Marshall Mix Design and Analysis
Marshall Mix Design and Analysis
Marshall Mix Design and Analysis
Chapter 4
Suitably designed bituminous mix will withstand heavy traffic loads
under adverse climatic conditions and also fulfill the requirement of structural and
pavement surface characteristics. The objective of the design of bituminous mix is
to determine an economical blend through several trial mixes. The gradation of
aggregate and the corresponding binder content should be such that the resultant mix
should satisfy the following conditions.
(iv) Sufficient voids in the total compacted mix to provide space for additional
compaction under traffic loading.
There are three principal bituminous mix design methods in general use. They
are Marshall Method, Hveem Method and Superpave Method. Marshall mix design is
the widely used method throughout India. In this method load is applied to a
cylindrical specimen of bituminous mix and the sample is monitored till its failure
School of Engineering, Cochin University of Science and 48
Chapter 4 Marshall Mix Design and
specified in the ASTM standard (ASTM D1559). For the present work, the
bituminous mix is designed using the Marshall Method and arrived at the volumetric
The density- voids analysis is done using the volumetric properties of the
mix, which will be described in the following sub sections.
Gradation of aggregates is one of the most important factors for the design of
SMA mixture. The sieve analysis, blending and the specified limits of the
SMA mixture are given in Table 4.1 as per NCHRP - 425, TRB.
Table 4.1 Gradation of aggregates and their blends for SMA mixture
Percentage passing Adopted Specified
Sieve Grading Grading
size (mm) 20 mm (A) 10 mm (B) Stone dust (C) Cement (D) A: B: C: D NCHRB, TRB
25.0 100 100 100 100 100 100
19.0 98 100 100 100 99 90 -100
12.5 20 100 100 100 60 50 - 74
9.50 4 58 100 100 39 25 - 60
4.75 0 6 100 100 22 20 - 28
2.36 0 0 92 100 19 16 - 24
1.18 0 0 77 100 17 13 - 21
0.6 0 0 64 100 16 12 - 18
0.3 0 0 45 100 14 12 - 15
0.075 0 0 6 96 9 8 - 10
Wmi x
Gmm =
Vol. of the ( mix – air voids )
Where, Wmix is the weight of the bituminous mix, Gmm is calculated as per
ASTM D 2041 – 95.
The bulk specific gravity or the actual specific gravity of the mix Gmb is
the specific gravity considering air voids and is found out by
Gmb =
Bulkvolume of the mix
It is obtained by measuring the total weight of the mix and its volume.
Volume is determined by measuring the dimensions of the sample or for better
accuracy it can be measured by the volume of water it displaces. However,
while the sample is immersed in water, some water may be absorbed by the pores
of the mix. Therefore, the mix is covered with a thin film of paraffin and the
volume of the sample is measured by knowing the volume of paraffin used to
coat its surface. The bulk specific gravity of paraffin-coated specimen is
determined in accordance with ASTM standard test procedure D1188-96.
The phase diagram of the bituminous mix is given in Fig. 4.1. When aggregate
particles are coated with bitumen binder, a portion of the binder is absorbed into the
aggregate, whereas the remainder forms a film on the outside of the
individual aggregate particles. Since the aggregate particles do not consolidate to
form a solid mass, air pockets also appear within the bitumen-aggregate mixture.
Therefore, as Fig.
4.1 illustrates, the four general components of HMA are: aggregate, absorbed
bitumen, bitumen not absorbed into the aggregate (effective bitumen) and air.
It is the total bitumen binder content of the mixture less the portion of
bitumen binder that is lost by absorption into the aggregate.
Volume of Absorbed Bitumen (Vab)
It is the volume of bitumen binder in the mix that has been absorbed into
the pore structure of the aggregate. This volume is not accounted for the
effective bitumen content.
