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Supply Chain Practice and Information Sharing

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Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365


Supply chain practice and information sharing

Honggeng Zhou a,1, W.C. Benton Jr.b,*
Department of Decision Sciences, Whittemore School of Business and Economics, University of New Hampshire,
15 College Road, Durham, NH 03824, United States
Department of Management Sciences, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University, 2100 Neil Avenue,
Columbus, OH 43210, United States

Available online 17 January 2007

Effective supply chain practice and information sharing enhances the current supply chain management environment. The
purpose of this study is to investigate the integration of information sharing and supply chain practice in supply chain management.
Data from 125 North American manufacturing firms were collected. The results show that (1) effective information sharing
significantly enhances effective supply chain practice; (2) supply chain dynamism has significant positive influence on effective
information sharing as well as effective supply chain practice. Supply chain dynamism has more influence on information sharing
than supply chain practice; (3) and effective supply chain practice becomes more important when the level of information sharing
increases. The findings show that both effective information sharing and effective supply chain practice are critical in achieving
good supply chain performance.
# 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Supply chain management; Information sharing; Supply chain practice

1. Introduction tion sharing focuses on information flow (Premkumar

and William, 1994).
During the past 10 years, supply chain management In this study, three categories of supply chain
and information technology management have attracted practice are considered: supply chain planning, just-in-
much attention from both practitioners and researchers. time (JIT) production, and delivery practice. A group of
As information technology evolves, firms tend to supply chain practice is regarded as effective supply
become more integrated. Therefore, integrating effec- chain practice if the selected best practices have been
tive supply chain practice with effective information implemented. Information sharing is another focus of
sharing becomes critical for improving supply chain this study. Information technology investment in
performance. Supply chain practice focuses on material Corporate America has increased significantly. It is
movement (Chopra and Meindl, 2001), while informa- estimated that the US information technology (IT)
spending will reach $497 by 2008 (http://www.itfacts.-
biz). Information technology has had an impressive
impact on supply chain practice. This study focuses on
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: honggeng.zhou@unh.edu (H. Zhou),
three aspects of information sharing: information
benton.1@osu.edu (W.C. Benton Jr.). sharing support technology, information content, and
Tel.: +1 603 862 0869. information quality.

0272-6963/$ see front matter # 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365 1349

Effective supply chain practice and effective 2.1.1. Supply chain planning
information sharing are two sources of supply chain Supply chain planning practices are used to process
improvement. While some companies emphasize information from suppliers, customers, and internal
improving supply chain practice, others emphasize operations. Supply chain planning is driven by two
leveraging the information sharing among supply chain objectives: (1) make a good forecast of future demand,
partners. Since these two major approaches are not and (2) coordinate various functions within a firm and
independent, firms must work on both supply chain its suppliers and customers. The importance of supply
practice and information sharing simultaneously. As an chain demand forecast has been well documented (Lee
example, Toyota, a world class in supply chain practice, et al., 1997; Aviv, 2001). The impact of supply chain
began to implement SAP in late 1990s. The purpose of forecast on delivery performance has also been well
this study is to investigate (1) the relationship between researched (Cook and Rogowski, 1996; Krajewski and
information sharing and supply chain practice, (2) the Wei, 2001). Inter-functional coordination within a firm
influence of supply chain dynamism on information is important because the alignment among the functions
sharing and supply chain practice, and (3) the impact of is necessary to achieve a firms goal (Hodge et al., 1996;
information sharing and supply chain practice on Womack et al., 1990). Several researchers have shown
delivery performance. the value of the inter-firm cooperation and sharing
In the next section, we review the literature on information among supply chain partners (Hill, 1994;
supply chain practice, information sharing, supply Mentzer, 2001; Gavirneni et al., 1999; Lee et al., 2000).
chain dynamism, and delivery performance. In Section This study measures the effectiveness of supply chain
3, the relationships among these variables are planning from the extent to which effective supply chain
examined and the research hypotheses are presented. demand forecast and coordination practices are
In Section 4, the research methodology and measure- implemented.
ment scale development are presented. In Section 5,
the model and the results of testing the relationship 2.1.2. JIT production
among supply chain dynamism, supply chain practice, JIT production includes five practices: pull system,
and information sharing are given. The model and the cycle time reduction, cellular manufacturing, agile
results of testing the relationship among supply chain manufacturing strategy, and bottleneck removal (Flynn
practice, information sharing, and delivery perfor- et al., 1995; Powell, 1995; MacDuffie et al., 1996). In a
mance are in Section 6. Section 7 provides the pull system, production is driven by customer demand.
managerial implications. Finally, Section 8 concludes The objective is to meet the customers demand in a
the study. precise and timely manner. Reductions in cycle time
allow for running smaller batches, which in turn
2. Literature review improves the quality and timeliness of feedback.
Cellular manufacturing identifies similar products or
In this section, we review the literature on supply similar processes and groups them together. It can
chain practice, information sharing, supply chain reduce throughout time. An agile manufacturing
dynamism, and delivery performance. The literature strategy allows production systems to cope with rapid
review provides the theoretical foundation for this demand changes, which enhances effective supply
research. The literature taxonomy is provided in chain management. Bottleneck removal balances
Table 1. resources and maximizes output of production. Overall,
JIT production practices improve the responsiveness
2.1. Supply chain practice and efficiency of supply chains.

In this study, we consider three categories of supply 2.1.3. Delivery practice

chain practice (supply chain planning, JIT production, The extant literature and anecdotal evidence have
and delivery practice), because they have been shown to shown that effective delivery practices have had
be closely related to delivery performance (Schroeder significant impact on supply chain performance (Supply
and Flynn, 2001; Supply Chain Council, 2002). Since Chain Council, 2000). Delivery is clearly a competitive
other categories of supply chain practice such as weapon for Dell Computers. Ford recently partnered
sourcing and product return are not expected to have with the UPS logistics group to develop and implement
significant influence on delivery performance, they are an Internet-based delivery process (Gurin, 2000). Wal-
not considered in this study. Mart uses the cross docking technique, in which its
1350 H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365

