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The Flower Adornment Sutra's

Practices and Vows of

Samanta­bhadra Bodhi­sattva Chapter


Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center

© 2019 Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center

Published by Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center

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Translated by Shujan Cheng and Tom Manzo

Proofread by Venerable Yi Chao, Jeanne Tsai and Leann Moore
Cover and book designed by Yin Chiu

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Printed in Taiwan.
The Flower Adornment Sutra's
Practices and Vows of
Samanta­bhadra Bodhi­sattva

目 錄

爐香讚 2

開經偈 4

華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品 6

七佛滅罪真言 140

普賢菩薩警眾偈 142

三皈依 144

回向偈 146
Table of Contents

Praise of Incense Offering 3

Sutra Opening Verse 5

The Flower Adornment Sutra's Practices and

Vows of Samanta­bhadra Bodhi­sattva Chapter 7

The Seven Buddhas'

Negative Karma Purification Mantra 141

Admonition of Samanta­bhadra Bodhi­sattva 143

Triple Refuge 145

Dedication of Merit 147

Lu Xiang Zan
爐 香 讚

Lu Xiang Zha Ruo

爐 香 乍 爇
Fa Jie Meng Xun
法 界 蒙 薰
Zhu Fo Hai Hui Xi Yao Wen
諸 佛 海 會 悉 遙 聞
Sui Chu Jie Xiang Yun
隨 處 結 祥 雲
Cheng Yi Fang Yin
誠 意 方 殷
Zhu Fo Xian Quan Shen
諸 佛 現 全 身
Nan Mo Xiang Yun Gai Pu Sa
南 無 香 雲 蓋 菩 薩
Mo He Sa
摩 訶 薩 (三稱三拜)

Praise of Incense Offering

Incense burning in the censer,

All space permeated with fragrance.

Buddhas perceive it from every direction.

Auspicious clouds gather everywhere.

With our sincerity,

Buddhas manifest themselves in their entirety.

We take refuge in the bodhi­sattvas, mahasattvas.

(repeat three times and prostrations)

Nan Mo Ben Shi Shi Jia Mou Ni
南 無 本 師 釋 迦 牟 尼
佛 (三稱)

Kai Jing Ji
開 經 偈

Wu Shang Shen Shen Wei Miao Fa

無 上 甚 深 微 妙 法
Bai Qian Wan Jie Nan Zao Yu
百 千 萬 劫 難 遭 遇
Wo Jin Jian Wen De Shou Chi
我 今 見 聞 得 受 持
Yuan Jie Ru Lai Zhen Shi Yi
願 解 如 來 真 實 義

Homage to Our Teacher Sakyamuni Buddha
(repeat three times)

Sutra Opening Verse

The unexcelled, most profound, and exquisitely

wondrous Dharma,
Is difficult to encounter throughout hundreds of
thousands of millions of kalpas.
Since we are now able to see, hear, receive and­
retain it,
May we comprehend the true meaning of the


Hua Yan Jing
華 嚴 經

Pu Xian Pu Sa Xing Yuan Pin

普 賢 菩 薩 行 願 品

Er Shi Pu Xian Pu Sa Mo He
爾 時, 普 賢 菩 薩 摩 訶
Sa Cheng Tan Ru Lai Sheng Gong De
薩 稱 歎 如 來 勝 功 德
Yi Gao Zhu Pu Sa Ji Shan Cai
已, 告 諸 菩 薩 及 善 財
Yan Shan Nan Zi Ru Lai Gong De
言:「善 男 子! 如 來 功 德,
Jia Shi Shi Fang Yi Qie Zhu Fo
假 使 十 方 一 切 諸 佛,

The Flower Adornment Sutra's

Practices and Vows of

Samanta­bhadra Bodhi­sattva Chapter

At that time, Samanta­bhadra Bodhi­sattva, Maha­

sattva, having praised the excellent virtue of the
Tathagata, said to all the bodhi­sattvas and Sudhana,
“Good men, as for the virtue of the Tathagata, if all
the Buddhas of the ten directions expounded con­
tinuously for kalpas as numerous as the minutest of
dust particles in inexpressibly inexpressible numbers
of Buddha lands, [...]

8 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Jing Bu Ke Shuo Bu Ke Shuo Fo

經 不 可 說 不 可 說 佛
Cha Ji Wei Chen Shu Jie Xiang Xu
剎 極 微 塵 數 劫, 相 續
Yan Shuo Bu Ke Qiong Jin Ruo Yu
演 說, 不 可 窮 盡。 若 欲
Cheng Jiu Ci Gong De Men Ying Xiu
成 就 此 功 德 門, 應 修
Shi Zhong Guong Da Xing Yuan He Deng
十 種 廣 大 行 願。 何 等
Wei Shi Yi Zhe Li Jing Zhu Fo
為 十? 一 者、 禮 敬 諸 佛,
Er Zhe Cheng Zan Ru Lai San Zhe
二 者、 稱 讚 如 來, 三 者、
Guang Xiu Gong Yang Si Zhe Chan Hui
廣 修 供 養, 四 者、 懺 悔
Ye Zhang Wu Zhe Sui Xi Gong De
業 障, 五 者、 隨 喜 功 德,
Liu Zhe Qing Zhuan Fa Lun Qi Zhe
六 者、 請 轉 法 輪, 七 者、
Qing Fo Zhu Shi Ba Zhe Chang Sui
請 佛 住 世, 八 者、 常 隨
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 9

[...] this virtue could not be fully described. Those

wishing to accomplish the methods of this virtue
should cultivate ten expansive and great practices
and vows. What are the ten?
The first is to pay homage and respect to all
The second is to praise the Tathagatas;
The third is to extensively cultivate making
The fourth is to repent and reform karmic
The fifth is to rejoice in virtue;
The sixth is to request the turning of the
Dharma wheel;
The seventh is to request that the Buddhas
remain in the world;
10 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Fo Xue Jiu Zhe Heng Shun Zhong Sheng

佛 學, 九 者、 恒 順 眾 生,
Shi Zhe Pu Jie Hui Xiang
十 者、 普 皆 迴 向。」
Shan Cai Bai Yan Da Sheng Yun He
善 財 白 言:「大 聖! 云 何
Li Jing Nai Zhi Hui Xiang
禮 敬, 乃 至 迴 向?」
Pu Xian Pu Sa Gao Shan Cai Yan
普 賢 菩 薩 告 善 財 言:
Shan Nan Zi Yan Li Jing Zhu Fo
「善 男 子! 言 禮 敬 諸 佛
Zhe Suo You Jin Fa Jie Xu Kong
者: 所 有 盡 法 界、 虛 空
Jie Shi Fang San Shi Yi Qie Fo
界 十 方 三 世 一 切 佛
Cha Ji Wei Chen Shu Zhu Fo Shi
剎 極 微 塵 數 諸 佛 世
Zun Wo Yi Pu Xian Xing Yuan Li
尊, 我 以 普 賢 行 願 力
Gu Qi Shen Xin Jie Ru Dui Mu
故, 起 深 信 解, 如 對 目
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 11

The eighth is to always study with the

The ninth is to constantly accord with sentient
The tenth is to universally dedicate all virtue.”
Sudhana asked, “Noble One! What does it
mean to pay homage and respect to all Buddhas, to
the [tenth] vow, universally dedicating all virtue?”
bhadra Bodhi­
sattva told Sudhana,
“Good man, to pay homage and respect to all
Buddhas is explained like this: All Buddhas,
World-Honored Ones, are as numerous as the
minutest dust particles in all Buddha lands in the
ten directions and the three time periods in all
the Dharma realms and the realm of empty space.
With the power of the practices and vows of [...]
12 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Qian Xi Yi Qing Jing Shen Yu Yi

前, 悉 以 清 淨 身、 語、 意
Ye Chang Xiu Li Jing Yi Yi Fo
業, 常 修 禮 敬; 一 一 佛
Suo Jie Xian Bu Ke Shuo Bu Ke
所, 皆 現 不 可 說 不 可
Shuo Fo Cha Ji Wei Chen Shu Shen
說 佛 剎 極 微 塵 數 身,
Yi Yi Shen Bian Li Bu Ke Shuo
一 一 身 遍 禮 不 可 說
Bu Ke Shuo Fo Cha Ji Wei Chen
不 可 說 佛 剎 極 微 塵
Shu Fo Xu Kong Jie Jin Wo Li
數 佛; 虛 空 界 盡, 我 禮
Nai Jin Er Xu Kong Jie Bu Ke
乃 盡, 而 虛 空 界 不 可
Jin Gu Wo Ci Li Jing Wu You
盡 故, 我 此 禮 敬, 無 有
Qiong Jin Ru Shi Nai Zhi Zhong Sheng
窮 盡。 如 是 乃 至 眾 生
Jie Jin Zhong Sheng Ye Jin Zhong Sheng
界 盡、 眾 生 業 盡、 眾 生
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 13

[...] Samanta­bhadra, I have profound faith and

understanding of it as if the Buddhas were before
my eyes. With the actions of my body, speech, and
mind completely pure, I always practice paying
homage and respect to them.
“In each and every place where there are
Buddhas, I manifest bodies as numerous as the
minutest dust particles in inexpressibly inexpress­
ible numbers of Buddha lands.
“Each and every body everywhere pays homage
and respect to Buddhas as many as the minut­
est dust particles in inexpressibly inexpressible
numbers of Buddha lands.
“Only when the realm of empty space ends, will
my homage and respect end. Since the realm of
empty space does not end, my homage and [...]
14 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Fan Nao Jin Wo Li Nai Jin Er

煩 惱 盡, 我 禮 乃 盡。 而
Zhong Sheng Jie Nai Zhi Fan Nao Wu
眾 生 界 乃 至 煩 惱 無
You Jin Gu Wo Ci Li Jing Wu
有 盡 故, 我 此 禮 敬 無
You Qiong Jin Nian Nian Xiang Xu Wu
有 窮 盡, 念 念 相 續, 無
You Jian Duan Shen Yu Yi Ye Wu
有 間 斷, 身、 語、 意 業 無
You Pi Yan
有 疲 厭。
Fu Ci Shan Nan Zi Yan Cheng
「復 次, 善 男 子! 言 稱
Zan Ru Lai Zhe Suo You Jin Fa
讚 如 來 者: 所 有 盡 法
Jie Xu Kong Jie Shi Fang San Shi
界、 虛 空 界 十 方 三 世
Yi Qie Cha Tu Suo You Ji Wei
一 切 剎 土 所 有 極 微
Yi Yi Chen Zhong Jie You Yi Qie
一 一 塵 中, 皆 有 一 切
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 15

[...] respect will not end. Thus, only when the

realms of sentient beings, the karma of sentient
beings, and the afflictions of sentient beings end,
will my homage and respect end. Since the realms
of sentient beings, and even up to the afflictions of
sentient beings will not end, therefore, my homage
and respect will not end. They will continue in
thought after thought without even an instant of
ceasing. The actions of my body, speech, and mind
will never be tired of these.
“Furthermore, good man, to praise the Tathaga­
tas is explained like this: In each of the minutest dust
particles in all lands in the ten directions and the
three time periods in all the Dharma realms and the
realm of empty space, there are Buddhas as numer­
ous as the minutest dust particles in all worlds. [...]
16 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Shi Jie Ji Wei Chen Shu Fo Yi

世 界 極 微 塵 數 佛, 一
Yi Fo Suo Jie You Pu Sa Hai
一 佛 所 皆 有 菩 薩 海
Hui Wei Rao Wo Dang Xi Yi Shen
會 圍 遶, 我 當 悉 以 甚
Shen Sheng Jie Xian Qian Zhi Jian Ge
深 勝 解, 現 前 知 見; 各
Yi Chu Guo Bian Cai Tian Nü Wei
以 出 過 辯 才 天 女 微
Miao She Gen Yi Yi She Gen Chu
妙 舌 根, 一 一 舌 根 出
Wu Jin Yin Sheng Hai Yi Yi Yin
無 盡 音 聲 海, 一 一 音
Sheng Chu Yi Qie Yan Ci Hai Cheng
聲 出 一 切 言 辭 海, 稱
Yang Zan Tan Yi Qie Ru Lai Zhu
揚 讚 歎 一 切 如 來 諸
Gong De Hai Qiong Wei Lai Ji Xiang
功 德 海, 窮 未 來 際 相
Xu Bu Duan Jin Yu Fa Jie Wu
續 不 斷, 盡 於 法 界 無
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 17

[...] Each Buddha is surrounded by an assembly

of bodhi­sattvas. With my profound and supreme
understanding, I know and see all manifestations.
Each brings forth a tongue of wondrous eloquence
that surpasses the goddess [of eloquence]. Each
tongue brings forth an endless sea of sounds. Each
sound emits an ocean of words, admiring and prais­
ing the sea of virtue of all Tathagatas. These praises
continue throughout all future time, without even
an instant of ceasing, reaching everywhere in all
the Dharma realms.

18 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Bu Zhou Bian Ru Shi Xu Kong Jie

不 周 遍。 如 是 虛 空 界
Jin Zhong Sheng Jie Jin Zhong Sheng Ye
盡、 眾 生 界 盡、 眾 生 業
Jin Zhong Sheng Fan Nao Jin Wo Zan
盡、 眾 生 煩 惱 盡, 我 讚
Nai Jin Er Xu Kong Jie Nai Zhi
乃 盡。 而 虛 空 界 乃 至
Fan Nao Wu You Jin Gu Wo Ci
煩 惱 無 有 盡 故, 我 此
Zan Tan Wu You Qiong Jin Nian Nian
讚 歎 無 有 窮 盡, 念 念
Xiang Xu Wu You Jian Duan Shen Yu
相 續, 無 有 間 斷, 身、 語、
Yi Ye Wu You Pi Yan
意 業 無 有 疲 厭。
Fu Ci Shan Nan Zi Yan Guang Xiu
「復 次, 善 男 子! 言 廣 修
Gong Yang Zhe Suo You Jin Fa Jie
供 養 者: 所 有 盡 法 界、
Xu Kong Jie Shi Fang San Shi Yi
虛 空 界 十 方 三 世 一
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 19

“Thus, only when the realm of empty space

ends, the realms of sentient beings end, the karma
of sentient beings ends, and the afflictions of sen­
tient beings end, will my praises end. Just as the
realm of empty space, and even up to the afflic­
tions of sentient beings will not end, so my praises
will not end. They will continue in thought after
thought without even an instant of ceasing. The
actions of my body, speech, and mind will never be
tired of these.