It is the total volume of the small pockets of air between the coated aggregate
particles throughout a compacted paving mixture, expressed as a percent of the bulk
volume of the compacted paving mixture. The amount of air voids in a mixture is
extremely important and closely related to stability, durability and permeability.
(G –G
100 mb )
VA =
G mm
where Gmm is the theoretical specific gravity of the mix and Gmb is the bulk
specific gravity of the mix.
The total volume of voids in the aggregate mix (when there is no bitumen) is
called Voids in Mineral Aggregates (VMA). In other words, VMA is the volume of
intergranular void space between the aggregate particles of a compacted paving
mixture. It includes the air voids and the volume of bitumen not absorbed into the
aggregate. VMA is expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the mix.
When VMA is too low, there is not enough room in the mixture to add
sufficient bitumen binder to coat adequately over the individual aggregate particles.
Also, mixes with a low VMA are more sensitive to small changes in bitumen binder
content. Excessive VMA will cause unacceptably low mixture stability (Roberts
et al., 1996). Generally, a minimum VMA of 17% is specified. VMA can be
calculated as,
⎛ G xP ⎞
VMA = ⎜ 1− mb s ⎟ 100
⎝ GSb ⎠
where Ps is the fraction of aggregates present, by total weight of the mix and Gsb is
the bulk specific gravity of the mixed aggregates.
VFB is the voids in the mineral aggregate frame work filled with
bitumen binder. This represents the volume of the effective bitumen content. It can
also be described as the percent of the volume of the VMA that is filled with bitumen.
VFB is inversely related to air voids and hence as air voids decreases, the VFB
(VMA − VA)
VFB = x100
where, VA is air voids in the mix and VMA is the voids in the mineral aggregate.
Bitumen holds the aggregates in position, and the load is taken by the
aggregate mass through the contact points. If all the voids are filled with bitumen, the
one to one contact of the aggregate particles may lose, and then the load is
transmitted by hydrostatic pressure through bitumen, and hence the strength of the
mix reduces. That is why stability of the mix starts reducing when bitumen content is
increased further beyond a certain value.
During summer season, bitumen softens and occupies the void space
between the aggregates and if void is unavailable, bleeding is caused. Thus, some
amount of void is necessary in a bituminous mix, even after the final stage of
compaction. However excess void will make the mix weak from its elastic modulus
and fatigue life considerations. Evaluation and selection of aggregate gradation to
achieve the specified minimum VMA is the most difficult and time-consuming step
in the mix design process.
In the Volumetric method of mix design approach, proportional volume of air
voids, binder and aggregates are analyzed in a compacted mixture, applying a
compaction close to that of field compaction. SMA mixture design requirements
is given in Table 4.2
Laboratory mix designs of SMA mixtures are done by Marshall test procedure.
For the proposed design mix gradation, four specimens are prepared for each
bitumen content within the range of 5.5 – 7.5% at increments of 0.5 percent,
in accordance with ASTM D 1559 using 50 blows/face compaction standards.
All bitumen content shall be in percentage by weight of the total mix. As soon
as the freshly compacted specimens have cooled to room temperature, the bulk
specific gravity of each test specimen shall be determined in accordance with ASTM
D 2726. The stability and flow value of each test specimen shall then be determined
in accordance with ASTM D 1559. After the completion of the stability and flow test,
specific gravity and voids analysis shall be carried out for each test specimen to
determine the percentage air voids in mineral aggregate and the percentage air
voids in the compacted mix and voids filled with bitumen. Values which are
obviously erratic shall be discarded before averaging. Where two or more
specimens in any group of four are so rejected, four more specimens are prepared
and tested.
The average values of bulk specific gravity, stability, flow, VA, VMA
and VFB obtained above are plotted separately against the bitumen content and a
smooth curve drawn through the plotted values. Average of the binder content
corresponding to VMA of 17 % and an air void of 4% are considered as the optimum
binder content (Brown, 1992). Stability and Flow values at the optimum bitumen
content are then found from the plotted smooth curves and shall comply with the
design parameters given in Table 4.2.
