Air Asia Complete
Air Asia Complete
Air Asia Complete
As can be seen from the above graphs, AirAsias share price has been somewhat erratic over
the past three years with several highlights. In the year of 2013, its share traded at an average
high of about RM2.93 and average low of RM2.65 as compared to the year of 2014 where it
traded at an average high of RM2.55 and average low of RM2.33. What is notable is that the
number of shares traded spiked to 382,589,100 issued shares in December of 2014 as compared
to previous years. For the recent year up to Jan 2016, AirAsias share price tumbled to about
3.0 Analysis
In this section, we analysed AirAsia accordingly on an Expert Basis and also used Altmans
Z-Score to supplement our findings. Some of the previous sections will have already detailed
observations and facts founded, hence they will be referred to where appropriate.
Year Events
2014 January -AirAsias Non Deal Roadshow hosted by CIMB
-Alliance IBs Investor Conference
-AirAsias Non-Deal Roadshow hosted by CLSA
-AirAsias Non-Deal Roadshow hosted by Deutsche Bank
February -Tonys Session with Local Analysts and Investors
-Q4 2013 Announcement
-Analysts Visit to Airbus Factory in Tianjin
-EU-ASEAN Aviation Summit
- AirAsia A320 at Taipei on February 28 th 2014, engine fire
March -Credit Suisse 17th Asian Investment Conference 2014
-Strategy Paper Preparation Workshop for Port and Airport under
the 11th Malaysia Plan(11MP)
April -AirAsias Presentation to the Public Accounts Committee(PAC) at
the Parliament
-Local Investors Visit to AirAsias Office and Operations by
-Asian Excellence Recognition Awards 2014 by Corporate
Governance Asia
May Q1 2014 Announcement
June -AirAsias Non Deal Roadshow hosted by UBS
-4th Malaysia Investor Relations Awards Ceremony by Malaysian
Investor Relations Website(MID CAP)
-AirAsias Non Deal Roadshow hosted by CIM
- AirAsias Non Deal Roadshow hosted by RHB
-CIMB 4th Annual Asia Pacific Conference and Invest Malaysia
-AirAsia launches Investor Relation APP
21st Annual General Meeting
August -Macquarie ASEAN Conference
-Q2 2014 Announcement
Septembe -CLSA Investor Forum
r -AirAsias Non Deal Roadshow hosted by UBS
November -Equities Tracker 2014 Value Investors Day
-Q3 2014 Announcement
December -AirAsias Non-Deal Roadshow hosted by KAF
- Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 on December 28th 2014 founded
crash in the sea
Year Events
2015 January -AirAsia A320 at Sibu on December 17th 2015, burst main tyre and
damaged runway light
Non-Independent Executive Chairman Datuk Kamarudin bin Meranun
Non Independent Executive Director and Tan Sri Dr. Anthony Francis Fernandes
Group Chief Executive Director and Group
Chief Executive Officer
Executive Director and Chief Executive Aireen Omar
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director Dato Abdel Aziz @ Abdul Aziz bin Abu
Independent Non-Executive Director Amit Bhatia
Independent Non-Executive Director Uthaya Kumar A/L K Vivekananda
Senior Independent Non-Executive Dato Fam Lee Ee
Independent Non-Executive Director Robert Aaron Milton
For the year ended in 2014, the total numbers of employee that Air Asia had was 6304
Tony Fernandes motivates his employee by giving bonuses based on each employees
contribution to Air Asia. This would expect to increase the employees loyalty through its ESOS
[employee share ownership scheme] which will be given to all employees. Furthermore, Tony
Fernandes also provides his employee with an non-financial reward such as free flights. It will
help to create an intrinsic motivation within the employees. Other than that, the management also
inspires open communication which develops a vibrant working environment such as the
employees can communicate directly with Tony Fernandes and provide suggestions on how Air
Asia can be more productive and efficient.
1. Short term employee benefits
- Wages, salaries, paid annual leave and sick(private medical care) leave, bonuses and
non-monetary benefits are accrued in the financial year in which the associated services
are rendered by the employees of the group. The criteria for the bonuses and non-
monetary benefits are dependent on various performance measures of the group, together
with an assessment of each individuals performance during the period.
2. Defined contribution retirement plan
- The Groups contributions to the Employees Provident Fund are charged to profit or
loss in the financial year to which they relate. Once the contributions have been paid, the
Group has no further obligations. Prepaid contributions are recognised as an asset to the
extent that a cash refund or a reduction in the future payments is available.
Type of Aircrafts Total
Airbus A320 103
Boeing 737 34
Boeing 747 3
McDonnell Douglas MD-11 1
The total number of all stars (employees sponsored by AirAsia to pursue other interests.
Basically a program designed to create more rounded employees) in Air Asia is 6300 which
includes the pilots, flight attendants, cabin crew, ground grew, aviation engineers and ramp
Total number of passenger in 2014 are 22, 138 796 people.
AirAsia have 11 subsidiary companies:
AirAsia Investment Ltd.