“Furthermore, good man, to extensively cul­

tivate making offerings is explained like this: In
every minutest dust particle in all the Buddha lands
in the ten directions and [...]
20 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Qie Fo Cha Ji Wei Chen Zhong Yi

切 佛 剎 極 微 塵 中, 一
Yi Ge You Yi Qie Shi Jie Ji
一 各 有 一 切 世 界 極
Wei Chen Shu Fo Yi Yi Fo Suo
微 塵 數 佛, 一 一 佛 所
Zhong Zhong Pu Sa Hai Hui Wei Rao
種 種 菩 薩 海 會 圍 遶,
Wo Yi Pu Xian Xing Yuan Li Gu
我 以 普 賢 行 願 力 故,
Qi Shen Xin Jie Xian Qian Zhi Jian
起 深 信 解, 現 前 知 見,
Xi Yi Shang Miao Zhu Gong Yang Ju
悉 以 上 妙 諸 供 養 具
Er Wei Gong Yang Suo Wei Hua Yun
而 為 供 養。 所 謂: 華 雲、
Man Yun Tian Yin Yue Yun Tian San
鬘 雲、 天 音 樂 雲、 天 傘
Gai Yun Tian Yi Fu Yun Tian Zhong
蓋 雲、 天 衣 服 雲、 天 種
Zhong Xiang Tu Xiang Shao Xiang Mo Xiang
種 香、 塗 香、 燒 香、 末 香,
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 21

[...] the three time periods in all the Dharma realms

and the realm of empty space, there are Buddhas
as numerous as the minutest dust particles in all
worlds. Each Buddha is surrounded by an assembly
of various bodhi­sattvas in every direction. With the
power of the practices and vows of Samanta­bhadra,
I generate profound faith and understanding, and
know and see them all. To each I make offerings of
superb and wonderful gifts. That is to say, clouds
of flowers, clouds of garlands, clouds of heavenly
music, clouds of heavenly canopies, clouds of heav­
enly garments, various kinds of heavenly incense,
incense paste, burning incense, powdered incense,
22 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Ru Shi Deng Yun Yi Yi Liang Ru

如 是 等 雲, 一 一 量 如
Xu Mi Shan Wang Ran Zhong Zhong Deng
須 彌 山 王; 然 種 種 燈,
Su Deng You Deng Zhu Xiang You Deng
酥 燈、 油 燈、 諸 香 油 燈,
Yi Yi Deng Zhu Ru Xu Mi Shan
一 一 燈 炷 如 須 彌 山,
Yi Yi Deng You Ru Da Hai Shui
一 一 燈 油 如 大 海 水,
Yi Ru Shi Deng Zhu Gong Yang Ju
以 如 是 等 諸 供 養 具
Chang Wei Gong Yang Shan Nan Zi Zhu
常 為 供 養。 善 男 子! 諸
Gong Yang Zhong Fa Gong Yang Zui Suo
供 養 中, 法 供 養 最。 所
Wei Ru Shuo Xiu Xing Gong Yang Li
謂: 如 說 修 行 供 養、 利
Yi Zhong Sheng Gong Yang She Shou Zhong
益 眾 生 供 養、 攝 受 眾
Sheng Gong Yang Dai Zhong Sheng Ku Gong
生 供 養、 代 眾 生 苦 供
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 23

[...] and clouds of gifts such as these; the number

of clouds is as many as the size of Mount Sumeru,
the king of mountains. I burn various kinds of
lamps, ghee lamps, oil lamps, and lamps of many
fragrant oils. The wick of each lamp is as tall as
Mount Sumeru; the quantity of oil in each lamp is
equal in volume to the waters of the great sea. With
all manner of gifts such as these, I always make
“Good man, of all offerings, the offering of
Dharma is supreme. That is to say, the cultivation
of making offerings as expounded [by Samanta­
bhadra], the offering of benefiting sentient beings,
the offering which embraces sentient beings, the
offering of enduring suffering on behalf of sentient
beings, the offering of [...]
24 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Yang Qin Xiu Shan Gen Gong Yang Bu

養、 勤 修 善 根 供 養、 不
She Pu Sa Ye Gong Yang Bu Li
捨 菩 薩 業 供 養、 不 離
Pu Ti Xin Gong Yang Shan Nan Zi
菩 提 心 供 養。 善 男 子!
Ru Qian Gong Yang Wu Liang Gong De
如 前 供 養 無 量 功 德,
Bi Fa Gong Yang Yi Nian Gong De
比 法 供 養 一 念 功 德
Bai Fen Bu Ji Yi Qian Fen Bu
百 分 不 及 一, 千 分 不
Ji Yi Bai Qian Ju Zhi Na You
及 一, 百 千 俱 胝 那 由
Ta Fen Jia Luo Fen Suan Fen Shu
他 分、 迦 羅 分、 算 分、 數
Fen Yu Fen You Po Ni Sha Tuo
分、 諭 分、 優 婆 尼 沙 陀
Fen Yi Bu Ji Yi He Yi Gu
分 亦 不 及 一。 何 以 故?
Yi Zhu Ru Lai Zun Zhong Fa Gu
以 諸 如 來 尊 重 法 故,
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 25

[...] diligently cultivating one’s wholesome roots,

the offering of not forsaking the deeds of a bodhi­
sattva, and the offering of not abandoning the bodhi
mind. Good man, the immeasurable virtue created
from making the offerings above, when compared
with the virtue from a single thought of offering
Dharma, does not equal one part in a hundred, one
part in a thousand, one part in a hundred thou­
sand koti nayutas, one part in a kala, one part by
counting, one part by calculating, one part by com­
paring, or one part in an upanisad. None of them
measure up to a single part.

“Why is this? This is because all Tathagatas

respect the Dharma. Cultivating in accordance [...]
26 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Yi Ru Shuo Xiu Xin Chu Sheng Zhu

以 如 說 修 行 出 生 諸
Fo Gu Ruo Zhu Pu Sa Xing Fa
佛 故。 若 諸 菩 薩 行 法
Gong Yang Ze De Cheng Jiu Gong Yang
供 養, 則 得 成 就 供 養
Ru Lai Ru Shi Xiu Xing Shi Zhen
如 來, 如 是 修 行 是 真
Gong Yang Gu Ci Guang Da Zui Sheng
供 養 故。 此 廣 大 最 勝
Gong Yang Xu Kong Jie Jin Zhong Sheng
供 養 虛 空 界 盡、 眾 生
Jie Jin Zhong Sheng Ye Jin Zhong Sheng
界 盡、 眾 生 業 盡、 眾 生
Fan Nao Jin Wo Gong Nai Jin Er
煩 惱 盡, 我 供 乃 盡。 而
Xu Kong Jie Nai Zhi Fan Nao Bu
虛 空 界 乃 至 煩 惱 不
Ke Jin Gu Wo Ci Gong Yang Yi
可 盡 故, 我 此 供 養 亦
Wu You Jin Nian Nian Xiang Xu Wu
無 有 盡, 念 念 相 續, 無
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 27

[...] with the teachings gives birth to all Buddhas.

If all bodhi­sattvas practice the offering of Dharma,
they will accomplish making offerings to all Tatha­
gatas. Cultivating in this manner is a true offering;
a vast, great, and supreme offering. Only when the
realm of empty space ends, the realms of sentient
beings end, the karma of sentient beings ends, and
the afflictions of sentient beings end will my culti­
vation of making offerings end. Since the realm of
empty space, and even up to the afflictions of sen­
tient beings will not end, my cultivation of offer­
ings will not end. [...]
28 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

You Jian Duan Shen Yu Yi Ye Wu

有 間 斷, 身、 語、 意 業 無
You Pi Yan
有 疲 厭。
Fu Ci Shan Nan Zi Yan Chan Chu
「復 次, 善 男 子! 言 懺 除
Ye Zhang Zhe Pu Sa Zi Nian Wo
業 障 者: 菩 薩 自 念 我
Yu Guo Qu Wu Shi Jie Zhong You
於 過 去 無 始 劫 中, 由
Tan Chen Chi Fa Shen Kou Yi Zuo
貪、 瞋、 癡 發 身、 口、 意, 作
Zhu E Ye Wu Liang Wu Bian Ruo
諸 惡 業 無 量 無 邊。 若
Ci E Ye You Ti Xiang Zhe Jin
此 惡 業 有 體 相 者, 盡
Xu Kong Jie Bu Neng Rong Shou Wo
虛 空 界 不 能 容 受。 我
Jin Xi Yi Qing Jing San Ye Bian
今 悉 以 清 淨 三 業, 遍
Yu Fa Jie Ji Wei Chen Cha Yi
於 法 界 極 微 塵 剎 一
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 29

[...] It continues in thought after thought without

even an instant of ceasing. The actions of my body,
speech, and mind will never be tired of this.
“Furthermore, good man, to repent and reform
karmic obstacles is explained like this: The bodhi­
sattva reflects: From beginningless kalpas in the
past, I have created immeasurable and boundless
unwholesome karma with my body, speech, and
mind, due to greed, anger, and ignorance. If this
unwholesome karma had an essence and charac­
teristic, all of empty space could not contain it.
With these three completely pure actions, [...]
30 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Qie Zhu Fo Pu Sa Zhong Qian Cheng

切 諸 佛 菩 薩 眾 前, 誠
Xin Chan Hui Hou Bu Fu Zao Heng
心 懺 悔, 後 不 復 造, 恒
Zhu Jin Jie Yi Qie Gong De Ru
住 淨 戒 一 切 功 德。 如
Shi Xu Kong Jie Jin Zhong Sheng Jie
是 虛 空 界 盡、 眾 生 界
Jin Zhong Sheng Ye Jin Zhong Sheng Fan
盡、 眾 生 業 盡、 眾 生 煩
Nao Jin Wo Chan Nai Jin Er Xu
惱 盡, 我 懺 乃 盡。 而 虛
Kong Jie Nai Zhi Zhong Sheng Fan Nao
空 界 乃 至 眾 生 煩 惱
Bu Ke Jin Gu Wo Ci Chan Hui
不 可 盡 故, 我 此 懺 悔
Wu You Qiong Jin Nian Nian Xiang Xu
無 有 窮 盡, 念 念 相 續,
Wu You Jian Duan Shen Yu Yi Ye
無 有 間 斷, 身、 語、 意 業
Wu You Pi Yan
無 有 疲 厭。
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 31

[...] I now sincerely repent and reform before the

assemblies of all Buddha and bodhi­sattvas in the
Dharma realms as numerous as the minutest dust
particles, and vow never to create them again. I will
constantly abide in all of the virtue of the pure pre­
cepts. Thus, only when the realm of empty space
ends, the realms of sentient beings end, the karma
of sentient beings ends, and the afflictions of sen­
tient beings end will my repentance end. Since the
realm of empty space, and even up to the afflictions
of sentient beings will not end, so my repentance
and reform will not end. They continue in thought
after thought without even an instant of ceasing.
The actions of my body, speech, and mind will
never be tired of these.
32 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Fu Ci Shan Nan Zi Yan Sui Xi

「復 次, 善 男 子! 言 隨 喜
Gong De Zhe Suo You Jin Fa Jie
功 德 者: 所 有 盡 法 界、
Xu Kong Jie Shi Fang San Shi Yi
虛 空 界 十 方 三 世 一
Qie Fo Cha Ji Wei Chen Shu Zhu
切 佛 剎 極 微 塵 數 諸
Fo Ru Lai Cong Chu Fa Xin Wei
佛 如 來, 從 初 發 心 為
Yi Qie Zhi Qin Xiu Fu Ju Bu
一 切 智, 勤 修 福 聚, 不
Xi Shen Ming Jing Bu Ke Shuo Bu
惜 身 命, 經 不 可 說 不
Ke Shuo Fo Cha Ji Wei Chen Shu
可 說 佛 剎 極 微 塵 數
Jie Yi Yi Jie Zhong She Bu Ke
劫, 一 一 劫 中 捨 不 可
Shuo Bu Ke Shuo Fo Cha Ji Wei
說 不 可 說 佛 剎 極 微
Chen Shu Tou Mu Shou Zu Ru Shi
塵 數 頭、 目、 手、 足, 如 是
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 33

“Furthermore, good man, to rejoice in virtue is

explained like this: All the Buddhas, the Tathaga­
tas, as numerous as the minutest dust particles in
all the Buddha lands in the ten directions and the
three time periods in all the Dharma realms and
the realm of empty space, from the time they made
their initial vow to attain all wisdom, diligently
cultivated and accumulated merit without regard
for their bodies and lives. They did this through­
out kalpas as many as the minutest dust particles
in inexpressibly inexpressible numbers of Buddha

“During each kalpa they gave up their heads,

eyes, hands, and feet, as many as the minutest dust
particles in inexpressibly inexpressible [...]
34 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Yi Qie Nan Xing Ku Xing Yuan Man

一 切 難 行、 苦 行, 圓 滿
Zhong Zhong Bo Luo Mi Men Zheng Ru
種 種 波 羅 蜜 門, 證 入
Zhong Zhong Pu Sa Zhi Di Cheng Jiu
種 種 菩 薩 智 地, 成 就
Zhu Fo Wu Shang Pu Ti Ji Bo
諸 佛 無 上 菩 提 及 般
Nie Pan Fen Bu She Li Suo You
涅 槃, 分 布 舍 利, 所 有
Shan Gen Wo Jie Sui Xi Ji Bi
善 根, 我 皆 隨 喜。 及 彼
Shi Fang Yi Qie Shi Jie Liu Qu
十 方 一 切 世 界, 六 趣、
Si Sheng Yi Qie Zhong Lei Suo You
四 生 一 切 種 類 所 有
Gong De Nai Zhi Yi Chen Wo Jie
功 德, 乃 至 一 塵 我 皆
Sui Xi Shi Fang San Shi Yi Qie
隨 喜。 十 方 三 世 一 切
Sheng Wen Ji Pi Zhi Fo You Xue
聲 聞 及 辟 支 佛、 有 學、
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 35

[...] numbers of Buddha lands. In this way, they

cultivated all the difficult and ascetic practices
and completed the various methods of perfec­
tions. They realized and entered the various bodhi­
sattva stages of wisdom and attained the supreme
enlightenment and final nirvana of all Buddhas.
Their relics were divided and distributed. I com­
pletely rejoice in all of their wholesome roots.
“Furthermore, as for the virtue of all beings in
the six realms of existence and the four kinds of
birth in every world in the ten directions, I rejoice
in all of it, even if it is just one dust particle.
“As for the virtue of all the sravakas, pratyeka­
buddhas, those learning and beyond learning in
the ten directions and the three time periods, I
rejoice in all of it. [...]
36 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Wu Xue Suo You Gong De Wo Jie

無 學 所 有 功 德, 我 皆
Sui Xi Yi Qie Pu Sa Suo Xiu
隨 喜。 一 切 菩 薩 所 修
Wu Liang Nan Xing Ku Xing Zhi Qiu
無 量 難 行、 苦 行, 志 求
Wu Shang Zheng Deng Pu Ti Guang Da
無 上 正 等 菩 提 廣 大
Gong De Wo Jie Sui Xi Ru Shi
功 德, 我 皆 隨 喜。 如 是
Xu Kong Jie Jin Zhong Sheng Jie Jin
虛 空 界 盡、 眾 生 界 盡、
Zhong Sheng Ye Jin Zhong Sheng Fan Nao
眾 生 業 盡、 眾 生 煩 惱
Jin Wo Ci Sui Xi Wu You Qiong
盡, 我 此 隨 喜 無 有 窮
Jin Nian Nian Xiang Xu Wu You Jian
盡, 念 念 相 續, 無 有 間
Duan Shen Yu Yi Ye Wu You Pi
斷, 身、 語、 意 業 無 有 疲
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 37

