max{i , i } for i = 1, . . . , n and j = 1, . . . , m. Set

l XZ
X tk
z(t) = x(t) Qk (s + k )x(s) ds, t t0 + i k .
i=1 kJi ti
46 E.M. Elabbasy and S.H. Saker

From Theorem 3.1 z(t) is nonincreasing and positive. Now we show that
x(t) is bounded. Otherwise, there exists a sequence of points {tn } such that

lim tn = , lim x(tn ) = and x(tn ) = max x(s).

t n stn

From (3.1) and (C4 )

l XZ
X tn k
z(tn ) = x(tn ) Qk (s + k )x(s) ds
i=1 kJi tn i
" l X
x(tn ) 1 qk (i k ) as n ,
i=1 kJi

which contradicts (3.2). Then by (3.1) and (3.3) we see that z(t) is also
bounded, and limt z(t) = k R. By integrating both sides of (3.2) from
t1 to we obtain
Z "Xl X
(3.6) k z(t1 ) Pi (s) Qk (s + k i ) (x(s i )) ds.
t1 i=1 kJi

We claim that limt inf x(t) = 0. Otherwise, there exist a positive con-
stant c, and t2 t1 such that x(t) c for t t2 . Since x(t) > 0, thus
0 0
x(s i ) c for i = 1, 2, . . . , p, and some constant c > 0. However, (C1 )
implies that
! l
Pi (t) Qk (t + k i ) Pi (t) qk .
i=1 kJi i=1 kJi

But by (C3 ) we have

! l
Pi (t) qk Pi qk as t .
i=1 kJi i=1 kJi
Pl P
Then for t sufficiently large, i=1 (Pi (s) kJi Qk (s + k i )) is
bounded below by a positive constant. This contradicts (3.6). Hence
limt inf x(t) = 0. We prove that limt x(t) = 0. Otherwise, let

lim sup x(t) = > 0,

Oscillation of delay differential equation with ... 47

and let {tn } and {tn } be two sequences such that
0 0
lim tn = , lim tn = , lim x(tn ) = 0 and lim x(tn ) = .
n n n n

Since from (2.1) z(tn ) x(tn ), we have k 0. Now choosing 0 > 0

sufficiently small, we find
l X
X Z 0
tn k
0 0
z(tn ) x(tn ) qk x(s) ds
i=1 kJi t0n i

l X
x(tn ) qk (i k )( + 0 ).
i=1 kJi

By taking limits as n we obtain

l X
k qk (i k ) .
i=1 kJi

As 0 is arbitrary we conclude
l X
0k qk (i k ) .
i=1 kJi

This implies that k = = 0. Hence limt x(t) = 0 and limt z(t) = 0

The proof is completed.

Theorem 3.4. Assume that (C1 ) (C5 ) hold, and every solution to the
delay differential equation
(3.7) y (t) + pi qk y(t i ) = 0,
i=1 kJi

oscillates. Then every solution to equation (1.2) also oscillates.

P roof. Assume for the sake of contradiction that equation (1.2) has a
positive solution x(t) such x(t) > 0 for t t0 , = max{i , j } for
i = 1, . . . , n and j = 1, . . . , m.
48 E.M. Elabbasy and S.H. Saker

As every solution to equation (3.7) oscillates, then the characteristic equa-

(3.8) F () = + Pi qk ei = 0,
i=1 kJi

has no real roots. As F () = , it follows F () > 0 for R. In

particular, !
F (0) = pi qk > 0.
i=1 kJi

Then F () = , and m = minR F () exists and is positive. Thus

+ pi qk ei m, R,
i=1 kJi

or equivalently
(3.9) pi qk ei + m, R.
i=1 kJi

Since x(t) > 0, Theorem 3.1 implies that z(t) is positive, nonincreasing and
z (t) + Pi (t) Qk (t + k i ) z(t i ) 0.
i=1 kJi

(3.10) z (t) + Pi0 (t) Qk (t + k i0 ) z(t i0 ) 0,

where the index i0 is chosen in such a way that

Pi0 (t) Qk (t + k i0 ) > 0.
k Ji

Clearly, for t sufficiently large from equation (3.10) we have

0 1 X
z (t) + pi0 qk z(t i0 ) 0.
Oscillation of delay differential equation with ... 49

(3.11) z (t) + M z(t i0 ) 0

with M = 12 (pi0 kJi0 qk ). By Lemma 2.3 and (3.11) we have z(ti0 )
z(t) with = (M 4i )2 .
Set n o
= 0 : z (t) + z(t) 0 for sufficiently large .

Clearly, is a nonempty subinterval of R+ . Showing that has the follow-

ing contradictory properties will complete the proof that every solution of
equation (1.2) oscillates.
(p1 ) is bounded above.
(p2 ) + 2 where is positive and satisfies (3.9). Since
z (t) 0 and z(t i0 ) z(t),

then Lemma 2.4 yields 0 = ln() i0 . Then is bounded above. In order

to establish (p2 ), let , and set

(t) = et z(t).

Then h 0 i
(t) = et z (t) + z(t) 0,

what shows that (t) is decreasing. Thus (t i ) (t) for some i =

1, . . . , l. Now, choose
Pl > 0 such that for t sufficiently large Pi (t) pi ,
Qj (t) qj and i=1 ei m 2 for all i = 1, . . . , n and j = 1, . . . , m. Then

z (t) + + z(t)
Xl X m
Pi (t) + Qk (t + k i ) z(t i ) + + z(t)
i=1 kJi
Xl X m
Pi (t) + qk z(t i ) + + z(t),
i=1 kJi
50 E.M. Elabbasy and S.H. Saker

where Qk (t) qk for k Ji and t t0 + i k . Hence

z (t) + + z(t) (pi ) qk z(t i )
i=1 kJi
+ + z(t).

As (t i ) (t), then we have

z (t) + + z(t)
" ! #
Xl X l
X m
et pi qk ei + ei + + (t).
i=1 kJi i=1

Pl i m
Since i=1 e 2, from (3.9) we obtain
m m m
z (t) + + z(t) et ( + m) + + + (t) = 0.
2 2 2
0 m
z (t) + + z(t) 0.

Then + m 2 . Thus (p2 ) is proved. Then every solution to equation (1.2)



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Received 12 June 2001

Revised 5 June 2003

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