AirAsia Corporate Service Limited
AirAsia(Mauritius) Ltd.
AirAsia Ltd.
AirAsia Global Shared Services Sdn. Bhd
Asia Aviation Capital Limited
Ground Team Red Sdn. Bhd.
Koolred Sdn. Bhd.
AirAsia Go Holiday Sdn. Bhd.
MadCience Consulting Sdn.Bhd
AirAsia Exp Pte. Ltd.
There are a number of recent events that have also come to light at the time of typing this
assignment; A Hong Kong GMT report claiming that AirAsias accounting practices were below
standard by accusing AirAsia of using transactions with associate companies to boost its
earnings. Another report stated that AirAsia was planning to go fully private. Both of these
happened in middle to late 2015.
Based on our opinion regarding Air Asia, its character seems likely viable given the stellar
records of its founders and its management practices. AirAsia is the Worlds Best Low Cost
Airline company which is preferred by many because it is more affordable than any other airline.
This is because their strategy is extremely aggressive, up-to-date and effective with its no-frills
airline business model, different streamline operations, point to point network and lean
distribution system, Air Asia will have no problem growing in the future.
3.1.2 Capacity
Note: Print out AR 2013-2014 Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement.
As can be seen from the extracts of the balance sheet and cash flow statements in the annual
report for both years; The year end 2013 showed AirAsia having a total of RM2,572,255 current
liabilities and RM10,282,907 non-current liabilities which include borrowings of RM1,119,436
and RM 9,051,416 respectively. Cash Flow of 2013 showed a final end-year value of
RM1,194,490 which seems just about enough to cover their current liabilities for the year given
that they had interest expense of RM428,406 and paid only RM411,117 of said interest.
For the year 2014, AirAsia had current liabilities of RM4,112,253 and non-current liabilities
of RM11,996,774 which includes borrowings of RM2,274,928 and RM10,453,090 respectively.
Their end-year cash flow was RM1,337,849 and paid interest expense of RM470,613 out of a
total interest expense of RM533,967. In short, for the years 2013-2014, AirAsia was unable to
maintain significant cash flow to fully repay its interest expenses which becomes a point of
3.1.3 Condition
For this section, please refer to section 2.0 for detailed information on the economic and
airline industry conditions of Malaysia.
Based on my opinion, the performance of the airline industry in a few years later will be
hard years for them to gain profit. This is because the slow growth of the world market which
affected the Ringgit which mean you have to use more Ringgit to buy US Dollar. Consumers will
reduce their activity to travel around because of their cost has increased. Eventually this reduces
the airline industrys profit. Other than that, the two tragedies that happen in 2014 which involve
the Malaysia Airline and AirAsia aircrafts, it reduces buyer confidence level toward airline
industry safety aspect of Malaysia. This also reduces the number of buyer of the airline tickets. It
will be hard for two main airlines in Malaysia which are Malaysia Airline and AirAsia to survive
in the next few years.
Efficiency Ratio Formula Air Asia Berhad 2013 Air Asia Berhad 2014
(RM000) (RM000)
Assets Turnover Sales 5,111,822 5,415,744
Ratio Average Total Assets 17856094 + 15728810/2 18,130,740 + 2,533,378/2
= 0.30441 = 0.524168
Accounts Sales 5,111,822 5,415,744
Receivable Average Accounts 731,506 + 771,820 682,909 + 731,506/2
Turnover Ratio Receivable = 3.400342 = 7.657928
Liquidity Ratio Formula Air Asia Berhad 2013 Air Asia Berhad 2014
(RM000) (RM000)
Current Ratio Current Assets 2,923,185 2,533,378
Current Liabilities 2,572,255 4,112,253
= 1.136429 = 0.616056
Quick Ratio Quick Assets 2,923,185 - 29,520 2,533,378 - 18,152
Current Liabilities 2,572,255 4,112,253
Quick Assets = = 1.124953 = 0.611641
Current Assets -
Net Work Capital Net Working Capital 2,923,185 - 2,572,255 2,533,378 - 4,112,253
Ratio Total Assets 2,923,185 + 14,932,909 18,130,740 + 2,533,378
Net Working Capital = 350930 = -1578875
= Current Assets - 17856094 20664118
Current Liabilities = 0.0196532 = - 0.0764066
Financial Stability Formula Air Asia Berhad 2013 Air Asia Berhad 2014
(RM000) (RM000)
Equity Ratio Owners Equity 5,000,932 4,555,091
Total Asset 14,932,909 + 2,923,185 18,130,740 + 2,533,378
= 0.280068642 =0.2204348
Gearing Ratio Liability 2,572, 255 + 10,282,907 4,112,253 + 11,996,774
Total Assets 2,923,185 + 14,932,909 18,130,740 + 2,533,378
= 12855162 = 16109027
17856094 20664118
= 0.719931 = 0.779565
Profitability Ratio Formula Air Asia X 2013 Air Asia X 2014
(RM000) (RM000)
Return on Assets Net Income (0.0220) (0.1390)
(ROA) Average Total Assets