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Louis Riel - Lesson Plan

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Louis Riel Lesson

Name of Designer(s)/Contributor(s): Learn Alberta (Author Unknown)
Name of Department, Faculty and University: Learn Alberta
TITLE: Louis Riel and the Creation of Canada
Grade(s)/Division: Grade 8
Subject(s)/Course(s): Social Studies History
Time: 60 Minutes
Learning Module Topic & Description
Through an interactive activity student will learn about the relationship between the
settlers and the Metis people.
Essential QUESTION
- Why were the Mtis resisting the efforts of the Canadian government?
- Why was Louis Riel the leader of the Red River Rebellion?
- Why was there strong opposition in Ontario to the efforts of Louis
- What was the purpose of Louis Riels Provisional Government?
- Why was the Canadian government determined to expand to the West?
- What role did the Mtis resistance play in the formation of Manitoba
as a new province of Canada?

Theme(s) being Explored

Wellbeing and inclusion for Indigenous students in the classroom.

Stage 1: Desired Results

Learning Objective(s)/Goal(s):
-What do I want the learners to know and/or be able to do?

-Students will gain an understanding of the background, causes and

events of the Red River Rebellion
-Development of research skills
-Use of problem-solving and teamwork skills to understand the nature of
conflict and responding and resolving problems
-Communicate the results of their research and problem-solving
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Essential Concepts/Knowledge/Skills to be Learned/Applied:

Students need to have an understanding of web navigation tools, basic style and
language conventions for formal writing and presentation skills.
Curriculum Connections/Big Ideas:
Expectation(s) (Directly from The Ontario Curriculum):
A1. Application: assess the impact of some key social, economic, and political
factors, including social, economic, and/or political inequality, on various Canadians
between 1850 and 1890 as well as on the creation and expansion of the Dominion
of Canada (FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Historical Perspective)
A1.1 Evaluate the importance of various internal and external factors that played a
role in the creation of the Dominion of Canada and the expansion of its territory.
Teacher Goals: Help students discuss different historical perspectives.
Stage 2: Planning Learning Experience and Instructional Process

Student Groupings (e.g., whole Materials/Resources (e.g., equipment,

class, small, pairs, independent work): PowerPoint sides, manipulatives, hand-
outs, games, assessment tool):
Whole Class will work collaboratively
and later students will pair up in Self Assessment and internet access
groups of 2 to do research.
Instructional Strategies (e.g. direct Considerations (e.g., contingency plans
instruction, demonstration, re: technology failure or student absences
simulation, role-playing, guest and groupings, or guest speaker
speaker, etc.): cancellations or safety concerns):
Speak at an appropriate volume so
Direct Instruction and student that all students can hear. Give
discussion clear, concise directions.
Accommodations and differentiation strategy (to address different needs and
preferences of students)
Adjust the lights if necessary and work side by side with students that may be
having a difficult time. Ask students if they need instructions to be repeated at any
point. Acknowledge that the classroom is a safe space for discussion.
Assessment For Learning, Checking for Understanding, Success Criteria &
Assessment as learning: Students will complete a self-assessment chart at the end
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of class. They will then get together in pairs and discuss their work with a fellow
Stage 3: Learning Experience
Motivational Hook (process for grabbing and focusing students attention) Time
(mins): 10 Minutes
Approaches to Conflict Avoidance: Engage students in a discussion about
conflict and resolution to set the stage for this activity and to activate
prior knowledge.

Read the following scenario:

A long period of time has passed since you first set up the settlement and
over that time a few other individuals from another location have been
arriving and settling nearby. People from this group speak a different
language and have different customs and traditions. One day a new
arrival informs you that the people where he is from have decided to send
greater numbers of its members to where your settlement is because of
the availability of resources, land and opportunities. He also tells you that
since they will soon make up the largest number of people they have
decided that they should be in charge of making laws and rules at your

On the one hand you welcome the new arrivals because you recognize
that you both
benefit from each others uniqueness and shared opportunities. On the
other hand, you are concerned because there have been no guarantees
that your language, culture and customs will be respected when the new
administration takes over in six months. You are willing to accommodate
the new settlers as part of the new community, but you need to find a way
to make the other settlement understand that you need to have your
rights respected and your identity protected. What should you do?
Open (process for introducing/framing lesson and agenda) Time (mins):5 Min
After the students have listened to the paragraph inform them that this was the
situation with the Metis and the Settlers.
Body (main instructional and learning processes to build understanding, skills,
attitudes) Time (mins): 20 Minutes
The class will prepare a rubric to identify the importance and value of the
taken in terms of how it satisfies the concerns of everyone and resolves
the situation. The students will then be divided into pairs with each pair
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developing an approach to peacefully resolve the situation.

Consolidation (processes for application and practice of knowledge, skills,

attitudes) Time (mins): 20 Minutes
Any will present their
What youplans to resolve
What you the situation
What you with the
voting on the
background plan that best meets their
already know want to knowneeds. Have students
learned research
causes of
Mtis concerns regarding the arrival of settlers from Canada as well
as their response to the Canadian governments actions.
Closure (processes for recapping, looking ahead) Time (mins): 15 Minutes
Have the class reflect on the difficulties of communicating ideas between different
groups as well as achieving peaceful outcomes through compromise.
Stage 4: Reflection and Extension
Student Reflection of Learning (i.e., critical thinking questions to extend
the learning)
The teacher will have students fill out a self-evaluation chart. The teacher will lead
a small group discussion about how the students can use the different methods
discussed in real life.
Extension Ideas & Additional Resources: Self Reflection Handout
Teacher Reflection (e.g., next time notes)


Circle your overall level of understanding after todays lesson:

1 2 3 4 5

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