Table 1
Literature review taxonomy
Authors Supply chain practice Information sharing Supply chain Delivery
dynamism performance
Plan JIT Delivery Information Information Information
production practice sharing support content quality
Aviv (2001)
Boyer et al. (1997)
Boyer and Pagell (2000)
* *
Chopra and Meindl (2001)
Cook and Rogowski (1996)
Dess and Davis (1984)
Fine (1998)
Fisher (1997)
Flynn et al. (1995)
Gavirneni et al. (1999)
Gurin (2000)
Handfield and Nichols (1999)
Hill (1994)
Hodge et al. (1996)
Lee et al. (1997)
Lee et al. (2000)
Liker and Yu (2000)
Krajewski and Wei (2001)
MacDuffie et al. (1996)
Mendelson and Pillai (1998)
Mentzer (2001)
* *
McCormack (1998)
McGowan (1998)
Miller and Friesen (1983)
Neumann and Segev (1979)
Petersen (1999)
Powell (1995)
Ramdas and Spekman (2000)
Schroeder and Flynn (2001)
Seddon (1997)
Stalk et al. (1992)
* * *
Supply Chain Council (2000)
Sum et al. (1995)
Vijayasarathy and Robey (1997)
Womack et al. (1990)
means the particular topic was discussed in the particular article. For example, the first asterisk means supply chain planning was discussed in
Aviv (2001).

warehouse serves as a switching station rather than a and software needed to support information sharing.
stocking place (Stalk et al., 1992). Given the importance Information content refers to the information shared
of delivery practice, a formal measurement scale has yet between manufacturers and customers. Information
to be developed. Thus one contribution of this study is quality measures the quality of information shared
the development, validation, and testing of a reliable between manufacturers and customers. In sum, the three
measurement scale for delivery practice. aspects of information sharing measure the technologies
used to support information sharing, the scope of
2.2. Information sharing information shared, and the quality of information
shared, respectively.
This study considers three aspects of information
sharing: information sharing support technology, 2.2.1. Information quality
information content, and information quality. Informa- Information quality measures the degree to which the
tion sharing support technology includes the hardware information exchanged between organizations meets
H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365 1351

the needs of the organizations (Petersen, 1999). A 2.2.3. Information sharing support technology
number of researchers have identified several important Since this research focuses on manufacturing envir-
characteristics of information quality (Neumann and onments, information sharing support technology
Segev, 1979; Mendelson and Pillai, 1998). Neumann focuses on advanced manufacturing technology and
and Segev (1979) studied four information character- emerging supply chain management IT applications.
istics: content, accuracy, recency, and frequency. Besides advanced manufacturing technology (Boyer
McCormack (1998) measured information by accuracy, et al., 1997; Boyer and Pagell, 2000), many supply chain
frequency, credibility, and availability of forecast. management (SCM) IT applications have emerged and
Petersen (1999) measured information quality by become widely adopted in supply chain management in
currency, accuracy, and completeness. Vijayasarathy recent years. The SCM ITapplications can be categorized
and Robey (1997) measured information intensity and into three categories based on the length of the planning
quality. Information quality is an important determinant periods (Supply Chain Council, 2002). The first category
of the usefulness of an information system. Sum et al. is supply chain execution, which focuses on short term
(1995) found that data accuracy is critical in affecting daily activities such as warehouse management, trans-
operating efficiency and customer service. McGowan portation management, and collaborative manufacturing.
(1998) argued that the information system is perceived The second category is supply chain planning, which
useful when the information is high quality, readily focuses on medium to long term activities. The third
accessible, accurate and relevant. In this study, there are category is supply chain execution management, which
nine aspects of information quality: accuracy; avail- bridges the first two categories as a supporting tool.
ability; timeliness; internal connectivity; external
connectivity; completeness; relevance; accessibility; 2.3. Supply chain dynamism
and frequently updated information.
The business environmental dynamism is defined as
2.2.2. Information content the unpredictable changes in products, technologies,
Many managers mistakenly concentrate their infor- and demand for products in the market (Miller and
mation sharing on only the hardware and software, Friesen, 1983; Dess and Davis, 1984). Fine (1998)
ignoring the decision-making in the information sharing measured three environmental clock speeds: product
process (Davenport, 1994). Schroeder and Flynn (2001) clock speed, process clock speed, and organization
suggested that what makes the performance difference clock speed. All three clock speeds measure the pace of
is how information is used. For example, high the changes in business environment and are shown to
performing firms had a higher percentage of informa- have a significant impact on operations. Fisher (1997)
tion exchanged via EDI with customers and suppliers. suggested that supply chains facing different environ-
Their results demonstrated that information technology mental dynamism (e.g. volatile demand versus stable
investment alone is not enough. Only when manage- demand) should use different supply chain practices. In
ment teams both emphasize technology investment and this study, supply chain dynamism measures the pace of
choose the appropriate information to share, can a firm changes in both products and processes.
achieve effective firm performance.
Information content can be classified as supplier 2.4. Delivery performance
information, manufacturer information, customer infor-
mation, distribution information, and retailer informa- Delivery performance is a key performance mea-
tion (Handfield and Nichols, 1999; Chopra and Meindl, surement criterion in supply chain management.
2001). This study measures two information flows: the McCormack (1998) measured delivery performance
information that manufacturers share with their versus committed date and delivery performance versus
customers (manufacturer information), and the infor- quoted order lead-time. Ramdas and Spekman (2000)
mation that customers share with their manufacturers measured order fulfillment. The Performance Measure-
(customer information). Since the two information ment Group benchmarks supply chain performance
flows are completely different, two latent variables will along three dimensions, which are delivery perfor-
be used to measure the two information flows. As a mance to request, order fulfillment lead-time, and order
result, information sharing in this study has four latent fill rate. The Supply Chain Council uses on-time-
variables: information sharing support technology, delivery-to-schedule as one of its supply chain
customer information, manufacturer information, and performance measures. Liker and Yu (2000) used the
information quality. percentage of late deliveries as a performance measure.
1352 H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365