[...] As for the vast and great virtue cultivated by

the bodhi­sattvas through immeasurable difficult
and ascetic practices in their quest for supreme,
perfect enlightenment, I rejoice in all of it. Thus,
even if the realm of empty space ends, the realms
of sentient beings end, the karma of sentient beings
ends, and the afflictions of sentient beings end, my
rejoicing is endless. It continues in thought after
thought without even an instant of ceasing. The
actions of my body, speech, and mind will never
be tired of this.
38 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Fu Ci Shan Nan Zi Yan Qing Zhuan

「復 次, 善 男 子! 言 請 轉
Fa Lun Zhe Suo You Jin Fa Jie
法 輪 者: 所 有 盡 法 界、
Xu Kong Jie Shi Fang San Shi Yi
虛 空 界 十 方 三 世 一
Qie Fo Cha Ji Wei Chen Zhong Yi
切 佛 剎 極 微 塵 中, 一
Yi Ge You Bu Ke Shuo Bu Ke
一 各 有 不 可 說 不 可
Shuo Fo Cha Ji Wei Chen Shu Guang
說 佛 剎 極 微 塵 數 廣
Da Fo Cha Yi Yi Cha Zhong Nian
大 佛 剎, 一 一 剎 中 念
Nian You Bu Ke Shuo Bu Ke Shuo
念 有 不 可 說 不 可 說
Fo Cha Ji Wei Chen Shu Yi Qie
佛 剎 極 微 塵 數 一 切
Zhu Fo Cheng Deng Zheng Jue Yi Qie
諸 佛 成 等 正 覺, 一 切
Pu Sa Hai Hui Wei Rao Er Wo
菩 薩 海 會 圍 遶, 而 我
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 39

“Furthermore, good man, to request the turning

of the Dharma wheel is explained like this: Within
each and every one of the minutest dust particles
in the Buddha lands in the ten directions and the
three time periods in all the Dharma realms and
the realm of empty space, there are vast and great
Buddha lands as numerous as the minutest dust
particles in inexpressibly inexpressible numbers
of Buddha lands. In each and every land, in every
thought, there are Buddhas as numerous as the
minutest dust particles in inexpressibly inexpress­
ible numbers of Buddha lands who are attaining
perfect enlightenment. [...]
40 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Xi Yi Shen Kou Yi Ye Zhong Zhong

悉 以 身、 口、 意 業 種 種
Fang Bian Yin Qin Quan Qing Zhuan Miao
方 便, 慇 懃 勸 請 轉 妙
Fa Lun Ru Shi Xu Kong Jie Jin
法 輪。 如 是 虛 空 界 盡、
Zhong Sheng Jie Jin Zhong Sheng Ye Jin
眾 生 界 盡、 眾 生 業 盡、
Zhong Sheng Fan Nao Jin Wo Chang Quan
眾 生 煩 惱 盡, 我 常 勸
Qing Yi Qie Zhu Fo Zhuan Zheng Fa
請 一 切 諸 佛 轉 正 法
Lun Wu You Qiong Jin Nian Nian Xiang
輪 無 有 窮 盡, 念 念 相
Xu Wu You Jian Duan Shen Yu Yi
續, 無 有 間 斷, 身、 語、 意
Ye Wu You Pi Yan
業 無 有 疲 厭。
Fu Ci Shan Nan Zi Yan Qing Fo
「復 次, 善 男 子! 言 請 佛
Zhu Shi Zhe Suo You Jin Fa Jie
住 世 者: 所 有 盡 法 界、
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 41

[...] There is an assembly of bodhi­

sattvas sur­
rounding each Buddha. Using various skillful
means through actions of body, speech, and mind,
I sincerely and diligently request that they turn
the wonderful Dharma wheel. Thus, even if the
realm of empty space ends, the realms of sentient
beings end, the karma of sentient beings ends, and
the afflictions of sentient beings end, my constant
request for all Buddhas to turn the right Dharma
wheel will not end. It continues in thought after
thought without even an instant of ceasing. The
actions of my body, speech, and mind will never
be tired of this.
“Furthermore, good man, requesting that the
Buddhas remain in the world is explained like this:
All Buddhas, the Tathagatas, [...]
42 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Xu Kong Jie Shi Fang San Shi Yi

虛 空 界 十 方 三 世 一
Qie Fo Cha Ji Wei Chen Shu Zhu
切 佛 剎 極 微 塵 數 諸
Fo Ru Lai Jiang Yu Shi Xian Bo
佛 如 來 將 欲 示 現 般
Nie Pan Zhe Ji Zhu Pu Sa Sheng
涅 槃 者, 及 諸 菩 薩、 聲
Wen Yuan Jue You Xue Wu Xue Nai
聞、 緣 覺、 有 學、 無 學, 乃
Zhi Yi Qie Zhu Shan Zhi Shi Wo
至 一 切 諸 善 知 識, 我
Xi Quan Qing Mo Ru Nie Pan Jing
悉 勸 請 莫 入 涅 槃, 經
Yu Yi Qie Fo Cha Ji Wei Chen
於 一 切 佛 剎 極 微 塵
Shu Jie Wei Yu Li Le Yi Qie
數 劫, 為 欲 利 樂 一 切
Zhong Sheng Ru Shi Xu Kong Jie Jin
眾 生。 如 是 虛 空 界 盡、
Zhong Sheng Jie Jin Zhong Sheng Ye Jin
眾 生 界 盡、 眾 生 業 盡、
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 43

[...] are as numerous as the minutest dust particles

in all Buddha lands in the ten directions and the
three time periods in all the Dharma realms and
the realm of empty space. When they are about to
enter final nirvana, along with all bodhi­sattvas, sra­
vakas, pratyekabuddas, those learning and beyond
learning, including all the good Dharma friends,
I request them all not to enter nirvana. I request
that they remain in the world for as many kalpas as
there are the minutest dust particles in all Buddha
lands, bringing benefit and happiness to all sen­
tient beings. Thus, even if the realm of empty space
ends, the realms of sentient beings end, the karma
of sentient beings ends, and the afflictions of sen­
tient beings end, still my request will not end. [...]
44 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Zhong Sheng Fan Nao Jin Wo Ci Quan

眾 生 煩 惱 盡, 我 此 勸
Qing Wu You Qiong Jin Nian Nian Xiang
請 無 有 窮 盡, 念 念 相
Xu Wu You Jian Duan Shen Yu Yi
續, 無 有 間 斷, 身、 語、 意
Ye Wu You Pi Yan
業 無 有 疲 厭。
Fu Ci Shan Nan Zi Yan Chang Sui
「復 次, 善 男 子! 言 常 隨
Fo Xue Zhe Ru Ci Suo Po Shi
佛 學 者: 如 此 娑 婆 世
Jie Pi Lu Zhe Na Ru Lai Cong
界 毘 盧 遮 那 如 來, 從
Chu Fa Xin Jing Jin Bu Tui Yi
初 發 心 精 進 不 退, 以
Bu Ke Shuo Bu Ke Shuo Shen Ming
不 可 說 不 可 說 身 命
Er Wei Bu Shi Bo Pi Wei Zhi
而 為 布 施; 剝 皮 為 紙,
Xi Gu Wei Bi Ci Xie Wei Mo
析 骨 為 筆, 刺 血 為 墨,
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 45

[...] It continues in thought after thought without

even an instant of ceasing. The actions of my body,
speech, and mind will never be tired of these.

“Furthermore, good man, to always study with

the Buddhas is explained like this: I will be like
Vairocana­Tathagata of this Saha world who, from
the time he first made his vow, was diligent and
never retreated. He offered up inexpressibly inex­
pressible numbers of bodies and lives. He peeled
off his skin to make paper, split his bones to fashion
pens, drew his blood to use as ink, [...]
46 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Shu Xie Jing Dian Ji Ru Xu Mi

書 寫 經 典, 積 如 須 彌,
Wei Zhong Fa Gu Bu Xi Shen Ming
為 重 法 故, 不 惜 身 命,
He Kuang Wang Wei Cheng Yi Ju Luo
何 況 王 位、 城 邑、 聚 落、
Gong Dian Yuan Lin Yi Qie Suo You
宮 殿、 園 林 一 切 所 有,
Ji Yu Zhong Zhong Nan Xing Ku Xing
及 餘 種 種 難 行、 苦 行,
Nai Zhi Shu Xia Cheng Da Pu Ti
乃 至 樹 下 成 大 菩 提,
Shi Zhong Zhong Shen Tong Qi Zhong Zhong
示 種 種 神 通, 起 種 種
Bian Hua Xian Zhong Zhong Fo Shen Chu
變 化, 現 種 種 佛 身, 處
Zhong Zhong Zhong Hui Huo Chu Yi Qie
種 種 眾 會, 或 處 一 切
Zhu Da Pu Sa Zhong Hui Dao Chang
諸 大 菩 薩 眾 會 道 場,
Huo Chu Sheng Wen Ji Pi Zhi Fo
或 處 聲 聞 及 辟 支 佛
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 47

[...] and used them to write sutras stacked as high

as Mount Sumeru. Because he valued the Dharma,
he did not spare his own body or life; how much
less did he covet a king’s throne, cities, towns,
palaces, gardens, groves, or any other possessions.
He exerted himself in the various kinds of difficult
and ascetic practices. He attained great en­lighten­
ment beneath a tree, manifested various kinds
of supernatural power, gave rise to various kinds
of transformations, manifested various kinds of
Buddha bodies, and abided in various assemblies.
48 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Zhong Hui Dao Chang Huo Chu Zhuan Lun

眾 會 道 場, 或 處 轉 輪
Sheng Wang Xiao Wang Juan Shu Zhong Hui
聖 王、 小 王 眷 屬 眾 會
Dao Chang Huo Chu Cha Li Ji Po
道 場, 或 處 剎 利 及 婆
Luo Men Zhang Zhe Ju Shi Zhong Hui
羅 門、 長 者、 居 士 眾 會
Dao Chang Nai Zhi Huo Chu Tian Long
道 場, 乃 至 或 處 天 龍
Ba Bu Ren Fei Ren Deng Zhong Hui
八 部、 人、 非 人 等 眾 會
Dao Chang Chu Yu Ru Shi Zhong Zhong
道 場。 處 於 如 是 種 種
Zhong Hui Yi Yuan Man Yin Ru Da
眾 會, 以 圓 滿 音, 如 大
Lei Zhen Sui Qi Le Yu Cheng Shu
雷 震, 隨 其 樂 欲, 成 熟
Zhong Sheng Nai Zhi Shi Xian Ru Yu
眾 生, 乃 至 示 現 入 於
Nie Pan Ru Shi Yi Qie Wo Jie
涅 槃。 如 是 一 切, 我 皆
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 49

“He abided in: the assemblies in all Dharma

places of all great bodhi­sattvas; the assemblies in
Dharma places of sravakas and pratyekabuddhas;
the assemblies in Dharma places of wheel-turning
monarchs; the assemblies in Dharma places of
lesser kings and retinues; the assemblies in Dharma
places of Ksatriyas, Brahmins, elders, and house­
holders; or even the assemblies in Dharma places
of the eight groups of heavenly beings, humans,
and non-humans. As he abided in various assem­
blies such as these, with a voice that was perfect like
a great thunder clap, he brought sentient beings
to attainment in accordance with their likes and
wishes up until the time he manifested entrance
into nirvana.
50 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Sui Xue Ru Jin Shi Zun Pi Lu

隨 學, 如 今 世 尊 毘 盧
Zhe Na Ru Shi Jin Fa Jie Xu
遮 那, 如 是 盡 法 界、 虛
Kong Jie Shi Fang San Shi Yi Qie
空 界 十 方 三 世 一 切
Fo Cha Suo You Chen Zhong Yi Qie
佛 剎, 所 有 塵 中 一 切
Ru Lai Jie Yi Ru Shi Yu Nian
如 來 皆 亦 如 是, 於 念
Nian Zhong Wo Jie Sui Xue Ru Shi
念 中, 我 皆 隨 學。 如 是
Xu Kong Jie Jin Zhong Sheng Jie Jin
虛 空 界 盡、 眾 生 界 盡、
Zhong Sheng Ye Jin Zhong Sheng Fan Nao
眾 生 業 盡、 眾 生 煩 惱
Jin Wo Ci Sui Xue Wu You Qiong
盡, 我 此 隨 學 無 有 窮
Jin Nian Nian Xiang Xu Wu You Jian
盡, 念 念 相 續, 無 有 間
Duan Shen Yu Yi Ye Wu You Pi
斷, 身、 語、 意 業 無 有 疲
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 51

“In all these ways I will learn from the Buddhas,

just as I am learning from the present World-
Honored One, Vairocana. I will learn from all the
Tathagatas that are as numerous as the dust in all
Buddha lands in the ten directions and the three
time periods in all the Dharma realms and the
realm of empty space. In thought after thought I
will learn from them all. Thus, even if the realm
of empty space ends, the realms of sentient beings
end, the karma of sentient beings ends, and the
afflictions of sentient beings end, still my study
with them will not end. It continues in thought after
thought without even an instant of ceasing. The
actions of my body, speech, and mind will never be
tired of this.
52 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Fu Ci Shan Nan Zi Yan Heng Shun

「復 次, 善 男 子! 言 恒 順
Zhong Sheng Zhe Wei Jin Fa Jie Xu
眾 生 者: 謂 盡 法 界、 虛
Kong Jie Shi Fang Cha Hai Suo You
空 界 十 方 剎 海, 所 有
Zhong Sheng Zhong Zhong Cha Bie Suo Wei
眾 生 種 種 差 別, 所 謂:
Luan Sheng Tai Sheng Shi Sheng Hua Sheng
卵 生、 胎 生、 濕 生、 化 生,
Huo You Yi Yu Di Shui Huo Feng
或 有 依 於 地、 水、 火、 風
Er Sheng Zhu Zhe Huo You Yi Kong
而 生 住 者, 或 有 依 空
Ji Zhu Hui Mu Er Sheng Zhu Zhe
及 諸 卉 木 而 生 住 者,
Zhong Zhong Sheng Lei Zhong Zhong Se Shen
種 種 生 類、 種 種 色 身、
Zhong Zhong Xing Zhuang Zhong Zhong Xiang Mao
種 種 形 狀、 種 種 相 貌、
Zhong Zhong Shou Liang Zhong Zhong Zu Lei
種 種 壽 量、 種 種 族 類、
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 53