The optimum bitumen content (OBC) for the SMA mixture is determined
and is found to be 6.42 % (by wt. of total mix). This SMA mixture without additives
is considered as the control mixture for the subsequent studies.
Fig. 4.2 Marshall sample
SMA mixtures with additives are taken as the stabilized SMA. An optimum
bitumen content of 6.42 % (by wt. of total mix) as found from Marshall Control mix
design is used in preparing all the stabilized mixes to maintain consistency
throughout the study.
From Table 4.3, it is evident that the presence of fibre in the SMA mixtures
effectively improves the stability values, which will result in an improvement
of mixture toughness. This result indicates that the mixture using fibre would result
in higher performance than using the control mixture. Variation of Marshall stability
and flow value with different fibre contents are given in Fig. 4.4.a and Fig. 4.4.b
Fig. 4.4.a indicates that the stability of fibre stabilized mixtures increases
initially, reaches a maximum value and then decreases with increasing fibre content.
Bituminous mixture is an inconsistent, non-uniform, multi-phased composite
material consisting of aggregates and sticky bitumen. Therefore, excessive fibres
may not disperse uniformly, while coagulate together to form weak points inside
the mixture. As a result, stability decreases at high fibre contents.
Table 4.3 Variation of Marshall Properties of SMA with different % of fibres as additive.
Marshll Air Bulk
Stability Flow VMA
Additive % Quotient void specific VFB (%)
(kN) (mm) (%)
(kN/mm) (%) gravity
Nil 0 7.416 3.18 2.332 4 2.32 18.865 78.796
0.1 8.19 3.14 2.609 4.14 2.318 18.935 78.135
0.2 10.073 3.05 3.303 4.31 2.315 19.039 77.363
0.3 12.58 2.83 4.445 4.46 2.308 19.284 76.872
Coir fibre
0.4 7.936 2.72 2.918 4.64 2.298 19.634 76.368
0.1 7.743 3.17 2.443 4.09 2.31 19.214 78.714
0.2 8.701 3.07 2.834 4.24 2.3 19.564 78.328
0.3 11.862 2.86 4.148 4.37 2.291 19.879 78.017
Sisal fibre
0.4 8.742 2.77 3.156 4.54 2.278 20.333 77.672
0.1 7.732 3.16 2.447 4.09 2.308 19.284 78.791
0.2 8.703 3.09 2.817 4.22 2.296 19.704 78.583
0.3 11.854 2.86 4.145 4.34 2.286 20.030 78.333
0.4 8.643 2.76 3.132 4.50 2.275 20.438 77.982
Stability (kN)
SMA with coir
SMA with sisal
SMA with banana
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fibre content (%)
Flow (mm)
SMA with coir
SMA with sisal
SMA with banana
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
It may be noted that all fibre stabilized mixtures gave the maximum stability
0.3% fibre content. Comparing different fibre stabilized mixtures, it is evident that the
mixtures with coir fibre have the highest stability (12.58 kN), indicating their
higher rutting resistance and better performance than mixtures with other fibres. The
percentage increase in stability with respect to the control mixture is about 70% for
SMA with coir fibre and about 60% for SMA with other fibres. This result could be
attributed to fibre’s adhesion and networking effects in the stabilized mixtures. The
spatial networking effect was regarded as the primary factors contributing to fibre’s
reinforcement (Chen and Lin,
2005). This trend could be explained as follows: fibre performs as ‘‘bridge”
when cracking of bitumen mixture appears and thus resists the propagation of
cracking development, which is called bridging cracking effect (Li., 1992). In
addition, due to the absorption of light component of bitumen (Serfass and Samanos,
1996), fibre improves the viscosity and stiffness of bitumen (Huang and White, 2001).
Flow value of SMA mixtures decreases after adding fibres, as shown in Fig.