In this study, the delivery performance includes on-time emerging manufacturing technologies have an influence
delivery, perfect order fulfillment rate, and delivery on supply chain activities and supply chain structures. It
reliability/dependability. is also found that those web-based emerging manu-
facturing technologies make information transmission
3. Conceptual model and hypotheses among the supply chain partners much easier. Spring
and Sweeting (2002) synthesized a number of existing
As can be seen from the literature review and the and emerging themes in supply chain management,
taxonomy given in Table 1, there have been no scholarly information and customer relationships. They showed
research attempts that link supply chain practice and that the use of enterprise resource planning software
information sharing. The research herein will test the profoundly changes the supply chain partner relation-
linkages among supply chain dynamism, information ships. Two anecdotal examples of information sharing
sharing, supply chain practice, and delivery perfor- and supply chain practice are shown below.
mance. We use a structural equation model (as shown in
Fig. 1) to test the influence of supply chain dynamism 3.1.1. Dell
on information sharing and supply chain practice Dell is a good example of using information sharing to
followed by a regression model to test the impact of improve its supply chain practices. Dell receives
information sharing and supply chain practice on customer order information directly from its website.
delivery performance. At the same time component availability information is
shared with its customers. As an example, the component
3.1. Supply chain practice and information sharing feature price is lower for components with high inventory
levels. The Dell web site also allows customers to
Effective information sharing between supply chain customize their orders. The interaction between Dell and
partners enhances most supply chain initiatives, its customers makes the pull production system more
including vendor managed inventory, continuous effective and enables the supply chain planning. Dell also
replenishment program, collaborative forecasting and shares information with its suppliers. Once it receives the
replenishment, and efficient customer response (Chen order information, it transmits the information directly to
and Chen, 1997; Lummus and Vokurka, 1999; Chen, appropriate suppliers. Suppliers also have backlog
2002; Lee and Whang, 2000). Shaw (2000) found that and inventory information. Sharing information with

Fig. 1. Supply chain practice, information sharing, and supply chain dynamism (conceptual model).
H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365 1353

suppliers (especially long lead time suppliers) improve influence of one aspect of information sharing on one
the supply chain planning capability. Specifically, Sonys particular group of supply chain practice (Schroeder
logistics information system is linked directly to Dells and Flynn, 2001; Chen, 2002). This study fills the
information system. In some instances, Sony ships its research gap by considering various groups of supply
monitors directly to the Dells customers. Finally, Dell chain practice and various aspects of information
outsources its warranty and repair service systems. When sharing simultaneously. Please see the literature
Dell receives service request, it forwards the request taxonomy in Table 1.
directly to its service and parts providers. This informa- Based on the previous research studies (Lee and
tion sharing feature improves customer service and Whang, 2000; Schroeder and Flynn, 2001; Chen, 2002)
makes the supply chain more responsive. Overall, Dells and anecdotal evidence (Brunn and Mefford, 2004;
information system interacts with its customers and Supply Chain Council, 2002), the following hypothesis
suppliers to improve its supply chain planning, JIT is developed:
production, and delivery practices.
Hypothesis 1. Effective information sharing enhances
effective supply chain practice.
3.1.2. Cisco
Cisco also uses information sharing to enhance 3.2. Influence of supply chain dynamism on supply
supply chain practices. Cisco outsources more than 50% chain practice and information sharing
of its production capacity. This virtual manufacturing
model is driven by information sharing. Ciscos Information processing theory supports the influ-
manufacturing model allows it to focus on its core ence of supply chain dynamism on information sharing
competencies and innovation. Information sharing and supply chain practice (Galbraith, 1973; Tushman
drives the Ciscos supply chain practices in the and Nadler, 1978; Daft and Lengel, 1986; Forster,
following ways: 2000). As supply chain dynamism increases, informa-
tion processing capacity needs to increase in order to
1. A significant number of Ciscos orders originate from achieve superior firm performance. In the information
online customer interfaces. processing model described in Galbraith (1973),
2. Cisco shares its order information electronically with information systems are suggested as an effective
its component suppliers. Information sharing allows approach to increase information processing capabil-
Cisco to coordinate its supply chain in real time and ity. In supply chains, sharing information among
respond to demand changes. Cisco also shares supply chain members is one way to increase
production schedule, inventory, quality, performance information processing capacity. Galbraith (1973) also
and capacity information with its suppliers. suggested that appropriate structures such as lateral
3. Ciscos logistics system is also driven by information relations and self-contained tasks can increase infor-
sharing with its suppliers. Many products are shipped mation processing capability. Effective supply chain
from its suppliers directly to its customers. Through practices are the structures that can increase
the virtual manufacturing model, suppliers are also information processing capacity. For instance, effec-
involved in Ciscos product design process. tive supply chain planning and delivery practices can
4. Information sharing with suppliers significantly improve lateral relationships in supply chains. An
improves Ciscos ability to rapidly respond to the effective production system usually consists of self-
demand changes in the supply chain. contained tasks. Recently, Forster (2000) extended the
information processing theory into the supply chain
Overall, Cisco shares information with its customers environment.
to enhance supply chain management. Cisco also has Since it has been suggested that supply chain
significant two-way information sharing with its dynamism has a positive influence on supply chain
suppliers, which enhances supply chain planning, JIT practice and information sharing (Galbraith, 1973;
production, and delivery practices. Forster, 2000), the research hypotheses are proposed as
Based on the literature and anecdotal evidence, follows:
information sharing is critical for managing the e-
Hypothesis 2. Supply chain dynamism has significant
supply chain and effective supply chain practices. To
positive influence on information sharing.
date, the importance of information sharing in supply
chain management has not been comprehensively Hypothesis 3. Supply chain dynamism has significant
investigated. The previous studies focus on the positive influence on supply chain practice.
1354 H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365