“Furthermore, good man, to constantly

accord with sentient beings is explained like this:
In the lands and seas in the ten directions in all
the Dharma realms and the realm of empty space,
there are all sentient beings with various kinds of
differences. That is, beings are born of eggs, born of
wombs, born of moisture, and born of transforma­
tion. There are beings who live and rely on earth,
water, fire, and air for their existence. There are
beings dwelling in space, and those who are born
in and live in plants and trees. There are various
living beings with various bodies, shapes, appear­
ances, lifespans, clans, [...]
54 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Zhong Zhong Ming Hao Zhong Zhong Xin Xing

種 種 名 號、 種 種 心 性、
Zhong Zhong Zhi Jian Zhong Zhong Yu Le
種 種 知 見、 種 種 欲 樂、
Zhong Zhong Yi Xing Zhong Zhong Wei Yi
種 種 意 行、 種 種 威 儀、
Zhong Zhong Yi Fu Zhong Zhong Yin Shi
種 種 衣 服、 種 種 飲 食,
Chu Yu Zhong Zhong Cun Ying Ju Luo
處 於 種 種 村 營、 聚 落、
Cheng Yi Gong Dian Nai Zhi Yi Qie
城 邑、 宮 殿, 乃 至 一 切
Tian Long Ba Bu Ren Fei Ren Deng
天 龍 八 部、 人、 非 人 等,
Wu Zu Er Zu Si Zu Duo Zu
無 足、 二 足、 四 足、 多 足,
You Se Wu Se You Xiang Wu Xiang
有 色、 無 色, 有 想、 無 想、
Fei You Xiang Fei Wu Xiang Ru Shi
非 有 想、 非 無 想, 如 是
Deng Lei Wo Jie Yu Bi Sui Shun
等 類, 我 皆 於 彼 隨 順
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 55

[...] names, and natures, various kinds of knowl­

edge and views, various desires and pleasures,
various mental actions, and various kinds of
deportment, garments, and food. They dwell in
various villages, towns, cities, and palaces. Even
up to the eight groups of heavenly beings, humans,
and non-humans are the same. Also there are foot­
less beings, beings with two feet, four feet, numer­
ous feet, with form, without form, with thought,
without thought, not with thought, and not without
thought. I will accord with and care for all these
various kinds of beings, [...]
56 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Er Zhuan Zhong Zhong Cheng Shi Zhong Zhong

而 轉, 種 種 承 事, 種 種
Gong Yang Ru Jing Fu Mu Ru Feng
供 養, 如 敬 父 母, 如 奉
Shi Zhang Ji O Luo Han Nai Zhi
師 長, 及 阿 羅 漢 乃 至
Ru Lai Deng Wu You Yi Yu Zhu
如 來, 等 無 有 異。 於 諸
Bing Ku Wei Zuo Liang Yi Yu Shi
病 苦 為 作 良 醫, 於 失
Dao Zhe Shi Qi Zheng Lu Yu An
道 者 示 其 正 路, 於 闇
Ye Zhong Wei Zuo Guang Ming Yu Pin
夜 中 為 作 光 明, 於 貧
Qiong Zhe Ling De Fu Zang Pu Sa
窮 者 令 得 伏 藏, 菩 薩
Ru Shi Ping Deng Rao Yi Yi Qie
如 是 平 等 饒 益 一 切
Zhong Sheng He Yi Gu Pu Sa Ruo
眾 生。 何 以 故? 菩 薩 若
Neng Sui Shun Zhong Sheng Ze Wei Sui
能 隨 順 眾 生, 則 為 隨
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 57

[...] providing them with various kinds of ser­

vices and offerings. I will respect them the same
as my parents, honor them the same as teachers,
arhats, and even the Tathagatas. I will serve them
all equally without difference.
“I will be a good doctor for the suffering of sick­
ness. I will lead the lost to the right path. I will be
a bright light for those in the dark night, and moti­
vate the poor and destitute to uncover hidden trea­
sures. A bodhi­sattva equally benefits all sentient
beings in this manner. Why is this? If a bodhi­sattva
is able to accord with sentient beings, [...]
58 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Shun Gong Yang Zhu Fo Ruo Yu Zhong

順 供 養 諸 佛; 若 於 眾
Sheng Zun Zhong Cheng Shi Ze Wei Zun
生 尊 重 承 事, 則 為 尊
Zhong Cheng Shi Ru Lai Ruo Ling Zhong
重 承 事 如 來; 若 令 眾
Sheng Sheng Huan Xi Zhe Ze Ling Yi
生 生 歡 喜 者, 則 令 一
Qie Ru Lai Huan Xi He Yi Gu
切 如 來 歡 喜。 何 以 故?
Zhu Fo Ru Lai Yi Da Bei Xin
諸 佛 如 來 以 大 悲 心
Er Wei Ti Gu Yin Yu Zhong Sheng
而 為 體 故。 因 於 眾 生
Er Qi Da Bei Yin Yu Da Bei
而 起 大 悲, 因 於 大 悲
Sheng Pu Ti Xin Yin Pu Ti Xin
生 菩 提 心, 因 菩 提 心
Cheng Deng Zheng Jue Pi Ru Kuang Ye
成 等 正 覺。 譬 如 曠 野
Sha Qi Zhi Zhong You Da Shu Wang
沙 磧 之 中 有 大 樹 王,
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 59

[...] then that means he accords with and makes

offerings to all Buddhas. If he respects and serves
sentient beings, then that means he respects and
serves the Tathagatas. If he makes sentient beings
generate happiness, then he makes all Tathagatas
happy. Why is this? It is because all Buddhas, the
Tathagatas, take the great compassionate mind as
their essence. For the sake of sentient beings, they
bring forth great compassion. From great compas­
sion, the bodhi mind is generated; and because of
the bodhi mind, they attain perfect enlightenment.

“It is like a great king of trees growing in the

rocks and sand of a barren wilderness. [...]
60 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Ruo Gen De Shui Zhi Ye Hua Guo

若 根 得 水, 枝 葉、 華 果
Xi Jie Fan Mao Sheng Si Kuang Ye
悉 皆 繁 茂。 生 死 曠 野
Pu Ti Shu Wang Yi Fu Ru Shi
菩 提 樹 王, 亦 復 如 是。
Yi Qie Zhong Sheng Er Wei Shu Gen
一 切 眾 生 而 為 樹 根,
Zhu Fo Pu Sa Er Wei Hua Guo
諸 佛 菩 薩 而 為 華 果,
Yi Da Bei Shui Rao Yi Zhong Sheng
以 大 悲 水 饒 益 眾 生,
Ze Neng Cheng Jiu Zhu Fo Pu Sa
則 能 成 就 諸 佛 菩 薩
Zhi Hui Hua Guo He Yi Gu Ruo
智 慧 華 果。 何 以 故? 若
Zhu Pu Sa Yi Da Bei Shui Rao
諸 菩 薩 以 大 悲 水 饒
Yi Zhong Sheng Ze Neng Cheng Jiu O
益 眾 生, 則 能 成 就 阿
Nou Duo Luo San Miao San Pu Ti
耨 多 羅 三 藐 三 菩 提
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 61

[...] When the roots get water, the branches, leaves,

flowers, and fruits will all flourish. The bodhi, the
king of trees, growing in the wilderness of birth and
death is the same. All sentient beings are tree roots;
all Buddhas and bodhi­sattvas are its flowers and
fruits. By bene­fitting sentient beings with the water
of great compassion, one can attain the flowers and
fruits of the wisdom of the Buddhas and bodhi­
sattvas. Why is this? If all bodhi­sattvas benefit sen­
tient beings with the water of great compassion,
they can attain anuttara­-samyak-sambodhi. [...]
62 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Gu Shi Gu Pu Ti Shu Yu Zhong

故。 是 故 菩 提 屬 於 眾
Sheng Ruo Wu Zhong Sheng Yi Qie Pu
生, 若 無 眾 生, 一 切 菩
Sa Zhong Bu Neng Cheng Wu Shang Zheng
薩 終 不 能 成 無 上 正
Jue Shan Nan Zi Ru Yu Ci Yi
覺。 善 男 子! 汝 於 此 義
Ying Ru Shi Jie Yi Yu Zhong Sheng
應 如 是 解。 以 於 眾 生
Xin Ping Deng Gu Ze Neng Cheng Jiu
心 平 等 故, 則 能 成 就
Yuan Man Da Bei Yi Da Bei Xin
圓 滿 大 悲, 以 大 悲 心
Sui Zhong Sheng Gu Ze Neng Cheng Jiu
隨 眾 生 故, 則 能 成 就
Gong Yang Ru Lai Pu Sa Ru Shi
供 養 如 來。 菩 薩 如 是
Sui Shun Zhong Sheng Xu Kong Jie Jin
隨 順 眾 生, 虛 空 界 盡、
Zhong Sheng Jie Jin Zhong Sheng Ye Jin
眾 生 界 盡、 眾 生 業 盡、
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 63

[...] Therefore, bodhi belongs to sentient beings.

Without sentient beings, all bodhi­sattvas could not
attain supreme, perfect enlightenment.

“Good man, you should understand this teach­

ing in this way: When the mind is equal toward
sentient beings, one can attain full and perfect
great compassion. By using the mind of great com­
passion to accord with sentient beings, one is able
to achieve the making of offerings to the Tathaga­
tas. Bodhi­sattvas accord with sentient beings in
this way. Even if the realm of empty space ends, the
realms of sentient beings end, [...]
64 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Zhong Sheng Fan Nao Jin Wo Ci Sui

眾 生 煩 惱 盡, 我 此 隨
Shun Wu You Qiong Jin Nian Nian Xiang
順 無 有 窮 盡, 念 念 相
Xu Wu You Jian Duan Shen Yu Yi
續, 無 有 間 斷, 身、 語、 意
Ye Wu You Pi Yan
業 無 有 疲 厭。
Fu Ci Shan Nan Zi Yan Pu Jie
「復 次, 善 男 子! 言 普 皆
Hui Xiang Zhe Cong Chu Li Bai Nai
迴 向 者: 從 初 禮 拜 乃
Zhi Sui Shun Suo You Gong De Jie
至 隨 順, 所 有 功 德 皆
Xi Hui Xiang Jin Fa Jie Xu Kong
悉 迴 向 盡 法 界、 虛 空
Jie Yi Qie Zhong Sheng Yuan Ling Zhong
界 一 切 眾 生, 願 令 眾
Sheng Cheng De An Le Wu Zhu Bing
生 常 得 安 樂, 無 諸 病
Ku Yu Xing E Fa Jie Xi Bu
苦; 欲 行 惡 法 皆 悉 不
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 65

[...] the karma of sentient beings ends, and the

afflictions of sentient beings end, will I still accord
endlessly, continuously in thought after thought
without even an instant of ceasing. The actions of
my body, speech, and mind will never be tired of
“Furthermore, good man, to universally dedi­
cate all virtue is explained like this: All of the virtue,
from the first vow to pay homage and respect, until
the [ninth] vow to always accord, I universally
dedicate to all sentient beings in all the Dharma
realms and the realm of empty space. I vow that all
sentient beings will always be peaceful and happy,
without the suffering of sickness. I wish that those
who will commit unwholesome actions will not
succeed, [...]
66 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Cheng Suo Xiu Shan Ye Jie Su Cheng

成, 所 修 善 業 皆 速 成
Jiu Guan Bi Yi Qie Chu E Qu
就; 關 閉 一 切 諸 惡 趣
Men Kai Shi Ren Tian Nie Pan Zheng
門, 開 示 人 天 涅 槃 正
Lu Ruo Zhu Zhong Sheng Yin Qi Ji
路; 若 諸 眾 生 因 其 積
Ji Zhu E Ye Gu Suo Gan Yi
集 諸 惡 業 故, 所 感 一
Qie Ji Zhong Ku Guo Wo Jie Dai
切 極 重 苦 果 我 皆 代
Shou Ling Bi Zhong Sheng Xi De Jie
受; 令 彼 眾 生 悉 得 解
Tuo Jiu Jing Cheng Jiu Wu Shang Pu
脫 究 竟 成 就 無 上 菩
Ti Pu Sa Ru Shi Suo Xiu Hui
提。 菩 薩 如 是 所 修 迴
Xiang Xu Kong Jie Jin Zhong Sheng Jie
向, 虛 空 界 盡、 眾 生 界
Jin Zhong Sheng Ye Jin Zhong Sheng Fan
盡、 眾 生 業 盡、 眾 生 煩
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 67

[...] but will quickly accomplish their cultivation

of wholesome karma. I vow to close the doors to
the lower realms of existence, and open and show
the right path of nirvana for heavenly and human
beings. If sentient beings endure all the fruits of
severe suffering resulting from the accumulation
of their unwholesome karma, I will bear them on
their behalf. I will motivate all sentient beings to
attain liberation and ultimately attain supreme
enlightenment. Bodhi­sattvas cultivate dedication
in this way. Even if the realm of empty space ends,
the realms of sentient beings end, the karma of
sentient beings ends, and the afflictions of sentient
beings end, [...]
68 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Nao Jin Wo Ci Hui Xiang Wu You

惱 盡, 我 此 迴 向 無 有
Qiong Jin Nian Nian Xiang Xu Wu You
窮 盡, 念 念 相 續, 無 有
Jian Duan Shen Yu Yi Ye Wu You
間 斷, 身、 語、 意 業 無 有
Pi Yan Shan Nan Zi Shi Wei Pu
疲 厭。 善 男 子! 是 為 菩
Sa Mo He Sa Shi Zhong Da Yuan
薩 摩 訶 薩 十 種 大 願
Ju Zu Yuan Man Ruo Zhu Pu Sa
具 足 圓 滿。 若 諸 菩 薩
Yu Ci Da Yuan Sui Shun Qu Ru
於 此 大 願 隨 順 趣 入,
Ze Neng Cheng Shu Yi Qie Zhong Sheng
則 能 成 熟 一 切 眾 生,
Ze Neng Sui Shun O Nou Duo Luo
則 能 隨 順 阿 耨 多 羅
San Miao San Pu Ti Ze Neng Cheng
三 藐 三 菩 提, 則 能 成
Man Pu Xian Pu Sa Zhu Xing Yuan
滿 普 賢 菩 薩 諸 行 願
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 69

[...] I will still dedicate all virtue endlessly, con­

tinuously in thought after thought without even an
instant of ceasing. The actions of my body, speech,
and mind will never be tired of this.

