Marshall Method
Marshall Method
Marshall Method
containing aggregates with maximum sizes of 25mm or less. The aggregate size
more than 25mm use the Modified Marshall method.
This method covers the measurement of the resistance to plastic flow of cylindrical
specimens of bituminous paving mixture loaded on the lateral surface by means of
the Marshall apparatus.
To determine the stability, flow, voids, voids in mineral aggregates, voids filled with
asphalt and density of the asphalt mixture by Marshall stability test.
In the Marshall method each compacted test specimen is subjected to the following
tests and analysis in the order listed below:
i) Bulk density determination
ii) Stability and flow test
iii) Density and voids analysis
At least three samples are prepared for each binder content.
The following tests are determined first, to find out the density, voids, VMA and VFB.
The specific gravity and apparent specific gravity values of the different aggregates,
filler and bitumen used are determined first.
P1 + P2 +. + Pn
Gsb =
P1/G1 + P2/G2 +. + Pn/Gn
100 - Pb
Gse =
Pmm/Gmm Pb/Gb
Gmm =
Ps/Gse + Pb/Gb
Where, Gmm = Maximum specific gravity of paving mixture (no air voids)
Ps = Aggregate content, percent by total weight of mixture
Pb = Bitumen content, percent by total weight of mixture
Gse = Effective specific gravity of aggregate
Gb = Specific gravity of bitumen
Gse - Gsb
Pba = 100 Gb
Gse Gsb
Pbe = Pb - Ps
vi) Voids in mineral aggregate in compacted paving mixture VMA is given by:
Gmb Ps
VMA = 100 -
Where, VMA = Voids in mineral aggregate, percent of bulk volume
Gsb = Bulk specific gravity of total aggregate
Gmb = Bulk specific gravity of compacted mixture
Ps = Aggregate content, percent by total weight of mixture
viii) Voids filled with bitumen in compacted mixture VFB is given by:
100(VMA Va)
Where, VFB = Voids filled with bitumen, percent of VMA
VMA = Voids in mineral aggregate, percent of bulk volume
Va = Air voids in compacted mixture, percent of total volume
The values of flow and VFB are found from the graphs, corresponding to bitumen
content OBC. All the design values of Marshall stability, flow, voids and VFB are
checked at the Optimum Bitumen Content, with the specified design requirements of
the mix.
The highest possible Marshall stability values in the mix should be aimed at
consistent with the other four requirements mentioned above. In case the mix
designed does not fulfill any one or more of the design requirements, the gradation
of the aggregates or filler content or bitumen content or combination of these are
altered and the design tests are repeated till all the requirements are simultaneously
Caution: Mixes with high Marshall stability values and very low Flow values are not
desirable as the pavements of such mixes may be brittle and are likely to crack
under heavy traffic.
i) Water Sensitivity: The loss of stability on immersion in water at 60 0C. The
allowable limit is minimum 75% retained strength.
ii) Marshall Quotient (Stiffness): is the ratio of stability and flow. Allowable limits
for base course = 350
for wearing surfaces = 400.