3.3. Supply chain practice, information sharing and

H5b. Increases in the level of information sharing
delivery performance
support technology investment improves delivery per-
Since delivery performance is one of the key
supply chain measures, this study uses a regression H5c. Increases in the level of sharing customer infor-
model to test the impact of supply chain practice and mation improves delivery performance.
information sharing on delivery performance. The
H5d. Increases in the level of sharing manufacturer
literature review for the three groups of supply
information improves delivery performance.
chain practices suggests that effective supply chain
practices have a positive influence on delivery
4. Research design and methodology
performance. Supply chain planning can provide an
accurate customer demand forecast and thus meet The purpose of this study is to investigate (1) the
the varying customer demand in a timely manner relationship between information sharing and supply
through intra-firm and inter-firm coordination (Supply chain practice, (2) the influence of supply chain
Chain Council, 2002; Mentzer, 2001). JIT production dynamism on information sharing and supply chain
uses practices such as pull system and agile practice, and (3) the impact of information sharing and
manufacturing strategy to meet the customer demand supply chain practice on delivery performance. The
in a timely fashion (Schroeder and Flynn, 2001). primary research instrument for the study is a rigorously
Effective delivery practices directly impact the validated questionnaire. A summary of the survey
supply chain delivery performance (Gurin, 2000; questions is shown with the summary statistics in
Supply Chain Council, 2002). Thus, given the litera- Table 2.
ture and anecdotal evidence, we hypothesize the
following: 4.1. Instrument design and data collection
H4a. Effective supply chain planning practice has
positive impact on delivery performance. The study involves two data collection stages: pilot
survey and formal survey. The pilot survey is designed
H4b. Effective JIT production practice has positive to test the viability of the study and purify the data
impact on delivery performance. collection instrument. Four academic researchers and
H4c. Effective delivery practice has positive impact on three industry executives critiqued the research instru-
delivery performance. ment for relevance and clarity. The questionnaire for the
main study was refined based on feedback from the pilot
In addition, studies also have shown that informa- study. The study includes a wide variety of manufactur-
tion sharing has positive influence on delivery ing industries. A total of 745 surveys were mailed. Of
performance. Bourland et al. (1996) demonstrated that the 134 returned questionnaires, 125 were usable. The
sharing timely demand information may result in response rate was approximately 18%. The data
improvement in delivery performance. Gurin (2000) analysis is based on the 125 useable questionnaires.
revealed how Ford and UPS leverage information
sharing to improve Fords delivery performance. 4.2. The sample list
Ahmad and Schroeder (2001) showed the impact of
EDI system on delivery performance. Because infor- The sample list consisted of individuals at decision-
mation sharing can facilitate the information exchange making levels, and in strategically oriented positions.
between customers and manufacturers, it is expected to The targeted respondents were senior executives (i.e.
have a positive influence on delivery performance. CEO, President, Vice President, Director, and Plant
Higher information quality (Seddon, 1997; McGowan, Manager). The average number of employees in the
1998) and higher level of investment in information respondents firms was about 5000. Eight companies
sharing support technology (Boyer et al., 1997; Supply had more than 10,000 employees. The median annual
Chain Council, 2002) are also expected to improve sales value, as reported by the respondents, was between
delivery performance. Thus, the following hypotheses $100 million and $500 million dollars. Five companies
are developed: had annual sales of more than $5 billion. Regarding the
manufacturing process, 41% of the companies used
H5a. Increases in the information quality improves make-to-stock strategy. Twenty-eight percent of the
delivery performance. companies used make-to-order strategy. Six percent of
H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365 1355

Table 2
Survey questions and descriptive statistics
Survey question Mean S.D.
Assess your firms information system capability in the following dimensions: [1 = not capable, 7 = highly capable]
IA1. Information accuracy 5.62 1.23
IA2. Information availability 5.36 1.32
IA3. Real-time information 4.88 1.55
IA4. Internal connectivity 5.33 1.49
IA5. External connectivity 4.75 1.60
IA6. Updating information frequently 5.27 1.22
IA7. Information completeness 5.24 1.23
IA8. Information relevance 5.48 1.09
IA9. Information accessibility 5.02 1.40
How often does your major customer electronically provide your firm with its information in the following dimensions [1 = never, 2 = annually,
3 = semi-annually, 4 = quarterly, 5 = monthly, 6 = weekly, 7 = daily]
IB1. Changes in purchase order information 5.23 2.48
IB2. Planned order information 4.39 2.35
IB3. Inventory level information 3.36 2.55
IB4. Product design specifications 2.66 2.16
IB5. Performance evaluation information 3.12 2.01
IB6. Future demand forecasting information 3.78 2.12
IB7. Production planning information 3.42 2.39
How often does your firm electronically provide your major customer with your firms information in the following dimensions [1 = never,
2 = annually, 3 = semi-annually, 4 = quarterly, 5 = monthly, 6 = weekly, 7 = daily]
IC1. Production capacity information 2.43 2.12
IC2. Order status information 5.10 2.53
IC3. Delivery schedule information 5.03 2.64
IC4. Changes in delivery schedule 4.95 2.68
IC5. Lead time information for products 3.28 2.47
What percentage of the information in the following dimensions does your major customer provide your firm in an electronical format [1 = 010%,
2 = 1025%, 3 = 2540%, 4 = 4060%, 5 = 6075%, 6 = 7590%, 7 = 90100%]
ID1. Changes in purchase order information 4.93 2.50
ID2. Planned order information 4.52 2.68
ID3. Inventory level information 3.07 2.59
ID4. Product design specifications 3.16 2.58
ID5. Performance evaluation information 3.82 2.71
ID6. Future demand forecasting information 4.13 2.60
ID7. Production planning information 3.49 2.73
What percentage of the information in the following dimensions does your firm provide to your major customer in an electronical format [1 = 0
10%, 2 = 1025%, 3 = 2540%, 4 = 4060%, 5 = 6075%, 6 = 7590%, 7 = 90100%]
IE1. Production capacity information 2.86 2.53
IE2. Order status information 4.64 2.62
IE3. Delivery schedule information 4.77 2.58
IE4. Changes in delivery schedule 4.45 2.64
IE5. Lead time information for products 3.19 2.56
The following questions are designed to measure the use of information system support technologies including both hardware and software in your
company. Please indicate the amount of investment your company has in the following activities [1 = no investment, 4 = moderate investment,
7 = heavy investment]
II1. Advanced planning and scheduling software 4.28 2.04
II2. Bar coding/automatic identification system 4.26 1.98
II3. Electronic data interchange (EDI) capability 4.88 1.94
II4. Enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) system 4.61 2.35
II5. E-procurement system 3.30 2.05
II6. Forecast/demand-management software 3.66 2.17
II7. Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) 2.16 1.67
II8. Transportation/warehouse management software (WMS) 3.21 2.20
To what extent have the following planning practices been implemented in your company [1 = not implemented, 7 = extensively implemented]
IIIA1. The use of historical data in the development of forecasts 5.00 1.86
1356 H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365
Table 2 (Continued )
Survey question Mean S.D.
IIIA2. What-if analysis has been implemented for supply/demand balancing 3.41 1.98
IIIA3. A change in the demand information instantaneously reconfigures the production and supply plans 3.21 2.18
IIIA4. Online visibility of supply-chain demand requirements 3.35 2.05
IIIA5. The designation of a supply chain planning team 3.65 2.15
IIIA6. Both marketing and manufacturing functions are involved in supply chain planning process 3.70 2.08
To what extent have the following production practices been implemented in your company [1 = not implemented, 7 = extensively implemented]
IIIB1. Pull system 3.97 2.11
IIIB2. Cellular manufacturing 3.42 2.25
IIIB3. Cycle time reduction 4.40 1.96
IIIB4. Agile manufacturing strategy 3.10 2.04
IIIB5. Bottleneck/constraint removal 4.02 1.83
To what extent have the following delivery practices been practiced in your company [1 = not practiced, 7 = extensively practiced]
IIIC1. We deliver products to our major customer on a just-in-time basis 4.82 2.07
IIIC2. We have a single point of contact for all order inquiries 5.12 1.82
IIIC3. We have real time visibilities of order tracking 4.41 2.17
IIIC4. We consolidate orders by customers, sources, carriers, etc. 4.59 2.03
IIIC5. We use automatic identification during the delivery process to track order status 3.26 2.19
Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements about your business environment [1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly
IV1. New products account for a high fraction of total revenue 4.04 1.74
IV2. Products and services are innovated frequently 4.64 1.53
IV3. The innovation rate of operating processes is high 3.64 1.55
The following questions relate to the performance of your firm. Compared to your competitors, please indicate your position on the following
dimensions [1 = significantly lower, 4 = equal, 7 = significantly higher]
V1. On-time delivery 5.12 1.41
V2. Perfect order fulfillment rate 4.96 1.36
V3. Delivery reliability/dependability 5.30 1.23