“Good man, these are the complete and perfect

ten kinds of great vows of the bodhi­sattvas, maha­
satt­vas. If all bodhi­sattvas can follow and enter
these great vows, then they will be able to bring
all sentient beings to attainment. They then will
be able to accord with anuttara­-samyak-sambodhi
and complete Samanta­bhadra’s sea of practices and
vows. [...]
70 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Hai Shi Gu Shan Nan Zi Ru Yu

海。 是 故, 善 男 子! 汝 於
Ci Yi Ying Ru Shi Zhi Ruo You
此 義 應 如 是 知: 若 有
Shan Nan Zi Shan Nü Ren Yi Man
善 男 子、 善 女 人 以 滿
Shi Fang Wu Liang Wu Bian Bu Ke
十 方 無 量 無 邊、 不 可
Shuo Bu Ke Shuo Fo Cha Ji Wei
說 不 可 說 佛 剎 極 微
Chen Shu Yi Qie Shi Jie Shang Miao
塵 數 一 切 世 界 上 妙
Qi Bao Ji Zhu Ren Tian Zui Sheng
七 寶, 及 諸 人 天 最 勝
An Le Bu Shi Er Suo Yi Qie
安 樂, 布 施 爾 所 一 切
Shi Jie Suo You Zhong Sheng Gong Yang
世 界 所 有 眾 生, 供 養
Er Suo Yi Qie Shi Jie Zhu Fo
爾 所 一 切 世 界 諸 佛
Pu Sa Jing Er Suo Fo Cha Ji
菩 薩, 經 爾 所 佛 剎 極
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 71

[...] Therefore, good man, you should know this

teaching in this way. If a good man or a good woman
filled up worlds as numerous as the minutest dust
particles in immeasurable, boundless, inexpress­
ibly inexpressible numbers of Buddha lands in the
ten directions with the seven supreme, wonderful
treasures; gave all of the supreme peace and hap­
piness known to heavenly and human beings to
all sentient beings in all these worlds; and offered
such gifts to all Buddhas and bodhi­sattvas of these
worlds; then such a person will attain virtue [...]
72 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Wei Chen Shu Jie Xiang Xu Bu Duan

微 塵 數 劫 相 續 不 斷
Suo De Gong De Ruo Fu You Ren
所 得 功 德, 若 復 有 人
Wen Ci Yuan Wang Yi Jing Yu Er
聞 此 願 王 一 經 於 耳,
Suo You Gong De Bi Qian Gong De
所 有 功 德 比 前 功 德
Bai Fen Bu Ji Yi Qian Fen Bu
百 分 不 及 一, 千 分 不
Ji Yi Nai Zhi You Bo Ni Sha
及 一, 乃 至 優 波 尼 沙
Tuo Fen Yi Bu Ji Yi Huo Fu
陀 分 亦 不 及 一。 或 復
You Ren Yi Shen Xin Xin Yu Ci
有 人 以 深 信 心, 於 此
Da Yuan Shou Chi Du Song Nai Zhi
大 願 受 持 讀 誦, 乃 至
Shu Xie Yi Si Ju Ji Su Neng
書 寫 一 四 句 偈, 速 能
Chu Mie Wu Wu Jian Ye Suo You
除 滅 五 無 間 業, 所 有
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 73

[...] by doing so constantly without ceasing for

kalpas as numerous as the minutest dust particles
in those Buddha lands. But the virtue attained
from these offerings, when compared to the virtue
of a person who heard these kings of vows once,
does not equal one part in one hundred, one part
in one thousand, or even one part in an upanisad.

“Furthermore, with profound faith, if one

receives, upholds, reads, and recites these great
vows, or writes out just a single four-line verse,
one can quickly eradicate the five uninterrupted
karmas from the five great violations. [...]
74 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Shi Jian Shen Xin Deng Bing Zhong Zhong

世 間 身 心 等 病, 種 種
Ku Nao Nai Zhi Fo Cha Ji Wei
苦 惱, 乃 至 佛 剎 極 微
Chen Shu Yi Qie E Ye Jie De
塵 數 一 切 惡 業, 皆 得
Xiao Chu Yi Qie Mo Jun Ye Cha
銷 除; 一 切 魔 軍、 夜 叉、
Luo Cha Ruo Jiu Pan Tu Ruo Pi
羅 剎、 若 鳩 槃 荼、 若 毘
She She Ruo Bu Duo Deng Yin Xie
舍 闍、 若 部 多 等 飲 血
Dan Rou Zhu E Gui Shen Jie Xi
噉 肉 諸 惡 鬼 神, 皆 悉
Yuan Li Huo Shi Fa Xin Qin Jin
遠 離, 或 時 發 心 親 近
Shou Hu Shi Gu Ruo Ren Song Ci
守 護。 是 故 若 人 誦 此
Yuan Zhe Xing Yu Shi Jian Wu You
願 者, 行 於 世 間 無 有
Zhang Ai Ru Kong Zhong Yue Chu Yu
障 礙, 如 空 中 月 出 於
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 75

[...] All of the illnesses of the body and mind in

the world, the various kinds of suffering and afflic­
tion, and even all unwholesome karma as numer­
ous as the minutest dust particles in a Buddha land
will be eradicated. All the armies of mara, yaksas,
raksasas, and all the blood-drinking and flesh-
eating lesser deities such as kumbhandas, pisacas,
and bhutas, will depart far away; or at times they
will vow to stay near and protect. Therefore, if one
recites these vows, one will move freely through
the world without obstacles, like the moon appear­
ing through the clouds in the sky.
76 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Yun Yi Zhu Fo Pu Sa Zhi Suo

雲 翳, 諸 佛 菩 薩 之 所
Cheng Zan Yi Qie Ren Tian Jie Ying
稱 讚, 一 切 人 天 皆 應
Li Jing Yi Qie Zhong Sheng Xi Ying
禮 敬, 一 切 眾 生 悉 應
Gong Yang Ci Shan Nan Zi Shan De
供 養。 此 善 男 子 善 得
Ren Shen Yuan Man Pu Xian Suo You
人 身, 圓 滿 普 賢 所 有
Gong De Bu Jiu Dang Ru Pu Xian
功 德, 不 久 當 如 普 賢
Pu Sa Su De Cheng Jiu Wei Miao
菩 薩, 速 得 成 就 微 妙
Se Shen Ju San Shi Er Da Zhang
色 身, 具 三 十 二 大 丈
Fu Xiang Ruo Sheng Ren Tian Suo Zai
夫 相, 若 生 人 天, 所 在
Zhi Chu Chang Ju Sheng Zu Xi Neng
之 處 常 居 勝 族, 悉 能
Po Huai Yi Qie E Qu Xi Neng
破 壞 一 切 惡 趣, 悉 能
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 77

"One is praised by all the Buddhas and bodhi­

sattvas: all heavenly and human beings should all
pay respect to this person; and all sentient beings
should all make offerings to this person. This good
person will be reborn as a wholesome human, and
perfect all of the virtue of Samanta­bhadra. Before
long, one will be just like Samanta­bhadra Bodhi­
sattva himself, attaining a wonderful physical
body complete with the thirty-two marks of the
great man.1 If reborn among heavenly and human
beings, this person will always live in a superior
family. This person will be fully able to destroy all
the lower realms of existence, [...]

1. A Buddha, a great bodhi­s attva, or a wheel-turning monarch.

78 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Yuan Li Yi Qie E You Xi Neng

遠 離 一 切 惡 友, 悉 能
Zhi Fu Yi Qie Wai Dao Xi Neng
制 伏 一 切 外 道, 悉 能
Jie Tuo Yi Qie Fan Nao Ru Shi
解 脫 一 切 煩 惱, 如 師
Zi Wang Cui Fu Qun Shou Kan Shou
子 王 摧 伏 群 獸, 堪 受
Yi Qie Zhong Sheng Gong Yang You Fu
一 切 眾 生 供 養。 又 復,
Shi Ren Lin Ming Zhong Shi Zui Hou
是 人 臨 命 終 時, 最 後
Cha Na Yi Qie Zhu Gen Xi Jie
剎 那 一 切 諸 根 悉 皆
San Huai Yi Qie Qin Shu Xi Jie
散 壞, 一 切 親 屬 悉 皆
She Li Yi Qie Wei Shi Xi Jie
捨 離, 一 切 威 勢 悉 皆
Tui Shi Fu Xiang Da Chen Gong Cheng
退 失, 輔 相、 大 臣、 宮 城
Nei Wai Xiang Ma Che Cheng Zhen Bao
內 外, 象 馬 車 乘, 珍 寶
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 79

[...] depart far away from all unwholesome com­

panions, subdue all those who are outside of the
Way, and completely be free from all afflictions.
Just as the lion king subdues all beasts, this person
is worthy of receiving the offerings of all sentient
“Further, as one is dying, at the last moment
when all one's faculties scatter and decay; all the
relatives one has to give up and leave behind, and
all power and status are lost. One's prime ministers,
officials inside and outside the imperial capital, ele­
phants, horses, carts, precious jewels [...]
80 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Fu Cang Ru Shi Yi Qie Wu Fu

伏 藏, 如 是 一 切 無 復
Xiang Sui Wei Ci Yuan Wang Bu Xiang
相 隨, 唯 此 願 王 不 相
She Li Yu Yi Qie Shi Yin Dao
捨 離, 於 一 切 時 引 導
Qi Qian Yi Cha Na Zhong Ji De
其 前。 一 剎 那 中 即 得
Wang Sheng Ji Le Shi Jie Dao Yi
往 生 極 樂 世 界, 到 已
Ji Jian O Mi Tuo Fo Wen Shu
即 見 阿 彌 陀 佛、 文 殊
Shi Li Pu Sa Pu Xian Pu Sa
師 利 菩 薩、 普 賢 菩 薩、
Guan Zi Zai Pu Sa Mi Le Pu
觀 自 在 菩 薩、 彌 勒 菩
Sa Deng Ci Zhu Pu Sa Se Xiang
薩 等, 此 諸 菩 薩 色 相
Duan Yan Gong De Ju Zu Suo Gong
端 嚴, 功 德 具 足, 所 共
Wei Rao Qi Ren Zi Jian Sheng Lian
圍 遶。 其 人 自 見 生 蓮
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 81

[...] and hidden treasuries, all can no longer accom­

pany one. Only these kings of vows will not forsake
and leave one. At all times, they will guide one
forward, and in an instant one will be reborn in
the Land of Ultimate Bliss; and upon arrival one
will immediately see Amitabha Buddha, Manjusri
Bodhi­sattva, Samanta­bhadra Bodhi­sattva, Ava­
lokitesvara Bodhi­
sattva, Maitreya Boddhisattva,
and others. The appearances of these bodhi­sattvas
are dignified and adorned, and their virtue com­
plete. Together, they will surround one.
82 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Hua Zhong Meng Fo Shou Ji De Shou

華 中, 蒙 佛 授 記; 得 授
Ji Yi Jing Yu Wu Shu Bai Qian
記 已, 經 於 無 數 百 千
Wan Yi Na You Ta Jie Pu Yu
萬 億 那 由 他 劫, 普 於
Shi Fang Bu Ke Shuo Bu Ke Shuo
十 方 不 可 說 不 可 說
Shi Jie Yi Zhi Hui Li Sui Zhong
世 界, 以 智 慧 力 隨 眾
Sheng Xin Er Wei Li Yi Bu Jiu
生 心 而 為 利 益。 不 久
Dang Zuo Pu Ti Dao Chang Xiang Fu
當 坐 菩 提 道 場, 降 伏
Mo Jun Cheng Deng Zheng Jue Zhuan Miao
魔 軍, 成 等 正 覺, 轉 妙
Fa Lun Neng Ling Fo Cha Ji Wei
法 輪。 能 令 佛 剎 極 微
Chen Shu Shi Jie Zhong Sheng Fa Pu
塵 數 世 界 眾 生 發 菩
Ti Xin Sui Qi Gen Xin Jiao Hua
提 心, 隨 其 根 性, 教 化
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 83

“One will see oneself born from a lotus flower

and will receive a prediction from the Buddha.
After having received the Buddha’s prediction, one
will pass through countless hundreds of thousands
of millions of billions of nayutas of kalpas; and
with the power of wisdom, one will accord with
the minds of sentient beings in order to benefit
them everywhere throughout inexpressibly inex­
pressible numbers of worlds in the ten directions.
Before long, one will sit in a place of enlighten­
ment, subdue the armies of mara, attain perfect
enlightenment, and turn the wonderful Dharma
wheel. One will inspire sentient beings in worlds
as numerous as the minutest dust particles in a
Buddha land to generate the bodhi mind. In accord
with the nature of their faculties, [...]
84 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Cheng Shu Nai Zhi Jin Yu Wei Lai

成 熟, 乃 至 盡 於 未 來
Jie Hai Guang Neng Li Yi Yi Qie
劫 海, 廣 能 利 益 一 切
Zhong Sheng Shan Nan Zi Bi Zhu Zhong
眾 生。 善 男 子! 彼 諸 眾
Sheng Ruo Wen Ruo Xin Ci Da Yuan
生 若 聞、 若 信 此 大 願
Wang Shou Chi Du Song Guang Wei Ren
王, 受 持 讀 誦, 廣 為 人
Shuo Suo You Gong De Chu Fo Shi
說, 所 有 功 德, 除 佛 世
Zun Yu Wu Zhi Zhe Shi Gu Ru
尊 餘 無 知 者。 是 故 汝
Deng Wen Ci Yuan Wang Mo Sheng Yi
等 聞 此 願 王, 莫 生 疑
Nian Ying Dang Di Shou Shou Yi Neng
念, 應 當 諦 受, 受 已 能
Du Du Yi Neng Song Song Yi Neng
讀, 讀 已 能 誦, 誦 已 能
Chi Nai Zhi Shu Xie Guang Wei Ren
持, 乃 至 書 寫, 廣 為 人
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 85

[...] one will teach, transform, and bring them to

attainment; throughout a sea of future kalpas, one
will broadly benefit all sentient beings.
“Good man, the virtue attained by sentient
beings through hearing and believing in these
great kings of vows, through receiving, upholding,
reading, and reciting them, and through ex­ten­sively
expounding them to others, can be known only by
the Buddha, the World-Honored One, and by no
one else. Therefore, those of you who hear these
kings of vows should harbor no doubts. You should
reverently receive them. After receiving them, you
should be able to read them. After reading them,
you should be able to recite them; and after reciting
them, you should be able to uphold them, to the
extent that you can write them out and [...]
86 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Shuo Shi Zhu Ren Deng Yu Yi Nian

說。 是 諸 人 等 於 一 念
Zhong Suo You Xing Yuan Jie De Cheng
中, 所 有 行 願 皆 得 成
Jiu Suo Huo Fu Ju Wu Liang Wu
就, 所 獲 福 聚 無 量 無
Bian Neng Yu Fan Nao Da Ku Hai
邊。 能 於 煩 惱 大 苦 海
Zhong Ba Ji Zhong Sheng Ling Qi Chu
中 拔 濟 眾 生, 令 其 出
Li Jie De Wang Sheng O Mi Tuo
離, 皆 得 往 生 阿 彌 陀
Fo Ji Le Shi Jie
佛 極 樂 世 界。」
Er Shi Pu Xian Pu Sa Mo He
爾 時, 普 賢 菩 薩 摩 訶
Sa Yu Chong Xuan Ci Yi Pu Guan
薩 欲 重 宣 此 義, 普 觀
Shi Fang Er Shuo Ji Yan
十 方 而 說 偈 言:
Suo You Shi Fang Shi Jie Zhong
「所 有 十 方 世 界 中,  
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 87

[...] extensively expound them to other people.