4.4.b. Owing to the stiffness of fibres in the mixture, the mixes become less
flexible and the resistance to deformation increases resulting in a low flow value.
However, flow values are located within the required specification range of 2
to 4 mm (AASHTO T 245).
Marshall Quotient (MQ) also known as rigidity ratio is the ratio of stability to
flow value of the mixture and the Marshall Quotient values of SMA with
different fibre contents are shown in Fig. 4.4.c. It is found that MQ of the coir fibre
stabilized SMA at 0.3 % fibre content is almost doubled with respect to the control
mixture. It can be inferred that these stabilized SMA provide better resistance against
permanent deformations due to their high stability and high MQ and also
indicate that these
Marshall Quotient(kN/mm)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fibre content (%)
This trend is in agreement with other research (Tapkın, 2008; Saeed and Ali,
2008). This result would be attributed due to the different specific gravities of
different fibres and the much lower specific gravity of fibre than that of aggregates.
Meanwhile, the elastic behavior of mixture increases with increase in fibre
content, due to the elastic nature of fibres. As a result, at the same compaction effort
(50 blows on both sides of Marshall sample), adding fibre reduces the specific
gravity of the control mixture. However, it is noted that the coir fibre stabilized SMA
has the highest specific gravity which is due to the fact that coir fibre has the
maximum density (Table 3.3) as compared to other fibres. Considering the fact
that higher specific gravity results in better design mixes, it can be inferred that
coir fibre stabilized mixtures perform better than the other stabilized mixtures.
Excessive air voids in the mixture would result in cracking due to insufficient
bitumen binders to coat on the aggregates, while too low air void may induce more
plastic flow (rutting) and bitumen bleeding. Here the test results (Fig. 4.4.e) show
that air void increases after adding fibres into bituminous mixtures. This may be due
to the net working effect of the fibre within the mix (lower Gmb correlates to
higher air voids). The mixtures with coir fibre has the highest air voids than the
other mixtures. However, the air voids of mixtures are located within the
specification range of 3% to
5% (AASHTO T 312) which support the use of these
Air void (%) 4.5
SMA with coir
SMA with sisal
SMA with banana
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fibre content (%)
Increasing the fibre content increases the VMA of SMA mixtures as shown in
Fig. 4.4.f, while reduces VFB as shown in Fig. 4.4.g. With respect to the control
mixture, when fibre content increases from 0% to 0.3%, air void increases by
11.5%, VMA increases by 2.2%, while VFB decreases by 2.4% for coir fibre
stabilized mixtures and the corresponding percentage changes are respectively
9.25% increase, 5.4% increase and 1% decrease for sisal fibre stabilized mixtures
8.5% increase, 6.2% increase and 1% decrease for banana fibre stabilized
mixtures with respect to the control mixture. But all the results are within the
required specification range which also supports the use of these additives.
VMA (%)
SMA with coir
19.6 SMA with sisal
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fibre content (%)
VFB (%)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fibre content (%)
Table 4.4 Marshall Properties of waste plastics and polypropylene stabilized SMA.
Fig. 4.5.a and 4.5.b represent the effect of waste plastics and polypropylene
content on stability and flow value of the SMA mixtures. The figure indicates that
as the additive content increases, the stability value increases initially, reaches a
maximum and then decreases. The addition of 5% PP raises the Marshall stability of
control mix by 73% and the percentage increase for 7% WP is 85%. This was
attributed to the specific gravity of additive (less than 1) which is less than that of
bitumen (Table 3.6). This serves to penetrate between particles and enhanced
the interlock of aggregates, which increases the stability and decreases the flow
value. Beyond this percentage of additive content the stability value decreases.
This is related to the decrease in interlocking offered by bitumen binder and additive
coated aggregate particles while excess additive occupy the space to be occupied
by the bitumen. Test results indicate that the mixtures with waste plastics have the
higher stability (13.7 kN) than mixtures with polypropylene, indicating their higher
rutting resistance.