the companies used assemble-to-order strategy. Fifteen provided to manufacturers electronically (i.e. the
percent are engineer-to-order companies. The remain- frequency of information sharing). Questions ID1 to
ing 10% were hybrid systems. The study resulted in a ID7 measure the percentage of electronically provided
missing value rate of 2%. The missing values were customer information (i.e. the scope of information
replaced with the mean of each item. To test the non- sharing). In this study, the product of the information
response bias, the responses of those who returned early sharing frequency and information sharing scope was
were compared with those who returned late to used to measure the level of electronic customer
determine if there are any statistical differences (Lessler information sharing. Only when both information
and Kalsbeek, 1992). There were no statistical sharing frequency and information sharing scope have
differences between the early and late responses. high scores will the level of customer information sharing
be high. The indicators for customer information are
4.3. Measurement scales generated as follows: MB1 = (IB1  1)(ID1  1)/7, . . .,
MB7 = (IB7  1)(ID7  1)/7. Variables MB1 to MB7
Descriptive statistics for each survey statement are measure the level of customer information shared in
presented in Table 2. Each statement required responses electronic format.
based on a 7-point Likert scale. There are 11 latent Similarly, questions IC1 to IC5 measure how often
variables: information sharing support technology, manufacturer information is provided to customers
manufacturer information, customer information, infor- electronically. Questions IE1 to IE5 measure the
mation quality, supply chain planning, JIT production, percentage of manufacturer information that is provided
delivery practice, supply chain dynamism, delivery electronically. The indicators for manufacturer informa-
performance, supply chain practice, and information tion are generated as follows: MC1 = (IC1 
sharing. 1)(IE1  1)/7, . . ., MC5 = (IC5  1)(IE5  1)/7. Vari-
For customer information, questions IB1 to IB7 given ables MC1 to MC5 measure the level of manufacturer
in Table 2 measure how often customer information is information shared electronically.
H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365 1357

Table 3
Results of measurement validation
Scale name Variable CITC Factor Scale statistics
name loading
Information quality IA1 0.63 0.72 Cronbachs alpha: 0.89, largest eigenvalue
IA2 0.75 0.82 (variance explained): 4.99 (55%), second
IA3 0.69 0.76 largest eigenvalue (variance explained):
IA4 0.57 0.64 0.99 (11%)
IA5 0.48 0.56
IA6 0.74 0.80
IA7 0.76 0.84
IA8 0.60 0.70
IA9 0.70 0.79
Customer information MB1 0.54 0.66 Cronbachs alpha: 0.86, largest eigenvalue
MB2 0.77 0.86 (variance explained): 3.89 (55.6%), second
MB3 0.54 0.67 largest eigenvalue (variance explained):
MB4 0.46 0.58 0.88 (12.6%)
MB5 0.65 0.75
MB6 0.73 0.83
MB7 0.74 0.84
Manufacturer MC1 0.52 0.68 Cronbachs alpha: 0.83, largest eigenvalue
information MC2 0.62 0.76 (variance explained): 2.99 (60.0%), second
MC3 0.76 0.86 largest eigenvalue (variance explained):
MC4 0.75 0.85 0.94 (18.8%)
MC5 0.53 0.70
Information sharing II1 0.64 0.75 Cronbachs alpha: 0.86, largest eigenvalue
support technology II2 0.59 0.70 (variance explained): 4.06 (50.8%), second
II3 0.63 0.73 largest eigenvalue (variance explained):
II4 0.50 0.61 0.89 (11.1%)
II5 0.69 0.78
II6 0.70 0.80
II7 0.47 0.58
II8 0.62 0.73
Plan IIIA1 0.43 0.58 Cronbachs alpha: 0.81, largest eigenvalue
IIIA2 0.63 0.77 (variance explained): 3.10 (51.6%), second
IIIA3 0.59 0.74 largest eigenvalue (variance explained):
IIIA4 0.54 0.69 0.93 (15.5%)
IIIA5 0.63 0.78
IIIA6 0.59 0.74
JIT production IIIB1 0.41 0.57 Cronbachs alpha: 0.82, largest eigenvalue
IIIB2 0.66 0.79 (variance explained): 2.99 (59.8%), second
IIIB3 0.74 0.86 largest eigenvalue (variance explained):
IIIB4 0.59 0.77 0.87 (17.4%)
IIIB5 0.71 0.84
Delivery practice IIIC1 0.39 0.58 Cronbachs alpha: 0.74, largest eigenvalue
IIIC2 0.46 0.67 (variance explained): 2.45 (48.9%), second
IIIC3 0.63 0.81 largest eigenvalue (variance explained):
IIIC4 0.53 0.74 1.04 (20.8%)
IIIC5 0.48 0.68
Supply chain dynamism IV1 0.60 0.84 Cronbachs alpha: 0.73, largest eigenvalue
IV2 0.60 0.84 (variance explained): 1.96 (65.2%), second
IV3 0.47 0.74 largest eigenvalue (variance explained):
0.63 (21.0%)
Delivery performance V1 0.53 0.76 Cronbachs alpha: 0.79, largest eigenvalue
V2 0.72 0.90 (variance explained): 2.12 (70.7%), second
V3 0.65 0.86 largest eigenvalue (variance explained):
0.59 (19.7%)
1358 H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365
Table 3 (Continued )
Scale name Variable CITC Factor Scale statistics
name loading