Then in a single thought of each person, all the
practices and vows will be accomplished, and the
merit attained and accumulated will be immea­
surable and boundless. You will be able to rescue
sentient beings from the great sea of suffering of
affliction, causing them to escape and be reborn in
the Land of Ultimate Bliss of Amitabha Buddha.”

At that time, Samanta­

bhadra Bodhi­
Mahasattva, wishing to restate this teaching, con­
templated the ten directions universally, and spoke
verses, saying:
Within all the worlds in the ten directions,
88 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

San Shi Yi Qie Ren Shi Zi

三 世 一 切 人 師 子,
Wo Yi Qing Jing Shen Yu Yi
我 以 清 淨 身 語 意,
Yi Qie Bian Li Jin Wu Yu
一 切 遍 禮 盡 無 餘。
Pu Xian Xing Yuan Wei Shen Li
普 賢 行 願 威 神 力, 
Pu Xian Yi Qie Ru Lai Qian
普 現 一 切 如 來 前,
Yi Shen Fu Xian Cha Chen Shen
一 身 復 現 剎 塵 身, 
Yi Yi Bian Li Cha Chen Fo
一 一 遍 禮 剎 塵 佛。
Yu Yi Chen Zhong Chen Shu Fo
於 一 塵 中 塵 數 佛,  
Ge Chu Pu Sa Zhong Hui Zhong
各 處 菩 薩 眾 會 中,
Wu Jin Fa Jie Chen Yi Ran
無 盡 法 界 塵 亦 然, 
Shen Xin Zhu Fo Jie Chong Man
深 信 諸 佛 皆 充 滿。
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 89

To all the Lions among Humans of the three

time periods,
With pure body, speech, and mind
I venerate them all, entirely without exclusion.
Through the awe-inspiring power of the
practices and vows of Samanta­bhadra,
I universally manifest before all Tathagatas.
A single body in turn manifests as many bodies
as there is dust in the land,
Each and every one prostrating to Buddhas as
numerous as there is dust in the land.
In each dust particle there are Buddhas as
numerous as there are dust particles,
Each of them abides where assemblies of
bodhi­sattvas gather;
It is the same for the dust in the infinite Dharma
I profoundly believe that Buddhas fill them all.
90 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Ge Yi Yi Qie Yin Sheng Hai

各 以 一 切 音 聲 海,  
Pu Chu Wu Jin Miao Yan Ci
普 出 無 盡 妙 言 辭,
Jin Yu Wei Lai Yi Qie Jie
盡 於 未 來 一 切 劫,  
Zan Fo Shen Shen Gong De Hai
讚 佛 甚 深 功 德 海。
Yi Zhu Zui Sheng Miao Hua Man
以 諸 最 勝 妙 華 鬘,  
Ji Yue Tu Xiang Ji San Gai
妓 樂 塗 香 及 傘 蓋,
Ru Shi Zui Sheng Zhuang Yan Ju
如 是 最 勝 莊 嚴 具,  
Wo Yi Gong Yang Zhu Ru Lai
我 以 供 養 諸 如 來。
Zui Sheng Yi Fu Zui Sheng Xiang
最 勝 衣 服 最 勝 香,  
Mo Xiang Shao Xiang Yu Deng Zhu
末 香 燒 香 與 燈 燭,
Yi Yi Jie Ru Miao Gao Ju
一 一 皆 如 妙 高 聚,  
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 91

Each of them uses the sea of all sounds

To universally expound endless and wonderful
words and speech;
Throughout all future kalpas,
I praise the profound sea of virtue of the Buddhas.
With all of the most excellent and wonderful
flower garlands,
Music, incense paste, parasols, and canopies,
The most excellent and awe-inspiring adornments;
I make offerings to all Tathagatas.
With the most excellent garments and fragrances,
Incense powders, burning incense, lamps, and
Each as high as Mount Sumeru;
92 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Wo Xi Gong Yang Zhu Ru Lai

我 悉 供 養 諸 如 來。
Wo Yi Guang Da Sheng Jie Xin
我 以 廣 大 勝 解 心,  
Shen Xin Yi Qie San Shi Fo
深 信 一 切 三 世 佛,
Xi Yi Pu Xian Xing Yuan Li
悉 以 普 賢 行 願 力,  
Pu Bian Gong Yang Zhu Ru Lai
普 遍 供 養 諸 如 來。
Wo Xi Suo Zao Zhu E Ye
我 昔 所 造 諸 惡 業,  
Jie You Wu Shi Tan Chen Chi
皆 由 無 始 貪 瞋 癡,
Cong Shen Yu Yi Zhi Suo Sheng
從 身 語 意 之 所 生,  
Yi Qie Wo Jin Jie Chan Hui
一 切 我 今 皆 懺 悔。
Shi Fang Yi Qie Zhu Zhong Sheng
十 方 一 切 諸 眾 生,
Er Cheng You Xue Ji Wu Xue
二 乘 有 學 及 無 學,
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 93

I make offerings of them to all Tathagatas.

With a broad and supreme understanding mind,
I have profound faith in all Buddhas of the three
time periods.
With the power of the practices and vows of
I universally make offerings to all Tathagatas.
All the unwholesome karma I have created in
the past,
Generated from beginningless greed, anger,
and ignorance
By body, speech, and mind;
I now repent and reform.
All sentient beings of the ten directions,
The learning and beyond learning of the two
94 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Yi Qie Ru Lai Yu Pu Sa
一 切 如 來 與 菩 薩,  
Suo You Gong De Jie Sui Xi
所 有 功 德 皆 隨 喜。
Shi Fang Suo You Shi Jian Deng
十 方 所 有 世 間 燈,  
Zui Chu Cheng Jiu Pu Ti Zhe
最 初 成 就 菩 提 者,
Wo Jin Yi Qie Jie Quan Qing
我 今 一 切 皆 勸 請, 
Zhuan Yu Wu Shang Miao Fa Lun
轉 於 無 上 妙 法 輪。
Zhu Fo Ruo Yu Shi Nie Pan
諸 佛 若 欲 示 涅 槃,  
Wo Xi Zhi Cheng Er Quan Qing
我 悉 至 誠 而 勸 請,
Wei Yuan Jiu Zhu Cha Chen Jie
唯 願 久 住 剎 塵 劫,  
Li Le Yi Qie Zhu Zhong Sheng
利 樂 一 切 諸 眾 生。
Suo You Li Zan Gong Yang Fu
所 有 禮 讚 供 養 福,  
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 95

And all Tathagatas and bodhi­sattvas,

I rejoice in all their virtues.
To all of the Lamps of the World of the ten
The first ones who attained enlightenment,
I now exhort and request all
To turn the supreme, wonderful Dharma wheel.
If any Buddha wishes to enter nirvana,
I exhort and request with utmost sincerity,
Praying that they abide for kalpas as numerous
as dust particles in a land
To benefit and bring happiness to all sentient
With all the merit from paying homage,
praising, and making offerings,
96 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Qing Fo Zhu Shi Zhuan Fa Lun

請 佛 住 世 轉 法 輪,
Sui Xi Chan Hui Zhu Shan Gen
隨 喜 懺 悔 諸 善 根,  
Hui Xiang Zhong Sheng Ji Fo Dao
迴 向 眾 生 及 佛 道。
Wo Sui Yi Qie Ru Lai Xue
我 隨 一 切 如 來 學,  
Xiu Xi Pu Xian Yuan Man Xing
修 習 普 賢 圓 滿 行,
Gong Yang Guo Qu Zhu Ru Lai
供 養 過 去 諸 如 來,  
Ji Yu Xian Zai Shi Fang Fo
及 與 現 在 十 方 佛。
Wei Lai Yi Qie Tian Ren Shi
未 來 一 切 天 人 師,
Yi Qie Yi Le Jie Yuan Man
一 切 意 樂 皆 圓 滿,
Wo Yuan Pu Sui San Shi Xue
我 願 普 隨 三 世 學,  
Su De Cheng Jiu Da Pu Ti
速 得 成 就 大 菩 提。
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 97

I request the Buddhas to abide in the world and

turn the Dharma wheel;
All the wholesome roots from rejoicing and
I dedicate to sentient beings and Buddhahood.
I follow the teachings of all Tathagatas,
Cultivate the perfect practices of Samanta­bhadra,
Make offerings to all Tathagatas of the past
And Buddhas of the present in the ten directions.
All the future Teachers of Heavenly and Human
All their wishes and happiness are perfect and
I vow to universally study with them throughout
the three time periods
And quickly attain great enlightenment.
98 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Suo You Shi Fang Yi Qie Cha

所 有 十 方 一 切 剎,  
Guang Da Qing Jing Miao Zhuang Yan
廣 大 清 淨 妙 莊 嚴,
Zhong Hui Wei Rao Zhu Ru Lai
眾 會 圍 遶 諸 如 來,  
Xi Zai Pu Ti Shu Wang Xia
悉 在 菩 提 樹 王 下。
Shi Fang Suo You Zhu Zhong Sheng
十 方 所 有 諸 眾 生,  
Yuan Li You Huan Chang An Le
願 離 憂 患 常 安 樂,
Huo De Shen Shen Zheng Fa Li
獲 得 甚 深 正 法 利,  
Mie Chu Fan Nao Jin Wu Yu
滅 除 煩 惱 盡 無 餘。
Wo Wei Pu Ti Xiu Xing Shi
我 為 菩 提 修 行 時, 
Yi Qie Qu Zhong Cheng Su Ming
一 切 趣 中 成 宿 命,
Chang De Chu Jia Xiu Jing Jie
常 得 出 家 修 淨 戒,  
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 99

In all lands in the ten directions that

Are vast, great, pure, wonderful, and majestic,
The Tathagatas are surrounded by an assembly,
While sitting below the bodhi, the king of trees.
I wish that all sentient beings of the ten directions
Will be free of stress, and always peaceful and
Attain the benefit of the profound, right Dharma,
Completely eradicate all afflictions without
When I cultivate for the sake of enlightenment,
I will gain knowledge of past lives in all realms
of existence
And always be able to renounce household life
and cultivate pure precepts,
100 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Wu Gou Wu Po Wu Chuan Lou

無 垢 無 破 無 穿 漏。
Tian Long Ye Cha Jiu Pan Tu
天 龍 夜 叉 鳩 槃 荼,  
Nai Zhi Ren Yu Fei Ren Deng
乃 至 人 與 非 人 等,
Suo You Yi Qie Zhong Sheng Yu
所 有 一 切 眾 生 語,  
Xi Yi Zhu Yin Er Shuo Fa
悉 以 諸 音 而 說 法。
Qin Xiu Qing Jing Bo Luo Mi
勤 修 清 淨 波 羅 蜜,  
Heng Bu Wang Shi Pu Ti Xin
恒 不 忘 失 菩 提 心,
Mie Chu Zhang Gou Wu You Yu
滅 除 障 垢 無 有 餘,
Yi Qie Miao Xing Jie Cheng Jiu
一 切 妙 行 皆 成 就。
Yu Zhu Huo Ye Ji Mo Jing
於 諸 惑 業 及 魔 境,  
Shi Jian Dao Zhong De Jie Tuo
世 間 道 中 得 解 脫,
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 101

Without defilements, without violations, and

without outflows.
Be they heavenly beings, nagas, yaksas,
Or humans, non-humans, and the rest,
In the languages of all sentient beings,
I will expound the Dharma with their voices.
I will diligently cultivate the pure perfections,
And never forsake the bodhi mind.
I will eliminate all obstacles and defilements
without exception,
And accomplish all wonderful practices.
From all delusional acts and mara states,
I will attain liberation from the path of the world,
102 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

You Ru Lian Hua Bu Zhuo Shui

猶 如 蓮 華 不 著 水,  
Yi Ru Ri Yue Bu Zhu Kong
亦 如 日 月 不 住 空。
Xi Chu Yi Qie E Dao Ku
悉 除 一 切 惡 道 苦,  
Deng Yu Yi Qie Qun Sheng Le
等 與 一 切 群 生 樂,
Ru Shi Jing Yu Cha Chen Jie
如 是 經 於 剎 塵 劫,
Shi Fang Li Yi Heng Wu Jin
十 方 利 益 恒 無 盡。
Wo Chang Sui Shun Zhu Zhong Sheng
我 常 隨 順 諸 眾 生,  
Jin Yu Wei Lai Yi Qie Jie
盡 於 未 來 一 切 劫,
Heng Xiu Pu Xian Guang Da Xing
恒 修 普 賢 廣 大 行,  
Yuan Man Wu Shang Da Pu Ti
圓 滿 無 上 大 菩 提。
Suo You Yu Wo Tong Xing Zhe
所 有 與 我 同 行 者,  
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 103

Just as the lotus blossom does not touch the water

And the sun and moon do not abide in space.
Eliminating all sufferings of the lower realms of
And equally bringing joy to all beings,
I, for kalpas as numerous as dust particles in a
Will constantly benefit all beings of the ten
directions endlessly.
I will always accord with all sentient beings
Throughout all future kalpas, and
Constantly cultivate the expansive practices of
And perfect the supreme, great enlightenment.
For those who have the same practice
104 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Yu Yi Qie Chu Tong Ji Hui

於 一 切 處 同 集 會,
Shen Kou Yi Ye Jie Tong Deng
身 口 意 業 皆 同 等,
Yi Qie Xing Yuan Tong Xiu Xue
一 切 行 願 同 修 學。
Suo You Yi Wo Shan Zhi Shi
所 有 益 我 善 知 識,  
Wei Wo Xian Shi Pu Xian Xing
為 我 顯 示 普 賢 行,
Chang Yuan Yu Wo Tong Ji Hui
常 願 與 我 同 集 會,  
Yu Wo Chang Sheng Huan Xi Xin
於 我 常 生 歡 喜 心。
Yuan Chang Mian Jian Zhu Ru Lai
願 常 面 見 諸 如 來,
Ji Zhu Fo Zi Zhong Wei Rao
及 諸 佛 子 眾 圍 遶,
Yu Bi Jie Xing Guang Da Gong
於 彼 皆 興 廣 大 供,  
Jin Wei Lai Jie Wu Pi Yan
盡 未 來 劫 無 疲 厭。
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 105

And assemble together with me in all places,

May all our actions of body, speech, and mind
be equal,
And we cultivate and study all practices and
vows together.
All good Dharma friends who are beneficial to me
By demonstrating the practices of
Samanta­bhadra to me,
They always wish to assemble together with me
And always inspire me to generate a mind of joy.
I wish to always meet all Tathagatas
And the assemblies of disciples surrounding
the Buddhas.
I will initiate vast and great offerings to them
Tirelessly throughout all future kalpas.
106 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Yuan Chi Zhu Fo Wei Miao Fa