Stability (kN)
SMA with WP
SMA with PP
0 2 4 6 8 10
Additive (%)
3 SMA with WP
2.95 SMA with PP
0 2 4 6 8 10
Additive (%)
From the sited results in Fig. 4.5.c, it is found that the Marshall
Quotient almost doubled with respect to the control mixture at 5% PP content and 7%
WP content and is found that it is slightly higher with waste plastics additive. It can
be inferred that these stabilized SMA provide better resistance against permanent
deformations than the control mixture.
Marshall Quotient( kN/mm)
3 SMA with WP
2 SMA with PP
0 1 3 5 7 9
Additive (%)
The density of WP and PP is much less than that of aggregates and they will
penetrate into the aggregates and a proper coating is formed over it. Owing to
the filling property offered by these additives resulting in a less air void in the
stabilized mixture as compared to the control mixture (Fig. 4.5.d). But the values are
within the specified limit of 3 to 5% which support the use of these additives.
Bulk specific gravity of SMA mixture depends on the air voids. Less air voids lead
to reduction in bulk volume of the SMA mixture, as a result bulk specific
gravity of SMA mix increases with an increase in additive content as shown in Fig.
It can be observed from Fig. 4.5.f that VMA decreases by the addition of
additives to the bituminous mixtures. This may be due to the decrease of bulk
specific gravity as indicated by equation for VMA (Section 4.2.2). But all the
results are within the specification range which also supports the use of these
additives. VFB of mixtures have an increase after adding additive into the
mixture, as shown in Fig.
4.5.g. VFB which represents the volume of the effective bitumen content in
the mixture is inversely related to air voids and hence as air voids decreases, the
VFB increases. Both additives, waste plastics and polypropylene show the similar
Air void (%)
SMA with WP
SMA with PP
0 2 4 6 8 10
Additive (%)
Bulk specific gravity
2.35 SMA with WP
0 2 4 6 8 10
Additive (%)
VMA (%)
SMA with WP
SMA with PP
0 2 4 6 8
Additive (%)
VFB (%)
SMA with WP
SMA with PP
0 2 4 6 8 10
Additive (%)
From Table 4.5 and 4.6, it can be observed that the retained stability
is significantly higher in the stabilized SMA mixtures as compared to the
mixture. Retained stability value of more than 70% (Table 4.2) is suggested as a
criterion for a mixture to be resistant to moisture induced damages. It is seen that
for the control mixture, it is only 69 %, supporting the need for an additive in
SMA mixture. It also shows that the retained stability of the mixture increases
with increasing additive content initially up to 0.3% for fibre, 7% for waste plastics
and 5% for polypropylene and beyond these contents, the value is found to be
decreasing. Addition of 7% waste plastics in SMA resulted in the highest
retained stability of
98%. Among the fibre stabilized mixtures, coir fibre stabilized mixture exhibits the
maximum value (95%). These results show that the presence of additives in the
Stone Matrix Asphalt mixture leads to a higher protection against water damage.
Both the cohesive properties of the bitumen and the adhesion of the bitumen
to the aggregate surfaces may affect as a result of exposing the bituminous mixtures
to moisture. Additive incorporation into bituminous mixtures helps to reduce the
high level of moisture damage that was noted in the control mix. Among the
fibre stabilized mixtures, the coir fibre stabilized mixes showed lower
moisture susceptibility than those of the other fibre mixes at the same fibre
concentration. 0.3% fibre concentrated mixes showed better resistance to water
damage than that at other concentration. Higher fibre concentration may have far too
high void contents (balling effect) which allow more water penetration into SMA
All the results discussed above are based on the tests conducted on SMA
samples with different additives at a binder content of 6.42%, which is the optimum
binder content (OBC) of the Control SMA mixture. In order to study the influence of
additive content on OBC, the binder content is varied from 5.5 to 7.5% at an
increment of 0.5% for each percentage of additive content for different additives.