Information sharing Information sharing 0.52 0.76 Cronbachs alpha: 0.70, largest eigenvalue
support technology (variance explained): 2.13 (53.2%), second
Customer information 0.49 0.73 largest eigenvalue (variance explained):
Manufacturer information 0.58 0.81 0.78 (19.4%)
Information quality 0.37 0.60
Supply chain practice Supply chain planning 0.51 0.80 Cronbachs alpha: 0.68, largest eigenvalue
JIT production 0.55 0.82 (variance explained): 1.84 (61.3%), second
Delivery practice 0.43 0.72 largest eigenvalue (variance explained):
0.67 (22.3%)

4.3.1. Validity and reliability of measurement for this set of items. Thus, Delivery Practice is
scales determined to be unidimensional.
The validation process for the survey instrument had All scales have Cronbachs alpha values of 0.70 or
three steps: content validity; construct validity, and higher except Supply Chain Practice. Supply Chain
reliability. The literature review and in-depth interviews Practice construct is a newly developed construct for
conducted with business executives and researchers this study. Its Cronbachs alpha is well above 0.6, which
established the basis of content validity for the survey is acceptable for a newly developed scale (Hair et al.,
instrument. The purpose of construct validity is to show 1998). In addition, the CITC for all items are larger than
that the items measure what they purport to measure. 0.30. Since all Cronbachs alpha and CITC measures are
Unidimensionality was established with exploratory supported, all measurement scales are deemed reliable
factor analysis, where 0.30 is generally considered to be (Hair et al., 1998).
the lowest significant factor loading to define the
construct (Hair et al., 1998). 5. Structural equation model testing and results
Two approaches were used to measure reliability.
First, the internal consistency in this study is measured Structural equation modeling is used to test the
by Cronbachs alpha. The lower limit of 0.6 is influence of supply chain dynamism on supply chain
considered acceptable for newly developed scales and practice and information sharing. The RAMONA
0.7 for established scales (Nunnally, 1994). Cronbachs program is used for this study. The root mean square
coefficient alphas were calculated for the items of each error of approximation (RMSEA) measures the sample
survey construct. Second, the Corrected Item-Total discrepancy function value per degree of freedom. An
Correlation (CITC) reliability test is used (Kerlinger, absolute RMSEA value of less than 0.05 suggests a good
1986). In this test all items for the same construct should fit, and a RMSEAvalue between 0.05 and 0.08 indicates a
be closely related to the underlying latent variable. 0.30 reasonable fit (Browne and Cudeck, 1993). The normed
is considered as the lowest acceptable value. chi-square, which divides chi-square statistics by the
degree of freedom, is also used as a fit statistic (Joreskog,
4.3.2. The results of the measurement scales 1969). A normed chi-square below 1 indicates that the
The results of the measurement scales are shown in
Table 3. Table 4
Table 3 shows that all factor loadings meet the Fit measures of overall model in Fig. 2
criterion of larger than 0.3 and all constructs satisfy the Sample discrepancy function value 0.382
unidimensionality requirement. For all construct scales Population discrepancy function valuebiased 0.128
adjusted point estimate
except Delivery Practice, only one eigenvalue is
Root mean square error of approximation 0.063
larger than 1.00. The variance explained by the largest (RMSEA)point estimate
eigenvalue is larger than 40%. For the construct RMSEA90% confidence interval (0.017, 0.099)
Delivery Practice, the second largest eigenvalue is p-Value H0: close fit (RMSEA  0.05) 0.26
slightly larger than 1.00. The largest eigenvalue Chi-square test statistic 47.879
Degrees of freedom 32
explains more than 40% of the variance. The scree
Normed chi-square (chi-square/degree of freedom) 1.50
test also suggests that one factor is the most appropriate
H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365 1359

Table 5
Estimations of measurement model parameters in Fig. 2
Scale name Effect indicator Path coefficient
estimate (t value)
Supply chain practice Plan 0.753 (14.61)
JIT production 0.610 (9.18)
Delivery practice 0.541 (7.40)
Information sharing Information sharing support technology 0.734 (13.25)
Customer information 0.544 (7.37)
Manufacturer information 0.614 (9.13)
Information quality 0.455 (5.60)
Supply chain dynamism New products account for a high fraction of total revenue (IV1) 0.729 (10.23)
Products and services are innovated frequently (IV2) 0.765 (10.84)
The innovation rate of operating processes is high (IV3) 0.576 (7.46)

model is over fitted (Joreskog, 1969), while a value larger chi-square is 1.50, which is within the desirable range.
than 3.0 (Carmines and McIver, 1981) to 5.0 (Wheaton The p-value of the close fit test is 0.26, which implies a
et al., 1977) indicates that a model does not adequately fit good model fit. From these fit statistics, it is concluded
the data. Both fit statistics adjust the sample discrepancy that the overall model has a good fit.
function by the degree of freedom. The results of the In addition to a good fit of the structural model, a
structural model fit statistics are presented in Table 4. The good structural equation model needs to have a good
RMSEA of the model is 0.063, which is smaller than measurement model (i.e. the path coefficients of all
the desirable cut-off value of 0.08. The normed indicators to the related latent variables are significant at

Fig. 2. Supply chain practice, information sharing, and supply chain dynamism. ** indicates significance at p < 0.05 and * indicate significance at
p > 0.05. # please see Table 2 for the survey questions related to the variables IV1, IV2, and IV3. Please see Table 5 for the path estimates li (i = 1,
. . ., 10).
1360 H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365