願 持 諸 佛 微 妙 法,  
Guang Xian Yi Qie Pu Ti Xing
光 顯 一 切 菩 提 行,
Jiu Jing Qing Jing Pu Xian Dao
究 竟 清 淨 普 賢 道,  
Jin Wei Lai Jie Chang Xiu Xi
盡 未 來 劫 常 修 習。
Wo Yu Yi Qie Zhu You Zhong
我 於 一 切 諸 有 中,  
Suo Xiu Fu Zhi Heng Wu Jin
所 修 福 智 恒 無 盡,
Ding Hui Fang Bian Ji Jie Tuo
定 慧 方 便 及 解 脫,  
Huo Zhu Wu Jin Gong De Zang
獲 諸 無 盡 功 德 藏。
Yi Chen Zhong You Chen Shu Cha
一 塵 中 有 塵 數 剎,
Yi Yi Cha You Nan Si Fo
一 一 剎 有 難 思 佛,
Yi Yi Fo Chu Zhong Hui Zhong
一 一 佛 處 眾 會 中,  
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 107

I will uphold the wonderful teachings of all

Brilliantly illuminate all the practices of bodhi,
Thoroughly practice the pure path of
Samanta­bhadra, and
Always cultivate and study throughout all
future kalpas.
Throughout all realms of existence,
The merit and wisdom I cultivated will never end.
Through meditative concentration, wisdom,
skillful means, and liberation,
I gain an endless treasure of virtue.
In one dust particle there are lands as numerous
as dust particles;
In each land there are inconceivable numbers
of Buddhas.
In each place where Buddhas abide with the
108 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Wo Jian Heng Yan Pu Ti Xing

我 見 恒 演 菩 提 行。
Pu Jin Shi Fang Zhu Cha Hai
普 盡 十 方 諸 剎 海,
Yi Yi Mao Duan San Shi Hai
一 一 毛 端 三 世 海,
Fo Hai Ji Yu Guo Tu Hai
佛 海 及 與 國 土 海,  
Wo Bian Xiu Xing Jing Jie Hai
我 遍 修 行 經 劫 海。
Yi Qie Ru Lai Yu Qing Jing
一 切 如 來 語 清 淨,
Yi Yan Ju Zhong Yin Sheng Hai
一 言 具 眾 音 聲 海,
Sui Zhu Zhong Sheng Yi Yue Yin
隨 諸 眾 生 意 樂 音,
Yi Yi Liu Fo Bian Cai Hai
一 一 流 佛 辯 才 海。
San Shi Yi Qie Zhu Ru Lai
三 世 一 切 諸 如 來,  
Yu Bi Wu Jin Yu Yan Hai
於 彼 無 盡 語 言 海,
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 109

I see them constantly expounding all the

practices of bodhi.
Everywhere throughout all seas of lands in the
ten directions,
On the tip of each hair there is a sea of three
time periods
As well as seas of Buddhas and seas of lands;
I cultivate in all of them throughout a sea of kalpas.
The speech of all Tathagatas is pure;
Each word contains a sea of voices
Following what sentient beings wish to hear;
Each flows with the sea of eloquence of Buddhas.
All Tathagatas of the three time periods
Through endless seas of speech,
110 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Heng Zhuan Li Qu Miao Fa Lun

恒 轉 理 趣 妙 法 輪,  
Wo Shen Zhi Li Pu Neng Ru
我 深 智 力 普 能 入。
Wo Neng Shen Ru Yu Wei Lai
我 能 深 入 於 未 來,  
Jin Yi Qie Jie Wei Yi Nian
盡 一 切 劫 為 一 念,
San Shi Suo You Yi Qie Jie
三 世 所 有 一 切 劫,
Wei Yi Nian Ji Wo Jie Ru
為 一 念 際 我 皆 入。
Wo Yu Yi Nian Jian San Shi
我 於 一 念 見 三 世,  
Suo You Yi Qie Ren Shi Zi
所 有 一 切 人 師 子,
Yi Chang Ru Fo Jing Jie Zhong
亦 常 入 佛 境 界 中,  
Ru Huan Jie Tuo Ji Wei Li
如 幻 解 脫 及 威 力。
Yu Yi Mao Duan Ji Wei Zhong
於 一 毛 端 極 微 中,  
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 111

Constantly turn the wonderful Dharma wheel

of truth;
I can universally enter by the power of
profound wisdom.
I can enter deeply into the future,
And all kalpas are in a single thought;
All kalpas of the three time periods,
I enter them in a single thought.
In a single thought I see all the Lions among
Humans Of the three time periods,
And always enter the state of the Buddha
With its illusion-like liberation and awe-inspiring
In the minuteness of the tip of a hair,
112 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Chu Xian San Shi Zhuang Yan Cha

出 現 三 世 莊 嚴 剎,
Shi Fang Chen Cha Zhu Mao Duan
十 方 塵 剎 諸 毛 端,  
Wo Jie Shen Ru Er Yan Jing
我 皆 深 入 而 嚴 淨。
Suo You Wei Lai Zhao Shi Deng
所 有 未 來 照 世 燈,  
Cheng Dao Zhuan Fa Wu Qun You
成 道 轉 法 悟 群 有,
Jiu Jing Fo Shi Shi Nie Pan
究 竟 佛 事 示 涅 槃,  
Wo Jie Wang Yi Er Qin Jin
我 皆 往 詣 而 親 近。
Su Ji Zhou Bian Shen Tong Li
速 疾 周 遍 神 通 力,  
Pu Men Bian Ru Da Cheng Li
普 門 遍 入 大 乘 力,
Zhi Xing Pu Xiu Gong De Li
智 行 普 修 功 德 力,  
Wei Shen Pu Fu Da Ci Li
威 神 普 覆 大 慈 力,
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 113

There manifest majestic lands of the three time

On the tip of every hair of the numerous lands
in the ten directions
I deeply enter, adorn, and purify them all.
All future Lamps that Light the World
Who attain Buddhahood, turn the Dharma
wheel, awaken sentient beings,
Perfect the Buddha’s work, and manifest entrance
into nirvana,
I visit to be near to learn from them all.
May I attain: Supernatural power that quickly
goes everywhere,
The Mahayana power that enters the Universal
The power of virtue that is universally cultivated
through wisdom and practice,
114 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Bian Jing Zhuang Yan Sheng Fu Li

遍 淨 莊 嚴 勝 福 力,  
Wu Zhuo Wu Yi Zhi Hui Li
無 著 無 依 智 慧 力,
Ding Hui Fang Bian Zhu Wei Li
定 慧 方 便 諸 威 力,  
Pu Neng Ji Ji Pu Ti Li
普 能 積 集 菩 提 力,
Qing Jing Yi Qie Shan Ye Li
清 淨 一 切 善 業 力,  
Cui Mie Yi Qie Fan Nao Li
摧 滅 一 切 煩 惱 力,
Xiang Fu Yi Qie Zhu Mo Li
降 伏 一 切 諸 魔 力,  
Yuan Man Pu Xian Zhu Xing Li
圓 滿 普 賢 諸 行 力。
Pu Neng Yan Jing Zhu Cha Hai
普 能 嚴 淨 諸 剎 海,  
Jie Tuo Yi Qie Zhong Sheng Hai
解 脫 一 切 眾 生 海,
Shan Neng Fen Bie Zhu Fa Hai
善 能 分 別 諸 法 海,  
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 115

The power of great loving-kindness that is covered

through awe-inspiring deportment
The power of merit that is universal, pure,
majestic, and surpassing,
The power of wisdom that does not attach or abide,
The power of meditative concentration, wisdom,
skillful means, and awe-inspiring deportment,
The power of bodhi that is universally
The power of wholesome karma that purifies all,
The power of eradicating all afflictions,
The power of subduing all maras, and
The power of perfecting all the practices of
May I be able to universally adorn and purify
all seas of lands
116 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Neng Shen Shen Ru Zhi Hui Hai

能 甚 深 入 智 慧 海,
Pu Neng Qing Jing Zhu Xing Hai
普 能 清 淨 諸 行 海,  
Yuan Man Yi Qie Zhu Yuan Hai
圓 滿 一 切 諸 願 海,
Qin Jin Gong Yang Zhu Fo Hai
親 近 供 養 諸 佛 海,  
Xiu Xing Wu Juan Jing Jie Hai
修 行 無 倦 經 劫 海。
San Shi Yi Qie Zhu Ru Lai
三 世 一 切 諸 如 來,  
Zui Sheng Pu Ti Zhu Xing Yuan
最 勝 菩 提 諸 行 願,
Wo Jie Gong Yang Yuan Man Xiu
我 皆 供 養 圓 滿 修,  
Yi Pu Xian Xing Wu Pu Ti
以 普 賢 行 悟 菩 提。
Yi Qie Ru Lai You Zhang Zi
一 切 如 來 有 長 子,  
Bi Ming Hao Yue Pu Xian Zun
彼 名 號 曰 普 賢 尊,
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 117

And liberate the sea of all sentient beings,

Be able to differentiate skillfully the sea of all
And enter deeply into the sea of wisdom.
May I be able to universally purify the sea of all
And perfect the seas of all vows,
Be able to be near to learn and make offerings
to the sea of all Buddhas
And cultivate tirelessly throughout a sea of kalpas.
To all Tathagatas of the three time periods,
With the supreme bodhi and all the practices
and vows,
I make offerings to them and perfect my
I attain bodhi through the practices of
118 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Wo Jin Hui Xiang Zhu Shan Gen

我 今 迴 向 諸 善 根,
Yuan Zhu Zhi Xing Xi Tong Bi
願 諸 智 行 悉 同 彼。
Yuan Shen Kou Yi Heng Qing Jing
願 身 口 意 恆 清 淨,
Zhu Xing Cha Tu Yi Fu Ran
諸 行 剎 土 亦 復 然,
Ru Shi Zhi Hui Hao Pu Xian
如 是 智 慧 號 普 賢, 
Yuan Wo Yu Bi Jie Tong Deng
願 我 與 彼 皆 同 等。
Wo Wei Bian Jing Pu Xian Xing
我 為 遍 淨 普 賢 行,
Wen Shu Shi Li Zhu Da Yuan
文 殊 師 利 諸 大 願,
Man Bi Shi Ye Jin Wu Yu
滿 彼 事 業 盡 無 餘,
Wei Lai Ji Jie Heng Wu Juan
未 來 際 劫 恒 無 倦。
Wo Suo Xiu Xing Wu You Liang
我 所 修 行 無 有 量,
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 119

All Tathagatas have a most senior disciple

Named Samanta­bhadra, the Honored One.
I now dedicate all wholesome roots:
May my wisdom and practices be identical to his,
My body, speech, and mind constantly be pure,
And all practices and Buddha lands be pure.
Wisdom such as this is named Samanta­bhadra.
May I be identical to him in every way,
Purify the practices of Samanta­bhadra
And the great vows of Manjusri everywhere,
And completely fulfill their deeds tirelessly
without exception
Throughout all future kalpas.
My cultivation and practices are without measure,
And I attain immeasurable virtue.
120 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Huo De Wu Liang Zhu Gong De

獲 得 無 量 諸 功 德,
An Zhu Wu Liang Zhu Xing Zhong
安 住 無 量 諸 行 中,
Liao Da Yi Qie Shen Tong Li
了 達 一 切 神 通 力。
Wen Shu Shi Li Yong Meng Zhi
文 殊 師 利 勇 猛 智,  
Pu Xian Hui Xing Yi Fu Ran
普 賢 慧 行 亦 復 然,
Wo Jin Hui Xiang Zhu Shan Gen
我 今 迴 向 諸 善 根,  
Sui Bi Yi Qie Chang Xiu Xue
隨 彼 一 切 常 修 學。
San Shi Zhu Fo Suo Cheng Tan
三 世 諸 佛 所 稱 歎,  
Ru Shi Zui Sheng Zhu Da Yuan
如 是 最 勝 諸 大 願,
Wo Jin Hui Xiang Zhu Shan Gen
我 今 迴 向 諸 善 根,  
Wei De Pu Xian Shu Sheng Xing
為 得 普 賢 殊 勝 行。
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 121

I abide peacefully in immeasurable practices,

And thoroughly understand all supernatural
As the wisdom of Manjusri is courageous and
The practices and knowledge of Samanta­bhadra
are the same.
I now dedicate all wholesome roots:
May I follow all of them and always cultivate
and study.
What all Buddhas of the three time periods
Are supreme, great vows such as these.
I now dedicate all wholesome roots
In order to attain the supreme practices of
122 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Yuan Wo Lin Yu Ming Zhong Shi

願 我 臨 欲 命 終 時,  
Jin Chu Yi Qie Zhu Zhang Ai
盡 除 一 切 諸 障 礙,
Mian Jian Bi Fo O Mi Tuo
面 見 彼 佛 阿 彌 陀,  
Ji De Wang Sheng An Le Cha
即 得 往 生 安 樂 剎。
Wo Ji Wang Sheng Bi Guo Yi
我 既 往 生 彼 國 已,  
Xian Qian Cheng Jiu Ci Da Yuan
現 前 成 就 此 大 願,
Yi Qie Yuan Man Jin Wu Yu
一 切 圓 滿 盡 無 餘,  
Li Le Yi Qie Zhong Sheng Jie
利 樂 一 切 眾 生 界。
Bi Fo Zhong Hui Xian Qing Jing
彼 佛 眾 會 咸 清 淨,  
Wo Shi Yu Sheng Lian Hua Sheng
我 時 於 勝 蓮 華 生,
Qin Du Ru Lai Wu Liang Guang
親 覩 如 來 無 量 光,  
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 123

When my life approaches its end,

May I eliminate all obstacles,
See Amitabha Buddha,
And immediately be reborn in the Land of
Ultimate Bliss.
Once I am reborn in that land,
I will accomplish all these vows at that moment
Perfectly without exception,
Bene­fitting and giving joy to all sentient beings.
The assembly of Amitabha is completely pure;
When I am reborn from an exquisite lotus,
I will witness in person Infinite Light Tathagata
124 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Xian Qian Shou Wo Pu Ti Ji

現 前 授 我 菩 提 記。
Meng Bi Ru Lai Shou Ji Yi
蒙 彼 如 來 授 記 已,  
Hua Shen Wu Shu Bai Ju Zhi
化 身 無 數 百 俱 胝,
Zhi Li Guang Da Bian Shi Fang
智 力 廣 大 遍 十 方,
Pu Li Yi Qie Zhong Sheng Qie
普 利 一 切 眾 生 界。
Nai Zhi Xu Kong Shi Jie Jin
乃 至 虛 空 世 界 盡, 
Zhong Sheng Ji Ye Fan Nao Jin
眾 生 及 業 煩 惱 盡,
Ru Shi Yi Qie Wu Jin Shi
如 是 一 切 無 盡 時,
Wo Yuan Jiu Jing Heng Wu Jin
我 願 究 竟 恒 無 盡。
Shi Fang Suo You Wu Bian Cha
十 方 所 有 無 邊 剎,
Zhuang Yan Zhong Bao Gong Ru Lai
莊 嚴 眾 寶 供 如 來,
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 125

