FLACS I Training Course Agenda
FLACS I Training Course Agenda
FLACS I Training Course Agenda
This course is an introduction into the theory and mechanisms in gas TARGET GROUP
explosion and to the concepts and models within FLACS v10. It will
cover all typical areas of consequence modeling within the software, People who intend to carry out consequence modeling with FLACS
including ventilation, gas dispersion, gas explosions and mitigation or work closely together people performing these types of FLACS
measure (e.g. water deluge, vent panels). This course combines both simulations. These include safety engineers and consultants in risk
theory and practical exercises with the FLACS v10 software; therefore consultancy companies, oil & gas and process industries, regulatory
students will be required to practice and apply their new knowledge bodies, engineering companies, nuclear industry and many more.
of the software through extensive hands-on workshops. About half The course could potentially also be useful for structural and process
the time will consist of presentations and the rest will be hands-on engineers as these disciplines often provide either important input
with the FLACS software. (e.g. anticipated congestion levels and process parameters) or use
the output (e.g. design overpressures) of the FLACS studies, by
providing a better understanding of the most relevant parameters and
mechanisms. Attendance of this course is mandatory for FLACS users.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to use FLACS
v10 for setting up, running and extracting results for a basic range of PREREQUISITES
typical gas dispersion and gas explosion scenarios. They will have This course is suitable completely new users of FLACS as well as users
learned the FLACS user guidelines for defining scenarios to ensure who would like to refresh their knowledge. In general no special
accurate and validated results and be able to QA results. They will prerequisites are required, but any prior knowledge in safety consequence
also understand the basic mechanisms of gas dispersion and especially modeling, CFD models or 3D modeling will in general be helpful.
gas explosions, including important contributing effects (e.g. gas types,
confinement and congestion).
08:30 Registration and coffee
08:55 Welcome
09:00 Introduction: GexCon, Explosions & FLACS
10:00 FLACS Runmanager
10:30 Coffee / Questions and Answers
10:45 FLACS preprocessor CASD: Scenario definition
11:45 Exercise I: Explosion in test rig
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Exercise I: Explosion in test rig (cont)
14:30 FLACS postprocessor FLOWVIS: Visualizing results
15.00 Exercise T1 - r1file tool: exporting exercise I results into an Excel spreadsheet
15:15 Coffee / Questions and Answers
15:30 Mitigation of explosions
16:15 Exercise II: Explosion mitigation
17:00 End of day one
08:30 Coffee / Questions and Answers
09:00 FLACS preprocessor CASD: Geometry building/grid/porosities
10:00 Exercise III (Part 1): Build geometry, calculate blast waves from explosion
10:45 Coffee / Questions and Answers
11:00 Exercise III (Part 1): Build geometry, calculate blast waves from explosion (cont)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Exercise III (Part 1): Build geometry, calculate blast waves from explosion (cont)
14:30 CAD import
15:00 Demo: importing a .dgn file with geo2flacs tool
15:15 Coffee / Questions and Answers
15:30 Exercise III (Part 2): DGN geometry import and explosion simulations
17:00 End of day two
08:30 Coffee / Questions and Answers
09:00 Validation testing and procedures for CFD
10:00 Ventilation and dispersion
10:45 Coffee / Questions and Answers
11:00 Exercise IV: Dispersion/explosion calculation in offshore geometry
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Exercise IV: Dispersion/explosion calculation in offshore geometry (cont)
15:15 Coffee / Questions and Answers
15:30 Exercise IV: Dispersion/explosion calculation in offshore geometry (cont)
16:15 Efficient use of FLACS and QA
17:00 End of day three
08:30 Coffee / Questions and Answers
09:00 Pool spread
09:45 Exercise V: Pool spread simulation
10:30 Coffee / Questions and Answers
10:45 Exercise V: Pool spread simulation (cont)
11:45 Explosion Risk Analysis
12:30 Lunch
13:30 FLACS Fire
14:15 Exercise VI: Jet and pool fire simulations
15:15 Coffee / Questions and Answers
15:30 Exercise VI: Jet and pool fire simulations (cont)
16:45 Final communications - flacs@gexcon.com, survey, FLUG
17:00 End of day four