0.05 level). As shown in Table 5, all path coefficients chain environment. The basic proposition of the
are significant at 0.05 level and the t-values are larger information processing theory is that the degree to
than 2.0. which information-processing requirements and infor-
mation-processing capabilities are appropriately
5.1. Findings related to Hypothesis 1 matched determines the quality of outcomes for the
firm (Galbraith, 1973). The original theory was
We hypothesized that effective information sharing proposed in the context of a firm instead of a supply
enhances effective supply chain practice (Hypothesis chain. Therefore, this research adds the generality of the
1). The results of the study suggest that Hypothesis 1 is information processing theory in the context of supply
strongly supported (i.e. effective information sharing chains (i.e. the information-processing requirement is
enhances effective supply chain practice) as shown by determined by the supply chain dynamism). Effective
the standardized coefficient of 0.937 for b1 in Fig. 2, and information sharing provides the information proces-
a significant t-statistic of 23.77 in Table 6. This result sing capabilities needed. This study shows that higher
provides empirical evidence for the enabling effect of supply chain dynamism leads to a higher level of
information sharing on supply chain practice, and information sharing in supply chains. The match
corroborates the findings in previous literature and between the degree of supply chain dynamism and
industry anecdotes (Supply Chain Council, 2002). This the degree of information sharing is critical, which is
significant empirical finding suggests that effective exactly what the information processing theory pre-
information sharing enhances effective supply chain dicts.
practices, such as supply chain planning, JIT production
and delivery practices. As a result, supply chain 5.3. Findings related to Hypothesis 3
transparency may be enhanced and forecast errors
may be reduced. We hypothesized that supply chain dynamism has
significant positive influence on supply chain practice
5.2. Findings related to Hypothesis 2 (Hypothesis 3). The results of the study show that
supply chain dynamism does have positive influence on
We hypothesized that supply chain dynamism has supply chain practice, but not as much as on information
significant positive influence on information sharing sharing as shown by the standardized coefficient of
(Hypothesis 2). The results of the study show that 0.186 for g2 in Fig. 2, and a t-statistic of 1.90 in Table 6.
Hypothesis 2 is strongly supported (i.e. supply chain Hypothesis 3 is supported at the 10% significance
dynamism has significant positive influence on infor- level, but not at the 5% significance level. It indicates
mation sharing) as shown by the standardized coeffi- that supply chain dynamism does have positive
cient of 0.251 for g1 in Fig. 2, and a significant t-statistic influence on supply chain practice, but not as much
of 2.14 in Table 6. as on information sharing. The coefficient of the path
Hypothesis 2 is supported at the 5% significance from supply chain dynamism to information sharing is
level, i.e. supply chain dynamism has significant larger than the coefficient of the path from supply chain
positive influence on information sharing ( p < 0.05). dynamism to supply chain practice. Meanwhile,
The result of Hypothesis 2 empirically supports the effective information sharing mediates the impact of
information processing theory proposed by Galbraith supply chain dynamism on supply chain practice. It
(1973). Furthermore, the acceptance of Hypothesis 2 suggests that firms need to have some mechanisms to
extends the information processing theory to the supply collect supply chain dynamics information and use the
information to guide effective supply chain practice.
Table 6 One mechanism is effective information sharing.
Summary of statistical tests for the hypotheses in Fig. 2
Paths in the structural model Point t-Value 6. Supply chain practice, information sharing
estimate and delivery performance: regression model and
Information sharing ! supply 0.937 23.77 results
chain practice (H1)
Supply chain dynamism ! information 0.251 2.14 Regression analysis is used to test the influence of
sharing (H2) information sharing and supply chain practice on
Supply chain dynamism ! supply chain 0.186 1.90
delivery performance. The reason to use regression
practice (H3)
method is that it allows us to test the influence of
H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365 1361

Table 7
Supply chain practice, information sharing, and delivery performance (regression results)
Variable name Hypothesis Standardized t-Value p value Hypothesis
coefficient supported?
Supply chain planning H4a 0.137 0.87 0.388 No
JIT production H4b 0.032 0.24 0.811 No
Delivery practice H4c 0.215 1.78 0.079* Yes
Information quality H5a 0.245 2.14 0.036** Yes
Information sharing support technology H5b 0.135 0.87 0.386 No
Customer information H5c 0.292 2.26 0.026** No
Manufacturer information H5d 0.143 1.08 0.284 No
Indicates significance at p < 0.05 and * indicate significance at 0.05 < p < 0.10. Dependent variable: delivery performance; R2 is 0.175 for this
regression model.

information sharing and supply chain practice on indicates that information sharing and supply chain
delivery performance at a more detail level, i.e. each of practice have a significant impact on delivery perfor-
the three supply chain practice variables and four mance. The R2 value is 0.175, which is fairly high
information sharing variables are tested separately. compared to other studies such as Boyer et al. (1997)
Considering the possible influence of firm size on and Droge et al. (2004).
delivery performance, we first ran an ANOVA test on The coefficient and t-value for each independent
delivery performance according to firm size. We variable are shown in Table 7. The results show that
measured the firm size by sales revenue. The information quality has significant positive influence on
respondents were asked to choose one of the eight delivery performance ( p < 0.05). The coefficient is
categories: (1) <$5 million, (2) $520 million, (3) $20 0.245. The coefficient of delivery practice is 0.215,
50 million, (4) $50100 million, (5) $100500 million, which is significant at the 10% level. Surprisingly,
(6) $500 million$1 billion, (7) $15 billion, and (8) customer information has a significant negative impact
>$5 billion. The F statistics of the ANOVA test about on delivery performance at the 5% significance level. A
firm size is 1.366, which is not significant at 0.10 levels. possible explanation is that when the customer shares
Therefore, the firm size is not entered into regression as information with the manufacturer more frequently, the
a control variable. customers delivery requirement might change more
For the regression model, the delivery performance often. As a result of the more frequent delivery
variable is entered as the dependent variable. The three requirement changes, it is more difficult for the
supply chain practice variables (supply chain planning, manufacturer to meet the delivery requirement. There-
JIT production, and delivery practice) and four fore, increases in sharing customer information lead to
information sharing variables (information quality, adverse delivery performance. As can be seen in
customer information, manufacturer information, and Table 7, the remaining four independent variables are
information sharing support technology) are simulta- not significant at the 10% level. Therefore, H4c and H5a
neously entered as independent variables. The F- are supported. H4a, H4b, H5b, H5c, and H5d are not
statistic for the overall regression model is 0.026, which supported.

Table 8
Correlations of the information sharing and supply chain practice variables
IQ 1
CI 0.271** 1
MI 0.289** 0.477** 1
ISST 0.288** 0.373** 0.481** 1
SCP 0.365** 0.341** 0.436** 0.663** 1
JIT 0.332** 0.398** 0.359** 0.429** 0.480** 1
DP 0.343** 0.283** 0.382** 0.458** 0.371** 0.362** 1
IQ: information quality; CI: customer information; MI: manufacturer information; ISST: information sharing support technology; SCP: supply chain
planning; JIT: JIT production; DP: delivery practice.
Indicates significance at p < 0.05.
1362 H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365

Table 9
Hierarchical regression for delivery performance
Step Variables B R2 DR 2 F F change
1 0.037 0.797 0.797
Supply chain planning 0.216
JIT production 0.032
Manufacturer information 0.143
Information sharing support technology 0.162
2 0.078 0.041 1.391 3.662*
Delivery practice 0.238
3 0.123 0.044 1.886* 4.101**
Information quality 0.238
4 0.175 0.053 2.432** 5.128**
Customer information 0.292
* **
p < 0.10; p < 0.05; values shown for F change are for each step; B is the standardized coefficient of the variable.