As he appears before me to bestow a prediction

of attaining enlightenment.
After receiving this prediction from the
I will manifest countless hundreds of kotis of
With the power of wisdom that is vast, great,
and pervading the ten directions,
I will benefit all the realms of sentient beings
Even if the worlds and empty space end
And sentient beings, karma, and afflictions end.
Such as these will never end,
My ultimate vows will never end.
In all the boundless lands in the ten directions,
I offer awe-inspiring jewels to the Tathagatas
126 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Zui Sheng An Le Shi Tian Ren

最 勝 安 樂 施 天 人,  
Jing Yi Qie Cha Wei Chen Jie
經 一 切 剎 微 塵 劫。
Ruo Ren Yu Ci Sheng Yuan Wang
若 人 於 此 勝 願 王,  
Yi Jing Yu Er Neng Sheng Xin
一 經 於 耳 能 生 信,
Qiu Sheng Pu Ti Xin Ke Yang
求 勝 菩 提 心 渴 仰,  
Huo Sheng Gong De Guo Yu Bi
獲 勝 功 德 過 於 彼。
Ji Chang Yuan Li E Zhi Shi
即 常 遠 離 惡 知 識,  
Yong Li Yi Qie Zhu E Dao
永 離 一 切 諸 惡 道,
Su Jian Ru Lai Wu Liang Guang
速 見 如 來 無 量 光,  
Ju Ci Pu Xian Zui Sheng Yuan
具 此 普 賢 最 勝 願。
Ci Ren Shan De Sheng Shou Ming
此 人 善 得 勝 壽 命,  
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 127

And give the greatest peace and happiness to

heavenly and human beings
Through kalpas as numerous as the minutest
dust particles in all lands.
If one is able to give rise to faith in these supreme
kings of vows
Once they hear them,
And longingly seek the supreme bodhi mind,
Then the excellent virtue attained will surpass
Then one will always depart far away from
unwholesome Dharma friends,
Forever depart from all lower realms of existence,
Quickly see Infinite Light Tathagata,
And possess these supreme vows of
Such a person will have extraordinary longevity,
128 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Ci Ren Shan Lai Ren Zhong Sheng

此 人 善 來 人 中 生,
Ci Ren Bu Jiu Dang Cheng Jiu
此 人 不 久 當 成 就,  
Ru Bi Pu Xian Pu Sa Xing
如 彼 普 賢 菩 薩 行。
Wang Xi You Wu Zhi Hui Li
往 昔 由 無 智 慧 力,  
Suo Zao Ji E Wu Wu Jian
所 造 極 惡 五 無 間,
Song Ci Pu Xian Da Yuan Wang
誦 此 普 賢 大 願 王,
Yi Nian Su Ji Jie Xiao Mie
一 念 速 疾 皆 銷 滅。
Zu Xing Zhong Lei Ji Rong Se
族 姓 種 類 及 容 色,  
Xiang Hao Zhi Hui Xian Yuan Man
相 好 智 慧 咸 圓 滿,
Zhu Mo Wai Dao Bu Neng Cui
諸 魔 外 道 不 能 摧,  
Kan Wei San Jie Suo Ying Gong
堪 為 三 界 所 應 供。
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 129

Have wholesome rebirth in the human realm,

And before long, have attainment
Such as the practices of Samanta­bhadra.
Due to a lack of the power of wisdom in the past,
One committed the most wicked of the five
uninterrupted [transgressions];
By reciting the Great Kings of Vows of
In one thought all will be quickly eliminated.
One’s clan, race, and appearance,
And the marks of excellence and wisdom are
All maras and those outside of the Way are
unable to destroy one,
And one is worthy of receiving the offerings
from the three realms.
130 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Su Yi Pu Ti Da Shu Wang
速 詣 菩 提 大 樹 王,  
Zuo Yi Xiang Fu Zhu Mo Zhong
坐 已 降 伏 諸 魔 眾,
Cheng Deng Zheng Jue Zhuan Fa Lun
成 等 正 覺 轉 法 輪,  
Pu Li Yi Qie Zhu Han Shi
普 利 一 切 諸 含 識。
Ruo Ren Yu Ci Pu Xian Yuan
若 人 於 此 普 賢 願,  
Du Song Shou Chi Ji Yan Shuo
讀 誦 受 持 及 演 說,
Guo Bao Wei Fo Neng Zheng Zhi
果 報 唯 佛 能 證 知,  
Jue Ding Huo Sheng Pu Ti Dao
決 定 獲 勝 菩 提 道。
Ruo Ren Song Ci Pu Xian Yuan
若 人 誦 此 普 賢 願,  
Wo Shuo Shao Fen Zhi Shan Gen
我 說 少 分 之 善 根,
Yi Nian Yi Qie Xi Jie Yuan
一 念 一 切 悉 皆 圓,  
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 131

Quickly going to the bodhi, the king of trees,

Once seated, one subdues all maras,
Attains perfect enlightenment, turns the Dharma
And benefits all sentient beings.
If one can read, recite, receive, uphold, and
These vows of Samanta­bhadra,
Only the Buddhas can recognize the karmic effect,
Assuring that one can attain the supreme bodhi
If one recites these vows of Samanta­bhadra,
With just a small portion of one’s wholesome
All will be perfected in a single thought,
132 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Cheng Jiu Zhong Sheng Qing Jing Yuan

成 就 眾 生 清 淨 願。
Wo Ci Pu Xian Shu Sheng Xing
我 此 普 賢 殊 勝 行,  
Wu Bian Sheng Fu Jie Hui Xiang
無 邊 勝 福 皆 迴 向,
Pu Yuan Chen Ni Zhu Zhong Sheng
普 願 沈 溺 諸 眾 生,  
Su Wang Wu Liang Guang Fo Cha
速 往 無 量 光 佛 剎。」
Er Shi Pu Xian Pu Sa Mo He
爾 時, 普 賢 菩 薩 摩 訶
Sa Yu Ru Lai Qian Shuo Ci Pu
薩 於 如 來 前, 說 此 普
Xian Guang Da Yuan Wang Qing Jing Ji
賢 廣 大 願 王 清 淨 偈
Yi Shan Cai Tong Zi Yong Yue Wu
已, 善 財 童 子 踊 躍 無
Liang Yi Qie Pu Sa Jie Da Huan
量, 一 切 菩 薩 皆 大 歡
Xi Ru Lai Zan Yan Shan Zai Shan
喜。 如 來 讚 言:「善 哉! 善
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 133

And thus fulfill the pure vows of sentient beings.

With the supreme practices of Samanta­bhadra,
I now universally dedicate the boundless,
surpassing merit;
May the sinking and drowning sentient beings
Quickly go toward the Land of Infinite Light
At that time, Samanta­
bhadra Bodhi­
Maha­sattva, finished expounding the pure verses
of Samanta­bhadra, the great kings of vows, before
the Tathagata. Sudhana was filled with immeasur­
able joy and all bodhi­sattvas were extremely happy.
The Tathagata praised him, saying, “Wonderful,
134 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Er Shi Shi Zun Yu Zhu Sheng Zhe

爾 時, 世 尊 與 諸 聖 者
Pu Sa Mo He Sa Yan Shuo Ru
菩 薩 摩 訶 薩 演 說 如
Shi Bu Ke Si Yi Jie Tuo Jing
是 不 可 思 議 解 脫 境
Jie Sheng Fa Men Shi Wen Shu Shi
界 勝 法 門 時, 文 殊 師
Li Pu Sa Er Wei Shang Shou Zhu
利 菩 薩 而 為 上 首, 諸
Da Pu Sa Ji Suo Cheng Shu Liu
大 菩 薩 及 所 成 熟 六
Qian Bi Qiu Mi Le Pu Sa Er
千 比 丘; 彌 勒 菩 薩 而
Wei Shang Shou Xian Jie Yi Qie Zhu
為 上 首, 賢 劫 一 切 諸
Da Pu Sa Wu Gou Pu Xian Pu
大 菩 薩; 無 垢 普 賢 菩
Sa Er Wei Shang Shou Yi Sheng Bu
薩 而 為 上 首, 一 生 補
Chu Zhu Guan Ding Wei Zhu Da Pu
處 住 灌 頂 位 諸 大 菩
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 135

At that time, the World-Honored One

expounded this supreme Dharma method of
the inconceivable state of liberation to the noble
ones and bodhi­sattvas, mahasattvas. Present were
sattva, as the head of honor,
together with all the great bodhi­sattvas and the six
thousand bhiksus who had matured. Also present
were Maitreya­Bodhi­sattva, as the head of honor,
together with all the great bodhi­
sattvas of the
Bhadra Kalpa.
Present as well were the immaculate Samanta­
bhadra Bodhi­sattva, as the head of honor, with all
the great bodhi­sattvas who in one life would be
the next Buddhas and who were at the position
of being anointed by the Buddha as Buddhas, [...]
136 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Sa Ji Yu Shi Fang Zhong Zhong Shi

薩, 及 餘 十 方 種 種 世
Jie Pu Lai Ji Hui Yi Qie Cha
界 普 來 集 會 一 切 剎
Hai Ji Wei Chen Shu Zhu Pu Sa
海 極 微 塵 數 諸 菩 薩
Mo He Sa Zhong Da Zhi She Li
摩 訶 薩 眾; 大 智 舍 利
Fo Mo He Mu Jian Lian Deng Er
弗、 摩 訶 目 犍 連 等 而
Wei Shang Shou Zhu Da Sheng Wen Bing
為 上 首, 諸 大 聲 聞 并
Zhu Ren Tian Yi Qie Shi Zhu Tian
諸 人 天 一 切 世 主、 天、
Long Ye Cha Qian Ta Po O Xiu
龍、 夜 叉、 乾 闥 婆、 阿 脩
Luo Jia Lou Luo Jin Na Luo Mo
羅、 迦 樓 羅、 緊 那 羅、 摩
Hou Luo Qie Ren Fei Ren Deng Yi
睺 羅 伽、 人、 非 人 等 一
Qie Da Zhong Wen Fo Suo Shuo Jie
切 大 眾; 聞 佛 所 說, 皆
Da Huan Xi Xin Shou Feng Xing
大 歡 喜, 信 受 奉 行。
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 137

[...] gathered together with all the assemblies of

sattvas, mahasattvas, as numerous as the
minutest dust particles in all seas of lands, who
came from the remaining worlds in the ten direc­
Also present were the great wise Sariputra and
Mahamaudgalyayana, as the heads of honor, with
all the great sravakas, along with all the lords in
the worlds of humans and heavenly beings, as well
as heavenly beings, nagas, yaksas, gandharvas,
asuras, garudas, kimnaras, mahoragas, humans,
non-humans, and so forth. The entire great assem­
bly, upon hearing what the Buddha had said, were
all greatly happy; they believed, received, upheld,
and practiced it.
138 華嚴經普賢菩薩行願品

Hua Yan Jing
華 嚴 經
Pu Xian Pu Sa Xing Yuan Pin
普 賢 菩 薩 行 願 品
Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter 139

[Thus ends] the Flower Adornment Sutra's

Practices and Vows of
Samanta­bhadra Bodhi­sattva Chapter
140 七佛滅罪真言

Qi Fo Mie Zui Zhen Yan
七 佛 滅 罪 真 言

Li Po Li Po Di
離 婆 離 婆 帝
Qiu He Qiu He Di
求 訶 求 訶 帝
Tuo Luo Ni Di
陀 羅 尼 帝
Ni He La Di
尼 訶 囉 帝
Pi Li Ni Di
毗 黎 你 帝
Mo He Qie Di
摩 訶 伽 帝
Zhen Ling Qian Di
真 陵 乾 帝
Suo Po He
莎 婆 訶
The Seven Buddhas' Negative Karma Purification Mantra 141

[The following is the Seven Buddhas' Negative

Karma Purification Mantra, preserved in Sanskrit
through Chinese transliteration. Traditionally, mantras
are not translated. The mantra is recited at the end of
a sutra chanting section, followed by the triple refuge
and dedication of merit.]
142 普賢菩薩警眾偈

Pu Xian Pu Sa Jing Zhong Ji

普 賢 菩 薩 警 眾 偈

Shi Ri Yi Guo
是 日 已 過 ,
Ming Yi Sui Jian
命 亦 隨 減 ;
Ru Shao Shui Yu
如 少 水 魚 ,
Si Yo He Le
斯 有 何 樂 ?
Dang Qin Jing Jin
當 勤 精 進 ,
Ru Jiu Tou Ran
如 救 頭 燃 ;
Dan Nian Wu Chang
但 念 無 常 ,
Shen Wu Fang Yi
慎 勿 放 逸 。
Admonition of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva 143

Admonition of
Samanta­bhadra Bodhi­sattva

The day has passed,

Our lives thus shortened,
Like fish running short of water,
For what do we rejoice?
Strive on diligently and vigilantly,
As if putting out fire on the head.
Be mindful of impermanence,
And be cautious of laxity.

San Gui Yi
三 皈 依

Zi Gui Yi Fo Dang Yuan Zhong Sheng

自 皈 依 佛, 當 願 眾 生,
Ti Jie Da Dao Fa Wu Shang Xin
體 解 大 道, 發 無 上 心。

Zi Gui Yi Fa Dang Yuan Zhong Sheng
自 皈 依 法, 當 願 眾 生,
Shen Ru Jing Zang Zhi Hui Ru Hai
深 入 經 藏, 智 慧 如 海。

Zi Gui Yi Seng Dang Yuan Zhong Sheng

自 皈 依 僧, 當 願 眾 生,
Tong Li Da Zhong Yi Qie Wu Ai
統 理 大 眾, 一 切 無 礙。

Triple Refuge

I take refuge in the Buddha, wishing that all

sentient beings understand the Dharma and
make the supreme vow.

I take refuge in the Dharma, wishing that all

sentient beings study the sutras diligently and
obtain an ocean of wisdom.

I take refuge in the Sangha, wishing that all

sentient beings lead the masses in harmony
without obstruction.


Hui Xiang Ji
回 向 偈

Ci Bei Xi She Bian Fa Jie

慈 悲 喜 捨 遍 法 界,
Xi Fu Jie Yuan Li Ren Tian
惜 福 結 緣 利 人 天;
Chan Jing Jie Heng Ping Deng Ren
禪 淨 戒 行 平 等 忍,
Can Kui Gan En Da Yuan Xin
慚 愧 感 恩 大 願 心。

Dedication of Merit

May kindness, compassion, joy, and equanim­

ity pervade the Dharma realms;
May all people and heavenly beings benefit
from our blessings and friendship;
May our ethical practice of Chan, Pure Land,
and Precepts help us to realize equality and
May we undertake the great vows with humility
and gratitude.

Fo Guang Shan
International Translation Center

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