A total of 230 samples are prepared for this purpose and the Marshall tests have been
conducted. The OBC is obtained for each fibre stabilized mixtures at fibre contents
0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.4%. It is the average of the bitumen content corresponding
4% air void and 17% VMA and is given in Table 4.7. For PP and WP stabilized
mixtures, additive content is varied from 1% to 9% at an increment of 2% and the
corresponding OBC is tabulated in Table 4.8.
Test results show that the OBC varies depending on the type and dosage of
additives and it increases initially and then decreases with increasing additive
content. OBC increases by about 2.5% when fibre content increases from 0% to 0.3%
and by about 1.6% when PP content increases from 0% to 5% and WP content from
0% to 7%.
The resulted OBC for the fibres can be ranked in a decreased order as follows:
coir fibre > banana fibre > sisal fibre > no fibre. This result is primarily due to the
different specific areas and the resulted different bitumen absorptions of different
fibres. The coir fibre has a loose structure with the highest specific surface area,
which results in the highest absorption of bitumen among these fibres (Table 4.7).
But when all the additives for the present investigation are analysed, it is evident
that waste plastics stabilized mixtures having the least bitumen content is more
Test results have illustrated that type of additive and its content play
significant role in the volumetric and mechanical properties of bituminous mixtures.
Meanwhile, results have clearly shown that different additives have different
reinforcing effects. Therefore, choice of appropriate additive type, design of
optimum bitumen content, and design of optimum additive content would be
among the primary objectives for the design of additive -reinforced bituminous
Among the fibre stabilized mixtures, coir stabilized SMA mix gives the best
results as compared to the other two stabilized mixtures. But, among all the mixtures
investigated, waste plastics stabilized SMA exhibits the highest stability,
retained stability, Marshall Quotient and bulk specific gravity as compared to
the other mixtures. So this waste material can be used as an effective additive in
SMA instead
of expensive polymers and fibre additives.
Stabilit y (kN)
13. 7
12. 843 12.5 8
11.8 62 11 .854
7 .416
Fig. 4.6.a
Flow value(m m)
Fig. 4.6.b
Mar shall Quot ient
4 .541 4.44 5
4.148 4.1 45
2. 332
Fig. 4.6.c
98 96 95 93 93
Fig. 4.6.d
2. 34 6 2 .3
2. 32
2. 29 1
2. 28 6
Fig. 4.6.e
Air void (%) 4. 46 4.3 7 4.34
3.6 6 3.75
Fig. 4.6.f
VMA (%)
19 .28
17.9 6 17. 96
Fig. 4.6.g
Fig. 4.6.h
Fig.4.6 Comparison of the volumetric and mechanical properties of different
stabilized mixtures.
The mix design and analysis of SMA mixtures stabilized with three
natural fibres (coir, sisal and banana), a waste material (shredded waste plastic) and a
polymer (polypropylene) are discussed in this chapter.
Among the natural fibres, based on Marshall Mix design, coir fibre gives the
best result at 0.3 % fibre content with a percentage increase in stability value of
70% and Marshall Quotient of 90% with respect to the control SMA. The retained
stability value is 95%. It can be observed that the highest Marshall stability is
achieved by specimens with 7% waste plastics and the percentage increase is
82% with respect to the control SMA. This mixture also exhibits the highest retained
stability of 98%. The Marshall quotient is also doubled with respect to the control
mixture. It can be concluded that waste plastics stabilized Stone Matrix
Asphalt mixture provide better resistance against permanent deformations due to
their high
stability and high MQ and it contributes to recirculation of plastic wastes as well as
to the protection of the environment. The effective utilisation of the waste plastics
for SMA mixtures will result in substantial increase in the scrap value for this
otherwise "undesirable waste material", which are getting littered all over the urban
areas. This will also lead to an ecofriendly sustainable construction method.