Considering the potential multicollinearity issue of explore the relationship among delivery performance,
the seven independent variables, a correlation analysis delivery practice, and customer information. We
was run. The results presented in Table 8 show that the categorize customer information and delivery practice
independent variables are highly correlated. Thus, a into two categories according to their factor scores as
hierarchical regression analysis to confirm the results in shown in Table 10. The higher score of customer
Table 7 was conducted. First, the four insignificant information reflects more frequent sharing of customer
variables in Table 7 (supply chain planning, JIT information. The higher score of delivery practice
production, manufacturer information, and information reflects a higher level of effective delivery practice
sharing support technology) are entered. Second, implemented. The mean delivery performance score for
delivery practice is entered. Third, information quality each combination is calculated. A higher value of
is entered. Finally, customer information is entered. The delivery performance is preferred. The results in Table
results of the hierarchical regression are shown in 10 show that as the frequency of sharing customer
Table 9. In order to confirm the impact of those information increases, the delivery performance
significant independent variables in Table 7, the less decreases. However, effective delivery practice miti-
significant independent variables are first entered into gates the effect of frequent sharing of customer
the hierarchical regression. By doing so, the changes in information. When the level of sharing customer
R2 and F statistics in each step can only be attributed to information is high, effective delivery practice can
the additional variable. The standardized coefficients in improve the delivery performance significantly. When
Table 9 are the coefficients from each step. For example, the level of sharing customer information is low,
0.216 is the coefficient for the supply chain planning effective delivery practice does not improve delivery
variable when the first four variables were entered into performance as much as when the level of sharing
the regression in the first step. After the delivery customer information is high. This finding suggests that
practice variable was entered into the regression, the when the level of sharing customer information is high,
coefficient for delivery practice was 0.238 (i.e. when there is a need to implement a high level of effective
there are five independent variables in the second step).
As expected, the results of the hierarchical regression Table 10
shown in Table 9 confirm that (1) the delivery practice Customer information, delivery practice, and delivery performance
variable has significant positive influence on delivery Delivery practice/ High Low
performance at the 0.10 level, (2) information quality customer information
variable has significant positive influence on delivery
High 0.045 (34)a 0.316 (28)
performance at the 0.05 level, and (3) the customer Low 0.238 (28) 0.106 (35)
information variable has significant negative influence a
on delivery performance at the 0.05 level. The value in the cell is the mean of the delivery performance factor
score in each category. The number in the parenthesis is the number of
Since the customer information variable has a companies in each category. For example, 0.238 is the mean of
negative impact on delivery performance and the delivery performance when customer information is low and delivery
delivery practice has a positive impact, we further practice is high.
H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365 1363

supply chain practice in order to leverage the effective both simultaneously. Effective supply chain practice
information sharing. standardizes the supply chain processes and exploits the
efficiency from the standardization. The standardization
6.1. Findings related to Hypotheses 4a, 4b, 4c, 5a, of supply chain processes tends to help companies
5b, 5c, and 5d (the influence of information sharing better leverage the information shared among supply
and supply chain practice on delivery performance) chain partners. Information sharing is a means to
capture the supply chain dynamics and thus reduce
As shown in Tables 7 and 9, information quality and uncertainty in external and internal environments.
delivery practice have significant positive influence on When coupled with the standardization inherent in
delivery performance, while customer information has a effective supply chain practice, this uncertainty reduc-
significant negative influence. The remaining variables tion allows performance improvement. Without stan-
are not significant. This corroborates several extant dardization, however, uncertainty reduction is less
studies such as Schroeder and Flynn (2001). Schroeder valuable, because the processes themselves are too
and Flynn (2001) found that the difference in advanced uncertain to control effectively. Clearly, managers
manufacturing technology investment does not have should seek to achieve supply chain performance
impact on firm performance. The information quality improvement by exploiting opportunities to implement
and the type of information shared are important. The both effective supply chain practice and effective
finding that information quality has a significant information sharing. Dell is a good example of using
positive influence on delivery performance in this study information technology to get information from its
confirms the results in Schroeder and Flynn (2001). customers and share the information with its suppliers.
Among the three groups of supply chain practice, only It uses effective supply chain practices to standardize
delivery practice has a significant positive influence on the supply chain processes and reduce process
delivery performance. Supply chain planning and JIT uncertainties.
production do not have a significant direct impact on Second, the importance of effective supply chain
delivery performance. practices increases as the level of information sharing
The counterintuitive result that customer informa- increases. Fisher (1997) categorizes supply chains into
tion has a significant negative impact on delivery efficient supply chains and responsive supply chains. In
performance, led to further exploration of the relation- efficient supply chains, products are standardized and
ship between information sharing and supply chain firms tend to deploy more effective supply chain
practice. The result shown in Table 10 suggests that practices because effective supply chain practices tend
effective supply chain practice is critical for leveraging to standardize processes. In responsive supply chains,
effective information sharing when the level of firms tend to emphasize on flexibility and buffering
information sharing is high. Together with the results rather than standardization. However, this study
of supply chain dynamism, this study shows that suggests that effective supply chain practices that
effective supply chain practice becomes more important standardize the processes have greater value in
when supply chain dynamism is high. A higher level of responsive supply chains. Looking at the auto industry,
supply chain dynamism, leading to a higher level of the Japanese automakers such as Toyota and Honda
information sharing, enhances effective supply chain have more competitive advantage than the US auto-
practice in order to utilize the information shared and makers such as General Motor and Ford these days
maintain a high level of performance. when the needs for product variety and information
sharing increase. The findings in this study suggest that
7. Managerial implications the effective supply chain practices that Toyota and
Honda have are giving them more competitive
This study offers practitioners several managerial advantage than their major US competitors in todays
insights about the role of information sharing and more dynamic world.
supply chain practices in supply chain management. Third, this study suggests that firms do not have to
First, effective supply chain practices and information excel in all dimensions of supply chain processes in
sharing play different roles in managing supply chains. order to achieve superior delivery performance. The
To improve supply chain performance, executives often regression analysis shows that only delivery practices
choose to implement either effective information (not the supply chain planning or JIT production) have
sharing or effective supply chain practice because significant positive influence on delivery performance.
limited resources usually prevent firms from pursuing This suggests that firms need to be clear about the
1364 H. Zhou, W.C. Benton Jr. / Journal of Operations Management 25 (2007) 13481365

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